fiercerthanyou · 4 months
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GUZMAN, “Woodheads 1, Egremont MA” (2018),
Archival pigment on dyed mulberry paper, 10 x 7 inches,
Image courtesy LABspace
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fuckyeahcourtneylove · 3 months
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giving away these exclusive guzman / labspace ‘family values’ postcards to 3 lucky people! head to my instagram channel to see details.
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catflowerqueen · 1 year
You know, it is kind of funny to see Solar Flare being Eclipse's emotional voice of reason considering that he isn't very emotive himself? At the very least, he hasn't really expressed any desires beyond stopping Eclipse, and that was purely because he was worried about KC. I mean, I guess technically attempting to stabilize Eclipse is another way to work in pursuance of the goal of ensuring KC's safety--because I am not entirely sure Eclipse is actually aware that KC is off living in the woods and working in soup kitchens, since I don't remember him talking during Eclipse's visit to set up the spell, so Solar Flare also probably doesn't know, and a stable Eclipse is one who won't go after KC. So.
It was hilarious how annoyed Solar Flare sounded when reminding Eclipse of the fact that it has been six months since he took over his body, though. Mostly because of the aforementioned lack of emoting he generally displays.
And all this discussion about Lunar and Puppet finally having gone on the mission to retrieve them make me hopeful that we will see them again soon. And that they might even get some closure regarding Eclipse, one way or the other.
Though that also means they're going to find out about Moon's amnesia, which... it's probably going to really hurt, considering how close the two of them are. And how much this Moon really does act like them, with less trauma--trauma which they themself also contributed to.
And on that note, I wonder when Glamrock Freddy is going to find out about the amnesia. Because unless Gregory talked to him about it like he did Roxanne, I'm pretty sure neither of them know. And even in Roxanne's case, I don't think Gregory actually mentioned the memory loss, just the fact that Sun and Moon weren't evil.
It's just... going a bit off my original topic here, I know, but it's just... very weird from an in-universe perspective that Freddy isn't looking in on them more. He literally just blindly trusted that Earth would monitor them, even though he doesn't know them. And he expressed a desire to "go back to the way things used to be"--because for some reason Eclipse did leave happy memories, and just altered the memory of who was responsible for the maternity chip--but hasn't actually done anything to try and re-forge a relationship. And he is the one who would really have the most reason to interact with them, considering he is sort of kind of their boss. And I'm pretty sure he is among the only ones that don't have possible ongoing world-ending scenarios to deal with. So it's just extremely weird to me.
(And, yes, I know the out of universe reason has to do with scheduling and whatnot, and that they can't tie everything too closely together because of stuff like that. In-universe, though, it just makes me upset and frustrated. And furthers my belief that Sun, Moon, and Earth should just move out entirely after the Eclipse situation is dealt with.
I'm pretty sure they do still own their own house! Like, that is still a thing that exists! And it has labspace! Sun and Lunar moved all of Moon's lab equipment once, he and Moon can do it again! And Eclipse obviously didn't touch Moon's bank account or block access or anything, so it isn't as if they don't have the money for it!)
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parallel-awhite · 1 year
#Slump #Lump
Slump at Lump Gallery / Curated by Jerstin Crosby based on conversations with New York-based artist and LabSpace gallery co-director Julie Torres
SLUMP. Some words do more heavy lifting than others, and I am rather in awe of the sheer tonnage this single-word title manages to bench-press, with meanings that cover "slack," "flaccid," "weak", "defeated," "pathetic," "depressed," "low ebb," and "doldrums" not to mention "bad posture" and "a period of time marked by failure."* This is a show that registers high on the coherence-of-curatorial-intention meter. A show with this title could have ended up as a zone of airless claustrophobic overwhelm, gallery as hoarder space, due to the sheer surfeit of potential work that could have been slotted within the “Slump” rubric. Instead the show is edited with drum-tight precision, each work positioned in the space for maximum flow and impact. This is a show that breathes. Good feng shui. It’s thus paradoxical: a show called "Slump" that is in itself highly articulated - crisp, concise, highly engaged and engaging. Go figure.
An overall note on influence: Mike Kelley's splayed societal/ cultural/ subliminal abjections have inoculated the bloodstream of the body politic of contemporary art, a tribute to the necessary-ness of that artist’s efforts, the validity of which is evidenced by the spectral array of vital and meaningful work that has been made and likely will continue to be made in its wake: artist as shiner-of-light on psychic detritus that has been relegated to the societal dust heap due to collective denial, blindness, greed or best practices. It is thus no surprise that much of the physical [and nonphysical for that matter] material employed in Slump is multiplex and often recycled, repurposed or reconsidered.
Raymond Padrón’s revelatory “Tube Sock” (2023), while made of painted wood (and not literal recycled material), embodies “that which has been lost or discarded.” The single sock that evades capture holds near-mythical status in the unwritten history of laundry. The highly visible tube sock reclining on someone’s floor is another well-known trope. I will add that while “Tube Sock” in its supremely casual and might I add believable pose [why not anthropomorphize a sock?] (as for said pose, I buy its slump-ness, its nonchalance, its actual real-life tossed-ness – it’s a sculptural tour-de-force) as Padrón has rendered it appears clean enough, I cannot stop the onslaught of sock associations, which include dirt and smell. This sensory response to a monumental relief work aggrandizing a single item of bit-player clothing is a win.
