#lady tiye
nowoolallowed · 7 months
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Statuette of the Lady Tiye - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 41.2.10a New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1390–1349 B.C. Location Information: Location Unlisted
The "mistress of the harim Tiye" wears the voluminous wig and clinging dress of her time. Her necklace is made of gold, semi-precious stones and glass.
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the mummies of yuya and thuya. parents of queen tiye, and great-grandparents of tutankhamun. Quibell, J. E.; Smith, Grafton Elliot (1908). Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu. Le Caire Impremerie De L'Institut Francais D'Archeologie Orientale. pp.IV
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world-of-mummies · 2 years
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Face reconstruction of Queen Tiye - 1338 BC (aged 40-60 years) mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun, wife of Amenhotep II, based on her Mummy at The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo.
Source: The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo
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egypt-museum · 6 months
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Detail from the innermost coffin of the Lady Tjuyu
New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1391-1353 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. CG 51007
Tjuyu or Thuyu was an ancient Egyptian noblewoman who was “Chief of the Harem of Amun and Min” at Akhmim, the capital city of the 9th Nome of Upper Egypt, the mother of Queen Tiye and great grandmother of King Tutankhamun.
The Tomb of Yuya and Thuya (KV46) in the Valley of the Kings was discovered in 1905 by James Quibell who worked on an Egyptian excavation project funded by the wealthy American lawyer, Theodore M. Davis.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 5 months
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Tiye's funerary papyrus includes figures from the Amduat, that strange little nude jackal-headed demon, and a hippo-headed goddess with a red dress, two knives, and a snake coming out of her mouth, who must be a cousin of Hepet-Hor if not the lady herself.
When: Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty
Where: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
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moneeb0930 · 5 months
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BLACK QUEEN OF #EGYPT NOT ARAB INVADERS 🇪🇬 Tiye (c. 1398 BC – 1338 BC, also spelled Tye, Taia, Tiy and Tiyi) was the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of pharaoh Akhenaten and grandmother of pharaoh Tutankhamun; her parents were Yuya and Thuya. In 2010, DNA analysis confirmed her as the mummy known as "The Elder Lady" found in the tomb of Amenhotep II (KV35) in 1898.
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liviasdrusillas · 6 months
“Nefertiti’s name means, appropriately, ‘the beautiful one has come.’ In the early days of [Nefertiti and Akhenaten’] marriage, Akhenaten spared no pains to show his love for her. Although she was probably a commoner like her mother-in-law, Tiye, her husband composed a royal titulary for her and gave her the additional name Neferneferuaten, ‘beautiful are the beauties of aten.’ Her titles are phrases of endearment and tenderness: ‘fair of hand, lady of grace, she at whose voice the king rejoices.’”
- temples, tombs and hieroglyphs by barbara metz
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team-ramses · 1 year
Amenhotep III the Magnificent announced his marriage in a series of commemorative scarabs, the same shape as the well-known beetle amulets, which modern tourists have carried away from Egypt by the thousands, but large enough to contain a short inscription on the flattened base. This inscription read:
May he live, Amenhotep III, given life, and the King’s Great Wife Tiye, who lives. The name of her father is Yuya, the name of her mother is Thuya; she is the wife of a mighty king whose southern boundary is as far as Karoy, and northern as far as Naharin!
This announcement can be interpreted in a number of ways, but to me it sounds like a challenge. Tiye was not a king’s daughter. The tomb of her parents was found in 1905. It had been entered in ancient times, the coffins opened and some of the grave goods stolen. A lot was left, though, and the exposed mummies were in excellent condition. Tiye’s father, Yuya, was a fine-looking man; suggestions that was non-Egyptian, of Asiatic or Nubian origin, have no actual basis in fact. Yuya’s titles are not indicative of high rank. He is called “Master of the Horse,” and parts of a model chariot found in the tomb bear out this role. His wife had the usual titles of a court lady, in addition to being designated “Mother of the King’s Chief Wife.”
-Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphics by Barbara Mertz
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emthehistorygirl · 2 years
Who was, in your opinion, Tut's mother?
In my opinion? Beketaten. A conclusion I've come to recently after many years of thinking I have absolutely no idea
But I also wouldn't at all be surprised if it was Meritaten.
I also wouldn't be surprised if his father was Smenkhkare.
I honestly think that a lot of the information we have contradicts each other and the 2010 DNA tests are a smidge problematic. A lot of why I think this is based on my thoughts and how I interpret the data.
