#lady fama
cdlicarnaval · 2 years
Mesmo que todas as ações estejam aquecidas para a realização da Folia de Momo 2023, quando a grande maioria dos blocos carnavalescos desfilará pelas ruas da cidade de São Paulo, o bloco “Itaquerendo Folia assinará seu ano sabático e não participará dos desfiles de 2023, porém, mantendo seu compromisso de promover ações, que potencializem a inclusão e defesa de direitos humanos, acaba de eleger a…
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
(Thought of this fun quick idea at work today)
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FAMA- 408
An ideal placement for Fama since Leo placements can naturally grant someone fame/popularity. Michael Jackson has this placement.
People tend to forgot that the 12H can rule over creativity, the arts and music. It’s usually not the first thing people think but it’s true. So having this placement could potentially mean being famous for your creativity and music. But this could also mean being famous for an undoing of some sorts. Like having a public meltdown or being publicly scrutinized. This could also mean having a lack of privacy, so if you were famous with this placement you’d probably have paparazzi on you all the time and you’d probably have a lot of stalkers/creeps. Lady Ga Ga and Britney Spears has Fama 12H.
Having a planet or asteriod in retrograde usually means that the effects of that object are felt more strongly and the effects of that planet/ object may be exaggerated and the native will feel some sort of discomfort/ awkwardness that goes with it. In the context of Fama, fame could happen to you greatly but it might make you feel uncomfortable or awkward at first. You might have a tendency to brag about fame and be known as a brat/diva. You might’ve always wanted to be famous growing up or you were obsessed with fame. It’s also quite possible you were famous in a past life. Ariana Grande and Rihanna have this placement.
For fama to be in that degree means that you are famous for being secretive and mysterious. Because of how you act people might tend to make conspiracies and theories about you especially involving the occult or taboo things. You might be known to be famous for your captivating, alluring and hypnotizing energy. There’s a darkness to you that people might obsess over. You might be famously known to be controversial. Doja Cat and Michael Jackson both have Fama in 8°
Trines are luck filled and harmonious. So having Fama trine planets are pretty good. Having Fama trine the moon could potentially mean being very comfortable being famous. You could be famous for easily tapping into your femininity/ embracing your feminine nature. You might find it easy to be famous among women. Megan thee Stallion and Tyler the Creator also has this placement.
Squares and oppositions in charts usually mean that the whatever is squared will pertain to the changeless you will face/ go through in life. With Fama Sqaure Venus it is possible that when you are famous you will struggle with how people perceive you, specifically your beauty and your love life. You might be famously known to be beautiful/ pretty but you might have issues with how people tend to focus solely on your physical appearance. You could also be known to go through romantic challenges and issues that are exploited throughout fame.
Can be an indicator of being destined or meant for fame but since this is squared it could mean that you will go through challenges and rough experiences to get you to the fame you were destined to have. Major life lessons and the journey your soul was destined to have will involve aspects of fame/topics of fame. If you become famous and have this aspect the challenges you go through in life will be known by others/public. Ariana Grande has this placement.
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What are your fama aspects? What do you think of them? Do you have the same as mine? 💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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kakiastro · 2 years
Fame in Astrology Series part one
Topic: Acting🍿🎬
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This is the first post in a series I’ll be working on. What makes a good actor and where in your chart can indicate fame. I’ll also use Denzel Washington for examples because everyone knows him lol
*disclaimer: please don’t copy my work fam lol
Ok let’s get started!
1. Your Sun and rising Sign, house Leo rules and 5th house
- sun is how we shine in public
- Leo rules over fame and entertainment
-5th house how we express our creativity
For ex: Denzel Washington is Capricorn Sun, Libra rising, Leo 11h and Aquarius 5h. He’s seen as a leader(Capricorn sun), he’s popular among his peers and the public(Leo 11). He approach acting differently or his creativity is just different from others in his profession, he may like playing different types of roles(Aquarius 5h) and he’s considered handsome(libra rising) I mean come on all of our aunties had a thing for him😅
Next we’ll look at
2. Your Midheaven
- Mc rules over your public image, how you are viewed in your Career.
-you can choose any career you desire and your Mc can show you how you’ll be perceived in it.
For ex. Denzel Washington has Mc Cancer. Despite this being a public house, he’s actually very private. May have a chill personality, easy to like. I will say cancer rules over women and and the ladies love him haha
MC can show you what types of roles you can play. Like Denzel most notable roles is involving family, women and close connections
3. Whatever planets you have in your 1h, 5h, 10h and 11h
Honorable mentions: 7h and 9h
-having planets here in any of these houses can enhance your fame especially Jupiter
Jupiter rules over expansion
Ex. Denzel has Jupiter/Uranus 10h, Neptune 1h and Moon 5h.
4. In my opinion, the moon is one of the most important things to look at in acting
- moon represents our emotions and how we express our emotions.
Actors have to know how to channel different emotions in order to really channel their character.
- I noticed actors who has Moon-Pluto or Moon-Neptune aspects are known to show deep and heartbreaking emotions on scene. These are the actors that can feel what the characters are going through
5. A lot of people don’t talk about this but Mercury is probably the most important part of acting
-mercury rules over how we process and remember information, it’s how we communicate, it also rules the media
Remembering lines is the most important part in acting, figuring out what techniques works for you will help you in the long run! How you communicate when you do interviews with the media is all shown in your mercury and 3h sign
Ex Denzel Washington has Capricorn Mercury with Sagittarius 3h. He straight to the point, may have a great sense of humor, he’s very knowledgeable and would probably make a good teacher
6. Pluto and 8h is underrated areas in acting.
- Pluto represents transforming and going within
- actors has to transform themselves into the character, depending on the actor, that can be physically and mentally. I’ve always felt like method acting is such a Pluto theme
7. Neptune rules over movies altogether
-wherever Neptune is at in your chart can give you an idea on what type of movies you’ll prosper in
Ex. Denzel has Neptune Libra 1h. Libra rules over partnerships(romantic and platonic) Law, Fairness
Go watch some of his movies and such as Training Day, Fences, Equalizer. You’ll see the libra themes
Fame in Actor Asteroids
Fama (408)- your overall fame, area you’ll be famous for
Star (4150)-your star power
Varuna (20000)- worldwide fame
Actor (12238) - acting abilities, help glimpse into what roles will suit you
Bella (695)-how your beauty is seen in the spotlight
Aura (1488)- your overall vibe, your energy
Fan (151590)-the type of fanbase you’ll attract
Even if you’re not interested in acting, you can still look at the type of movies and actors you’re attracted to for fun! I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to keep a look out for the 2nd part to this series which is singers!
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angelap3 · 6 months
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Billie Holiday
Filadelfia, 7 aprile 1915 – New York, 17 luglio 1959
[ Nella vita, per prima cosa devi avere da mangiare e un po' d'amore.]
Mi hanno detto che nessuno canta la parola "fame" e la parola "amore" come le canto io. Forse è perché so cosa han voluto dire queste parole per me, e quanto mi sono costate . Forse è perché son così orgogliosa da volere per forza ricordare Baltimora e Welfare Island, l'istituto cattolico e il tribunale di Jefferson Market, lo sceriffo davanti al ritrovo nostro di Harem, e le città sulla costa da un oceano all'altro dove ho preso le mie batoste e le mie fregature, Filadelfia e Alderson, San Francisco e Hollywood; ricordare metro per metro ogni dannato pezzo di tutto questo. Tutte le Cadillac e i visoni di questo mondo, e io ne ho avuti un bel po', non possono ripagarmi e nemmeno farmi dimenticare. Tutto quel che ho imparato in tutti questi posti da tutta questa gente si può riassumere in quelle due parole: nella vita, per prima cosa devi avere da mangiare e un po' d'amore.
ph Herman Leonard: Billie Holiday, NYC, New York, 1949
La storia di Billie Holiday è roba da racconti di Charles Dickens. Una infanzia disgraziata e di stenti con la madre che si arrabatta a far di tutto, pure la puttana per mangiare. Un quarantenne che la violenta a undici anni. Una zia sadica e fuori di testa di cui è vittima. Il misero collegio dove passa gli anni dell'adolescenza. Pochi motivi per essere allegra. Le cose cambiano, apparentemente in meglio, quando la sua meravigliosa voce diventa nota, prima nei piccoli ambienti jazz poi sempre a più persone. Nasce così Lady Day. Nasce così Lady sings the blues. Ma la fama non lenisce ciò che è stato, e allora per resistere e campare ci vogliono droghe e alcool e amori tutti sbagliati. Lei ne e' consapevole, ma, dice: "Sono stufa di passare le notti sola con i miei cani in albergo, dopo un concerto". O peggio "risvegliarmi ogni mattina accanto a un uomo diverso". Quando il 17 luglio 1949 si spegne ha solo 44 anni. Dirà Miles Davis: "Era una donna molto dolce, molto calda; sembrava un'indiana con la pelle vellutata, marrone chiaro. Era una donna splendida prima che l'alcool e la droga la distruggessero. Ogni volta che mi capitava di incontrarla le chiedevo di cantare "I Loves you, Porgy", perché ogni volta che lei cantava "non lasciare che mi tocchi con le sue mani calde" potevi praticamente sentire quello che sentiva lei. Il modo in cui la cantava era magnifico e triste. Tutti quanti amavano Billie".
Ma tutti quanti l'hanno sempre lasciata sola.
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ladygagaqueenedit · 4 months
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Lady Gaga durante su presentación en la Gala del Salón de la Fama de Compositores en New York (18/06/2015).
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blogitalianissimo · 2 months
Bad romance ha mantenuto per 10 settimane il primo posto in Italia. Danza kuduro 10. Ai seu te pego 10 in inverno . Balada 11. Wake me up 12. Est-ce que tu m'aimes 6. Ora non so se valuterei i dati FIMI come rappresentativi di “pezzoni”. Waka waka detiene il record con 14.
Pur non essendo fan della Swift, posso dire che il non raggiungere il primo posto per settimane e settimane nelle classifiche italiane non sia una grave mancanza nel suo repertorio.
Neanche Beyoncé con sigle ladies, uno dei suoi successi commerciali maggiori, è mai arrivata al primo posto. Si è fermata al 10.
Poi si potrebbe fare un’analisi più fine e dettagliata del perché gli artisti internazionali che salgono al primo posto in Italia sono principalmente autori di tormentoni estivi. Sarà il livello medio delle conoscenze delle lingue straniere, che limitano l’apprezzamento alle melodie e non al testo? Chi lo sa.
