#kylux lovechild
frog-cultist · 10 months
Leander convinced his fathers to go on a walk with him ^_^
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Some fun little tid bits of information
Leander is 22 so hux is 57 and Kylo 51(since leander came around about when they were 35 and 29)
Leander is technically a clone of hux and Kylo he wasn’t made on purpose but more of accident when testing out a new clone program(that hux absolutely despised) and low in behold someone fucked up and Brought Leander into existence, whoopsies!
Leander is absolutely force sensitive but uses it more to trick and manipulate people quietly instead of using it for brute power like Kylo
His name is a play on Leia and Leader
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blackmorgan · 5 years
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Question Kyluxers.
So the fandom collectively decided that Cody Fern was the embodiment of the Kylux Lovechild. But did the fandom ever collectively settle upon his name?
Asking for very pertinent fic scribbling reasons. 😉
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agent-nemesis · 6 years
Okay, I’m not usually one to jump in on kylux baby headcanons, etc., but this antichrist dude has got me. I haven’t watched the show and know nothing about the character other than what I have seen in gifs on my dash. Having said that, here are my HCs:
He’s an absolute shit. He’s the heir to the First Order and whatever territories they control and he knows it.
He’s a spoiled brat.
He doesn’t have Ren’s temper, but he can’t hide his emotions like Hux.
Ren taught him how to do his hair.
He loves the dark side aesthetic.
At his core, he’s not really behind the First Order’s philosophy, and he’s much more on the light side of the Force than dark. Ren didn’t push him to choose the light side or dark, fearing he would rebel if he wasn’t allowed to be true to his nature. However, Hux deflates a little whenever his son mocks his utilitarian First Order sensibilities.
He falls for someone from the New Republic/Rebellion. Oops!
After seeing what an amicable relationship looks like, he prepares a 60 slide powerpoint presentation for Ren and Hux to show them how their relationship is bad and what they can do to improve it.
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solohux · 4 years
Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides is another Kylux lovechild.
Absolutely!!!!! I saw this photo of him on Twitter and thought the same thing! He’s even dressed like a cross between Kylo’s robes and Hux’s uniform? I love it!
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kylux · 5 years
Kylux and jazz would go pretty well together (I can imagine Hux playing the saxophone)
Kylo stood at the back of The Cantina, tapping ash off the end of his cigarette. The whole club was smoky and the sound of upbeat swing pulsated throughout the area. Kylo took another drag of his cigarette and squinted in concentration at the saxophonist onstage.
The man had a shock of red hair that stood out against his pale, freckled skin. He wore half frame glasses and a smart black turtleneck. Veins popped out of his hands as his slender fingers played with precision. He was tall but seemed hesitant to take up too much space, idling behind the other players and focusing with a concentration that said he didn’t care if the crowd was there or not - he was just there to play.
As the music ended, Kylo extinguished his cigarette and made his way through the emptying crowd towards the stage. The man had his back to him and was putting his saxophone back into its case. Kylo hopped onto the low stage and knocked the other man’s foot with his own.
The redhead turned around, his lips turned down into a scowl and his blue eyes furious.
“What?” the man snapped
“You were good,” Kylo said simply
“I was shit,” the other man said, turning back to his case and locking it shut. He stood up and threw the bag over his shoulder before turning back to Kylo “you know nothing about music if you couldn’t see that,”
Kylo laughed shortly “Well, I’d hope I know something about music seeing as book almost every act that comes through here,”
“Don’t oversell yourself now,” A voice came from behind Kylo
Kylo turned to see the club owners, Finn and Poe, approaching. It was Poe who’d spoken.
“You book the shitty acts, we book the good stuff,” Poe said, playfully punching Kylo’s shoulder.
Poe had been a childhood friend of Kylo’s and though they went in separate directions as adults - Kylo the moody, pretentious music critic and poet with a love of rock n roll and Poe an upbeat jazz enthusiast and successful club owner. The Cantina was the lovechild of Poe and his eclectic artist boyfriend Finn, and when Kylo had come looking for a job after a failed series of newspaper review columns, Poe and Finn had welcomed him with open but somewhat begrudging arms.
“I think you’ve got it mixed up but don’t worry, I won’t hold it over your head,” Kylo said, casually embracing Poe with one arm and Finn in the other.
The man looked taken aback now - obviously he’d known Finn and Poe and held them in high regard, but the fact that Kylo hadn’t been bullshitting him about his job at the club seemed to have surprised him.
“Oh - I, er, uh,”
Kylo smiled darkly “What’s your name?”
“Armitage Hux. You can just call me Hux,” the other man said, extending a hand out.
Kylo shook it and smiled “Kylo. Kylo Ren.”
“You guys don’t know each other?” Finn asked “weird, I totally thought we’d introduced you two,”
Hux smiled tightly and shook his head “No, I don’t believe we’ve ever met,”
“I think you guys would get along, you know?” Poe said, breaking away from Kylo’s embrace “hey - you guys should grab a drink together,”
Kylo shot Poe a look, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. Kylo could snag dates for himself if he wanted to - he just chose not to. Obviously.
“Yeah I actually know this great bar you guys could go to right now - you know, the one Rey owns,” Finn chimed in “why don’t you take him to unwind, Kylo?”
Kylo sighed heavily, feeling as if he were in the midst of a speed-dating game show.
“I’d like that,” Hux said suddenly, locking eyes with Kylo.
Kylo felt a blush rise up to his cheeks and he averted his eyes. “Yeah - sure, whatever. Grab your stuff and we’ll go.”
Poe whacked Kylo on the back and gave him a knowing wink before disappearing with Finn.
Hux gathered his things and Kylo led him outside to his Cadillac. Hux seemed impressed and Kylo smiled to himself. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
Hux sat in the passenger seat and lit a cigarette, his plump pink lips turning into an O as he exhaled. “So. Tell me about yourself,” he said, turning to Kylo and looking at him over the top of his glasses.
Kylo chuckled and turned the key in the ignition, speeding off into the night. The redheaded saxophonist next to him had no idea of the wild ride he was in for with Kylo.
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wyomingnot · 6 years
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I was experimenting with Michael Langdon/Kylux lovechild, and something strange happened... ooooooooo
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agoodflyting · 6 years
I'm not up on the latest season of AHS but I can definitely see a resemblance there. Funny thing is, I always picture Noel Fielding as a Kylux lovechild. The perfectly happy, drama free non-force sensitive kid. I get the feeling Hux and Kylo would both be amazed at how they ended up with even one well adjusted offspring.
Yeah I haven’t watched the new AHS either yet, but I keep seeing gifs of him popping up and all I can think every time is... holy shit it’s a Kylux lovechild.Their son WOULD be the antichrist, come to think of it...
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huxblush · 8 years
you’ll pry my ginger kylux lovechild headcanon from my cold dead hands tbh cause my stepmother is ginger af and my dad has very dark hair and my brother and sister are both ginger.
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rissas · 7 years
i had a moment of thought
(impressive, i know)
and i realized that my friend ben could be a kylux lovechild that was raised by rey?? like idk but he’s a redhead and his name’s ben
also he walked into band with a voice modifer that looked like a tiny megaphone and i was all hells of confused
but yeah that’s my friend ben?
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frog-cultist · 9 months
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Basically this is how Leander came to exist
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frog-cultist · 9 months
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Haven’t drawn Kylo and hux’s weird clone son in a minute, some sketches exploring his personality
Verrryyyy dramatic
I wonder which parent he got it from…?
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frog-cultist · 10 months
Screw it kylux lovechild
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Couldn’t help myself, I’ll make some stuff with his dads later when I get the motivation
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