ingoldentent · 8 years
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“Hey, you gonna seriously stay at that snack table all night long, silly? C’mooooon, let’s have some couple fun!!”
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ikeatrice-blog · 9 years
Kanon felt the earthquake long before the idea struck him. It must just be an earthquake, right? Things like that happened here all the time. Things crumbled, things fell, things blew up.
Things, like, an island’s worth of potent explosives?
Kanon realized maybe he should check. Maybe he should take responsibility. The city was a mess--again--(your fault? maybe?)--so if he did check, he shouldn’t go alone. Maybe he should check that the others were okay, too.
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He grabbed the key, typed in the address--‘Please meet me here. I have to check on something’--sent. Pulled on his coat. Left.
She’d probably get there faster than he would, anyway.
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maricoled-blog · 9 years
          (♒) Being a witch, Wadanohara has an inherent interest in other types of magic. It also helps that she’s a curious individual and not afraid to ask questions or look into more details about something. She has acclimated to this place well enough, knows that there are different magic users like herself. It’s interesting to be surrounded by so many people that use it, much like when she went on the venture with Chlomaki years ago. The only difference is that without someone familiar by her side, she tends to skirt around interacting with others. Not knowing how people will take being actively asked about their profession.  
Usually when she sees others doing magic, she makes sure not to stare too long, catching quick glimpses before continuing on her way. It’s all a means to avoid any trouble that might come from her catching sight of something she shouldn’t. 
She finds herself doing that now, eyes taking in an elegant figure. Though Wadanohara is not completely sure what’s happening at current, she knows magic when she sees it. She doesn’t think she’s seen this type before, curiosity gets the better of her, and the sea witch takes a closer step. It turns to regret however when a twig snaps underfoot, causing attention to turn on her. 
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A burst of heat spreads across her cheeks and tries quickly to come up with an excuse. Lying doesn’t look good on her and she’s completely aware of that, so the truth ends up being spoken instead. ❝I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb whatever it was that you were doing. I just got a little curious about what you were doing so…❞ 
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decimam · 9 years
004 Re:monogatari
There are times where Koyomi Araragi cannot help but think about that fateful night where he met the vampire known as Kissshot. A chance occurrence. A stupid extension of goodwill. A complete and utter coincidence that changed his life.
Would this meeting be like that too? For some reason, every bone in his body quivered. And he could feel it strongly within him.
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This woman reminded him of Shinobu. Not the golden hair, not the bold dress... 
It was something about her aura. Something truly otherworldly and powerful, just like her.
Though, Shinobu was one of a kind, and everyone he meets seems to be.
The world slowly pulls Koyomi Araragi back.
And he breathes, quietly, gently, like a small child.
And he reaches out a hand.
“You shouldn’t be doing this,” every voice in his head tells him. “It’s dangerous. You can tell how dangerous she is, she’s dangerous enough to be graceful in her presence, just by merely being there.”
It’s night time again. Somewhere, in the middle of Hive City. The details never mattered to Araragi... all he knows is that this is a repeat. That this is deja vu. That this feeling is familiar.
So he opens his mouth.
[ Do you need any help? You look lost. ]
He chuckles quietly to himself.
Old habits die hard. Help those who clearly need none, extend it to those who don’t need it. Like Skittys to Wailords, this is what this is.
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ikeatrice-blog · 9 years
Was the regal blond youth a child? That depended on who was asking--or perhaps it depended on who was answering. Thin, yes. All skin and bones, though perhaps they could pass it off as “slender”. Small shoulders (smaller than the real thing) and a ring, a gold one, right?
Lion knew so few people. They knew how to push through mental boundaries, beyond can & can’t or should & shouldn’t, instead simply doing. They could needle the tenuous membranes between acquaintances until it popped. And then--what? No consequences. Lion was temporary.
Lion saw someone even Lion knew, and that youth--that child--smiled.
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“Beato-sama,” they chimed, “umm--good evening.” Is that all? “Have you had any cider? It’s warm. And sweet. You look lovely,” pause, “but you always look lovely, I suppose... I’m trying something new. I don’t know... it’s nice to have a change once in a while, isn’t it?”
A new voice, a new face. How often is once in a while? Haven’t you done this enough?
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crybabytrapmaster · 8 years
@Ladybeato: Money Making Chapter
“Hey, get back here, you thief!!”
A shout could be heard at the streets of Sector 5, as Satoko went home after working in a few traps around. No, the voice wasn’t directed at her, don’t worry, my readers. However, the supposed ‘thief’, who could be seen running down, was someone she was familiar with…
“Richi-san?!” A thief? What could that guy mean? Well, she can get the story later. Right now she needs to save her friend from problem! She pedals towards the witch quickly, hoping the witch will see her.
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“Richi-san, over here, wa!” She points to a closeby alley, where she’d installed a trap the other day. If Beatrice follows her clue, stopping the man pursuing her should be easy.
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evariche · 9 years
    Squirt, squirt. A gun in her hand, it was directed at the opposing witch. The scenery was all too familiar, once done and was repeated for this occasion. Only, in replacement of bullets, water triggered from it instead, landing splat on the blonde’s flawless face.
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    “You’ve become slower, my dear Predecessorrrrrr. Has your time in the Golden Land made you lethargic?”
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crybabytrapmaster · 9 years
@Ladybeato: Witch Catching Chapter
Whew, getting these tree trunks in shape to be useful for traps is harder than Satoko remembered. It’s been so long since she was ever able of preparing such a high degree trap, after all, so it’s natural her memories would get a bit blurry. Fortunately, her muscle memory for this is as good as ever!
She can already envision it: Some idiot passes by here, maybe with the intetion of catching her, when they step somewhere they shouldn’t. All of a sudden, a huge trunk will swing down towards them, sending them flying what, 5 or 10 meters away? The exact distance doesn’t matter. What does matter is the beautiful arc they’ll make on the air, soaring while screaming in panic in the short time interval before they fall either on the floor or in another tree.
It was so wonderful that Satoko couldn’t avoid daydreaming and laughing at the thought. Look, she can clearly see and hear it. That woman over there, whose fancy dress makes for a beautiful pattern while she flails on the air- wait, that’s no daydream at all!
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“Hey, you aren’t supposed to activate my traps yet, wa!!!” Satoko lets her tools on a corner while she rushes to see who was targeted by her trap like that. Why would anybody be walking around Auburn outside of the marked trails anyway?
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virtualnexusv · 10 years
ayyyyyyy its everyones favorite witch lmfaoooo (app is under /app !)
Application accepted!
Welcome Beatrice! We’re glad to have you with us.
Upon reviewing your abilities, you will be registered as a Tier 1 individual.
Thank you again for joining us and try not to cause too much mischief, eh?
- Doge mod
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