#kurt cobain one shots
fritz-federleicht · 2 years
Your name/ Kurt Cobain x reader
Summary: Kurt carves your name into his guitar
Words: 499
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"What are you doing?" You walk up to Kurt with big steps. He's sitting there with his guitar on his lap, carving something into it.
"Carving your name into my guitar." He says as if it were a matter of course and continues to carve your name. You stand next to him and run your fingers through his hair.
"Kurt, are you high?" You ask him, thinking he wouldn't do that sober.
He looks up and nods. His pupils are huge. "Yes. But that doesn't change what I do. I want it like this." He clears his throat and continues.
You watch him finish the last letters of your name, then he looks up at you. "What do you think?" He holds out his guitar to you.
"It's okay." You answer him after a brief look. Kurt looks at you in horror. "It's just okay?" He asks.
"I'm just saying it would look better if it said 'Y/N + Kurt'."
Kurt's horrified face twists into a grin. "You think that would look better?" He asks, convinced of the idea. "Absolutely." You assure him.
"Then you do that." He holds out his guitar to you. You point. "You want me to do this?" "Yes. Then everyone has done their part."
You doubt. "But what if it looks like shit? What if I screw it up?"
"You can't screw up at all. Have you seen mine? It doesn't look good." As Kurt speaks, you run your fingers over the notches that make your name.
"Come on honey. I want to show the world that we belong together." He wraps his arm around your legs and pulls you close.
You put your arms around his neck and run your fingers through the hair at the back of his head. "But you have to promise me that you won't destroy it."
You stick your pinky finger out at him. "Pinky promise?" You ask. Kurt replies. "Of course. Otherwise the tabloids will think we're not together anymore."
You sit down across from him. "All right. Hand it over, then." You hold out your hands, Kurt hands you the guitar. You position it on your lap. "Here, take the knife." You accept it and start carving a big '+' into it.
"Beautiful honey. Better than mine." Says Kurt. You grin and carve the letters of his name into it.
When you're done, you look at your handiwork. "I messed it up. The 'R' turned out way too small." You whine.
"No it didn't. It turned out perfect." He stands up and lifts the guitar, holding it away from him. "This is now the most valuable guitar I've ever owned and ever will."
"Thanks for your help." He leans down and pecks your lips. "I'll use it right away at the next gig."
"Don't do that." You try to persuade him. "Yes I will. You can't change my mind Y/N." He leaves the room and says. "I want everyone to know that you belong to me."
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stinkysquirel · 2 years
. * . ⋆『𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬 』⋆. * . 
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۵ Kurt Cobain x Reader
↳ Prompt: " I don't even remember why we fight this much,"
↳ Warnings: None, maybe a bit of angst
↳ Word count : 1.4k
Krist and Dave were sitting on the couch, both groaning and rolling their eyes at you both.
You and Kurt fought so often, it made you wonder sometimes why they still kept you around. The air was filled with cigarette smoke and thick tension.
"Jesus Christ! God, why don't you ever just shut up?" Kurt yelled.
"Maybe I would if you didn't make those sarcastic ass comments. You know what your fucking doing." you huffed.
"Oh come on, it's not my fault you're so sensitive all the damn time." Kurt rolled his eyes as he took a drag out of his cigarette.
"No you don't get to say that after the shit you just said earlier." Kurt just nodded his head at you laughing to himself.
"Fucking hell why do you guys keep me around and invite me to your shows when all we do is fight?" you whined.
You were tired of all the arguing and yelling already. It was obvious that you and Kurt didn't get along, it was made very clear every time you and the band would have an outing.
It would get especially bad when you guys would start arguing after a show. Kurt was always stressed and tired, which made him irritable.
After your earlier question, they all just stood silent, none of them daring to look your way. Kurt though seemed to take it differently. His face softened from his once angry one as he stared at you.
Their silence was not the response you were expecting. Every second longer that it lasted was awfully painful. They'd all been like family to you and meant so much to you. They were the only friends you could depend on. And the fact that they were not rushing to tell you otherwise was heart wrenching. Even if you did think it was selfish of you to expect.
Your eyes began to well up with tears as your lip began to slightly quiver. You were embarrassed because of your reaction, feeling like a child.
"Maybe you'll all be better off with me. Seems like I'm a burden to all of you.”