But, if the mummy of the Younger Lady is in fact Tutankhamun's mother, I think she is Beketaten because:
The Younger Lady is buried with the Elder Lady, who is believed to be Queen Tiye. Beketaten is explicitly named or shown in Queen Tiye's company, I think this suggests a close relationship and it makes sense that they would be buried together
Beketaten is likely the daughter of Tiye and Amenhotep III, she has the title "Kings Daughter" and if we are using the 2010 the DNA test as a basis, we know Tutankhamuns parents were full siblings. So if we assume his father is Akhenaten, Beketaten makes sense too
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readyforevolution · 1 year
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Tiye (also known as Tiy, 1398-1338 BCE) was a queen of Egypt of the 18th dynasty, wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten, and grandmother of both Tutankhamun and Ankhsenamun. She exerted an enormous influence at the courts of both her husband and son and is known to have communicated directly with rulers of foreign nations. The Amarna letters also show that she was highly regarded by these rulers, especially during the reign of her son. Although she believed in the traditional polytheistic religion of Egypt, she supported Akhenaten's monotheistic reforms, most likely because she recognized them as important political stratagems to increase the power of the throne at the expense of the priesthood of Amun. She died in her early sixties and was buried in the Valley of the Kings. Her mummy has positively been identified as that known as the 'Elder Lady', and a lock of her hair, possibly a keepsake of the young king's, was found in Tutankhamun's tomb.
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Statuette of the lady Tiye, New Kingdom, detail
via semtituloh
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nowoolallowed · 7 months
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Statuette of the Lady Tiye - Met Museum Collection
Inventory Number: 41.2.10a New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, ca. 1390–1349 B.C. Location Information: Location Unlisted
The "mistress of the harim Tiye" wears the voluminous wig and clinging dress of her time. Her necklace is made of gold, semi-precious stones and glass.
Images sourced from Wikimedia Commons:
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harrelltut · 1 year
O MOTHER [OM] PLANE of CALAFIA's [CA's] GOLDEN Subterranean 9 Ether Earth [SEE] QUEEN ATLANTIS… Eye TELEPATHIC [E.T.] TUTANKHAMÚN [E.T.]... CONTINUING My Occulted 9 Ether KINGLY SKY FATHER's MILITARY Underground [MU] MOON [MUM = MUMMU] Base WORK [WORD] in sunken place 2023 america... 4 Us 144,000 Ancient [USA] SUPERCONSCIOUS [U.S.] ATLANTEANS [USA = LEMURIANS] of Subterranean [U.S.] MU... since ALUHUM [MA] ANUNNAQI ME [Archangel MICHAEL]... BEE A GREAT [BAG] GRAND MOTHERSHIP NIBIRUAN @ Highly Official... U.S. Ægiptian [HOUSE] Deutsch QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] Apple+IBM [A.i.] LLC
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1st place matters 2 us original [first] golden 9 ether mu amurikan ægiptian sky kings of atlantis [ka kemet]
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uh oh!!! maya's 1st [og] okcult king [ok] of antediluvian mu amurika [ma = atlantis] is back!!!
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eye bee moor [ibm] golden 9 ether occulted maya mu ægiptian [me] king histories of american [ha = harrell] atlantis [ha = hattuśa]
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american 9 ether mu father awake af!!!
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american 9 ether mu mother awake af!!!
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o my [om] golden 9 ether subterranean queen calafia [ca]
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we extra [we] telepathic mu amurikans [ma] of anu golden 9 ether [mage] sky mother plane of afterlife [pa] ægiptian atlantis!!!
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we never die
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don't bee mad mother hittite tiye ... eye my father's extra deadly [fed] black [clandestine] scorpio of 1968 occulted gen x planet nibiru
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not our ancient super intelligent 9 ether alien [anunnaqi] dna [a.d.] of our great grandparents antediluvian americas?!?!?!
