#lan mandragoron
ofthebrownajah · 1 year
Rand and Lan when Perrin tells them his arch nemesis is two guys sharing a body and is related to both of them:
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amyrlinegwene · 10 months
Ok maybe this was just me and I need to do a rewatch of 2x04 but was anyone else super confused about the status of Lan’s bond?
Like they made it seem like the bond had been released but didn’t show us that and also how would Moiraine do that without the use of the power?
Also when Alanna talked about the difference with the bond snapping (like when an Aes Sedai dies), were we supposed to believe that the bond being released also creates supernatural grief to a lesser extent or is Lan just experiencing regular grief?
I don’t know, the whole plotline was kind of confusing to me
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kevin-sedai · 2 years
Wheel of Time crew at the beach
Rand: Goes because he was convinced to by Min, Aviendha, and Elayne. Is wearing a bright red bathing suit that Moiraine gave him. Is the first to leave because he hates sand.
Egwene: Keeper of Sunscreen. Makes sure that everyone reapplys several times during the day. Is infuriated at Elayne because she keeps insisting that she doesn't need to wear any, even though she is clearly getting a sunburn.
Nynaeve: Brings a cooler full of water and snacks. Gets frustrated when people (Mat) asks her for drinks they know she didn't bring (whiskey). She lets out her frustration in a game of beach volleyball. Stops playing when she spikes the ball into another beach-goer's face.
Moghedien: Gets drilled in the face by a volleyball and has a bloody nose. Will get her revenge on Nynaeve one day though she kind of liked getting hit.
Elayne: Has Birgitte take pictures of her rolling around in waves and on the sand while pretending to laugh. Consults with Aviendha which is the best picture, and they decide Birgitte has to do them over, who is nowhere to be found. She isn't getting sunburn, and if she does, it'll tan. You'll see.
Aviendha: Has the best day at the beach. Took so many pictures, although they were all of the ocean. Except one of Elayne, which happens to be Aviendha's favorite.
Birgitte: Runs away when Elayne goes to look at the pictures with Aviendha. Spends the rest of the day with Mat.
Mat: Brought his own cooler that had alcohol. He and Birgitte spend most of the day together, though Elayne eventually finds them. Somehow, she's already drunk even though she didn't have anything to drink yet. Is being buried up to his neck in sand by Olver, who is lured away with the snacks Nynaeve has. No one goes to help him out because Nynaeve still has that volleyball.
Perrin: Looks forward to spending a nice day on the beach. Berelain is there, and by the Light her bathing suit is very revealing. Faile sees him glance at Berelain's general direction and yells at him before leaving him to spend time with Loial. All he was looking at was the dog someone else brought with them.
Loial: Spends all day under an umbrella writing about the day. The beach is fascinating to him, but he doesn't get why humans spend so much time there, given how hot it is.
Faile: Enjoys the time she spends with Loial after she got mad at Perrin. Is totally aware of the dog that Perrin was looking at but is on Amazon ordering a bathing suit similar to Berelain's.
Berelain: Takes as many selfies as she possibly can. Pretends her hat blows away in the wind and asks Galad to help her catch it. She just threw it.
Galad: Is glad to help Berelain get her hat back, though he's confused as to why she threw it at all. Tells Morgase that Elayne refused sunscreen which is why she's burnt to a crisp the next day.
Min: Happily reads under an umbrella she shares with Rand. Convinces him to put his feet in the water.
Tuon: Is either sitting in a chair that is on a towel or is on Selucia's shoulders. She will not set foot on sand; it is unseemly. Egwene accidentally brushes sand on her towel. It was just an accident, Tuon.
Lan: Is in a black t-shirt and black jeans. Doesn't try to help Mat out of the sand. He thinks it's funny that Nynaeve is keeping him there, though he hasn't smiled all day.
Thom: Drove everyone to the beach. Is playing music on his towel.
Moiraine: Bought everyone ice cream and didn't get a thank you from anyone except Thom and Egwene. Warns everyone that she saw jellyfish, but no one listens.
