#l'cie luche lazarus
rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Running All Night pt.2
They departed from the Crown City as soon as the rest of the team arrived. It wasn’t a huge team. A group of five with Luche included. All of them Kingsglaive and each of them had a job to do while they stayed in the Empire. But even that was classified just in case. Luche understood, Titus had explained to him that his job on this mission was merely to collect all information he could get his hands on about the empire, the condition of its people and their Military along with weapon plans. All things he usually collected with ease. Though, it had never been right from the Empire’s capitol, from bases and outposts was one thing. This was something completely different. They had been on the road for a few days now. he looked down at his phone, sighing in slight frustration that it was now nearing sunset. They made quick work on getting to Altissia and from there getting to Cartanica train station. Currently, Luche was looking down at his phone, his thumb seeming to hover over the call button on the said phones screen. With a shake of his head, he smiled, pressing the button and pressing the phone to his ear.
“I was wondering when you were gonna call me,” the sound of the other male’s voce naturally brought a smile to Luche’s face. “God do you realize how long you’ve kept me waiting? Huh mister? Shame on you. shame on you, Luche Lazarus.” Now that earned Nyx a laugh.
“Honestly, I should hang up on you,” Luche stated as he leaned back in his seat, staring out the window of the train as he kept going down the tracks, for now, it was all desert sands with the setting sun in the background giving the sky its orange hue color to the entire area. The sight was beautiful, breathtaking even. Sure, it wasn’t Galahdian sunsets, but it was still nice. “How are things in the City? Everyone holding up okay?” he heard Nyx chuckle along with a few voices in the background, he could make out Crowe’s easily. Along with the sound of something or several somethings falling over. “Nyx Ulric my apartment better be in one piece when I get back.” He could hear the other man laugh, making the side blue-eyed male roll his eyes.
“Boy scout’s honor the apartment-“Nyx was cut off by the sound of loud laughter and several shouts of his name along with several forms of greetings. He rolled his eyes, but the fond look, the warm feeling in his chest betrayed the eye roll. Days away from the others was a vacation, but he did also miss their constant playful banters and the days they would all just spend a night on the town drinking, eating and poking fun at each other. “Six, okay well, it will be okay by the time you get back.” Luche scoffed, not believing him, but knowing the others would help him clean if need be. “To answer your question, everything has been good on this end, just waiting for you guys to get to where you need to get to. How’s everything on your end?”
He had opened his mouth to answer but the screeching of the trains wheels against the rails immediately cut him off. He winced at the loud noise and stood up, looking out the window. He eyed the slowing scenery, he looked over at where the other Kingsglaive had decided to sit, and all of them seemed to be on guard. “Well, it had been fine,”
“Had been?”
“Yes, had been-“the said man was quick to duck down behind the seats when bullets started to break through the glass windows. He scooted over to the edge of the seat, peaking out and watching as the rest of the team seemed to be doing the same. He could hear screams from some of the civilians on board I the other cars. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said, standing up after the hellfire of bullets stopped coming in through the windows. When he peaked outside he couldn’t stop the wide-eyed expression that found its way on his face. the sight of the Empire’s army of Magitek soldiers standing on each side of the train was the last thing he had been expecting. “Son of a- get down!” he shouted to the others, the last thing he heard was a deafening explosion before everything around him went dark.
“Hello? Lu?” Nyx asked, the phone pressed to his ear, behind him, Crowe’s eyes narrowed as she stood up slowly, walking to stand next to the older glaive. “Luche? Luche, hey what’s-“he had to pull his phone away from his ear as sudden loud pops made him wince. But what shook him to his core was the shout of Luche ordering people to get down before the loud explosion cut everything off. He stood there, staring blankly at the phone in his hand.
“Nyx? Nyx, what happened?” Crowe asked, coming up next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. Though from the look on his face, it was clear that whatever had just happened was not a good thing. His lack of a reaction to her calling his name worried her. with a glare, she lifted her hand and slapped his cheek. This seemed to snap Nyx out of his trance before he looked to her and the others in the apartment with panic. “Nyx, what happened? What did he say?”
“I don’t- the call cut off. The train- shit! Pelna, where is the captain?” he asked, turning to the dark-skinned male who gave him a look of confusion and concern.
“He’s at the Citadel in a meeting with the king, why? What’s going on? You look like the world just ended, or that Luche dumped you.” he explained.
The group watch as the man ran a hand through his hair before rushing off to grab his coat then pull his boots on. There had only been one other time when the phone call cut off like that when he and Luche were speaking to each other and that had been when the said man was out on deployment like now. it had been due to a sudden raid by the empire had the phone cut like that, yes Luche came out of it alive and well, nothing more then a few bullet grazes here and there but nothing serious. however, this time around, was a different feeling. Something in his gut along with the sound of gunfire in the background chilled Nyx down to the bone. if something had happened, then he would need to get to the captain and inform him of what he had just heard. Nyx didn’t waste time after he managed to slip his boots on before he ran out the door and down the street, yes, he was very aware he was probably freaking the others out, and he was sure they would follow him to find out what he was so put off by. Though, none of that mattered in the moment, in his mind, he needed to get to Titus, he needed to inform him and try to find out what had just happened and where Luche was.
He had lost Selena already, he couldn’t bear to lose Luche as well, not after everything they’ve been though and not because of some idiot mission that the Crown truly believed it would be worth risking the lives of a handful of Kingsglaive for.  Nyx wasn’t even entirely sure how long it took him to finally reach the citadel much less how many people and guards he pushed past to reach the throne room. But he did notice the look of confusion and slight anger on the faces of the council and the captain himself. “What in the name of the Six are you lot doing barging in like that?” Nyx turned his head slightly, not one bit shocked that the rest of the glaive had followed him. though he also didn’t miss just how angry the captain was and he didn’t miss the glare on his face either. “Well!?”
