#nyx ulric x luche lazarus
blossom-adventures · 11 months
Kingsglaive Legends 2023! Organised by @calling4glaives
Day 2: AU & Life After (Feat. Luche & Nyx, Pelna, Crowe, Libertus and Drautos)
I’m classing this as an AU even though it will appear in my fic, because I am intending most of the Glaive to survive… so it’s kind of AU but most of the main plot of the game and film still happens
Little context: at the start of The Long Night, Cor and Titus buy a penthouse apartment in Lestallum and they get bunk beds to accommodate their close friends and “family” so that they all have a safe place to live and don’t have to worry about accommodation themselves… also there’s a little teaser to Violet and Nyx’s relationship ☺️🥰
A year into The Long Night
Luche climbed the stairs to the apartment he shared with the rest of the Glaive, he’d just got back to Lestallum after a supply run.
He unlocked the door and pushed it open, being hit by the strong smells of curry being prepared in the kitchen, Libertus was working with Crowe to prepare the evening meal for everyone, there were a lot of people living in this apartment, so Libertus was hard at work, throwing various spices into the large 2 handled pan, while Crowe was carving up the Dualhorn steaks into bite sized cubes.
“Hey, Luche!” Nyx stepped out the bathroom, he had clearly just had a shower, “how’d your supply run go?”
“Ok, not great, we didn’t get much, but I did manage to bring back some more resources for the Power Station, so it wasn’t a complete loss” Nyx clapped him on the shoulder while Luche looked around, it seemed to him that they were the only ones in the large apartment at the moment. “Where is everyone?”
“Pelna was called to help Monica with some communication problems, Drautos and Cor had a meeting with Holly, Violet was helping Iris at her shop and the Kings friends are still out on a mission, most of them will be back soon” Nyx pointed over his shoulder to the bathroom, “we’ve still got some hot water and you’ve got time for a shower if you want, dinner is probably going to be another hour or so”
By the time Luche had showered and changed most of the others who lived in the apartment had arrived; Titus was now helping Libertus and Crowe prepare dinner, Cor was discussing something with Pelna and Iris was bouncing her nephew on her knee while Nyx and Violet sat together on the opposite sofa, Violet saw Luche leave the bathroom and gave him a smile.
Luche had been so unsure about the apartment at first, the idea of so many people sharing a space was bound to cause issues, but he’d been wrong, so far there had been no problems, the people who could cook took it in turns to cook the evening meals, and if they needed help, others would step up, but there was never any arguments or shouting. Everyone offered to help Violet and Nyx with their son if he was crying, or they offered to babysit him, like Iris was doing now, just to give them an hour or 2 to themselves. The house work was everyone’s responsibility, you cleaned up after yourself, it was only fair, and everyone was responsible for their own belongings.
Luche sat down next to Iris and reached over to her nephew, who was laughing and clapping every time she bounced her knee, Luche tickled him under his chin and he squealed happily before he took hold of Luche’s finger and looked at him, he had the same rich amber eyes as his mother and aunt but he had his fathers hair colour; an unkempt tuft of slate grey hair covered the top of his head.
“You always grab my finger when I do that” Luche spoke to the baby boy, who cooed in response
“He likes you Luche” Iris said “isn’t that right!” She said and she gave her nephew a tickle, now that his attention was back on her she began pulling faces, making him laugh even more than before.
Luche leant back on the sofa and looked at the group, Titus, Lib and Crowe were working together in the kitchen and Cor and Pelna were joining them on the sofas now that their discussion was done, they had become a family over the year they’d been living together and although times were much harder now, Luche wouldn’t change it for anything
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Okay okay okay hear me out, luche, Nyx, and drautos having to saying goodbye to their lover because things are getting too dangerous or an even more heartbreaking scenario…. Saying goodbye because their love is dying from a terrible injury!
OMG! You want to make me cry, don´t ya? .... I absolutely know what you mean, let me get to it! It will be mix of both kind of, I just need to decided who I want to break with what plot. ... I hope you have a tissues, anonie?
Okay, gn!reader as always :)
WARNING!!! Lots of angst, mentioned death, betrayel, injury, fatal illness, kinda toxic relationship
If anything of the things mentioned above triggers you, do not read it , please!
Luche Lazarus:
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"Luche, you´re alive!" you run into his arms at full speed, both of you fell hard on the floor. He seemed genuinely suprised, until his eyebrows knitted together and his lips were pursued just in thin line. You knew what this gesture meant. Displeased.
"What are you doing here!? I send you investigate to Leide. Fuck, this can´t be really happening." he pushed you away from him, making space between you two. You didn´t understand it at all. "Luche, I came back, because I discovered that some of our comrades want to betray Insomnia. So listen to me!" the distress in your voice was palpable.
Luche abruptly stood up. His usually soft features are now graced with sorrowful look . " It´s true, Y/N. Most of us betrayed the king." your jaw dropped. You shook your head in disbelief at that revelation. Luche wouldn't do this, he wasn't like that. Yet you knew him perhaps too well. Luche as any other refugee was despised by Insomnians, and no matter how many people they saved or how many battles they won in the king´s name, Insomnians never accepted them among themselves. Many times you have defended them against rude Insomnians with their snark remarks. But you were just one kind spirit among many assholes. Luche´s intesive stare locked you in place.
" I didn´t wanted you to be caught in this crossfire Y/N. That´s why I send you away on that mission. " he smiled ruefully at you, " But you and your unsatisfied curiosity, always causing trouble." You struggled to get up, it felt like a bad dream that came from the worst nightmare. It's like your mind stopped working, only thing that spinned your mind was betrayl. Luche continued to speak in his soothing voice, giving you a false hope.
" Hide somewhere away from Insomnia, and I will find you Y/N. You´re after all too precious for me to lost." He pulls his gun out, pointing it straight at you. Stunned. Confused. You just stood here frozen in place. Until you finally found the strength to answer him.
" Please, Luche. Stop this madness, this isn´t you! Come with me, we can hide together before the Empire!" you pleaded. He was tempted, but abandoning his cause and be runaway with you, still at cost turning his back toward his people and home? Luche knew it woudn´t go smoothly with you. " It´s too late Y/N. I made up my mind long time ago."
" I am not doing that! Come with me." Luche shakes his head, the gun was still pointed at you. If It can't be the easy way, then you can do it the hard way. " Luche!" you lunged to grab him by the arm in which he holds the gun.
" Go away Y/N!" the trigger was pulled and the bullet bit into your shoulder. Pained scream leaved your lips. It's like time has stopped all of a sudden. You started slowly backing away from him. This is not the Luche you knew and loved. Before you was a cold-blooded man capable of doing anything to succeed in his plan. Tears streamed down your face like a river. Fear possessed you, you heard yourself spoke but it felt like it weren´t your words or even your body.
"You´re not the man that I once loved. You´re just a fucking cruel monster! I wish I would never met you " you throw at him the last thing of your searing bond, the unspoked goodbye. Turning your back at him, you ran as far as possible to safety . Adrenaline coursed through your veins. Even though the injury awfully throbbed, you wanted to be away from such heartless man.
You didn´t turn your back to see those shivering hands which picked your engagement ring. Or how his face was twisted in stabbing pain and cheeks were wet from tears. In that moment you took Luche´s heart with you, and he knew he would never be whole again. Luche became an empty shell, a broken shadow of his formel self.
Nyx Ulric:
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Nyx rushes from HQ to the hospital as fast as he could, when he heard the bad news from your doctor. He was so worried for you, yet pissed at why you didn´t told him about your health problem. You dated for five years for Astral´s sake! The recepcionist welcomed him and asked what he needed. " I need to know the room of Y/N S/N. I am their partner, Nyx Ulric." said hastily. She typed something in her to small computer. "It´s room 237 on the six floor, sir." answered the kind woman behind the counter. Nyx went straight to the elevator. Oh, how he hated hospitals.
Finally after some searching, he´s got in to your room. Which was so sterile and white, ugh! Nyx internally cringed. Next to the window was your bed. You were hooked to some beeping machines, your lower half covered in blanket. When your gazes met across a room, a weak smile barely made it on your lips.
" Why didn´t you tell me!?" his outburst suprised you, but it was not unexpected. "Nyx, I don´t want you to see me like that." suddenly your hands looked more interesting that this conversation, "You had already so much on your plate with the Kingsglaive. I didn´t wanted you to be worried for me too." Nyx frowned. " Are you kidding me? Is that why you were distant these few months?! I could have been there for you, by your side. Together we could have endure it. But it seems to me, you chose for both of us." you didn´t miss the bitter tone in his voice. With all your might in your body left, you sharply answered. "If somebody wasn´t always holed in his work or on party with their friends and flirting with everybody there. And then avoiding me like a plague! That is the reason I didn´t tell you, I am not sure I can´t trust anymore." you looked him deeply into eyes at your last sentence. That was the last straw for Nyx. After everything you´ve been through. The anger took better of him.