Tutto questo per dire che un oggettivo apprezzamento del successo che pochi artisti hanno raggiunto nel mondo (vedi la Swift, Gaga, Beyoncé e pochi altri) non richiede un grande sforzo intellettuale.
Sì ma questo devi dirlo alle swifterine che stanno impazzendo perché l'album della loro idola sta floppando qua, noi siamo ben consapevoli che a prescindere dalla posizione nelle classifiche italiane rimane comunque una super star di fama mondiale (anche se personalmente non ne comprendo il motivo, ma vabbè la mia opinione non cambia il suo status da super star).
Comunque non credo sia solo per la barriera linguistica, al momento tra i generi spopolano soprattutto rap/trap oltre ai tormentoni pop/estivi, Taylor Swift con questo nuovo album è ben lontana sia dal genere più in voga che dal tormentone/ o brano quantomeno memorabile (senza tirare fuori Danza Kuduro, Adele con "Set Fire to the Rain" è andata molto bene in Italia, perché è un brano assolutamente memorabile).
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riaarivic · 2 years
HATE 3: ...Ready for it? (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, drug use, yoongi is a tease and I'm putting it as a warning
🌙 Chapter wordcount 5.3k (yikes)
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
🌙 HATE 3: ...Ready for it? 🌙
"Knew he was a killer first time that i saw him"
Confidential file Department of Organized and Emerging Crime Case N-7902-E Codename: Black Swan
Agent Name: Y/N Park
Assigned name for Mission: Lee Nari
Nari? as in Lilly in Korean?
You couldn't help but find it odd that the boss chose your own Korean name for this mission. You rarely used it, and only your grandmother ever called you that.
But, odd was about to become your middle name.
You skimmed through the files scattered on the desk, noticing some of them were thinner than a toothpick.
That was a bad sign.
Thin files meant limited information, and that meant you were being sent into a foreign country with minimal knowledge. You didn't like the idea of walking into the unknown, especially considering that the only thing you had from Korea was your father's last name and the last time you saw him alive you were a six-year-old.
You definitely needed to talk to her grandmother more often.
You were an expert in infiltration and counterintelligence, but to be honest Your personality was not what you would expect from a young high class korean lady. 
For that, you would need a lot of practice before leaving.
A Chaebol daughter wouldn't know the difference between an AK-47 and a FAMAS, much less how to take it apart and put it together in a few seconds. Right?
Or how to disarm a man with one hand, a bullet in the shoulder in the middle of a…
Focus Y/N
You close your eyes for a second and open the first file and the picture of a man with a scar on his left eye greeted you, and you sighed.
It was going to be a long night and you didn’t have enough information to start this case.
Incheon Airport, South Korea.
October 10, 9:19 AM
The brisk autumn air nipped at your skin as you made your way into the international departure hall. You weren't sure if it was the weather or the adrenaline of embarking on a new mission that sent shivers down your spine. After all, you'd spent the past few days prepping to slip into the role of a pampered, elegant heiress, something that felt as unnatural as stilettos in a gunfight.
You also spent the last few days trying not to poison your partner Emmet, for every time he made fun of how much you hated this new undercover identity.
And don't even get you started on those fake nails; they were more of a hindrance than a help when it came to handling firearms or knocking some sense into people.
But it was not impossible to do.
Scanning the crowd, you looked for the person meant to meet you in the parking lot. In the middle of a crowd, a burly middle-aged man stood out in his ill-fitting suit. He had the demeanor of a gangster but the face of a teddy bear. Your eyes scanning him, looking for the Clan's tattoo – a crescent moon veiled by clouds.
Any member of the Seven Moons had to wear it in a visible place, a sort of gangster business card. This man had it inked at the base of his neck.
The man approached you with large steps smiling all the time, who knew a gangster could pass as a Golden Retriever Boyfriend  “Welcome Miss Lee, your father is waiting for you in the car” he bowed and took your luggage to take you towards the Mercedes that was parked right outside the door.
As you slid into the car, you were greeted by the smiling face of Lee Kikyung, the man who'd sold out his boss to save his own skin. And now, you had to call him "Dad."
"How was your trip, dear Nari? I hope you were comfortable on the flight," he asked, wearing a fake smile. You cringed at the sound of your childhood nickname, but you had to start getting used to it.
"It was good, um... Dad," you replied with a slight accent. "I hope you work on that pronunciation, precious. We wouldn't want them catching on so soon," he replied, a mischievous grin exposing a gold tooth. He was so close you could see the clan's mark on his neck, peeking out from under his expensive shirt.
What a piece of work.
"We need to head straight to the Kim Building. I don't know if your informants filled you in."
No, they didn't, you thought, but you let him continue.
"Last night, there was a lot of commotion among the Sons. All seven were down at the docks, and that's a rare sight. Looks like a big fish has entered the river. Two birds with one stone, huh? I bet you're up for a promotion after this, sweetheart." You had to resist the urge to throat-punch him, the way he was looking at you.
This guy didn't shut up the entire drive to the Kim Building. He barely took a breath between his rapid words, as if he wanted to unload everything at once and be done with you.
Classic snitch. From his body language, it was clear that beneath the old asshole’s facade, his trembling hand betrayed his nervousness. Old Lee, dressing like a character straight out of "The Godfather," might fool others, but to you, he was a washed-up criminal trying to hang on to his last vestiges of glory. How he'd climbed the ranks to lead one of the world's largest Criminal Clans was a mystery to you.
But something he said piqued your interest. The Seven Moons rarely gathered in one place, primarily for security reasons. "It's likely that all the children will be there at the meeting today," he revealed.
That really caught your attention and you turned to look at him "The Devil has summoned us all to his office. So, if I were you, I'd touch up that makeup a bit. It seems you're in luck today, sweetheart. You'll be meeting The Seven Moons."
For you, luck had nothing to do with it. Your plan had been to discreetly gather information before exposing yourself in such a way.
It was a change of plans, but not an entirely bleak one. In fact, things might not be as bad as they first seemed.
But now you'd have to improvise. The sooner you could get one of them in your pocket for the information you needed, the sooner you'd be headed home, and all these criminals would be where they belonged—
BH Group Headquarters, Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea.
'The Office' Lee Kikyung mentioned you were going was a towering 77-story office complex that served as a front for the legal businesses funding the clan's extravagant lifestyle.
As you entered, the luxurious reception area greeted you with its tall glass windows and elegant chandeliers, making you shudder to think about the costs of building all of this. The floor, adorned with expensive black marble featuring gold veins was framed with the clan's symbol, unmistakably declaring this territory as belonging to Kim DoHan.
It felt like stepping into the gates of hell.
Accompanied by a team of about 15 suited bodyguards with menacing tattoos, you and your 'father' took the elevator to the top floor; It seemed to you that it was too much security for a friendly board meeting.
This meant that Lee's two hour TED Talk on "how to get away with snitching" was true: something was moving on the streets of Seoul.
As the doors opened to the conference room, you were struck by the absence of concrete walls, replaced entirely by windows offering a breathaking view of the city. In the center of the room stood an opulent table crafted from Japanese cherry wood. Several people were already sitting around it, in an order that did not seem improvised at all.
You sat down right next to Mr. Lee taking your time to examine everyone there. Most of the presents seemed to be different executives from the Kim companies, for the first time today you did not feel completely surrounded by gangsters.
However, the feeling did not last long.
The elevator doors slid open, and six tall figures strode into the meeting room. Instantly, everyone seated at the table rose to bow and pay their respects.
These were the young leaders of the clan, dressed in dark suits and moving with an eerie synchrony, as if they hailed from another world. In person, their presence was even more striking. Even the act of walking into a meeting room seemed to be precisely choreographed, every step filled with purpose.
You recognized their faces from the files, matching names to positions within the clan:
Kim Namjoon, the biological son and right-hand man, also the CEO of BH Group.
Kim Seokjin, the Clan's negotiator and financial administrator.
Jung Hoseok, the Clan's Support, essentially the go-to guy for various criminal needs.
Kim Taehyung, the Clan's Collector, responsible for ensuring debts were paid in either money or blood.
Park Jimin, the Clan's intelligence expert and overseer of the clan's nightlife businesses.
Jeon Jungkook, the youngest of the clan with no formal role, but per Mr. Lee's extensive criminal monologue, he was responsible for training new recruits in combat and held a special place in Kim DoHan's heart.
Yet, you noticed there was one missing, only six were present.
Where was the seventh?
Your question found an answer when the doors opened once more.
"Welcome, Sir!" The entire room chorused in unison. You managed to mimic the bow, though somewhat awkwardly. There was an amused snort from the Young leaders's side of the table, but it was hard to pinpoint the source.
When you looked up, you locked eyes with the Clan's second in command. His gaze held a mocking curiosity, almost taunting.
Kim Namjoon looked at you as if you weren't a trained agent but a bumbling, spoiled child, just another chaebol. You rolled your eyes right back at him. There was something in his expression that seemed vaguely familiar, but you couldn't quite place it.
"My Sons, my family. Good afternoon, and thank you for gathering at such short notice," the Clan leader's deep voice resonated through the room. "Lee, I'm delighted to see that you've brought a special guest today."
Chills coursed down your spine. No matter how experienced you were with criminals, there was an undeniable air of menace surrounding that man. An instinctual warning to put as much distance between yourself and him as humanly possible, as quickly as possible.
“Of course, my leader. I couldn't be more pleased by the return of my daughter” Mr. Lee replied with a wicked smile “After all, it was time to introduce my heiress” upon hearing that word, Kim's children looked at her, some with curiosity and others with complete indifference.
The Clan's head let out a light chuckle in agreement with the second-in-command before gesturing for everyone to take their seats.
And that's when you noticed him.
The man with the distinctive scar over his eye.
His real name was conspicuously absent from INTERPOL's classified files. In fact, there was nothing substantial about him—just a blurry image of his face.
And oh God. It didn’t do him justice.
Everything about him screamed danger.
He was the Clan's Strenght Leader, handling all the not-so-legal affairs.
Kim Namjoon ran the legitimate businesses, handled the money, and rubbed shoulders with CEOs and politicians.
The Shadow, as he was known, was Seoul's underworld Prince.