“Sir, something’s happened to Luche and his team-“Nyx finally spoke, up, this caught the attention of everyone in the room. “he called me to check in on how things were going here in the city. It had been fine but-“he stopped talking when the man held his hand up and looked up to the king. said king seemed to understand what the Captain was asking without the words needing to be said. He watched, desperately and nervously as the older man turned his attention back to the glaive in the room. His eyes drifted to each of them, seeming to debate on choice. “Tredd and Axis get your things and meet me in the briefing room. The rest of you go home. I’ll keep you updated as needed-“
“As needed!? What kind of bullshit-“ Nyx started, stopping when Crowe placed a hand on his chest and stepped in front of him. a silent warning that she and Luche had come up with whenever Nyx seemed to start losing his temper. “Crowe,”
“Don’t, relax. I get it, you’re worried but so are the rest of us.” She scolded, but the look on her face betrayed her tone, she was clearly scared of what could have happened to their childhood friend. The two had become like brother and sister after ignis had been brought to the City. She gladly stepped in to be the sibling he didn’t know that he needed in his life. Nyx stared down at her, then looked up where the captain, Tredd and Axis were walking out of the room. “Nyx, it’s going to be okay,”
“God I hope so…” he mumbled, she sighed moving her hand to his shoulder and squeezing it before she turned her attention note the king, sweeping her fist over her chest and bowing.
“We apologize for the disruption, your majesty.” She stated, the others following her lead as they mimicked the action. She waited until the king nodded, before she straightened out and swiftly turned around, making her way out of the large room with the others following briskly behind her.
“Nyx Ulric,” the king called, this made the man stop in his tracks immediately, turning on his heel to look at the ruler of their kingdom. “Stay a few moments, will you? there is something I need to discuss with you.” though it was phrased as a question, Nyx didn’t miss the undertone order of it, the blue-eyed male nodded. He gave Crowe a reassuring smile before she walked out of the room, the doors closing behind her. Nyx took a deep breath and turned his attention back to the King was now standing up, making his way down the stairs, his shield following ever loyally. “If you called you, then im assuming you must know his secret.” There was no malice or anger in the older man’s tone, so Nyx took that as a good sign. “Yes, keeping it a secret has not been easy, not on him especially.”
“Then why keep it that way, Majesty?” he asked, his tone full of confusion, the king looked up as the set of doors opened again and walking in was Ignis himself with the son of Tenebrae at his side. “Lord Scientia, Highness,” Nyx greeted, Ignis though seemed to ignore him as he rushed up to the king. Regis was quick to put his hands on the younger male’s shoulders, whispering to him. he seemed to be talking the future advisor from what looked like a panic attack. “Is everything alright?” Nyx asked, looking to Ravus who turned his attention to him before shaking his head.
“I fear not. I have just received word that the Train from Cartanica was ambushed on the tracks and attacked by the Empire’s soldiers.” At that, Nyx’s heart sank when he turned to look at the king, he could see Ignis didn’t look like he was doing much better at all despite the king’s efforts to reassure him. “As of now, we do not know the extent of the damage. The soldiers haven’t left the area and with everything set ablaze we cannot get our men in close enough to see who made it off alive, dead, unharmed or harmed. Ignis was with me when I got the news, im not sure what has him rattled, but it does. As soon as he was asked to come here to speak with the king, he came as fast as he could.”
“And you?” Ravus sighed.
“I never leave his side when he is in such a state.”
“Thank you for coming, Ravus. Now, as you all may know, Ignis is not the only L’Cie here,” the king started explaining, Ignis stayed close to the older mans side, eyeing him with such a look of worry and hurt. Nyx was sure he was in no different situation, he sighed, reaching over and placing his hand on the younger man’s shoulder, squeezing it. Ignis glanced at him and gave him, though forced, a small smile. “Luche is our second L’Cie, has been for a while now. a few days ago, he was given a mission to get into the Empire’s capitol, blend in and collect all information possible in the hopes of us having the ability to reclaim the lands that were taken from us.”
“Yeah, he told me…said he would be gone for about three months or so,” Nyx added, Regis nodded, though he looked somber now, almost as if he regretted his decision in sending in the team of Kingsglaive. “Please don’t tell me he was on that train,” the king remained silent, Nyx’s hands curled into fists, his knuckles going white. “Majesty, please, please tell me Luche wasn’t on that train, tell me you didn’t send my boyfriend on a mission just to die on a fucking train!” he shouted now.
“I apologize, Nyx Ulric. But for now, we do not know how many people perished in that attack. We have no choice but to wait.” He stated, for a long while, the room was silent. Nyx kept his head hung low, his fits clenched tightly, Ravus stood there, face not expressing any emotion, and ignis, well, he didn’t seem to take the silence well before he turned and started to storm out of the room.
“Ignis,” Ravus called, following the other quickly, Nyx looked up and sighed. He stayed, knowing right now, Ignis didn’t need him to try and reassure him.
“He had been the one to volunteer to go on this assignment,” Regis said slowly, Nyx blinked and looked up at him. “He had asked me to send him, saying that he would have a good chance at gathering what information we need. Perhaps I was a fool for allowing it, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I pray that he is unharmed and comes homes safely. For your sake, and ignis’ as well.” A hand patted his shoulder firmly before the King walked past him, his shield following leaving Nyx alone in the now overly large room.
Losing Selena had been devastating. He still had trouble getting over that, it was no secret to anyone who was close to him. but to potentially lose Luche? How long had he known the man? few years now? he had met Luche when both were just kids. The two had met purely on chance when Nyx ran into the brown-haired boy as a baby brother in arms with their mother when she happened to stop by and ask Nyx’s own parents about a few things. he supposed that’s where his fascination with the boy started, he was…well put together and rather smart, and respectful for a kid so young. It didn’t take much after that to find out where he lived and start socializing with him, it wasn’t easy at first. Luche was hard to even get a few words out of him, but one day did stand out to Nyx, and it had been a day he had managed to get a full-bodied laugh out of the younger male. It slipped his mind what he had done or said, but the sound of the other boy laughing, arms wrapped around his middle as he was hunched over, and close to tears with just how hard he was laughing, it was a sight that Nyx was sure it was then he realized that he liked the boy, more then a friend probably would. Since then, Nyx had made it his mission to get the boy to giggle or laugh at least once or a few times in a day. This lasted for years, and though out the years, he had only fallen more in love with the brown-haired male. Until finally, they were eighteen and both had decided to ditch classes that day and found themselves skipping rocks along the lake they deemed their hang out spot. They started with small talk, they often found it comfortable to sit in silence, since both knew Luche would end up humming some random little song he knew.