You were almost waiting for one of them to say no and reassure you that they did in fact want you there. You held out hope for as long as you could, but it soon became too unbearble.
You stormed out of the room as angrily as you could, but your legs were wobbly, and looking back it must've looked silly to everyone else.But you didn't care. You just needed to get out of there, it felt like the walls were closing in and the room was beginning to swallow you whole.
Tears streamed down your face uncontrollably as you frantically tried looking for an exit. All the crew and personnel didn't fail at staring you down, making you overwhelmed with emotion.Breathing suddenly seemed so difficult. But thankfully, you found the door before you could completely collapse.
You found comfort in the bright red exit sign. As soon as you opened the door, the cold breeze engulfed your shivering body.The wind felt especially icy on your wet cheeks, but you didn't pay much mind to it. Not like you could anyway, as emotions were high.
You placed your back on the freezing brick wall behind you, making your shivering only intensify. The crispy New York breeze was not kind to you.
You were only sporting a striped sweater and some old jeans that you could never bring yourself to throw away. Your thicker layer, left in the room which you had just escaped from.
You clutched your side as you used one hand to reach into your pocket and pull out a cigarette from its box.
You placed it gently between your lips, and searched your pocket for your lighter. You furrowed your brows when you didn't feel it.
"great." you thought.
You sighed before becoming startled by the door swinging open beside you. You turned to look at who it could possibly be, and to your surprise, it was Kurt.
"Why are you here? To mock me even more?" you questioned.
Though, you were shocked to see that he didn't say anything back. He just walked over next to you and copied your actions in laying his back against the wall as well. He looked over at you, and noticed the cigarette resting on your lips.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on, and held it where you could see it, offering to light a cigarette for you. He knew from previous times that you never had a light on reach.
“no. none of that. I came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.
When you finally noticed the warmth near you, your face softened from its once angry one. You contemplated on rejecting his offer, but the thought of a cigarette seemed too good to pass up.
You looked at him wearily before leaning your face to the flame. You gazed up at him and noticed his stare. Your eyes met his for a few seconds, and weirdly, the warmth returned to your body. Y
The cigarette ignited slowly, and the familiar scent of tobacco filled your noise, relaxing you instantly.
His eyes never left your eyes, neither did yours. It almost made you nervous.
"Thanks," you mumbled reluctantly, and looked away. "So why exactly are you here? this isn't like you."
Kurt pressed his head against the wall, looking up towards the sky momentarily before answering.
"I just wanted to check on you, see how you were doing."
You rolled your eyes. You weren't too sure about his sudden change in attitude towards you. It was strange to see him so soft and almost gentle. He'd never shown that side of himself to you, sure you've heard it in his music but never in person.
It was almost oddly tranquil as you both just stood looking at the busy street. The sun had started to set a while ago, and the street lights were on the verge of illumination.
"Krist and Dave are in there looking for you, they're worried, you know." Kurt commented, looking over to you.
You huffed, "Yeah, I'm glad they are," your face crunched lightly, remembering for a moment hat had happened earlier, "that shit you guys did back there was fucking excruciating."
A tear escaped your eye, making his stomach turn.
Kurt dropped his head, looking at his shoves and the pavement surrounding them.
He hesitated before finally speaking. "I'm really sorry."
He almost wanted to damn his education as he couldn't find all  the right words that he really wanted to say with all the things caught in his mind. He was amazing with lyrics, a genius even. But now, he really couldn't say anything.
You were surprised, never once in all your arguments had he ever apologized. And it felt genuine.
"You don't know how badly I want to believe you." you confessed.
He nodded his head slightly, but he didn't speak.
There was obvious tension, but it wasn't uncomfortable as one would expect it to be. You both just stayed there, tolerating each other's presence for what may be the first time.
A giggle from him broke the silence and startled you.
"what?" you asked, confused.
"It's nothing, it's just.. I don't even remember why we fight this much." he smiled, rubbing temples, staring at the street before him.
You couldn't help but smile back at him.
"It seems like for the longest time I've been pretending."
This time, you weren't really sure what he was trying to say.
"What do you mean?" you quizzed.
He finally turned his body towards you, arms crossed with a stupid grin.
"What I mean is, I think you're beautiful."
Heat wasted no time in rising to your cheeks, so you sharply turned away from him.
