#kylo is my most ever beloved tho
narutosideblog · 2 years
How can i pass as normal irl in society when the only man i want is kylo ben like when someone asks me about what kind of man i want or when am i going to find a bf i'm just haha well i like guys with long dark hair and kinda metalhead (that's tru but i don't love any of them with my heart) and i have to stop myself from saying i've been in love with this fictional emo crybaby doe eyes mall ninja hunk of a man for almost seven years and cannot ever physically or spiritually want any other man irl
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jessthewerewolf · 5 years
Let’s talk about DMC5
*So a little disclaimer before I start - I’m a fairly new fan of the DMC series. The first gameplay I’ve ever watched on youtube was DmC: Devil may Cry, and back then I thought it was awesome and really wanted to buy it. I still like it though, since it was what got me into games. But after watching gameplays of all DMC series (unfortunatelly I only have a laptop and it’s not suited for gaming) I got sucked into its glory and now i can proudly call myself a DMC fan. Also, I’ve seen the E3 trailer when it came out, but kinda forgot that DMC5 was a thing because I have to write my bachelor’s degree thesis and it’s been very busy these past 3 months. Then came Christmas and I finally got some time to catch up. Okay, I’m done explaining myself.*
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Yaaaaaas he’s back! I know som of the fans are not happy with his old look, but to me he looks very good. He’s got that sexy, cocky uncle-type guy that nobody  dares to ask how old he is. He slightly resembles his DMC4 design, but maybe it’s just me. 
As for his overall design: I love they went with the cowboy theme again (did you see that tiny demon flowing around him when he uses faust hat? SOOOO CUTE); I’m also pleased with the toned down color palette - this game goes with the more modernised look, so it’s understandable none of the characters wear flashy colours. I mean Dante does look like he’s got only like 3 or 4 identical shirts, and he’s been wearing that coat for a loooooong time (I mean it is $8000 and we all know he must’ve saved for at least 10 years to buy it. Ma’ poor boy ;_______;). I’m not down for his shorter hair, but still it’s incomparably better than Donte’s hair - pretty much everything is better than Donte. I’m a simple girl, I love male characters with longer hair. 
Good thing they changed his theme, ‘cause that was horrible. From what I’ve heard in the TGA trailer, it sounds way better. Not sure if this genre suits Dante, though. I thought he was more of a Nothing More/ Łydka Grubasa/ Nocny Kochanek type of guy (two last ones are polish rock? bands with very funny lyrics, I recomend you listen to them). 
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My boy Nero... what can I say, I love this version of him. He looks more mature, and more defined (I mean look at his jaw) as opposed to his previous design where he looked like a generic anime boy version of Sparda twins. He felt bleak and not very interesting. And now? My boy’s got a character! Totally love the short hair - I legit believe he looks like Jack Frost after some hard life decisions, but still a badass character - and his coat. Also it’s a lovely little detail that he’s got the same eye color as Dante. His Devil Bringer design looks so much different than before, but with a more realistic touch. *It’s totally Vergil who ripps his arm off, no doubt. Honestly best father of the year* 
I’m afraid this will be the end of our beloved KYRIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! screams every second sentence. Hm. wonder what she’ll look like...
Ah, his theme. I cannot stress hard enough how awesome his theme is. I could listen to it for hours (and I have, for about 4h straight when I had to study for one of my kanji tests) and not be sick of it. Ughhhhh it’s just such a banger. 
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Not gonna lie, he’s my favourite one of the three. Honestly, I’m a sucker for a mysterious dark character with tattoos. He looks younger than Nero, so I’m guessing he’s in early 20′s? I think he and maybe Trish were the least altered from their models. And his voice! Ughhhhh so erotic. His VA, whoever he may be (from what I know it’s his first VA job), he is doing it right! I hate poetry but please read me some Blake! I know most of people call him Kylo Ren, but I don’t really see the resemblance; he’s more like you put Byakuya (the later version) and Noctis into one person. Not sure about those sandals tho. Weird flex but what can we do, it’s not like he can fight for himself...
And while we’re at this topic - his familiars are all bosses/enemies from the original game, what’s up with that? I’ve seen countless theories on who V might be, but at this point it’s probably gonna be something nobody thought of and we’ll all lose our shit. *Also, his hair being originally white is some shady shit*
His theme is a banger, too; I only like it slightly less than Devil Trigger. It honestly suits him. Like, V does have a industrial/ etheric/ poetic vibe and it shows in his theme. Some people may think that the metal cover is better (and yes, it does sound very good), but V doesn’t look like he’d listen to this type of music. 
On the sidenote: I love how most people thought he had a corset under his coat. I thought it was something like a vest, but now that it was revealed it’s just there to close the coat and he’s practically half naked I’m so down for it. How confident you have to be to wear nothing but a coat, pants AND SANDALS TO A BATTLE!? That’s some Big Dick Energy right there.
And I think that’s it from me. I can’t wait for the premiere and I would gladly play this game if I had a chance.
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DTP Interview #6 Elbenherzart
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Hello to all our friends and followers of Daily Thranduil Project!
Today it’s @elbenherzart‘s turn for our fandom interviews. She is a really talented professional illustrator, who has produced many beautiful artworks inspired by the world of Tolkien. She works with traditional media as well as with digital ones and has a lot of other creative talents, like sewing awesome cosplays. I hope you are curious to find out more about her, so without any further delay, I present you here with her answers to the questions we had asked her:
General Questions: 