" Fine! You want it that way, then so be it! I am leaving you, if you can´t trust me enough Y/N! It´´s over, I hope you´re happy!" Nyx stormed off your room, slamming the door shut. " Nyx, wait!" you yelled after him in vain, tears threatened to spill. The pain in your chest intensified, you couldn´t breathe.
The anger made him see bloody red. Nyx slumps to the ground, his palm was balled into a fist, it drawed a blood. He felt so miserable and helpless, just like when Selene died. Nyx lost her and then he´s supposed to lost you too?! He couldn´t stop crying even if he wanted. It was too much.
Libertus found him a hours later, on the same spot where Nyx dropped. He had an absent look on his face, usually his stormy blue eyes full of energy were now hollow and puffy. His chin rested on his knees, which he hugged losely to his chest. Nyx looked so defeated, just like when his sister died. Libertus heart broke with grief, at the condition of his almost brother when Nyx uttered his way a single line.
" They´re gone, Libertus."
Titus Drautos:
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The blown thrown him harshly at the remnants of concrete wall. Nyx reflexes were too slow from exhaustion, so when his head hit the wall Nyx vision went instantly black. Glauca saw his body slide to the ground, unmoving. Cautiously he went closer to finish his enemy off, while Nyx was still unconscious. Glauca yanked him roughly by his hair, maneuvering him into a semi-sitting position, preparing him for an execution. He let the sword rest on his shoulder, in pose of final victory.
" I commend you for standing by your word, Ulric. But this fight comes to an end."He raised his sword in a final strike. Glauca´s voice sounded somehow strained through his helmet. " Goodbye, Nyx Ulric."
" ARGHH!" a kukri was tossed precisely at Glauca´s head. He at last second ducked and rolled from the way, leaving poor Nyx abandoned on the ground. Glauca quickly scrambled to his feet, eyes frantically searching surounded area for the attacker. His mind quickly analyzed the situation. The kukri came from the right side of that debris. The attacker´s probably light on their feet, so someone from glaives was probably still alive. A shadow flashed in the right corner of his eye. There! So the attack comes from ... A figure dressed in glaive´s battle armor emerged from shadows on his left. Guided by his honned reflexes, he stabbed without remorse. But it was too late when his brain registred who did he stabbed. Y/N fell down on their knees, blood gushed from the stab wound like a waterfall. Glauca horiffied by his own action, took down the helmet. And in his place was Titus Drautos, the trusted captain of the glaives and your lover. He was the traitor, you were looking for among your ranks.
"Titus ... Why?" you tiredly managed to say. The blood loss started to take a heavy tool on your body. Breathing became raspy and beads of sweat were forming on your forehead.
" NO, NO no! Don´t talk Y/N, fuck! I need you to preserve your strenght, okay!" he tried to steady himself to appear calm. Shit, he didn´t have a flask of healing potion on him. Titus managed to apply the first aid, in a vain attempt to keep you alive. He saw too much wounds to knew the outcome, but he will try to do his damn best.
"You´re idiot, you know that? I'd hit you for that kind of stupidity...." You briefly paused. The strength in your body was rapidly dwindling." I would have followed you through a hell, if you asked me." The cold began to spread across your whole body. Titus gave a disheartening smile. " I know you would, love. But this was too much even for you. I had to bear it alone." He squeezed your hand soothingly. You could feel the inevitable coming, yet you weren´t ready to say goodbye.
" I love you, my silly captain ..." was the last thing you said, when Lady Etros took you in her land.
"No, stay with me Y/N! Fuck! Precious, don´t do this to me!" Your eyes became glassy and lifeless, when you took your last breath. Meanwhile Nyx has shaken himself out of the injury, rage boiled in his veins at the sight of your corpse. Titus touched affectionately your cheek, while teary - eyed he whispered his last goodbye.
"I will meet with you on the other side, dearest."
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
Running All Night Pt.1
When a classified Deployment to the Niflheim goes wrong and leads to a  whole team of Kingsglavie but Luche dead, he now must find and fight his way out of the empire back to Lucis. all while trying to come to terms with those back home thinking him dead and fighting to keep his L’Cie brand closed just long enough to see Nyx one last time.
"When you said you’d be showing me something that involved a huge secret, I didn’t think you meant a tattoo, Lu.” Luche raised a brow at the tone Nyx was currently using as he stared down at the strange looking mark on his left wrist. Nyx was cradling the other’s hand between his own, running his thumb over the black ink on his skin. Or, at least Nyx thought it was Ink, it didn’t look anything like a tattoo would. Hell, he wasn’t even aware Luche had gotten any tattoos during their years of knowing each other. Sure, they didn’t spend every waking moment together, but it would hard for Nyx not to notice if Luche was making trips to the parlor to get this done. “But, yeah it’s-“
“Not a tattoo.” Luche cut in. his tone oddly serious all things considered. Nyx looked up at his blue-eyed boyfriend and was met with the sight of a look on his face he wasn’t used to seeing. Luche was many things, but; nervous, and scared was not one of them. the man liked to be cautious yes, he wa a strategist for the Kingsglaive, so he was all about plans and thinking of the best, most effective, and safest way to get things done. Was him showing him this mark really that huge of a deal that he looked so nervous? “Sometimes though, I wish it was.” He stated, pulling his hand back, easily spilling back on a black leather bracelet over the mark so it was hidden perfectly. This really wasn’t like Luche, so his look of shock turned to one of worry as he scooted closer to the other male. He glanced around the room, though Nyx logically knew that currently in the small apartment it was just him and Luche. The two had a rare day off together while the others were off on a deployment. “It’s a L’Cie brand.”
“L’Cie, wait I thought Ignis…. But his-“
“Is completely closed while mine is just starting to open, which isn’t a good sign.” Luche cut in, he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “You aren’t supposed to know this. Only the king, and his council are supposed to know. They say its for a security reason. They can’t nor do they want to risk the Empire finding out for fear of them seeing this a trump card for the Lucis Kingdom. Though, that’s basically what this is. Two L’Cie is better than one… if I could summon my Eidolon.” Nyx could tell that the other male was clearly upset and not in agreement with what the higher ups had in place. Nyx wasn’t sure he liked what he was hearing either, he had seen and heard of what ignis was going through when he became the first L’Cie to the Lucian kingdom. The extra training, the extra classes, more responsibility was put on his shoulders. But he didn’t see Luche having all that extra training.
“But, you don’t get the training Ignis is getting? And what in the world is a Eidolon?” Nyx asked, Luche let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. Frowning, Nyx reached over, taking the other male’s hands between his own, running his thumb over his knuckles. “Hey, hey… Lu, relax. Take things one step at a time. Okay? im going to be here all day and night. We can take all the time we want to go over what this means and is. Just please,” he said, reaching up with one of his hands and cupping his face gently. Nyx watched as Luche leaned into his hand, the stress and tension in his body slowly started to bleed out. Which is exactly what Nyx wanted, a stressed out Luche, was never a good Luche, a saying like the ‘Happy wife, happy life.’. “Now, lets start with something simple, the training. I’ve seen the training they are giving Ignis. Are you receiving that same amount of training?”
“No, it would be too obvious,” he started saying, scooting closer to the older male. “So, instead they keep me in the dark. They don’t tell me anything, allow me access to any information they do or do not have on L’Cie. The more in the dark I am, the better for them.” he sighed, finally moving so he was tucked up against Nyx’s chest, though he made sure to keep Nyx’s hand on his cheek. “I only know what I know because I sometimes get lucky enough to talk with a past L’Cie who happened to have the same Eidolon as I am supposed to have.”
“Okay, so that leads into my second question,” the older man said, kissing the top of Luche’s head for a moment, with his other hand he rubbed his back gently. “What’s an Eidolon? What is the point of one?” Nyx couldn’t fight the smile on his face when he felt Luche wrap his arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. however, the younger didn’t respond right away. He stayed silent for a few moments, Nyx didn’t mind. It gave them both time to process the information and to process the fact that Luche had just disclosed information that no one else was supposed to know. He could only imagine the panic Luche was feeling in this moment, the younger was always good at hiding what he was feeling, what he was thinking. “Lu,” he got a hum in response, “Lu you know I love you right? That whatever this is, it’s not going to change anything, right?” Luche could only huff as he pulled away enough from the other man to look at him in the eyes. Nyx didn’t flinch when he felt his boyfriends place a hand on his cheek. “Don’t look at me like that. makes me think that your finally gonna take people’s advice and find yourself a better man.” at that, Luche snorted, chuckling at the statement, which was exactly what Nyx had been hoping to get out of him.
“Why are you like this? Why do I even love you?” he heard Luche ask playfully, Nyx could only grin and shrug before he reached out and took hold of his left wrist again. Luche paused, watching the other glaive carefully as the black, leather band was pulled off and away from the brand that seemed to haunt him everyday of his life. Though, he couldn’t ignore nor deny the sudden lump in his throat or the wetness in his eyes when he watched Nyx gently run his thumbs over the brand. He couldn’t stop the tears that managed to escape when he kissed said brand. As cheesy as it looked, and as cheesy as it was; this meant a lot to him. Especially when he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone of this, this was the one thing he kept hidden from Nyx for a long time. Luche gave a small chuckle, using his free hand to wipe the tears from his face. “Six, you are such an idiot.”
