#lady of the castle fanfiction project
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What would’ve happened if Lance Duskstella had lived a little longer
Would he be able to accomplish your mission to seal the evil again…?
… Or would have he failed either way?
His encounter with a peculiar boy could’ve changed everything.
But it could’ve been 「 his doom 」 as well.
Yo! I'm just plotting some tragic Other World's DaiLui counterpart special arc :3c It's an "If scenario" story though... If you know why, you know.
Those are not Daisuke and Rui by the way, and yes their counterparts. I have yet to find a cool name for Rui-kun's counterpart before i start fully writing or doodling things with him, haha 💧
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imagitory · 5 months
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@andrewmoocow Personally I find them to be misguided. There is a very well-done analysis video I've cited before that talks about the animation and why it ends up looking like AI, and I think it really addresses this argument better than I could --
-- but TL;DR, the animation looks "fake" largely because of stylistic decisions (l.e. turning off motion blur with the thought it would look "more like 2D") that weren't well thought-out. And I actually think the film's writing issues run into the same problem.
Because here's the thing -- writing high fantasy is not as easy as it looks. I can testify to this because I myself am writing a draft for a high fantasy novel right now.
All these years, Disney has been in an advantageous position with their animated films largely being adaptations of previous works, since they're already given a lot of the parameters a writer needs to build a world, plot, and characters. In a Snow White adaptation, for instance, you need a vain queen, an innocent princess, a prince, seven dwarfs, a magic mirror, and a poisoned apple, as well as a fairy tale world where these things fit comfortably. And since so much mainstream fantasy is largely inspired by medieval Europe, that aesthetic remains very familiar with audiences to the point that you need a lot less explanation for things. We don't really need an explanation for the political landscape of Cinderella because we see "fairy tale kingdom" and immediately know it's an absolute monarchy led by generally amiable rulers. We're not surprised when fairies appear in Sleeping Beauty, or when a magical sword predicts who should be king in The Sword in the Stone, or when Tiana and Naveen are turned into frogs in The Princess and the Frog, or when trolls appear in Frozen -- all of these magical conventions fit within the usual fantasy aesthetic and really don't need any explanation or backstory. I'd hazard to say that most people -- aside from those nitpicky critic types who get all hung up on how many servants are in Beast's castle just because they saw a bunch of extra silverware in the Be Our Guest sequence -- just don't bother questioning these things. And the original material also gives some shape and form to the adaptation's story, characters, and overall feel. It doesn't matter how close the finished product matches the original idea or even how familiar the audience is with that original material -- it still provides a jump-off point and sense of focus for the writer(s), the same way fanfiction (even an AU fanfic) can, in contrast to original content.
All right, well, what about those Disney projects that aren't fantasy? Well, in the case of stories like Treasure Planet, Robin Hood, and Mulan, they're still based off preexisting properties that people will find familiar enough that the writers can focus more on the adaptation's unique additions and not focus on detailed backstories and explanations about how the world and societies depicted in the story work. It's a lot easier to just focus on the fantastical elements like the space tech, talking animals, or Mushu and the ancestors if the rest of the story and cast are relatively easy to understand. Even in the case of original stories like The Lion King (which admittedly was largely inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet, but I digress), Lilo and Stitch, and Lady and the Tramp, they still exist in a non-magical world that closely resembles ours, with only superficial changes like animals being able to talk or the existence of aliens. Even quasi-historical settings like The Great Mouse Detective and Atlantis: The Lost Empire look enough like our real-world equivalent that their settings are largely recognizable to us.
In just about all Disney animated films, the screenwriters didn't have to world-build that much. They didn't have to put the character development and plot on hold to explain the rules of the universe these stories take place in that often -- not unlike how writers like Rick Riordan didn't have to explain as much about the country his hero Percy Jackson lives in, because his books are an urban fantasy where our real world is just "plused up" with magical elements. We don't need to know if gravity works on the story's characters the way it does for us. We don't need to be told about the political landscape, history, or terrain of our location. We don't need to ask whether dying is something our characters can come back from.
Wish, on the other hand, is an original story in a high fantasy setting that doesn't resemble our world. People might try to claim it takes place in the Iberian Peninsula, but come on -- Rosas is a completely fictional country in a world that has magic we don't know the rules of and countries that faintly resemble cultures from our world, but we don't know the histories of or how similar they actually are to their real-world inspiration. We also have a cast of characters we've never met in any other media and a story and messages that we know nothing about beforehand. This means that we have no preexisting framework going in for what's possible and impossible in this world; no frame of reference about who these characters are and what their histories are; and no parameters that the plot, characters, and themes must fit inside, whether based on the fantastical story being adapted or a real-world setting that's a lot like ours. And I don't think that Disney really thought through just how challenging it can sometimes be to tell this kind of a story without stuffing the script with a lot of "tell" and not "show," which, as just about any film person can tell you, is the exact opposite of what you generally want. In film scripts, you want to show your audience a lot more than you tell them -- this not only takes full advantage of the visual medium and communicates your point in a much more natural and artistic way, but it also lets your audience think for itself and come to its own conclusions.
Now of course, can you write a high fantasy original story that's easy to follow and evokes a lot of emotion in your audience? Of course! But it does take time and a lot of careful and creative world-building. J.R.R. Tolkien was the king of such things. George R. R. Martin has done it. Neil Gaiman has done it. Ursula K. Le Guin has done it. Even the writer of the Nimona graphic novel, ND Stevenson, did a good job of it! But I think it's quite clear that Wish's script was not in the works that long -- development of the original idea started back in 2018, yes, but it wasn't until January 2022 that it was announced Jennifer Lee was writing it and Julia Michaels was brought on to write the songs, so the film's current trajectory likely wasn't pinpointed until then. And if the film was released in November 2023, then that means Wish's script was finished in under two years. Although there are successful Disney scripts that I daresay needed only that much time (Frozen, for instance, was quite rushed, by all accounts), once again, those scripts were done for stories with some sort of preexisting framework that allowed the writers to skip explaining certain visual or contextual short-hand in favor of focusing on their own creative flourishes in character and story. They were written with a tighter focus on the plot and its players without the need to build a complete stage under them.
The reason some people want to cry "AI!" when they look at Wish's writing is that they're looking at a script that makes the rookie writing mistake of exposition-dumping in an attempt to make its audience care, rather than evoking emotion. That kind of exposition-dumping is something that most novelists usually have to trim and rewrite in future drafts of their work: it's a mistake done while the writer is trying to world-build enough that their audience understands all of these original rules, societies, locations, and characters they're not familiar with. This exposition is then often trimmed down before publishing, and when adapted for the screen it's often trimmed even further or even completely rewritten, in favor of more visual methods of conveying the same information. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz writes about Dorothy traveling down the Yellow Brick Road and about the long journey that takes her and her friends through a lot of side adventures on their way to the Emerald City: it's the famous film adaptation that cuts out the Kalidahs and puts the whole trip to jaunty music for the characters to sing and dance to. Wish could've communicated to us the importance of the wishes to their owners through more visual means, but instead feels the need to reiterate this idea over and over through written dialogue. And again, this is a common mistake by writers when they're inexperienced in creating completely original content, as opposed to spin-offs, sequels, or adaptations of other people's work.
AI writing is generally known for repetitive phrasing and sentence structure, lack of accuracy, and lack of a personal touch. As much as I'll agree that there are a lot of character and world-building choices in Wish that don't make sense, I don't think that's the same thing. There clearly was a story someone (or multiple people) wanted to tell about a person hoarding the precious ideas of other people away, even if it means those ideas can never be shared with the world -- it just wasn't a story that ended up being told that well. And I think this is why Wish is almost worth seeing -- it serves as a good example of why certain writing decisions work better than others and how writing for fantasy projects and/or "family entertainment" is an art form that's worthy of respect when it's done right.
To sum up my stance on the matter -- I think Disney just bit off way more than it could chew and then didn't give its writers enough time to properly digest it.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
Ladies, Gentlemen, and nonbinary friends chapter 22 is finally here. This has been a slog to write, but I persisted. I was on my last brain cells writing this so I hope it is good. Also, grab your snacks and tissues because this chapter is 45 words short of 1.5k words. Please enjoy and have a wonderful day.
Also as of right now the poll for the weekly upload date for my new fic still has five hours left to vote on. So if you really want, please vote.