Another win: the placement of “Tube Sock” adjacent to Julia Gartrell’s indelible sculptural work “Rib” [undated]. These two works by two artists working within their own bubble of slumpness manage to converge in uncannily similar shaping and sense of weight distribution. “Rib” is a work that manages to immediately attach to the mind like a parasite. I mean this admiringly. Like “Tube Sock,” it is both hilarious and beautiful, surreal and gritty, utterly evident in what it is and yet also deeply mysterious. The premise of “Rib” is simple: a single boot [(the artist’s boot) that carries questions about and signals a uselessness similar to Padrón’s single sock] with a Ruth Asawa-esque reed basketry leg figuration that sort of floats off into nothingness – no body – tethered to no world in particular, to sudden, unexpected abstraction.
Bill Thelen's untitled limp wrist project covers much of the Drawing Room annex wall. These are interactive drawings based on photos people sent to the artist in response to his request for shots of their limp wrists. The project is a canny power move by Thelen – up there with the reclaiming of the term queer in the 80s. The visual reclaiming of body-language cliché epithet celebrates and recalibrates what has historically functioned as a denigrating trope of [specifically gay, male] flamboyance** by creating what feels like a solidarity wall papered over with drawing upon drawing of images of limp wrists en repose, i.e., held aloft, hand and fingers relinquished downward to gravitational pull. The works are not gender-coded, and they’re not color coded; they’re disencoded.*** There is an expanded iteration of the project as part of the exhibition proper, a single outsized limp wrist outlined in relief with woven embroidery floss, tape and pins.
I could write in-depth on each of the works in this substantial and generous show, which was appropriately allowed to inhabit both gallery rooms. But given that it’s the last day of the show and would be nice to post it with at least a few hours left – and in light of inherent limitations of the person writing this – will list the artists here:
Amanda Barr
April Childers
Bill Thelen
Brandon Boan
Celia Gray
Conner Calhoun
Ellen Letcher
Fred Smith
Jasmine Best
Jessica Langley
Julia Gartrell
Julie Torres
Maria Britton
Nico Smith
Rachel Bernstein
Raymond Padron
Skully Gustafson
Terry Hoff
Tonya Solley Thornton
A few final thoughts: As in the conundrumical universe of curatorial practice, every piece in this show held the potential to live within infinite other parallel universes of thought. The “Slump” mindset, however, focuses the mind like hunger – or a strong need one did not know held sway within until it was met. The clarity of intention in this show was so strong it felt like I was walking around the space wearing one of those museum guided-tour headsets.
Can I just add: Slump also works as a riff on the gallery name: Lump. I read this as a kind of evolutionary equation whereby Lump [L] = Lumpen/Unformed ∆ Lump + S/ = S/lump = Slump [SL]
And another thing: A slump is a temporary condition. That will at some point turn around. Hence it posits an undercurrent of hope. With the evolutionary outcome not being verticality or a *straightening* [aka devolving / attaining regressive rigidity] but some mode of as-yet unidentified [fluid] expansion.
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April Childers / Brandon Boan
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Bill Thelen / Maria Britton
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Amanda Barr / Celia Gray
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Jasmine Best / Skully Gustafson
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Tonya Solley Thornton / Tonya Solley Thornton
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Ellen Letcher / Lump Gallery (installation view)
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Raymond Padrón / Julia Gartrell
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Bill Thelen / Bill Thelen [Drawing Room]
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Skully Gustafson / Skully Gustafson
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Fred Smith / Fred Smith
* I typically write about work before reading gallery copy and have only just now encountered a list of related salient adjectives supplied by Crosby, which are available elsewhere. However, the fact that there are few overlapping terms in the two lists underscores the fertile elasticity of the premise.
** A word that pings in my head thusly: [flimsy/ flim-flam/ flambé/ flaming/ boy/ buoyancy/ bouyance/ clairvoyance/ (disco ball) dance].
*** My text my rules yes I just made up that word.
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
sharing labspace with coworkers is such a hassle, especially if i dont have other things to do in the meantime
well, today i found something to do lel
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atcentral · 2 days
AT services unavailable on Friday night from October 4, 2024 at 10:00 p.m. to October 5, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
In collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office, Information Technology Services (ITS) will be replacing network equipment in the AT Data Center. This work will temporarily disconnect the AT Data Center from the campus network.
What you can expect
During the maintenance window on October 4, 2024, from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., all Academic Technology-hosted services and applications will be unavailable. This includes the following:
iLearn archives and videos
the Canvas home page (https://canvas.sfsu.edu)*
Network license server (ArcGIS, Geneious, Keyshot, MATLAB, Solidworks, SPSS)
Research computing VMs
*To log in to Canvas during the maintenance, go to https://sfsu.edu/login and select Canvas; alternatively, select Canvas from the launchpad within the SF State Gateway (https://gateway.sfsu.edu).