“But im your idiot. So that’s gotta count for something, right? Besides, you love it. otherwise, we wouldn’t be here.” he stated smugly, which earned him a light punch to the shoulder. “But, really, in all seriousness. Its going to be okay, Luche. Im sorry I didn’t notice sooner-“
“You weren’t supposed to find out or know. If anything, I’m sorry for keeping it form you for so long.” Luche cut in quickly, placing his hand on the back of Nyx’s neck pulling him in close and pressing their lips together. “Nyx, im telling you think now because I’ll be going away for a deployment in a few days,” he explained, sounding almost sad about it. usually if they did get deployed, they knew the other would be going away for a while, so they never really got sad about it. Luche though now, did not sound happy about leaving. “im not supposed to tell you where, but im going to anyway because I need you to know just in case anything happens, -“
“In case anything happens? Where are they sending you?”
“Niflheim.” Nyx froze the moment the word left Luche’s mouth. He felt his blood run cold and he was sure that he felt something in him shatter. Since when did they send glaive out into enemy territory, and to the heart of it? what the hell was the king thinking. “Nyx? Nyx look at me, hey,” the man blinked a few times and looked at the younger with worry. he hadn’t even realized that he had zoned out until his face was being held between Luche’s hands.  “I…” shaking his head, Luche trialed off, his eyes closing as he pressed their foreheads together. “I got those orders the other night. I wont be leaving until a few days from today. Im sorry, but I had to tell you.”
“Let me guess, L’Cie business?” he asked, though his voice took on a slightly annoyed and angry tone. Though the hunter mentally kicked himself when he felt the flinch come from the younger male In front of him. “No, no, hey im sorry,” reaching out, he pulled the other man flush against his chest.  Taking in a deep breath the man nuzzled his nose against the other’s. “Im not mad at you. never with you. just…of all the places, Niflheim? Its not safe, far from it.” this was Nyx ranting now by this point, and Luche would let him. “Whatever they send you in for, please come back. Okay?”
Luche merely smiled, pressing their lips together. He didn’t say yes or no, he didn’t even acknowledge the question. And he probably wouldn’t either. both knew very well that their jobs as Kingsglaive required them to take on dangerous missions and to be ready to give their lives for the sake of the Lucian kingdom.  They knew exactly what they where signing up for when they came to the crown city, they couldn’t complain now, not this far in. “Come on, you own me a back rub,” Luche said, earning a small chuckle from Nyx allowing himself to be pulled to his feet and lead to their shared room. “By the way, as for your question on what an Eidolon is, its supposed to be a minor astral in a sense. They only appear to help their respective L’Cie in a moment of distress. Now help be to kill you or help you as in snap you out of it, that’s all up to you and if you let it kill you.”
“Six, what kind of bullshit-“
“Ah, back rub now, rant later.” Luche cut in, letting out a huff, Nyx gave him a fond smile as he was pulled to their room. Might as well enjoy the days he had with him before he would leave for Niflheim.
In the days that followed, Nyx was sure they hadn’t felt the apartment for in favor to stick with Luche. The one or two times he did leave was via the younger male’s request to go pick up a few things from the market. Otherwise, Nyx stayed in, held, kissed and just generally stayed within arm’s reach of Luche. Others would have found it annoying, however he could see that Luche appreciated said constant contact and affection. This went on for days, up until the day of departure for the younger of the two. Luche heaved out a sigh as he sat on the sofa, spilling on his boots flicking on the straps and such. His coat laid next to him along with a backpack. The mission was scheduled to last about two months. No more, no less. It consisted of all information gathering and planting in men that would serve as their eyes and ears within the empire. Running his hands down his face, the young of the two failed to notice when Nyx had stepped out from their room into the living room. So, when he felt a hand land on his shoulder he did startle but was quick to relax and lean against the shirtless body next to him. it was still dark outside, the sun hadn’t reached them just yet, probably not for another two or three hours at least. They stayed like this, both silent and enjoying the last few minutes they had together before Luche had to leave. “Be safe, okay? don’t do anything reckless,” Luche scoffed, pulling away and looking up at him, leaning up and kissing the other gently. “Luche,”
“I know. I’ll try to be safe. We shouldn’t be doing anything stupid. But you know as well as I do that things don’t always go as planned. But I’ll try. I promise I’ll try.” He replied, he sighed, kissing him again before he got to his feet, Nyx standing up with him as well. “I need to get going. I’ll be back before you even know it. just…just wait for me.” He said carefully, grabbing his coat and slipping it on as he used his other hand to snatch up his bag as he walked to the door. He turned to look at Nyx, frowning at the worried look on the blue-eyed male’s face.
“I love you till the sun falls out of the sky.” Nyx mumbled, wrapping his arm around the brown-haired man’s waist, pulling him in close against his chest. Smiling, Luche kissed him again.
“And I love you, you’ll be my sun should it fall.” He mumbled, pulling away from the older and nodding in a silent good bye as he stepped out of the apartment and over to where he would meet up with the others going on this deployment with him.
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florets-in-the-sky · 6 years
Bet (Titus Drautos)
{Angst} The Glaive is interested in his private life, but gets much more than they bargained for with a stolen wedding ring.
Warnings: Character death(s)
Song: Where’s My Love (Acoustic)
They say that he is a brute of a man that has never known anything other than the feel of steel against his skin and the pommel of a sword in his hand. The captain of the Glaive is everything they expect him to be: cold, guarded, and as stalwart as a steel wall. Nothing gets past him.
The Glaive knows this is false.
Drautos is just Drautos. He’s just grumpy. That’s what they do know. What they don’t know is how he got that way. Everyone has a story, and one way or another, everyone ends up sharing. Except for him: Drautos. Not a word is breathed about his personal life. Some are unsure if he ever leaves the Glaive headquarters. 
That’s just the way that things were, though. As much as all of them would like to know something about him, the man was too guarded. And no one dared to outright ask him.
But on an offhand chance, it was Luche who discovered the only piece of information they had about the man that was Titus Drautos. 
It had started with a series of finished reports on a late night once everyone else had left for home. Drautos had been out of his office, and thus the only logical thing to do was to leave them out on his desk. 
As he approached, the glimmer of a gold band caught his eye in the dim lamplight. It was a ring, but not just any old ring, a wedding ring. There was no mistaking it. It had been polished to a shining perfection, in perfect condition. 
Upon hearing the sounds of scuffed boots against the stone floor, Luche was out of the room faster than he thought possible. Instead of getting out of the building and forgetting what he saw--which would have been the smart choice--he found himself lingering by the doorway, watching Drautos slip back inside his office.
Then, and only once he was sure that Drautos was already lost in thought--as he usually did when he wasn’t barking at the Glaives--did he peek through the crack in the doorway. A hand off to the side of the frame steadied Luche, and he leaned his body as close as he could get, one eye surveying the man inside, breath as still and controlled as he could manage. He was sure that should even a particle of dust be disturbed, he would be discovered.
As expected, Drautos’ hands went to the reports first, dully taking in the carefully printed information before setting them aside, to the brief annoyance of Luche. Instead, Drautos took hold of the glimmering band, tracing the smooth surface with a finger and staring dismally at it. Luche swore that his features were softening.
That was all he needed before he was backing up and sprinting to his car, phone already out in his hand and contacting the others. 
Meet at the bar, was the bright text that lit up Nyx’s phone screen. Unusually cryptic, even for a man like Luche. Even still, he found himself getting ready to leave. If Luche wanted them to meet, it was probably important, or at least decently interesting. He never encouraged their little gatherings otherwise, but he was always there.
He was the last to arrive of their group, the others already around the table, trying to pester Luche into revealing why he had assembled them.
“A mission?” Crowe asked, to which Luche shook his head, arms crossed and brows pinching together in annoyance.
“Intel then,” Pelna offered hopefully. 
Another shake of the head from Luche. When he spotted Nyx he beckoned him over hurriedly. The urgency both surprised and took the hero off-guard.
“About time.” Libertus nudged his friend. Nyx just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.
“So, are you finally going to tell us why we’re here at literally 3 in the morning?” It was Tredd this time, the redhead leaning back in his chair with his feet propped on the table. 
“I have some information on Drautos,” was all Luche managed to start with before the group around him erupted into shouts of exclamation, chairs grating across the floor, and the rustling of clothing. Even Tredd leaned forward. Sonitus and Axis shared a dubious glance before they too, were waiting with bated breath.
“Settle down!” he yelled out, quieting the others. 
They were far too interested in hearing what he had to say to poke fun at his belief that he was truly in charge of the Glaive behind Drautos.