Also, AO3 has caught up with Tumblr, so this chapter will be posted there tomorrow. However, you can only access it if you have a registered account because of precautions regarding the whole AI situation. Sorry in advance.
Chapter 22: Project Orion
Once again, rain battered the windows of the Crypto Castle. A blue fire crackled within the fireplace that housed all the… guests. On one side of the room sat the Alliance; on the other side sat Hordak’s brothers and the former horde soldiers. Right in the middle sat the former warlord upon an armchair, his fists balled into his pants. Entrapta sat on the arm of the chair with her hair wrapped around Hordak’s bicep. He cleared his throat.
“Now, I am under the impression that you all know why you are here. I would like to first apologize for my outburst yesterday. It was inappropriate of me, and I should have acted more rationally.” After a moment, Hordak looked at Entrapta. 
“Do you recall when I told you where I came from?”
“That was partially a lie. I am not a clone I am the actual biological child of Horde Prime.” Hordak glanced down at his fists as everyone reacted with varying levels of shock.
“Why in the world would Prime want a baby?” Mermista expressed.
“He never wanted me. I was an accident my mother insisted on keeping. According to him at least.”
“Mother?” Castaspella inquired.
“Yes, I had a mother who is the only reason I am still alive. According to Prime, when my mother found out she was pregnant with me she insisted they kept me. Prime agreed as long as I was not a distraction.”
“If it is not too personal, could you tell us what she was like?” Castaspella inquired.
“I think we crossed the line of personal business a while ago.” Catra retorted, gaining a glare from Adora and Glimmer.
Orion sat reading on a big chair in his bedroom connected to his parent’s room. Despite being only four years old, he was very proficient at reading and had already begun reading novels and scientific articles. Like many rooms in the Velvet Glove, it was a blinding white with black accents and smelled strongly of bleach.
Orion looked up to the sound of the green barrier dissolving. His mother stepped through the door.
“Alright, star sweeper time for bed.”
“What! Please five more minutes, mama.”
“No, buts star sweeper, it is already past your bedtime.” She took the book from his hands, careful to mark Orion’s place. She started to usher him to bed as a thought popped into his head.
“Mama, why did you name me Orion?”
“Well, when I was giving birth to you, the Velvet Glove was passing right through a constellation named Orion by the local beings. Legend says he was a giant who was a mighty warrior and a huntsman that was immortalized in the stars.”
“Will you stop filling his head with that nonsense?” Orion’s father, Horde Prime stood at the door.
“Darling, it’s only a story.”
“A stupid one at that,” he looked to his left. “Is that my book?” He stomped over to the armchair, swiping the book and ripping out the bookmark. “Tell your child to stop taking my things.” He stormed out of the room, closing the barrier between the two bedrooms.
“I’m sorry,” Orion whispered, balling his fists into the bedsheets.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. Your father is just having a bad day.”
“He’s always having a bad day.”
“I know.”
“Can you sing that one song for me again?”
“Anything for your star sweeper.
La la lu
La la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you” She tucked in the white sheets of his small bed.
“La la lu
La la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you” She pushed his unruly indigo curls out of his face.
“La la lu
La la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings, close your eyes
La la lu
La la lu
And may love be your keeper
La la lu
La la lu
La la lu” She kissed him on his forehead as his eyes fluttered close.
“There now, little star sweeper. Dream on.” She turned out the lights and left the room.
“Ok, what I don’t get is how we and none of the other clones knew about her?” TD asked, leaning forward in his seat.
“Prime never let anyone see her. He never told me, but I figured her wanted her all to himself and didn’t want anyone else to touch her. Which is probably why he wasn’t too fond of me when I came around.”
“Why would Prime even want a wife to begin with? I thought he only loved himself.” Frosta inquired.
“Another thing I am not fully aware of. My best guess is that he liked the attention and affection a wife could give him. A type of adoration clones could not provide.”
“Whatever happened to your mother?” Micah asked, crossing his arms.
Just like his mother had told him to do, Orion hid in his closet as his parents screamed at each other. He didn’t know how it started he just knew it was about him. It was always about him. 
Maybe Father is right. Maybe I am a nuisance.
He could never figure out why his father detested him so much. Maybe it was his appearance. While he looked more like his mother there were some staggering differences in looks. For one, his eyes were crimson red when his parents were electric lime green. His hair was also different, with his being navy blue, short, and curly while his parents were white, long, and straight.
At that point, his parents were close enough to the door that he could make out what they were saying.
“I just don’t get the obsession you have with that thing! It was bad enough you wanted to keep it, but spending almost all your time with it!”
“First of all, that thing is your seven-year-old son, whom I am trying to raise by myself since you have put absolutely zero effort into even being nice too!”
“That’s another thing! With every passing day, you become more and more defiant! It has gotten out of hand!”
“And I apologize for that, but I just want you to be involved in raising the child you helped create!”
“When the universe implodes, I will be involved.”
“You are such a…hmm”
“Go ahead. Finish what you were saying.”
“Fine. You are a cold, narcissistic, uncaring man who has never given a single thought to anyone but yourself! You are a terrible father and a terrible husband that sucks the life of everyone around you!”
“There is no hope for you after all.”
“I do not exactly know what happened after that. All I heard was her screaming grow quieter as Prime drug her away. I never saw her after that night. The next morning Prime handed me off to a couple of clones and sent us off to some unknown plant where I was educated about almost every subject and how to fight. At the age of 25 my cybernetics were implanted, I joined the hivemind, and became his general.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Castaspella whispered, covering her mouth.
“Please, the very least you can do is not pity me. Is there anything else you all want to ask or are we done here?”
“No there isn’t,” Glimmer rose from her seat. “Thank you for telling us this and we are sorry we put you in this position. Guys let's go.” At her command, the Alliance filed out of the room leaving Hordak, Entrapta, and the five brothers in the room.
Hordak slumped down him his seat. Groaning as he buried his face in his hands. He looked up at his family.
“I am sorry.”
“For what?” Entrapta asked, wrapping her hands around his bicep.
“Lying to all of you about everything.”
“HK, that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re ok.”
“I’m fine. It happened a long time ago.”
“Still, if there is anything you need we are all right here.” Entrapta placed her hand on Hordak’s shoulder, receiving a small smile from the former warlord. “Come on,” she rose from her seat, “it’s past lunchtime and I know you haven’t eaten anything.”
As the Alliance boarded Darla Sea Hawk pulled Bow to the side.
“What’s wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong. After today I want to join you on your quest to befriend Hordak. Today has made me realize how hard he has had it, and maybe, like Catra, positive relations could get him on the straight and narrow.”
“That’s great! I’m glad someone finally gets it. My only problem is breaking the ice. I tried to talk to him once, but he was so dismissive. We need to get him in a place where he would be willing to socialize.”
“How about… a boys' night out?”
Can you all tell me what Disney movie I watched before writing this?
I also found a video that perfectly encompasses this chapter:
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kirakiwiwrites · 1 year
Chapter one of our new story has been posted! We can’t wait it see what everyone thinks! A huge thank you to iris7124 for creating such a beautiful cover for us once again! You’re the best!
Here’s the story summary for anyone interested: Lady Rachel Berry has been taken by a mysterious evil wizard. Blaine Anderson, a humble puppeteer, vows to get her back, even if that means he will have to face the fearsome wizard Kurt Hummel locked away in his foreboding castle. He is violent and cruel, but is there is more to the story than the legends and the myths? Blaine intends to find out.
Enjoy! Much love - A and K
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Our love will burn : Book 1
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Summary : Two centuries ago , the Dance of the Dragons mines one of the darkest points in the Targaryen reign. But when Y/n Mormont, the ruler of Bear Island, gets involved, not only intrigues are formed. But also hearts inflamed with love. Can a young bear survive in a dance of fire. Without not being burned herself in the death of a dragon rider. But before the battle, what about love? What if there is more to all this than you thought ? What if secrets are being kept and a Lady is loyal to her queen involuntarily because of her feelings? But in the end only four people knew. Will they tell you the story of the young Mormont or will you experience it for yourself in the dance of the dragons and the love between four people who all seemed to be connected by Love.
Rhaenyra x fem reader
Daemon x fem reader
Aemond x fem reader
Warnings under the cut
Welcome to my new really long running story. It will be the first book of three based on the seasons of House of the Dragons.