That day however had been different, he didn’t start the usual humming, he looked almost nervous. By the time Nyx had finally decided to ask him what was bothering him, he was pulled into a rough but quick kiss before he watched Luche step away from him. The poor guy had a look of fear, worry and apprehensiveness on his face that just broke Nyx’s heart, and he was sure that Luche would have ran for the hills after that if he had not grabbed him by the writs, pulled him back against his chest and kissed him again. that’s when they started dating and hadn’t stopped since. Yes, they had their ups and downs, but it was never anything that would ruin their relationship enough to were they would split up. since then, they stuck by each other’s side, supporting one another when it was needed most.  Luche was never far from him, and he was never far from Luche. And now…
Now he was here, in a large city, in a large citadel without any idea as to how Luche was doing, or if he was still even alive. All he could hope was that the man was smart enough to take cover somewhere he would take minimum to no damage. But even so, life wasn’t fair like that. not all the time.
First thing he noticed when he woke up was the ringing in his ears, the sound of muffled voices, and that he was sure he was being dragged away. He didn’t last long awake though before he once again passed out. When he woke a second time, he noticed hot, searing pain up his right ribcage and right leg. When he tried to move his arms, he was confused when he couldn’t bring them down from their up position. With much difficulty, Luche glanced up and frowned in further confusion at the sight of his right hand seeming to be fastened to a metal object. He turned to look to his left and found his other hand in the same position though, it wasn’t held against a metal back, it was held up by something else that had a long scalpel like object uncomfortably close to his now exposed L’Cie brand. His eyes widened, as the situation started to sink in slowly. Where was he? Who had him? where was the rest of the team? Had they survived? How much damage had he taken? All these questions kept running though his head so much so that he had failed to realize that he was no longer alone in this cell or room he was in.
It was only by the slamming of the door that startled him out of his thoughts. Luche was quick to look up, his eyes narrowing at the sight of two soldiers and what appeared to be a scientist of sorts. All he could think of now was that this was not going to go well for him, and considering how they had him chained up, it was clear that they knew exactly who he was and what he can do if he was free. He eyed the three people carefully, following their movements as they seemed to look at something on the computer screen in front of them. it felt like hours before the man in the white lab coat finally turned his attention to him, Luche’s glare only intensified when the man gave him an unimpressed look. He growled slightly when the said man moved to look at his left wrist, and yes, he got a sick joy out of when the man jumped back when Luche tried to lung at him, to only succeeding in making what was holding him back rattle with the force he used.
Though, the feeling of satisfaction was short lived when the nameless man flicked a switch on the monitor, the said object he was strapped to suddenly pulled him back, so he was right up against it. he groaned at the force, it was clear he had some serious injuries that needed to be tended to whenever and if he got out of here.  he barely had anytime to think over what they were going to do before a pulsing but burning pain rushed through his body. he immediately let out cries and shouts of pain, it felt like it lasted forever before the pain was gone as quickly as it came. It left him panting, head hung low.
“There, that should do it. now, I need to see what I can find on that interesting little mark on his wrist. Try to see what information you two can get out of him.” Luche’s growled, though that was cut short when he felt something jabbed into his side, once again feeling the same, burning and pulsing pain as before. “And do try not to kill him before we get information out of him, otherwise its going to be you two next on the testing.” Luche was sure these guys were getting off on just shocking him with mere seconds of rest between each session. Maybe a few minutes passed of them just doing this before he finally just shagged against his restraints. Panting trying to catch his breath and his muscles aching from the electrical shocks.
Luche did manage a growl however when one man grabbed his face in a rough grip, forcing him to look up.  “Well, we know Lucis sent you, but for what? what are you here for?” said Glaive only raised a brow at them, keeping silent. “Why. Did. They. Send. You?” the man asked, his grip tightening on his face. At this Luche glared, though he would admit he was proud with how quickly and easy it was for these soldiers to lose their cool, if the punch to his face was anything to go by. With his head now jerked to the side from the force, he could feel blood trickle down from a cut on his cheekbone.
“Can you at least show some self-control? This bastard is getting of on how easily hes pissing you off.” Luche scoffed and gave a small nod in confirmation. That earned him a punch to his gut, making him gasp for the air that was just knocked out of him. “Case in point. Im going to go wait out the door. You keep trying to see if you can make him talk.” Luche rolled his eyes but soon locked gazes with the soldier in front of him. he wasn’t unaware of their methods of trying to get people to talk, it was heard about all the time over the news back I the crown city.
However, he had never experienced it himself, and thank the six, neither had any of his eight companions. “You are a stubborn bastard, aren’t you?” it was a rhetorical question Luche knew, if the pressing of an electrical rod to his side was anything go by that is. “Why is I have a feeling this is going to be a long night? Are all you Kingsglaive like this?” when the shocked stopped, he was once again left hanging limply from the metal restraints. Though taking deep breaths only sent stabbing pains up his side, so he stuck with small, quick ones. “Why did your king send you? what are you here for?” his lack of a response to the question asked made the man sigh.
“Alright, suit yourself, kid. This would have been avoided.”
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Running All Night Pt.1
When a classified Deployment to the Niflheim goes wrong and leads to a  whole team of Kingsglavie but Luche dead, he now must find and fight his way out of the empire back to Lucis. all while trying to come to terms with those back home thinking him dead and fighting to keep his L’Cie brand closed just long enough to see Nyx one last time.
"When you said you’d be showing me something that involved a huge secret, I didn’t think you meant a tattoo, Lu.” Luche raised a brow at the tone Nyx was currently using as he stared down at the strange looking mark on his left wrist. Nyx was cradling the other’s hand between his own, running his thumb over the black ink on his skin. Or, at least Nyx thought it was Ink, it didn’t look anything like a tattoo would. Hell, he wasn’t even aware Luche had gotten any tattoos during their years of knowing each other. Sure, they didn’t spend every waking moment together, but it would hard for Nyx not to notice if Luche was making trips to the parlor to get this done. “But, yeah it’s-“
“Not a tattoo.” Luche cut in. his tone oddly serious all things considered. Nyx looked up at his blue-eyed boyfriend and was met with the sight of a look on his face he wasn’t used to seeing. Luche was many things, but; nervous, and scared was not one of them. the man liked to be cautious yes, he wa a strategist for the Kingsglaive, so he was all about plans and thinking of the best, most effective, and safest way to get things done. Was him showing him this mark really that huge of a deal that he looked so nervous? “Sometimes though, I wish it was.” He stated, pulling his hand back, easily spilling back on a black leather bracelet over the mark so it was hidden perfectly. This really wasn’t like Luche, so his look of shock turned to one of worry as he scooted closer to the other male. He glanced around the room, though Nyx logically knew that currently in the small apartment it was just him and Luche. The two had a rare day off together while the others were off on a deployment. “It’s a L’Cie brand.”
