#shgossip: celebrity of the month
southhavendaily · 5 years
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For our second Celebrity of The Month! Haveners have chosen Zendaya to be our second female celebrity! We got to hang out with this great gal for a few hours and ask her some cool and juicy questions at A Girl and A Diner, not to mention those damn good milkshakes, but those weren’t the only thing stirring!
Read Zendaya’s Questions Below
So Zendaya let’s get this out of the way before we get into the awesome questions. Hi love, how does it feel to be SHGOSSIP’S very first celebrity of the month?!
Absolutely amazing! I was so nervous about moving here, especially worried about making friends since I’m not always too good at that. But this is such a confidence boost, honestly. I try to put out kindness and hopefully get it back, and I’m glad it isn’t going unnoticed. I’ve gotten to connect and become friends with so many people I never would’ve gotten close to without moving to South Haven, and I’m so happy that people think of me when they think of South Haven!
Alright now for some juicy stuff. We know there are many gorgeous celebrities around South Haven, can you name someone you might have your eye on?
You’ve got that right! Everyone around here is gorgeous, I don’t even know how it’s possible for one town to be so good looking. One thing I didn’t anticipate when moving to South Haven was reconnecting with old friends, but I can’t say I’m upset about it. I guess I kind of have my eye on Zac, but I think we’re just taking things kind of slow right now.
You’ve been in SH for quite a while right? How has it been for you? And why did you come here?
It’s been wonderful so far, it’s only been a few months I think, I honestly don’t know because it feels like I’ve been here forever! I have always been such an introvert and whenever I wasn’t working when I was living in LA, I would just stay home. But South Haven and the people here have really pulled me out of my shell and I find myself going out and exploring all the time. I came here to get away from the toxic environment of Los Angeles, honestly. The rumors about Tom Holland and I were getting so crazy and there were paparazzi all the time, I’m glad I came somewhere where other people can relate and understand what I’m going through. Plus I used this move as a way to open up a new chapter of my life. I’m working less, my mental health is getting better, and hopefully, I can stay here and live a semi-normal life for many years to come.
Now some cool and fun questions. Do you think you could settle down in SH? Maybe have a couple of kids, get married, blah blah blah?
That’s honestly a big reason why I came here. When I do have kids someday, I want them to at least try to have a normal life and South Haven seems like the perfect place for them to do it. I guess I should worry about marriage first, but I’m sure that’s still pretty far down the road. Especially after seeing some wonderful couples get engages and eventually married here, it’s giving me wedding fever and I can’t wait until I have one myself someday.
And lastly, let’s get a little personal. On our very own SH Daily you were mentioned to have been getting very close with one blue eyed beauty Zac Efron, care to give us a little more insight on that?
Zac and I were really close when we worked together for The Greatest Showman, both literally and figuratively. It was actually one of the best ice breakers ever to be attached to each other in mid-air, but we bonded really well during that, constantly checking in on each other after a take to make sure we were both alright. I guess that was kind of the start of something a little more than a friendship. But we were both so busy after that we kind of lost touch, and now that we both live in South Haven we’ve reconnected which has been nice. We’ve hung out a few times, maybe shared a blanket at movie night, and we’re rooming together on the cruise. There’s definitely been some flirting and I think we’re on the way to something more serious but right now we’re just kind of enjoying each other’s company.
FAMILY:  I have a really big family, my parents visit all the time. My siblings are my best friends, and my little nieces and nephews are basically my kids too at this point because I force them to hang out with me.
PETS (if not do you want some?):  I have a miniature schnauzer named Noon and I hope to get a few more!
FAVORITE SPOT IN TOWN:  How could I ever pick? I guess I’ll say Central Park, but there’s really not a bad spot in town!
BEST FRIEND IN SH:  Either Tessa or Camila, I could never pick!
BEST FOOD PLACE:  This is such a hard choice but I guess I’m going to have to say Italia’s, I’m definitely a pasta girl.
CELEB’S LIFE YOU WANT: Either Beyonce or Rihanna
BEST DATE PLACE:  Definitely watching the sunset from the Pier with some takeout!
Recommended Song: “Hold Up” Beyonce
Quote To Live By:  “Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.” John Updike
Recommended Movie:  All of the Harry Potter movies!
Thank you so much Zendaya for settling down with us into some juicy questions! You will great bragging rights for a month on being the best celebrity of the month! Now I am going to head to the Pier, for a date that I don’t have, get takeout and binge watch all the Harry Potter movies! Until next time, stay juicy!
