fratboykate · 1 year
Papi, what's your favorite out of all your Kate x Yelena AUs?
jesus...talk about making a parent choose your favorite child but if i HAVEEEEE to...hmmm...can i do a top 3? ill do a top 3.
frat boy. i think it's gotta be our useless boi and her barbie einstein wife. i dont see how it couldnt be them.
this might be cheating (and i know you won't believe me on this because i haven't touched any of these in a while) but i genuinely live and breathe the "lovers through the ages" au. so like...all of six of the time periods combined??? im just such a huge slut for all of those. inject victorian kate and yelena straight into my goddamn veins. gladiator au? id fight a tiger for them. the viking and her spoiled princess??? SAY FUCKING LESS. black plague with the painter and her bratty high class bae??? ill go through another pandemic for them. i dont mind. who am i missing???? im missing someone lol OHHHH VERSAILLES! oui oui to them forever. i just love them all so fucking much.
this is harddddd because how could it be ANYTHING but the OG!kyau. that one even made it to ao3. i committed to that one. it was the one that lead to the rest of them BUT LIKE..........MOM!AU AND RI? IM JUST SUCH A SUCKER FOR THEM! and bodyguard!au is really fucking growing on me the more time i spend with these characters so...i couldnt in good conscience put kyau here when these other two realistically would rank higher. i just don't know if i can pick between those two tho. i really dont.
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hi, so I’m like brand new here and I was wondering if you had a master list to find all the kyfau stories and also possibly a link to how the idea originally came around? Because I am so curious to how it first came about
You mean all the Kate/Yelena stories?
-If it's for everything, this post has links to all the tags with each of my different Kate/Yelena AUs.
-If it's specifically the FratBoy stories (most of) all the essential bits are under the "KYFBAUP" tag. There's a general FBAU tag that includes this + all the random asks I get, but "kyfbaup" is expressly meant to filter out just the important prompts/references/posts.
No master list exists for individual posts in any of my AUs. I recommend opening each tag, scrolling to the very end of it, and reading from oldest to newest.
The one linking all the AUs is an old post, so it doesn't have the "Single Mom AU" tag. Linking that here for you.
As far as how it started, LOL, I was getting insane amounts of hate anons from Those People for shipping Kate and Yelena. We were shooting the shit, making fun of those clowns for being so stupid, and one of you sent this ask in response. Then I said what I said in the tags and...voila. Frat Boy is born. I started posting about it basically immediately after.
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fratboykate · 2 years
How did French Kate and Yelena meet each other? They couldn’t stand each other at first like all the other time periods?
I'm sorry I know you sent this 5-6 days ago and I meant to answer it right away. Y'all know I do all my writing on the notes app on my phone because I'm INSANE. It's all meticulously organized in folders by AU at this point but it's still just my Notes app. When I went to look for my notes, my French folder was empty and I have 19k notes so it's a clusterfuck to look through. Either I accidentally deleted all my research notes or idk wtf happened to them because no matter what terms I've used to search for them nothing has come up. Needless to say I've been HEATED and I had to walk away from this ask for a second lol. That was hours of not just French history research but also story groundwork that vanished 😩
I quickly just did some stuff from my shitty ass memory as best I could cuz I didn't want to leave you hanging any longer but it's not the same in depth answer you would've gotten had I still had my notes from before. I'll do it all again eventually but right now I'm too annoyed/mad/sad to bother. ANYWAY...
Cateline Evesque's husband is one of the king's Councillors. Her father is a Count from Southern France. She grew up in a Chateau until her mother died when she was five then her father sent her to receive a convent education. Her family has a long aristocratic lineage. She loved her husband when they married her off at like 16 but eight years later that has sort if evaporated. Especially after two children lost. That changes marriages and people and right now their relationship is rocky AT BEST. She knows he has affairs but she'd rather look the other way than make a big deal out of it. Him being busy with other women means more time with her friends at court.