“L’Cie, wait I thought Ignis…. But his-“
“Is completely closed while mine is just starting to open, which isn’t a good sign.” Luche cut in, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You aren’t supposed to know this. Only the king, and his council are supposed to know. They say its for a security reason. They can’t nor do they want to risk the Empire finding out for fear of them seeing this a trump card for the Lucis Kingdom. Though, that’s basically what this is. Two L’Cie is better than one… if I could summon my Eidolon.” Nyx could tell that the other male was clearly upset and not in agreement with what the higher ups had in place. Nyx wasn’t sure he liked what he was hearing either, he had seen and heard of what ignis was going through when he became the first L’Cie to the Lucian kingdom. The extra training, the extra classes, more responsibility was put on his shoulders. But he didn’t see Luche having all that extra training.
“But, you don’t get the training Ignis is getting? And what in the world is a Eidolon?” Nyx asked, Luche let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. Frowning, Nyx reached over, taking the other male’s hands between his own, running his thumb over his knuckles. “Hey, hey… Lu, relax. Take things one step at a time. Okay? im going to be here all day and night. We can take all the time we want to go over what this means and is. Just please,” he said, reaching up with one of his hands and cupping his face gently. Nyx watched as Luche leaned into his hand, the stress and tension in his body slowly started to bleed out. Which is exactly what Nyx wanted, a stressed out Luche, was never a good Luche, a saying like the ‘Happy wife, happy life.’. “Now, lets start with something simple, the training. I’ve seen the training they are giving Ignis. Are you receiving that same amount of training?”
“No, it would be too obvious,” he started saying, scooting closer to the older male. “So, instead they keep me in the dark. They don’t tell me anything, allow me access to any information they do or do not have on L’Cie. The more in the dark I am, the better for them.” he sighed, finally moving so he was tucked up against Nyx’s chest, though he made sure to keep Nyx’s hand on his cheek. “I only know what I know because I sometimes get lucky enough to talk with a past L’Cie who happened to have the same Eidolon as I am supposed to have.”
“Okay, so that leads into my second question,” the older man said, kissing the top of Luche’s head for a moment, with his other hand he rubbed his back gently. “What’s an Eidolon? What is the point of one?” Nyx couldn’t fight the smile on his face when he felt Luche wrap his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. however, the younger didn’t respond right away. He stayed silent for a few moments, Nyx didn’t mind. It gave them both time to process the information and to process the fact that Luche had just disclosed information that no one else was supposed to know. He could only imagine the panic Luche was feeling in this moment, the younger was always good at hiding what he was feeling, what he was thinking. “Lu,” he got a hum in response, “Lu you know I love you right? That whatever this is, it’s not going to change anything, right?” Luche could only huff as he pulled away enough from the other man to look at him in the eyes. Nyx didn’t flinch when he felt his boyfriends place a hand on his cheek. “Don’t look at me like that. makes me think that your finally gonna take people’s advice and find yourself a better man.” at that, Luche snorted, chuckling at the statement, which was exactly what Nyx had been hoping to get out of him.
“Why are you like this? Why do I even love you?” he heard Luche ask playfully, Nyx could only grin and shrug before he reached out and took hold of his left wrist again. Luche paused, watching the other glaive carefully as the black, leather band was pulled off and away from the brand that seemed to haunt him everyday of his life. Though, he couldn’t ignore nor deny the sudden lump in his throat or the wetness in his eyes when he watched Nyx gently run his thumbs over the brand. He couldn’t stop the tears that managed to escape when he kissed said brand. As cheesy as it looked, and as cheesy as it was; this meant a lot to him. Especially when he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone of this, this was the one thing he kept hidden from Nyx for a long time. Luche gave a small chuckle, using his free hand to wipe the tears from his face. “Six, you are such an idiot.”
“But im your idiot. So that’s gotta count for something, right? Besides, you love it. otherwise, we wouldn’t be here.” he stated smugly, which earned him a light punch to the shoulder. “But, really, in all seriousness. Its going to be okay, Luche. Im sorry I didn’t notice sooner-“
“You weren’t supposed to find out or know. If anything, I’m sorry for keeping it form you for so long.” Luche cut in quickly, placing his hand on the back of Nyx’s neck pulling him in close and pressing their lips together. “Nyx, im telling you think now because I’ll be going away for a deployment in a few days,” he explained, sounding almost sad about it. usually if they did get deployed, they knew the other would be going away for a while, so they never really got sad about it. Luche though now, did not sound happy about leaving. “im not supposed to tell you where, but im going to anyway because I need you to know just in case anything happens, -“
“In case anything happens? Where are they sending you?”
“Niflheim.” Nyx froze the moment the word left Luche’s mouth. He felt his blood run cold and he was sure that he felt something in him shatter. Since when did they send glaive out into enemy territory, and to the heart of it? what the hell was the king thinking. “Nyx? Nyx look at me, hey,” the man blinked a few times and looked at the younger with worry. he hadn’t even realized that he had zoned out until his face was being held between Luche’s hands.  “I…” shaking his head, Luche trialed off, his eyes closing as he pressed their foreheads together. “I got those orders the other night. I wont be leaving until a few days from today. Im sorry, but I had to tell you.”
“Let me guess, L’Cie business?” he asked, though his voice took on a slightly annoyed and angry tone. Though the hunter mentally kicked himself when he felt the flinch come from the younger male In front of him. “No, no, hey im sorry,” reaching out, he pulled the other man flush against his chest.  Taking in a deep breath the man nuzzled his nose against the other’s. “Im not mad at you. never with you. just…of all the places, Niflheim? Its not safe, far from it.” this was Nyx ranting now by this point, and Luche would let him. “Whatever they send you in for, please come back. Okay?”
Luche merely smiled, pressing their lips together. He didn’t say yes or no, he didn’t even acknowledge the question. And he probably wouldn’t either. both knew very well that their jobs as Kingsglaive required them to take on dangerous missions and to be ready to give their lives for the sake of the Lucian kingdom.  They knew exactly what they where signing up for when they came to the crown city, they couldn’t complain now, not this far in. “Come on, you own me a back rub,” Luche said, earning a small chuckle from Nyx allowing himself to be pulled to his feet and lead to their shared room. “By the way, as for your question on what an Eidolon is, its supposed to be a minor astral in a sense. They only appear to help their respective L’Cie in a moment of distress. Now help be to kill you or help you as in snap you out of it, that’s all up to you and if you let it kill you.”
