#lamii u bless me and i lov u
ardate · 4 years
5) Favorite Scene?
Probably the scene where they all sit together to talk about their life dreams... it’s such a simple but sweet scene, they didn’t have to take the time to do that but they did and i loved it :>
6) Favorite Act?
You break my heart trying to get me to pick favorites... But i’m gonna go with Act1 because meeting all the characters is awesome, and I’ve rewatched Act1 Part1 so many times :’)
8) Favorite Beverage?
Probably tea? Idk i’m not big on hydration 
9) Favorite Song (PASSPORT GUARDIAN, Dr.Coomer’s Bumpin Mix)?
Dr. Coomer’s Bumpin Mix is amazing and I keep muttering to myself “nothing ventured nothing gained ♫” like a dumb idiot
11) Have you watched any other series similar to HLVRAI (Gorgeous Freeman, Freeman’s mind)?
I remember checking out Gorgeous Freeman ages ago but I don’t remember anything from it, probs should watch it again.. And I learned about Freeman’s Mind only recently so I haven’t watched it yet but it’s in my list hehe
12) Do you drink soda?
Almost never :< I’m a disappointment to Tommy...
13) Do you think aliens exist?
Yes. Even though we don’t have much direct proof, we still know there has been bacteria on Mars, and statistically speaking believing we’re the only living organisms, or even the only sentient living organisms out there is silly to me
14) What toppings do you like on your pizza?
goat cheese n honey.. is perf
15) What weapon would you use in a alien invasion?
Whatever I find that’s the most lethal my dude!! Except the Fingernails Gun, I’m not ready to lose my hand for this bad boy
17) If you could memorize any wikipedia page by heart, which one?
The one about Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia than anyone can edit!
18) What’s your favorite video game right now?
Goddamn, not gonna be a good look but,, sorta none? I haven’t played any in a hot minute I’m too focus on animation and drawing these days fhgbnjg
19) Have you played any of the Half Life games?
.........no ;w; I’ve only ever watched LazyPurple’s Black Mesa stream and that is IT lmfao, how the fuck could I fall so deep in the HLVRAI hole.... tbh it’s proof this series is That Good
20) Do you watch any of the gang (Wayne, Holly, Gir,etc)?
Well now I do! I watch wayne when I can, given the timezones aren’t perfect... I also realized some of them are the ones who did the famous Moonbase Alpha video and I shat myself cuz how many legendary videos can this lot produce i’m,,
21) If they make a second one, what is one thing you want to happen in it?
I’m honestly not sure! I really REALLY crave more, but at the same time this series is so perfect I’m afraid making more content will cheapen their current series? I’d love to see the science team again but creating new characters instead might be their best bet,, idk honestly i’m really not sure lmao
22) What do you think is inside G-man’s suitcase?
It’s all the tictacs Tommy left in his drawer. G-man just hasn’t gotten around to giving it back to his son just yet.
23) Is Chuck E. Cheese a restaurant or a entertainment center?
Bro I only know of it from the internet and it has actual animatronics what even the fuck that’s definitely not a restaurant 
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