Username(s) we can find you under: 

Either ElbenherzArt or my real name, Christina Kraus. :)

What Media do you create? 

For digital paintings I use Photoshop and for my traditional stuff mostly inks or ballpoint pens. I almost never use pencils, because I find myself erasing all the time. 

Are you self-taught or did you go to art school? 

I am mostly self-taught. Tho I have a bachelor degree in Intermedia Design. This gave me a few design and composition fundamentals I can apply to my images, but didn't teach me to draw or to paint. Also I have a lot of other professionals as friends who help me with critiques and reflection of my art. I always wanted to go to Art School but the programs in Germany are pretty shitty for it. All you learn is like drawing with a pencil bound to a stick, drawing with your not-drawing hand or drawing with a blind fold. It's complete garbage and I envy people who can afford programs such as the Swedish Academy of realistic Art where you actually learn useful drawing and painting fundamentals instead of fooling around. 

Which artists have influenced your style?

That is a tough question. I admire a lot of artists but I guess my digital work is mostly influenced by Magic-the Gathering or Dungeons & Dragons artists, since this is the direction my work is heading too. 

Which are your favourite artists? 

I'd say Peter Mohrbacher, Jana Schirmer, Cynthia Sheppard, Jason Rainville...but hell, there are a lot. I can't pick a favourite.

Where can we find your work? 

On my website, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Deviantart, Artstation and on Behance. 

What would you say you are best known for in the fandom? 

I'm not even sure I'm known for anything in this fandom. XD But the work I did based on the Silmarillion so far sells the best on Conventions and I get the most comments on it.  

Do you have a favourite pairing? 

Yes of course, but it's kind of controversial I'd say. ;)

Do you have a favourite creation of yours you are especially proud of? 

I'm kind of proud of my latest piece, Celebrimbor's Smithy. It was a tough one, since interior scenes are very hard in general for me. The work on this piece took a whole month with a few breaks of course. 

Do you have a favourite fictional character, besides Thranduil of course?

That would be Kylo Ren/Ben Solo from the Star Wars Universe. 

What other fandoms are you part of?

The Star Wars Fandom, tho I'm barely active there. I have a Tumblr blog dedicated to it, but I mostly just reblog stuff and did only one Star Wars related painting so far. The fandom is kind of toxic with its stupid ship wars and anti culture going on.

Do you do commissions?

 Yes. :)
Any advice/words for others in the fandom? 

That is such a general answer, but stay true to yourself, do what you love and don't give others shit over characters/pairings you don't like. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Be kind and respectful, you don't know what people are going through.
If you are an artist, or want to be one; only self reflection, critiques and hard work will get you moving forward. You need to be able to see your own flaws.  For that you need to seek out people who can give you an honest opinion about your art. (Not your friends or family.)
Vanity is the downfall of every professional artist. You can be proud of your work, but never vain. 
(You can always ask me for porfolio reviews or advice if you want by way. :))

Personal Questions: 

Favourite Book? 

The Silmarillion. 

Favourite movie? 

Currently Star Wars-The last Jedi.

Do you have a pet peeve? 

Littering. When I see people throwing their trash onto the walkways or streets I get furious. Take it to the next trash bin or home! It's not difficult.

What country are you from? 


