pictureamoebae · 5 years
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tfw it’s Labour Conference week
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masgharbutt · 5 years
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Some more memories of a great #lab19 conference. https://www.instagram.com/p/B213NtKHp3p/?igshid=f3w5e8ohwi46
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schmiede · 5 years
feralLab at Schmiede19
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Let’s go wild. (Deutsch drunter)
We are happy to announce the second half of Feral Lab Network at Schmiede. FeralAIR (deadline May 31st) will be complemented by our first scientists lab. The feral lab at Schmiede19 will sport a group of well seasoned scientists, researchers and designers in the area of human-computer interaction. This endeavour will be spearheaded by Martin Murer, Senior Scientist at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Salzburg University.
feral lab at Schmiede will do no less than make “Interaction at Speed of Light“ better.  Our relations to and through digital gadgets are typically mediated by interfaces and computation that induce latency, implicitness and detachment. The feral lab at Schmiede19 will make this all better. Better things that talk back instantly. Things that are explicit. Things that foster attachment to and through technology. Technology that acts and feels like our physical environment. Things that avoid latencies and implicitness by going analoge. Things that interact at the speed of light. Soon they will have told us how they made it all better, surpassing speed of light ruins videos though …. We are working on it.
Feral Labs Network is a European collective of temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities. The six Feral Lab Network partners are Zavod Projekt Atol (ZPA) / PIFcamp, Finnish Society of Bioart (FBAS), Radiona.org, CATCH, Makery and us Schmiede. All from six different EU countries but we  share an interest in art-science research and contemporary do-it-yourself (DIY) & do-it-with-others (DIWO) communities. Feral Lab Networks was enabled thanks to Creative Europe in particular and European Union in general. Thanks.
 SchmiedeApplication open till May 31st
FeralAIR Call (deadline May 31st) 
Schmiede19: better September 11th - 20th
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Feral Lab at Schmiede19
Wir freuen uns die zweite Hälfte von Feral Lab Network auf der Schmiede bekannt zu geben. FeralAIR (Call Frist 31.Mai) wird durch unser erstes Wissenschaftlerinnenlabor ergänzt. Das feral lab auf der Schmiede19 wird eine Gruppe von erfahrenen Wissenschaftlerinnen, Forscherinnen und Designerinnen auf dem Gebiet der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion beherbergen. Das Projekt wird von Martin Murer, Senior Scientist am Zentrum für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion der Universität Salzburg, geleitet.
feral lab auf der Schmiede wird nicht weniger tun, als die „Interaktion mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit“ zu verbessern. Unsere Beziehungen zu und durch digitale Geräte werden in der Regel durch Schnittstellen und Berechnungen vermittelt, die zu Latenz, impliziter Wahrnehmung und Distanzierung führen. Das feral lab at Schmiede19 wird das alles verbessern. Bessere Dinge, die sofort reagieren und sprechen. Dinge, die explizit sind. Dinge, die die Bindung an und durch Technologie fördern. Technologie, die wie unsere physische Umgebung wirkt und sich anfühlt. Dinge, die Latenzen und implizite Ereignisse vermeiden, indem sie analog vorgehen. Dinge, die mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit interagieren. Bald werden sie uns erzählt haben, wie sie alles besser gemacht haben werden aber aktuell  ist die Überschreitung von Lichtgeschwindigkeit unvorteilhaft für Videos. Wir arbeiten daran.
Feral Labs Network ist ein europäisches Kollektiv von temporär und regional verteilten Zentren für die Forschung in den Bereichen Kunst, Technologie und Communitys. Die sechs Partner von Feral Lab Network sind Zavod Projekt Atol (ZPA) / PIFcamp, Finnish Society of Bioart (FBAS), Radiona.org, CATCH, Makery und die Schmiede. Alle aus sechs verschiedenen EU-Ländern, aber wir teilen das Interesse an der Schnittstelle künstlerische und wissenschaftlicher Forschung wie zeitgenössischen Do-it-yourself- (DIY) und Do-it-with-others-Communities (DIWO).
Feral Lab Networks wurde dank Creative Europe im Besonderen und der Europäischen Union im Allgemeinen ermöglicht. Vielen Dank.