“Six, what kind of bullshit-“
“Ah, back rub now, rant later.” Luche cut in, letting out a huff, Nyx gave him a fond smile as he was pulled to their room. Might as well enjoy the days he had with him before he would leave for Niflheim.
In the days that followed, Nyx was sure they hadn’t felt the apartment for in favor to stick with Luche. The one or two times he did leave was via the younger male’s request to go pick up a few things from the market. Otherwise, Nyx stayed in, held, kissed and just generally stayed within arm’s reach of Luche. Others would have found it annoying, however he could see that Luche appreciated said constant contact and affection. This went on for days, up until the day of departure for the younger of the two. Luche heaved out a sigh as he sat on the sofa, spilling on his boots flicking on the straps and such. His coat laid next to him along with a backpack. The mission was scheduled to last about two months. No more, no less. It consisted of all information gathering and planting in men that would serve as their eyes and ears within the empire. Running his hands down his face, the young of the two failed to notice when Nyx had stepped out from their room into the living room. So, when he felt a hand land on his shoulder he did startle but was quick to relax and lean against the shirtless body next to him. it was still dark outside, the sun hadn’t reached them just yet, probably not for another two or three hours at least. They stayed like this, both silent and enjoying the last few minutes they had together before Luche had to leave. “Be safe, okay? don’t do anything reckless,” Luche scoffed, pulling away and looking up at him, leaning up and kissing the other gently. “Luche,”
“I know. I’ll try to be safe. We shouldn’t be doing anything stupid. But you know as well as I do that things don’t always go as planned. But I’ll try. I promise I’ll try.” He replied, he sighed, kissing him again before he got to his feet, Nyx standing up with him as well. “I need to get going. I’ll be back before you even know it. just…just wait for me.” He said carefully, grabbing his coat and slipping it on as he used his other hand to snatch up his bag as he walked to the door. He turned to look at Nyx, frowning at the worried look on the blue-eyed male’s face.
“I love you till the sun falls out of the sky.” Nyx mumbled, wrapping his arm around the brown-haired man’s waist, pulling him in close against his chest. Smiling, Luche kissed him again.
“And I love you, you’ll be my sun should it fall.” He mumbled, pulling away from the older and nodding in a silent good bye as he stepped out of the apartment and over to where he would meet up with the others going on this deployment with him.
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Lady Luck
"So, want to tell me what exactly landed you here? It isn't usual for someone other than Lightning to talk to you, or your brother."
"Who?" A scoffed escaped a dark haired woman. Her legs crossed as he stared down at the brown haired man laying on his side, craddling his left hand to his chest. "No, seriously, who?" The woman leaned forward, resting her face in her hand which was supported by her knee. She wasn't shocked this man didn't know who she was talking about. Lightning was a fickle woman, didn't open up to people easily; fellow L'Cie or not.
"Lightning. The goddess queen of old? Knight to the goddess of death? The savior? Wow do they really have no information on the past that far back?" The woman asked brow raised, though despite her tone indicating that the man on the floor was stupid, she got no reaction out of him. He merely laid there before looking up at her and shook his head. Strands of his brown hair falling out of their sliked back style. "Anything at all?"
"Not that I know of. I wasn't allowed access to that information. People aren't supposed to know what I am anyway." He responded, at that the woman made a face of displeasure. "It's a long story."
"I'll say, damn bastards. There ain't anything wrong with ya if that's what the issue was." She stated, though with how sure she sounded, it was clear it shocked the man slightly. Said green eyed woman sighed as she unfolded her legs and leaned forward. "You gonna get up? Or stay like that?" He gave her shrug, at this she sighed heavily and stood up before kneeling down next to him. "Up. Or I make ya."
"Why do you even /care/?"
"Make ya it is-" she said before grabbing him by the upper arm and yanking up, forcing the man to stumble upon to his feet. He glared at her for a moment before it disappeared just as quickly as it came. Though he still held his wrist to his chest. "You don't have to hide it here. It isn't something to be ashamed of." She assured him, though her tone was anything but comforting, noticing his hesitation, she reached out, lacthing onto his right hand and yanking it away. "There, much better."
"You know, just because you can touch me, doesn't mean you have to, Fang." The man mumbled, slightly annoyed. Though he wasn't annoyed with her, he couldn't be. This woman was the only person right now who he could put all his trust in. The only woman who knew anything about being a L'Cie. For as long as Luche could remember since becoming a L'Cie. Fang had made her presence known to him via dreams, or his many near death experiences. Shes confident, stubborn, and cocky even, something Luche often hated in people, but then that wasn't true due to his past relationship with Nyx.
"Well, that's quite the look. You okay?" She asked, now sounding concerned, worried even. Ah right, despite her stubborn, confident and cocky personality; she also was compassionate and caring for those who she deemed family and loved ones. "Let me guess, Nyx?" She watched Luche flinch at the name, though he didn't answer, he didn't need to. She knew that was what he was thinking about just based on his haunted expression. "You did what you had to. He ain't dead, he's alive and well,"
"And thinks me part of the reason Insomnia fell. Because I listened to a rock by not speaking up and being the 'inside man' to keep a close eye on those who betrayed the King." He cut in, giving her an exusghted look. Which she gussed is what lead him here, over worked himself until he fell unconscious somewhere and is now on the ground in the middle of nowhere. It was normal that this is how they basically communicated these days. "My gun was the one used to kill Crowe. Crowe. Our sister. Our best friend. Things would have gone differently had I spoken up, had I said something to the king before everything happened. If I had tried to convince the others that they didn't-"
"They would have killed you on the spot." Fang cut in, grabbing his chin and forcing eye contact. "Then what? Crowe's death would be for nothing. Nyx's injuries would be for nothing. The king and his shield would he dead for nothing. Everything has a role to play and if it didn't play like it was supposed to, then Noctis would truely be up shit creek without a paddle." She shoved the other's face a bit, turning away from him with a hand on her hip. Clearly she wasn't happy with what he was saying. "We L'Cie follow our focus. Or in our case, fight it to find a better outcome, or to change it. You are meant to do the same. Fight your focus to find the true one that is buried so deep down, you feel like there is no hope left." She turned back around to face the male, and sighed at the sight of him looking so defeated, so tired, so alone.