“Spit it out, Luche!” Libertus urged.
“Earlier this evening, when I dropped off the paperwork, I saw something in Drautos’ office.”
Each Glaive sat on the edge of their seat, literally, waiting with stock stillness. 
“There was a ring. A wedding ring. Gold band, well kept.”
“Captain Drautos is married?” Crowe’s nose wrinkled, and she fell back in her chair.
“Or it’s just a memento,” Tredd scoffed. “Doubt you actually found anything.”
“I’m sure of what I saw. Not to mention he got this faraway look on his face when he was looking at it. Drautos has a wife out there somewhere, mark my words.” Luche finished, relaxing now that his story was shared.
The group grew quiet. If what Luche said was true, that meant that Drautos had a family. A humanizing factor that was, simply put, strange.
The news was sent through the Glaive, a buzz taking over them all with that little fact being the only topic of conversation. Bets were being made frequently, with higher stakes and bigger consequences. Everyone wanted to know if the rumor was true.
“All right, all right, all right!” Tredd called out in the locker rooms, all eyes turning toward him. “I’ve got a dare,” a smile curved across his face, “and the person that takes it will be recognized as the ballsiest of all Glaives.”
A ripple of laughter moved through the crowd, someone calling out for him to get on with it. 
“First person that can steal the ring from Drautos--without getting caught!” He paused for effect. “Gets the title, and a pretty sum of gil.” 
Amusement no longer hung heavy in the air, the other members silencing as they weighed the stakes of the bet. Stealing something from the Captain? Especially something that seemed to hold such significant value? If the person was caught there was no telling what would happen to them.
“I’ll do it.” All eyes turned toward Nyx, who was resting against the wall with an easy air about him. Already cocky in his ability, this was just another thing to add to his list of feats.
“All right, hero,” Tredd’s eyes narrowed, “you’re on.”
Luche had told Nyx that on occasion Drautos would leave his office. The ring would most likely be kept inside, but these periods were brief and far in between. The amount of late nights Nyx had spent at the Glaive Headquarters under the pretense of extra training was ridiculous. He was certain that Drautos was beginning to catch on, but he never said anything. 
Each day Tredd would come with that easy smirk, inquiring about the ring and laughing when he heard that Nyx hadn’t gotten it yet. “Careful, hero, might have to renounce that title of yours.”
Nyx gritted his teeth as the redhead walked off, self-assured that his bet would stand and no one would be able to get that ring.
But now, as Drautos left his office, and Nyx was slinking in, he found himself with the ring at his fingertips. Exactly as Luche described, it was in impeccable condition, polished to a shine, smooth to the touch. His fingers enclosed around it. 
“You took up the bet?”
“Sir!” Nyx startled, almost flinging the ring across the room.
“Doesn’t answer the question.” His voice was unusually gruff, and he looked drained as he walked around the Glaive to his chair, taking a seat.
“I… How did you know about that?” Nyx slowly turned to face him, finding himself relaxing now that he wasn’t immediately receiving Drautos’ sword through his gut. 
Drautos gave him a pointed look. “You think I don’t know about all of you prying into my private life? Hard to ignore, especially when you’re all obnoxious about it.”
Nyx winced, a forced chuckle coming from his lips.
Drautos opened a drawer and pulled out a picture. The colors were fading and the folds over it indicated just how long he had been holding onto the piece for. He laid it bare on the desk, tapping the corner with a grunt.
Nyx’s eyes glanced up at his captain’s almost as if asking for permission before they peered over at the photo, greedily drinking in every scene. He couldn’t wait to tell everyone about this.
A smiling Drautos stood next to an equally elated woman. She was holding tight to his torso in a half hug, eyes bright and hair that was touched by sunlight, almost giving her a halo.
“This is…?”
“My wife.” He finished with a nod. The usual gruffness had left his voice, and Nyx found himself watching his captain as he traced a gentle finger over the face of the woman.
In the presence of the photo, he was a softer man, something Nyx had never seen before. 
“Lost her when the wall went away.” Nyx almost didn’t hear the whispered words of Drautos, they were so soft. He looked up. “We know what it’s like to lose people.”
Briefly, in his mind’s eye, Nyx could see Selena, the photo of her on the corkboard in his run down apartment, smiling as bright as the woman in the picture before him. 
“Do with this as you will. Couldn’t care less.” There was that usual hard-shell exterior he was used to. The picture was folded up carefully, tucked back into the drawer. The wedding ring was picked up in his hands, and he offered it to Nyx.
“You’re just going to hand it to me?” He asked.
Drautos arched an eyebrow. “That’s what this is about, right? I know about the bet. Just take the ring, Ulric.” 
Nyx took it, caught in a daze as he walked out of the office and back home. 
The ring found it’s way onto the desk, just below the picture of Selena, and as he picked it up to inspect it the next day, his eyes briefly traced over hers.
“Well, Nyxie, you get the ring, yet?” Tredd called as he spotted the hero stepping into the training room.
Nyx just smiled and shook his head. “Callin’ off the bet, Tredd. You win. The ring’s security is too tight and I’m not about to skin myself to get it.”
Tredd laughed in giddy glee before shouting out to the rest of those present, “You hear that? Hero isn’t nearly as ballsy as we all thought!”
Nyx shrugged.
When Drautos returned back to his office in the morning, he found the golden ring sitting on the center of his desk.
He never expected to go out this way. But he couldn’t say that it was all that bad. The sun was rising, and for the first time in a long time he was free.
Nyx had already crumbled to dust, fragments disappearing on the horizon, taking the stories that Drautos had shared with him. Once he himself was gone, there would be no one left to recount who he was. And that was liberating.
He let himself fade, and swore he felt arms wrap around him, a chaste brushing of lips over his brow.
Did you run away?
Did you run away? I don't need to know
If you ran away
If you ran away, come back home
Just come home
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creative-frequency · 6 years
Bad for Me Ch. 2: First Night
Word count: 3493 Warnings: Explicit, Sexual situations Pairings: Nyx x OC (Eve Leonis) Notes: Okay, this escalated a bit, but it’s not by far the longest chapter in this story. Originally this 57k words long fic was supposed to be just this oneshot smut. This is also the first time for me writing smut in English. So uh yeah. Enjoy. This is a repost thanks to tumblr’s adult content ban. This one contains only pure thoughts and a link to guide you to the sin. Enjoy :3
Previous Chapter
Bad for Me Masterlist
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Eve reviewed herself in the mirror and fidgeted with the bracelet on her left wrist. It was a slender silver chain with a chocobo hanging from it – a gift from her father.
That night was a very special for her. It would be the first time she would be going out with some of the Kingsglaive soldiers. Crowe Altius had invited her out for drinks to meet the team. Apparently they had a usual drinking place in the city and Eve was delighted to finally become a part of the group. She had only recently officially joined the glaives, but she had been training to become one ever since what felt like forever.
Read more on AO3
Next Chapter
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bleucommelhiver · 6 years
UNRAVEL ME | Nyx x Reader «part ii»
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@nyxulricweek​ | day 4: WORK & PLAY | drunken shenanigans  RATING: SFW | WORDS: 2,063 SUMMARY: A prequel to Wayward Children but can be read as a standalone. Finally of age, Nyx finally brings you to the annual Galahdan festival that the glaives mysteriously refer to as the “Burning.” Being the good friend that she is, Crowe offers to dress you up for the festival, purposefully (though she’ll never admit it) digging up new and complicated feelings you and Nyx have long harbored for each other. NOTES: Read Part I or the WHOLE STORY at AO3. 
« part ii of ii »
It is almost dusk by the time you arrive. The ride took much longer than you expected, but with the initial exhilaration of weaving through the capital's congested roads and into the open plains of outer Insomnia, time seemed to fly. That is, until the subsequent realization that you could feel the dips and groves of Nyx’s abdominal muscles through the thin linen of his shirt with how tightly you were grasping him settled upon you like a mist of cold water. With that newfound knowledge, you had begun to fidget, trying to safely put more distance between your bodies while traveling at 95mph.
Nyx's exasperated, "We're almost there. Just sit still," followed by a rough tug of your arm around his midsection, lurching you forward until your chest pressed flat against his back, was the only thing that had made you stop.
Resigned, you had rested your cheek against his shoulder blade, inhaling the faint scent of salt and cedar that you've grown to know distinctly as Nyx. Burying your face deeper into the crook of his neck, you will your rebellious heart to settle down. Though the embrace felt intimate, more intimate than any you’ve shared with him from the way you could feel his body through the thin cloth of your clothing, you had to keep reminding yourself that it meant nothing. That and, ew, it’s just big bro Nyx. Right?
Continue reading on AO3.
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
you know that fic you wrote, where Pelna walks in on Titus and Cor, and then Luche, Nyx and Crowe go see if it's true? Do they see it? and if they do, how doomed are they?
Sorry this took a little while to respond to Greycloak! Please take this ficlet as recompense for my slowness
For those of you who don’t know what fic is being talked out, you can find it here.