Standing silently behind the Clan's Head, he was like a deadly predator, waiting for the order to strike. Unlike the rest who sported expensive executive suits, his casual and nonchalant style made him stand out in the room. You know how, in nature, the most vibrant and beautiful colors often serve as a warning for poison? That analogy perfectly described him. The seventh moon's striking appearance nearly made you forget that he was the underworld lord of his clan, a cold-blooded assassin at the Devil's command.
Hi was Kim DoHan's dark general.
And probably the most dangerous man in that room.
Suga wore a black mask covering most of his face, but you could still glimpse the beginning of a scar that traveled from his left eyebrow down to his eye.
And those eyes.
He kept his gaze locked onto you, scrutinizing you, just as you had observed his brothers earlier. He watched your every move, as if he had already found a reason to be wary.
You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze and for the first time in a long time, you looked away from someone. It felt like if you kept staring at him, all your secrets would unravel.
That was a level of danger you couldn't afford.
"You must be wondering why I summoned you from your busy schedules for this meeting," the Clan leader's voice broke the silence. "It is no secret that I'm preparing one of my sons to ascend as the clan's leader. And soon, by tradition, we must continue our family's legacy by uniting bloodlines. The prevalence of the clan above all else is the only thing that matters. Nothing else. "
Not a single person in the room dared to so much as breathing too loud. The palpable respect – or rather, terror – held everyone's tongue.
He took a solemn pause before continuing, "That's why I've decided my heir will marry the Lee family heiress. The Lees were one of our greatest allies, joining our clan twenty years ago. I had promised my dear brother Kikyung that one day, one of his own would wed one of mine. Kikyung, my brother-in-arms, you've been my right hand all these years before Namjoon came of age. This is my reward for your loyalty."
What the fuck did this man just say? 
You couldn't hide your complete shock. There was no way that your so-called "father" and informant didn't deliberately omit this crucial detail from his UN General Assembly-worthy speech on organized crime as you were driving to the Headquarters.
The director had to know as well.
Which led to the unsettling thought: what else were they not telling you?
You weren't the only one caught off guard. The other children of the clan's leader couldn't contain their own bewilderment. Some squirmed in their seats, while others exchanged uneasy glances.
This had to be some twisted joke.
Even the seventh moon, for a microsecond, showed a speck of curiosity in his cold eyes.
"Since the hand of the Lee heiress has been promised, I have formally decided that she will reside in our private estate until my successor's name is confirmed," the clan leader declared. "I want all my children under my roof, without exception. And let me make it perfectly clear: none of you shall dare disrespect young-lady Nari. In the name of the code, Am I understood?"
"Yes, Leader," the Seven Moons responded in unison.
Wait, the name of his heir hadn't been decided yet?
You temporarily set aside Kim DoHan's implications about his children. None of those fools would dare touch you – unless they fancied losing a limb – all in the name of your code.
But given the intelligence you'd gathered about these individuals, Kim Namjoon was on a one-way ticket to becoming the Clan's leader. The overseas studies, the visits to criminal acquaintances in Russia, Japan and China, vacations with corrupt government officials and their entourage...
What did that say about Kim DoHan's faith in his own bloodline?
The Hallmark movie plot of giving all his adopted sons a chance at leadership was, without a doubt, suspicious.
However, some pieces were starting to click into place. Lee was betraying them to save his true daughter. If she married the clan's heir, there'd be no escaping the consequences when everything came crashing down.
Yet, your supposed father-dearest had delivered you on a silver platter to the Seven Moons.
It was a complete game-changer.
Old Mr. Lee wasn't scared of jail.
He was frightened for his own flesh and blood to be embroiled in a sinking ship. How he had managed to keep his daughter's true identity hidden for so long was a mystery. Did the all-powerful Kim DoHan truly not know his right-hand heiress's name until now?
There were too many loose ends, something was truly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands, their exchange echoing with, "My clan is my family. My own flesh and blood."
"It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari," the old leader continued, his eyes locking onto yours. For some reason, your real father's affectionate nickname sounded downright chilling coming from the clan leader's lips.
It wasn't jail that terrified him, old Mr. Lee. It was  dooming his own blood to get involved with a ship that was about to sink. But how had he managed to hide his daughter's identity for all this time? Did the powerful Kim DoHan really not know the name of his right hand heiress until today?
Too many loose ends, and something was definitelly wrong.
Both men rose to shake hands “Family is my blood. My clan is my family” they told each other
“It will be an honor to welcome you into my family, young Nari” continued the old leader, drawing your attention and looking into your eyes. For some reason, the cute nickname your father had given you sounded terrifying in that person's mouth.
You offered a small bow in response, and when you straightened, the Seventh Moon was gazing directly at you.
There was something in his stare you couldn't quite define, but it was clear you didn't like how it made you feel.
You had never been intimidated by anyone before, yet you now teetered on the edge of a panic attack because of a pretty boy watching you.
A pretty boy who was a killer.
He couldn't possibly suspect anything about you, right? you wondered.
"Now, Mr. Choi," the clan leader signaled the man who had brought you there, "why don't you take this little flower to our residence, while the adults discuss other important matters?"
What the hell did this old man just call you?
Before leaving, you caught a reflection of his eyes in the glass door.
Ever vigilant.
Fine, Suga, I'll give you a reason to keep an eye on me. you thought
Perhaps this marriage scheme could work to your advantage.
Your mission was to infiltrate, and what better way than living within the Seven Moons' den.
Meanwhile, at the back of your mind, the myriad of loose ends left you with a lingering sense of unease.
Too many missing pieces...
And something was about to go so.
Kim Dohan’s manssion, Outskirts of Seoul
hours later
Sleep was out of the question tonight...
You had spent the entire afternoon and well into the night scouring for any scrap of information about the Seven Moons headquarters. Leaving your room, you crept through the dark corridors, making no sound.
Counting each step from your room to the next door leading to the exit was mentally logged. You noted the bulletproof glass in the windows and assumed that they had around 30 armed men guarding the house at any given moment. The Clan's den was an opulent display of excess; these criminals thrived on ostentation.
But that was a priviledge you could have when you controlled an entire nation, you could do as you pleased.
Who the hell thought of putting a lake in the middle of a house? You continued moving through the mansion crossing the internal gardens.
One thing remained undeniably true: the mansion of the most powerful criminal clan in Asia was an impenetrable fortress, nestled atop a hill, far from the bustling city of Seoul.
It had only one entrance and one exit, and its labyrinthine architecture made it all too easy to get lost within its confines. It was guarded around the clock by clansmen, armed to the teeth, with an arsenal hidden within its walls. It seemed like hey had their very own army.
Surviving an escape was highly unlikely...
at least not without help from someone on the inside.
As you made your way to the kitchen, your mind raced like an overloaded computer, with music playing from unknown open tabs.
Old Kim couldn't possibly not know his right-hand daughter's name...
Why had he offered you as a marriage reward? What was your -The daughter of Lee Kikyun- value to the clan?
How come Kim DoHan hadn't chosen his successor?
After minutes of aimless wandering, you finally found the tall double doors leading to the kitchen. Inside, luxurious countertops and shelves held utensils fit for a Michelin-star restaurant.
If this house wasn't so ridiculously big it would be easier to drink water. Where are the glasses? in Busan?
If you had to run away from this house it would probably be better to hide in the kitchen, no one would find you.
Have you left the safety on the Glock?
Who the hell is smoking weed?
The pungent smell momentarily distracted you. You'd been so focused on finding a glass that you hadn't noticed someone else was in the room. A slim figure lingered in the shadows of the window, barely revealed by the moonlight.
But you didn't need to see the full face to recognize him...
The Seventh Moon.
"Do you smoke?" the black-haired man asked from across the room, his voice so deep it was almost a growl, sending shivers down your spine.
"I don't do drugs, thanks," you replied with a flat, disinterested tone, or at least you tried to. "But could you point me to where the glasses are... please?"
The man chuckled and moved closer, rounding the kitchen island until he stood just inches from you. He gazed at you for a moment, then reached behind your head for a glass. His face inches from yours
You felt trapped, exposed.
For a moment, you forgot you were also a trained soldier on a mission. This man had you feeling like a blushing schoolgirl from a corny drama, much like the ones your grandmother watched.
You're not going to be intimidated, are you?
For the first time, you got a good look at his face, the scar running down his eye, his round nose, the way his jaw moved as he frowned, and his almost pouty lips.
That man was beautiful.
You could even smell him, beyond the scent of what he was smoking, you could pick up the musk of his cologne. The open collar of his shirt revealed tattoos peeking out and the muscles in his neck...
"You like what you see, little flower?" he teased, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips, before handing you the glass and taking a drag of his joint. "But I must inform you, anyone who sees my face without being a full clan member... ends up dead." He exhaled a plume of smoke in your direction.
Chills coursed through your body. You weren't entirely sure whether you were more aroused or irritated.
"Technically. I'm now part of your clan. You heard your father, I'm going to marry one of you," you replied, shaking your head, trying to maintain your cool.
Suga found your bratty attitude funny. "Wouldn't you like that, huh?" He got a little closer to your face to look directly into your eyes “Technically, yes you are part of the Clan. But until you take the oath and mark your pretty skin with our mark. You are not one of us, little flower” he replied, putting away a lock of hair that had fallen into your eyes.
"I think SUGA, our Leader's orders were quite explicit. Stop toying with our guest, and if you're going to smoke that shit, do it outside my house." Namjoon's authoritative voice cut through, catching both of you off guard. You seized the opportunity to slip away from Suga's grip.
Suga raised his hands in a mock surrender and looked at his second in command. "I was just offering our new friend a glass of water, Joonie. It'd be rude not to show a bit of our clan's hospitality, wouldn't it, little flower?" He winked at you.
"Nothing was happening. I couldn't find the glasses, and I was thirsty," you replied, failing to hide the compromising position you'd been in with the Clan's Shadow. "And don't call me that, that's not my name."
"Nari, lily, little flower. They're all the same," he responded, making a playful smile and leaving you momentarily flustered.
Perfect, let them think you're a complete idiot. Amazing job.
“Leave her alone, now. Suga” Namjoon spoke again with a voice of authority “Excuse him, he is not used to behaving like a human, much less having manners with a lady” He referred as his own brother like he was not a human being standing next to them 
Does this Namjoon guy have a prince charming complex or what?