Which he was at the moment. He was traveling alone, cut off all contact with anyone else, he was trying to find his brother via hearsay and pure instict. It was a shock that he was even able to find out where Ignis had been or where he was headed. Traveling alone however had its draw backs. An example being the situation Luche was now in, hurt and tired from having to fight off daemons alone and taking hunts on alone. He often found himself in these situations, Fang was honestly worried about the progression of his Mark. If it opened up fully before his focus was complete he would become a Cie'th. A glance to his mark and seeing it hadn't progressed much, it made her feel a little better.
"Luche, darling Lu." She started, which prompted the man to raise a brow at her in confusion at the pet name. No one called him Lu anymore, he didn't allow it. Though this was Fang and the day he could stop her from doing what she pleased would be the day hell froze over. She walked back over, cupping his face between her hands, the look of confusion never once left his face. "It's hard I know that. Being a L'Cie isn't easy, it wasn't back then and it isn't now. But here is the difference, you have someone, me, to help guide you in the right direction. Even if it doesn't seem like it,I promise you that I am on your side."
Luche stood there, the look of confusion slowly melted away as he listened to her speak. Eventually he let his eyes cast over to the ground. Not like there was anything there other then blinding white. "Never once did I doubt that. It's just not easy doing this alone." He finally admitted, though he couldn't bring himself to get back in contact with anyone else. Not when the one person he actually wanted to speak with most believed him to be at fault for everything that happened in the crown city. "But I'm also a stubborn idiot who insists on doing this alone. With only you as my help. Right now, I can't trust anyone else. And not because they are suspicious, but only because of my own actions. Of I'm going to do this, I'll do this my way. If. Become a crystal by the end of it or before it....then at least I did something right. If I become a Cie'th, then at least I get the punishment I deserve for what I did."
"Punishment for what, Luche Lazarus? Doing what you were told? Saving the Orcale from being killed in the city? Protecting the man you love even if he too had to out the ring on at the end?" She asked, shaking her head and punching him in the arm. "There ain't nothing you need to be punished for. Besides, with Lady Luck on your side, you won't become a Cie'th. You'll be granted your Crystal sleep." She said, fliting the mood now. Luche merely scoffed and shook his head and he eyed her with an amused grin when the woman pulled away.
"Lady Luck is a-"
"Don't go there or I'll punch your lights out."
"News flash, Fang. I'm already out cold." That got a laugh from both. Fang smiled, this is what Luche needed. Friendly banter, and something to keep his mind off of everything that was going on. "Thanks, Fang. Really thanks. Get so into my own head I forget to look at the bigger picture." The woman shrugged, arms crossed over her chest now.
"It's okay to get into your own head. Your emotions matter as well you know. But as long you remember the big picture, it's alright and things are going to work out." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Now wake up."
"Come on, son wake up." With a groan Luche slowly blinked, looking up at the familiar voice. He sighed when he was met the sight of the Hunter by the name of Dave. He was usually the one Luche went to for information on Ignis. "There you are. Maybe it's time you join a group instead of taking ever hunt on your own." The blue eyed male shook his head. "Suit yourself. But at least let me give you a ride to the next town."
"Yeah, alright. Thank you, Dave." He said, accepting the hand the other extended out to him. He hissed in pain when he was pulled to his feet but otherwise managed to stay on his feet. He watched the other man in slight confusion as he kneeled down to pick something up. He eyed the very fimiliar red colored lance in confusion and slight shock.
"Didn't know you knew how to use one of these." Luche blinked and took the weapon into his hand and stared at it. He chuckled a bit as he nodded, following the Hunter back to his truck, smiling down at the dog who always joined them. He opened the door and allowed the said dog to jump in first to sit between them before Luche climbed in. He sighed in relief and leaned back, shutting his eyes and holding the lance tightly. "Looks new. Just got it?"
Luche smiled a bit before he responded. "Yeah. It was gift from a friend. She's been hounding me to be more careful. Think I might listen to her now though."
"Good. You got people who care about you. I don't want to end up sending your brother to get your tags." Ouch, yeah that scared Luche a little bit. He didn't want to end up dead and have Ignis find his tags. "Next stop, Wiz's Chocobo post." He laughed at the loud groan he got from the other male. "You'll thank me."
Sure enough, when arriving Luche couldnt stop himself when he spotted an all to familiar person. And he most certainly did not mind the looks of confusion from Ignis' friends or the looks of confusion from the people at the post. Though, he did avoid answering questions about the red lance he now planned on keeping strapped to his back, and only responded by saying "It was a gift from my most loyal friend." He also didn't miss or question the voice and the smug tone
"See? Lady Luck ain't that mean."
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Running All Night pt.3
“These were all we could find,” Nyx lifted his head, his gazed landed on the captain who was holding a box out to him and Ignis who was sitting on his right, dead silent, head hung low. The man didn’t even flinch when a drop of water landed on his face. He hesitated before slowly reaching up and taking the box into his hands. “It’s not much, but it is better then nothing.” even Titus sounded somber, upset. Despite being part of the Kingsglaive much longer then Nyx, and no matter how much more experience he had, the older man felt the loss of one of his best men deeply. Hell, it wasn’t even because he was a subordinate, Luche was their friend. He was the one in their group who always made sure they were well fed, well rested or even just in good spirits. Nyx rested the box on his lap, he took a glance to Ignis who didn’t seem to even want to look at the box, or anyone but the floor in front of him.
“Was it worth it, Captain…?” Ignis asked, tone low and so full of sadness and hurt. It made Nyx flinch a bit, Ignis usually was good with hiding his emotions, but when it came to family and friends, that wasn’t the case. Because here he was, so broken, so sad, feeling so alone despite the friends he had and despite the lover who was ever loyally at his side.  “Was the mission worth it?” all three stayed silent for what seemed like several minutes before the Captain took in a deep breath and exhaled before speaking.