Who do you think you might have been in a past life? 

Probably a cat. Sleeping and eating is all I want to do. :)

What do you like to do in your spare time other than create the media you work on?

When I'm not drawing or painting I'm either binge watching series on Netflix (currently Outlander <3)  or I'm with my friends/boyfriend. Sometimes I write Fanfiction, but mostly I'm reading it. I also try to travel as often as possible and sew my own costumes when time allows it.

When did you join the fandom?

I think back in 2007. Not really sure actually.  Definitely more than 10 years ago.
Follower Questions:
@floranocturna asked: 
You are a very versatile artist and I have been admiring your very cool cosplays already for a while, especially your Celebrian and Celeborn are amazing! Do you sew all the cosplays yourself?

Thank you and yes, I sew them usually by myself :).
What inspires you to cosplay a specific character? 

Honestly it's mostly the robes. If I like the aesthetic of a character, I want to cosplay him/her. XD Of course I also have an eye on the character and need to like him/her.

You are very ardent about being vegan. Will you tell us a little bit about your reasons and why is it important to you and should we maybe all think about how can we help to preserve nature instead of destroying it? 

This is a loaded question and I'm unable to answer it with just a few words. Feel free to ignore this text if you are not interested. 
As I learned that raising livestock for meat, eggs and milk generates 14,5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the second highest source of emissions and greater than all transportation combined and that it's the leading cause of deforestation, biodiversity loss and water pollution, I knew that I had to act and change my diet, because I simply couldn't live with that knowledge and not doing something about it. And of course the killing of millions of sentinent animals every single day. The meat industry is the most powerful industry in the world and they try literally everything to make us continue to buy meat, to make it cheaper and to leave people in the dark about the consequences for our planet and our health. Here the Pharmaindustry comes in. The meat industry is their biggest customer (80% of their money is made from antibiotics they sell to farmers and animal factories) and sponsor, feeding billions of pills to animals each to day to alter their flesh. It's all about money, control and very fucked up. Like always.
 If the grain that is used to feed our first world country livestock would be given to people in Africa or other third world countries where children starve to death, no one on this planet would need to suffer from hunger anymore. It's all pretty messed up and a paradox. 
The only way of preserving nature in the long run is going vegan actually. I know that a lot of people don't like this thought, but that's mostly because they are misinformed (I was too, everyone is in the beginning) and fear either deficiencies or they think they can only eat vegetables and fruits. But that's not true. There are so many vegan dishes and sweets out there people are not even aware of. Oreos for example are completely vegan. A lot of junk food is. Cake, Ice cream and chocolat can be vegan too. It's all just a matter of replacing the eggs and there are plenty of alternatives. When people think about going vegan, they think about all the things they can't have anymore. Instead, think of the things you gain from it. You support the environment, save lifes and it's beneficial for your health. You are less likely to get cancer or diabetes. You don't have to give up your beloved sweets or junk food. I mostly eat the same things I ate before, just with egg replacement and almond or oat milk instead of cows milk. The only thing you have to keep in mind is B12. I take a pill everyday for it and you should too if your are vegan. If you do that you are completely safe and won't suffer any deficiencies if you live on a wholesome diet. 
This wall of text may imply that I try to preach or what ever, but I simply state facts. It's up to everyone if they choose to act or not. I don't judge people for not going vegan. It takes a bit of effort, research and people will judge you for it. If you want to have more information I recommend the Netflix documentaries „What the health.“ and „Cowspiracy“. They are all based on researchable facts and explain a few statements I've given here. Also you might want to take a look at „Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows“.

@beelovesbutterfly asked: First of all, thank you for sharing your lovely artwork. What is your favourite art medium?
@themirkyking asked: Which method of creating do you prefer? Digital or traditional, and why?
For my personal taste and fun I prefer traditional mediums. It's much more relaxing than digital art where I have to stare at a screen all day. Also I love the smell of paint and texture of paper. But for client work I definitely prefer digital since it's easier to change mistakes and I'm able to finish something faster. What makes the pay a lot better. 
Thank you so much Christina for taking the time to participate in our series of fandom interviews for @dailythranduilproject. It was a pleasure having you!  
Please check out Christina’s blog and her page at DeviantArt for all her awesome artwork! And if you happen to be in Cologne on May 12/13th 2018 you can go and visit her booth at the RPC Germany!
@floranocturna ^^
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