"Oh, please, your majesty! I'll go finish my joint in peace elsewhere. Oh, and Namjoon, you should respect your elders. I'm still your hyung, and this isn't your house... yet," the black-haired man stated with a note of warning, bowing to you before leaving and flipping off the other man.
Namjoon sighed. "I'm sorry, really. He has no control. Did you want a glass of water?" He took the glass from your hands, opened the fridge, and began to pour you some. “I know it will be difficult for you to adapt to the rules of this house, but if you need something you can ask one of the employees. They are always here to serve you” 
"I didn't want to bother anyone, it's late," your reply was short a tittle more sour than you intended it to be.
"And you shouldn't worry. You now belong to this house, and it's the staff's job to take care of you. But, I'm glad we ran into eachother tonight. I wanted to speak with you before tomorrow's meeting..." Namjoon paused and scratched his neck, as if deciding the best way to approach the subject.
"Tomorrow, you'll be formally introduced to the clan. From that day on, you'll need to make the rounds with each one of us," he explained. "My father wants you to be thoroughly acquainted with every aspect of our operations. Even if I disagree with certain aspects, my father trusts yours. And I trust my Leader."
Namjoon's kind expression shifted to a stern one, his gaze intensifying. "Miss Lee, I don't know you well, and neither do any of my brothers. However, in this clan, we take loyalty very seriously. As of tomorrow, you may witness or hear things that must remain within these walls. It might be overwhelming at first, but you have no other options. And things might be unconfortable until you take the oath. But until then, you must still act in accordance with the code, or face the consequences. Is that clear?"
With his eloquent speech and steady tone, the Second in Command had just issued a subtle threat.
Well, not so subtle...
"First, Mr. Kim, there's no need to be so formal when talking to me. After all, in a few months, I'll be marrying the heir of this clan. That makes me your future sister-in-law... or wife," you stated, raising your chin with a haughty air. Namjoon remained silent, allowing you to continue.
"Second, I understand that we have to take our parents' word for the success of this alliance," feeling your blood rise to your ears, you knew you were playing a dangerous game "But I want to remind you that I am also a daughter of this clan. Blood and weapons don't intimidate me. In any case, both of us should show respect to our elders. After all, our fates rest in their hands." Taking a small step closer, he didn't budge.
But you could never guess how you were making the young leader feel. As much as he hated that you tried to hurt his pride like that, the Second in command saw for the first time in someone, an equal, a true opponent at that.
He was also undeniably intrigued by you.
"I may not know you yet, but I'm living in your house, I mean, your father's house. And I expect a modicum of consideration."  You pretended to be offended because that was the role you had to play, a spoiled, conceited heiress to the mafia.
“I have offended you. Excuse me if my words sounded like something else... “
“Okay, I understand you Namjoon, can I call you by your name? We have the same age” you interrupted him in the middle of his sentence.
“Yes, of course, can I call you Nari?” Namjoon loved the sound of his name on your lips. Of course, you could call him whatever you wanted.
“Great, thank you very much for the water and for helping me before. Good night”  With a bow, You shot out of the kitchen.
“Good Night. And Nari?” he waited for you to look at him “It is really nice to see you again. You look different now, prettier. I hope you rest well, you're going to need it tomorrow” he winked at you and your blood froze in your veins. 
Kim Namjoon had met Mr. Lee's daughter before? Why hadn't Mr. Lee mentioned anything about it?
Your heart pounded in your ears.
It had been too much.
The gaps on this mission were becoming too much.
You needed to get your act together, no more games. You were already deep within the lion's den, and time was running out.
You had never failed a mission before, and this wouldn't be the first time...
No matter how appealing the Clan's Shadow was or what he made you feel.
As much as the threat of the Second in command had actually terrified you.
Without mentioning the fact that he knew Lee’s daughter.
You had to keep going; there was no turning back now.
And you would bring this clan to its knees... that was a promise.
"Baby let the games begin... are you ready for it?"
Hi! Hello?? 👻
How are you??? I've been supper busy with work and responsible adult duties and all that. So, it took more than I wanted to upload. BUT! this chapter is actually the longest yet, as a treat for my lack of updates. If you want to be on this fics Tag list, leave a comment below or send me an ask!!
Thank you SO SO MUCH for reading this series 🥹, there's so much to come and I am exited to show you all. Anyway it's 3AM where I Am so I guess I'll go to sleep.
Hope you guys have a great weekend
Love Ria 💗
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rainhaladebaixo · 10 months
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Alto, quem vem lá? Oh, é ALEXANDRA VERSACE LANCASTER, a RAINHA CONSORTE de AUSTRÁLIA de 41 anos, como é bom recebê-lu! Está gostando da França? Tenho certeza que será muitíssimo bem tratada por nós aqui, sendo tão INTELIGENTE E ELOQUENTE. Só não deixe transparecer ser SARCÁSTIQUE E MANIPULADORE que sua estadia será excelente. Por favor, por aqui, estão todos lhe esperando!
— Básico
NOME: Alexandra Versace Lancaster
GÊNERO: Não-Binário (apesar de não ser de amplo conhecimento)
PRONOMES: Elu/Ela (todos os dois estão ótimos)
ANIVERSÁRIO: 06 de Junho
SIGNO: Gêmeos com ascendente em Peixes
DEFEITOS: Ambiciose, Reclamone, Imprevisível, Manipuladore, Sarcastique
QUALIDADES: Inteligente, Eloquente, Acolhedore, Empatique, Generose
CICATRIZES: Algumas nos ombros e costelas que elu prefere não falar sobre.
OCUPAÇÃO: Rainha consorte da Austrália e chefe de relações exteriores da Austrália
—  Inspirações
Katryn Merteuil (Cruel Intentions), Quinn Fabray (Glee), Catra/Felina (She-Ra), Double Trouble (She-Ra), John McClane (Duro de Matar), John Bender (The Breakfast Club), Jane Foster (Thor: Love and Thunder), Elizabeth Webber (Ordem Paranormal: O Segredo na Floresta), Celestine (Ordem Paranormal: Calamidade), Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina: Teenage Witch), Victoria Davis (OTH), Lady Diana Spencer, Catarina, a grande.
—  Personalidade
Quem é a Rainha Alexandra? É uma pergunta que a resposta iria variar dependendo de quem é indagado, mas mesmo assim, todas as respostas seriam verdadeiras em algum grau. Alexandra é polide, educade, faz o que se espera de uma rainha, apesar de vir de uma família estravagante e conhecida desde os séculos pelo luxo e a ostentação. Elu se adapta de acordo com a leitura que tem do interlocutor e evita entrar em assuntos muito comprometedores em público. Seu traquejo politico acabou u transformando no rosto da monarquia australiana. Elu guarda muitos segredos, incluindo os seus próprios, que usa como moeda de troca para costurar acordos com outros reinos, se valendo da bonança econômica da Austrália nos últimos anos e de suas popularidade com o povo australiano. Alexandra é do tipo que sempre encontra alguma forma de controlar a situação, e tenta tirar algum benefício. Entretanto, toda esse controle emocional voa pela janela por um belo par de olhos ou um belo par de seios ou um belo par de coxas... ai elu é capaz de assinar a própria ordem de execução sem nem perceber o que aconteceu, porque Alex é emocionade demais com a beleza feminina.
—  Resumo
Tw: menção de violência domestica; menção de assassinato
Alexandra Versace Lancaster é a rainha consorte da Austrália, esposa do rei Leon II da Austrália e atual chefe das relações exteriores do país.
É não-binario. Em público, performa feminilidade, porque é o que se espera de uma rainha, mas odeia com o fogo de mil sóis pela quantidade de limitações que isso impõe na sua vida
Quem deveria ter casado com Leon era sua irmã mais velha, mas ela fugiu com um cavalariço da propriedade dos pais. Como o duque de Melbourne, apesar de jovem, já tinha fama de violento e seu pai, Giancarlo Versace, o estilista da realeza, também queria ter um membro da familia na monarquia, ele tratou de colocar Alex pra assumir o posto da irmã
O casamento aconteceu quando Alexandra tinha 20 anos e foi ódio à primeira vista. Na frente das câmeras, eles eram a cara da nova monarquia Australiana, sendo tão populares quanto os York, mas com portas fechadas era um UFC diário por conta do personalidade sádica de Leon. O jeito de Alexandra punir o marido era enchendo a cabeça dele de chifre.
Quando tinham 12 anos de casados, tudo mudou. Os York, o ramo principal da família real australiana acabou sendo morto de uma maneira trágica, deixando Leon com o único postulante ao trono. Ele foi coroado em questão de dias e Alexandra se tornou rainha consorte.
Entretanto, dias depois a coroação, Leon sofreu um "acidente" em casa e acabou em coma. Como solução, Alexadra sugeriu que inventassem a hiatória de que ele optara por se tornar recluso para se focar melhor nos seus deveres reais, enquanto na realidade, quem governaria a Austrália seria ela. Todo mundo topou no desespero, com medo dos rebeldes e também por acharem que elu seria fácil de manipular.
A gravidez e depois o nascimento da filha fizeram com que Alex levasse a sério os deveres reais, transformando a imagem do marido na de um rei responsável, que tomava conta de seu povo. O que reduziu a influência dos rebeldes no reino, apesar de umas pequenas tentivas de rebelião aqui e ali, sempre suprimidas pelo exército
Alexandra resolveu ir para a Seleção em busca de apoio político e militar para se manter no trono australiano, além de tirar sua filha de perto da influência da avô paterna. O quadro de saúde de Leon se agravou e há uma movimentação por parte dos Lancaster para que, quando Leon morrer, Alexandra ser expulse do reino e sua fílha Lívia, hoje com 7 anos, seja coroada, com q avó paterna como regente até que a garota atinja a maioridade. Seu plano temporário é usar a Seleção para se aproximar da princesa, já que era bastante próxima do rei, e manter as relações com o reino dentro de seu circulo interno.