Under the cut because it is NSFW from the very beginning!
The undignified squeak had not gone unnoticed by either man. Titus had just enough control to pause mid-thrust and  look over his shoulder just in time to see Khara’s retreating form vanish from the doorway. For a second neither said a word, taking a moment to process exactly what had just happened, before Cor’s shoulders started to shake and he dropped his head onto the desk, muffling his laughter. Reassured that he was not about to be castrated for their sudden bout of exhibitionism, Titus covered Cor’s body with his own, resting his forehead on Cor’s shoulder and allowing himself to laugh.
“You motherfucker,” Cor gasped out between chuckles “You said you’d locked the door.”
“I thought I had, but it’s pretty hard to focus when your partner’s hand is on your cock.” Titus’ snicker turned into a choked-off moan as Cor thrust back on him. “The door’s still open.” He groaned.
“You have thirty seconds to shut it, lock it and get back over here.” Growling Titus bit Cor’s neck before reluctantly pulling away and moving across the room to shut his office door. He was midway through locking the door when he heard Cor quite literally brush everything off his desk. Looking back over his shoulder he gave Cor a blank look. Cor winked, carefully setting the computer on the floor prior to laying out across the desk. “You try being bent over a desk for fifteen minutes, it’s not exactly comfortable.” He reasoned.
Wasting no further time Titus finished locking the door and in a few swift steps was between Cor’s thighs. Cor grinned up at him, stretched his arms above his head and wrapped his legs around Titus’ hips. He took the hint and thrust back into his partner.
“Fuck” Cor gasped, clinging onto Titus’ wrist with one hand while the other clung onto the desk for dear life.
“That’s what we’re doing, yes.” Had the man not been hitting his prostate with each thrust Cor would have slapped him on principle alone. “Shit” Titus hissed. So focused on one another neither man registered the familiar sound of warping until there was a cry of disgust. Titus stilled immediately, his grip on Cor’s hips tightening to the point the Marshal hissed in pain and pushed his hands away. Muttering an apology, it was only as he pulled out once more that Titus noticed the owner of the noise. There, outside of the window, Kukri embedded into the window frame, was Ulric. Following his gaze Cor turned towards the window.
“Fucking-” He rolled off the desk in his panic, grabbing his trousers from where they’d been discarded earlier.
“Ulric!” Titus roared, sprinting towards the window. A small part of him was highly amused by the panicked screech Ulric let out as he warped away. Throwing the window open he just managed to catch sight of Ulric running off with two other Glaives before they were out of sight. He sighed heavily as he closed the window once more.
“Titus,” Cor muttered from somewhere behind him “As much as I love you, we are never having sex outside of the apartment ever again.” And as much as he wanted to argue it, he couldn’t help but agree. Cor appeared at his side, fully dressed and holding Titus’ own pants. Passing the items of clothing over, Cor leant in to kiss his jaw. “See you tonight. I’ll cook dinner and we can plan Ulric’s inevitable death.”
Groaning Titus wrapped his arms around Cor’s waist and pulled him close. “Astrals I love you.”
“You were right,” Nyx whined as he dropped into the seat beside Pelna. “The Captain is hung and I’m going to be dead by this time tomorrow.” Luche snorted as he reclaimed his seat.
“You were the dumbass who decided it was a good idea to warp onto the Captain’s window ledge.” Libertus blinked slowly. Looking between the pair before turning his attention to Crowe. She simply shrugged.
“Some of us like being alive, but go them.”
“I told you” Pelna slurred, pointing his beer at Nyx “I bloody told you.”
“It was Luche’s idea!” Nyx protested
“I was going to stand outside the door!” Luche shot back “Not look through his damn window! I can go my entire life without ever needing to see the Captain’s cock!”
“It wasn’t a cock! It was a fucking Behemoth! And the Marshal wasn’t much smaller!”
Sighing Crowe leant against Libertus “How did we get stuck with their dumbasses?” She asked. Libertus snorted and downed the remainder of his drink.
“Damned if I know.”
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lucianhuntress · 7 years
#17 “If we both stick to the story, they can’t prove anything.” Nyx x Reader or Glaive-trio. For inspo: a) reader and Nyx shenanigans on a mission, do something they're not supposed to and arrested by altissan police/gaurds; b) glaive trio does some stupid drunk shit (drinking games? dares?), gets caught by drautos oops!
Nyx x Reader - True Story
Okay this is going to be so out of character, but at least I had a good laugh while I wrote this. Hopefully it pleases! *evil cackling*
Apologies for not using the inspos you gave me, I uhh…. forgot you had those and wrote the drabble already. *bows in shame*
I asked for prompts in discord to wreck the boredom I was in.
This is also SFW and a crack fic. Also completely random. But it’s cool. I think.
You thought you had seen something. Something familiar. A flash of blue eyes shamelessly seeking for yours in the crowded briefing room.
So he was up to no good after all.
Just a few minutes before Drautos had called all the glaives for a meeting, Nyx had pulled you behind a corner and after making sure no one was listening, he had told you: “If we both stick to the story, they can’t prove anything.”
Nyx had come up with a perfect plan to infuriate Luche, who had been so upfront with his intentions to sleep with you. Obviously his attempts to seduce lacked finesse and Nyx nearly died from laughter when he had heard it from you.
But you could catch a hint of jealousy in his words, when he had explained his devious plan to put some chocobo poop into Luche’s locker.
You had laughed at his “prank” as there was no way in Ifrit’s fiery rear that he would do it. But as you saw him across the briefing room, his amused smirk didn’t leave any doubts about his schemes. Fortunately Drautos didn’t notice the mischievous glances you got from the other side of the room.
After the briefing was over, Luche had a short talk with a handful of glaives — you included. You couldn’t help the small snorts escaping your throat every time he looked at you and you could feel Nyx musing in some corner with Libertus and Crowe.
Never had you heard anything so annoyed, frustrated, pissed off, agitated, furious as you did after Luche went to grab something from a locker room.
Nyx moved to your side, the most bright beam on his face when he turned to face you. “Remember, no slips from the story?”
“Well, if you want me to stick to it — we’d better go and make it true as well,” you giggled.
Nyx eyed you, weighing the options. “I’m sure no one will go to the armory for the next hour…”
“Meet me there in five,” you giggled and batted your lashes with a seductive smile on your lips. Luche’s enraged roar still echoing from the locker room.
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mandakatt · 6 years
FFXV MasterList
Noctis Lucis Caelum -
Do you believe me when I say you’re beautiful?
I just can’t get enough of you [ NSFW ]
Thank you for being born 
Noctis wants a kiss
Noctis’ S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed
Prompto Argentum -
I’ve loved you as long as I can remember.
Surprise Birthday Celebrations
Ice Cream
Movie Night
Prompto’s S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed!
Pillow Fort
You’d look better with those clothes on the floor [ NSFW ]
Are you wearing my shirt?
We could just make a fort...
It’s not heavy! I’m stronger than I look!
I don’t know what I did to deserve you
I’ve got good news, and bad news
Can I lay my head in your lap? [ Prompto x OC ]
Don’t be scared, it’ll feel good. [ NSFW ]
I never believed in love, till I met you
Prompto needs a recharge
Sleepy comfort
Picture perfect [ FFXV/FE3H Crossover ]
Ignis Scientia -
ABC Headcanon - M for Motivation [ NSFW ]
Beg for it [NSFW]
That’s a good pet, keep going, just like that. [ NSFW ]
Stop putting yourself down
This is somewhere I never imagined I’d be
Meet me on the roof, in ten minutes.
I won’t give up if you won’t
Where did you find this?
Is it supposed to look like that? Are you sure?
Do you trust me? [ NSFW ]
The next time you sass off, I’ll take you over my knee. [ NSFW ]
You deserve to be treated gently [ NSFW ]
Ignis wishes to kiss you breathless
Kiss of Life or Death
First Kiss
I missed you
Listen here honeybee... [ FFXV/Overwatch Crossover ]
Ignis’s S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed!
Gladiolus Amicitia -
No one in this world, compares to you
Do you know how bad I want you? [ NSFW ]
Look at me, I want to see that pretty face [ NSFW ]
Just can’t get enough of you [ NSFW ]
Interlude [Gladio x Dino x Reader]
Gladio’s S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed!
I never thought I deserved someone like you [ NSFW ]
Only if you give me a piggyback ride!
You feel like home
Stay with me
Shut up and kiss me
Well...don’t keep me waiting
I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes
Do I look like a pillow to you?
You sure you can fit all of me? It might hurt. [ NSFW ]
Did someone do this to you? [ Gladio x OC ]
“You want just a kiss?”
A moment of repose
Kiss of Love Under the Stars
Long weekend [ FFXV/DMC Crossover ]
More to Love [ FFXV/FE3H Crossover ]
Dino Ghiranze -
Dating Headcanons [ SFW + NSFW ]
Past/Family Headcanons
Vampire!Dino [ SFW + NSFW ]
Dino as a Single Dad
Cuddles with Dino
Dino’s S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed!
