giulianocorti · 1 year
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Buongiorno a tutti la foto di oggi dal mio sito.
Good morning everyone, today's picture from my site.
Hola a todos, hoy foto de mi sitio. Giuliano www.giulianocorti.it galleria " GEOGRAFICO"
Chiusdino - Siena - Sposarsi a san Galgano............................GiC
Grazie a tutti per i commenti, G.
Thanks to everyone for your comments, G.
Gracias a todos por los comentarios, G.
Giuliano Corti www.giulianocorti.it
Unauthorized use or reproduction for any reason or editing is prohibited (Quanto ho riportato qui vale per eventuali pubblicazioni su riviste quotidiani e/o equivalenti, non per condivisioni su FB)
XPRO2+10-24 FUJI 1/160 f11 © G. Corti
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ameryana · 6 years
So! I sent a similar ask to @La_Vita, but I would like to know what your take on this would be! I would like to see for Valentine's Day, V with a super shy and soft S/O who can sing to heal his injuries or help his fatigue! Thank you!
Oh my god, this… I LOVE THIS PROMPT!!! Thank you so much for sending this to me!! Oh god I feel like this deserves a full story. It’s such a beautiful idea! Alright, story is under the cut! 
V stumbled into the safe house. Pain and tiredness permeated his bones, black and red bruised coloring the skin that wasn’t covered by the worn leather coat he wore. The others jumped at his sight, but moved aside when Shadow, who was supporting him, growled at everyone who came too close. 
He had won, but at a price. All of his body hurt, and he could barely see where he was going. Shadow growled again, but softer. Kyrie had approached them, and helped Shadow guide V to his own room, where they laid him down on his bed. V could barely suppress a groan when his back hit the mattress - one of his biggest wounds was there, the blood still seeping from it. 
V turned his head to the side, to see Shadow sitting on its haunches and Kyrie smiling softly at him, saying something he couldn’t discern to someone just outside the room. Then his girl peeked inside, one hand clenching the doorpost. Her eyes widened when she saw how badly hurt he was, and she quickly came closer, mumbling something in a worried tone. 
Her touch was the gentlest in the world - he was barely aware of her fingers very lightly caressing his skin. She crawled on the bed next to him, trying to asses the damage the demons did to him today. 
“My god… V… Does it hurt a lot?” 
Some proud part of him wanted to tell her no, but then he remembered he was no liar. 
“…It does. Sorry.” 
Her eyes were becoming moist, and he saw she didn’t understand. 
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do this. They did this, those filthy demons,” she exclaimed, then gasped, surprised at her own disdainful outburst. V just had to chuckle when he saw her put her hand over her mouth, her eyes still flickering angrily. She was the tiniest thing, slender and small - her hands were almost those of a child when he held them. 
“I should apologize,” she mumbled again, and nervously tucked a loose strand of her long braid behind her ear. 
“I didn’t even help you yet. What do you want me to do for you, V?” she softly asked. 
“Please sing,” he uttered painfully, trying to keep his breathing even. He might have shattered some ribs at his side - Shadow and Griffon didn’t reach him in time, or he had been too brazen and reckless. Who knew. His lips where chafed and dry, hurting him when he spoke. V closed his eyes, knowing she got nervous when he watched her using her skills. 
The first note was hesitant, as always. Her voice almost cracked with emotion, and he quickly searched for her hand, giving it a small squeeze. He heard her breathe in deep and try again. Then the notes started flowing, quiet and electric. She sang in a language he didn’t know, her mother tongue, with syllables that would twist his jaw in ways he couldn’t fathom, but it was second nature to her. 
The melody was eerily beautiful, haunting even, raising goosebumps on his damaged skin. It took his body a short while to respond, but then, he felt the familiar tugging underneath his skin, vessels and nerves connecting and healing, stimulated by the song that sang praise of nature’s restoration. 
He’d never met a more potent healer than this girl, his love, a magician who could be terrifying if it wasn’t for her kind nature. He was glad she was on their side. Beautiful, sweet girl, singing his broken bones back together. 
The pulsating in his back had stopped. Even before half her song was over, he was like new. V groaned in delight, stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles, only dried blood covering them now. Not a sign of any scars in sight. The room had grown quiet, and when he looked up, his girl met V’s gaze with a strange mix of pride and worry in her dark eyes.
“Are you fully healed?” she timidly asked. 
V grinned up at her and rolled over, putting his head in her lap. 
“Never,” he softly proclaimed, and he closed his eyes in delight as her fingers braided through his hair, easing other pains he had. She started singing again, stroking his head and his cheek while she wove herself deeper into his heart. 
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