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unique scorpio [u.s.] of ancient [usa] 9 ether sky atlantis
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1968 gen x him [michael] of enqi [me] nudimmud... bee anu alyun aluyn el lemurian king of original ægipt in esoteric america [subterranean atlantis]
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1968 gen x him [michael] harrell, jr [ii] king golden 9 ether NIBIRAN
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1968 gen x him [michael] harrell, jr [ii] king golden 9 ether NIBIRAN
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we secret black occult military budget pentagon elites
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apple, inc [a.i.] vision pro of maya's anunnaqi [ma] gold @ ægiptian [mage] quantum harrell tech llc
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eye must bee the best of ém all!!!… even supernatural sky god jehovah said michael harrell, jr. the best in nature!!!... so whether you like it or not, u lookin’ at wooh!!! the greatest & the best lookin’ man carrying all the BIG GOLD!!!… so ladies and gentlemen… just face it, you just second best no matter what you tell yourself… get used to it… I AM the best 2 do this!!! [insert qht llc quantum encryption trademark signature] 
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world-of-mummies · 1 year
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Tutankhamun’s mother (The Younger Lady) 18th Dynasty (1550/1549 to 1292 BC.) The mummy known as “The Younger Lady”, formally identified as the mother of king Tutankhamun and full biological sister of the mummy known as KV55 (believed by some scholars to be that of Akhenaten but not officially certified). “The Younger Lady”, is a daughter of king Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife, Tiye. “The Younger Lady”, was found in tomb KV35 by archaeologist Victor Loret in 1898. She was laid out beside the mummy of her mother (Tiye) and the mummy of a young boy, possibly the young Prince Thutmose, a son of Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife Tiye. For a long while the mummy of Great Royal Wife Tiye simply went by “The Elder Lady”, until officially identified by a lock of hair buried within Tutankhamun’s tomb, labelled as the hair of his grandmother. This hair was a definite match for the natural hair upon Tiye’s mummy. Various scholars and Egyptology lovers have theories of the identity of “The Younger Lady”, identifying her as a secondary wife of Akhenaten, Kiya, and some even propose she is Nefertiti herself, however…these are simply theories. As of yet “The Younger Lady” has not been formally identified, other than her biological relation to the mummies of her mother (Tiye), father (Amenhotep III), brother (KV55) and son (Tutankhamun).
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egypt-museum · 10 months
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Tutankhamun’s mother (The Younger Lady)
The mummy known as “The Younger Lady”, formally identified as the mother of king Tutankhamun and full biological sister of the mummy known as KV55 (believed by some scholars to be that of Akhenaten but not officially certified). “The Younger Lady”, is a daughter of king Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife, Tiye.
“The Younger Lady”, was found in tomb KV35 by archaeologist Victor Loret in 1898. She was laid out beside the mummy of her mother (Tiye) and the mummy of a young boy, possibly the young Prince Thutmose, a son of Amenhotep III and his Great Royal Wife Tiye.
For a long while the mummy of Great Royal Wife Tiye simply went by “The Elder Lady”, until officially identified by a lock of hair buried within Tutankhamun’s tomb, labelled as the hair of his grandmother. This hair was a definite match for the natural hair upon Tiye’s mummy.
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sakkarathekeeper · 4 months
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Skeleton |✯| Biography |✯| Connections |✯| Pinterest |✯| Playlist
You stayed upon your vigil, ever the observer until once again you faded, and slept. Now, for the final time, the Arches have called you to your purpose, but as the world turns you are made to wonder where fate has designed to fit you. This is your last life and your last chance, you can watch the wonders of this world come undone, your people turn to a memory, or you can stand with them shoulder-to-shoulder as the world once had and face whatever blight or war is to come. You learned long ago how to read the signs, the stars do not lie, there will be a reckoning.
Sakkara of Serpents / 252 / (Wild) Druid / Keeper of the Druidic Language
Born Sakkara Tiye to a single mom in Ankhuria. Single, modest life with a happy girl until she excitedly entered the Arches. The Arches showed her the hard parts about her past lives, and other things that changed her into a weird and dark, mysterious person. Old soul; this is her very last life and only she knows that.
A Wild Druid, she can turn into animals she studies. She has 3 she uses: falcon, cobra, leopard. She is in the process of learning the river salamander and is close.
She moved on to live in Astoria for a few years and then to the Wildlands of Lysara. Finally, she settled by the Silverlands and she is currently living basically alone on the Cove of Trivia. Lives in a "tent house" sort of thing on her own, her home simple but filled with scrolls and books and things she needs to write.
These bio lines explain her name and her behavior: "Sakkara of Serpents they took to calling her for her strange affinity to Triton and how she seemed to sneak about in a suspicious manner." (Triton is the monster that lives around the Cove of Trivia.) "But her serpent neighbor was not her friend, nor was it much more fond of her than anyone else. The druid simply trusted the will of machinations of destiny, remaining calm when the monster dwelled beneath the waters that her little boat passed over. She would only return to the mainland to find other druids when called to it or to assist in matters that her gut instinct told her to intervene in."
No one knows what her business is, only that she's a weird lady living in the woods alone. She sometimes says profound things and sometimes strange, mysterious things that make no sense. She doesn't seem mean but definitely not very approachable.
One rarely finds her out of the islet, and when they do, it's seemingly in such random places and doing random things - such as sticking her nose into business that she probably has nothing to do with. Or doesn't she? Fate is mysterious.
Druids have a greater chance of knowing The Keeper because she often finds new druids and often takes many under her wing for a little bit of time.
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