Content warnings : Rough sex , Trauma , Violence , Cheating , Major character deaths , Threesome woman/woman/man , Torture , Loss of limbs , Wars , Rape , Abortions , Slowburn ( If you do not want to read long stories ) , Unhealthy relationships , Sex/ smut , fluff , Manipulation , incest , blood Kink , knive Kink , Love Triangles and much more.
You can say the usual Game of thrones / House of the dragons brutality and themes. If you do not want to read this, do not read it.
Info : This fanfiction is already posted under the same name on ao3 and wattpad if you prefer to read it there
Ao3 :
Wattpad :
~ Prologue ~
Dragonstone the castle at the Blackwater Bay stood for five hundred years. The rock seemed to stand eternally in connection with the valuable material of the same name as the castle of Dragonstone. Even two centuries after the dance of the dragons it should still stand. But like every building, every long-lived creature, the castle should also experience its injuries and sad times. But in the year one hundred and thirty after Aeogon's conquest, on the twenty-second day of the tenth moon, the castle was to be the end of a love affair and the end of two warriors who were not only fighting against their own family but also against the ways of time.
On that day Rhaenyra Targaryen, the only daughter of King Viserys the First and his wife Aemma Arryn, died. She was supposed to get the throne after the death of her father and had to go through so much in her young life. Not only the death of her father, her mother, the betrayal, the lies and heartlessness of the time of the people and the breakdown of her friendship with Alicent Hightower. She also had to witness how her children died and her love perished. Her uncle Daemon, whom she loved, died fighting for her. As well as the death of her once beloved Harwin Strong who took the secret of whether the three children came from him to his grave. As well as her husband Laenor who is considered the father of her three children.
They all seemed to die for her only so that her queen could come to the throne and rule. However, as it always happens, since the arrival of a certain young woman, there have always been rumors about the relationship between her and Rhaenyra. Some say they are like sisters and know everything about each other. Others claimed they were best friends, like blood brothers, as if they had known each other all their lives, almost like soul mates. But then there were those who quietly whispered that the beautiful young dragon princess was getting deeply involved with the beautiful bear from the north. But only four people who knew everything that was whispered behind closed doors knew what the truth was. However, they all took their secrets and loves with them to their deaths. So it is said only sometime in a tragic love song as a small part that is almost to be overheard.
~ One heart makes you feel love, two hearts make you feel ecstasy, three hearts bring lies but four hearts bring you the death ~
But the tragedy was that the bear who came to a realm that was new to her was drawn into the dance of the dragons and the fight for the throne only by the love of three people. But she did not regret it until her last breath.Once a heart dies, so do the others. Love is like that, it will always endure, but with it there will always be sorrow, grief and what they all fear. To lose their love to death.
Chapter 1. ~ The tale of the bear ~
Comments are always welcome and I hope you enjey the story as much as I do writiting it. After posted all chapters here I will make a Masterlist fore a better overview.
ps : I know the wattpad cover is diffrent but it's the same story just a diffrent cover ( made both of them myself )
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stormears · 5 months
Do you ever thought of writing g your original novel?(I’m in process of making one right now.$
I am 99% sure I answered a question like this in the last few months, but I can't find it by searching...so I'll uhh...recap.
In short, I used to want to publish a novel as a teen and a little bit as a college student but discovered I simply like fanfiction much more. The "transformation" aspect of changing an already existing thing is more enjoyable to me than creating one entirely from scratch.
I feel kind of repulsed by the requirements to make it in the traditional publishing sphere, hell even the self-publishing sphere. I do not want to do boatloads of desperate social media marketing and happy smiling and mingling and begging and booktok-ing to get my book seen. Online book discourse also tells me there's way too many hateful, picky and low-attention span readers out there who'd make sure to tell me how much my book literally fucking sucks and is literally problematic lmao
So... I don't envy you having to enter that ring in the future. I guess we both could just write a book and get 20 copies printed by some one-week-turnaround printing service just to have the product in our hands. That's as much as I'd be willing to do.
For the 'have I ever thought about an original novel' here's my...original novel attempts.
From ages 11-15-ish I completed a novel(?) about dragons getting together to go on a multi-book-spanning quest. 120ish double spaced pages, idk the word count. It was pretty bad. The dragon OCs are mostly one-dimensional and much of the setting was stolen from Zelda games and Princess Mononoke. I had a lot of notes/art pieces/ideas for the series, but never wrote much past Book 1.
From ages 15-17ish I wrote maybe one-third of a book about winged people living in floating cities, and the two MCs who fly down to earth and find it to be mostly a devastated wasteland. There are talking animals and a meager human population all of whom want to find a want to find a way to reach/plunder the floating cities once they find out about them.
In college I wrote...idk 4-5 chapters...of a fantasy book about a girl who flees to Generic Fantasy Kingdom while hiding her mom and twin sister in some secret room in an inn For Reasons. She becomes a professional portrait painter(?) for nobles and has a knack for lying. So she blackmails people everywhere to gain leverage/money until damn near everyone in the castle hates her. At the end it's discovered that the kingdom is keeping a dragon underground and the girl accidentally finds the dragon's 3 eggs hatching and they imprint onto her. Them coming into her care was an accident, she COULD return them...but doesn't. She also discovers her sister was in an incestuous relationship with their dad before they left their home country, prompting the MC to abandon her family and run away with her new dragon babies to another neighboring kingdom and basically be on their side for the upcoming war.
In my head it was an interesting progression to watch the MC go from pitiable kicked-puppy to smart clever court lady to manipulative selfish bitch who has like 1 friend and is known as a "lying, cowardly fucking rat" (not really an exaggeration). She was supposed to become less and less sympathetic as the story went on.
Since I started writing at age 11 or so I've written those projects, or at least started them...and also wrote around 500k words of fanfiction.
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see-arcane · 2 years
Jonathan Harker: The ‘Absolute Love Corrupts Absolutely’ Villain That Almost Was*
*LONG before Francis Ford Coppola’s Cinematic Gary Oldman Fanfiction
Spoilers ahead for the Dracula Daily enjoyers, because I’m whipping out all my literary receipts on this.
I recently finished speed-rereading Dracula because I have no self-control. In doing so, I got a refresher on quite a few incendiary factors of the book that time had dulled in my memory.
1.     There’s a TON of ‘I’m not like other girls!’ and ‘men good, women dainty,’ and ‘What no I’m not projecting, honest, I just really like the words manful, voluptuous, manful, aquiline, manful, God, and manful again. –Bramothy Stoker,’ so brace for that from basically the whole cast. I’m blaming it partly on Bram Flakes’ own prejudices, of which there are plenty, and the fact that he’d clearly never met a thesaurus in his life.
(I appreciate everyone’s mental revamp of Mina as the New Woman to Lucy’s Classic Damsel, but…oof. Everyone’s in for a harsh Period/Stoker Accurate reminder.)
2.     Brammy Pajamas was either hanging around some exceptionally devout Christians to write some of the second/third act scenes with everyone basically thrashing and wailing and falling on their knees and clasping/kissing hands as they pray to/thank God, all while thinking it was perfectly natural behavior for these characters…or he legit had no clue how any kind of ordinary human being, Christian or otherwise, would react to the situations he puts them in.
(Seriously, it’s not even that everyone’s devout, it’s that they’re all written to act like they’re in a soap opera where the only direction they got was to be as hammy and histrionic as physically possible. You’ll know the scenes when you see them.)
3.     Jonathan Harker has not only been done dirty by every adaptation since the book in terms of being a main character, along with being the character to spend the most time with Dracula in close quarters, period, and being the love interest for Mina—his whole character arc by the second half of the book is the most blazing hot, “If my beloved is destined for damnation, I’m heading to Hell with her, fuck all else,” shit I have ever read in classic literature, full stop.
Not Dracula. Not any character based on Dracula.
Jonathan fucking Harker is the OG archetype for Love Corrupts (Violently), and the canon story avoided him going full tragic villain by t h i s much. You want proof? Let’s go.
Here’s the part most Harker fans scream over, myself included:
“To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.”
Good shit, good shit! Jonathan was already prepared to risk falling to his death from a cliff or being eaten by wolves rather than stay in Castle Dracula for a bloodthirsty eternity with the ladies. But now? Mina is quite literally his, “You are worth Hell,” Beloved. But there’s more. Fast forward to one of Team Fuck-Up-That-Old-Undead-Man’s first head-on encounters with the Count. As they’re waiting, Jonathan gets impatient, declaring:
“I care for nothing now,” he answered hotly, “except to wipe out this brute from the face of creation. I would sell my own soul to do it!”
