#l'asino d'oro processo per fatti strani contro lucius apuleius cittadino romano
scribl1ta · 3 months
3 hour video essay😋😍✨please watch and enjoy
as you may know especially if you follow my twitter I've been working on this for a very long time and it represents a lot of research, effort, and hope for my future projects. It is definitely too long so no pressure to watch, but I hope some of you may be interested🫶🏻
AMICI ITALIANI‼️sono spiacentissima ma non posso mettere su YouTube nella vostra paese, quindi per favore guardate su Vimeo. Ancora scusi, ho provato tutto per evitare probleme di copyright ma non c’è niente posso fare in più🙁spero che guardate communque, perchè ho usato molte fonti Italiane e sto sempre cercando altre che mi mancano la prima volta. Grazie per la vostra pazienza <3
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scribl1ta · 3 months
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Unlike Lucius I'm at a loss for words ... GRATIAS VOBIS AGO🥰🫏✨here is a SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT you can reblog if you watched the whole thing!! Love!!!
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scribl1ta · 1 year
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I FOUND L'ASINO D'ORO PROCESSO PER FATTI STRANI CONTRO LUCIUS APULEIUS CITTADINO ROMANO on youtube and I watched it!! Apparently RAI Play has it too so my next move is trying to make an account and get back to you. The video was completely fried and there were no subtitles (which is why I started the little vocabulary list), so between these factors it took a while to orient myself to what was going on. but the weirdest thing is that I really liked this movie. My followers tuned in to classical lit might have noticed my silence on that other notable Roman satirical novel, because I hate it and I have never reread it since 2018. But in this adaptation, I found Lucius to be overall less of a psychopath and a lot of the scenes were even funny. Although the protagonist spends much of the book as an adorable donkey, this is ruined by his grating inner monologue and terrible personality, while in the film, we mostly just see him trotting around different places with occasional voiceovers. What I could make out of the fashion between the blur of beige and taupe hues that made up most of the film's palette wasn't great, but in my opinion the fact that the gorgeous soundtrack and well-handled comedy overshadowed the dull aesthetic, even for a viewer as shallow as I am, speaks to how much fun it is to watch. I have my problems with the film and the book as well, and I don't see myself becoming an Apuleius fan anytime soon although I enjoyed learning a bit more about him through the movie. If you do nothing else, please watch the opening credits and enjoy the title theme, then search "teo usuelli l'asino d'oro" and see if you can find it on vinyl, then could you please email the link to me because I looked on discogs and they don't have itt🥺
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