Breaking Down
Bend over [ NSFW ]
I love the way you moan my name [ NSFW ]
I could lay here and look at you all day [ NSFW-ish ]
Tell me again, why you fell in love with me
Comforts of Home [ Small FFXV Secret Santa gift - Dino x OC ]
Next time you sass off, I’ll take you over my knee [ NSFW ]
You fainted, straight into my arms
You do as your told, Understand? [ NSFW ]
Something on your face
Do I look like a pillow to you? [ Dino x OC ]
“Welcome to Dino-Hell Doll”
A-Z Headcanons [ NSFW ]
You’re not in charge here, I am [ NSFW ]
Dino Week - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Your lips are calling my name
Kiss of Relief in the Rain
Never stop bein’ creative
Cor Leonis -
ABC Headcanon - A for Aftercare [ NSFW ]
Can I kiss you?
Get those panties down and bend over [ NSFW ]
Never Again [Cor x Loqi]
Carry you home
Cor’s S/O Soulmate is Kitty Cursed!
Ravus Nox Fleuret -
Perfection and You’re Mine
I never thought I deserved someone like you
Ardyn Izunia -
When it all falls down
Talcott Hester -
I’ll never get tired of this
Nyx Ulric -
I could just eat you up. [ NSFW ]
You’re too good for me
Love in the Moonlight
Look at Me
Luche Lazarus -
I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you
Titus Drautos -
I’m here...
Aranea Highwind - 
Flirty Kiss
Libertus Ostium
Polyships -
Just can’t get enough of you [ NSFW - Prompto x Dino x Reader ]
Birthday Soiree [ OT4 x OC ]
Let us pamper you [Ignis x Dino x Reader]
General Shenanigans - 
Moments of Comfort
Snappy Comebacks
Snappy Comebacks Round 2
Drunk Texts
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Hi lovely! If you’re still taking requests for the Fluff Bingo (I know I’m massively late and it doesn’t matter if you’re not!), can I get Love Letter with Nyx please??
Hiiii! @olliepig :) Of course, let me find my inner inspiration... Okie dokie! (Also you´re not late!)  Prepare your handkerchief! And I should apologize it´s fluff with angst. (I had urge to handwrite the letter which I did, but then you wouldn't be able to read it, yeah my handwriting is that bad :( )
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You had a long and hard day at HQ. Drautos was training you all drills for four fucking hours! You were so exhausted when you went to your locker room, that you almost missed  the letter attached to your closet. For Y/N, was  simply written there. Little wary, you opened the letter, wondering if it´s some kind of prank. The letter itself looked quite plain. Did you smell a cologne on the letter or was your exhausted mind playing tricks on you? You were curious, who would give you that letter, since everyone from Kingsglaive had each other phone numbers. Yet deep down you apreciated such lovely gesture. In this busy and chaotic time someone took the time to write you. So you dive head in into the letter.
Dear Y/N,
 This may be a bit strange for you. Well, I had feeling this is the best way how to tell you and not to make a fool of myself. This will sound a bit cheessy but ... The first time I had laid my eyes on you I was taken aback, you bewitched me. You, newbie, with eyes full of wonder and resolve to change the world for better. You were kind and not afraid to bite back. This job hardened all of us, broke us down but not you... Y/N you're caring nature toward all of us, made us feel human again. You gave us hope that nothing was lost, you give me hope for better future. Despite all my bariers that i set, all my efforts to back off, I fell for you, hard. 
I have fully got it when you saved my life from that ugly behemoth and in turn got injured. Fuck, I was so mad that you would throw your precious life for me Y/N. I went  after you to the hospital. I was determined to sit there at your bed till you would wake up and scold you for that recklessnes. Soon enough Crowe and Libertus kicked my ass out there, because I was supposedly neglecting my own health. (Can you believe that?) 
I am truly sorry for being such coward, but good things doesn´t happen to me. I just lost too much Y/N, If I had lost you ... So I bootled my feelings, lying to myself that being your trusted friend is surely enough for me. Well jokes on me, it seriously wasn´t. Everytime you went out on date, I dearly wished it was me in their place. Oh, how my blood boiled when Tredd was being too “friendly and touchy” with you. UGH! My squad wouldn´t stop teasing me about it, especially Crowe with Luche and Pelna, they even made bets when I will confess to you. Assholes, all of them. 
Truth is as cocky and confident as I am, when I am in your presence I am just plain old Nyx from Galadh, not the Hero of Kingsglaive. You made me lose words Y/N, and every time I felt I could tell you, my mind backtracked that I wasn´t good enough for you. I fully understand, If ... If you doesn´t feel the same way Y/N. After all you are too precious and good to be with someone like me, a refugee without anything to offer. But trust me onto this, I will always be there for you no matter what. I´d fight a hundred more wars to know that there would be peace for you. 
You are my heart and home,
I love you Y/N
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rox-the-proxy · 6 years
For You and Me
This was inspired by a nyche story that was written by another Tumblr user here @tealmountaingoddess. Go check out their stories and give them some love for the beautiful writing they've created as well!!
It was always a treat for Nyx to hear Luche sing. but it was an even better treat to hear him sing for their group of Eight glaive they called their family. 
Original Song is by Sam Hunt called "This land is your Land." i do not own the song in anyway, shape or form.
“It’s Ten in the morning, how are you still tired?” ah yes, that was the famous question all eight of the glaive loved to ask Luche when he would wake up to find them all in his home. Nine if his Crownsguard friend Petra decided he wanted to drop by as well. Luche wasn’t sure when his home had become the gathering place of all these people. But he oddly enough didn’t mind it, however if he was ever asked if he did, he would say yes. Not that any of the others believed him. “You okay, Lu?” the said male blinked a few times lazily before looking up at Nyx, who was now standing in front of him, gently cupping his face using his thumb to stroke the other’s cheek gently. Luche sighed, his eyes drifting closed as he leaned into the hand on his face, merely enjoying the contact. He had Nyx had been together for a while now, since they were eighteen he believed. “Lu, Luche, LuLu.” Said blue eyed male smiled sleepily at the string of pet names. “Im shocked you aren’t wearing one of my shirts.” Nyx pointed out, seeing as his boyfriend was only in sweatpants.
“Oh god they’re doing it again.” came Tredd’s voice from the kitchen. Luche only lifted a hand and flipped him off, not caring If the ginger saw it or not. He could hear movement in there and based off the smell, it was clear that it was Crowe who was baking something for them to eat. It was one of the rare times where they could all sit together and have breakfast with each other. “You two, are gross.” He said, though there was no malice in his tone, just teasing. “Come on, get your lover boy over here so he can wake up properly.” There was a simple ‘yup’ from Nyx before Luche found himself being walked over to the kitchen table. he was sat down in a spot to the left of Titus, who had his mug of coffee and newspaper in front of him. blinking a few more times, Luche finally tunes into the environment around him. Tredd currently was helping Crowe with getting plates for everyone ready, Pelna current filling everyone’s individual mugs with freshly brewed coffee.  Libertus was off in the living room with Sontitus watching Axis playing a game. Luche’s attention was brought back to the people in the kitchen when a mug was placed in front of him.
“Thank you,” Luche said, looking to Pelna who smiled at him and nodded before moving on to give the others their cups of coffee. Cradling the mug between his hands, he tales a careful sip and sighs in content, leaning against Nyx’s shoulder. He could feel more then hear the chuckle the other man lets out. After a few moments, Luche sets the cup down and turns his head to look up at the older male. Reaching up with his newly freed hand, he places his hand on the back of Nyx’s neck and pulled him down, giving him a gentle kiss. “Good morning.” He mumbled against his lips, Nyx chuckled and happily gave into another lazy kiss. “Sorry I woke up late,”
“It’s fine, Lu. We know that you aren’t a morning person.” Nyx assured him, keeping their foreheads pressed together. They only pulled apart when Crowe walked by and set down plates of food in front of each of the glaive, all of them giving her a thank you in return. She stopped by the current pair and rolled her eyes with amusement as she then wiggled her hand between them before setting a plate down in front of them both. Luche gave her a smile, and a simple nod. a silent thank you. “Lu, Lu can you…?”
“Aye not a bad idea, please Luche? Come on.” Crowe quickly joined in the begging, the blue-eyed male stared at his boyfriend and their friend. He blinked several times trying to think about what they could possibly be asking for. However, when he saw the fond look on Nyx’s face it clicked for him as to what they wanted from him exactly. He sighed, leaning back in his seat before taking another long drink of his coffee. He normally didn’t do what they requested so early in the morning, he tended to wait until it was just him and Nyx and that was usually at the end of the day. Luche didn’t see the harm of doing it right now, especially with how Nyx, Crowe and now everyone else were watching him expectedly.