Hélène Beauchêne is married to a Count/Marquis. Her family comes from money in Northwestern France as her father is a Duke and her mother is a French courtier/daughter of a Duke. Her and her husband are courtiers at Versailles (basically 1700s socialites lol). It was an arranged marriage based on financial and power brokerage between their parents. They got married when they were both like 16/17 and it wasn't terrible for a while. They were at least friendly and did what married couples are expected to do. They tried to do their duty and have kids but it never happened. They're now almost 30 and can barely stand each other after these many years together. There's a constant, suffocating pressure from both sides of the family for heirs but every night Yelena is like "if you touch me you will lose your penis in a really violent way" and he's a bit of a wimp so he doesn't do much about it 😂
SO...Kate and her man Henri have been living in their fancy Versailles apartment overlooking the gardens way before Yelena and her man Lucien move in. They're the new kids on the block but it's not like they're totally out of place. Everyone knows their families and that they're "purebreds" so they're not like...lepers. They've rubbed elbows with some of these people at some point before.
During the daily nigthtime salons it was common for it to eventually get separated by gender and the men went to do their thing while the women did their thing so Lucien ends up with the bros and Yelena ends up gambling and gossiping with Kate and the girlies. (Gambling was HUGE with the women at Versailles. It was in general. It's one of those things they did all day. Not like they had much else going on...)
Kate is like...GOOD at the cards. She's a shark actually. To the point where people almost don't want to play with her because they know they're just going to end up losing a shit ton of money when they do. But Yelena is the new arrival and she doesn't know that. Versailles is a viper's nest so the women went from being lowkey catty af to simply going "Lets just sit back and watch this bitch get demolished by Card Queen Kate." Problem is.........Yelena is actually holding her own. Like.......surprisingly well. She is actually kinda whooping Kate's ass.
Everyone eventually leaves the game and it's just the two of them, toe to toe. Gambling away shit tons of money and the entire court has basically surrounded the table watching popular girl of the court get a bit of a whooping by the new girl.
Yelena makes a huge bet and Kate matches it thinking Yelena HAS to be bluffing. She's been counting the cards. No way she has that good of a hand. She's going to win all that money back and her husband doesn't have to find out the ridiculous amount of money she's already lost tonight. He has no idea how much she gambles because she never loses. Well, that changed tonight and it'll definitely be an issue if she doesn't get it back. Yelena shows her hand. Kate must've miscounted somewhere because she just got FUCKED. She just lost more than a 1/3 of what her husband makes in a year in a single bet. Fuuuuck.
Kate's like "😬again?😬" but Yelena stands up and is like "Nah I'm good. But thanks for the money tho. Night night :)"
Kate is fucking SWEATING BULLETS. How the fuuuuuck is she gonna explain that one? She stands up and goes after Yelena. By now Yelena is in one of the dark, solitary hallways adjacent to the Salon. Kate's like..."Double or nothing?"
Yelena laughs and she's like "....look on your face tells me you can't even pay the single as it is and by the way tonight went I'm fairly certain I'll win the double. It would be unfair of me to take that bet." and just keeps walking. Kate's ass is CLENCHED as she watches Yelena leave but then............Yelena turns.
"I'll make you a deal."
"What deal?"
"There's something in Versailles more valuable than money."
"Allies and people with information. Right now I have neither. You show me the ropes and we can consider your debt squared."
"Good night, Cateline."
She gives Kate a once over then starts to walk away as if nothing just happened. Kate calls after her once she's further down the hallway.
"Yo...you gotta be at church tomorrow at 10. It's a must. King will literally come for your ass if you miss it. I'll save you a seat. Dress well, but not too well. You can't upstage the queen."
And Yelena is like "Dope. Thanks. See? You're coming in handy already 😉."
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fratboykate · 2 years
Papi tell me their 1700s selves won’t end up beheaded in the Revolution
:) I can neither confirm nor deny the whereabouts or status of the heads of Madame Cateline Evesque and Madame Hélène Beauchêne :)
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fratboykate · 2 years
This plays during the soirées that Yelena Kate go to in Versailles agdkdjkfkf
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO them getting down to some dembow in corsets and period dresses is a really funny mental image
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hey, um, I don’t want to break the Frat Boyfriend Mood, butI don’t know if you have time to talk about French KYAU 👉🏽👈🏽
HAHAHAHA I *promise* you I would a while back so...what do you want to know. Ask away.
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fratboykate · 2 years
How does the French Revolution KYAU story go? I’m sorry for making you start ANOTHER AU on top of all the other ones, I swear to you I tried to hold myself off as much as possible but curiosity is killing me.