"I realized now that all this time I've been angry towards you is the cause.." He paused. Now, instead of playing scramble in his mind, he was having trouble with picking out the words to say, and he had so many.
"I really like you."
You still wouldn't dare look at him. It all seemed so sudden. But you felt relieved. Almost like a weight had been shed from your body. This was strange, you considered the idea that maybe, you'd wanted this all along.
"I like the way you think, the way you get defensive, and shit, even the way you yell. Maybe that's why I loved arguing with you."
Your heart began to beat faster with every word he let out.
"I know me saying this probably seems stupid but-"
You cut him off by placing your lips on his.
"Shut up and kiss me."
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elegantartisanperson · 2 months
listening to "here comes the sun" by The Beatles at 2 a.m and crying, godddd life can be so beautiful. How can people make others think differently. I don't want to ever be the reason someone thinks differently. I should be a better person.
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baenxietydad · 8 months
[translation version below]
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sadnightforus · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS: Park Jongseong harbors the biggest crush on one of the most popular girls on the campus, you. You, being dared by your friend group to tweet and made a boyfriend application, initially started out as a joke, thinking that no one would applied it. Upon the tweet going viral and many applications being sent in, he decided that he would shoot his shot, even if he doesn’t know a single shit about what is the sun, moon, rising in astronomy. 
GENRES: slice of life, romance, comedy
PAIRING: secret-admirer!jay x f!reader
STARRING: xdinary heroes’ gaon and jooyeon, aespa’s ningning and karina, itzy’s yeji, le sserafim’s kazuha, the whole enhypen.
WARNINGS: a lot of actual unhinged things going on, author is a bit too obsessed with astrology so you’re now forced to learn about it, cussing, some lame sexual jokes (I promised it’s lame), they all tell each other to give up and kts, reader is not jlo’s biggest fan because she’s a mariah carey’s fan. the whole band is so broke for some reason. 
A/N: SURPRISEDDDD…. tried my hands on writing smau because too much angst kills me. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you want to be in the taglist, comment on this one.
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(005) - MEET UP (+ written)
(006) - SHE HATES ME
(012) - THE RECORD STORE HANGOUT (+ written)
(014.01) - BABY
(014.02) - BABY
(015) - SORRY (BUT I’LL DO IT AGAIN) (+ written)
(018) - CONCERT'S PARADISE (+ written)
(020) - THE COFFEE KISS (+ written)
(022) - JEALOUSY? (+ written)
(024) - THE DAY THAT YOU'RE FINALLY MINE (+ written)
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pjofancalledbelle · 1 month
I love Magnus Chase. Literally, YAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! He’s my soulmate he is me. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Like when he’s sad I’m sad (basically all the time cause his life sucks but Yk)! Magnus chase, the Kurt Cobain looking, man you are!
(I’m going to have to write a one shot for him at some point)
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teeenofstyle · 9 months
omg molly look at this
FullyFocusedOnNought•2 mo. ago
A few things that raise suspicion that some kind of foul play was at hand (only listing things that have been confirmed by multiple sources, police reports, taped records, etc):
Kurt Cobain did a huge (allegedly very lethal) amount of heroin, then shot himself, which is not only extremely rare - the two acts in combination, I mean - but also pretty hard to do
His heroin paraphernalia was neatly packed away in its box after he injected himself with an absolutely massive dose of heroin
His sleeves were rolled down (I believe)
The gun casing was on the wrong side
Someone had slashed the tyres on Kurt Cobain's car
The suicide note reads much more like a letter of resignation to fans, except for the part in what looks a lot like different handwriting
Their lawyer and family friend, Rosemary Carroll, confirmed on tape that Courtney Love had a bag with a handwriting practice sheet in it
Courtney Love called in the police report to say he was missing but gave Kurt Cobain's mum's name, not her own (the policeman, Terry O'Connor maybe, who she named in the report and was friends with, was later killed in one of the only fatal police shootings in Seattle at that time)
Kurt is confirmed to have spoken to Cali, the nanny and ex-boyfriend of Courtney Love who was living in the house at the time, and his girlfriend, yet this was never mentioned by Courtney Love, who exchanged several phone calls with Cali
Cali's girlfriend, Jessica Hopper, left in a hurry and vomited in the driveway on her way out