He says as much in front of his Christian+ buddies who, by now, had pretty fair reasons to believe in the legitimacy of Hell and all its demons. Van Helsing is definitely startled and seemingly talks him down from such an oath. Key word being seemingly. Because we jump forward again to a point where Mina, in full saintly forgiveness mode (and apparently selectively forgetting Van Helsing’s history lesson about Dracula’s pre-vampire days being ones of a slaughtering tyrant), saying that if/when they destroy the Count, oh, how happy his soul will be to be free of his torment on Earth, et cetera. Jonathan Harker has a rebuttal to share. Namely:
“May God give him into my hand just for long enough to destroy that earthly life of him which we are aiming at. If beyond that I could send his soul forever and ever to burning hell I would do it!”
God forgives. Jonathan Harker emphatically does not.
Onward again, and he speaks volumes by what he does not say. Chiefly, there’s a point where Mina, now in full martyr preparation should the worst happen, makes the boys swear an oath to destroy her body if/when she succumbs and dies to Dracula’s vampiric poisoning so she cannot rise again as one of his ladies. The boys swear. Mostly. What we get from Jonathan is…
“And must I, too, make such a promise, oh, my wife?”
“You too, my dearest.” (Note: The rest of her paragraph here is full of the most knife-twisting, utterly warped martyr ‘pep talk’ I’ve ever read, and I have no idea how she/Bramarama thought it would remotely convince Jonathan this was all a reasonable and chill thing she was talking about. Anyway.)
It’s important to note that absolutely nowhere in the ensuing text does Jonathan ever speak the promise out loud. He does read the goddamn Burial Service at Mina’s request, which he barely chokes his way through. But he never makes the oath.
Another jump ahead. They are on the hunt for Dracula and, alas, have just missed him at a key point. Most of the gang are shaking their fists at the sky, cursing up and down. And what is Jonathan doing? Well, to quote Jack Seward, just before the epiphany…
“We men were all in a fever of excitement, except Harker, who is calm; his hands are as cold as ice, and an hour ago I found him whetting the edge of the great Ghoorka knife which he now always carries with him. It will be a bad look-out for the Count if the edge of that ‘Kukri’ ever touches his throat, driven by that stern, ice-cold hand!”
And upon discovery of the Count slipping them…
“Harker smiled—actually smiled—the dark bitter smile of one who is without hope; but at the same time his action belied his words, for his hands instinctively sought the hilt of the great Kukri knife and rested there.”
For context, by this point Jonathan had already come at Dracula with said Kukri knife a while back, having nearly landed the blow after charging out of the pack and nearly fucking gutting the Count. For extra context, this is a Kukri knife:
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He’s just been walking around with that. For half the book. Plotting.
And, with all of this in mind, we can only assume Jonathan had two plans of action in mind.
Plan A, follow Van Helsing’s lead.
…Not counting the moment he almost bit the Professor’s head off for saying he had to bring Mina along with him to Castle Dracula. Another good scene which includes his very succinct reaction to Van Helsing’s suggestion, even if he does have to agree in the end:
“Not for the world! Not for Heaven or Hell!”
Anyway. If the plan works out, cool. He gets to kill Dracula, Mina is saved. Best case scenario!
But then there’s the unspoken, explicitly unwritten (in case his pages need to be read), but heavily foreshadowed Plan B. They cannot destroy the Count, in time or otherwise. Mina is now either a corpse waiting to awake as a vampire, or a vampire already. The others, true to their vow, mean to destroy her.
Jonathan Harker, true only to Mina, in whatever form she may take, still has that Kukri. And the element of surprise. And a full acknowledgment of the realities of Heaven, Hell, and his holding Mina’s continued existence above them, his friends, his sanity, his humanity, and himself.
In short, all your tragically romantic Draculas can kindly go fuck themselves with a wooden stake. Jonathan Harker is the first and best gothic horror example of a person in love to the point of madness, damnation, and willingness to deceive or destroy anyone who would endanger the one he loves. The only reason we never got to see it in action was because Stoker had to tack on a happy ending. If he hadn’t?
The census would be less four unsuspecting heroes and plus two newlywed vampires.
The End.
Suck on it, Francis.
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greatlydelirious · 3 years
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲
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Karl Heisenberg x F!Reader
wordcount: 3.7k words
summary: You and Heisenberg play a not-so-friendly game of chase; which leads to a powerful discovery.
warnings: major backstory, smut, manhandling, mentions of experimentation, minor injuries
a/n: this was my first fanfiction so give a girl a little leeway lol
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A bored sigh leaves your lips as your legs swing back and forth on top of Heisenberg’s workbench. Dressed in only an oversized shirt you went on a journey to find your boyfriend so he could cure your boredom. Instead, you’ve been stuck waiting until he finished doing whatever the hell he was working on this time. He told you he was “almost done” with his new little project. Which at this point felt like hours ago? You lazily eye the older man to your right up and down. The silver locks you’ve grown to adore hide Heisenberg’s face from view as he diligently works away. His coat lays long forgotten on a chair; the sleeves of his button-up are rolled up as he twists a piece of metal in his expert hands. Watching the flex of his muscles stirs a familiar feeling deep in your gut.
Memories of the many nights you’ve spent under those same hands flood your brain. That man knew how to manipulate your body just like that metal in the sweetest ways. You loved the way his fingers teasingly explore your body. Making you bend around him and desperately beg for more. On the other hand, you also loved when he would grip you hard enough to create bruises. Crushing your bodies together like you might just vanish away at any second.
The endless erotic thoughts of what you two could do together swirl in your head causing a spark to form inside you. A spark that travels from you to the metal work bench you are perched on. This gives the burly man a nice shock in the process. Heisenberg grunts as he drops the metal contraption in his hands. He slides off his signature black shades and turns towards you. “Care to explain what that was for doll?”
You are the newest addition to, what Heisenberg so lovingly calls, Mother Miranda’s fucked up family of freaks.  Your rebirth came about when Mother Miranda decided to conduct electricity experiments on her two newest corpses. The energy used was sourced from a large breaker system running the laboratory. During her first experiment, Mother Miranda implanted the Cadou on the spinal cord at the underside of the brain. Electrocuting the recipient caused them to fall into a zombie-like state; making them utterly useless to her mission.
On her second try, she cut along the spin, putting the Cadou inside the back. When she turned on the electricity this time, the surge of energy spread through the body. The wriggly creature started to stretch its body to wrap around the corpse’s spinal cord. The female on the table woke with a start. Her screams caused the bulbs in the room to grow brighter and hiss. When she finally passed out, all the lights returned to their dim state. Mother Miranda’s mouth turned up in a wicked smile as she looked down at yet another success. The only question left was when to introduce her to the rest of the family.
That’s how you ended up in the possession of the magnetic man himself, Karl Heisenberg. Karl was annoyed at first. He hated the thought of having to babysit a grown woman all day while also trying to grow his blossoming army. That was until you were put in front of him.
Heisenberg grumbled on the way to the meeting of the Lords. He was as punctual as he usually was… which means as late as he possibly could. The matriarch of Castle Dimitrescu leered at her so-called brother. “Did you not see the urgency in Mother Miranda’s message? Or was it your inability to read that has made you so late?” Lady Dimitresu taunted. Heisenberg snapped back, “Maybe if you got off that giant ass of yours, you would have better things to do than wait at beck and call!” Only a snort came out of the giant woman. “Is that right “dear brother”? At least you would know since you’re nothing but a mutt.” Angie’s shrieking giggles fill the dilapidated church.
Right as Karl was going to open his mouth a swoosh of air fills the room. The sound of crows follows with the entrance of Mother Miranda. “Enough now children. Sit down. We have important matters to attend to.” Angie settles down on Donna Beneviento’s lap as everyone gets into place. Heisenberg plops his body down on his usual seat with a huff. “As you all are aware; I’ve been working overtime to create the perfect vessel for my darling daughter.” Mother Miranda pauses as she observes the room. “I am pleased to announce that due to my efforts I brought a new member into our family.”
The woman flicks her wings back to show off the meek girl hidden behind them. Moreau garbles out some nonsensical words as he moves closer to get a better look at the stranger. Lady Dimistresu gasps in delight, “What a beautiful sight Mother Miranda! I do hope you will entrust her to me.” Angie bounces on Donna’s lap cheering “Playdate! Playdate!” over and over again. Heisenberg watches as through all the commotion the girl slowly moves her gaze up and looks him in the eyes. The magnetic pull they felt bringing their energies together was indisputable.
