#lance dai duskstella
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What would’ve happened if Lance Duskstella had lived a little longer
Would he be able to accomplish your mission to seal the evil again…?
… Or would have he failed either way?
His encounter with a peculiar boy could’ve changed everything.
But it could’ve been 「 his doom 」 as well.
Yo! I'm just plotting some tragic Other World's DaiLui counterpart special arc :3c It's an "If scenario" story though... If you know why, you know.
Those are not Daisuke and Rui by the way, and yes their counterparts. I have yet to find a cool name for Rui-kun's counterpart before i start fully writing or doodling things with him, haha 💧
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[Angel of Miracle] 309 - What Fills You With Determination?
“Say WHAT?!” - Jun screamed on the phone - “Are you sure?! I can’t do that, my mom would kill me if she discover Daisuke is out of her range! He had a hard time to convince her to go visit our grandparents in America alone last year and to go on a trip this year!”
“I know, but he told me to say that…” - Taichi wasn’t happy with her screaming at him - “Because he’s in another world. Look, I know he does not want to make your parents and you worried, so this is why I’m planning to go there with the others.”
“I will go too.”
“No, you stay here and tell Miyako-chan’s sisters to please give us some help. We won’t take too much time. Also there’s Iori’s and Ichijouji’s families… I will call them later. Please whatever you think, do NOT try to dive into the Digital Gate alone. I know you’re older than us, but you need to hear me. I’m your senpai when it’s about digimon business.”
“Oh, senpai?” - she was being sarcastic now - “Right, Yagami-senpai. I will do what you want, but tell Kido-senpai I want a date with his oldest brother!”
“A-are you serious?!”
She hung up; at the Yagami household, Taichi was staring at the phone.
“That girl will end up doing something stupid” - he sighed.
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“Did you tell them?” - Yamato asked Taichi, once all the group were reunited in Koushiro’s room again.
“Yes… Jou, Motomiya-senpai said she wants a date with your big brother.”
“That’s not the right time for that!” - Sora interrupted them, like an angry mother - “Our plan is go to the Digital World and try to find a gate to that other world, isn’t it?”
“You were telling me to trust in the kids” - Taichi frowned - “Why the sudden change? Are you… Worried?”
“It’s not like I don’t trust them. It’s that I want to keep the gate open for their return!”
“So are we going or not?!” - Mimi snorted - “We need to decide!”
“We need to give them support, and this is why I want to… To go” - Sora answered.
“Yes, she’s worrying like a true mom” - Taichi nodded his head, arms crossed, eyes closed, a smirk…
“T-Taichi!!” - she blushed.
“Maybe we should go” - said Mimi - “We can at least keep the Digital World safe until they come back.”
“Safe from what?” - Jou questioned her - “The Digital world is safer than before. Oikawa-san’s seal… It restored it, if I remember correctly.”
“Actually not” - Koushiro interrupted them - “Gennai-san said there’s still stuff to be done. The Black War Greymon issue caused a great damage to the Digital World. The Holy Stones won’t grow that fast. The time Ichijouji-kun was the Kaiser, he unbalanced the Digital World with innumerous Dark Towers. The Digital World is far away from being ‘safe’ from the evil.”
“So… Are we still needed?” - Jou said it with a quiet voice.
“Yes, we are.”
“... We’re going” - Taichi announced - “We already talked to everyone’s families, Koushiro and Jou--”
“-senpai, please.”
“-- And Jou will stay here keeping the gate opened. The rest will come with me, we’re opening this gate to this unknown world and save the kids.”
“Will you ever call me by ‘senpai’ at least ONCE?!”
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“I have to go back,” - Diomedes announced - “There’s too much to be done, so please contact me once you’re ready, Warlock.”
“I understand…” - the little brother couldn’t keep him for a long time - “the kingdom needs you… And you’re the one responsible for the relationships of our allies.”
“Wow, he doesn’t look like Izumi-senpai at all” - Miyako whispered to Hikari and Takeru - “Izumi-senpai has social anxiety by what I noticed. Him being at the computer club was a big surprise to me, I’ve only talked to him by e-mail before.”
“Can we gather all the cores we got and focus on the missing ones?” - Dai asked - “Like, no one needs to stay with us if we have the cores. I think Helios and prince Diomedes have royal affairs to deal with.”
“True…” - the mage wondered - “I didn’t read anything about needing all cores to be activated. Before we get separated, we should do that.”
Everyone agreed, then they concentrated on their power, let themselves be guided by their aether and again the cores appeared in front of them. The only one who didn’t do that was Daisuke, because for an unknown reason he couldn’t do that.
Still… Daisuke felt upset with himself about it. Why? Why didn’t my core appear? Do I have a crest? And all the doubts invaded his thoughts. Warlock them muttered some strange words to the Chosen Children, but understandable for the others (and Daisuke too, but his case was he couldn’t translate it to the kids). After saying them, the cores went directly to Lance’s star pendant.
“Is it done?” - Diomedes asked - “I need to return now, I apologize.”
“We���re done for now” - Warlock said - “all the cores are with Lance now.”
“Including ours?” - Iori wondered.
“Not at all” - Takeru said - “Look at your hands. They’re still here…!”
“I think the enchantment just picked the ones from this world” - the wizard mused - “This never happened before, I mean having more cores than needed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Means you have more than needed, but it doesn’t matter… You’re unable to complete the requirements.”
A voice echoed in the room. Dai ran to the entrance of the castle, with the rest coming after him. There, they found…!!
“The Black Tailmon returned!” - Vee blinked.
“You will never finish it, Lance Duskstella. This world is fated to be engulfed by the darkness. No new life of yours will be able to save it. You and your outsider fellows will die here.”
“T-that’s a creepy thing to s-say…!” - Miyako was panicked.
“That’s strange…” - The mage bit his lips - “We never had a cat monster before.”
“What?!” - Dai and Vee were shocked - “So, she does not belong to the castle?!”
“No. And she must be…” - Warlock stared at the foe - “... Pandora.”
“Hmph, I knew he would recognize me” - Black Tailmon smirked - “Not bad for Dragon Who’s great grandson.”
“She is the evil witch?!” - the 2-Top duo couldn’t believe that. Neither Lia.
“Rebecca… Aren’t you Rebecca?” - she was in denial.
“Tsk tsk, you should’ve realized that all was a lie. I was keeping an eye on you… Because I saw a shard of your brother in this world, wandering and waiting for something. I knew he was about to come back someday. Humans are like monsters, they reborn. But differently from the monsters, they become differently from the past life.”
“If you’re the evil witch, I gonna…” - Daisuke clenched his fists - “defeat you!!”
“What? You think you have the power to beat me?” - she laughed next - “You never learned enough spells to do that. You even have the requirements for Dragon Who’s sealing spell. What will you do? Use your outsider friends and their monsters to fight me? I’m invincible!”
“You have no idea how strong we are” - Hikari shouted - “Daisuke-kun and I were willing to save this world, and we all here want it.”
