#laios beong laios
catchingdaydreams · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi spoiler
Theory time : Laios greatest desires
It's been bugging me about what Laios greatest desires are as there are different ways to portray it. So here's my interpretation.
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Firstly I want to acknowledge that Laios is still or some what is still the ultimate monster. Whatever he wrote down in his book describing the ultimate monster abilities (not physical appearances I'm focusing on) came true in one way, shape and form. Firstly, the ability to consume the lions desire in the first place. Secondly, in the side stories his poop actually creates a forest. Now the quote "can change shape" actually occurs twice throughout the series (so far).
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Firstly turning into the monster and secondary, turning back to a human. The second time was not an act of the Lion as said quote "no magic works on it", thus it is completely Laios doing to shape shift freely. It's also interesting to note that both times he sheds his skin when changing into a new form. Like why this specially? Funny enough we do see this other time, as he turns into a wolf in his dreams to save his friend from the nightmares.
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Furthermore, while turning back into a tall man, he isn't completely monster free. His aura remains that other monsters still recognize and therefore fear him.
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The idea that weaker monsters fear stronger monsters to the extent of avoiding them is mentioned many times throughout the series. For example Senshi talks about how delicate the food chain is and that a stronger monster (squid/ krachen one) caused an imbalance to the abundance of other species. Naturally dragons are known to be one of the strongest monsters in the dungeon, as Thistle set a variety of different species to kill his party. Yet a common thing arises, coexist is near non-existent as power overall dominates all (either by kicking others off their territory or eating the weaker one). This Laios presence being the ultimate monster is not only removing other strong-ish monsters but disrupting the overall food chain.
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Now that I establish what I think Laios is I want to drive it back to what his ultimate desire was. Here are some common ideas that I've seen from others on what his curse was:
To never turn back into the ultimate monster again.
Laios has repeatedly mentioned that he wanted to be another race and fauns over Falins chimera form. So never being able to shape shift again could be his curse.
Never will be full.
This theory stems from when Laios is still eating the dragon despite his friends being full/stick from overeating. They make a comment of concern when Laios says he's not really full yet. There is also speculation from one of the panel of Laios being dramatic as he tried to eat a walking mushroom.
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Monsters fearing him and/or fail to cultivate them
In my opinion all of these are correct. Yet how?
Laios cannot eat monsters anymore
It was the main driver/theme thought the series from him and his group to eat monsters to survive. Yet little by little Laios ambitious desire to eat monsters for survival quickly became for the pleasure of taste. This isn't a bad thing, as I would like to clarify. Yet the Winged Lion doesn't really have a grasp of humanity and sees desire as desire, thus is exploiting Laios to go down a gluttonous path. And it does this by offering/guide them to a variety of monsters and access to water and basic needs for cooking. This though doesn't work as Laios is Laios. He isn't selfish. His desires for monsters mixed with the need for acceptance is heavily stated with wanted to integrate and cultivate monsters up on the surface. Furthermore, as he's not alone unlike other dungeon masters such as Thistle or Mithrun, his actions are quickly dispelled if they are reckless. For instance Senshi makes a very important note of keeping the ecosystem in balance and to not over take/kill species as it would upset the food chain. Without his party, gluttony would further be his downfall.
Yet becoming the ultimate monster can also be seen as a gluttonous ideal. He's a apex predator, thus like an actual apex predator no one is able to challenge him / prevent him on what he can or cannot eat eat. The only downfall to his survival is his abundance of prey. Heck being able to eat the lion's desire also alludes to his power of gluttony too.
So with the curse, wouldn't it be ironic to prevent his desire to eat monsters. Being the ultimate monster is now a double edged sword as prey escapes him. He cannot share his desires for eating monsters amongst his people anymore, thus the quotes or trial and error from the epilogue pages. Even if he gets his hands on a monster he cannot truly enjoy eating it, as it never makes him full, which can be interpreted from the epilogue page as well. One might look at the page and interpret as him getting ill from eating the walking mushroom too.
Basically, Laios, as a monster, cannot be a part of an ecological process such as a food webs. He wanted to be accepted and liked by his peers, now he's rejected by nature. Forced to crave for the taste of monsters flesh but it remains elusive.
Forever unsatisfied
By ones desire
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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catchingdaydreams · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi AU but it's basically Legend of Zelda -tears of the kingdom. Laios is trying to save his sister but he keeps following the side quests too much and too busy cooking up monsters. Falin is sent back in time to the Golden kingdom when the mad mage (I'm sorry I forgot his name) first desires for the people to live forever. She doesn't really turn into a chimera per say it's that her ancient dragon form has feather and red scales.
Like the Lion is basically Ganon, but also gave Laios a monster arm too. It makes sense cause he was trying to win him over/ manipulate him to "rule" over the kingdom (basically as a puppet for the lion).
It doesn't end like that of course and the two fight it out.
Some other random titbit
Kensuke is the master sword.
His friends could be his allies in battle.
The races are changed to reflect the ones in the series (like elves, dwarfs ect but still hold certain attributes of the original villagers)
Laios doesn't ride horses, he uses dire wolves for travel.
Laios makes the weirdest builds.
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catchingdaydreams · 2 months
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==Sinfully Delicious in Dungeon AU==
Dungeon Meshi AU i've been cooking up that instead of The Demon eating desires, it feasts upon ones humanity, ultimately driving the person mad and turning them into a monster. They specifically target people who represent a specific aspect of the seven deadly sins, persuading/manipulating them to commit such acts more and more until they have no sense of humanity left.
Interested? Alright let me continue.
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The Eternal Abyss, Devourer of Men, The Amber one , is what many people call this entity.