Xoxo South Haven Daily.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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For our second Celebrity of The Month! Haveners have chosen KJ to be our second male celebrity! We got to hang out with this great guy for a few hours and ask him some cool and juicy questions at A Girl and A Diner, not to mention those damn good milkshakes, but those weren’t the only thing stirring!
Read KJ’s Questions Below
So KJ let’s get this out of the way before we get into the awesome questions. Hi love, how does it feel to be SHGOSSIP’S very first celebrity of the month?!
“It’s an honor, really. Thank you for having me and thank you to everyone who you know, voted for me. It’s been an amazing month with getting engaged, so I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.” KJ said running his hands nervously over his clothed thighs.
Alright now for some juicy stuff. We know there are many wonderful lads in town who you have chosen to be some of your best and closest friends. However you’re lacking one Cole Sprouse, as we all thought Cole would be an ideal best man for you! May we ask what happened? Or at least how you’re feeling about it?
KJ laughs before pointing his finger at the interviewer “So this is what Daily Gossip is really all about….the hard hitting questions, huh?” He was trying to laugh it off before he shrugged and his face fell slightly. “He’s just been a self absorbed kinda guy these days. I’m not the kind that cares about myself or puts myself first, I just don’t and can’t respect a ‘man’ that doesn’t even say happy birthday to his best friends girlfriend….or girlfriends best friend. Either way you look at it, it’s ten times messed up.”
You’ve been in SH for quite a while right? How has it been for you? And why did you come here?
“It’s been great. I needed someplace that was a chance in pace from Hollywood and some place way more put together than Vancouver. Yeah, that place is beautiful and filming there is a blessing, but South Haven is home. This is where Cami and I have our home and dogs. But honestly, anywhere with her and our two pups would be. No offense.” Nodding slowly, his lips pursed together as he was super content with his answer and even more in love with his life.
Now some cool and fun questions. Do you think you could settle down in SH? Maybe reside here, start your life and end your life? Have kids, marriage? Maybe a few more pets blah blah blah.
“I’ve already  started my real life and real happiness here in SH. I mean, I have my dream girl, dream world to live it all in and the best pups. I’m working on the kids aspect, believe me, we’d have one every year if it’s up to me….but it’s not. It’s totally up to Camila. She’s the one that’ll be carrying and delivering the baby, so I would never be demanding nor question her for a baby til she’s ready. We have so much coming up with filming, promoting and all the fun stuff we get to do with Riverdale. With a wedding coming up, we have a lot on our plate already.”
And lastly, let’s get a little fun and excitement. As mentioned on our Daily you are now engaged to Miss Camila Mendes! We hope we’re invited to the wedding! However, tell us the experience of wedding planning? How does it feel to be married, and what are some troubles you may come across while planning?
“See I set it up perfectly for you to talk and ask about the wedding. I think we’re leaning more towards more of an intimate wedding here in SH. This way we get to you know, have the day just be about us and be surrounded by all the love possible. We’re still ironing out a lot, like food options and drinks…..I didn’t know that there was so much that went into wedding planning like colors? And where people sit? I’m just mainly focused on not breathing too heavily when we go out to cake test and view a venue. Cami is….way more intense about planning than I am.”
FAMILY: My mom, dad, two sisters and then of course my fiancé
PETS (if not do you want some?): Zix & Bam
BEST FOOD PLACE: Grab Shack on the Beach!
CELEB’S LIFE YOU WANT: Bailey Reinhart
BEST DATE PLACE:  South Shores Beach of course
Recommended Song: Tequila - Dan + Shay
Quote To Live By:  You miss 100 percent of the shots you dont take - Michael Scott - Wayne Gretzky
Recommended Movie:  On netflix you gotta check out Always be my Maybe and I’m a big Rom Com fan, so anything with Bradley Cooper or Vince Vaughn.
Thank you so much KJ for settling down with us into some juicy questions! You will great bragging rights for a month on being the best celebrity of the month! Now I’m just going to drink some Tequila on South Haven Shores and listen to the song Tequila! Until next time, stay juicy!
Xoxo South Haven Daily.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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Hello hello our dear Haveners and Gossipers. We’ve decided her at the Daily to bring back an old favorite. And to remind you all exactly what Celebrity Of The Month is...  It’s the celebrity who your fellow residents think is the best celeb to have around the town. And what’s even better? You get to vote! Our top male and female will be sent a set of questions they are able to answer as well as bragging rights for the entire month. Who has caught your celebrities eye? Who has been the person they couldn’t see their South Haven life without? It’s all up for you to decide, so what are you waiting for? Start voting now!