You try to act demure as you move your head to look at Heisenberg. “What was what for?” He lets out a dark chuckle as he moves in front of you. “Let’s not play games here.” Both of his hands plant on either side of your exposed thighs as he leans in. Warm breath tickles your lips. The smell of smoke, spice, and old leather floods your senses. You let out a shaky breath while looking deep into his darkening eyes, “What if I want to play a game?” Heisenberg grabs your chin and closes the gap between you. His lips are rough as they latch onto you; unforgiving as he dominates your mouth. You moan into the kiss when he pulls you to the edge of the table and presses himself against your core. A bolt of energy comes alive in you, turning your kiss increasingly warm. Heisenberg’s tongue slips into your mouth and you nip at it playfully. He pulls back with a groan, “Oh baby, if this is how you want to play.”  Heisenberg descends on your neck; leaving wet-mouthed kisses on all the sensitive spots that make buck into him. “Please… M-more…” You mewl as your hands find purchase on his head. His hat gets knocked off as you grab fistfuls of his hair and pull. “Not today doll,” Heisenberg drawls while stepping back.
Before you could register the missing weight of his body, a metal chain wraps around your wrists, pulling your arms above your head. He descends on your venerable form. His hands caress your thighs as he croons in your ear, “Now tell me, what’s got you so electric tonight?” You pull on your restraints with no give. Heisenberg slides his hands off you to slowly take off his button-up; making it so his tank top was the only thing obstructing you from the view of his muscular masterpiece. His tank top was pushed up enough to expose the trail of hair that disappears in his rough jeans. The large bulge that’s grown in his pants makes your pussy desperately clench around nothing. A string of currents leaving your fingertips and cracking the ceiling above is the only thing that snaps your gaze back to the man’s face.
Heisenberg lets out a throaty laugh that sends chills down your spine. “Is it me baby? Has Daddy not been giving you enough attention, hm?” Words fail you as he steps forward. Your legs automatically fall open to accommodate his larger frame as you shake with anticipation. “C’mon now, use your words.” He holds your face in both hands as he presses himself into you. “I just wanted-OH!” Before you can even finish your sentence Heisenberg ruts his hard cock against your clothed pussy. “What was that? I didn’t seem to hear you?” he groans roughly as he continues to grind into you at a steady pace. The whole time he keeps his hold on you; watching your eyes sizzle with need, waiting for you to give him what he wants. You grab onto his wrists as you try to gain some semblance of composure. Heisenberg rests his head against yours as he continues to rub your aching sexes together. You can barely catch your breath. Why did he have to always make you feel so flustered?
“I just wanted to have-” your body jostles with each thrust, disorienting you when your breasts brush against his hard chest. “Have some fun with you!” You finish with a whimper as he strokes himself against your clit, “Please… ah! Karl please!” Heisenberg stills his movements and kisses your lips. The chains slip off your wrists as you lean back. You look up at Karl and his mouth is pulled into a wolfish grin. “That’s my good girl…” he practically purrs. “You really want to play a game?” You sit yourself up with a shaky breath and stutter out a “Y-Ye-Yes.” His lips ghost the shell of your ear as he whispers, “then run little rabbit.”
With a start, you almost jump from the workbench to the metal door leading out of the room. “You know the rules!” Heisenberg’s voice booms through the factory as you run down a hallway. “If you make it back to the bedroom before I catch you, you win!” There is a pause until you hear him growl out once more, “but if I catch you… oh, sweetheart… you don’t want to find out what happens if I catch you.”
You two have played this game only once before. During that particular night, Karl wanted to give you an incentive to give your Cadou given gift a test drive. After a long chase, you just missed his arms wrapping around you when you used the electricity from your limbs to propel you into the bedroom.
Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, you felt the flame of lust mix with your delicious fear. Your breath comes out in huffs as you opened yet another door. A nasty Soldat greets you on the other side, snarling at you as you squeal, trying to gain back your composure. The twisted monster advances forward giving you a nice cut on your arm as you yelp out. Beams of blue electricity flow from your fingertips and surround the beast. The beams crack at the Soldat, sucking the energy out of its body and transferring it to you. You moan as your body vibrates with power. The cut on your arm heals itself in the process.
The crackle of the speakers catches your attention. “That a girl! Can you feel that? The pure liquid energy coursing through your veins? Imagine the type of explosion we could create together baby!” Heisenberg boisterously proclaims. Heat pools inside you when you hear an animalistic growl come out of the man’s throat next, “Just wait until I get my hands on you…” A beeping sound turns your attention to the security camera in the room, aka the object that snitched on your escapades in the factory. “No special advantages Heisenberg!” You scold him before focusing your consciousness on the electrical system that flows through the factory. With a pull of your arms, the speakers pop, and surveillance cameras power off. You chuckle at messing with Heisenberg’s toys. You were going to pay for that later.
As you storm down vaguely familiar corridors the vitality of the factory is chaotic. Lycans howl and move around restlessly as they listen in on their master’s chase. Soldat’s mechanisms rev as they eagerly wait for the appearance of a new challenger.
Your heart is pumping loudly in your ears as your breath pushes out in short huffs. One glance around you made you realize you were fucked. “Where the hell am I?” In your haste to avoid the many monsters and Heisenberg’s traps, you lost track of the turns you were supposed to make to get to your shared bedroom. A giant slam shakes the factory and quiets the previous noise. You could only hear the click of machinery and your own labored breathing.
The second you run out the nearest door and up a flight of stairs, a crash sound erupts from the room you just left. Without sparing even a glance behind, you ram your body into yet another bruising door. You could have almost jumped for joy when you realized you were down the hallway from your destination. However, it was almost too quiet for your liking. You slip into a cabinet in the hallway and clamp your mouth shut with your hand.
A deep rumble comes from the corridor. “Now where did you go my little kitten?” Heisenberg purrs out as you hear him move around nearby objects. You can’t help but clench your thighs together at the mention of his little name for you. At the same time, you wanted to smack yourself for not slipping into one of the other rooms instead of such a venerable spot. His dominating form steps in your line of sight as his piercing green eyes scan the dimly lit area. He looks around for a second before sighing and stepping out of view once more. The sound of a metal door slamming is all that’s left in his wake. You let out a sigh as you peek outside the cabinet; there is not a menacing man in sight. You step out and make a beeline toward the bedroom door.
As you are about to grasp the knob, two strong arms pin you to the door. Hot breath fans your neck, “My darling, you need to pay more attention to your surroundings.” Heisenberg shoves his large palms under your shirt. He grabs the material and throws it over his head. His hands descend quickly, massaging your aching breasts. Your body reacts to his heavy petting immediately. “Karl please!” You desperately moan as he pinches and pulls your taut nipples. Karl is breathing heavily as his hands move to your hips, flipping you around so you are facing him. His pupils are completely blown out as he possessively looks down at you. He effortlessly holds you up against the door while your legs wrap around his wide waist. Heisenberg chuckles as you squirm underneath him, trying to get any type of friction to fuel the flame roaring inside you.
“Not so fast kitten. You may have given me a tough chase, but last time I checked…” A band of metal clamps your wrists together. Your wrists are pulled to your chest as they push your breast together. Heisenberg smiles at the sight of your bare body until he notices the shorts covering your most intimate parts. He stops mid-sentence as he takes both hands to the top of your shorts. You gasp in shock as the sound of ripping fabric fills your ears and the warm breeze of the factory licks at your exposed pussy. “…I won,” Heisenberg growls out the last of his sentence as he moves one of his hands to tease your neglected core. Your body makes a squelching noise as Karl inserts a finger into your quivering pussy. His head falls into your neck as beads of sweat form on his brow. “God you are so fucking wet doll,” another finger gets pumped inside you, causing you to feel a delightful stretch from the intrusion.
A low growl tickles your neck, “You were just begging to be caught, weren’t you? You want Daddy to claim you like the good little prey you are?” His thumb pressing down on your clit makes you cry out; “Yes! Oh, Please Karl!” His fingers expertly twist up and attack a spot deep inside you that makes stars fill your vision. “I’m going to…” you ghost the words in his ear. “Come on baby; show me how desperately you want my cock in that tight pussy of your yours,” A surge of energy flows inside you as you scream out Heisenberg’s name. He keeps pumping his fingers inside you as cry out. The feeling of him around you is almost too much to handle.