“I’ll make sure no one interferes with the investigation.” That was the last thing he said before the man turned and walked away. Nyx looked down at the box on his lap, it was closed, and he was sure that maybe Ignis would be the one who had more right to it then he did, after all, Ignis is- was Luche’s younger brother. Nyx leaned closer to the younger male when he heard a small sniffle escape the green-eyed male, when their shoulders brushed, Ignis was quick to lean against him completely. Both closed their eyes, ignoring how the dark clouds that loomed over the Crown city finally let go of the rain they held. A clear, but stereotypical indication of just how upsetting this day was, at least Nyx thought so. Minutes passed, the rain only got worse. Nyx could feel Ignis shaking next to him, reaching out he laced their fingers together, giving the younger male’s hand a reassuring squeeze. There was nothing he could say that would make either of them better, Nyx knew that, perhaps he would be the only one who knew that. perhaps he was the only one who would understand the pain Ignis was feeling right now.
“Nyx? Ignis?” Nyx wanted to ignore the calling of their names, but with the tone he knew ignoring Crowe wouldn’t help anyone, so he opened his eyes and turned his head in the direction of her voice. “Do you two want to come inside? Or want some company?” she asked, to tell the truth, no he didn’t want to go inside, and no, he didn’t want company, but he couldn’t speak for the future Advisor.
“Well, do you want either of those things?” he asked softly, pressing his lips to the other’s temple, he felt the younger man shake his head instantly. “No, but thanks for the offer Crowe.” He replied, turning to look back down at the sealed box on his lap, wrapping his arm around the still silently crying male. Nyx startled when he noticed the droplets of rain stopped hitting his body, he looked up and wasn’t in the least bit shocked to see Ravus standing over the two, holding an umbrella over their forms. He gave the man a weak but forced smile. he didn’t get one from the other man.
“It’s alright to feel hurt. To mourn over the loss of a loved one,” he started, looking at Ignis who had yet to look up once since he and Nyx arrived to the Kingsglaive HQ. “But, I wouldn’t advise making yourself Ill.” The man took a knee in front of Ignis, reaching out and placing his hand on his back, gently rubbing there. Nyx opened his mouth to respond, but the weight and someone wrapping his arms around his shoulders stopped him from speaking. He blinked a few times before it hit him who it was exactly. He smiled a sad smile, his eyes stinging as he placed a hand over the arms pulling him into a hug. At that moment, he finally let the tears fall, unlike Ignis though, his crying wasn’t silent and the hands that fell on his shoulders, head, neck, cheek and knees didn’t help the issue.
This was one of the many times that Nyx was grateful for having the Kingsglaive as part of his family, because with the loss of his sister and now the love of his life, he truly did feel like he had no one left.
Keeping track of time while being beaten just about every other day was impossible. At least it had become impossible after four days. Luche had given up after four days of trying to keep count just how long he had been trapped here. throughout his time here however, they had never once stopped questioning him about why he was sent. Though he wasn’t proud to admit that their methods got brutal and made him nervous whenever they came to get him. their most recent method? To start cutting away layer by layer of skin where his L’Cie brand was located. His screams of pain where not something he was proud of, but he was proud over the fact that he never allowed any information slip from his mouth. Now, Luche found himself leaning against the dark colored wall of the cell he was held in, his eyes where closed, giving off the appearance that he was dead asleep. His breathing was shallow and little quicker than normal.
“Still showing symptoms I presume?”
“Yes, infections of the wounds he has seemed to have made him ill.” At the sound of voices, Luche opened his eyes, letting them drift over to the two men standing in front of the cell. He gave them a blank expression, his eyes narrowed slightly when one allowed his eyes to drift to his left wrist which he kept cradled to his chest. “He’s what is called a L’Cie, humans branded and picked the Fal’Cie who once ruled over this world many, many centuries ago,” one man started explaining as he punched in a code on the small keypad by the cell doors, his glare only intensified when the said door slid open, allowing two soldiers to walk in. normally he would have fought back, but last time he had they managed to dislocate his right knee. And that was a whole different type of pain, so this time around he allowed himself to be hauled up to his feet before being lead down the dimly lit hallways of the facility. “If it wasn’t the Fal’Cie, it was the Crystals of the time. There was once a total of four, each one looked after by a different kingdom. Each one giving its L’Cie different magic abilities. Though, over time, all but one Crystal survived the passage of time, and eventually, with the dying of the three Crystals, the need for L’Cie became obsolete. Thus, new ones were never picked again. that is,” the man paused, once again entering a code into a keypad next to a set of heavy metal doors.
Luche frowned as he watched the all too familiar doors slid open with a loud hiss. Inside the room was the same as it always was, the same device he was first strapped to sat in the middle of the room, clean as usual. Even if he wanted to fight back against the soldiers as they got him once again restrained, but with the injuries he had and with how weak he felt right now, there was no chance that he could get away. He winced when his arms were pinned up above his head, a sharp pain shot up his left ribcage, he had almost forgotten that they fractured and or broke two or three ribs. “Until you and one other man made your existence own to the Crystal your beloved king protects. That’s when it decided, for whatever odd reason, it needed two. No more, no less.” Luche felt his blood run cold, that’s right, he had forgotten that Ignis’ being a L’Cie was not a secret. He stayed ever silent, only grunting in pain when his left wrist was fastened tightly into place. “Which then brings up the very important question; Why two? And of all the people in the world, it picked two plebeians.”
For once, Luche scoffed, shaking his head for a moment before he glanced down at his feet. He blinked in surprise as the two soldiers walked out of the room with a wave from the scientists’ hand. Typically, his ankles were also fastened to the metal stand he was currently on, however, either they got cocky that he was to hurt to try anything, or, they were new to the job. Either way, the blue eyed male merely gave a small grin, it disappeared as quickly as it came. For now, he thought it best to wait, he didn’t know how long he had been in here for, but he knew it was long enough to memorize the guard schedules. And he may or may not have remembered the override code said lab coat wearing man had.  Though, he could know all of that and have mobility of his legs all he wanted, but what good would It do him when he couldn’t even get his hands free? Thoughts cut off when he felt the cutting of his skin just over the unworn L’Cie Brand, though, there was something he noticed under the pain he was feeling, both of his wrists were not pinned as tightly as they should have been. Another win for him, now he just had to wait.
And six only knew how long he would have to. For once since being trapped here, he didn’t feel ashamed of his screams of pain that echoed down the hallways.
“How long do you plan to keep on letting him sulk?”
“Depends on how long you plan on continuing to watch your guy get the life beaten out of him.” Fang scoffed, arms crossed over her chest. Though she supposed the goddess queen of old had a point in that, she was more then capable of getting her charge out of the situation he was currently in, being she was the only one willing to go against orders of the crystal to do so. “And depends how much you want to say, ‘screw you’ to the crystal and the gods, or should I say Bahamut?” she could tell by the narrowing of the other woman’s eyes and the tightening of her hand around her red colored lance that she struck nerve with mentioning her once Eidolon. “Fang,” the pink haired woman started as she walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What are you planning?”