To call forth this demon, one doesn't willingly pray to witness it in its full being. Not in the general sense. It will seek you out on their own behalf. Like a predator patiently awaits for the meekest and most gullible prey before it strikes. And as like an old animal, many welcome it in open arms.
"The demons bite pierced deeply into one pulse, lapping them up as it savours the taste of ones humanity in its maw. As quickly as it's has their hold onto them, the prays virtues bleeds out until there is nothing left. Leaving behind a husk of his former self. And as the beast's feast ends abruptly, its hunger yearns for more. To relinquish is to understand life. What it is to be human."
This demon craves to understand humanity. Yet has a corrupt understanding of it. It seems to harness 7 key virtues (Sins) that this demon believes are the core to humanities essence:
The demon will choose its next victim based on their core virtue. It will manipulate and corrupt its target into becoming an embodiment of a sin. When it thinks you've reached to its fullest/ripened, it will harvest you're core virtue. As you have become an embodiment of a sin, that has also become in turn your only reflection of your true self (aka your humanity).
To lose your humanity is to lose yourself. And you will fall into becoming a monster.
The demon doesn't target one human at a time. They are the endless void, they have no grasp on limits. They will court several humans at once if the vessels within the dungeon have virtuous potential.
Over the decades of harvesting 'humanity', the demon is slowly becoming more and more anthropomorphic. This in turn is increasing it's ability for humans to fall under the demon's temptation as it has a more friendly disposition.
(Loss of humanity)
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How did monsters became to be? Well the majority were humans once. All had fallen to the demons doings.
It is not common knowledge of how monsters came to be. Mostly cause the current generation of monsters (mostly the weaker and short lived ones) are descendants from the humans. In some races, this knowledge is forbidden. However, for the people to gain the knowledge, the name of the people to turn into monsters are called "cardinal sinners".
The form that humans take when becoming monsters mirrors how the demon presents itself to them.
Depending on the power of virtue a human has, the transformation can start early. Often not the human doesn't know they are slowly transforming as they are too engrossed in the sweet, powerful and luxurious things that the demon offers them. It's as if they are in a trance.
Can they escape becoming a monster?
It's an extremely rare case for a human to break the haze of the demons hold. Yet it is often not without repercussion. Depending on the stage of corruption, ones sins can be too much for the person to live without the guidance of the demon. It often leads to being a social outcast, rejected by society. Other times the blade is a quick release.
If a person has succumbed to parcial monstrous formation they cannot turn back to a human form. It is often painful to live life in this form as the body stuck between two different forms. As a result of the pain, many who do try to escape quickly regret it and return back to the demon.
Main Story
'Friendship is truly delicious'
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The set of dungeon Meshi au is pretty much the same, save Falin and beat the dungeon lord.
Yet Laios party and a few other characters are individually being targeted by the demon. At first it started out as dreams then visions and illusion. But eventually the party gets split up as the dungeon changes. They are able to come back together yet there is a force that keeps driving the apart.
Each time they are able to meet, they form a plan of where they should all go forward and try creating a meeting point when they get lost again.
They don't all get separated every time, sometimes it's one or two party members.
But every time a party member does go missing, they are further influenced by the demon. And it shows with how when they meet back, they act very on edge, their virtue's starting to show.
Further and further into the dungeon, the party keeps getting sperated more and more until some of them don't meet at the next meeting spot, but do turn up at the next.
Until izutsumi is the first to go actually missing. They don't show up after several meetings points. Everyone's worried but reassure them they would find her again due to her strong independent nature. What they didn't know was that the demon was quick to turn her into a monster. And that she was the party's next meal.
Demon knows what is going in the dungeon, especially how Laios party was eating monsters. The demon was particularly fond of Laios and his virtues and wanted to fulfill his nature to the fullest. It was a long time that the demon felt like he could relate to anyone.
As a result the demon couldn't play with their food, even if it was so tempting. If that meant by turning his friends into monsters to satisfy laios, so be it.
One by one the party slowly let surly grows smaller and smaller, until it is only Laios and Senshi left.
The other parties meet Laios and Senshi and they took have missing members too. They all tag team up to reach a common goal but they have all become somewhat corrupt by the demon and the alliance falls out fast. They become snarky, pointing fingers at each other. Some find out that other party members are hiding that they are turning into a monster. Eventually they are at their necks.
Their virtues are ripe for the harvesting.
And only Laios is the one left standing from the ordeal. His humanity is just about to disappear. His body is stitched together by a variety of mismatched animal parts. He loams over just a barely breathing Senshi. His eyes glued to his companions body as his breath is heavy from the sharp teeth growing out of his new maw.
A firm grip is placed on Laios's shoulder as a deep but gently voice speaks to him.
"Partake in the flesh that I give you. For I've been merciful for your ascension. He would not want for their bodies to rot. Let him he useful to you once more Laios. Let him join you, join your party, you're friends. "
And with that Laios loses his humanity.
7 Deadly Sins & transformations
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Gluttony: Laios (monster form)
Sloth: Izutsumi (huan cat, serpopard?)
Greed: Marcille (was persuaded by lust at first with Falin but her want for her friends to escape death was too great) (unicorn, flying serpent?)
Pride: Chilchuck (too prideful to accept/knowledge his mistakes with his family and how he acts above everyone else) (dungeon rabbit?)
Envy: Mithrun (hides he's partially transformed into a goataur)
Lust: Shuro (Biocorn, Tiger hybrid?)
Warth: Kabru ( hides he's partially transformed into a ramtaur) Mithrun (Demon tries to influence him again and nearly succeeds) Senshi (self hate/blame but is the only member who was able to break away from the demons grasps so quickly)
*other parties would also be influenced*
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