“Okay, fine. but just this once,” he clarified pointing a finger to all of them. he watched as the other glaive who had been in the living room moved from their spots to sit at the table or stand by the counters. Honestly, he was working with a bunch of children trapped in adult bodies. Though he couldn’t stop the playful roll of his eyes and the fond smile that fell over his face. “This Land is your land; this land is my land. From Insomnia to the Galahdian Island, from the Fallgrove forest, to the Styrian waters, this land was made for you and me,” he sang softly, the others had been quick to fall silent to listen to the other male. “As I was walking that river north highway, I saw above me that endless skyway. I saw below me that golden valley, this land was made for you and me.” Luche didn’t sing often in front of the other glaive, it was a treat he reserved for Nyx and his brother. And even then, it was always in private. The one other time he had sung at Glaive HQ he hadn’t even realized that his singing had brought him an audience until after he was done singing and the room was flooded with clapping. It had been quite an embarrassing day to say the least. However, since that day the glaive enjoyed hearing him hum random little melodies. “I’ve roamed and rambled, I’ve followed my footsteps to the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts. And all around me, a voice was sounding; ‘This land was made for you and me’. This land is you land, this land is my land. From Insomnia to the Galahdian Island, from the Fallgrove Forest, to the Styrian waters,” Luche didn’t even flinch when he felt Nyx wrap his arm around him and pull him flush against his side, in fact he only responded with closing his eyes and leaning his head against his shoulder. “This land was made for you and me, this land was made for you and me.”
Opening his eyes, he was a little taken aback by the happy, but longing looks on the faces of his fellow glaive. He couldn’t help but frown ever so slightly and lean back against Nyx as if trying to hide. But he stopped when the older male pressed a kiss to the top of his head. a silent confirmation that everything was fine, that everyone was fine. sighing and relaxing, Luche started to hum the melody again, this time, Nyx joining right in with him, it didn’t take long for the others to join in either. hell, even Titus had joined in. Luche could understand why the song would affect them all a little bit. Being immigrants from outside the wall, they faced the judging looks from the citizens inside the wall. At one point, even as a Crownsguard, Petra didn’t like immigrants much. But Luche was lucky that he had managed to change the mans outlook on them by just being a decent human being. But even then, that was just one person, compared to so many people in the city it was hard to get by without the sneering looks, the off-hand comments. It was Nyx who had been the one to say something along the lines of all them belonging on the same earth, in the same place. He guessed that was the reason why he loved this song so much, aside from the fact he just loved it when the brown-haired man would sing.
“Thanks, babe.” Nyx mumbled against his hair, the younger of the two only nodded, leaning up to steal a soft kiss from their resident ‘Hero’. This got them a playful gagging noise from who they can only assume was Crowe or Tredd. Nyx only laughed, keeping his eyes closed like Luche. The two stayed silent, merely enjoying each other’s company as the others went back to doing what they had been previously, but each of them giving their resident ‘Mom Friend.’ A heartfelt thank you for the morning song, in which Luche only gave them a nod in response. “I love you till the sun burns out,” Nyx whispered, pressing his forehead a little more against the other’s, the action made Luche reach up and cup his face, bringing their lips together.
“And I love you, you’ll be my sun should it burn out.”
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Chapters: 7/? Fandom: FFXV - Fandom, Final Fantasy XV, Kingsglaive Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Titus Drautos | Glauca/Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia/Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII Characters: Titus Drautos | Glauca, Cor Leonis, Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, Clarus Amicitia, Weskham Armaugh, Mors Lucis Caelum, Aulea Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric, Libertus Ostium, Crowe Altius, Luche Lazarus, Pelna Khara, Tredd Furia, Cid Sophiar, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ardyn Izunia, Aranea Highwind Additional Tags: mentions of Mors x Cors, mentions abuse, mentions rape, The Great War, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Eventual Happy Ending, more pairings to be named as the story goes, lazy ass writer, will add more tags later, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:
What if Titus Drautos didn’t become Glauca?
What if he had met the right people at the right time who allowed him to follow a different path?
Not everything is written in the stars, or in this case by the Astrals.
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creative-frequency · 6 years
Bad for Me Ch. 21: Sparring
Word count: 5105 Warnings: Explicit, Sexual Situations Pairings: Nyx x OC (Eve Leonis) Notes: It dawns on me that this story has been a smut-fest for a while and that path still continues on in this chapter. Oh well. This is a repost thanks to tumblr’s adult content ban. This one contains only pure thoughts and a link to guide you to the sin. Enjoy :3
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Bad for Me Masterlist
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It was the early morning of something what the senior glaives called “a field day”. The whole strength of the Kingsglaive was gathered on a hill, just outside Insomnia in Leide. Most of them were stretching their limbs and yawning.
Eve sipped from her water bottle and let her eyes wander around her team members. Her gaze constantly pulled back to where Nyx was standing with Libertus and Pelna. He looked so good in his uniform. So good, that Eve wanted nothing more than to rip it off of his body.
Her thoughts passed back to their first date few weeks ago. They really hadn’t had the chance to spend a night together after that, since Eve didn’t want Cor to become suspicious of her staying nights out. The short stolen moments between her and Nyx’s intersecting shifts were nowhere near enough to satisfy her needs.
“Well someone is still asleep,” Crowe’s voice invaded Eve’s brain. She blinked dumbfound.
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bleucommelhiver · 7 years
(un)grateful | glaive-centric
PROMPT: Day 1 - “Take my hand.” RATING: SFW - T for language WORDS: 791 NOTES: Decided to participate in Monthly Writing Challenges (basically a new prompt everyday) as a way to get over my writers block. Been a bit short on time from work obligations, so hopefully these short drabbles will get me back in the swing of things. Expect something new everyday (FROM ME??? BLASPHEMMYYYYYYYY.) Based loosely on the world and relationships of Wayward Children yes the protag is based on the reader from there. 
Shit, she thought as she lodged the blade of her corvo deep into the sheet metal of the Nif aircraft, pulling herself up with some difficulty and into the cargo bay, just in time to dodge the bullets that pierced the hull of where she just was. With her back pressed against the wall, she looked over her shoulder, grateful that the Nif tactics never seemed to deviate: arrive at the drop-point and dump a hoard of MT axemen and assassin units on their targets. It made her job that much easier. Extracting technology from their newest airship would be a piece a cake without the looming distraction of units aboard.
Two fingers pressed against her com-link, she said, “Pelna, I’m in. Walk me through this.”
“Got it. I’m not registering any other heat signatures on board. Should be easy enough. Look for a rectangular electric panel—”
A voice cackled in her ear as Crowe’s voice filtered through the static. “C’mon, Pel, a rectangular electrical panel on a Nif airship? No way.”
“If you’d let me finish, I was about to give her the specs.”
“Seriously, guys? Ship’s empty and all, but I don’t know for how long. Kind of want to make it back in one piece.”
“Yeah, guys. The King’ll have your heads if he finds out he lost his precious princess to the bickering of two idiots.”
“Not a princess!” she groaned as her ear buzzed simultaneously with the voices of her team shouting: “Oi, you’re one to talk, Ulric,” “Don’t think you’d get off scot-free, hero,” and “Would you all shut up.”
“Concentrate. Or you’re all due for a month’s worth of Wall duty,” their captain growled out suddenly before the telltale beep signaled his disconnection.
“…no one told me Captain Grouchy-pants was on this frequency.”
Laughter so contagious burst through her earpiece she almost caught herself giggling along when she remembered where she was.
“Uh…still here, guys. Still on the Nif ship. Waiting.”
“Right, uh, it’ll have—” Pelna started, but the rest of his words were lost in an ugly cacophony of twisting metal and shattering glass.
The sheer force of the explosion knocked her on her back. Her head throbbed from the impact. Before she could regain her footing, the ground began to tilt followed by the groan of what sounded like eminent engine failure.
Scrambling for purchase, her body lurched with the airship, hitting the opposite wall. Instinct made her latch onto the railing with her uninjured hand, hanging on for her dear life. While the aircraft was descending haphazardly at a snail’s pace, there was still hundreds of feet between her and the ground. There was no way she’d be able to warp down successfully with her dominant wrist sprained.
This was it. This was how she was going to die. She should’ve listened to father. Should’ve taken those extra lessons with Selene. Should’ve—
“Take my hand.”
Relief swelled through her chest until she looked up to see Luche, the one person worse at warping than Pelna, who’s perpetually stuck at command. Although, to his credit, it was mostly due to his expertise in data analytics and tactical coordination.
“No,” she grunted. “I’m fine.”
“Seriously? Now?”
“You’ll drop me!”
“I won’t— Don’t you trust me?”
“You think I’m going to drop you on purpose or something? I’d never entertain anything so treasonous as dropping his Highness’ precious daughter.”
She squinted her eyes at him in mock consideration as if to say, “Wouldn’t you?” while trying to hedge her options. She could admit she didn’t believe he had the ability to warp with a passenger and hang for her dear life or take a gamble hundreds of feet in midair…
“Astrals above, seriously?” he cursed in frustration, tapping his com-link on. “Ulric, get over here and take care of your girlfriend.”