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mylifedogrules · 4 years
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katienumi · 5 years
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i have been doing this since i dropped out of art school. He estado haciendo esto desde que me di de baja de la licenciatura de artes visuales. watch me! ¡Veme! image description: 1: wrapped in blue xmas lights reciting poetry 2014 (LAB19) 2: several photos from GRUB and GRUBPIX 2017 (LAB 4) 3: post-its with text, detail from Signed, Your Every Waking Thought, 2016 (LAB 3) 4: the Wall, 2015 (LAB 2), 5: a 40 ft kaneklon braid bursting out a canvas, borderlxne, 2019 6: seated between two señores, Facing the Music, 2008, 7: part of poem/photo Las prefiero vivas, 2017, 8: still from GRUBreload, 2019, 9: You don't Bring Me Flowers, So i Got Me Some, 2019, 10: 1 of 3 of migrants, 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3EqxKklmis/?igshid=14jicm0lvj2x8
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newbeltane · 5 years
🌹💥WE DID IT! 💥🌹 Labour national conference has voted UNANIMOUSLY to back our motion. Today we made history. Let it be the moment the labour movement launched its fight back against xenophobia - and came out fighting tooth and nail for migrants' rights. #Lab19 pic.twitter.com/jnPevjjews
— Labour for Free Mvmt (@labfreemvmt) September 25, 2019
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24t24-blog · 5 years
Your country needs YOU! #Lab19pic.twitter.com/A6QBLX5vqP
Your country needs YOU! #Lab19 pic.twitter.com/A6QBLX5vqP
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kmphoto-blog · 5 years
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#lab19 #brighton https://ift.tt/353T8s0
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missi396 · 5 years
Labour set to commit to net zero emissions by 2030 https://t.co/edq6aVlPKx #lab19
Labour set to commit to net zero emissions by 2030 https://t.co/edq6aVlPKx #lab19
— Shadowsofthemoons (@moonshadows1) September 25, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/moonshadows1 September 25, 2019 at 01:15PM via IFTTT
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stevejh1961 · 5 years
A tweet
I've today made it clear to all my staff - If they vote for Labour in the next election and heaven forbid they win, they are signing their own P45 I won't be able to keep them employed under these anti-business proposals I'd suggest other business owners do the same.#Lab19
— Ricky (@RlCKYP) September 23, 2019
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masgharbutt · 5 years
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Just a taster of #lab19 conference. More to come. Amazing conference and as always great to catch up with so many friends. https://www.instagram.com/p/B21kce_HuIE/?igshid=116azsg8kfa9n
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schmiede · 5 years
Sudhaus lab at Schmiede19
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Das SUDHAUS Lab kehr zurück auf die Insel. Das SUDHAUS hallein.kultur bedient den Schmiede-Rahmen, um fokussiert wie aber auch gemeinsam zu arbeiten und zu entwickeln. Ziel ist das Bauen von Brücken zwischen Institutionen und Protagonisten. Die Schmiede ist die jährliche Blüte eines aus über 1000 Smiths zusammengesetzten und in über 20 Ländern verorteten Netzwerks. Das SUDHAUS befindet sich im Prozess, Kunst, Kultur Angebot und Rezeption in Hallein zu gestalten. Gemeinsam hoffen wir auf viele kommende Synergien. Geleitet wird das SUDHAUS Lab von Simone Seymer.
ENGLISH: We are pleased about the decision to start the SUDHAUS Lab. The SUDHAUS hallein.kultur operates the forging frame in order to work and develop in a focused and shared way. The goal is to build bridges between institutions and protagonists. The smithy is the annual flowering of a network of more than 1000 Smiths and located in over 20 countries. The SUDHAUS is in the process of redesigning art, culture and reception in Hallein. Together we hope for many future synergies. The SUDHAUS Lab is led by Simone Seymer.
like Sudhaus
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masgharbutt · 5 years
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Great to meet @sadiq the @mayorofldn at the #lab19 conference. Ready for #May2020 for his election. (at Hotel du Vin Brighton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sDjsMHYOw/?igshid=h8jf63bzy7ip
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schmiede · 5 years
Jam Island at Schmiede19
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Deutscher Text drunter
JamIsland is the GamesLab embedded in Schmiede. Lasting for 3 days, the goal of JamIsland is to provide a playground for aficionados and enthusiasts alike, revolving around games and interactive media. With learning by doing being the core motivation for GameJams, the fun part is that they always result in finished games by the end of it! Get a specific topic, storm your brain for ideas and jump right into creative development, no further limitations involved!
# Friday, 13.09, Noon: Kickoff - Topic gets chosen and teams get formed (Optional: Beginners Workshop)
# Sunday, 15.09, 5pm: Production finished, internal GameJam exhibition, voting and low-key awards ceremony
# Friday, 20.09: Public exhibition of all developed games at "Werkschau"
For all Newbies, fear not: Everyone can create a game - there will be an "absolute beginners" workshop on friday 13.09., where we will create a simple game together. All you need is your own laptop.