“I agree with Hikari-san” - Ken added - “We are strong together, we’re going to beat you!”
“I see… You must be the ones from the other world to have the same cores from those people. I will give you a warning: Lance Duskstella was a bad person, he is. And he will be your ruin.”
“QUIT LYING!” - Takeru shouted - “We heard Lance-san’s story, and Daisuke-kun did a lot of good things. Don’t try to convince us he’s not a good person, or that he never had redemption!”
“Hmph, such brats…!” - Pandora changed her form to a woman and she released a wave against them. A black mist. Poisonous clouds.
Suddenly… the Chosen Children and Pandora had disappeared.
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“Everyone!!” - Daisuke called them - “Are you okay??”
“... Why are we still here?” - Miyako appeared behind him, her eyes darker than before - “If is Lance-san’s fault, why are we doing it? Daisuke can’t do anything by himself??”
“M-Miyako, that’s not true! Well not entirely…!!”
“Daisuke-san always gives us headaches.” - Same goes to Iori’s - “Now we’re trapped here.”
“H-Hey… I’m not--”
“Why does make Daisuke-kun the leader anyway?” – and Takeru’s - “He has no skills to lead a team. All he does is to boss around, to yell at me, to cause troubles…”
“B-But I thought--”
“Daisuke never was a tough rival” - Ken’s eyes were dark, but he also smirked - “He was nothing but an insect. He only beat me because he had luck, if he had used his skills he should’ve been my slave.”
“K-Ken-- I…!!”
“If he hadn’t said my name to Lia-san,” - Hikari’s eyes were as well - “I could’ve been far away from this stupid world! It’s all his fault!”
“It is… my fault?”
“See? Even your ‘friends’ think that about you” - Pandora was right in front him - “They were lying to you ALL THE TIME. They didn’t stay because of you, but because you obliged them to!”
“... No.”
V-mon, Hawkmon, Armadimon, Patamon,Tailmon and Wormmon appeared and tried to attack the witch, but they had been repelled by her. They fell in front the goggle boy.
“It doesn’t matter what they say, Daisuke!” - Tailmon said - “They’re not saying the truth!” “Takeru wouldn’t never say that!” - Patamon added. “Neither Kenchan!” - Wormmon gave him a serious gaze
“Miyako-san admires your bravery and loyalty, Daisuke-san.” - Hawkmon confessed - “That’s all she told me once” “Iori likes you, besides him being a little strict. But he surely likes you and was missing your lead, dagya.”
“Daisuke!” - V-mon grabbed the boy’s hand - “Even if we get corrupted… Even if we say lies to you… You know the truth! You truly know we’re here because we wanted, because we want to help! And Because you’re our friend before our group’s leader!”
“They’re lying!”
“THIS IS NOT A LIE!” – the digimon shouted and they tried to hit her again.
“... They wanted to stay because of me, they wanted to help because of me…!!”
Daisuke’s eyes were shining in red crimson now. He summoned the glaive and dashed against Pandora. The digimon got repelled again, but they keep trying.
“They wanted… To save this world because of me!!”
He slashed her, but a forcefield was protecting the witch.
“Give up, Daisuke” - Ken said. “You’re done for” - Miyako chirped. “It’s over” - Hikari laughed. “Accept it, idiot” - Iori mocked him. “You’re a sore loser” - Takeru smirked.
“Kenchan, open your eyes!” “Miyako-san, fight it please!” “Hikari… You’re stronger than that witch, you know that!” “Iori!! Please stop it, dagya!” “Takeruu, don’t let her win!!”
“She won’t win because we’re united!!” - Vee roared - “Right, guys?!” “YEAH!”
“I’m impressed… Those monsters are stronger than my master’s power.”
“Your master?” - V-mon frowned - “Sorcerymon said the same… D-Daisuke, she’s not the real enemy! She might be corrupted just like everyone else…!!”
“Corrupted or not, I won’t allow her play with my friends!! Or with the people of this world…!” - He kept slashing the barrier - “At least we need to purify her just like Iori did with Sorcerymon!! But without Iori… We can’t do that…!”
“Don’t say we can’t! Where’s your courage? You were determined to save this world, you can’t give up now…!!”
“I am… I am determined and I will fight until I win! Because that’s what my heart tells me to do!!”
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A explosion of light threw Pandora away from them, and dissolved the mist. Little by little, the Chosen Children recovered their light. Confused, they just glanced at Daisuke and him consumed by a crimson aura. They also were “back” to Warlock’s garden.
“Is that…!!” - Lia gasped, once she saw them all. “The Core of Determination…” - Warlock commented - “... Has finally awakened.”
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[Angel of Miracle; Finale] 310 - Ad Infinitum
“It’s… Daisuke’s crest?!” -  Vee was amazed with it. Shocked yet astonished. So that was Daisuke’s power, crest, core… It didn’t matter the term, that strength was filling him as well. His eyes were glowing in crimson, and he felt unstoppable.
“V-mon, are you ready?” - Daisuke sounded more serious than before.
“W-wait, what are you two doing?!” - Asked both Miyako and Warlock in unisson. 
“I have a plan, trust me… I won’t die. Just try to find a solution for the core of Purity, please.”
“But, Daisuke-kun--” - Hikari approached from him - “You shouldn’t fight alone…!!”
“Who said I’m fighting alone?” - he smiled - “You five come with me.”
“Only us??” - Iori gasped.
“Wait a second,” - Ken interrupted them - “Warlock-san… What if we use someone from our world’s core? We know who may have the core of Purity.”
“A-are you crazy summoning Mimi-san here?!” - the other Chosen Babbled.
“I see… You want to use this person’s core for it” - Warlock mused - “May work.”
“Do you think I will let you do that?!” - Pandora shouted, then grabbed Daisuke - “You’re coming with me, and you won’t get this last piece mwhahaha!!”
“D-Daisuke!!” - Vee shouted.
“H-Hey let me g-go!!”
She flew away, dragging Daisuke to the skies. The Chosen glanced at their partners and evolved them directly to Aquilamon, Digmon, Stingmon, Pegasmon and Nefertimon. The kids flew after them, with V-mon going on Aquilamon’s back alongside Miyako.
“They wouldn’t like to have another friend summoned here” - Lia protested - “Let’s try find another solution! I thought bringing Hikari could solve it, but now I see it was a bad idea.”
“I know, but… If we don’t do something, Lance-- No, sir Daisuke will be beaten. Him and those kids.”
“Allow me help you,” - said a voice that made Warlock stare for a few seconds.
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“GET OVER IT, PANDORA!” - Daisuke shouted - “You can’t win! A-and I have no f-fear!!”
“We will see, Lance Duskstella” - she smirked.
“My name’s Daisuke now! Motomiya Daisuke, the Chosen Child of Courage and Friendship!” - he bit her arm in this desperate attempt to free from her arm.
“Oh how cute, you think you can use your teeth to hurt me?” - she laughed - “Try again. Try again.”
“Ma’am, you’re tough! Literally.”