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muatyland · 8 months
La martire. L'alleanza d'acciaio (Vol. 2) | Anthony Ryan
I tempi sono cambiati per Alwyn lo Srivano. Se prima era un fuorilegge, ora è un esperto di spionaggio e protettore giurato di lady Evadine Courlain, le cui visioni di un’apocalisse demoniaca le hanno fatto guadagnare la fanatica devozione dei fedeli. Tuttavia, la crescente fama di Evadine l’ha messa in contrasto sia con la Corona che con l’Alleanza e, mentre nuovi disordini affliggono il regno,…
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sparviero44 · 9 months
Morto David Soul, il detective Hutch della leggendaria serie tv “Starsky & Hutch”
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La coppia di detective è diventata un'icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul
David Soul, nato David Richard Solberg, è stato non solo un volto iconico della televisione, ma anche un talentuoso cantautore e regista nel corso della sua carriera. Oltre al suo ruolo indimenticabile in “Starsky & Hutch“, Soul ha recitato in altre produzioni di successo come Star Trek e “Una 44 Magnum per l’ispettore Callaghan” con Clint Eastwood. L’attore statunitense è deceduto giovedì 4 gennaio, lasciando un vuoto nel cuore dei suoi fan e nel mondo dello spettacolo. La moglie ha comunicato che Soul ha affrontato con coraggio la sua battaglia per la vita circondato dall’affetto della famiglia.
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La carriera di David Soul è stata versatile e apprezzata. Inizialmente, ha intrapreso la strada della musica folk, esibendosi insieme a grandi nomi come Frank Zappa e i Byrds. Tuttavia, è stato il passaggio alla recitazione che lo ha portato alla ribalta, con ruoli in telefilm di successo negli anni ’60 e ’70. Il clou della sua carriera è stato, senza dubbio, il ruolo di Hutch accanto a Paul Michael Glaser in “Starsky & Hutch“. La coppia di detective è diventata un’icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul.Negli anni successivi al successo televisivo, Soul ha continuato a stupire il pubblico tornando alla musica, raggiungendo la vetta delle classifiche con brani come “Don’t Give Up On Us” e “Silver Lady”. Nonostante le sfide personali, tra cui un periodo di incarcerazione negli anni ’80 per aggressione alla moglie di allora, Patti Carnel Sherman, Soul è riuscito a rialzarsi e a contribuire ancora al mondo dell’intrattenimento.
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David Soul, known for playing the iconic detective Kenneth Hutchinson of the duo Starsky and Hutch, has died at the age of 80. The American gossip magazine TMZ broke the news. He was born in Chicago but had English citizenship. In addition to the popular TV series also "Salem's Lot", "Star Trek" and the cult "A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan" alongside Clint Eastwood.
How David Soul died
David Soul died on Thursday in a hospital in London following a battle with cancer. According to what was reported by TMZ, the actor had been suffering from it for some time as well as numerous health problems suffered in old age. In particular, David Soul suffered from chronic bronchopneumonia, due to more than 50 years as an avid smoker: "he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day", says the newspaper.
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The career of David Soul
David Soul became an absolute pop icon in the 70s thanks to Starsky and Hutch. He was the blond-haired, icy-eyed detective next to Detective Dave Starsky, played by Paul Michael Glaser. David Soul appeared in all 92 episodes of the series, spanning a four-season span from 1975 to 1979 and also directing some episodes. Other popular shows also include "Salem's Lot", the first miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King and directed by Tobe Hopper in which he played the protagonist Ben Mears and which in Italy was released with the title "The Last Days of Salem ", merged into a single 112-minute version. Before his great popularity with the series, he had gained recognition in the role of Agent Davis in the film A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan. David Soul had also established himself as a singer by releasing five studio albums and seven collections between 1976 and 2020
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rubyvroom · 2 years
and finally music stuff
I don't know if it's that my attention span is for shit lately, but I haven't really been consuming albums anymore, mostly just singles. But a few albums I did enjoy:
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That's Rosalia, Angel Olsen, Winter, and Dawn Richards + Vantablack
albums let's face it I'm almost certain to love once I get around to properly listening to them: Hatchie, Let's Eat Grandma
I'd usually list out the shows I went to this year, but for pandemic reasons I haven't been to a concert since I saw Ladytron in 2019. :( I hope to be back at concerts in 2023? Maybe?
And my finalized songs playlist (listed out below if you don't have spotify, but I think I put the webplayer on this)
Tastes Just Like It Costs - MJ Lenderman 3:47
L’enfer - Stromae 3:09
Home Maker - Sudan Archives 5:02
Ojitos Lindos - Bad Bunny, Bomba Estéreo 4:18
Doomscroller - Metric 10:28
Right Now - Angel Olsen 5:07
Ghost On - Angel Olsen 4:20
Say Laura - Eric Chenaux 7:24
midnight sun - Nilüfer Yanya 4:42
Billions - Caroline Polachek 4:56
Dance For You - Empress Of 3:21
Mistakes - Sharon Van Etten 3:59
Welcome To Hell - black midi 4:09
Bleed It - Logic 2:31
Bad Habit - Steve Lacy 3:52
Red Bird Pt. 2 (Morning) - Florist 5:26
On The Ground - Grace Ives 3:25
Body - 070 Shake, Christine and the Queens 3:30
LA FAMA - ROSALÍA, The Weeknd 3:08
Less Than Zero - The Weeknd 3:31
High Priestess - Santigold 3:13
Beach House - Carly Rae Jepsen 2:30
Wild - Spoon 3:13
One - Hercules & Love Affair, ANOHNI 4:37
Jackie Down The Line - Fontaines D.C. 4:01
Quicksand - Hatchie 4:11
So Typically Now - U.S. Girls 3:15
This Hell - Rina Sawayama 3:56
Midnight Legend - Special Interest, Mykki Blanco 3:24
What They Call Us - Fever Ray 4:27
Pink + White - Live at Electric Lady - Remi Wolf 3:53
Romantic Homicide - d4vd 2:12
home - Two Shell 4:05
Shotgun - Magdalena Bay RemixSoccer Mommy, Magdalena Bay 3:59
Protection From Evil - Ibibio Sound Machine 4:36
About Damn Time - Lizzo 3:11
The Heart Part 5 - Kendrick Lamar 5:32
Tired of Taking It Out On You - Wilco 3:36
Down - Hot Chip 3:52
Wolf - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 4:13
Vantablack - Dawn Richard and Spencer Zahn, Dawn Richard, Spencer Zahn 3:55
Don’t Forget - Sky Ferreira 3:48
La Buena Vida - Camila Cabello 3:17
American Teenager - Ethel Cain 4:18
Last Last - Burna Boy 2:52
Free Yourself - Jessie Ware 3:54
Runner - Alex G 2:36
Step By Step - Braxe + Falcon, Alan Braxe, Panda Bear, DJ Falcon 4:02
Heaven Come Crashing - Rachika Nayar, Maria BC 5:33
Constant Repeat - Charli XCX 3:09
Spud Infinity - Big Thief 5:34
El Galatzó - Lucrecia Dalt 3:32
Looking at Your Pager - KH 2:54
Angel - DJ Python 10:52
What It Is - Amber Mark 5:25
happy accident - Tomberlin 5:45
Walkin - Denzel Curry 4:40
Somewhere Near Marseilles ーマルセイユ辺りーHikaru Utada 11:54
Belize (feat. MF DOOM) - Danger Mouse, Black Thought, MF DOOM 3:54
Right to Riot - Hagop Tchaparian 5:00
Running with the Hurricane - Camp Cope 4:15
Belinda Says - Alvvays 2:45
June - Destroyer 6:33
Greatest Hits - Jockstrap 4:27
keisha - Yaya Bey 2:55
Oh! - The Linda Lindas 2:35
Back To The Radio - Porridge Radio
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jvstbitc · 2 years
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                        𓏲        ֺ       You've worn a  𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒌  for so  𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨                                that you’ve  𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏  [ W H O ] you were                                                           𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩  it. ヽ
Parece que CATALINA CONSTANZA DE ARAGON foi vista passear pelas ruas de Eden essa noite. Pertencendo ao clã LASOMBRA, da Seita SABAT, possuí 124 anos, mas seu rostinho de 32 engana muita gente. Ganhou fama pela cidade não apenas por ser a GERENTE DE RP DA AMARANTH COMPANY mas por se mostrar ARTICULADA e TRAIÇOEIRA. 
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                                (     pinterest  ヽ  task  ヽ   connections     )       
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acesse o READMORE para conhecer melhor a catalina e verificar a wanted.
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𓏲  𓂃⠀ ៹  RESUMO
Quando Catalina nasceu acontecia uma guerra na Espanha: aqueles que não aceitaram a proclamação da república arquitetaram um golpe junto do exército para retomarem a monarquia no país. O pai da garota, conhecido àquela época como Pedro, o Duque de Grandía, tornou-se um apoiador do Rei deposto Afonso, alistando a si e seu filho mais velho no exército para ajudar seu país. Embora a monarquia tenha de fato vencido, a Batalha ceifou a vida de seus familiares e Catalina se viu nas mãos carrascas de um primo distante após isso, vez que mulheres eram impedidas de administrarem propriedades, títulos e heranças em sua época. Tinha pouco mais de dezesseis anos quando o primo, Carlos, tentou casá-la, e ela fugiu de casa apenas para ser capturada alguns dias depois. Era obrigada a confessar seus delitos, mas foi na capela próxima do palacete que ela conheceu um vampiro, embora só tenha sabido disso anos mais tarde, quando ele a transformou. Na sua não-vida ela tem sua lealdade ligada aos Lasombra, tendo se tornado uma espécie de braço direito de Carmilla com o passar dos anos. Devido seus talentos, em Eden ela exerce a função de Gerente de relações públicas da Amaranth Company, além de exercer a função de mediadora no clã, aplicando punições nos mais jovens sempre que se faz necessário.
INSPOS: lady jéssica atreides (dune); rosalie hale (twilight); katherine pierce (the vampire diaries); anne boleyn (queen of england); elizabeth witmore (the glittering court); niklaus mikaelson (the originals); jace herondade (the mortal instruments); lucita de aragon (vampire the masquerade)
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𓏲  𓂃⠀ ៹  DIETA
Nunca foi do tipo que se reprimiu, embora no início precisasse ser parada para que não drenasse totalmente um corpo e deixasse um rastro deles por onde passasse, contudo, sempre alimentou-se de humanos. Com o passar dos anos e o aprimoramento da habilidade, tornou-se mais fácil. Tem preferência por sangue de pessoas que não consomem álcool ou qualquer tipo de drogas, considerando que tais substâncias deixam o sangue amargo ao seu paladar. Ainda que use a dominação, porém, para evitar ser descoberta e alimentar-se com maior tranquilidade, é comum que saia da cidade para isso. Quando não possui outra opção, ela cede às bolsas de sangue, investindo uma quantia elevada para que seja um segredo.
