#laezel smells like a fucking alien
anthro-bean · 2 years
Tavart: 6, 20, 31, and 50.
6. Which party member do they relate to the most?
It's hard to say because EA but I think Wyll.
His past with Mizora and Spike, his pact vs. Her oath, their need to live up to some heroic expectation. They both want so badly to be good and I get the feeling they both struggle to actually do that more than you'd think.
20. Which of the five senses do they rely on the most?
Well, it's not technically one of the five, but she uses her Divine Sense a lot.
Divine sense is said to manifest itself as any of the five senses. (Like a phantom pain or a hallucination almost.) They hear things, see things, smell things, feel things. Some paladins experience it one way more than the other. Tavarti's is usually smell.
The Divine Sense is something you have to hone and focus on. Tavarti (like all paladins tbh) is very nosy and is flexing that muscle almost constantly. She won't pry but she "sniffs out" every person she meets.
This entire group smells weird af btw. She's not entirely sure if it's the tadpole or actually them at first.
31. They're given a blank sheet of paper- what do they do with it?
She'd nervously stare at it; not wanting to ruin the clean sheet. If she's thinking about something else however, she'll absent-mindedly doodle flowers or people off in one of the corners. She'd be embarrassed to show people.
50. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Tavarti can sing beautifully but has a hard time doing it in front of others unless it's in a group or choir. She's definitely more a "sings in the shower" type.
She cannot, however, dance a step. Wyll might try to drag her out into the party but it's just embarrassing. She's awkward, heavy footed, and uncomfortable jumping around in front of others. You'd have to roll pretty high to pass the charisma check needed to get her to dance with you.
:3 These were fun
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