#lamsons grocery
old-movies-stuff · 1 year
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What’s eating Gilbert Grape - 1993
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heartssold · 4 years
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[ DAVID CORENSWET, CIS MAN, HE/HIM/HIS ] right, here are the files we have on THE BLASPHEMOUS ——— MILLER, ADAM. TWENTY-SEVEN years old, CIVILIAN. current employment looks like a STOCKER AT LAMSON’S GROCERIES. current residence is a RV in OLD ASHTON for the past FIVE MONTHS. current views have been noted as ABHORRENT OF THE COTC. current risk level has been listed as LOW.  [ ander, nineteen, he/him/his, pst/mst ] + one, two, three, four
tw: drugs, kidnapping, children/babies
All he remembers is the being a part of the Chosen. His mother stole him away in the night to join it when he was three years old. He has no recollection of the outside world or any of his outside family.
He was happy, though. He had his tiny family - his mother and Drew - and he was a nanny. Sure, he may have been scrutinized for willingly taking that job, but he loved it. (And yes, he took up a Nanny Name.)
He was known to be quick to talk and act. It wasn’t a rare sighting for him to be Blissed out of his mind or soaking wet and shivering because he was dunked in the Lake.
Love had crept up on him despite his best friend of years showing every sign in the book, screaming and waving at him frantically. Marley and Adam married a few years later, when he was nineteen years old. (We don’t talk about the amount of in-laws that hate each other for the marriage.)
Over the years, his faith in The Father had dwindled. With that, so did his faith in the heralds. He had brought up his doubts to his mother and only received reprimands. But with his wife? They shared everything, and this belief was no exception.
He believed he would become an Angel. That was the last thing he wanted, and the last thing Marley deserved in a husband. He didn’t know what to do besides plot to leave.
The plan was to leave with Marley --- but she stayed. At the last moment, she chose to stay. She said she’d make sure no one would find him, that he’d make it out safe. This was around four years ago. He thought he only stayed because she was terrified of going into the world with nothing and nothing to fall back on.
He officially left the county “for good” four years ago. He thought all of his family was fine and no one else was leaving. Word hadn’t reached him of himself finally being a father.
He’s taken up the alias “Adam Miller.” It was anonymous enough for him to pass by. He’d changed his hair style and his clothing. But how superficial are these changes? Are they enough for him not to be recognized? His kind eyes and gentle smile can give him away. Or maybe the fact that he’s 6 ft 4 in could....
He doesn’t talk about his old life as one of the Chosen. He doesn’t even refer to his family members as being related to him. His mother has become “Maggie” and his brother has become “Andrew.” Would anyone be able to make the connections considering no one uses those names for them?
He’s back in town to get his wife back. Maybe he persuaded himself that he could get his mom back, too. He’d ventured out into the Sinners’ World alone to build a home for them. It isn’t much considering all the hoops he had to jump through, but it’s a home. Granted, anywhere with Marley is his home to him.
He doesn’t know the extent of the COTC’s antics since he left. He’s still being brought to speed, but in reality? He just wants to get in and get out. Since he’s already been here for five months, he’s realizing that it’s going to take a lot longer than he thought.
He wants his family to be back together. He’d do anything for that to be possible. The world is going to crush his dreams.
Once he knows the extent of the COTC’s damage, there’s no way he’s going back to them. He may become a resistance member, either formally or through simply being in the right place at the right time.
Give him a reason to choose a side and stay and fight. He won’t be leaving any time soon.
Honestly, I’m open for anything? Friends who don’t know about his past life? Coworkers at Lamson’s? Friends who escaped before he did? Chosen members who left after him and they both do the “you!!!!” recognition thing? Anyone who remembers him and recognizes him and wants to duel him to the death? Honestly, anything goes! 
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teethandbone · 4 years
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tw: drugs, pregnancy, abortion
[ JAIME RAY NEWMAN, CIS FEMALE, SHE&HER ] right, here are the files we have on THE MOTHER  ——— HUBER, MAGNOLIA. 43 years old, MEMBER OF THE COTC. current employment looks like a HERALD OF THE PLEASANT MEADOWS REGION. current residence is a LARGE COMMUNE HOME in PLEASANT MEADOWS for the past 24 YEARS. current views have been noted as OPENLY LOVING AND BEING DEVOTED TO THE COTC. current risk level has been listed as HIGH.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Magnolia Huber (Nee Gehling)
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 43
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐘: Cis female, she & her pronouns
𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏: Married to Abraham Huber
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: One daughter (Johanna Huber, 3 years) and three sons (Adam Gehling, 28 — Andrew [Drew] Gehling, 22 — Peter Huber, 10 months)
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒: Mags, Maggie
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: CotC herald of the Pleasant Meadows region
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐘: Bagger at Lamson’s Groceries
𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: Children of the Chosen
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒: + avid, polished, undeviating / - manipulative, obsessive, unstable
𝐈. Magnolia Gehling was born to two very strict, very religious parents. She hadn’t agreed with their views, not truly believing in anything for the majority of her life. All she cared about was having fun, and she had her on and off fun with a fellow high schooler — Bartlomiej Wojcik.
