#kyfbau ref
fratboykate · 1 year
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The FBAU visuals are hereeeeee.
I've mentioned in the story/in our conversations quite a few times that Derek basically spit out clones of himself when it came to Kate and her siblings and thanks to AI...I could just...do it??? It's a whole thing that they all look alike. Now you can see what I see in my head :)
The three kids are AI combinations of Kate & Yelena. Well, except for Maks. Maks kept the Bishop Gene Juice™️ cloning power alive and well.
Will I do this for all eleven (so far 😮‍💨) of the AUs we've got going on right now? I can't promise that I will. But I at least started a tag for visuals so it's not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen at some point. We'll see.
[NOTE: Click on the images to see the full res versions. Tumblr makes them look shitty and small if you don't.]
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hey! I’m the anon that made that one sketch of Kate and Yelena a while ago. I haven’t been here for a while but I hope you are feeling better after the surgery Papi. Anyways, you’ve been making such good references about the wedding and I want so badly to read about it that I couldn’t help myself. I posted what I imagine would be a wedding FBAU picture. Hope it makes your day a little better!
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fratboykate · 2 years
You've talked about the kids a lot but you've never said their names. Why are you holding out in us 👀
Lol, not holding out. It just hadn't come up I guess? Since she took Kate's last name and the nuggets were also obviously gonna be "Bishops" Yelena was like "I'll let them have your lame American last names but they have to have Russian names." ALL ABOUT BALANCE AND FAIRNESS. EQUAL REPRESENTATION IN THIS HOME. Kate was like "Sure thing, Boo Thang!" At least Yelena didn't insist on the Russian Patronymic rule or they would've all had Daddy-O's name as the middle name. She was like "we can skip that bit of the Russian Rule and just go for regular middle name choices" haha. So...names are as follows:
Alexia Yekaterina Bishop (Alex) - Yes, Alexei cried like a little bitch. Their deal was that since it was Russian Rule that Kate would at least get to pick the first name and Yelena was the one who picked the middle name. Then Kate pointed out how, sure, Yelena's choice was a Very Russian Name but also accidentally sort of a combination of both of their names which was cool.
Maksimilian Leonid Bishop (Maks/Leo) - Yelena calls him Maks. Kate calls him Leo (or random variations of) a decent chunk of the time.
Karina Sonechka Bishop (Sonny) - And then TINY BABYYYYYYY was the smiliest beeb ever and one day Kate made a comment about her having woken up in a "Sunny Mood" and then was like "Sunny" -> "Sonechka" -> "Sonny" and it stuck.
If full Russian names followed by actual Russian starts flowing in that house someone FUCKED UPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and it's time to hide lol. Meanwhile, Kate gets to sit in the corner like:
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"I don't know what's happening and if it's not in my language I'm pretty sure that's a sign from the universe that I'm not supposed to lol. Don't look at me dude. I'm not pissing her off too. You're on your own."
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fratboykate · 2 years
At what point do Kate and Yelena move in together? Did Yelena need an adjustment period to deal with Kate’s non-stop antics? What’s Kate’s go-to “Defuse the angry Belova” move?
FUN FACT: they never TECHNICALLY do full time for yearssssssssss. They don't live together TOGETHER 24/7 until WAAAAAY after they're married.
They start dating junior year of college so there's already a lease in place. Yelena is a pragmatic woman and she's like "we haven't been dating long enough. I'm not moving in with you." for senior year. Then after senior year, she moves to Boston.
Yelena does a Computational Science and Engineering Masters at MIT and that's two years.
Her Biophysics Ph.D. at Harvard takes an average of 5.5 years to complete.
Kate proposes on basically year four of them being together so she's JUST about to start at Harvard.
Kate has a six-figure job with a rising trajectory in New York. It's not like she isn't looking in Boston she just hasn't found anything comparable and Yelena is like "You're absolutely not leaving that to move up here and do…what exactly?" And Kate is like "I'LL DO WHATEVER I DONT CAREEEEE" but Yelena won't let her.
When Kate's contract renegotiation is up tho she's like "here's the deal………you either let me be in the office part-time/remote/whatever or I'm out." She hasn't told Yelena about this and she knows Yelena is going to be LIVIDDDDDD if this backfires but Kate plays hardball. Kate is actually A BALLER at her job so they end up agreeing to her being in the office every other week. She's going to be remote one week which means she has to do the four-hour and a half drive every other Sunday but she'll take that over not seeing Bae most of the time. She shows up at Yelena's doorstep with a suitcase like "HONEY IM HOME!" and Yelena - poor Yelena who needs 4-6 months to make big life decisions and is in the middle of heavy research and has every second of every day planned out - is like "???????????????". She absolutely DOES NOT need Hurricane Kate arriving and disrupting her life right now. So one side of her is like "this is amazing I love you and this is everything we've been saying we miss we've been dying to be together in the same city again." The rational side of her brain is like "🚨KILL BILL SIRENS🚨".