“LEAVE DAISUKE ALONE YOU FREAK!!” - Miyako shouted - “Aquilamon, get them!” “But what if I hit Daisuke-san?!” “You won’t! Also it’s impossible to kill Motomiya Daisuke!” “But--” “Aquilamon you NEED to do something!” - Vee pulled the bird’s feather lightly - “Or at least get closer so I can jump and evolve!”
“Oh? Your friends are here…”
They all landed. Pandora kept using Daisuke as hostage, making impossible to attack her. This wasn’t helping Daisuke and his anxiety. He was trying to escape, but no success. She was stronger than him. Also now everyone was able to see her: Her skin was white, her eyes were purple and liveless, she had brown hair and long as Archnemon’s. Basically, she looked like Archnemon in appearance, but she was human and a witch.
“Whatever you’re doing, don’t shoot on me!” - Daisuke screamed - “But don’t stay looking at, do something… N-NOW!!”
“Wait!” - Ken stood in front of them - “We have to have an strategy first.”
“B-But Ken-kun!” - Miyako was panicked. “Ken, this is no time for that!!” - V-mon protested.
“W-what are you doing?!” - Daisuke couldn’t believe it - “H-help me…!!”
“Let him go, Pandora” - Ken ordered - “Or else…”
“Or else what?” - she mocked him - “Do you think I will be frightened by a bunch of kids? Hah, I’m a WITCH. I can curse upon you all if I want!”
“Look, the enemies in our world underestimated those kids” - Daisuke smirked - “You have no idea who are you fighting against”
“You’re a damsel in distress, Lance. You shouldn’t--”
Vee took her off guard and knocked her down. Stingmon flew and grabbed them, returning directly to the group. Pandora then got irritated with those outsiders and their monsters… She wanted to eliminate them. But how??
“Ack, my neck hurts” - Daisuke complained - “She’s really strong and feels no pain…!”
“We need to find some way to beat her!” - Takeru was watching her staring at them.
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“Yosh, time to go!” - Taichi and the other five were at the camp. They had told Jun, Momoe and Chizuru to give them total support in the human world. Taichi’s plan was to open the gate to the Digital World and then try to find a way to go to this mysterious world the young Chosen were at the moment.
“Are you sure we can use the Digital World as gateway to this other world?” - Sora was still acting like a concerned mother - “What if we get… stuck in somewhere unknown and with no chances of returning?”
“Sora-san you’re just contradicting yourself a lot” - Mimi teased her - “First you told us one thing, then you said another, and now you’re changing your mind?” - she chuckled like an anime princess - “Oh hohoho! I see… You’re obviously scared!”
“And aren’t you…?” - Sora kept polite and calm, despising Mimi being all fired up for some adventure - “Mimi-chan, aren’t you worried with them?”
“Me?” - Mimi blinked, then she dropped all the sass - “... I’m worried with Hikari-chan and Miyako-chan… No, I’m worried with ALL of them too! But… I thought I had to get spirits up for this mission.”
“She means no harm” - Taichi added - “Mimi-chan is just trying to lighten up everyone’s mood.”
“She doesn’t need to be like that either” - Yamato growled.
“... I’m sorry” - and the Chosen of Purity felt bad for all the tease and snarky attitude.
“It’s not your fault, Mimi-chan” - Sora tried to cheer her up - “I appreciate you’re trying to keep us motivated, but I think not everyone here is in the mood for it.”
“The gate will be opened soon” - Koushiro announced, after a long silence.
“Right!” - Their leader nodded
“But are we sure we can do this?” - here goes Jou ask the same questions Sora did.
“100 percent sure!” - Taichi replied with enthusiasm.
The gate was about to open, but… It wasn’t a Digital Gate. The gate that opened had a man in front of it, someone similar to…
“G-Gennai-san?!” - everyone were in shock.
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“Gold Rush!” “Curse of Queen!” “Silver Blaze!” “Blast Laser!” “Moon Shooter!”
Digmon’s drills and Stingmon’s spikes were combined with Nefertimon’s, Pegasmon’s laser beams and Aquilamon’s stream ring-shaped beams against Pandora, but she repelled them with her forcefield. They kept attacking, while V-mon and Daisuke were planning something. They needed time, they needed strategy. Ken was thinking and analyzing the battle, the digimon were dodging magic shots released from their enemy. It was hard to tell how to beat Pandora, especially when they didn’t want to risk approaching from her.
“Didn’t Lance use magic?” - Vee glanced at Daisuke - “Like, I think I heard something about that before.”
“M-Me?” - Daisuke blinked - “A-ah, I used to learn spells and to use my aether for that. Magic is not an unusual thing in this world, all creatures have it… I had it.”
“This means Daisuke-kun has powers?” - Hikari asked.
“Not anymore… Since this is a new body, a new life… I can’t actually use the same magic from before. However, I can use the same weapon I used to have in my training.”
“W-we don’t have too much time anymore!!” - Iori called them - “There’s must have a way to stop her!!”
“A way…” - Dai mused... - “T-that’s it! If we use the core’s power, the CREST power… We might stop her!”
“What?!” - Miyako blinked - “You mean… Do that again? Summon the power inside of us? But you have the cores of everyone from this world’s inside the pendant!”
“I can’t use it without Fiorella’s core” - he explained - “But we can use the left ones here, right now… At least to stop her until Warlock discover something about the sealing spell!!”
“... We should at least try” - Ken agreed. “Yes, we should” - Takeru nodded.
They held each other’s hands and focused on gathering all the power inside themselves. Six lights appeared in front of them -- Determination, Energy, Fairness, Hope, Light and Kindness. It also powered their partners up. But V-mon kept in his child form for an unknown reason.
Then, they pointed their digivices at Pandora, shooting a rainbow light against her. She has been purified… Until Iori realize something coming from her body. A dark shadow formed over her, a monster they wished to not known. A monster with seven legs and eight eyes. It was grotesque, it caused the kids fear and despair.
“W-what is this feeling? Suddenly everything is cold and terrifying...” - Miyako commented.
“Darkness is swallowing us…” - Hikari hugged herself - “This is the end…”
“That’s… Ogudomon” - V-mon told the kids, while watching his digicomrades step back and return to the group - “We’re doomed…”
“Ogudomon?” - the boys repeated.
“That’s the embodiment of all deadly sins of the Digital World” - Pegasmon said. “We’re unable to beat it” - added Nefertimon.
“W-what the… I know you’re scared, but we need to fight it or we won’t go home!” - Daisuke told them - “... I’m afraid too, but if we let the fear control us, there won’t exist a new tomorrow for everyone here!!”
“But--” - they weren’t sure about that.
“Stop saying ‘but’, the world needs us! Time to fight or be eaten by this darkness!”
“Daisuke…” - V-mon glanced at him - “I’m scared…!”
Darkness was his enemy. Not the good shadow used to escape from the heat of the summer, or the cold and dark nights of the winter. It was the evil, the seven sins aprisioned in that box. The evil he had released as Lance, the same maleficent force which is scaring his new friends. Inside, Daisuke was divided between himself… And Lance.