Luche winced as two voices simultaneously yelled at him:
“Not my girlfriend!” 
“Not my boyfriend!”
Nyx snorted at the scene of his favorite glaive straining against the railing, too stubborn to accept Luche’s help, and regulation-stickler-Luche dangling on the same railing barely two-feet away, frustrated but too concerned to leave her alone. Throwing his kukri toward them, he warped onto the railing and snaked his arm around her waist.
“You’re such a pain in my ass, Ria.”
Aeria laughed, all teeth and twinkling eyes. “That may be so, Nyx Ulric, but you love it.
With a roll of his eyes, Nyx expertly flicked his kukri into the air, taking her laughing form with him.
“You owe me one.”
“You can count us even for the last time I saved your ass.”
“Ungrateful brat.”
“Unrelenting jerk.”
Static buzzed in their ears before Pelna’s voice came over loud and clear. “Will you two get a room already?”
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teruelfxonsuvar · 7 years
Sexual Orientation Headcanons
In which I baselessly put everyone(almost) on the kinsley scale because it’s 3 am and I have nothing to do Please don’t ask for my reasoning for this, I can’t explain. I’m not very eloquent pls i am trying my best as it is, ill explain what i can explain. (Masterlist over here x)
Tredd Furia: A solid 2. But he’s not aware of it. Everyone can tell he’s a little gay, except himself. Is it denial? Is it a very intense case of mistaking one emotion for another? who knows! He just seems like That Type of "””straight dude””” he gives off  Those vibes. If you’re not straight you know what I mean.
Luche Lazarus: Like, 4. He won’t flaunt it but he won’t deny it either.
Crowe Altius: 3. See I was thinking. She’s definitely presented in a way you know she’s One Of The Boys, so saying she’s gay would be too easy/stereotypical and saying she’s straight would be too cliche and predictable. So obviously she’s bisexual.
Prompto Argentum: 3. He doesn’t care. Just love him. Someone, anyone, please, love him. GIVE PROMPTO ARGENTUM SOME LOVE. 
Gladiolus Amicitia: Like a 1 or 2. He definitely shows preference for women the most and we do know he’s in a relationship with a woman after the timeskip, but also he sorta seems like the kinda guy that’d try anything at least once, ya feel?
Ignis Scientia: See. Ignis is tough. Because I feel like he can easily be a 6 or simply not care at all about a potential partner’s gender (so like, 3) or also just be asexual (so X). Either way, there’s nothing about Ignis about that says “exclusively straight” to me.
Noct Gar: Idk he seems a lil straight for Luna but also a lil gay for prompto but also he seems too emotionally drained to be attracted to people???? so either 3 or X
Cindy Aurum: Listen this woman is AroAce and you cant convince me otherwise. At the very least, she might be a solid 6 but just never address it unless it’s brought up.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Listen. The thought of Lunafreya so much as thinking “I would engage in coitus with this other human being” seems utterly bizarre to me. When it comes to Romance though I feel like she doesn’t give a fuck man, r u a boy? a girl? something else? she doesnt care, she loves u anyways.
Nyx Ulric: Listen I want to say 6 but idk bcause when I see Nyx’s face all I can see is Johan Akan’s gayness shining through, and this has been a thing before I even knew who Johan was, I always Perceived Nyx as Gay. But now I feel like I might be being blinded by Johan Akan. So many people read him as straight/bi and I just can’t see it but also it makes sense to some parts of my brain... I could actually make a separate post about this to be completely honest.
Cor Leonis: 2. Don’t @ me.
Titus Drautos: 3 or 4.
Libertus Ostium: 0. Ah, our first straight person. I just can’t see anything but Liam man, they did too well with the modeling (If only they’d worked so well on Ravus hah... Kingsglaive Ravus who’s that?)
Pelna Khara: like a 0. but also, Pelna seems like he’d give anyone a chance if they’re sufficiently close, even if he’s not sexually attracted to them?
Loqi Tummelt: 4. Maybe 5. But I feel like saying he’s completely into men doesn’t sit right with me for some reason.
Aranea Highwind: 3. Don’t @ Me.
Ardyn Izunia: 4. When ure his age it probably stops mattering, to be frank. but at least if he fucks dudes, cis dudes at least, he doesn’t have to worry about accidental pregnancies.
Sonitus Bellum: 0. Mostly on the basis that he seems like the least likely of the glaives to be found sucking dick?
Axis Arra: like, 1 or 2. maybe even 3? Either way I feel like he’d be very Precious about crushes.
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lucianhuntress · 7 years
Nyx x Reader - A Present
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A late Christmas-y/Holiday-ish drabble I made for the awesome discord crew! I would link the prompt list into this, but apparently it has disappeared while I was doing my thing. Also sorry for taking my time with these!
This weak attempt to write Nyx is for @bleucommelhiver! 
Honestly, you are an awesome person with the skills to make someone definitely not me write about nyx dyx. I love cackling, scheming and gently teasing @glaive-eve with you and I am glad to have met you through #brainfarts <3 
Sorry, I am bad with this kind of stuff. I don’t normally write this kind of cute, lovely praising thingies.
The prompt for this fic was “Ho ho ho, bitch.” Nyx x reader as the pairing. Yay, hopefully this is good enough as I don’t write about Nyx that much! I rewrote it like 3 times and I still feel slightly insecure about it, but I TRIED OKAY?
The headquarters of the Kingsglaive rarely got affected by any events happening outside its walls. But now when Insomnia had gained a light white coat of snow and Christmas was approaching, even the glaives decided to cheer up the foul atmosphere that had been lingering in every corner for the past year or so.
You were sitting on a bench at the courtyard of the headquarters — next to Nyx, like you always did. Nyx kept admiring the slowly falling snowflakes and you couldn't refrain yourself from stealing glances at him. He just looked amazing in his dark kingsglaive coat while the powder snow piled up on his shoulders.
Steadily approaching commotion made you both snap from the peaceful still you both had fallen into. For some reason you didn’t feel surprised to see Tredd, Luche, Sonitus and Pelna heading towards your usual spot.
“What’s up you two?” Tredd asked and winked slyly at you, leaving no questions with his demeanor.
“Nothing much,” you decided to answer before Nyx could. He just shifted his gaze from Tredd to you and for a moment you thought you had seen a flare light up in his sky blue eyes.
“I’ve got you a Christmas present, Y/N,” Pelna said softly, his eyes sparkling innocently. Tredd groaned and Luche let out a cold half-chuckle.
“O-okay…” was all you managed to answer before Tredd took a step closer to you.
“You can only imagine what Tredd has prepared for you,” his lips had curled up smugly and you could see the mischief playing in his eyes. There was no doubt what he wanted to ‘gift’ to you. “Have you gotten her anything, Nyx?”
Nyx chuckled and stood up. “Aren’t I a gift to the world already?” The sarcastic tone he used against Tredd made a joyful feeling bubble in your chest. Tredd rolled his eyes and Pelna did his best as he hid his howling laughter from the rest of the group.
You decided to stand up too; the bench was getting cold without Nyx anyway.
“Make sure you make her happy this Christmas!” Tredd snarled. You felt your cheeks heating up in the cool winter air and Tredd’s words puzzled you even more.
What was he talking about?
It wasn’t like you and Nyx were together anyway he had no obligations to make your holiday happy.
You just happened to be good friends with Nyx and of course there were excited sparks in the air whenever you were alone with him… but it was just pure friendship. And maybe knowing how kind and loyal he was, not to mention his looks, made you feel all hot and bothered at times.
“Ho ho ho!” Nyx shouted after them. “Bitches,” he added with quiet mutter so no one else could hear it, but the joyful giggle you let escape your mouth made him smirk mildly. Pelna had hesitated for a moment as he obviously wanted to stay and talk with you. Fortunately, duty called.
“Don’t tell me you have actually gotten me something,” you groaned and nudged Nyx’s arm playfully with your elbow.
Nyx chuckled as he turned to face you, making your heart skip a beat. His gaze had warm affection you hadn’t seen before, but it dissipated in a flash.
“Actually I do,” Nyx mumbled with a fake-cough and you cocked a brow at him. To which he only grinned mysteriously.
“Oh, look! They’re kissing under a mistletoe!” he suddenly gasped and pointed somewhere behind you.
“Wh— who?” you yelped and turned around to see what he was pointing at, but there was nothing. Just a wall. You had already pulled an utterly confused, pouty face when you turned back to face him. To face Nyx, who was now holding a mistletoe above you.
“Merry Christmas,”  he said softly and leaned in, close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin. Close enough to make your heart pound rapidly, senses go numb and legs weak. He had given you enough time to back away, but it was more like an instinct when you crashed your lips against his and threw arms over his shoulders to pull him closer and deepen the kiss that had started as a gentle one.
“Ho ho ho — bitch,” you murmured with a sweet smile after he broke the kiss to see your heated expression.
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