Gawyn: Goes to swim in the water and gets stung by a jellyfish. Egwene tells him he only has himself to blame, but he blames Rand for it. Rand left two hours before this even happens. Elayne says someone should just pee on him like in Friends.
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daughter-heir-moved · 2 years
Dad handing out water bottles on the group field trip to Rhuidean
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iliiuan · 11 months
My pick:
Henry Cavill as al'Lan Mandragoran.
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an-s-sedai · 3 years
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Symbology in the Wheel of Time S01E01
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As if chapter 22 of the great hunt wasn’t painful enough the show runners have now given us this entire fucking episode. What the hell but also god bless
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nerdandabook · 7 years
“You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways.”
As said by Lan Mandragoron in “Winters Heart” the 9th book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel Of Time series.
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ofthebrownajah · 2 years
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ofthebrownajah · 2 years
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kevin-sedai · 2 years
Wheel of Time at the gym:
Rand: Goes to lift weights by himself. Sits hunched over on the bench staring at nothing in between sets while listening to scream-o music. He is there at 5am.
Mat: Does a lot of bodyweight training. One of those people that can talk while running on the treadmill.
Min: Runs a lot. Is the person on the treadmill next to Mat. She politely tries to tell him to stop talking before going to a different treadmill.
Perrin: Spots anyone he thinks needs a spotter. Spends a good amount of time in the sauna after lifting weights. Takes zumba with Faile.
Faile: Zumba instructor and queen. She purposely doesn't cue on days Perrin comes to the class so he gets confused as to what moves he should be doing.
Moiraine: Is one of the yoga instructors. "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills" is her main mantra in class, which is written on the back wall of the yoga room. Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne took the class together once.
Nynaeve: Becomes a cardio kickboxing queen after one yoga class with Moiraine. People who take class with her leave a wide berth because she accidently hit someone with The Braid while doing some of the moves.
Moghedien: Tried taking Nynaeve's class for spite, but ended up being the person that got hit in the face by The Braid. She has yet to let it go.
Egwene: Still takes yoga with Moiraine but becomes a yoga instructor as well. She keeps asking Nynaeve and Elayne to take the class but can't get them to.
Elayne: Tells Egwene she can't take her yoga class because she's too busy, even though she posts selfies from the gym bathroom with a caption that reads, "Live, laugh, lift".
Birgitte: Elayne's personal trainer. She is constantly telling Elayne that has to modify her workouts because of the babies. She also takes boxing with Lan.
Aviendha: Trains with Elayne and Birgitte but also works out by herself. She likes to spend a least thirty minutes in the sauna before and after she does anything.
Tuon: Is that person who goes to the gym in the most expensive brand clothes she can find. She only runs, does bodyweight light weighted workouts, all recorded by Selucia. She would not be caught dead in yoga.
Berelain: Is in great shape, even though no one sees her actually do anything. She sprays a little water on her face for a selfie to post on the internet and then goes home. If Galad is there, she asks him to spot her.
Galad: One of those guys that's really helpful in correcting people's form and giving advice on how to do a movement better. Eventually becomes a personal trainer, and Berelain is his first client.
Gawyn: Takes Egwene's yoga class and doesn't get that he has to be quiet during it, so Egwene tells him to go do something else. He goes to do chest presses, but Rand is using the equipment. Outraged at Rand, he immediately cancels his membership. Signs back up the next day.
Lan: Teaches a boxing class that he doesn't advertise because he doesn't want too many people to even know about it. He's surprised to see Thom take it and excel at it.
Thom: Scarily strong. Did more push-ups than Mat when Mat challenged him. Moiraine was never more proud.
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daughter-heir-moved · 3 years
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Lan & Nynaeve // 1x04 The Dragon Reborn
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ofthebrownajah · 3 years
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daughter-heir-moved · 3 years
The warder funeral scene is just :( Lan carries so much grief with him :(
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daughter-heir-moved · 3 years
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Daniel Henney as Lan Mandragoron
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