Ah man, I can’t do it. No you can! If I had heard Lia that time… And you’re here right now to solve this, have confidence! But… What if I’m not strong enough to fight it? You’re me, and I’m you. We’re two sides of the same coin. But… What if I fail? There’s no reason to fear. We saved the world before, we can do that again! I’m… Not sure this time… You have to trust yourself. It’s hard…!! We can make it… You have them!! Taichi-san… I want to be like him, I always wanted to be like him. Since I got this new life, I’ve been admired by a person who was the embodiment of courage. Taichi-san is strong, so do you. Here, take my hand and let’s save the world. You’re me, I’m you. Together we form Motomiya Daisuke.
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“DAISUKE, HIKARI!!” - a familiar voice came. and everyone looked behind them to see Taichi, Sora, Yamato, Mimi, Koushiro and Jou. With them, there were their other-selves from that world.
“Taichi-senpai!” - Daisuke smiled, it was a miracle. He was there…! He was… Wait, what was he doing there?! - “W-watch out, this digimon is stronger than all of us…!!”
“It’s okay, Lance” - a familiar voice said and the younger Chosen Children saw a man on their side. He looked like Gennai, but more like a mage-Gennai - “Or should I call you by Daisuke now?”
“Gennai-san?” - All six kids and six digimons blinked.
“My Name’s Dragon Who. I’m the one who sealed Ogudomon a long time ago” - he began - “Pandora was one of my apprentices, and she got taunted by the power of that box and its seal. I tried to stop her but… I had no choice but seal her and the box together.”
“I-Is there some way to save everyone’s lives?” - Hikari asked - “Please, tell us!”
“I’ve been debating it since I saw you in the Labyrinth. I felt it since you helped me to escape from there.”
“F-Funbeemon?!” - Vee gasped - “Y-you were Funbeemon?!”
“There’s no time to waste. Lance, use the power of the cores from this world and from your new life’s world.”
“B-But Fiorella--” - Dai tried to argue but…
“Fiorella just like you has reborn. She came before you because she was a pure person of light. You, however, had to be judged by your crimes and get your redemption first. Fiorella now is Tachikawa Mimi, but she has no traces of her past life. You only had those because of your spell, separating a fragment of your soul and sealing it in your star-shaped crystal.”
“M-Mimi-san is... Fiorella??” - the group was confused.
“This means… Having her in this world completes the requirements for the sealing spell. You have power, Lance and outsider children. Now you have to use it to seal the Darkness itself and save this world.”
“We have it…” - Daisuke seemed refreshed, his body had been revitalized by those words. Suddenly, all the cores from the people of that world, and from the twelve Chosen Children were together, surrounding the group - “Guys… We’re going to end this NOW.”
Ogudomon attacked them, but their digimon protected them. all cores also caused a barrier preventing them to get hurt. Unlike the previous time, their partner digimon were consumed by a strong and pure energy, strengthening them. To complete it, a miraculous object appeared in front Daisuke, something he recognized as…
“The Golden Digimental!”
With the crest of Miracles carved on it, Daisuke grabbed it and said the magical words: Digimental Up!! and V-mon immediately evolved directly to Golden Magnamon. Vee’s energy was purifying everything around, giving more power to the digimon group.
“It’s beautiful” - Lia commented. “So this must be the power of all cores together” - mused Warlock.
“Is that… Our power given to the kids?” - Taichi wondered. “Impressive…” - Koushiro was amazed with it.
“Magnamon!” - Daisuke yelled - “Keep your attacks focused on that thing! Nefertimon, Pegasmon, tie it with the holy string. Aquilamon, Stingmon, Digmon, you stay on stand by and wait for the signal. Attack directly the head with long-ranged attacks! Magnamon will finish it with a giant beam… And I-- No, we will seal Ogudomon again…!”
The digimon nodded, and the battle has resumed. Ogudomon kept trying to attack them with its giant legs, but it couldn’t compete with the smaller digimon ones and their speed. The kids also noticed strange colored auras coming from their partners.
Some of them were familiar to Takeru and Hikari. They saw in those auras Seraphimon and Holydramon. However, the auras of the other three digimon weren’t recognized by Miyako, Iori and Ken. Magnamon’s aura was different, it was pure light and energy. He was attacking Ogudomon with physical attacks, giving not so much damage on the enemy.
“We can’t win…” Hikari was afraid again. “We don’t need to beat it” - Daisuke told her - “All we need is to seal it!”
After tying the legs, Nefertimon and Pegasmon used laser beams against the ‘head’ of the enemy digimon. Stingmon, Digmon and Aquilamon used the same attacks they previously used against Pandora. The monster stepped back, falling since it had its legs unable to move. Magnamon gathered all the energy he had and released it in form of a giant explosion of light, illuminating the place.
“Now, Chosen Children!” - Said Dragon Who to them.
All the cores surrounded them, Daisuke used that power and pointed his hands at the grotesque monster, with the other five putting their hands in the magical circle summoned by the sealing spell.
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“This is where it ends” - Dai muttered, his eyes shining in orange - “FINAL UNION BLASTER!!”
But surprisingly, the cores released a beam and started to dissolve Ogudomon. Not sure if it was what they expected, but… It was something caused by all twelve Chosen, the six digimon, and the nine people from that world.
“... Final Union Blaster?” - the kids frowned.
“C-Come on, I had to c-come up with a cool name for a finishing attack!” - Daisuke blushed, then they all laughed - “O-Oi… I H-have creativity!!”
“That was so Daisuke” - Magnamon rolled his eyes.
“Look, it’s Pandora…” - Hikari gasped, looking at the poor woman dissolving either - “What… What’s happening?!”
“She had been consumed by Ogudomon for a long time” - Dagon Who explained - “her body couldn’t survive it. You, outsiders, saved this world and I thank you for your efforts. Darkness must be balanced with Light, and this world had been unbalanced for a long time ago. Ogudomon is gone, but this does not mean it won’t return. Since this is the embodiment of all seven demon lords who represents each deadly sin, if those sins take control over the world again, it might reappear.”
“So… It’s not dead, just… temporary dead?” - Daisuke asked.
“That makes no sense to me!” - he shouted. “Neither to me, but knowing you and Mimi-san came from this world confuses my head more often” - Miyako sighed.
“I will… read more about it when we’re at home” - Ken seemed curious. “We can read together” - Iori suggested.
“Now it’s time for you six and your six outsider friends go home” - the ancient mage said - “I suggest you to say your goodbyes now, I’ll be send you and your partner monsters back to your world.”
“Right…” - Daisuke nodded and then looked directly at the people from that place. He felt sad inside - “... So, this means my job is done here. I fixed my mistake. You won’t be mad if I never come here again, right? Sienna, Lia, Helios, Warlock…”
“We will miss you, but we will protect this world for you, my brother” - Lia replied with a smile, but she couldn’t hold the tears… She hugged him back, and then Sienna and Helios joined it. Warlock was just watching it.