You may only vote once on each gender, same as last time. If you have multiple celebs you will be able to vote according to their preference! Winners will be sent questions and announced on Sunday! Please vote fairly and try to avoid voting for yourself!
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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For our first Celebrity of The Month we have chosen Lili Reinhart! to be our first female celebrity! We got to hang out with this great girl for a few hours and ask her some cool and juicy questions at A Girl and A Diner, not to mention those damn good milkshakes, but those weren’t the only thing stirring!
Read Lili’s Questions Below!
So Lili let’s get this out of the way before we get into the awesome questions. Hi love, how does it feel to be SHGOSSIP’S very first celebrity of the month?!
Honestly? So unreal, I mean there were so many amazing contenders. All the girls around here are so wonderful, I would’ve been happy if I didn’t get the award and someone else got it, I mean I was up against my best friend for the final! But the fact that my fellow residents chose me is so much amazingness to handle!
Alright now for some juicy stuff. We know there are many gorgeous celebrities around South Haven, can you name someone you might have your eye on?
Right to the juicy secrets huh? Of course we know I took a break from a special boy in here, and although we had our reasons. I couldn’t be happier that we found our way back together. You know the saying “if you care about something, set it free and if it comes back it was meant to be?” I think that stands. I couldn’t be happier with such a down to earth and deep man to make me see the world in a different eye... Specifically through a photographers eye. Still don’t know who I am talking about? Well, his name reminds with Hole.
You’ve been in SH for quite a while right? How has it been for you? And why did you come here?
South Haven has been such an amazing experience. I am so thankful that I was able to move to such a beautiful town. I get to start over in a way. I mean the reason why I came here was to find a place to call home, and I was lucky enough to find SH to do it justice for me! We all need to find our getaway once in a while, I believe that this turned out to be more than a getaway. A real and true home. 
Now some cool and fun questions. Do you think you could settle down in SH? Maybe have a couple of kids, get married, blah blah blah? 
Oh Absolutely! South Haven just has that kind of homey feel to it. I could totally see myself settling down here for sure. Kids and marriage is of course something I want one day, my saying is always “if it happens it happens if it doesn’t it doesn’t” I will be happy just to settle down with the perfect person in a perfect place! Whatever happens after that I can cross that bridge when I come to it, as long as I am happy and surrounded by the one I love. That’s all I really care about. 
And lastly, let’s get a little personal. On our very own SH Daily you were mentioned to have been flirting with Mr Flirt it up: Chris Pratt. Care to elaborate?
Come on it’s a new town and things are normally said. Chris and I have quite a fun banter to us, competing with my best friend Mel was something I didn’t exactly like to see. However, it was just harmless flirty banter. I know I am quite content with the person I am with now, so anything from there is just fun and harmless. If I am going to flirt, it’s going to be with the person I have now... And he will see more than just a flirty side but a romantic one as well. All I can say is that I really hope Chris finds someone like I have, I couldn’t wish for anything else! He deserves that much so he doesn’t get caught flirting on the gossip again! 
FAMILY: Tessa & Chloe Reinhart (Sisters) Amy Reinhart (Mama)
PETS (if not do you want some?): I think the whole town knows how much I want one! However, I am going to head out and get one tomorrow!
FAVORITE SPOT IN TOWN: Beach Side or Central Park
BEST FRIEND IN SH: Melissa Benoist or Noah Centineo
CELEB’S LIFE YOU WANT: Leonardo DiCaprio - because um hello?
BEST DATE PLACE:  A Girl & A Diner (I’m a little biased because Diners have a way with my heart... As those Riverdale lurkers may know)
Recommended Song: Solider - Gavin DeGraw 
Quote To Live By: ‘If You’re Going Through Hell Keep Going’ -Winston Churchill
Recommended Movie: Shutter Island
Thank you so much Lili for settling down with us into some juicy questions! You will great bragging rights for a month on being the best celebrity of the month! Now I am going to head off and listen to some Gavin DeGraw! Until next time, stay juicy!
Xoxo South Haven Daily.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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For our first Celebrity of The Month we have chosen Ben to be our first male celebrity! We got to hang out with this great guy for a few hours and ask him some cool and juicy questions at A Girl and A Diner, not to mention those damn good milkshakes, but those weren’t the only thing stirring!
Read Ben’s Questions Below!
So Ben let’s get this out of the way before we get into the awesome questions. Hi love, how does it feel to be SHGOSSIP’S very first celebrity of the month?!