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Como uma vampira muito esforçada, ainda que por motivos fúteis, Catalina tem um incrível domínio da disciplina aprendida desde seu abraço, sendo ela a dominação, que nada mais é do que a capacidade de manipular a mente de outra pessoa (humano, ou não). Treinando a habilidade por anos, hoje Aragon é capaz de implantar pensamentos falsos ou sugestões hipnóticas na mente de seu alvo, como também reescrever algumas memórias dessa pessoa, ainda que isso demande maior energia e, às vezes, que seja repetido algumas vezes para que a nova memória se torne permanente. Seu dom, no entanto, tornou Catalia alguém acostumada com elogios e a ser bajulada, deixando-a impaciente quando o contrário ocorre e sua presença é ignorada. Sua habilidade também obedece a duas restrições importantes: Catalina deve encontrar os olhos do alvo e deve falar em um idioma que seja claramente ouvido e compreendido pelo alvo. Além disso, esta disciplina não pode ser usada para forçar alguém a ser autodestrutivo ou desafiar sua natureza.
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𓏲  𓂃⠀ ៹  TRIVIA
Antes de receber o abraço, ou ter conhecimento sobre vampiros, Elieser (cainita do Lasombra) ajudou Catalina a fugir e despistar sua família, deixando-a sozinha após esse sucesso, já que faz parte da decisão do abraço Lasombra analisar seu alvo nas piores condições possíveis;
Catalina trabalhou na cozinha de um restaurante, tendo aprendido lá a cozinhar muitas coisas, mas foi expulsa quando começaram a suspeitar de sua reputação por ser uma moça sozinha e sem histórico familiar;
Desamparada, o único lugar que a acolheu foi um bordel no subúrbio de Barcelona, frequentado por muitos artistas decadentes, guardas quando a segunda república explodiu na Espanha e, também marinheiros que atracavam no porto. Mas após alguns meses e o reconhecimento de suas habilidades intelectuais, fora designada para cuidar das outras garotas.
Viveu algumas histórias ruins no bordel, no entanto, e guarda uma cicatriz em sua cintura, deixada por um cliente insatisfeito. Além dessa, outra menor, em seu queixo, surgiu de uma briga entre ela e outra garota do bordel.
Sua ambição foi o suficiente para Elieser ter a certeza de que ela era uma ótima escolha, mas como tradição dos Lasombra ele a fez perder o pouco que tinha antes de a abraçar; nessa época Catalina foi aprisionada e feita de alimento por ele, durante meses.
A liberdade que seu Senhor um dia lhe prometera caiu por terra quando passou a dar ordens à Catalina, subjugando-a com sua disciplina quando necessário;
Elieser a controlava ao ponto de determinar quanto sangue poderia beber de cada vítima, deixando-a por meses sem uma única gota quando ela o desrespeitava. Ela não dobrou ou quebrou, sua resistência endurecendo com cada depredação;
Ela enfrentou seu criador, sendo reconhecida posteriormente por Carmilla, de quem se tornou seguidora, viajando por toda a Europa, Ásia e América junto da Sevilla e o clã.
Com o passar dos anos tornou-se mais próxima e hoje, com Carmilla liderando os Lasombra de Eden, Catalina ficou responsável pela publicidade da Amaranth e também por ficar de olho nos vampiros mais novos do clã.
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ceciliacom · 1 year
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Disney Villains, o Villanos Disney, es una franquicia formada por varios antagonistas de producciones de Walt Disney Pictures, con principal enfoque en personajes de producciones animadas, principalmente aquellos de las producciones de Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Villanos de Disney "oficiales" utilizados en los  productos comerciales de la compañía
Estos villanos son los más utilizados en los productos, espectáculos en vivo, atracciones de los parques, y demás temas actuales relacionados con la franquicia Villanos Disney, siendo también conocidos como "Los 13 Reflejos del Mal":
La Reina Malvada (Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos)
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Chernabog​ (Fantasía)
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La Reina de Corazones​ (Alicia en el País de las Maravillas)
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El Capitán Garfio​ (Peter Pan)
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Maléfica​ (La Bella Durmiente)
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Cruella de Vil (101 dálmatas)
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Úrsula (La Sirenita)
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Gastón (La Bella y La Bestia)
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Jafar​ (Aladdín)
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Oogie Boogie (El extraño mundo de Jack)
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Scar (El Rey León)
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Hades (Hércules)
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El Dr. Facilier​ (La Princesa y El Sapo)
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Mención especial a los Villanos de Pixar
Sid (Toy Story), Hopper (Bichos), Al, El Oloroso Pete "El Capataz" y El Emperador Zurg (Toy Story 2), Randall y Henry J. Waternoose (Monsters, Inc.), Darla, Philip Sherman y Bruce (Buscando a Nemo), Síndrome (Los Increíbles), Chick (Cars), El Chef Skinner y Anton Ego (Ratatouille), AUTO (WALL·E), Charles F. Muntz (UP), Lotso (Toy Story 3), Mor'du (Valiente), Jangles, el Payaso (Intensamente) y Estruendo (Un Gran Dinosaurio).
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Los 10 villanos más aterradores de las películas de Disney (del menos aterrador, al más aterrador)
10-Cruella de Vil
La ambiciosa y popular Cruella de Vil, de '101 dálmatas' (1961), es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por conseguir nuevas pieles para sus abrigos, así que roba con la ayuda de sus colaboradores Horacio y Gaspar los cachorritos que han tenido los dálmatas de sus amigos, Anita y Roger, ya que este último se niega a vendérselos.
9-La Reina Grimhilde
La malvada madrastra de 'Blancanieves y los siete enanitos' (1937) es, además, técnicamente la primera villana de la Factoría Disney. Obsesionada con ser la mujer más bella de todo el Reino, intentó desahacerse de Blancanieves mandando que le arrancasen el corazón y, finalmente, renunció a todo (incluso a su belleza y su propia vida) para acabar con ella personalmente.
El malvado de 'Aladdin' (1992) es un auténtico psicópata, capaz de destruir a todo aquel que se interponga en su camino por sus ansias de poder, bajo la máscara de un hombre respetuoso y obediente. Es manipulador y cruel, trata de conspirar para casarse con Jasmín, matar a su padre y apoderarse de su Reino.
7-Lady Tremaine
Es la perversa villana de 'La Cenicienta' (1950), y una de las mayores culpables de la mala fama de las madrastras. Nos hacía temblar cada vez que aparecía de entre las sombras acariciando a su gato, Lucifer. En realidad, forma parte de un pack en el que también debemos añadir a sus hijas, Anastasia y Drizella. Las tres hacen la vida imposible a Cenicienta, relegada a servir y ser explotada en su propia casa tras la muerte de su padre debido a la envidia que despierta a la familia.
6-El Juez Claude Frollo
El escalofriante villano de 'El Jorobado de Notre Dame' (1996) es un fanático religioso y juez corrupto que hace la vida imposible a los gitanos y a todo el que se interponga en su camino. Entre sus numerosos crímenes se encuentra el asesinato de la madre de Quasimodo y llegó incluso a incendiar la ciudad de París.
5-Profesor Rátigan
El Profesor Rátigan es el archienemigo de Basil de la Calle Baker en 'Basil, el ratón superdetective' (1986), y cada vez que aparecía en pantalla nos hacía encogernos en el sofá (¡Oh, Rátigan, oh, Rátigan!). Sus ansias de poder le llevan a secuestrar al juguetero Hiram Flaversham para que fabrique un robot con la apariencia de la Reina, y proclamarse así su sucesor. Pero, además, puede acabar con todo aquel que se interponga en sus planes con ayuda de su gata Felicia, a la que atrae haciendo sonar una campanilla.
Es la malvada villana de 'La Sirenita' (1989), cuya fisionomía, eran tentáculos que recuerdan a un pulpo. Tenía como ayudantes a dos morenas y utilizaba la magia para "ayudar" a las pobres almas en desgracia, pero sus tratos eran siempre imposibles de cumplir, por lo que finalmente termina por disolver los cuerpos de sus víctimas. A pesar de arrebatar la voz a Ariel, con ella lo tuvo algo más complicado, y se vio obligada a salir a la superficie bajo el aspecto de Vanessa para evitar que la Sirenita cumpliese el trato al enamorar al Príncipe Eric.
La hechicera de 'La Bella Durmiente' (1959) es malvada, poderosa. Es la auténtica encarnación del Mal, ya que tiene los mismos poderes que el demonio y además cuenta con la ayuda de un ejército infinito de monstruos. El mero hecho de ser capaz de hacer la vida imposible a un bebé por no ser invitada a una fiesta lo dice todo sobre ella.
El segundo al trono de 'El Rey León' (1994) Es el villano más ruin y despiadado, capaz de asesinar a su propio hermano y de intentarlo con su sobrino al arrojarle a las hienas. Scar es el responsable de: La trágica muerte de Mufasa.
Y por encima de todos ellos, el top 1 va para Chernabog, el escalofriante demonio del episodio "Una noche en el Monte Pelado" de la película 'Fantasía' (1940). A pesar de su corta aparición, se convirtió en uno de los villanos más temibles por los niños de las películas de Disney. Era aterrador cuando despertaba a los fantasmas de sus tumbas y convocaba a brujas y demonios a aquel baile nocturno.
Los 3 mejores vestuarios de los Villanos de Disney
Cruella de Vil
Conocida como reina de la moda, aunque sus intenciones no siempre fueran las mejores al usar piel de perros para sus atuendos, siempre tenía un gran estilo por sus extravagantes diseños. 
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Su icónica actitud es un elemento importante que suma a sus atuendos, así que claramente esto le suma puntos a la bruja del mar.
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Su estilo siempre fue elegante y nunca dejó a deber con su vestido.
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El discurso más impactante de un Villano de Disney
Scar (El Rey León)
“Yo sé que no tienen cerebro Tiene más un infame animal Mas, tienen que hacer un esfuerzo Me escuchan o puede irles mal”
Se acaba una era, la nueva nos espera: El león Scar se marca una canción que cuenta como monólogo de villano, aún cuando tiene algún que otro coro cortesía de las hienas. La canción, titulada 'Listos ya', es toda una declaración de guerra, el momento en que declara que régimen fascista en la sábana está por llegar (con imaginario nazi incluido) y se burla de su hermano Mufasa.