“Great Grandfather” - he was much more interested on the ‘Gennai-like’ man - “How can you be here?”
“Just like Lance, before I died I used the same spell to leave a shard of my soul in this world. I believe your friend read about it and used at his favor.”
“I see… So Lance was definitely a mastermind after all. You impressed me,” - he said directly to Dai when this had been free from the hugs - “You finished your task, now you’re free from this fate. It was nice to see you again… And I apologize for not being a good friend.”
“What the heck are you talking about, Warlock?” - the other chuckled - “You were the best of the best friends I had! You, Sienna and Helios were important to me. Lia was special, she was my sis” - and then returned the star pendant back to him - “I guess you will want to have it. At least to remember about me.”
Taichi and the other older Chosen were trying to interact with their other-selves. Something in them made them perplexed and curious. But they had no time for a long talk to discover more about them.
Actually… They were sent back home after those goodbyes.
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“Waah, I gotta do my homework” - Daisuke, now three months later of that bizarre adventure, was focused on his studies - “Hikari-chan take it easy…!!”
“You have to study more” - she pouted - “I’m disappointed with you, Daisuke-kun.”
“C-come on…!!”
“Daisuke-kun is always goofing around at the classes” - Takeru commented with Iori - “It’s our last year of Elementary and he’s still…”
“I will be lonely next year” - Iori confessed - “Because I used to have a noisy life around you three. Miyako-san is already in the Junior High and I miss her.
“We will come to visit you, don’t worry about it!!” - Daisuke gave Iori a noogie - “Don’t sweat it, kiddo!”
“We will miss you too, Iori-kun” - Hikari was just watching the boys interacting - “But the school year is not over yet. We will still be here.”
“She’s right” - Takeru and Daisuke agreed.
“I’m… I’m glad to have you three with me” - Iori blushed.
“Aww, isn’t he cute?!” - Daisuke teased him - “Adorable baby face! He loves us!!”
Hikari giggled.
“Then, we should go home” - Takeru was turning the computer off - “We can’t let be late for dinner.”
They agreed and left the room, but Daisuke was still giving a look at their hideout. Suddenly, the image of Miyako, Iori, Takeru, Hikari and him gathered in front the computer with their partners popped in his mind when he looked at their ‘usual spot’.
“Hurry or Jun will eat all the food today!!” - Chibimon gave him a light bite on the shoulder.
“A-ah, that’s right! Mom’s going to make yakisoba today.”
When he was walking home, Daisuke noticed a strange van following him. At first he thought it was just a mere coincidence, but they stopped right when he reached his apartment complex.
He ignored it, but he couldn’t avoid…
“Are you… Motomiya Daisuke? I know you’re holding a digimon.”
… That woman in black.
“H-How do you know my name?!” - he looked behind, seeing a woman with short brown hair, olive green eyes, mysterious aura… - “What’s a digimon?”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” - she said, then smiled - “Can we talk for a while, in particular?”
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[Angel of Miracle] 306 - What Gives You Energy?
“Your majesty, I came to offer a deal. It had been a while since the fiasco of the Dusktella family, and you being the first non-Duskstella ruler caught the world’s attention.”
Diomedes sounded boring. Helios couldn’t keep awake while listening to that, heck he was an action man!! He’s honest, loyal, charming and humble.
“... And my parents think this is an opportunity to restore alliances between our lands.”
His eyelids were pretty heavy…
“A-are you… listening to?”
“Ah!!” - crap!! - “I’m listening to you, d-don’t worry!! So, you want to be partners with Duskstella now that the scandals were over? Uh… I think that’s okay. I’m still trying to… fix former queen Lia’s mistakes. It’s not like she will do something again, she was pretty depressed since Lance’s--”
Jason entered in the room, running with Lia and Miyako coming behind him. Hawkmon had been in Miyako’s arms, pretending to be a plush.
“Your Majesty!” - Jason stopped in front the two monarchs - “the princess and this milady said they have something important to tell you.”
“Huh?!” - Helios blinked.
“We don’t have time for this now…!” - Diomedes seemed a little impatient.
“No, let them talk… Lia wouldn’t come here if it weren’t important. And I assure you, she changed since Lance’s--”
“It’s about my brother, Helios” - Lia interrupted him - “Warlock told me to bring you to his castle, there’s an important announcement to be done. You and Jason are important. As well prince Diomedes.”
“Uh… About Lance?” - and the king of Duskstella was still trying to understand the message. If Lia is saying it’s about her brother… This means it must be important.
“He really looks like Taichi-san” - Miyako thought - “Even his aura. Is he really a king? Well, knowing Daisuke was actually a prince brother of a girl that looks like Hikari-chan… O-oh wait, that redhead one looks like Izumi-senpai…!! Is he…!!”
“Your majesty” - Miyako was really determined yet nervous to talk to someone who looked like a friend of hers - “Please, come with us. It’s urgent…! Warlock-san said we need your and Jason-san’s help…!”
“Warlock again…” - Diomedes sighed - “He called me a few minutes later, said to come see him as soon as possible. I wonder what is he plotting...”
“You know Warlock-san?” - the Chosen Child frowned.
“He’s Warlock’s big brother” - Lia whispered to Miyako - “But they don’t talk too much. Prince Diomedes is always busy with royal affairs while Warlock dedicates his life to wizardry.”
“Warlock-san’s big brother?!”
“Yes,” - Diomedes answered, a little confused with that girl’s reaction - “Warlock is my little sibling. Our paths had made us be a bit distant from each other, but we still find some time to discuss about crucial details of Scentia Terra.”
“Warlock-san is a prince?!” - Miyako was completely blushing hard, imagining Warlock with a crown, cape and prince attire - “Oh my… If Ken-kun were a prince, I... !!!”
“Milady? Are you okay?” - Jason seemed concerned with Miyako’s state.
“Psst, Miyako-san” - Hawkmon whispered, and gently poked her with his elbow… Without letting anyone realize it - “This is not the right time to daydream…!!”
“Eh?!” - Miyako blinked, once realized that she had been watched by the other four… - “A-ah, I’m fine! Just overthinking, hahaha!!” - that was a nervous laugh.
“That doll looks too realistic too…” - Jason commented - “Looks like that blue monster...”
“Well, since we’re going to Scentia Terra,” - Helios was now talking to Diomedes - “What if we talk about it when we’re there? Lia says there’s something about Lance to be said…”
“I assume Warlock wouldn’t want to wait for much time” - he mused - “Since he also requires your presence…”
“That’s it, we’re going” - the king announced - “Jason, let the council know I’m doing an emergency visit to Scientia Terra. Lia, I know you know some way to go there as far as possible, right? And I believe this girl with you comes from Daisuke’s world and her plush is… a monster?”
“H-how do you know?!” - Miyako and Hawkmon gasped.
“I’m not that dumb like I look!” - he chuckled - “And your clothing is different from this world’s.”
“A-ah…” - they blinked.
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“Sienna, I’m back” - Boniface announced, the other two coming right after him - “I brought two friends I made in the way. They-- We want to talk to you.”