- i’m completely starstruck if you want the honest truth. i feel extremely thankful for everyone who voted for me. i didn’t even think that i would win — that cole bloke seems really radical. like, have you seen him on riverdale ? a bloody genius he is.
Alright now for some juicy stuff. We know there are many gorgeous celebrities around South Haven, can you name someone you might have your eye on?
- well aren’t you guys just the cheekiest ? i think that a lot of people in this town are gorgeous, you’re entirely correct on that. i do have my eyes on someone, someone that you all know pretty damn well, but i’m not sure if i want to disclose that right now — want to keep you all on your toes.
You’ve been in SH for quite a while right? How has it been for you? And why did you come here?
-i have been in south haven for a while — almost two weeks to be exact. it’s been absolutely fantastic. frankie really seems to enjoy it here, the weather is beautiful, and of course i get to see gwilym and joe on an almost daily basis — which is always a bonus point. i came here mainly for the atmosphere. london is always so drab. it’s all raining, the sun barely shines, and you can’t go anywhere. i had been to california a few times for some small projects, and always welcomed the idea of moving there — but didn’t want to leave my family.  after i finished working on another project, i had a couple days to roam around sunny cali before my flight — and that sealed the deal. almost two months later i found myself selling my flat, working out papers, and then making the final move downtown.
Now some cool and fun questions. Do you think you could settle down in SH? Maybe have a couple of kids, get married, blah blah blah?
- i think i could. i’ve always liked the idea of domesticity. the idea of being with somebody — actually being with them, waking up to them, cooking dinners, and ending days wrapped up in one another’s arms as a movie flashes on a telly screen. although i’m not entirely sure about kids. frankie, my beagle, is enough of a handful as it is.
And lastly, let’s get a little personal. You were mentioned in the gossip with your buddy Mr Joe Mazzello, and there were speculations there might be something more going on there.. Will you describe it a bit more for us in detail?
-  cheeky buggers you all are. what can i really say about joseph ? he’s my absolute best friend. have you seen him in ‘ bohemian rhapsody ‘ ? that man is a bloody genius. he brought such a dimensional take on john deacon — i couldn’t even tell him from his real life counterpart apart sometimes. to answer your question, maybe ? maybe not. i don’t kiss and tell. what i can tell you though, is that he is moving into my tiny, little flat, and i couldn’t be more excited to share this experience with him — even if that includes that godawful cardboard cutout taking purchase in the corner of my bedroom.
FAMILY:  frankie ( pet dog ), ruth and michael jones ( parents )
PETS (if not do you want some?): i just have one dog who’s named frankie, but i definitely want like, fifty more dogs.
FAVORITE SPOT IN TOWN:  the city centre library, hands down
BEST FRIEND IN SH:  joe mazzello &&. gwilym lee ( duhhhh ! )
BEST FOOD PLACE:  the main street bakery, downtown
CELEB’S LIFE YOU WANT:  harry styles — i mean, that bloke is livin’ large
BEST DATE PLACE: probably the cozy little coffee house located in city centre — i mean, sure, there’s very limited seating, but it’s super intimate and the fireplace that they have constantly lit provides the absolute best mood lighting possible.
Recommended Song:  i bet you’re expecting me to give a really cliche answer, and give you a queen song — which i am, because i love being predictable. ‘ back chat ‘ by queen hands down. it’s such a banger. but if you’re expecting something not so cliche, then ‘ promised you a miracle ‘ by simple minds is way up there as well.
Quote To Live By:  “ live moves pretty fast. if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. “ — ferris bueller
Recommended Movie:  bohemain rhapsody — c’mon now ! go see it ! it’s great, and i promise you ‘ i’m in love with my car ‘ doesn’t make an audible appearance !
Thank you so much Ben for settling down with us into some juicy questions! You will great bragging rights for a month on being the best celebrity of the month! Now I’m just going to head out to the downtown bakery while jamming some queen in my headphones! Until next time, stay juicy!
Xoxo South Haven Daily.
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southhavendaily · 5 years
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Hey hey Haveners! It’s the time of the month where we are starting our Celebrity of The Month! What is celebrity of the month you ask? Easy! It’s the celebrity who your fellow residents think is the best celeb to have around the town. And what’s even better? You get to vote! Our top male and female will be sent a set of questions they are able to answer which will be featured on our gossip page for one whole month! So what ya waiting for? Start voting!
You may only vote once on each gender! If you have multiple celebs you will be able to vote according to their preference! Winners will be sent questions and announced on Monday! 
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