southhavendaily · 5 years
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TAGGING: @shawneemendes, @heyjoemazzello, @benhcrdys, @kj-f-apa, @reinhartz. @camsy-x, @cmlotz & @chlobenzz
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teylcrswift · 5 years
I do understand the feeling, yes! And now, thanks to you, I have a soundtrack for you. You're the soundtrack of my life, Tay.
message → LILI REIN💜
You are the absolute sweetest, Lili Reinhart. 😭😭😭😭
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so-taylorswift · 7 years
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Lili, ( @lxlipetals ) Merry Christmas to you and Cole! My fellow Disney princess, there was one gift that kind of lept to my mind when I thought of you.. a Disney Life subscription so you can watch all of the Lizzie McGuire that your heart wishes for. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas that is everything you desire, ‘cos you deserve it.
lovelovelove -T-
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eyesonremedy-blog · 6 years
Any dirt on the newbies?
tana likes to party, if you catch my drift. blackbear is already going out on dates. and lilli needs some sexy attention. that’s all i have for now!
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ffsgigi-blog · 7 years
f2f → lili
Sooooo I actually can only get so lit. I mean, I have to be careful because, well. I can drink but I have a pretty low tolerance because of my Hashimoto’s so I can careen from pleasantly tipsy to sick pretty quickly.  @lxlipetals
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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TAGGING: @reinhartz & @camsy-x
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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For our first Celebrity of The Month we have chosen Lili Reinhart! to be our first female celebrity! We got to hang out with this great girl for a few hours and ask her some cool and juicy questions at A Girl and A Diner, not to mention those damn good milkshakes, but those weren’t the only thing stirring!
Read Lili’s Questions Below!
So Lili let’s get this out of the way before we get into the awesome questions. Hi love, how does it feel to be SHGOSSIP’S very first celebrity of the month?!
Honestly? So unreal, I mean there were so many amazing contenders. All the girls around here are so wonderful, I would’ve been happy if I didn’t get the award and someone else got it, I mean I was up against my best friend for the final! But the fact that my fellow residents chose me is so much amazingness to handle!
Alright now for some juicy stuff. We know there are many gorgeous celebrities around South Haven, can you name someone you might have your eye on?
Right to the juicy secrets huh? Of course we know I took a break from a special boy in here, and although we had our reasons. I couldn’t be happier that we found our way back together. You know the saying “if you care about something, set it free and if it comes back it was meant to be?” I think that stands. I couldn’t be happier with such a down to earth and deep man to make me see the world in a different eye... Specifically through a photographers eye. Still don’t know who I am talking about? Well, his name reminds with Hole.
You’ve been in SH for quite a while right? How has it been for you? And why did you come here?
South Haven has been such an amazing experience. I am so thankful that I was able to move to such a beautiful town. I get to start over in a way. I mean the reason why I came here was to find a place to call home, and I was lucky enough to find SH to do it justice for me! We all need to find our getaway once in a while, I believe that this turned out to be more than a getaway. A real and true home. 
Now some cool and fun questions. Do you think you could settle down in SH? Maybe have a couple of kids, get married, blah blah blah? 
Oh Absolutely! South Haven just has that kind of homey feel to it. I could totally see myself settling down here for sure. Kids and marriage is of course something I want one day, my saying is always “if it happens it happens if it doesn’t it doesn’t” I will be happy just to settle down with the perfect person in a perfect place! Whatever happens after that I can cross that bridge when I come to it, as long as I am happy and surrounded by the one I love. That’s all I really care about. 
And lastly, let’s get a little personal. On our very own SH Daily you were mentioned to have been flirting with Mr Flirt it up: Chris Pratt. Care to elaborate?
Come on it’s a new town and things are normally said. Chris and I have quite a fun banter to us, competing with my best friend Mel was something I didn’t exactly like to see. However, it was just harmless flirty banter. I know I am quite content with the person I am with now, so anything from there is just fun and harmless. If I am going to flirt, it’s going to be with the person I have now... And he will see more than just a flirty side but a romantic one as well. All I can say is that I really hope Chris finds someone like I have, I couldn’t wish for anything else! He deserves that much so he doesn’t get caught flirting on the gossip again! 
FAMILY: Tessa & Chloe Reinhart (Sisters) Amy Reinhart (Mama)
PETS (if not do you want some?): I think the whole town knows how much I want one! However, I am going to head out and get one tomorrow!