A lady was cleaning the house. She put the broom aside and looked directly at the boys. The youngest of them was Ken, and she was wearing a red medieval dress. Ken realized her eyes were odd… Different from Sora’s. Was it what Warlock and Dai had told about corruption?
He noticed she grabbed something… a knife? And approached from them with a smile. The Chosen Child was sure she was about to try to kill him, since he was full of light and the darkness hated it. Wormmon silently, left the scene, making no one see where he was going, but Ken knew what he was about to try.
“You’re back, Boniface” - she smiled - “Have you finished your job? What does these two wanderers want with me?”
“You must be Sienna-san” - Ken began talking to her - “I’m from another world, and we came to ask for your help to save this world. My name’s Ken, and this is…”
“I’m Amis Lupe, nice to meet you… I guess” - Amis was blushing, and Ken was sure he hadn’t noticed the knife - “I’m a servant from Master Warlock from Scientia Terra. He told me to guide you to his castle because he’d like to talk about Lance.”
Then she stopped, Wormmon was right behind her now, still not visible because he was on the ceiling. Only Ken saw him there and him did the classic “shh” signal. Ken decided to engage the conversation a little more.
“Actually, Warlock-san would like to reveal you something about Lance-san. You know Lance-san, right?”
“Lance… He’s dead” - she looked down for a moment - “What would this Warlock want to reveal to me?! Lance… He was a good child, he didn’t deserve this end…!!”
“Lance’s alive, Sienna” - Boniface interrupted them all - “And he needs your help to save this world.”
“This is the stupidest lie you can tell me!” - she pointed the knife to the boys - “I saw Lance’s execution, I was there…!! He died in front my eyes! In front of everyone’s eyes!”
“H-hold on, milady!” - Amis felt completely scared of her change of mood - “We’re not lying, Lance is alive. He’s in the castle, waiting for you…!!”
“Now!” - Ken yelled, and Wormmon disarmed Sienna with his silk, stealing the knife from her hand. She looked behind her and saw the digimon.
Amis then switched to his Black Weregarurumon form and immobilized Sienna while she was distracted. Ken thought they could’ve been able to convince her to cooperate without brute force…
“L-Let me go!!” - she shouted - “I knew you two weren’t good people!”
“Kenchan is a good person!” – shouted Wormmon - “He tried to talk to you! You decided to not believe him!” - and he was in the ground all again, pointing the knife at Sienna - “You evil human!!”
“She’s not evil” - Ken corrected him - “She’s corrupted, just like it was said.”
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“Hello!!” - Patamon stopped in front Zuzen, who got surprised with a monster around the village - “Are you scared? You seem like Iori! A-ah… Can we talk, please?”
“I’m not Iori-- Wait… Wasn’t that name that wanderer with his monster called me before?” - he asked himself - “Do you know them? A kid named Daisuke and a monster named V-mon?”
“Patamon!!” - Takeru stopped behind the flying digimon - “Don’t chase people like that! You might scare them!” – and Patamon fled directly to Takeru’s arms - “Did you find him?”
“Y-you…!” - Zuzen was surprised - “You don’t look like from here…!”
“We’re not from this world” - Hikari approached - “I’m not Lia-san, don’t worry. We need you to come with us, please.”
“Come with you…? Why?” - He didn’t trust them.
“My master would like to talk about an important subject, my child” - Flannery replied - “You’re like me, aren’t you?”
“You smell like a hybrid” - Zuzen commented - “... Fine, I’ll go with you, but I’m not Iori!”
“We know that” - Tailmon smiled - “I’m Tailmon, my partner is Hikari. These two are Takeru, Patamon and she’s Flannery.”
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They were all moving directly to the portal, but a dark digimon stood in front of them. Miyako decided she and Hawkmon had to do something. She got up from the horse carriage and went directly against the digimon.
“W-what is she doing?!” - Jason gasped in terror - “She’s going to die!!”
“I assume she won’t” - Lia tried to calm him down - “She came from another world where she and that monster fight evil monsters together.”
“Time to shine, Hawkmon!” - Miyako told her partner, then she looked at the others - “I’ll distract it, you go without us!!”
“She’s pretty brave” - Helios grinned - “OK, ready? Go!!”
Hawkmon evolved to Aquilamon in time and grabbed the Fangmon -- a wolf-like digimon with a long muzzle, red fur, scary fangs and claws -- with his claws and opened the way to the horse carriage pass. Yes, they passed at full speed and left Miyako behind.
“They’re gone, Aquilamon!” - she shouted at the majestic bird - “You can let them go now!”
Fangmon wouldn’t let Aquilamon win, so it attacked him with its claws. Aquilamon let it go and the digimon fell on the ground. Fangmon then shot a blast of dark energy at Aquilamon, but the bird-like monster dodged. Miyako grabbed a few rocks from the ground and started throwing them at the enemy.
“Leave. Him. Alone. NOW!”
Fangmon glanced at her and went in her direction, with those dangerous claws ready to tear the insolent human girl into pieces. Aquilamon dived in and hit the digimon with its horns, lifting Fangmon by its back.
“You didn’t need to do that, Miyako-san!” - Aquilamon wasn’t happy.
“I’m sorry sorry…!!” - She gave herself a light punch in the head - “Aaah, watch out!!”
Fangmon returned attacked them with the dark wave, but… A light came from Miyako, a heliotrope lavender light. It absorbed the dark energy and transformed it into pure, white aether. Miyako felt more livid and energetic enough to lift a giant rock! But she wouldn’t do that. The symbol in front her looked like the one from the manuscripts…!
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“Is that… My crest?” - She questioned herself - “What’s the meaning of this one?”
“Energy” - Aquilamon’s eyes were reflecting that crest and glowing in lavender - “The energetic soul that keeps us moving forward.”
“A-Aquilamon?!” – she gasped, then she pointed directly to Fangmon - “Aquilamon, let’s solve this, right now!!”
Aquilamon nodded and then fired ring-shaped beams from his mouth against Fangmon, but the difference was that the color of those were just like the same lavender color from the light. The waves didn’t kill Fangmon, it actually purified the foe, who seemed less violent later. Their opponent left, and they were alone in the dirt road again.
“We did it…!!” - Miyako smiled, but then the light disappeared and Aquilamon devolved to Hawkmon - “Oh Hawkmon, you were great!!” - she grabbed the digimon and gave him a hug - “My wonderful knight! We did it…!!”
“M-Miyako-san…!!” - Hawkmon blushed.
“Miyako-san!” - Ken was coming in their direction, Amis still holding Sienna and Boniface right behind Ken - “Are you okay??”
“I was in battle but…” - she answered - “... I did it. I discovered my crest!”
“Did you?!” - he opened a grin, then dropped it immediately - “Where’s the others?”
“They went ahead” - Hawkmon explained - “A wild corrupted Fangmon tried to stop us.”
“Oh...We had a little trouble to deal with Sienna-san” - Ken looked directly to the woman still fighting to escape from Amis’ arms - “She’s still resisting.”