Cali left a really suss note on the stairs at this time - worth a read
Cali was immediately sent to LA to go to rehab on Courtney Love's dime
Kurt Cobain's friend, Dylan Carlson, who bought the gun, also received a lot of money from Courtney Love
Courtney Love knew the coroner who did the autopsy (he also fled across the country and died in some weird base jumping accident, though I am guessing this was just a coincidence)
Kurt was planning to quit Nirvana, potentially losing millions of dollars in the process
Kurt had contacted their lawyer about getting a divorce around two weeks before his death: Courtney Love stood to lose millions if they divorced as they had a pre-nup. With his death, she inherited half his estate and was set for life
Courtney Love lied about Rome - she described a suicide note, but then also said that it was about getting a divorce
After leaving rehab, Kurt Cobain actually tried to contact Courtney Love at her hotel, and also spoke to other people - he was not, in any real sense, missing
Punk rocker El Duce claimed that Courtney Love offered him 50,000 dollars to kill Kurt Cobain - El Duce was one crazy dude, but his story was corroborated by the owner of the Rock Shop, where it was alleged to have happened, and El Duce also passed a lie detector test (again, not proof, but an indication of some kind)
El Duce let slip the name 'Allen' to a BBC documentary maker, Nick Broomfield. Then, not long after, in a local interview (available online), he said the name Allen Wrench, one of his good friends
I believe the next day, El Duce was dead, decapitated by a train after allegedly falling asleep on a train track. Confirmed as the last person to see him alive: Allen Wrench
Allen Wrench then got a Lexus, a new recording studio and toured Europe with his low-grade band
Kristen Pfaff, who was rumoured to be in love with Kurt Cobain and who had been threatened by Courtney Love in the past, soon quit Courtney Love band's Hole, where she had been the bassist. She returned home to get clean and rejoin her old band. She then died of a heroin overdose when she went back to Seattle to pick up her stuff. Her diary was found with the pages from the week that Kurt Cobain died ripped out.
Courtney Love recently settled a very similar case with her daughter's ex-husband, Isaiah Silva
Also, I really recommend checking out the artwork of Michael 'Cali' DeWitt, who is confirmed to have been in the house at the time of Kurt Cobain's death.
Things in favour of it being a suicide: Kurt Cobain suffered from depression, had marital problems and was having trouble trying to escape Nirvana, too.
So, you know, both options are possible, but to me one explanation explains away a lot, whereas the other one really doesn't. Kurt Cobain was certainly prone to erratic behaviour and depression, but Courtney Love shaped the narrative of a suicidal person before, during and after this period to such an extent that it made it extremely hard for most people to look at the case objectively - from the very first instant, with Rome, the missing person report filed under a false name and other police incidents, people were led to look at the case in a particular way that may not have been wholly accurate.
At the very least, I believe that people who ask some questions should not be dismissed out of hand.
Dandy, oh my god. That's so interesting like actually. Oh my god wow ok i am totally on your side now she definitely killed him! The DIARY??? THE HANDWRITING???? THERES NO WAY SHE DIDNT KILL HIM
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coleaep · 2 years
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Kurt Cobain x Reader
1167 words
WARNINGS: mentions of virginity loss, sex. Heavy suicide mention. Depressing.
Lmk if I missed something
Before Kurt and i married each other we had a friendship. It was a trouble making, punk, but quiet teenage friendship.
At one point he told me about his parents and his pot addiction. To be honest I didn't like it, but I didn't tell him that. Kurt was already to shattered to hear me nag at him tell him it's not good for him as well as to stop.
But that was until my parents got divorced and none of them wanted me, leaving me no choice but to run. Not really though. I stayed with Kurt at a run down place.
I was hanging out with Kurt one day while he was smoking and I decided to take a hit, I mean .. I had nothing to lose.
I don't know when it was that Kurt had asked if we could take each other's virginity. I said yes, thinking I was going to never get a boyfriend.
After we had sex I caught feelings for him and I hated it. He wasn't stable enough to be in a relationship and he knew that. Although when we turned 16 we got together. I suppose it was to seal the lonely hole we both had in our hearts.
Once we turned 20, we got engaged and then married but just before that I got pregnant with his baby.
And so now we had a 2 year old girl.
I also started to feel like Kurt was acting strange. Almost dead..