Cosas que los Villanos de Disney tienen en común
Son malvados a más no poder, algunos tienen poderes, siempre tienen a su lado esbirros que les ayudan en sus fechorías y tienen una risa que da mucho miedo. Pero tienen algo más en común, y es en la forma en la que acaban, ya que la mayoría de ellos no puedes con la fuerza de la gravedad, en casi todas las películas, los Villanos acaban y mueren cayendo por un precipicio, de un edificio o algo semejante. Ejemplos: Gastón (La Bella y La Bestia), La Reina Malvada (Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos), Maléfica​ (La Bella Durmiente), entre otros.
Villanos que aparecen en los nuevos live actions de Disney
Como protagonistas y antagonistas: Maléfica (Maléfica), Cruella de Vil (Cruella).
Y como antagonistas: Lady Tremaine y Las Hermanastras (Cenicienta), Úrsula (La Sirenita), Gastón y Lefou (La Bella y La Bestia), Jafar (Aladdín), Scar (El Rey León), La Reina Malvada (Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos), La Reina de Corazones​ (Alicia en el País de las Maravillas), Keaton (Dumbo), Shere Khan (El Libro de la Selva) y Shan Yu (Mulán).
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Cabe mencionar que en “El Club de los Villanos con Mickey y sus Amigos” es una película de comedia de terror animada directa a video de 2002, producida por Disney Television Animation, basada en la serie animada de televisión House of Mouse, y está protagonizada por Mickey Mouse, el Pato Donald, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, la Pata Daisy y los villanos de las producciones animadas de Disney.
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Referencias bibliográficas:
Villanos Disney. (2023, 17 agosto). wikipedia.org. Recuperado 28 de agosto de 2023, de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villanos_Disney#:~:text=Disney%20Villains%2C%20o%20Villanos%20Disney,de%20Walt%20Disney%20Animation%20Studios.&text=Logo%20usado%20para%20la%20franquicia%20desde%202019.
Lista de Villanos de Pixar. (2023, 1 enero). disney.fandom.com. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://disney.fandom.com/es/wiki/Lista_de_Villanos_de_Pixar
Los 10 villanos más aterradores de las películas de Disney. (2023, 21 febrero). fotogramas.es. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://www.fotogramas.es/noticias-cine/g8816793/los-10-villanos-mas-temibles-de-las-peliculas-de-disney/
Este es mi ranking de 10 villanos de Disney del peor al mejor según sus outfits. (2023, 19 febrero). buzzfeed.com. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://www.buzzfeed.com/mx/jime_palacios/mejores-peores-villanos-ropa-disfras
Los mejores discursos de los villanos del cine. (2021, 4 febrero). fotogramas.es. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://www.fotogramas.es/noticias-cine/a35417121/mejores-discursos-villanos-cine/
Letra Listos Ya de El Rey Leon. (2023, 1 enero). albumcancionyletra.com. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://www.albumcancionyletra.com/listos-ya_de_el-rey-leon___203889.aspx
¿Por qué (casi) todos los villanos de las películas de Disney mueren de la misma forma? Hay una buena razón. (2017, 27 julio). europapress.es. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://www.europapress.es/desconecta/curiosity/noticia-casi-todos-villanos-peliculas-disney-mueren-misma-forma-hay-buena-razon-20170727130518.html
Mickey’s House of Villains. (2023, 15 marzo). wikipedia.org. Recuperado 29 de agosto de 2023, de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey%27s_House_of_Villains#:~:text=Mickey's%20House%20of%20Villains%20(El,House%20of%20Mouse%2C%20y%20est%C3%A1
Cecilia Estefanía Martín del Campo Hernández Ciencias de la Comunicación Profesor Eddy Ríos Martínez
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kakiastro · 2 years
Astrology Of Leonardo DiCaprio
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Using whole sign system
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Chart ruler
Leo is a Libra rising with his chart ruler Venus in Scorpio 2h. Leo is very private, he very charming but probably also has an intimidating aura with Scorpio. I feel like there’s more to him that meets the eye. Libra makes him really sweet but there’s a lot of depth to him that you probably don’t see until you get to know him on a deep level.
A stellium is when you have planets in 3+ same sign and house
Leo has 2 stelliums: 1h and 2h
He has his Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus in Libra 1h.
Libra Moon 1h- he wears his heart on his sleeve, he’s able to show his emotions easily, popular among women, really close to his mom, seen as beautiful, popular among public(moon also rules over public) may be really indecisive with his emotions; he feel this way one moment and feel differently another. This may especially be true with relationships.
Pluto 1h- like I said earlier, he may be intimidating or intense, he could also be mysterious and have an alluring aura to him, since it conj his moon, this makes the ladies attracted to him or at least curious about him. Pluto conj moon is not an easy aspect to have, actually any Moon-Pluto aspect is intense. I don’t know Leo family background but I’m sure he grew up in a intense environment especially when it came to familial relationships like parent divorce/separation, but this just one example.
Mercury Libra 1h- he can connect easy with people. He’s definitely a charmer; yeah he’s a flirt 😅, mercury 1h; people want to talk to him about everything! He can’t make his mind up for nothing lmao don’t give him either this or that option cause he’s going to look at you like this 🤷‍♂️😕.
Uranus 1h-listen this man is unpredictable, you never know what he’s going to do next, he’s going to keep you on ya toes. Lol. he may change styles or in his case, different movie roles. Conj mercury, this aspect gives me mad genius vibes😅, people don’t understand him or that’s probably how he feels. Knows many but don’t mess with hardly any type of vibe.
In his 2nd stellium; He has Sun, Mars, and Venus Scorpio 2h.
Sun- sun is fame and public recognition. People are/was obsessed with him, especially during his 90s era, he was the IT boy at one point. His sun in the 2h, 2h is beauty.
Venus- Venus in 2h and all he’s ever dated were models, 2h rules over models. Astrology is real😅. He tries to keep his romantic relationships private but it conjunct his sun so unfortunately for him his relationships will always be the topic in the media lol. Plus he has a Libra stellium so his relationships is a topic. He has Gemini (media)5h(dating) ruler mercury in Libra 1h. Also Venus -Sun aspect means you’re seen as gorgeous to the public.
Mars Scorpio - for an actor this is a good placement, he can easily transform into his characters with ease. Since it conj his Sun and Venus, he could be really ambitious. When he set his energy to something, he’s going for it.
Mc and 11h
He has Mc in Cancer with Saturn here. He’s seen as respectful and kind as public image goes. As an actor, he’s known to play roles dealing with family drama or women/relationship based such as Titanic, what’s eating Gilbert grape, Wolf of Wall Street. Being the lead role suit him since Saturn is here but even if he decides to do supporting than he still captures the attention of an audience.
Neptune(movies) Sagittarius conj North Node(lesson, fate and destiny), you can say he was born to be an actor or some sort of of creative. He has 11h(society and mass public) in Leo. Leo in this house indicates mass fame
Asteroid Fama
Fama (408) means fame or famous.
He has that in Gemini conj south node(pass live, early life lessons). He was famous in previous lifetimes as well. This can indicate early childhood fame as well, which he was a childhood actor.
His 7h and Juno
Juno (3) represents our ideal partner/marriage, what we are loyal and devoted to
His 7h is in Aries. He’s seen as a leader to other people, really ambitious, bold.
Now on a romantic level, he may be attracted to strong willed women, ambitious like him. I know he’s known for dating younger women, Aries is considered the baby of the zodiac, it’s the first sign. So I guess you can say this placement manifested in him liking younger women. Also his 7h ruler(mars) is in the 2h, like I said earlier, he loves his models lol. He also has Chiron (wounded healer/teacher) here as well, he’s also going through his Chiron return at the moment; it makes sense on why his relationship has been the focus lately. Chiron is the painful lessons we have to learn in this lifetime so I would say, he needs to learn how to heal them relationship wounds and actually find out what he wants from a partner.
His Juno is in Pisces conj Jupiter. Juno was Jupiter wife in mythology. Lol. He needs to find someone who he can connect with on a spiritual level, he may end up getting someone from different country and culture from him with Jupiter here.
I know he’s really into environmentalism activism and his Juno and Jupiter is in the house that rules rules natural environments.
Longterm transits
Saturn Pisces 2.5 years
- it will be in his 6h and conj his Jupiter and Juno! I expect him either involving himself with more activism projects, meeting his future partner and actually settling down or he’s going to have a health wake-up call; maybe all 3 things, we’ll wait and see lol
Pluto Aquarius for 20 years
- it’ll be in his 5h. 5h rules over acting, fame, creativity and children. Curious to see how his fame and acting career going to go. I’m guessing he may take on daring roles that’s out there. Unexpected child perhaps? These are just predictions. Let’s see he’s in his late 40s now right so by the time this transit is over, he’ll be in his 60s then he’s going into his 2nd Saturn return!
Lunar Nodes
North Node Aries/South Node in Libra for 18 months
-NN conj natal Chiron 7h. Ya, he’s going to have to learn to heal those wounds, nn is going to push him too but it’s for his own spiritual growth
SS conjunct his libra stellium, things from pass life and early lessons are going to brought up and slap him in his face lol
Very transformative years for him
I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to check out my other celebrity post in the pinned post on my page; thank you!
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glitteringrp · 1 year
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⧼   henry cavill, mercenário, manipulação das sombras, COMPRADOR   ⧽     —     Eu, DANTE MORTIS BLOODMOURNE, 35 anos, vindo de SALTIK, tenho interesse na aquisição de uma esposa da Corte de Luz, deixando minhas ocupações habituais pelo período mínimo de seis meses para me hospedar em Wisteria Hollow, nos termos deste contrato.
Influência junto a nobreza: Muito se especula sobre os poderes do legado Bloodmourne, isso fez com que a família de Dante fosse completamente rejeitada pela nobreza. É fato que muitos contrataram os seus serviços como mercenário e assassino de aluguel, mas ninguém ousava questionar seus métodos altamente eficazes. Os Bloodmourne vivem nas sombras, possuem influência sobre alguns nobres por estes deverem favores, mas aos olhos da sociedade não passam de um sangue sujo.
𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐑      —
A esposa do lorde Hathen ficou completamente desnorteada ao vislumbrar um espírito brincando com seu filho mais velho, por mais que acreditasse nos Gloriosos, lady Arielle sempre se questionou sobre a real existência de almas. Não conseguia compreender se o que via era real e a confirmação veio quando o garotinho de 9 anos olhou para sua mãe e sorriu. "Mamãe, eu chamei um amigo para brincar." Era difícil de aceitar, mas seu filho havia sido abençoado por Hadriel com poderes de necromante. A família então seguiu por longos anos tentando suprimir os poderes do filho, escondê-lo da sociedade a todo custo. Quando questionado sobre quem havia abençoado o jovem, seus pais davam uma resposta evasiva mudando completamente o assunto. Quando o garotinho Marcus completou seus 16 anos, ele foi pego por seu pai praticando as artes ocultas da necromancia. Isto despertou a ira do devoto homem, que acreditou que seu filho havia sido possuído pelo mal. O jovem foi deserdado e expulso, perdendo qualquer título ou influência que o nome Hathen pudesse trazer. Logo a história se espalhou e os boatos sobre um jovem lorde com poderes das trevas começou a circular. Marcus virou andarilho e nunca era bem recebido nos lugares quando se apresentava como um Hathen, pois assim descobriam que era ele quem havia sido deserdado. Foi assim que o legado Bloodmourne nasceu.
Desde o ritual que havia performado as 16 anos, o cabelo de Marcus se tornou branco por completo, o que o fazia ser reconhecido facilmente em Osfro. O jovem precisou sair do país para evitar uma retaliação, passando por diversos povos diferentes até se instalar em Saltik. Foi em meio a uma nova cultura que o primeiro Bloodmourne enxergou uma chance de reconstruir o respeito e poder que havia perdido. Estudando as artes ocultas de Hadriel, seus poderes de necromante foram muito requisitados para trabalhos nada ortodoxos. Desde o contato com os mortos com entes queridos ainda vivos até assassinato, Marcos era capaz de utilizar a morte ao seu favor. O homem não confiava em ninguém e este traço foi passado para suas gerações futuras. Muitas mulheres com quem se deitava apareciam meses mais tarde com bebês alegando ser o pai, mas foi apenas quando um menino, após o ter negado por anos, que o convenceu de que era legítimo. O garotinho tinha cabelos tão brancos quanto o do pai e, aos 7 anos, demonstrou ser abençoado por Hadriel também. O filho de Marcus, Osman, foi agraciado com o poder da absorção de almas. Sugava a energia vital das pessoas ao seu redor se curando e, caso tocasse na pessoa, absorvia por completo sua alma, matando-o.
Era inegável que os Bloodmourne tinham poderes extraordinários para aquilo em que se especializaram. Osman era o assassino de aluguel perfeito, enquanto Marcus mantinha suas atividades como necromante. Possuíam uma extensa coleção de artefatos raros que conseguiram de modo duvidoso, bom, tudo o que conquistaram foi por meios duvidosos. A fama da família não era tão boa assim em Saltik, muitos os viam como demônios, mas ninguém era capaz de afirmar nada sobre seus poderes. Os Bloodmourne se tornaram cada vez mais ricos e influentes em Saltik, tendo muitas posses e dinheiro, mas acima de tudo, eram respeitados e temidos. Qualquer um que pagasse bem o suficiente poderia ter um serviço realizado por eles, e isto incluía a nobreza. Logo tinham nobres devendo favores e entregando posses para os abençoados por Hadriel. Um desses acordos rendeu a união da família Bloodmourne com a abastada família Demir, onde Osman se casou com a filha do nobre. Estranhamete, o homem faleceu poucos anos depois quando seu único neto nasceu, Dante. Isto gerou uma intriga grande entre os pais de Dante, pois sua mãe acreditava que havia sido seu marido o responsável pela morte do pai. Mesmo que este fosse o caso, não havia muito mais a ser feito toda sua herança havia sido incorporada a enorme fortuna dos Bloodmourne.
Dante nasceu, assim como seu pai, com cabelos brancos herdados do avô. Não demorou muito apara apresentar os primeiros sinais da benção de Hadriel. Sua mãe, Ayla, se assustava muito com a obscuridade dos homens da família, mas sempre foi muito respeitada e protegida. Seus poderes se iniciam na manipulação de sombras, onde propaga a ausência da luz absorvendo a vitalidade de qualquer ser vivo, causando pânico e desespero em quem se encontra em meio as trevas. Conforme foi crescendo e se aprimorando, Dante se tornou capaz de usar as sombras para identificar qualquer sinal de energia vital que tocasse as escuridão que propagava. Era um poder formidável, mas foi quando suas sombras absorveram a vida de um homem que a extensão de seu poder se mostrou realmente obscura. Diferente de seu pai, que conseguia sugar as almas com mais facilidade, Dante se sentia drenado quando matava alguém com suas sombras, mas isto não o impedia de usar o poder. Fora ensinado desde jovem a ser um lutador e sobrevivente, conseguia ser furtivo e completar os serviços de maneira excepcional, sendo muito temido em Saltik.
Foi em sua sede por mais poder que Dante decidiu adquirir uma dama da corte de luz. Não se importava com amor ou conexão emocional, mas queria alguém que fosse leal a sua família. Diferente de seu pai e avô, que se relacionaram com mulheres comuns e sem poderes, o Bloodmourne mais novo queria ao seu lado alguém que fosse tão poderoso como ele. Procurava por uma jovem que tivesse um poder útil para a família e uma personalidade que correspondesse à sua. Sabia que não seria fácil, pois os boatos que cercavam sua família não eram dos melhores, mas em algum momento a dama escolhida ficaria frente a frente à Morte. Levava consigo 1.200 peças de ouro, mas não que quisesse a garota mais cara do local. Dante queria conhecer todas para saber quem realmente encaixaria melhor no papel de uma senhora Bloodmourne, uma verdadeira dama da noite e da morte.
Dante é um indivíduo ambicioso e muitas vezes manipulador, que não tem medo de usar sua inteligência para manipular as pessoas em seu próprio benefício. Apesar de seu comportamento muitas vezes frio e calculista, o Bloodmourne é leal e dedicado àqueles que ama e está disposto a fazer sacrifícios pessoais para protegê-los. Sua confiança em seus poderes das sombras às vezes pode levar ao esgotamento de energia, mas sua determinação e lealdade à família nunca vacilam. Ele é uma mistura intrigante de lealdade e crueldade, e suas ações podem ser imprevisíveis.
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encontroraro · 1 year
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Povo: Anjo Caído
O Anjo ouvia Filip tagarelar em seus ouvidos sem parar. Volta e meia observava a Boba que também não parava de observa-la. Lembrava do elogio, de como a olhou e de como foi ouvir sua voz rouca. Quis sorrir.
Esperava que a Boba descesse em algum momento e a roubasse o Lorde, era algo impossível, mas ainda sim, torcia por isso. Mas ela continuava no camarote, acompanhada de um rapaz que não havia visto por aqui ainda. Se questionando se teria vindo com ela para o reino. E mais uma vez, se perguntando de qual província ela seria e o porquê de nunca ter ouvido falar sobre ela, sendo sua fama, tão grande entre todos.
Principalmente sobre as Ladys, pensou o Anjo quase revirando os olhos.
- Em instantes teremos a dança da noite. Me acompanha? - perguntou o Lorde com um sorriso.
- Creio que não poderei, estarei muito ocupada. - levantou a taça de vinho indicando seu compromisso com a bebida.
- Um Anjo alcoólatra, que belo exemplo. Mas temos tempo, pense com carinho Angel. - disse zombeteiro, então ficou pensativo e perguntou - Faltam 3 noites para as comemorações terminarem. Continuará na província?
- Certamente. - respondeu o Anjo com um suspiro preso na garganta. De uma forma ou outra, sempre lhe vinha memórias que não queria lembrar. - E quanto a você, retornará de imediato imagino. Trivola se reúne com certa frequência pelo pouco que sei.
O Anjo bebia calmamente, ainda intrigada em como Filip havia conseguido tal honra. Claro que todos sabiam sobre sua habilidade nas guerras. Além de um galinha nato, era muito elogiado por seu desempenho e força nos campos de batalha. Mas isso não seria suficiente, há tantos guerreiros excepcionais. Era como se tivesse um peça do quebra cabeça perdida embaixo de algum tapete, e o Anjo não conseguisse achar. As peças simplesmente não se encaixavam.
- Imaginou errado Angel, você poderá desfrutar da minha doce companhia por mais alguns dias. Ou noites se quiser. - deu uma piscadinha para o Anjo.
- Você não é um Bobo da Corte. Deveria tomar cuidado com a língua, mi Lorde. - respondeu em tom de deboche.
Quando se virou para olhar a Boba mais uma vez, a viu descendo as escadas com o rapaz. Sentiu seu coração errar algumas batidas, e o nervosismo aumentou quando percebeu estar indo em sua direção. Mas estava enganada, e se sentiu uma idiota quando a viu ir em direção a princesa Léia, a mesma que estava distribuindo suspiros pela Boba na noite anterior.
A Boba estava de frente para a princesa, o que permitia olhares diretos com o Anjo. E a proximidade, permitia que ambas conversas fossem ouvidas uma pela outra.
- Além de bonita você também é cheirosa. Me diga boba. Além de um bom discurso. O que mais sabe fazer com a língua? - disse a princesa em tom de malícia.
Ao ouvir isso, uma irritação se alastrou pelo corpo do Anjo como fogo. Sentiu vontade de socar a cara da Boba, talvez assim parasse de distribuir sorrisos para toda Lady que visse em sua frente. Cretina! O Anjo pensava ao assistir aquilo.
Mas então toda sua raiva se desfez ao ouvir a voz da Boba outra vez.
- Então, princesa. Me daria a honra dessa dança? - perguntou a Boba.
Seu peito sentiu um aperto, e sua garganta deu um nó. Sentiu-se uma verdadeira boba em esperar que seria convidada por ela, pensou ter visto algum sinal de que de alguma forma a Boba estaria interessada em conhecê-la ou qualquer coisa do tipo. Pensou ter visto entrelinhas, mas o que estava diante dos seus olhos, diziam muito mais.
O som indicando que a dança começaria ecoou por todo salão, para que os pares tomassem seus lugares.
- Ainda vai continuar negando meu convite Angel? - perguntou Filip estendendo a mão.
O Anjo deu uma última olhada para a Boba, que tinha uma expressão diferente agora, mas não sabia dizer o que significava.
- Vamos. - respondeu aceitando a mão do Lorde.
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