000-pawz · 4 months
how riwoo loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think riwoo would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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riwoo is the definition of "thoughtful, doting, and stable" <3
he's such a stable lover, it's actually insane. riwoo is one of the most sincere, loyal, and honest people ever. with his moon sextile venus, i feel like people fall for him very easily? he's very charming, well-mannered, and polite, so many people have puppy crushes on him. if he has a crush on you, i feel like he'd be very reserved, but deeply sensitive and caring. he'd show that he likes you in little ways. he's very thoughtful and remembers things you would've never thought he'd remember.
with his libra sun, he's very romantic at heart. combine that with his venus in scorpio, and he will have full tunnel vision on his partner. he wants his partner to confide in him. because of his virgo moon, he's amazing at offering support, lending an ear, and helping his partner navigate their struggles. he wants to lift as many stressors from you as possible and he doesn't mind taking them on himself.
his main goal is to make his partner feel special, so i think he'd like those stay-at-home intimate dates like a candle lit dinner, or picnics at the beach and stuff! i think he'd also enjoy relaxing dates, like a puppy cafe or paint and sip ^___^
he's an introverted feeler, no doubt. that phrase "i want to be alone with you" is literally riwoo in a nutshell. he needs quiet time away from the world to recharge and process, but he wouldn't mind his partner being there with him. he prefers to stay out of the limelight when it comes to his personal life, so he may want to keep your relationship relatively private.
i feel like riwoo is most compatible with those who can balance out his reserved nature with emotion, or people who can resonate with his need for stability. he would like a partner that can "take the lead" and set boundaries well. he also has a big thing for aesthetics because of his libra sun, so he'd prefer a partner that is fashionable or shares the same taste/style.
tbh i think he might prefer a partner that is older than him or has a sense of emotional maturity. riwoo is very faithful, but he sometimes has low confidence when it comes to navigating relationships, so he needs a strong and stable foundation for him to feel the most safe. <3
he appreciates the little things in life; those often overlooked every day moments like waking up beside his partner and seeing how beautiful they are. holding hands while walking down the sidewalk. seeing the stars reflect in their eyes. he values simplicity and doesn't need lavish shows of affection to feel loved!!!
he's full of so much adoration for his partner. i see him as the type to take a lot of pictures of you in soft moments, like when you're sleeping on his chest, or if you get frosting on your cheek, or when you're running up to him after not seeing him for a long time <3 he thinks you are the cutest thing ever and wants to cherish every single moment because there's never enough time, so he wants to spend it all with you.
although riwoo has a pretty healthy attachment style, that doesn't mean he has no flaws. because riwoo is such a deep and gentle feeler, he internalizes many of his negative emotions. he has a tendency to over-analyze his partner's behavior and therefore, he overthinks a lot. one thought leads to another, and then he can easily be overridden with his own assumptions. he might take things really personally sometimes and although this doesn't necessarily stem from insecurity, he can fall into deep doubt and self-pity. he can go from being extremely talkative and social one day, to completely silent and detached the next simply because he was thinking for too long.
sooo how can you make him feel loved? this is probably the easiest answer. praise praise praise! ^___^ because his moon is in virgo, riwoo has an innate desire to serve others. he feels most fulfilled when he feels useful, so i see his love language as acts of service and words of affirmation. tell him that you appreciate everything he does for you and that you feel safe with him. he'll give you the world if you let him. alsoooo because of his libra placements, he's pretty sensitive around his lower back, so back massages and back hugs are everything to him!!! even rubbing his back while cuddling can lull him to sleep in like three seconds ><
with his mars in pisces and his mercury in libra, riwoo's communication style is... how do i put this...>< very, very passive? he tries to avoid conflict as much as humanly possible. he feels uneasy when there is conflict, but he has difficulties with asserting himself and always seeing both sides, so he never has any strong opinions on anything. this can be frustrating for his partner when trying to seriously resolve an issue.
he hates being in the wrong and he hates when his partner thinks he's in the wrong because he just wants to make them happy. i feel like his go-to lines are "okay, you're right." or "i'm sorry." without even addressing anything specific </3 he may sometimes let his true feelings on a situation stew because he takes so long to understand them himself and because of his libra mercury, he can be a messy communicator when he finally does speak his mind, usually going off on tangents to explain himself or giving a thousand disclaimers before making an opinion.
riwoo has a hard time confronting his emotions verbally, but he opens up like a flower when his partner provides a safe, understanding, and non-judgemental environment for him. he's his most authentic, raw self when he feels understood on a deeper level. hold him and remind him that you are there for him no matter what. <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
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