sunnsartbook · 2 months
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“They call me the Chief because I'm an expert on Beyblading”
―  Kenny/Kyoujyu
By the way... Thanks for all the likes at the last Art. <3 Here you get another one. I'm going to do the entire gang in the order they first appeared. Including my OC.
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teabiscs · 5 months
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January Ship Poll Second Place; Part 1: Kyoujyu/Ming-Ming
i stand by what i said. kyoujyu is not conducive with my art style. he looks so much older 🙃. i think this is my second time drawing him.
anywho. ming-ming is showing kyoujyu her latest single before it gets officially released. or something. maybe its about him. let your imagination run wild.
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cobalt-drawlight · 1 year
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Mayblade Day 4: Sci-Fi
Kenny with a lightsaber I guess
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cobaltstarlight · 1 year
RoxxKyouju picrews (doesn't accurately depict that Roxxine is actually taller than Kenny)
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Roxxine alone
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I love doing these!!
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skarletnova · 2 years
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moonandblossoms · 1 year
I see some worried about Hiromi not featuring in the restaurant collaboration. Certainly, I didn't mind it (don't take it in the wrong sense please) because she is not my most favorite (I still like her). Maybe the collaboration went ahead with manga exclusive characters since Mao is more like a female MC there (Hiromi is not a manga character). So I insist upon everyone to not hate Mao. If you look at Aoki, he represents her the most out of all the females. Nothing can be done if she is picked. It's purely their choice and Hiromi was added in the anime to just cast out the male exclusive-ness in the show. Besides that, the menu was based on the bit-beasts, and Hiromi doesn't have one.
And, above that even Kyoujyu wasn't there. What can be done about it?
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angiix08 · 29 days
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Popular group AU where the Blitzkrieg Boys are a band and have fans at school.
Kai is on the drums and backup singer. Tala is the main singer and backup guitarist. Bryan is on guitar, Spencer is on keyboard, and Ivan is on bass.
I usually do not put names to my AUs, but I would name this "boys wear pink." Maybe ideas could come from 2gether, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Geek Charming, Mean Girls, and other cliches.
The start of the series is that Max confesses to Takao. Without wanting to make him feel bad, he tries asking for advice on how to get a fake partner. Hiromi, Kyoujyu, and Rei tell him how bad of an idea that is, but also do not want to see Max so heartbroken.
Takao is stubborn within this idea so he starts looking for one. He sees Kai, Tala, and Bryan shopping at the mall. They are shopping for outfits, with Tala trying them on and holding it up to the other two. Kai and Bryan are tired of his shopping, but tolerate it since he is their friend. Kai was promised an expensive lunch and needed to keep Tala under control.
Today, Kai, Bryan, and Tala are wearing pink today. Imagine some cutesy outfit that Tala would make them all wear together. The others do not really care since it is Tala.
When they finished shopping, Bryan got pushed by a thief, causing him to lose grip on the bags to catch himself. The bags dropped from the second floor to the fountain below. This puts Tala into distraught.
"Someone get those bags out of the fountain! They're designer!!"
Takao hears it and immediately dives into the fountain, grabbing the bags and getting them outside the water. Tala gets to the first floor and pushes Takao into the water, trying to get to the bags faster.
"Oh thank god these are safe!"
Takao is angered by this, hating popular people and their antics. Kai immediately reaches down to pull him out of the water. He doesn't talk and just tries to dry him with his scarf. He gives him his extra jacket.
Kai is Takao's old crush before he gave him up. Kai is too aloof and uncaring of others to really be into relationships. The two of them did kiss in a closet due to a dare.
Takao is completely flustered at this. Kai looks different outside of his band outfits and school uniform. He remembers his previous crush on him and cannot believe how all this turned out. Kai is also super pretty in all pink even with the lame scarf. Since his dignity is down the drain, he shouts that he wants to date Kai.
Kai is completely off guard by this and doesn't know to say to this. Tala butts in, berating Takao that he is completely out of their league. He drags Kai and Bryan away.
"People like us do not associate with freaks like you. Can't believe you even thought we were in your league."
This angers Takao even further and he is left to fume at home. The next day at school, he avoids Max and his friends so he does not have to deal with the confession. Kai pulls him away at lunch to tell him what he thought about the confession.
"I really needed someone to get these fans off my backs. We can be boyfriends."
Relieved, Takao explains his situation and they both agree to date.
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strooples · 2 years
I lowkey really liked the dub voices of the main 4 characters!
Dubs in general are a hit-or-miss for me — either they’re hilarious and the voices of a handful of MC’s are spot on, or they’re quite awful with little in between). But I’m not above giving them a shot. My SO and a handful of anime-loving school peers swear they’re not worth it tho T~T. Eeeehhh, it’s worth it to give things a go before judging!
In the dub’s 1st season, everyone’s voices were a little rough. Some of the background characters were kind of goofy-sounding. The lines can be hilarious and also very, VERY dopey ahahah (early 2000’s slang, I’d suppose??). Of the main boys, Tyson’s was very rough. But I think the voice actors really grew into it! Throughout the seasons you can see voicing like Tyson/Takao, Max, and Kenny hit it off well! As for Rei’s voice and Kai’s, I always thought they fit particular well (weeelll, my SO and sister joke that Kai initially sounded like Shadow the Hedgehog but I stand by my words esp for G-Rev xD). I admittedly chuckled a bit throughout most of the 1st season because of the very random/often generic names they chose (Billy, Andrew, Kevin etc). Though I liked some names, such as the name Tala more than Yuriy. And the translation of キョウジュ (Kyoujyu) to “the Chief,” with Kenny beginning with a K for alliteration to Kyoujyu. In both cases, the feeling of the characters stay!