FAVORITE SPOT IN TOWN: Beach Side or Central Park
BEST FRIEND IN SH: Melissa Benoist or Noah Centineo
CELEB’S LIFE YOU WANT: Leonardo DiCaprio - because um hello?
BEST DATE PLACE:  A Girl & A Diner (I’m a little biased because Diners have a way with my heart... As those Riverdale lurkers may know)
Recommended Song: Solider - Gavin DeGraw 
Quote To Live By: ‘If You’re Going Through Hell Keep Going’ -Winston Churchill
Recommended Movie: Shutter Island
Thank you so much Lili for settling down with us into some juicy questions! You will great bragging rights for a month on being the best celebrity of the month! Now I am going to head off and listen to some Gavin DeGraw! Until next time, stay juicy!
Xoxo South Haven Daily.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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TAGGING: @reinhartz & @havensprouse
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heylizzo · 7 years
[ ➤ ] my muse accidentally punches your muse in the face
Going to New York for the weekend was a last minute decision intended to keep Lizzie from going insane. As much as she loved her job, loved her coworkers, and was even coming to love Atlanta, she had realized that sometimes you just needed to be in a different place for a minute to keep your head straight. Andi had let her crash in her guest room, but Lizzie had found herself alone that afternoon while her friend was taking a meeting, which had seemed like the ideal time to sneak off to Barney’s and do a little shopping. She didn’t indulge very often, especially in LA where all the stores seemed perpetually haunted by cameramen, but in New York she felt safer, more anonymous. Felt like she could spend an hour trying on every pair of suede ankle boots in the joint until she found the perfect ones. By the time she was finished, she was a little tired of the up and down and back and forth, so when she wandered onto the next floor to indulge in her second passion (coats), she couldn’t be bothered to do something as civilized as wait until she was in a dressing room to actually try the thing on. Which is how she found herself struggling into a Gucci number with a weird strap that got caught over her head and temporarily tangled her as she was shoving her arms into the sleeves, and coincidentally, how she managed to feel her fist connect with a hard jaw as she accidentally decked a stranger in her marvelous incompetence. She gasped, but it took an agonizingly long moment to extract herself from the white wool coat, and when she finally emerged she realized that no, it wasn’t actually a stranger she’d started a brawl with in the aisle. Nope, she recognized the blonde who was cradling her chin like a prize fighter. “Oh fuck, Lili? Fuck, fuck, I’m so sorry!”
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heylizzo · 7 years
( ✉ → sms ) i dropped my pzziza o nt eh floror im fuckgin pissed // ( ✉ → sms ) you make me miserable // ( ✉ → sms ) sooooo… what was your first impression of me
[text] Is this because I told you not to go crazy last night? //
[text] I thought your ponytail looked like it had to be giving you a headache.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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TAGGING: @reinhartz & @havensprouse
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teylcrswift · 5 years
Oh my God, Taylor, CONGRATULATIONS. So happy for you and Louis!
Thank you so much! I don’t think I’m ever going to get over the fact that this is like, actually real life. But that’s the fun of it, your congrats mean the world 💕
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teylcrswift · 5 years
My honest opinion about you - you're flawless, don't ever change, and I've been tweeting about how inspiring and relatable your songs are since 2012. Swiftie for life.
My heart is whole, and it means so much coming from someone who’s spirit is as stunning as yours, Lili.
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teylcrswift · 6 years
Happy birthday, princess! I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to see you soon. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you muchly, I had the absolute best day and I’m willing to credit that down to your message because this is so nice. 💗
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so-taylorswift · 7 years
[text] Fact: You’re adorable. Also fact: You stink at board games. But I love you.
imessage ღ lili reinhart 🙋🌸
ok look i was tired and that was NO INDICATION OF MY BOARD GAME TALENT but i love you too and that was only a practice run the real game will be next time we hang 🖖
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teylcrswift · 5 years
It's not cheesy at all! I love all versions of Taylor as she's grown but obviously soft and happy and mature Taylor is the best one.
message → LILI REIN💜
The feeling different now to before is feeling steady & sure. Yaknow? Just being with your person and knowing you’re the best version of you that you can be. Triggers my creative side, why I couldn’t help releasing something so soon after Rep ya know. But in other more IMPORTANT news - how are you ???
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