As he slightly pulls away you watch through a hooded gaze as he pulls his fingers covered in your slick into his mouth with a moan. “You are starting to make me hungry for more.”  Heisenberg’s hands move to push down his partially opened jeans. Your body flushes as his painfully hard cock springs free and rests on your stomach. He moves an arm underneath your back to support you and holds your neck in his rough palm. The other grips his cock as he slides it along your weeping cunt. The sensation causes a spark to fly from your finger. “Please Karl, I can’t- I can’t take it any longer,” you whine like a bitch in heat.
Your breath hitches as he presses the wide tip of his cock at your entrance. His dark eyes stare into your own with a strong intensity, “I want you to fucking say it.” A look of confusion paces through you until it is soon replaced with a flush of warmth. You remember the same words he told you during your last chase. Looking at the hulking man through your lashes you concede with a moan, “You caught me.” The second you finish the words Heisenberg slams the full length of this cock into you. You both moan in tandem and shut your eyes at the overwhelming sensation. “Christ! You wrap around my cock like a fucking vice,” with gritted teeth Karl starts moving at a rough pace. His hips snap into you like a machine. The grip under your neck holds your body in place so you can’t move away from his punishing length. The sound of skin slapping and your cunt fills the corridor.
“Look at me doll,” You barely manage to open your eyes to see Heisenberg looking down at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. The constraints on your wrists fly off your wrist to clash against the floor. You feel like you are going to turn into a puddle of ecstasy, “I need more Karl! Please I need you!” Without hesitation, he wraps both his arms around you; leaning forward as he slams into you at an impossible pace. Both your arms wrap around his neck to pull him into a searing kiss. Teeth clash as his cock pounds your pussy in all the right places. A sizzle starts to spread across your body. The foreign feeling makes you moan as it travels lower and starts to stimulate your clit. You pull back from Karl as you both gasp for breath. Looking into his eyes you see nothing but carnal desire and adoration; it’s almost overstimulating. At that moment you decided you were unconditionally and completely in love with him.
“I love you, Karl,” you barely manage to moan it out above a whisper. Heisenberg’s stills deep inside you causing you to groan. “No, Karl, don’t stop!” you whine as he pulls you flush against his chest. “Say it again.” his voice is almost unrecognizable. His fingers dip into your sides as he gruffly yells, “Say it again!”  You kiss his jaw and repeat the sentiment, “I love you, Karl!” With the power only a man of his strength could possess; he supports your weight on his thighs so you’re pressed impossibly close to his body. “You. Are. Mine.” He thrust up with reckless abandon. His sharp teeth graze your neck as moans push through your throat. The air fills with a bite of static electricity at the sheer power of each other’s passion. The feeling of pure white power mixed with ecstasy causes you to cry in pleasure.
Pieces of metal in the hallway start swirling and flying around your conjoined bodies. Bursts of magnetic energy jump from one piece of metal to another. A fuzzy fog fills your brain that makes it difficult to hold back any longer, “KARL! Don’t stop! I’m about to…” With another scream of his name, you spasm around Heisenberg’s cock as you reach your peak. The tightening and rippling of your pussy mixed with the proclamations of his name pushes Karl over the edge. “Take it all,” Heisenberg commands dominantly in your ear as he bites into your neck. The feeling of his sharp teeth pushing against your pulse makes your eyes roll back in your head. He pulls his cock out only to slam back in and coat your velvet walls with the hot spurts of his seed.
To say the orgasm was explosive is not a metaphor. When Heisenberg bottomed out his cock inside you the pieces of metal that surround the two of you were exploded back by the energy that was also surging in the room. The walls around you crack and one of the doorways gets blown apart. You try to catch your breath as you open your eyes to look at the destruction around you. “What the hell was that?” you breathe out. Heisenberg lifts his head to lick the mark that decorated your neck; making you shiver. “I think that’s what you call “bomb” sex!” You roll your eyes as he hysterically laughs at his own joke. Before you could survey the scene any further, Karl flings the metal doors to the bedroom open. The doors shuts as he pulls both of you into bed. A wave of exhaustion comes over you. Never have you manipulated that much kinetic energy before. Heisenberg holds you against him as your eyes grow heavier and heavier. The last thing you remember is feeling a kiss on the top of your head and a small whisper, “I love you too.”
Karl watches as your body is lulled into sleep. The events of the night start slowly churning around in his brain. Heisenberg comes to a maddening conclusion. You were by far the most powerful person Mother Miranda has ever created. He also comes to a second conclusion. He will do whatever it takes to keep you away from that crazy bitch’s clutches.
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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g-kat423 · 2 years
Lady D Fanfiction
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Current Projects
The Fall of the House of Dimitrescu Pre Canon/Canon Compliant Timeline
Before the castle of blood and death, Alcina Dimitrescu was merely the sickly child of a fallen noble with few prospects.
A character study spanning from the day of her birth until that fateful encounter with Ethan Winters.
Rating: Explicit (Given the infamous Dead Dove: Do Not Eat due to upsetting themes. Proceed with caution)
Pairing: Alcina X Original female character
Chapters: 5/?
Something Sweet Modern Sugar Baby AU
A boring night in combined with financial woes leads to you checking out a certain website. You’re instantly captivated by an older woman seeking a young companion with the added bonus of cash benefits.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 19/?
Completed Works
Nightmares and Daydreams Series
Nightmares and Daydreams
With no other options you start working for Castle Dimitrescu. Upon meeting the lady of the castle she looks at you as though she’s seen a ghost.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 18/18, Complete
Modern Conveniences post Nightmares and Daydreams
Alcina once said to you that she had no need for modern things. You, however, had a few things in mind and were most pleased when she didn’t object.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
More Than A Lifetime pre Nightmares and Daydreams
Prior to the events of Nightmares and Daydreams. Alcina spends time reflecting on her life.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Unnamed Maid/Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Misc. Alcina
The lady of the house rarely spoke to you. This time she caught you completely off guard and it felt like ice in your veins.
Rating: Teen And Up
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Alcina’s NSFW Alphabet
Tumblr nsfw alphabet prompt
Women Are Blind to Male Advances
Strong TW for Rape/Non-Con elements
An idea that popped into my head about a scenario in which a maid Alcina had her eye on was assaulted and Alcina then slices the rapist into ribbons
"It's not that women are blind to male advances, the greedy men will always take their chances, inflicting pain wherever they go, but they soon shall reap what they sow."
Tragedy strikes a young maid, one Alcina already had her eye on, during a visit to the village and Alcina refuses to let this particular crime go unpunished.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina/Unnamed Maid
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
It’s Not Tomorrow Until We Sleep
“At the very least, not until the sun rises.”
In regards to life, there’s nothing more cruel and unforgiving than life itself. In a drastic turn of events, Alcina had lost the love of hers. Luckily, death doesn’t always part.
A oneshot about Alcina’s lover visiting her from the afterlife during a once a year opportunity.
Tw for mentions of cancer since I know that can be upsetting for people
Pairing: Alcina/Unnamed Maid
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Rating: Mature
A Night to Remember
Based off of Alcina’s best route in Resident Lover
Professor Alcina takes you back to her place for a night you’ll never forget.
Pairing: Alcina/Reader or Alcina/Main Character
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Rating: Explicit
She Was So Rough, She Was So Soft
Who would have thought that hands capable of such atrocities could bring the most pleasurable touches.
The contrast between Alcina’s behavior in the dungeon and in her private chambers.
A quadruple drabble for funsies.
Rating: Explicit
Paring: Alcina x OC (unnamed maid)
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Corpse God
Ethan Winters successfully defeated Mother Miranda leaving the lords unharmed yet Alcina remains her most loyal follower.
Mother Miranda is killed in her weakened state and Alcina continues to worship her corpse.
A traditional drabble at exactly 100 words. I was inspired after watching the documentary about the cult of mother god.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: None (but could be interpreted as some twisted Mirancina)
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Kinktober 2023
Fuck it, Everybody Get Naked
You're a maid at the castle just trying to get through the day when one of the other maids picks a fight with you over the lady of the house.