Beginning the sub however, I was caught off-guard at how high pitched the voices were! Story-wise, something I really like from the sub is the more somber tone in some areas. And how the names aren’t all swapped. Like Mao Chen, instead of Mariah, as one example.
But anyhow, the sub’s more serious tone is what I’d like to focus on! To elaborate on the more somber tone, take the intensity of Kai’s translated speech after his defeat of Brooklyn:
Listen up, Brooklyn. You are a true genius. You can reach further heights without having to work hard for it. It doesn’t matter what kind of special move or strategy I have. You’re so talented I could never compare. However, I still have something you lack.
I have… I have all of the days leading up until now. Countless battles. Victories. Defeats. Enemies. Friends. The sweat I’ve shed. Countless bruises! Rage. Grief. Joy. I have all of the days I put myself on the line for! Passionate, relentless, wonderful days! It’s what you lack, but gives me strength!
I don’t understand. You make no sense! I don’t understand!
You wouldn’t. Because you are not a blader. Every blader has a passionate heart that beats within them. You don’t have a beyspirit!
Bey… spirit?
You have no love for Beyblade. You act like a god, closed off in your own little world! I would never lose to you! Take this! This is my love!
Versus the English dub:
Kai. That’s my name. And I’m a beyblader. You might think that you are too, but you’re not. You learned from the best but you forgot one very important lesson. Beyblading is not just about overpowering your opponents with fancy moves. That’s only part of the game. There’s more to it than that. Much more. That’s why I have something you don’t.
What is it?
I’ve learned from every battle I’ve ever fought. Every friend, enemy, and spectator has always had something to offer me. And I’m a student of this game. And I always will be. Through the hardships of training. Competitions. The wins and the losses. They all taught me something. And I’ve taken that knowledge and used it to my advantage. That’s why I can say that I’m a true beyblader. That’s what keeps me going. And that’s my strength.
I don’t understand you. What are you saying?! I don’t understand!
I don’t think you ever will. Because you’re not a true blader. You have the power and the skill. But something’s missing from inside you. You don’t have the beyblading spirit!
The… spirit?
That’s why I have to win this battle. Because beyblading means more to me than you could ever understand! It’s not just a game to me!
They both technically mean the same thing, per say. But the sub hits so much harder!
The dub has more of a slight focus on the game of Beyblade itself, while Kai’s speech in the sub talks about his grief, passion, sweat, and love. Both show how Kai puts a lot of himself into beyblading, but you really get the feel of Kai as the intense, emotionally-invested blader he is with the sub. You see how despite being one of the most rationally-oriented* people on the team, he cares deeply for his work on a different level, adds a special intensity to the show, and truly makes the most of every experience he gets.
*I’d say Max and Rei are a bit more level-headed for the most part compared to Takao & Kai, but Kai reasons with his head (a foil to Takao) and isn’t afraid to lay out reason when the boys are riled up and lose sight. He’s helped to speak reason to Max and Rei throughout the 1st season and V-Force, for instance. It really solidifies him as a character who could see things through and clarify them to his friends. So it means so much more when he shows how strongly he feels, when something chips at the hard exterior and actually gets to him, as we’re used to the inexpressive Kai who keeps to himself.
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hyperzone-2 · 2 years
so from what i'm getting from what seems to be a switch in translators kyoujyu is. not his real name, going to the Beyblade Wiki apparently his name is.. okay i have no fucking idea how first and last names work in japanese but i THINK. actually no the dub just calls him kenny which like. fuck dude until he actually gets named i'm calling him kenny
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grandpa-kita · 2 years
Random Beyblade characters in the airport/plane (Part 1)
Yes, there is a part 2 here
Julia Fernandez walking the Paris Fashion Week runway in the boutique hallway unaware that the gate is closing
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Boris Huznestov at security checks of each freaking airport, probably
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Takao and Daichi at the duty free crowded with people
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Ming-Ming with Moses and Mystel as personal porters, because "I am a blader, I am an idol, I am a star"
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Takao (or Daichi, again) finally finding Hillary and Kyoujyu after getting lost for the seventh time
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Tao as soon as he lands in Brazil for the round in Latin America, losing sight of the team completely (Rei had to ask the lady at the info point to call him over the airport's public address system. Still one of the most embarassing moments ever).
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Kai Hiwatari being Kai Hiwatari regardless of where he is flying to
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Bonus: Boris with the bottle he eventually managed to sneak on the plane (don't ask how)
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teabiscs · 1 year
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Day 2: School
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cobalt-drawlight · 1 year
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MayBlade Day 1: The Past
Just saying: We were ROBBED of smol Kenny in flashbacks.
He's already a technical genius that lead to him being a beyblade mechanic, so I imagine he started being fascinated with technology when he was little. He was probably expected to take interest in taking over his parents' noodle shop business but I guess not lol
Glad I get to participate this Mayblade! Last year I ended up skipping it even if I was hyperfixated on this series. Also I recently got Y Yoma markers (similar to Copic yet not) so I get to try those for this piece
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cobaltstarlight · 2 years
Umm... have any of the Bladebreakers plus Hilary and Daichi try to spy on Kenny just to see what his eyes look like?
What if Kai is secretly curious about that even though he acts like he don't give a shit?
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skarletnova · 2 years
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Algunos match icons de los Bladebreakers en la primera temporada de Beyblade ♥~
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a-lorra · 2 years
Daichi, above all, is a well-behaved boy.
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ashxketchum · 3 years
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Bonus: Kai in a different aisle pretending he doesn’t know any of them 
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