Externally-hosted services such as Canvas, CourseStream, and Zoom will remain available during this outage.
If you have questions regarding the maintenance, please contact Academic Technology at [email protected] or 415-405-5555.
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v-a-t-i-o · 28 days
b*ston c*llege undergraduate fashion is so fucking boring it makes me want to kill myself. theyre populating the hallway like sims while im just trying to find the one gender neutral stall within 5 minutes of my labspace
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mrhopthescissor · 2 years
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Ellen and Julie invited me to send something to LABspace for their big end of the year group show and I had just finished this painting I had been working on since 2014. A few weeks later Julie sent me an email, paraphrasing here: what’s up with this thing you sent? And I sent her a long, fully caffeinated, rambling story covering every detail of the painting’s existence and short history, short of who the carpenter was who made the strainer for it. To sum it up I made this smooth, weird thing and hit it with a foam roller and thick paint because I couldn’t make it smooth or uncanny enough. I was trying to make a belly but it became a head. more beautiful than barbie is up in Hillsdale until Feb 14, if you’re around stop in and say hi. (at LABspace) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuXcrMrpTI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Loren Britton is in a exhibition with over 200 artist organized by Julie Torres. @julieatorres ⠀ TRUE NORTH⠀ opens today 4-7⠀ @labspace_art ⠀ 2642 NY Rt 23⠀ Hillsdale, NY 12529⠀ ⠀ GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!⠀ #lorenbritton #julietorres #labspace #truenorth
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bengebo · 4 years
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The stunning new ISEC building I photographed and shot a video for. We interviewed a bunch of super talented people for this and ended up with a short video. To see and learn more about what went into designing this building, visit youtube.com/bengebo 🔸 The Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex Designed by Payette for Northeastern University Completed in April 2017. 🔸 I interviewed Kevin Sullivan, FAIA President and CEO, Payette, Robert Schaeffner FAIA Principal, Payette, Paul Pettigrew AIA Founder, Architect + Products in Space Director, Undergraduate and Urban Outreach, MIT, and Kathy Spiegelman Chief of Campus Planning and Development Northeastern University. Thanks to the BSA @bsaspace for having me on board for this fun a project! 🙏🏽 #isec #northeastern #payette #architecture #architectureboston #boston #bostonarchitecture #labspace #interior #architecturefirm (at Northeastern University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRudQ0glE5/?igshid=gs1aaynndi86
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apiecefromme · 4 years
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How to set up your home lab space: Step 1: Get stuff Step 2: Put on desk Step 3: Add kitty P.S. cover and protect your equipment from kitty when you are not using it ------------------------------- #kitty #catdad #scientist #science #scienceathome #labspace #labwork #athomelab #quarantine #missrona #ecology #environmentalscience #bryology (at Syracuse, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBga51AlBOJsLZT1EZcDP4Cjw5xVGI7zPeLHmE0/?igshid=1vdjonwdm4tu
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A very rare photo of Courtney on the phone at home in the Hollywood Hills. Shot by duo Les Guzman on Friday September 23, 1992. Just 5 weeks after giving birth to Bean. I spy a Chanel bag amongst the chaos.
This was sent to me by Guzman through the owners of the gallery (LABSpace) who recently exhibited Guzman’s outtakes and Polaroids of Kurt and Courtney at home. Please credit the photographer when re-posting.
Follow @fkyeahcourtneylove on Instagram.
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starsinyourskyes · 4 years
I love Jemma Simmons’ undercover-in-HYDRA looks so much
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bench bins
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willhutnick · 7 years
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This little one is heading to @labspace_art for a group show curated by @julieatorres opening April 15th. Sweet Fossil, 2016, acrylic, paint marker, paper and spray paint on canvas, 10x8" #labspace (at LABspace)
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atcentral · 4 months
[maintenance update] Continued AT data center service and application downtime on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
Academic Technology (AT) is continuing to work to resolve the service outage resulting from the data center maintenance planned for Saturday, June 1, 2024 through Sunday, June 2, 2024. As of Monday, June 3, 2024 at 3:00 p.m., all AT Hosted online services and applications are in the process of being restored. We will notify users as new information become available.
What you can expect:
AT-hosted online services and applications impacted by the maintenance include the following:
iLearn archives and videos
the Canvas home page (https://canvas.sfsu.edu)*
Network license server (ArcGIS, Geneious, Keyshot, MATLAB, Solidworks, SPSS)
Research computing VMs
Externally-hosted services such as Canvas, CourseStream, and Zoom will remain available during this outage.
*To log in to Canvas during the maintenance, go to https://sfsu.edu/login and select Canvas; alternatively, select Canvas from the launchpad within the SF State Gateway (https://gateway.sfsu.edu). 
If you have questions regarding the maintenance, please contact Academic Technology at [email protected] or 415-405-5555.
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