His smile rarely came onto his face when he was around not only his band mates, but me as well and it made me feel scared yet also insecure that his love for me was fading.
I knew confrontation wouldn't be the best for him since he's to fragile so I just decided to ask him how he was going.
I walk inside the house after going out to buy some groceries and I head to both mine and Kurt's bedroom, but yet I find it empty.
I tip-toe to the bathroom unsure of where the man was.
"KURT! NO!". I smack the shot gun away from his head, dropping to my knees and clinging onto him so tightly I thought I might suffocate him. It takes him a second to realise I was there. "I'm sorry Yn" he cries immensely as I do to. "Kurt... please don't leave", i cough.
"I'm so broken" he continues and I hush him. I couldn't sit there and let him say he wanted to end himself. I wouldn't let him. "Please Kurt .. j..just talk to me. Let me understand".
Sniffles and coughs come from us both as we hold onto each other. I didn't want but I knew I had to let go of him. Just to hear him say what's going on in his head. I knew it would be hard for him to explain or even just say but I didn't care.
I untangle myself from him and keep his hands tightly in mine. " I know you deserve better Yn..", he mutters. "No. Kurt, no. I'm not gunna let you say that. Baby, please" I cup his face in my hands and I look into his ocean blue eyes. I don't know what I would do if I lost the opportunity to look at them.
I felt like I couldn't ever leave him alone anymore. This just proved that he had no idea how much I needed him.
We sat in silence for what felt like hours. I held his hands in my lap whilst his head rested on my shoulder.
"Kurt..." I whispered. He hummed in response. "Lilly has to be picked up and I want you to come with me.." "k" was all he said before we got up and went outside and into his car. As we drove to the preschool Kurt held onto my arm securing it in his embrace.
As we walk through the small playground in search of our child, Kurt kept his head down. I wanted to comfort him but I didn’t know how.
“DADDY!”. (C/n) wobbled over to us with her arms open wide. “Hey baby”. I could see a small tear drop fall on (C/n) ‘s head whilst she hugged his leg.
“Hey princess, wanna have a sleepover with grandma tonight” I suggest and her smile glows as she nods. “Ok” I smile and we walk back out to the car.
The drive to Kurt’s mothers house took about 20 minutes. I could see multiple tiny drops of tears coming from Kurt’s eyes during the 20 minutes.
I got out of the car once we arrived and Kurt’s mother waited at the front door. I said my goodbyes and rushed back to the car.
As before the drive back home was way to quiet. The silence was almost deafening. I turned to face Kurt at one point, his already on mine. “I’m sorry…” he mumbled. Although it seemed like he wasn’t, I knew he was.
Instant tears flowed slowly down my cheeks. “I know..” I say, barely able to stabilise my words. “I just wanna .. u-understand baby” my hitches bud into my saying. “I know you do” he whispers back.
“I don’t like feeling trapped” “Kurt.. you mean like.. trapped in a marriage?” “No Yn. I feel trapped in my head cause my thoughts are trying to end me. It’s not you Yn. You and (C/n) mean the world to me. I don’t want you to see as me a broken down heroine addict. Especially (C/n)”.
I knew where he was coming from. But all I was thinking was the fact that if I was (C/n) I wouldn’t mind. I mean sure, him being addicted to drugs is bad but him still loving his child and me with all of him, was all that mattered and I wanted him to know that.
“You know Kurt..? I think (C/n and I are just lucky to have a dad and husband that loves us more than anything in this world. J just want you to know that. I really am not sure what you need to help you but I’ll do anything baby.”
“We can’t afford anything thing like a therapist Yn..” he says. “I’ll be your therapist. You can talk to me. Get things off your chest. Get them out so your not trapped”, I suggest, something in me told me he wouldn’t turn this down.
And in fact, he didn’t. “That means a lot Yn. And I’ll try.. see if it’ll get me out of my stupid brain for a minute”. “Kurt your not stupid. Your just an over thinker. I am to. But I tell our dog” he breathes out a chuckle at my last sentence and I do to.
“Ok. When we get home we are going to have a calm night ‘k?”, he nods at me and lays his hand on my thigh as we con the drive.
Its heavy but I’m going through some stuff so yeah…
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yama-uba · 5 months
Oh Gods. I just searched for Buckshot Roulette and was relieved that I wasn't the only one who had a hyper fixation on this unusual demon or Monster.