Yelena lives in a one bedroom and Kate is the loudest person alive so for the next week when Kate is trying to work from home and be on the phone/meetings all day while Yelena's…you know…trying to do shit…it's like 😤😤😤.
By week two of Kate's remote work, Yelena is about to MURDER her. Can't do it. She's moving Yelena's research papers, she met someone at a coffee shop at had them over for a drink - A STRANGER…THAT SHE JUST MET, she has clients in Asia so she wakes up at the craziest hours to talk to them and since she's up she also decides to work out at that time. Yelena sits her down and she's like "Babe, sweetie, honey, my love, light of my life, future wife of mine…………………if you don't want me to suffocate you in your fucking sleep I need you to find your own place. I'm sure the time and place for us to live together will come but it is absolutely not while I'm doing my very fucking demanding doctorate at Harvard. I'm so happy you get to spend so much time in Boston and that we will get to see more of each other but we need our own separate spaces or one of us is going to end up dead." So Kate is all 😞😞😞 and she's a little butthurt about it but she finds a really nice place like three blocks over.
Yelena's schedule is insane but they still make it a point to try and have AT LEAST one meal together if it's Kate's week in Boston. And if Kate doesn't have a call with Asia they sleep together or Kate just runs back to her place and comes back to jump into bed after she's done. It's a juggling act a lot of the time but they try to make it work as much as possible.
Then they start drinking one night and go CRAZYYYYY PANTS and decide they don't want to wait until after Yelena is done with school to get married because that is still forever and a half to go so…fuck it…they're going to start planning the wedding.
So basically, they keep doing this half-ass living situation until after Yelena finishes her Ph.D. For her own sanity. And they're already married by that point. But before that, they were constantly floating between three apartments: Yelena's one-bedroom in Boston, Kate's two-bedroom in Boston, and Kate's two-bedroom in NYC. When they have to drop two of those and move into one and there's no more room to hide and have separate spaces to go decompress from each other??? PHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW the first like six months are EXPLOSIVEEEEEEEEE. They're at each other's throats all the time. When you go from having a certain dynamic with someone for like a decade and all of a sudden changing it overnight that's a shock to the system.
But they eventually fall into a groove. They move into A MUCH bigger place and because they're in their early thirties by now they go into babies basically right away. They don't just need nurseries, they also decide they need Alone Time Space for each other. Kate being filthy rich AND having a Big Fancy Job definitely comes in handy in situations like this one lol. Real estate in the city is fucking expensive but luckily money isn't an issue.
As far as Kate's "defuse the angry"??? She doesn't really have one? It's just a lot of "😬😬😬JUST SMILE AND NOD😬😬😬" and waiting for the seething dragon to calm down??? They're both hotheads so they say a lot of shit when they're angry. It's a lot of spitting fire back and forth but USUALLY, Kate tends to back down first. She shoves her foot in her mouth more often than she doesn't so she frequently ends up making it worse whenever she talks and she's fully aware. She knows she normally just needs to let Yelena cool down and then swoop in to talk to her when Yelena is not at a 12/10 on the fury scale.
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fratboykate · 2 years
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this is the most mom!fbau kate thing ive ever seen
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fratboykate · 2 years
Hey! Did you have in mind any particular outfits for FBAU wedding? I need to know because of reasons
M'kay so not at all exact references. This was a verrrrrry quick search to help sort of explain the vision.
For the wedding I imagine Yelena with an open back and a long train. Even though the back is open I think it would have hella detail on it somehow. Then, for the reception, she would change into something more comfortable. No train, nothing in her way. Just comfy. I see it being more form fitting and pencil skirt-y than loose and flowy.
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Kate would have some snazzy blue suit. I see it on the shinier side. Not navy blue. I think it would be some sort of statement blue like this suit. Then for the reception she would take the bowtie out and go fuckboi mode by being hella dapper and opening a few buttons.
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fratboykate · 2 years
But can we know about the wedding aesthethic? Where was it? What were their hairdos? Morning wedding or evening wedding? I can live off the vibes for a while until we get the full chapter
They get married in the Glenmere Mansion in Upstate NYC.
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Ceremony is outside in that gazebo thing on the third picture.
Keep this fountain/garden in mind because it comes into play in the chapter:
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And here's the interior for the reception. The first two are more to sort of set the vibe of the room but they wouldn't go for all white and long tables at all. There would be individual round and square tables and more of a "vibe" to the space like in the last picture.