Shameless pwp for kinktober 2023
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina x Reader Alcina/ Original Female Character
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
Enter the Dragon
Shameless dragon fucking porn for kinktober 2023 read at your own risk lol
Scratch that, the dragon is entering you. Alcina shows you another side of herself during an evening in the Tower of Worship.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
That's What Gays Do!
Kinktober 2023 fic about butt stuff
Munch butts and celebrate Halloween!
It's Halloween at Castle Dimitrescu and a masquerade ball is being held, but the fun doesn't start for you until after all of the guests have left.
A two-parter based off of a tiktok audio
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 2/2, Complete
The Ritual
Kinktober 2023 fic shameless pwp
It was a nightly ritual to head to Alcina's chambers and had been for months now. Tonight, however, marked the beginning of something new.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Alcina X Reader
Chapters: 1/1, Complete
All my works (apart from some tumblr rambling) can be found on AO3 under the username ourwickedlies.
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msbluesky1 · 3 years
To be Alcina Dimitrescu's Lady's companion.
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- Corinne is the first (perhaps the only one) human that Lady Dimitrescu takes under her wing.
- Young woman used to be a servant, but ever since her initiation, Alcina couldn't take her gaze away from her.
- She had to confess that the maiden was unique, that there was something about her that drew her in like a magnet to metal.
- Corinne was unsure of her function at first.
- Her lady then instructed her on how to "perform" her part.
- Corinne realized that what she really wanted was a friend once she explained everything. Well, friend/lover or something along those lines.
- Corinne recognized the sadness and understood it. Living in such a large castle, with only work to fill the gap and a staff who was simply terrified of her (and with reasons), was a challenge. She'd be lonely without a doubt.
- Corinne made the decision to be the finest company she'd ever had.
- She did it not only because it was her job, but also because she had a strange attraction to Lady Dimitrescu (perhaps too much for her good).
- They talked for hours in her office about trivia, novels they'd read, and epiphanies.
- There were moments when Lady Dimitrescu stared at her intensely, almost lovingly as if pondering something vital (which grew all too often). Corinne's heart swelled with joy at the prospect, and she couldn't take her look away from her.
- Then Corinne dismisses such ideas by disguising herself as an employee, supposing that what she had saw from her lady was pure fantasy and that she wanted company who wasn't afraid of her.
- But... and all those kisses and touches that they exchanged on occasion didn't mean something? Corinne wasn't sure, but she figured time would tell.
- They spent the most of their time together, talking or in the stillness that the situation demanded, listening to their breathing, with their looks that said everything, observing their expressive faces, or simply feeling their warm bodies resting against one other. That was enough for them; they didn't want anything else. just have each other in.
- Although they never said it or expressed it out loud.
- Corinne was occasionally asked to sit and read a book on Lady Dimitrescu's lap while she was on the phone. Alcina rested her free hand on Corinne's waist, sometimes adjusting her dress, softly squeezing her hips, and other times simply playing with the girl's hair on her lap.
- Although Corinne was almost constantly with her lady, she also desired privacy. When Alcina is annoyed and irritated with the staff or for something her brother did or something external, she leaves her alone or lets her to rest in solitude, and the girl walks to the library or the garden to enjoy her alone time.
- Later, the same Alcina Dimitrescu will go out of her way to find her for lunch or dinner.
- Although there are instances when Corinne blends in so well that the matriarch is unable to find her and decides to wait till she reappears.
- Although she doesn't say it out loud, she worries that she was left because of something she said or because of some of her actions or that she was hurt in some way.
- The maiden reappears a little while later, wiping her eyes and looking untidy with a sleepy smile, she had fallen asleep. Alcina's heart swelled with relief involuntarily. She hadn't gone anywhere.
- Lady Dimitrescu eventually had to hire additional servants to maintain the massive castle, but there was no a similar initiation; they just brought them in and forced them to clean and serve in the castle.
- Lady Dimitrescu would then take a group of them down the basement, and they would never see each other again.
- Corinne was well aware that in the eyes of man, ethically dubious, horrifying, and cruel acts are done down there and up there sometimes.
- Corinne learned via Alcina's talk with Mother Miranda that, in addition to giving the blood that keeps Lady Dimitrescu alive, experiments are being conducted on those girls in the basement.
- That is one of the benefits of her role, she can know everything.
- But she could never use it against her lady.
- Gossip is unsurprising in a castle full of vigilant eyes and nervous ears.
- When Corinne and Lady Dimitrescu were heading into the dining room one morning, the maiden's keen ear picked up on one of the servants whispering.
- "Here comes the mistress's whore," they mockingly said, laughing.
- Unfortunately for them, they both heard them.
- Alcina's peaceful expression was replaced by a disgusted and upset scowl, her ferocious eyes staring at the servants like bleeding prey.
- "Pardon me, sweetie, I'll catch up with you in a bit," she said as she dragged the servants by their hair down to the basement.
- Corinne could have taken care of them easily, but she didn't want to lose control.
- But she didn't complain; instead, she smirked satisfied.
- Corinne is not a cruel soul with an ice-cold heart. She didn't believe in good or bad; everything is subjective, based on one's viewpoint.
- Corinne had gotten an excessive number of dresses; perhaps she should die before trying them all on.
- Lady Dimitrescu insisted that Corinne would enjoy them.
- To preserve professionalism, they each called each other "Lady Dimitrescu" and "Lady Corinne" outside of the privacy.
- Lady Dimitrescu decided to entrust the garden to Corinne to care for and give her something to do after thousands of pleading and puppy dog glances from her.
- No one but Lady Corinne or Lady Dimitrescu (who wasn't much) could touch or modify the garden.
- Lady Corinne was hiding something, which even Lady Dimitrescu didn't fully know.
Corinne is an OC that I made up for my Lady Dimitrescu fanfiction on Archive of Our Own. If you are curious and would like to read more about that, I invite you to visit my fanfiction.
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remakethestars · 4 years
❝Even in the blackness, light can be found. My enemy can be outsmarted.❞
— Alex Hirsch, Journal 3
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This is my house, y'all; buckle up!
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, & Slytherin. Headcanon masterlist.
The door'll let you in for witty responses.
We prop it open during exam season, when everyone's coming back from dinner, on party nights, & when no one can solve the riddle.
Questions become more difficult to answer after curfew.
Everyone waits outside & pretends not to know first night until the first-years figure it out.
Today's riddle & answer posted on the back of the door every morning; check before you leave just in case.
Sometimes you find the prefects debating over what the answer is; no one leaves the common room until someone's figured it out, so sometimes, the entirety of Ravenclaw is late to breakfast.
Again, if we absolutely can’t, we’ll prop it open.
If the door’s propped open and you remove the prop, we’ll use the guillotine on you.
Everyone has at least one hill to die on.
There's a podium by the fireplace with a record book on it of all the books in Ravenclaw's library that you can ask for help finding books from (pages flip in their own). 
If you’re in a reading slump, describe what you're looking for; we've probably got it!
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If you don't like writing & highlighting in the books, it'll disappear while you have it, but everyone's free to mark in them. 
So good at reading their own messy notes and the notes their friends wrote they can read a doctor's handwriting.
And there are notes everywhere. As organized as some Raveclaws wish they could be, you can't make notebooks & journals as organized as Google Doc & Word documents. Unless, ya know … someone made a spell for that — hold on, I gotta write that down!
Professors find notes — ideas for spells & potions — on the back of homework & tests. More knowledgeable teachers will add their ideas or advice before handing it back.
Everyone leaves a copy of their favorite book with annotations before they leave seventh year. 
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There's a coffee/tea cart in the common room. 
Hallways to the dorms are covered in graffiti from students long passed.
Dorms branch off based on your year. 
Girls can walk into the boy's dorms & vice versa. 
All rooms are extended for more space.
Beds are built into the wall like window seats & have bookshelves where the head and footboards should be. 
Dark blue curtains can be drawn shut if you're feeling introverted. 
Trunks go under the bed, so they're kinda high off the ground.
Cast an extension charm if you’re claustrophobic.
At the end of every year, everyone congregates in the common room, someone casts glisseo on the stairs to Ravenclaw tower, & everyone slides their trunks down (it's called "the trunk shoving").
No one gives a single sh¡t about house points.
Ravenclaw’s are always blowing something up & losing points.
Dramatic about stubbing their toe, but super casual about ending up in the hospital wing because they "wanted to test a hypothesis."
If you have a question or don't understand something, ask it loudly in the common room; someone will undoubtedly answer or direct you to another who can.
