#l; kradaeca
pvnclora-blog · 7 years
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                   HER FATHER STANDS AT THE HELM OF THE SHIP, looking out to what will soon be his. she does not recognize the look on his face. it’s something so ugly; borne of anger and and jealousy. a year ago, when she was nothing but a princess of pretty gowns and heavy crowns, his expression would’ve sent a shiver up her spine. now, she almost mirrors him.
                   “ land ho !! “
                   she lifts her gaze to glance up at the man in the nest. “ father, “ she says gently, a hand on his arm. “ we grow near. “
                  he nods. she wishes she could be like him — unfaltering in his decision. so… resolute. she had her doubts – here they were invading the land of those that freed them from the pirates – but, ultimately, pandora had decided her father was right. they had to take zenan for themselves. there’s nothing left for them in teshayra; nothing left of them in teshayra. there was ash and rubble and corpses.
                  “ look, “ he says as he gazes outward. his voice is menacingly low. if he hadn’t exuded the power of that of a seasoned king, one might’ve thought he was mumbling. “ we give them onewarning shot. “
                  she turns over her shoulder to ensure her father’s will is done. pandora’s eyes meet that of a crew member. she recalls his name is ali, or abrahim – something like that. the man nods immediately before running off with a shout, “ run a shot ‘cross the bow !! his highness commands it !! “
                  seconds after, a loud boom is heard. the sounds is deafening. she almost stumbles at the cannon fire but her father catches her arm. he gives her a stern look. “ don’t, “ he warns. don’t give them a reason to turn against you.
                  although shaken, she nods. then, pandora looks. she almost voices how similar it seems to teshayra’s coasts. the coast on which their castle once stood. how the water resembles the waves she and hector gazed longingly upon once. but she doesn’t. not for the fear that she sounds like the frivolous little girl she once was.
                 from the corner of her eye, pandora notices that abrahim / ali / whoever he is has returned. he stands surprisingly close to her father’s side. pandora sends him a dirty look. he seems not to care.
                 “ drop anchor. “ her father commands to the pirate. “ ensure the other three follow suit. “ both pandora and the man turn over their shoulders to look at the three other warships that trail behind them. their flotilla is small – their numbers had suffered after the year in which she and her father were held – but her father insists it’ll be enough to take their first country.
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