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fratboykate · 2 years
would fb au kate get Yelena’s name tattooed on her? would she ever talk Yelena into matching tattoos?
I don't think Yelena would ever let Kate tattoo her name on herself. That would seem corn-eeeee to her but I think they could get matching tattoos and it would probably be something like one of them gets a bow and one of them gets an arrow? Something less obvious and that uber pragmatic Yelena might not hate herself for IN THE OFF CHANCE that they were to ever break up. That's how she would see it.
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fratboykate · 2 years
*whispers loudly* what's a Birkins? *whispers louder* also why are they special?
AH SHIT. I was rushing to make it to a call I forgot I had and didn't put any of the reference links. This is how much Birkins cost on the low end. And the one on the right is the one Kate got her.
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Three of those on the left are used and they still cost that much lol. The one on the right is the SMALLEST size they come in. Kate got her one that's two sizes bigger so probably add like...10-20k to that??? At least. They're basically impossible to get. You have to do a whole song and dance to get your hands on one of these. You can't just walk into a store. There's literally a wait list and sometimes even if they randomly have one in the back if the associate doesn't think you're worth one/doesn't like you they'll straight up tell you they don't have one and that they'll call you if one becomes available. It's insane.
Here's the SOMEWHAT reference for the general shape of the necklace. And obviously add the jewels to that shape on the left. These aren't quite right but just so you can at least picture something.
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And then these are the references for the nursery walls:
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fratboykate · 2 years
but it’s ugly 😭 oh and i’ve been wanting to ask you this. how does the baby have both of their genes if they’re both females? it’s there like a explanation for this in the fic universe? because in the real world this is not possible, at least not yet.
We live in a magical world where, in theory, we already have the scientific breakthroughs to give same-sex parents the ability to have biological children. It's been stuff that wasn't initlaly made specifically for that but that could be used for that as well. They mostly haven't moved to the practical phase of because 1) the cost is prohibitive and 2) there's a lot of "ethical" questions about it...which...there's worse things going in the world. Just do it lol.
There's a lot of different research going on right now that seems hella promising on that front. Here's some examples of what's going on:
-CRISPR: "CRISPR is a technology that can be used to edit genes and, as such, will likely change the world. The essence of CRISPR is simple: it's a way of finding a specific bit of DNA inside a cell. After that, the next step in CRISPR gene editing is usually to alter that piece of DNA." This is a cool link about some of the CRISPR studies that are going with DNA editing on that are tangentially related to fertility.
-There's also In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG). This is the biggest one because it can in theory "form a sperm cell from a cis woman’s stem cell or an egg cell from a cis man’s stem cells. It has already been perfected in mice, producing normal, healthy babies, but has not yet been tested on humans." It was created for another purpose but they figured out it could be used for this amongst other things.
-There's Maternal Spindle Transfer which has already been done successfully in humans. "In the procedure, the grouped-together DNA from a mother’s egg was removed and placed inside a donor egg from another woman, which had been emptied of its DNA. The donor’s egg with the mother’s genes was then fertilized and developed into an embryo that was transferred for pregnancy." In the inverse of this, there have been successful tests of removing genetic material from sperm and replacing it with other DNA. They just haven't made a live human baby with it yet as with this other case.
-There's the study into Primordial Germ Cells: "Pioneering stem cell research undertaken at the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel were able to create primordial germ cells (PCGs)—which go on to become eggs and sperm—using human embryonic stem cells. While the same process had previously been carried out among rodents, this is the first time it has been successfully trialed with human matter, which could be entirely transformative for the future of conception."
Basically.........it's not far-fetched. It's a real thing that is out there it simply hasn't been made available to the public at large for XYZ reasons.
As far as the specific universe of the story: Yelena is a biochemist (undergrad) and biophysicists (PhD). This is LITERALLY her field.
What do Biophsyics do?: "Biophysicists study the relationships between physics and living things like DNA, blood proteins and genetics. They conduct applied research to develop products like medicine to improve our lives. They also develop tests used to detect disease, genetic disorders and other illnesses."
In my mind, Yelena and Melina had resources and connections in the scientific community to get Yelena and Kate into whatever the most advanced clinical human trial on this is. They both also added their brains into the process/had a hand in it. And..........that's how the Bishop Gene Juice was made lol
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fratboykate · 2 years
No??? Did you literally not see all the prices on the screenshots??? Hahah. No Birkin costs 10k.
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Look at the prices my dude. And most of those are used. They're WAAAAAAAY more expensive new.
And this is the price on the screenshot I put for the one she actually got Yelena.
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They come in four or five different sizes. 25 is the smallest and it costs 40k new. Yelena got her a 35 which is two sizes up. That's why I said maybe add 10-20k to that.
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