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Even 3 months ago, I noticed that this game, created in Mike Klubnika trademark off-putting, uncomfortable atmosphere, became more and more enjoyable the longer you played it. And Diller, similar to the characters from the dark game Vangers, loses his disgustingness in your eyes and begins to acquire some kind of specific piquant charm. But then I saw the art from the April update where his face/mask is contorted into this devilish smile with a cigarette, and his hyper-realistic hands are cradling a Browning A5. And something clicked in my poor brain and ovaries.
Oh, Mike, I'd pay 10 times more for a DLC where you could select your avatar's gender and appearance by typing (like Mindjourney's AI) and have a few questions with Diller between shots (Let this be the most banal integration of GPT chat, which plays the role of a character). This would be a "sissy" mode with an air gun that still does a one-shot if you choose the female gender. (Although, who am I kidding, I would always go for Gwen's look from TDA, because I'm sure that guy's "type" is definitely punk and old school goth girls)
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I can’t answer why my mind is so captivated by this creature and I’m not even interested in winning the game. I want to know more about HIM. Who are you? Are you a demon? Pyramid Head's partner, specializing in the punishment and redemption of gambling addicts? Are you death? Are you the one who killed God or are you God? Is this your real face or a mask? Are you hiding your body in the dark? Is it not visible? Don't you have a body? You don't die if you lose, do you? Or do you know how to resurrect? Where do you get so much money to throw it away on beer, cigarettes, painkillers, a resuscitator and blood components for transfusion for everyone who agreed to play with you? Is this your hobby? What do you do for a living? (And what are your plans for this evening, after the game?) Is this your nightclub or do you know the owner so they can reserve the back room for you? Are these cameras for your "home video" collection or some show on the darknet? Does selling these guro videos provide money for the jackpot? Does taking risks give you so much pleasure? Are you aware that you have problems with gambling addiction and adrenaline addiction? Was it difficult to beat Adolf Hitler? And Kurt Cobain? Ernest Hemingway? DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?! What’s so special about her, besides her anorexic thinness and talent as a DJ at MMDMA-raves, that a quiet straight-A student with ADHD can’t give you?! Can’t I arrange the same heavy emotional swing?! =) And most importantly: How do you do it? How did you cross out millions of years of evolution and the most severe selection by making me think of yourself as a living man prone to risk? You're just a drawn grimace with two hypnotizing abysses instead of eyes. How did you do this?!
Afterword: Let me mention again that it was a big relief to realize that I was not alone in this strange *hit)
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deadnburied13 · 1 year
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Considered one of the most beautiful rock photographs ever, Ian Tilton's shot is a real foray into Kurt Cobain's evil. It was taken on September 22, 1990 during some rehearsals: Kurt smashed his guitar against the amplifier and then escaped backstage to release all his emotions: anger, frustration, pain.
Tilton immortalized all the imperfect, vulnerable humanity of an artist.
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Considered one of the most beautiful rock photographs ever, Ian Tilton's shot perfectly captures Kurt Cobain's torment. The photo was taken on September 22, 1990 during some rehearsals: Kurt smashed his guitar against the amplifier and then ran backstage to vent all his emotions: anger, frustration, pain.
Tilton has immortalized all the imperfect and vulnerable humanity of an artist.
"The most powerful images are those that capture the essence of a tormented soul."
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
Hey boo! I love your Kurt imagines and I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is sick. No worries if you can't.
Thanks! <33
Next to you/ Kurt Cobain x reader
Summary: You're sick and try to keep Kurt at a distance. He soon longs for you
Words: 570
The door slowly slides open. Light streams into the completely dark room.
You groan and turn in your bed, away from the light. Footsteps come toward you. "Kurt, you know it's no offense, but go away! I don't want you to get sick." You try to stop your lover with a raspy voice.
He stops. "But I want to hold you in my arms again. Besides, the sofa is rock hard." His footsteps settle back into gear. In a moment, he'll be standing right next to you. "And it's not particularly big, either."
"But I don't want you to get sick!"
You almost made it through the cold without infecting Kurt. He's been nursing you the last few days. Again and again he came into your room like a caring mother and asked if you needed anything. Kurt brought you tea and soups. In the meantime your cold has gotten better, but not completely gone.