Had you beaten the person who just asked me about Italy AU by like....an hour lololol.
I'll make you a deal. I had another fucking set of things/deadline added to my plate today but come back in like...a week?????? Maybe just like five days??? I'm truly doing ALL of the work writing procrastination right now and it's going to bite me in the ass so hard. It's already 5am here so I'm brain dead tonight and I can't have another excuse to not do actual work tomorrow. But if you come back in a few days when I've made progress I can take a stab at it?????
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fratboykate · 2 years
So you admit it, you are invested and you DO wanna write at least one? Inch resting
May I toss in my vote for the French one? I like period pieces like that 🥵
No no NO I meant keep writing them here as I've been lol. Ain't nobody gotzzzz the time for the other way hahah.
What's so different from French AU than the rest that you would pick that one? 🤔🤔🤔
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fratboykate · 2 years
in which au do they get the spicier?
Uhhhhhh.........French???????? Maybe? That's gonna be my drunk 3:45am answer. I reserve the right to change it later lol.
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fratboykate · 2 years
So i'm very new to these parts (came from ao3) and i just want to clarify a few things lol is the kyau the ao3 fic? is it all on ao3 or is there extras in the tags here? and is the kyfbau exclusively on tumble? is there like a masterlist to read it in order? or is there no real order to read it? what/where is the periodau? and what does cfau stand for? It's clexa right? :) whats the f? lol Also Clara Oswald is perfection
KYAU (On AO3) [There's DEFINITELY a lot of extra shit on here that is not on AO3 but it's just spread out through the tag so it's hard to pinpont]
CFAU (On AO3) [Stands for Clexa Family AU - an INSANEEEEEE amount of extra shit and resources that are just on here]
KYFBAU *is* exclusively on Tumblr. There is no masterlist unfortunately. It's all in the tag. The way I would recommend reading it if people are trying to get into it is open that link on browser, scroll all the way to the bottom, and read it in reverse order. I've been looking for posts sometimes where I click the tag here on mobile and expect it to be there and it's nowhere to be found. Browser and that link is the best way to guarantee you're seeing all of it. (Same goes for all the other stuff I'm about to link)
Period AU (this is just the general, catch all tag so no specific stories here btw) is basically soulmates throughout the ages. Two people who have been meeting each other since the dawn of fucking time but keep getting it wrong. The general premise is that we see grand love, insurmountable obstacle, tragic death but these two dumb, madly in love hoes are like "Fuck that, I want more time, we deserve it, DO OVER!" and they keep coming back for each other until they can get it right. As many times as it takes. Rinse and repeat. "Whatever life I'm living? It's purpose is finding you."
Here's the five main points in time that I've decided to write about:
1) KYGAU - 150 BC, Capua/Roman Empire, Roman Times. - Yelena is an iconic Gladiator and Kate is the daughter of one of the most important Roman Senators. They fall in love. It changed later, but during this period in history, Gladiators are the scourge of society so…daughter of a senator and gladiator mingling ISN'T GREAT. IT'S BAD ACTUALLY.
2) KYNAU - 8th Century, Vikings/Northumbria (UK), Early Middle Ages. - Yelena is one of the Vikings who raid England. She's this iconic fighter who is basically royalty back home. Think Lagertha from the show Vikings. Kate is literal royalty in Northumbria. She's the daughter of a duke who is like the fifth in line to the crown. Very NOT COOL of her to be hanging out with one of the invaders lol.
3) KYIAU - 1300s, Siena (Italy), Middle Ages - Basically, Guelph and Ghibelline love story. Yelena is one of the best painters in the city. Kate is a rich girl who just moved there. Then the Black Plague hits. Shit goes down. Basically...Romeo and Juliet vibes-ish except they're not dumb and kill themselves a week into knowing each other lol. But rich families who can't stand each other and them even being in each other's proximity would be SIN.
4) KYFAU - Late 1700s, France, French Revolution - Their husbands were part of Louis XVI's court and they spent SO MUCH TIME fucking around every corner of Versailles.
5) KYVAU - 1868s, New York/Chicago, Victorian Era - Victorian AU lol. It's kinda pretty straightforward...
Again...if you're reading any of these you have to open in browser and scroll all the way to the end and read from the bottom up. It's the only way any of it will make sense.
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