#lan nishen
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Hello, my name is Lan Nishen. I’m a second year at Night Raven College.
Initially, I was accepted at the Royal Sword Academy, but due to financial constraints, I decided to join NRC. I'm really happy I did, because I've been sorted to Ignihyde, and I get to be with my best friend, Idia. We grew up together.
I enjoy reading books, long walks, and drinking coffee. My favorite snack is cheese, but I'm lactose intolerant. Oops, tmi.
Alchemy is my best subject, and while I have the heart for history, I find it difficult to memorize dates and names. It's silly how forgetful I am. No matter how I try to list things down, I even forget the list itself!
I love looking at the sea more than swimming in it and I simply cannot tolerate extreme heat and strenuous physical activities. I have a very weak body, unfortunately.
My name comes from the words bulan which means moon in various Southeast Asian dialects, and nishen which means spirit in an obscure language that I seem to know, but can't quite remember.
I'm currently working part-time at the Mostro Lounge (because of my own ignorance), which I learned to appreciate because I get to have free food and hear many interesting goings-on. I'll do my best to serve you, so leaving tips will be very much appreciated. :)
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Oh, Azul. What’s up?
Remember when I said I’d look up that language for you? I found it. Dig Adlantisag. It’s Atlantean.
You know that, don’t you? From a lost empire called Atlantis.
Yes. The Isle of Lamentation has stories of its victory against Atlantis. But it was thousands of years ago. Nobody talks about it now. There aren’t any publications about it.
Exactly. Then, why are you speaking a dead language? How did you come to learn about that?
I don’t know.
I don’t think that’s the case. It’s more like... You don’t remember.
Hmmm...  Bernot...lo...nen...
What are you thinking?
It’s nothing. Thanks, Azul.
Well, if you need more help, come see me.
[hangs up]
...I guess Idia was right all along.
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Ashton: Lan Nishen, Perfect!
Jade, Azul, Floyd: That's impossible!
PT:...what was that now?
Azul: H-how can you actually ride a broomstick?
Floyd: Ne, Nudi, have you been practicing?
Jade: And here I thought you had a fragile body...
PT: Hey, I'm healthy, you know? I maybe weak, but that doesn't mean I can't fly.
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