Despite your illness, he often tried to lie down with you. During the night he entered the room and crept up to you. Kurt slowly lowered his body onto the mattress. But because of your cold, your sleep wasn't very deep anyway and you woke up immediately. He tried to move as little as possible, hoping you wouldn't notice him. And thus also not the deepening in the mattress.
Kurt now stops a little bit away from you, accepting your request not to come closer. For now. "I won't get sick, my love."
"Honey, it's only two more days. I'll be fine then." Your voice is weak.
It's quiet. Kurt doesn't answer anymore and you wonder if he has left the room.
"Kurt? Are you still there?"
Suddenly he's standing right in front of you. The light shines against Kurt's back, exposing his slender outline. Before that, he avoided the brightness. "I don't care if I get sick. Understand this please. I just want to hold you in my arms." Kurt's voice sounds tortured. So very tortured. He sounds like he's about to cry because his longing for you is so strong. It breaks your heart to see him suffer.
You exhale and slide to the side. "Alright, then lie down with me." You pat the empty spot next to you. "But don't complain if you feel bad later and get sick."
Kurt places himself next to you and gently wraps his arm around your waist. So gently, as if you could break at any moment. He pulls you to his chest and exhales in relief. "Finally. I've been wanting to do that for the last few days."
A soft chuckle creeps over your lips. It's sweet that he missed you so much.
Kurt continues to speak. "And if I get sick, then that's the way it is. I'll deal with that when the time comes. Right now I want to enjoy this moment."
"Then do that. I won't run away." You drop deeper into your soft pillow. "Is it okay if I sleep?"
"Absolutely. You need to get well." Kurt's lips gently press a kiss to the back of your head as he pulls the blanket over your ailing body. "Sleep tight honey."
You close your eyes, sure you'll feel much better tomorrow. Maybe it's because of sleep, or maybe it's because Kurt is lying next to you.
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stinkysquirel · 2 years
༊*·˚୨⎯ 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⎯୧༊*·˚
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⭒ - ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ ۵ - ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ❀ - ѕмυт
𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘊𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘪𝘯 - All Apologies ⭒
𝒜𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑜𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓇 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎:
𝘛𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘥𝘰𝘯 - About a Girl ۵
𝑀𝓎 𝒞𝒽𝑒𝓂𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝑅𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒:
𝘍𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘐𝘦𝘳𝘰 - Coming Back To Me Now ۵ ❀
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You Uranus in the first house
I actually love this placement, and I think it’s really initiative have and expensive. Also it’s very good for people who want to start out something from the very beginning and become at success with that. John Lanham was the man of the 60s he writes songs with McCartney and they were the initiators of the very first rock ‘n’ roll of their time to the point where John Lennon said that they were big given God or Jesus which upset a lot of people, to the point where Elvis wouldn’t even support him anymore, Uranus is very Arius it rules Aquarius and Aquarius is all about humanity and a lot of John Lennon after the Beatles were very loving with Yoko.
Kirk Cobain, many believers, the first person to create grunge, which is an untrue, which isn’t true. Either. He was a spirit that had an energy that many people loved and felt compelled to, and people still, this day were fall in love with her and his music the greatest singer? No greatest guitarist not that Either.He just had this compelling attitude towards them where people were drawn to him unlike his partner Courtney love who I just put above as having Neptune and her first house which is a little bit different, but is another one of my favourite placements. so Kurt Cobain was obviously born on a full moon because his rising is in Virgo and his son is in Pisces. He is Pisces and son and Pisces sits in his seventh house which means people are very attracted and drawn to him, but he also feel the heavyweight on relationships today, but we’re getting beyond the point here he was initiative in his area just like everybody else in this category
Jessica Simpson, Jessica Simpson has had a lot of trials and tribulations and okra mainly to do with her weight going up and down and her intelligence constantly being questioned in which her biography she wrote how silly she felt when she was with John Mayer, a horrible person anyway, but she felt like she needed to get drunk around him and be that way but her dad Papa. Joe found a niche area for her and her sister Jessica was a popstar. Ashley was the punk star, but to get to the bit where she is where she became really stand out as is a fashion career. She was initiative with her clothes as shoes, and from what I’ve had. It’s very good quality and she also made a career out of her television show which made her famous and it was one of the first reality TV of the time reality.