𝐈𝐈. When she became pregnant with her first son, Adam, she was horribly devastated. She never wanted to be a mother in her life, especially at sixteen. When she went to her mother for comfort, she was told that she wasn’t allowed to abort the child. Nor was she allowed to give him up for adoption. She had to live with her ‘mistake’, in her mother’s words. When she told Bartek, it was a shock to him  — but the two were going to work through it. He defended Magnolia when she got harassed at school for her teen pregnancy and it just worked.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Magnolia had to drop out of high school when she had Adam, not able to balance being a mother and go to school at the same time. The stress sent her into the world of drugs. Bartek’s parents wanted him to stay out of the lives of her and Adam, seeing that they weren’t married.
𝐈𝐕. Cult life was the best option that made itself apparent to Magnolia. She was nineteen years old, the sermons were actually something she found herself believing in. And she took Adam away the first chance she got. They forced her out of her drug addiction, forcing her to quit them cold turkey. There, she became a healer. No experience needed.
𝐈. Her second child came from Bartek as well  ——  despite being in the cult for three years at that point. They had a spot to meet at, in the woods outside of the Meadows compound. It ended with a pregnancy, leading her to get in trouble. She had no husband in the cult, so she was breaking rules.
𝐈𝐈. Years after Drew was born, Magnolia found herself interested in Abraham Huber. There was no reason to act on it  —  while charismatic, he was married to Elizabeth Lancaster. The fact that he was the firstborn son of Raymond Huber himself didn’t mean anything to her , she was just interested. But his so-called divorce and arrest eventually lead to them together.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Both Adam and Drew had left by the time she married Abraham. It was incredibly devastating to the woman, leading to a descent into madness that was irreversible. Abraham gave her the conservatory, two children to try to cope with her children leaving. She could only focus on her children being gone, the children barely easing the pain.
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mdsc951 · 2 years
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Protecting the Groceries by Edward Lamson Henry {c.1886} Art gives me life (at Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfkb9mBp27s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dhicovelian · 7 years
Menerima Takdir dan Menjalaninya hingga Akhir
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Tumbuh sebagai pemuda yang menggantikan kewajiban sang ayah menafkahi keluarga dan mengayomi adik-adiknya yang satu diantaranya keterbelakangan mental, tentu bukan pilihan populer. Lebih enak, menjadi pemuda bebas. Dengan kata lain, hanya mengurus dirinya sendiri. Merantau menuntut ilmu, memiliki pekerjaan, kenal dengan wanita idaman, lalu menikah dan hidup bahagia. Tentu jalan hidup yang lebih banyak peminatnya.
Gilbert Grape (Johnny Depp) adalah pemuda yang mampu menjalani takdir yang pertama itu. Tentu, bukan pilihan sukarela. Ayahnya meninggal gantung diri di ruang bawah tanah rumahnya. Sebagai anak tertua, bukan pilihan yang bijak pergi meninggalkan keluarga. Ibunya yang obesitas dan ketiga adiknya yang masih membutuhkannya, seakan menarik-narik lengan kemejanya untuk tak pergi jauh-jauh. Setidaknya untuk meringankan beban kedua adik perempuannya mengurus rumah, -menggantikan peran ibu mereka yang tidak bisa mengerjakan lantaran tubuh yang semakin makan tempat dan susah berjalan-. Juga adik laki-lakinya, Arnie (Leonardo DiCaprio) yang butuh diurus lantaran keterbelakangan mental.
Setiap tahun kota kecil bernama Endora itu kedatangan para pengelana yang singgah sejenak. Becky (Juliette Lewis) dan neneknya, terpaksa harus tinggal lebih lama daripada pengelana lain, lantaran mobilnya mengalami kerusakan mesin.
Dari sini, Gilbert mulai ada interaksi dengan Becky yang seringkali membeli bahan makanan di minimarket Lamson's Grocery, tempat kerja Gilbert. Sering bertemu itu, timbulah ketertarikan satu sama lain. Lagi-lagi, pepatah jawa, "witing tresno jalaran soko kulino" menemukan realitasnya.
Mereka semakin dekat. Becky bercerita banyak seputar jalan hidupnya sebagai pengelana. Sementara di sisi lain, pemuda yang mendengarkan di sampingnya, tak pernah kemana-mana. Ya, ironis sungguh. Jauh di lubuk hati Gilbert, ada keinginan meninggalkan kota sunyi itu, masa bodoh dengan keluarga, dan menjadi pengelana membersamai Becky. Bahkan keinginannya menggebu ketika dihadapkan dengan masalah dalam keluarga yang sering menguras emosi jiwa dan melelahkan raga.
Seperti apa fragmen kehidupan yang ia jalani. Dan bagaimana keputusan Gilbert Grape pada akhirnya. Temukan jawabannya di What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993).
Pict by: intofilm(dot)org
@dhicovelian Yogyakarta, 22 Oktober 2017
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devantewilson · 5 years
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theduofinds · 6 years
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape: Filming Locations
Hey guys! We are in Endora, IA...or, various cities in Texas hunting down filming locations for the movie What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. The movie follows Gilbert Grape and his family as they try to navigate life in a small town. It has both Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio in one movie! Although the movie was filmed in 1993, some of the locations still exist! When you drive into Manor, TX, you are basically in Endora, IA! Check it out!
Parking: Depends on the location.
Worth a Visit: If you enjoyed the movie, then check it out! The town of Manor, TX is the exact town portrayed in the movie. Also, the grocery store still exists, but now it’s a convenience store. We bought a water at Lamson’s Grocery, now Manor Grocery. Although we visited various locations, the main town is located at 102 W. Parsons St in Manor, TX.
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Rossco Soletrain: https://www.youtube.com/rosscosoletrain2
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