The LabLeaders of JamIsland 2019 are Florian Jindra and Rene Baumgartner.
JamIsland was initiated by Georg Hobmeier, Flo Jindra, Robert Praxmarer and Michael Hackl in 2015.
JamIsland was formerly known as GamesLab, a cooperation between the FH Salzburg and Schmiede Hallein.
Example games of last year’s gamejam: https://itch.io/jam/schmiede-2018-jam-island
SchmiedeApplication open till May 31st Schmiede19: better September 11th - 20th
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Unter dem Titel JamIsland findet im Rahmen der Schmiede 2019 ein dreitägiger GameJam statt. Frei nach dem Motto “Tun wir mal, dann sehen wir schon” versteht sich JamIsland als Spielwiese für Ideen und kreative Kollisionen, Vernetzungspunkt für Spieleschaffende und Interessierte, die in die Entwicklung interaktiver Medien hineinschnuppern möchten. Das erfreuliche daran: Am Ende eines GameJam steht immer ein "fertiges" Spiel!
Zeitlicher Ablauf:
# Freitag, 13.09, 12 Uhr: Eröffnung - das Thema wird gewählt, Teams werden gebildet (Optional: Anfänger Workshop)
# Sonntag, 15.09, 17 Uhr: Entwicklung wird abgeschlossen, interne Vorstellung der Spiele, gemütliche Siegerehrung
# Freitag, 20.09: Öffentliche Ausstellung der entwickelten Spiele auf der Werkschau
Für alle Neulinge: Keine Angst, jedeR kann ein Spiel entwickeln! Wir veranstalten einen Anfänger Workshop am Freitag, 13.09. in dem wir gemeinsam ein kleines, aber feines Spiel entwickeln. Bitte den eigenen Laptop mitbringen.
SchmiedeApplication open till May 31st Schmiede19: better September 11th - 20th
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schmiede · 5 years
Studio 3 lab at Schmiede19
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We just can’t stay away – Studio 3 will come to Schmiede for the fourth time in a row! Bringing fresh faces and fresh ideas, we intend to bring interaction design from all corners of the field into the Salt Mine!
During the year, Studio 3  is a space to create, share, inspire, talk, discuss, make, think and perform. The Studio itself is part of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, where about 30 interdisciplinary research the way people and technology successfully and unsuccessfully interact with one another. Studio 3 is both a venue for, and a collective of researchers in the field of HCI, aiming to utilise and facilitate artistic practices as means of (HCI) research.
This year, the Studio 3 Lab will focus on all kinds of interaction: dislocated, wearable, crowd, virtual: you name it, we’ve got it. We will be there to support the projects of other Smiths, to make new connections and to find our own cross sections between art, performance and HCI. We’re looking to push the limits of interaction design experimentation in every way possible.
This year, Studio 3 will be led by Mascha Beuthel and Dorothé Smit.
The Studio 3 Lab at Schmiede is an initiative of Martin Murer and the Center for Human-Computer Interaction. like HCI
like Studio 3
SchmiedeApplication open till May 31st Schmiede19: better September 11th - 20th
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schmiede · 5 years
Tinkerlab at Schmiede19
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Physical Computing, hardware hacking and tinkering
The Tinkerlab deals with the physical craft as well as software side in order to implement physical things: objects that you can touch, moved by motors and controlled by microprocessors, that make sounds and communicate. Both, either and or, practical as well as with an artistic inspiration. New DIY methods such as 3D printing or the use of Arduino are a special focus. Smiths can use the equipment and the space of the Tinkerlab in order to implement their projects. Simultaneously, the initiative serves as an umbrella for the Tinker advocacy group. Like-minded people can be found there  in order to network, collaborate, create and present. For those who do not have any or little knowledge in these matters, or simply want to learn there are also workshops, as needed.
SchmiedeApplication open till May 31st Schmiede19: better September 11th - 20th Tinkerlab was initiated by Karla Spiluttini, Korinna Lindinger and Bartholomäus Traubeck after they were brought to Schmiede by the Salzburger Landespreis: Medienkunst. Hebocon at Schmiede was initiated by Romedius Weiss at Schmiede15:  READY. Since Schmiede18 Tinkerlab is hosted by Sophie Birkmayer and Tammo Claassen supported by Korinna Lindinger and Romedius Weiss. 
Tinkerlab is a cooperation between subnet and Schmiede.
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