#lamia balsam sans
caycanteven · 11 months
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I needed Lamia!Balsam in my life immediately.
They eepin together cause she gets cold really fast.
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slicing-clovers · 2 years
@monmuses​, continued from here!
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Alas, it was a day like any other— in the midst of some well-deserved downtime, Derren had managed to invite Tanith to a lunch outing at the edge of Hydro City. 
The meal was going quite amicably, too. Under the warm radiance of the high noon sun, shielded by an overhead table umbrella, Derren was feasting upon a roast beef and cheddar sandwich. Conversely, Tanith had herself a salad of ample contents, complete with blue cheese, chicken, cherry tomatoes, and a balsamic vinaigrette. She’d even offered a good portion of it to him— something he accepted readily, and much to her delight, especially since she had already prepared more than she expected to.
However, as soon as the two had mostly finished their food and moved on to their drinks, the Cavalier soon began to realize how harsh the heat had become at that hour. He was in the midst of discussing what his sister was up to for the past week— 
—the most he managed was undoing the button down at his collar, ruffling the opening a slight ways down his neck, with a light tug at the rest of his shirt for comfort—
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—and he would have continued with that conversation... had the sudden splutter and cough from Tanith caught him off guard just then. Not to mention the insane amounts of red that rose to her face...
Even the words that came from her sounded rushed. “...uh, could you repeat what you just said? I... I got sidetracked. Sorry, it was... a thought. That came to my mind!“
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“O-Of course! Of course,” he managed, “it’s no big deal, though now that you mention it, it is getting rather hot out here... (goodness, as if it could get any more intense...!) though, right— I was going to see how onee-san was doing, only to find out that she just got out that pitcher of lemonade...”
As he went on speaking, though, his mind’s eye was all too focused on that darned sweat going down his neck (of course it had to be so uncomfortably cold), while Tanith was doing her best to recover from whatever had interrupted her drink.
But, that blush... lamias never really came under heat stroke, did they? Surely... was it really too much for her? In the least, he’d have to get some more ice for her drink if she wanted a refill.
The young man gave a quiet sigh as he finished up his talk, offering her a spare hand towel.  He only hoped that the cause of it wasn’t too intense... whatever it happened to be.
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caycanteven · 4 months
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Night out~ ✨🍷
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