“Who are you?!” - Sienna roared - “Let me go! I’m not going to Scientia Terra with you! Boniface, how could you betray me?!”
“She’s still… Corrupted” - Ken told Miyako and Hawkmon.
“Maybe we can purify her like we did with Fangmon!” - Miyako smiled, then grabbed her D-3 and pointed it directly to Sienna - “Go go, purification power!!”
The symbol appeared again in the screen and the same light from behind was released in Sienna. The corrupted rebel lady stopped trying to free herself from Amis’ arms and her eyes changed, becoming more lively and full of light.
“Why… Why do you want to lie to me?” - Sienna was sobbing now - “Lance was everything to me, he was like my little brother… I don’t want to go to Scientia Terra, I don’t want to help strangers. Leave me alone--”
“Lance is alive, Sienna” - Boniface tried to talk with her again - “At least trust me. He’s alive and wants to see you. Wouldn’t want to see him again?”
“If he’s alive… Then… Why didn’t he come back?”
“Because your people hated him, remember?”
“Ah… I forgot they believed in Lance’s lie…”
“Did you tell--” - Miyako was about to say something, but Ken covered her mouth.
“Don’t,” - he whispered to her.
“Let’s go, they’re waiting for us” - Boniface told the others.
“Hikari-chan and Takeru-kun are coming, did they get it?” - Miyako wondered.
“Seems likely” - Hawkmon said, glancing at the horizon, with Pegasmon and Nefertimon coming in their direction.
“Miyako-san, Ken-kun!!” - Hikari waved at them. They approached and stopped in front the group - “Huh, where’s Lia-san and Helios-san?”
“They went ahead because we had to distract a digimon” - Miyako said - “So did you…”
“Yes, we did it” - Pegasmon responded - “This kid here is Zuzen, he’s a little different from what we thought.”
“He’s a hybrid like me and Amis” - Flannery added - “But, not an hybrid who can hide its other form that well… Or completely transform.”
“W-wait, you can transform too?!” - Miyako babbled.
“This is not time for that. We need to go back as fast as we can.”
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[Angel of Miracle] 304 - Get into ACTION!!
“It won’t?!” - The Chosen Children and the digimon exclaimed petrified, they didn’t know how to react to Dai saying that.
“No, because without Fiorella, Mimi-san’s self from this world, we cannot get the Core of Purity” - he explained - “I completely forgot I killed her back in time, when I got corrupted…!”
“It’s okay,” - Ken looked at at him - “I’m a murderer too. I killed innocent digimon when I was the Kaiser. I… I understand the pain.”
“We’re aware that this place lost its light and is now doomed by the darkness” - Miyako sighed - “Even with you saying it’s not possible to corrupt us…”
“Excuse me,” - Warlock coughed - “Whatever Lance said about the corruption on you six… Is not certain or true. We never had outsiders before, so we’re not sure what will happen to you.”
“N-now I’m panicked” - Wormmon hid behind Ken’s legs - “Kenchan, let’s go home!!”
“I thought--” - Dai babbled.
“You may be a great mastermind, Lance, but you lack knowledge” - Warlock started to close the manuscripts - “It was my duty to teach you wizardry so you could use it to fight Pandora and seal the darkness.”
“Wow, nice friend you got here, Lance” - Dai said sarcastically.
“If this girl who was Mimi-san’s counterpart is dead, what should we do?” - Hikari seemed concerned - “Aren’t we able to save Lia-san’s world?”
“No, we’re definitely saving this world!” - And here was the goggle boy working at full speed - “There must be some way that exist to make it work…!!”
“You lack knowledge, but you don’t lack willpower” - the mage smiled.
“Warlock, please look at your books and everywhere. Lia, go with Miyako and try to gather Helios and Jason, please. The rest help me to find Sora-san and Koushiro-san from this world.”
“Right!” - everyone replied.
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“Taichi? Taichi!” - Yamato kept asking but the other wasn’t answering anymore - “Did he hang up? No… I still hear their voices…”
Suddenly, the Chosen Child felt something around, but ignored it. No, he needs to talk to Taichi. He heard something ‘she’s gone’. He wasn’t sure what it meant so…
“Taichi! Are you still there?! What happened? Did Koushiro discover something new about the kids? TAICHI! ANSWER ME, YOU--”
Some hands grabbed Yamato’s shoulders by his back and he screamed. That scream echoed for the entire place. When Yamato looked behind him, he saw…
“Hello, Yamato-san!” - She smirked - “Did I scare you? Hee hee!”
“I’m on the phone, and… What are you doing here?! Weren’t you--”
“I decided to come visit you eleven!” - she said with excitement - “Where’s the others? Are they doing a party? Didn’t Sora-san tell you I was coming to make a visit? Summer is the best way to have fun with friends, there’s the beach, camping, shopping, and the city too. But I was planning to make a party for the digimon too, maybe we should go to the Digital World and enjoy the day?”
“Mimi-chan, I… We…” - how to tell Mimi that they’re having a little issue regarding the younger ones? - “Let’s talk about it later. I’m trying to talk with Taichi. Something strange happened and he’s not responding me.”
“... What’s wrong?” - she dropped that smile.
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“We can use a gate to go back to Duskstella” – Lia said it to Miyako, as they were walking on the dirt road that leads to the village - “I remember there’s one in the shore.”
“I’m fascinated with this world, Lia-san” - Hawkmon commented - “I wonder how it was before the corruption.”
“It was a nice place” - she started talking about her childhood, before Lance opening Pandora’s box. Miyako was in silence, just watching her partner and Lia interacting lively.
Actually, Miyako was overthinking. Lia Duskstella looks like Hikari, has powers, she can do anything by herself. Why would Dai tell her to go with a person who she didn’t know that well?! Wouldn’t have been better to send Hikari, since they were together before?
“He’s still Daisuke, right?” - Miyako muttered to herself, a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation - “He… He won’t be like this forever, will he? Will he become this ‘past life’ now?”
“Miyako-san?” - Hawkmon gave her a worried gaze - “Are you okay?”
“I… I am…”
“You don’t seem fine to me” - Lia frowned - “Is there something bothering you?”
“I can’t tell them I’m afraid that Daisuke won’t be the same anymore”
“It’s everything perfectly fine!” - She grinned, and saluted - “Haha! Let’s go! Can I offer you a ride? Holsmon is the best horse you can find!”
“Though I’m not a horse...” - Hawkmon felt a sweatdrop running down his head.
“I appreciate your offer, lady Miyako” - Lia giggled.
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“How will we find Sora-san and Koushiro-san from this world?” - Takeru asked - “And is there any other way to use the spell without the Core of Purity?”
“We’re going to make it work. No matter what happens, we gonna make it work!” - Dai was focused and determined - “I have to fix my mistakes, I didn’t want to involve your all… This is my problem.”
“You’re our friend, Dai-san” - Iori responded - “We wouldn’t leave you behind!”