If there was one thing Lightning knew about Fang; it was that she was extremely protective of her charge. Compared to her, Fang was much more involved with him than she was involved with Ignis. Though that was more due to personal choice, she didn’t want to make it seem like she was there to hold his hand, though she also knew that she was making it seem like she was leaving him on his own to figure things out. Which in a sense she was, but Fang? Oh no, not Fang, sure the woman never once gave Luche the immediate answer to situations, but she was much more willing to give out hints and help him out as much as she could and as much as he would allow while also being okay with. Despite both of their charges being connected, the two seemed to be taking two very different paths to the same goal.
“I’ll pull some strings.” She stated simply, judging by her tone, the woman was not only going to pull some strings, she was going to be there herself. Goddess Queen Lightning maybe, but she knew better then to try and get in Fang’s way, after all, Fang never once tried to tell her how to handle her charge thus she never tried to tell Fang how to handle hers. The two women had an understanding form the years and years of knowing one another and eventually even falling in love. Once brought together for a common cause, now once again brought together for another common cause and it was to save their once world from being destroyed and to keep the Oracle and Lucis Caelum lines from coming to an end. “I’ll see you later, alright?” Lightning could only nod as she watched the woman take her leave.
“Be safe.”
“Think they’re gonna be okay?” it was a question everyone at this point who knew Nyx and Ignis had been asking themselves since they received the news of Luche’s passing. Though Prompto was the only one willing to verbally ask. Noctis sighed, he had never once in all his years of knowing Ignis, seen him this upset. It had been about three days since a box of whatever belongings Luche had on him was given to the two. It remained untouched at the Glaive’s HQ, the two clearly having a hard time coping with the loss of their lover and older brother respectively. Ignis was already reserved and kept to himself, but these days, it was rare to see Ignis leave his home. As for Nyx he rarely went out with anyone these days; preferring to stay home and keep to himself. From time to time he and Ignis would meet up, however they never really spoke, they only sat at the highest point of the Glaive’s HQ to watch the sun set over their city.  “Noct?” the said dark haired prince could only shrug as he leaned against the gunner. “Maybe we should try talking to them.”
“I’m sure people have tried but its clear that it hasn’t helped any.” Prompto huffed, getting up forcing the prince to sit up right. He watched as he walked over to the pair and sat between them. Noctis was a little shocked to see Ignis lean on their Chocobo loving friend so quickly. but it was a comfort as well, it was a sign that Ignis hadn’t pulled away from them completely. Seeing that, Noctis was quick to get up and sit on Ignis’s free side, wrapping an arm around his waist. “You know, dad tells me you often can feel when something’s happened to a loved one. So, maybe Lu is okay.” that seemed to get a reaction out of their green-eyed friend, he sat up and looked at the prince for a moment as if he had just given a clue to some great riddle of the world. “Ignis?” said man was quick to get to his feet, grabbing the back of Nyx’s shirt and pulling him to his feet despite Prompto being between them. “Hey. Ignis what’s-“
“The Crystal, come with me and I’ll explain everything.” The words spoken so quickly, Nyx was sure that maybe he had misheard the man speaking. Though this didn’t stop him or the group from the following the emerald eyed man down to the elevator to the bottom of this tower. “As you all know, Luche, much like myself is a L’Cie. Chosen by the Crystal to do its bidding for the grand scheme of things, however, despite both of us being chosen,”
“Only Ignis got training to balance out his new role to the Lucian Royal family, Luche was kept a secret, basically left on his own to figure out what it is he was supposed to be doing while taking on a lot of solo missions.” Nyx explained, taking longer strides to keep up with the slightly shorter, but younger man as he leads them out of the elevator and down the hallways. Though, Nyx could tell from the confused on Noctis’ face along with Prompto’s that they couldn’t grasp why Luche’s being a L’Cie was kept a secret verses Ignis who was basically outed to the world. “Luche was used for Recon missions. Assassinations and things of the like, verses Ignis who was outed to the world as a….” he trialed off, thinking over a better use of words as he didn’t exactly want to offend the man. “He was used and seen as a last resort situation.” He finally settled on. The group paused as they approached the Crystal room, they watched as Ignis spoke with the guards, they seemed hesitant on letting him in, though seemed to finally go along with his words as one turned to punch in a code then use a keycard to unlock and open the set of metal doors. “Ignis, what are you planning?”
“L’Cie often times can sense when another L’Cie is around, though that’s only if they are in close proximity,” Ignis stated, nodding to some of the men within the room as they stepped aside, allowing him to punch in a few codes into the keyboard in front of him. they watched as the metal panels around the large Crystal hissed and glowed with life as they slowly parted away from the brightly shining rock. “Though, who is to say I cannot ask the Crystal if he is still alive or not?” he asked the group as he walked around the long tables of computers and up to the said Crystal. With a large intake of breath, he bit his lip, pulling his gloves off and lifting his hand up to the rock. It took only an instant for the Crystal to react to his closeness to it. “Please, show me, please show me where he is and that he is still alive and well.” Ignis begged silently, wincing when the brand on his chest started to burn and ache.
For a long moment, he believed that nothing would happen, that perhaps his theory had just been that, a theory and something he used as an excuse to cling onto a sliver of hope that was fading away so quickly.  though, the instant he went to pull his hand away, his ears rang, and head ached before images flooded into his head. Nothing but barren, snowy landscapes of Niflheim from what he was able to see, though in a matter of seconds he saw him, he saw the man they believed to be dead running though the snow, firearms in hand and wounds covering his body as he scrambled onto a snowmobile before riding off with several Magitek soldiers following behind. with a loud gasp his yanked his hand away, falling back and hitting the ground as he breathed heavily. He was vaguely aware of the group who had followed him now kneeling on he ground at his side. Worryingly checking over him for any signs of injury. “Ignis, Iggy what happened? What did you see if anything?” taking a few more breaths, mostly to calm himself, he lifted his head to look at the concerned gazes of his friends, for a moment he could see sorrow making its way back into Nyx’s eyes. Ignis gave them a smile, which in turn earned him gazes of confusion. “Iggs?”
“He’s alive. Hes alive and currently escaping from Niflheim.”
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