Johnny Cash was a singer back in the day and guitar player, he had a very troubled life with drugs and his marriage. He was the first person to perform in a prison properly to the prisoners, and not have any blocks in between them, now that and itself is just an initiative, it’s very humanitarian and Aquarius. He felt like he was just on the same level as them and he wanted to make them happy.
Jay had a very fucked up childhood. He shot his brother when he was 12 years old. He shot out crack, and he created his own empire with Beyoncé which is very niche too. They have become a whole powerhouse. They are one of the richest people in the world and Jay-Z has experimented. With many artist. Kanye was a producer of his before was a singer at Rockefeller. He signed Rihanna. He saw Megan Thee Stallion. He also worked for rita ora but work as I say there’s other stories to that too. Wink wink.
Audrey Hepburn also was another innovator. She was very different to the women of her time and very classy, but in a very understated feminine my she showed up about beauty and a very classy way.
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thatrickmcginnis · 8 months
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LAUGHING HYENAS, DIE KREUZEN, KILLDOZER - Touch & Go Records Roadshow, Toronto, Jan. 1988
By the time Grunge broke I felt like I was being aged out of the music scene since so much of it sounded like things I'd been listening to a few years earlier, when it didn't have a name except for maybe "indie" or "the music no major label will release." The bands who came to Toronto in January of 1988 as part of the Touch & Go Records Roadshow are a perfect example, and for some reason I was moved to try to get portraits of all three of them that night, despite my increasing wariness of photographing bands. (Long story short: like herding cats. Cats with shitty attitudes.)
Killdozer might have been the most popular band on the bill that night. The Wisconsin trio comprised of bassist/vocalist Michael Gerald and brothers Bill and Dan Hobson on guitar and drums sang sarcastic lyrics from debased or demented first-person characters over a pummeling grind. They were also the most eager subjects of the night, goofing for my camera and giving me my most successful shots for the spreads that would run in Nerve magazine.
I knew the least about the Laughing Hyenas when they showed up on the bill for the Touch & Go Records Roadshow in 1988, which might explain why I (shamefully) don't have any live shots of the band. They grew out of Detroit-based groups like Negative Approach and L-Seven, and I photographed their classic lineup before the show, with John Brannon, Larissa Stolarchuk, Kevin Monroe and Jim Kimball. The band had a troubled existence, with drug problems and lineup changes, but they produced some incredible records, and of the three groups I photographed that night, they're probably my favorite today. Sadly, Larissa Stolarchuk died in 2006 at just 46. John Brannon still tours with a revived version of Negative Approach.
Die Kreuzen were the band I was most excited to see on the Touch & Go Records Roadshow bill that played Toronto in early 1988. The Illinois band (whose name is pronounced either "Die Crusin'" or "Dee Kroy-tzen" depending on how metal you feel, I guess) had just put out October File, one of my favorite records of the '80s, which still had some traces of hardcore amidst all the prog, metal and post-punk influences on the record. Like all the other bands on the bill, the group was produced by Butch Vig, and Kurt Cobain's love of Touch & Go acts inevitably led to Vig producing Nirvana's breakthrough record for Geffen, breaking Grunge big but making me feel like this was where I came in.
I shot all three bands around soundcheck at what was probably the Apocalypse Club on College Street, with my most ambitious setup at the time - a white painter's tarp I carried around in a gym bag, gaffer-taped to the wall and a single flash bounced into an umbrella. The only real yardstick I had for band photos at the time were the promo glossies that record companies sent out in press packages, so it's not surprising that mimicking press handouts was the height of my ambition. I've re-scanned and worked on these shots pretty heavily; some of them are still just weaksauce attempts at band promos, but a couple are a bit more successful.
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sadnightforus · 10 months
Park Jongseong harbors the biggest crush on one of the most popular girls on the campus, you. You, being dared by your friend group to tweet and made a boyfriend application, initially started out as a joke, thinking that no one would applied it. Upon the tweet going viral and many applications being sent in, he decided that he would shoot his shot, even if he doesn’t know a single shit about what is the sun, moon, rising in astronomy. 
WARNINGS: they tell each other to seek help, s**c*** jokes, mentioned of cheating.
A/N: I need to stir up a drama in this. It’s so all over the place.
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