“You did a lot for us” - Ken put his hand on Dai’s shoulder - “You did a lot for me. I’m in debt with you, and this is my time to return the favor.”
“Maybe we should ask Warlock-san and the others” - Iori suggested - “They must know someone who looks like Koushiro-san and Sora-san.”
“But redheads are not uncommon here like in Japan, Iori” - Dai replied - “They can know a lot of people who look like them. It’s not like Helios and Taichi-san, who have that… big natural crown.”
“Crown...?” - Vee tilted his head.
“I meant the hair. It’s unique, it’s like Goku’s hairstyle.”
“We don’t need go with appearance though” - Ken interrupted - “Warlock-san and I have a few things in common, and I believe Lia-san and Hikari-san have too. What if… We give them exact information about quirks and behaviors that might help with the description?”
“Ken, you’re definitely the boy genius…!”
“I… I prefer to not hear those words anymore. It makes me remind how arrogant and lonely I was...”
“I’m sorry…” - Dai bowed his head, which made the others a bit confused until they remembered that Daisuke wasn’t acting normally at all.
“Okay… this wasn’t Motomiya-kun but Lance-san, right?” - Ken blinked.
“A-anyway, let’s ask! We know a lot about Sora-san and Koushiro-san.”
 “A person who’s… curious?” - Flannery and Amis looked at each other - “There’s a bunch of people in this reign like this” - then they answered.
“He’s a redhead,” - Dai repeated - “always working hard, too curious… Saved our butts several times… Are you sure there’s no one like him in this kingdom?”
“I dunno anyone like this either” - Boniface responded. He was chained to the pillar of the castle, being watched by the wolf and the guardian - “H-hey, don’t you think they exaggerated a little… Why chaining me?!” - he was glancing at the five Chosen Child.
“Because you’re dangerous, inmate!” - Flannery gritted her teeth.
“Don’t you think they went too far?” - Ken whispered to Dai - “Since we captured him, his behavior and mood changed drastically.”
“I don’t trust him” - Dai looked away - “I don’t trust a blond guy like him.”
“Daisuke-kun!” - Hikari snorted.
“A-ah, I’m sorry-- I mean, I trust Takeru but not HIM. He tried to kill me! And you!”
“Warlock-san” - Iori was too busy seeing a few photos in the library. One of them caught the little kid’s attention - “This person looks like a friend of ours” - then he pointed at it - “Who’s he?”
“Who?” - the other Chosen frowned, then looked to the picture Iori was asking about - “Koushiro-san?!”
“Ah?” - Warlock stopped reading and adjusted his glasses, then he replied - “That’s my big brother, Diomedes. He’s the prince of Scientia Terra. Our family has this branch where a few of us are wizards… And some are devoted to the knowledge. Don’t you remember of him, Lance? You met him once.”
“Koushiro-san from this world is Warlock-san’s big brother?!” - Ken was completely lost.
“Did I?” - Dai blinked - “Oh wait… Hmm… Was that time you had to give me a name and you used ‘Dai’ because Lance Duskstella could’ve given you troubles to keep me in Scientia Terra? Ah yes, as far as I remember… He’s very Koushiro-ish.”
“Can we call him, Warlock-san?” - Hikari asked.
“We don’t talk that much… Like I said, he’s obsessed with learning about the world and how it works. I’m the one who decided to follow the wizardry path of our family. I meet him only when is needed, because I prefer to stay studying and learning spells.”
“This is an emergency!” - Dai said - “What if I go there? I can try to call him so he could come help us.”
“If you don’t try, then our world will be forever doomed! And I didn’t get this second chance for nothing!”
“Fine…” - Warlock sighed - “You convinced me. I will call Diomedes, it won’t take that much time” - he left the Library. During that time, Ken decided to talk to Boniface again.
“You are not an enemy at all” - Ken began - “I can make them free you if you cooperate with us. Do we have a deal?”
“I’m not sure if I have other option” - Boniface sighed - “Sure, I will help. I’m willing to help to compensate for all the grief and sorrow I caused.”
“Why would he help us?” - Dai stopped behind Ken - “I don’t think he knows something--”
“You said a person named Sienna sent you to kill Lia-san” - Ken said seriously - “Could you describe her?”
“What do you plan to do, outsider?” - Boniface bit his lips.
“Sienna…” - Dai repeated - “You must be kidding…!! Sienna wouldn’t do that! She was like a big sister to me! She wouldn’t-- No she--”
“She never liked Lia Duskstella for all the suffering she caused to the country and especially for your death. I lived with her once Purezza got destroyed. Since we shared the same pain I… Promised to revenge her and Purezza.”
“... I’m sorry. This is all my fault. Because I opened the box and released this evil in this world…” - Dai clenched his fist again - “Sienna… I don’t have too many memories of her at the moment…”
“Okay,” - Ken interrupted him - “Could you please describe her?”
“She’s a brave woman who loves everyone and the life” - Boniface started to describe that ‘Sienna’ - “short red hair, a skin a bit tan, a lovely gaze…”
“Wow, his description is like Sora-san’s” - Hikari commented.
“SORA-SAN!” - Dai screamed - “The strange dreams…!! I’ve seen a woman who looked like Sora-san and she was with Taichi-san in a dream… I remember…!! Those were Sienna and Helios! It was a memory!”
“This means we discovered who has the Core of Love?” - Armadimon asked. “Most likely” – Tailmon commented. “So now we have to find her, right?” - Patamon questioned.
“Look, Sienna will kill Lia if you put them in the same place” - Boniface explained - “She hates her. For losing a fianceé, for losing Lance, for having her country ruled by a monster--”
“Lia is NOT a monster!” - Dai roared - “If you have someone to hate, put the blame on me! All those shouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t opened that box!”
“We can protect everyone from Sienna” - Amis pointed at him with his thumb - “We have another pair of chains too.”
“Chaining her won’t solve anything!!” - Boniface screamed.
“Can’t we tell her it’s not Lia-san’s fault at all?” - Takeru suggested - “B-But I don’t think Lance-san was the one to blame. The darkness used him as well.”
“I dunno how would Sienna react when she sees me” - Dai confessed - “She might… not believe me.”
“I’m sorry for the wait” - Warlock returned - “I contacted Diomedes, but he’s with king Helios at this moment.”
“... I will help you to find something about the spell” - Dai announced - “the others free Boniface and try to bring Sienna here.”
“I… want to stay” - Hikari looked down - “If Sienna-san hates Lia-san so much, she will mistake me with Lia-san.”
“Takeru cannot go either” - Dai added - “Maybe you two could go get Zuzen with Flannery. Ken, Amis and Boniface go get Sienna. Iori, Warlock and I stay here and keep looking for another way to complete the enchant.”
“Right…!!” - they all agreed.
“Daisuke-san is acting like a true leader” - Iori smiled.
“Lance was a natural leader as well,” - commented Warlock - “I assume sir Daisuke is the leader in your group?”
“Most likely” - he responded - “Taichi-san and him lead the group, without them we could’ve been lost.”
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