Just don't use bad grammar, or sixteen people will correct you in unison. 😅
Learn (a) new language(s) in the common room 20:00–21:00 Mon.–Fri.
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Tutoring sessions are in the common room at 21:00–22:00 Mon.–Fri. Or ask for private lessons to work around your schedule.
If a particular teacher's sh¡t, we host a class in the common room after dinner.
Also, there're just classes for random stuff: art, budgeting, codes & code-breaking, cooking, dancing, darning, fencing, ice skating (in the winter months), knot tying, lock picking, makeup, Morse code, muggle martial arts, sewing…
First years are all offered a class on note taking.
A lot of us do our homework on Friday night so we don't have to worry about it all weekend, so there're no party activities tonight, but you can play a muggle board game if you want.
Karaoke on Saturday nights.
Dungeons & Dragons on Sunday nights.
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D&D’s swapped out for a play once a month; screw the theater ban! (For an explanation of Hogwarts’s theater ban, see Albus Dumbledore’s notes on “The Fountain of Fair Fortune” in The Tales of Beedle the Bard.)
Morning yoga in the common room — feel free to join; we'll teach you some poses.
Ask around; whatever you're looking for — info, candy, contraband — someone probably hands it out, sells it, can get it for you, and/or can tell you where to find it.
Pass around a spell that allows them to clean themselves. Who has time for showering?
And a potion that gives them the same feeling & energy as if they slept. Who has time for sleeping?
Yes, we're building a guillotine in the common room.
Please don't utilize it in the decapitation of any living person or thing (unless it's the Snape or Umbridge)!
Our next project is a carousel. With working lights & everything.
Yes, we're building a house of cards in the common room; please don't blow on it.
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Be quiet until noon on the weekends or get hexed.
Thank Merlin they teach sign language in the common room every year & everyone knows enough to get by.
Parties are highly regulated.
People volunteer to walk people back to their dorms & put up protection charms so you don't get assaulted. Those people are vetted with Veritaserum first to confirm the authenticity of their intentions.
People often get into academic debates, which can get a bit loud; just silencio them & move on.
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The entrances to the dorms are hidden behind moving bookshelves.
The Ravenclaw copy of Hogwarts: A History will tell you more than you realized you needed to know; there're enough notes in the margins to make a second book, including how to enter the kitchens, how to sneak out if the castle, how to find the Room of Requirement…
They've located more secret passages & rooms in Hogwarts using spells they created than the Marauders were aware of.
First-years are told how to put extension charms on their backpacks so they're not heavy — that's a crap-ton of stairs.
There's an incredibly thick book by a armchair near the fireplace that's full of testaments of Ravenclaw's alumni. "What's one thing you wish you'd known when you started Hogwarts?" First-years are encouraged to flip through it.
And taught a low-concentration spell for levitating books while laying down so your arms don't get tired (flick wand to turn page).
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Common room's extended to fit all kinds of activities (and the bookshelves).
Some third-years built an aquaponic system on top of one of the window seats; take a cucumber, if you want, or stop to look at the fish.
Again, explosions are not uncommon. (Please don’t drop any explosives in the fish tank. As water isn’t as compressible as air, this will kill the fish.)
Everyone just kinda glances over to make sure you’re okay before going back to what they were doing.
There's always a record playing.
They host a hike through the Forbidden Forest once a week, because what even are rules?
If you hear an intelligent conversation taking place, feel free to sit down & listen or jump in!
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The wind whistles against the windows all year round, but they've been charmed to keep water out.
Played The Floor is Lava before it was a meme.
There's a two-way mirror on the wall above the fireplace. There's a muggle television on the other side. No one's sure whose T.V. it is, but a lady comes in in the mornings in hair curlers & watches the news.
She puts in V.H.S. tapes of Disney movies at the start of term. Hypothesis says it's for the first years & this person's a half-blood or a muggle-born.
Sometimes, people work together to solve the Friday crossword in The Daily Prophet. It's the hardest all week.
Look at each other like they're the camera in The Office when someone says something stupid.
Oh, boy, if someone's found a really good mystery book… That sh¡t’s getting magically copied & passed around. We discuss theories at meals, pass notes in class, & set up a murder board in the common room.
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Actually, Ravenclaw house has solved a number of murders in its free time.
Visit my Ravenclaw YouTube playlist & Pinterest board.
DISCLAIMER ━━━ These headcanons are what I consider to be canon in my fanfictions. They may be others’s headcanons I’ve subconsciously filed away in my noggin. If one’s yours and you want it removed or credited, please send me your post and let me know.
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newsiegirlscout · 4 years
Comfortember Day Four: Anxiety!
I should not have spent as long on this as I did, but fanfiction is always cheaper than therapy.
@brushes-of-sage, because they need both and the best I can offer is some Team Awesome in these trying times.
Varian had to be the worst liar Eugene had ever seen. 
All second-guessing, slipshod explanations; he animated everything so much more dramatically, and one look at the way his eyes darted away usually gave away exactly what (and where) he was hiding. 
And Eugene had never seen it any more clearly than in the way Varian said “I’m fine.”
Project Obsidian had started as one of Varian’s ideas, a second-wave of the infamous Rrrrooster; originally, it had started as a counterattack, a way to slow down the moonstone’s power.
After Cassandra kidnapped him, his blueprints increased the strength of the catalyst and the firepower drastically; in Varian’s own terms, he moved on to figuring out how to slow down Cassandra. Eugene himself understood little of it when Varian explained it for the first time, but whistled upon seeing the sketches amidst masses of scribbled notes and smudged ink. 
“So this will stop her in one shot?” 
“Yeah! It should, anyway.” he said, sipping delicately from the coffee Eugene had insisted he wouldn’t like, and wincing to confirm he didn’t, “Once it hits black rock--which her armor is made out of--it will crystallize immediately and immobilize her within six-point-seven seconds--or was it seven-point-six? The blowback on it is enormous, though, heh, since the liquid amber serum is dispersed at three hundred fifty miles a second, so, heh, might want to make sure your soldiers are up-to-snuff on their armor upkeep.” Varian rubbed his own shoulder and laughed softly. “You need to deploy the trigger slowly, too--got a heck of a burn from the experimental trial, testing the prototype with a nonreactive compound.”
“Y’know…” Eugene said softly, “If we can get a decree passed for it, then I can put it at the front of the attack, but I think you’re the best man for the job.” 
His eyes widened, coffee mug crashing to the floor. 
“Eugene-” he said, hands shaking, “I-uh-I couldn’t, I mean, your soldiers are s-so much better trained--” 
There it was--the Captain of the Guard smirked, hearing the trademark voice crack, stutter, and haphazard excuse. Typical translation: I’d love to, but--was it don’t want to? Still nursing a crush on the notorious dragon lady, maybe? 
In the silence, Varian stumbled for words clumsily, looking valiantly for a way out. “And besides, ah--” he flushed crimson, gesturing to his shoulder, the opposite of the one he’d claimed to have burned. 
Since when has this kid been worried about getting hurt? Wait--
And it clicked, as the alchemist stood up and closed his singed sketchbook, sliding it into his satchel even as the pages crumpled. 
I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’m going to hurt someone. 
“Hey, not so fast now…” Eugene said in the softest tone he could, “Kid, has anyone ever told you you’re a terrible liar?” Then, with a bit of a chuckle, “And I mean terrible, you could pick that up from the next kingdom over.”
Varian cracked a small smile, rubbing his shoulder sheepishly. “That bad, huh?”
“I mean, we can talk about whatever you’re hiding later, but as the former Flynn Ryder, it’s my duty--no, my destiny--to impart upon you the key to getting away with murder.” 
“I’m insulted, Eugene, you say this like I haven’t.”
The elder of the two winked and gave him finger-guns. “Well, technically, you didn’t manage to carry through on either of those things, so here’s how to charm the court--and the audience--alike.”
“So by instituting Project Obsidian into the royal force, I think we could protect Corona against future attacks from Cassandra.” Varian finished, concluding his presentation at the royal meeting. Nigel leaned forward, and there was something in his...energy that made Varian uneasy. 
“Interesting proposal.” he said quietly, staring straight at the alchemist, “Why the direct action, in particular? I believe the princess last spoke in favor of peaceful efforts….on several occasions.”
And suddenly, the room grew hot. 
A current-red flush spread from Varian’s face down to his neck, and his chest tightened. Vaguely, he was aware of the sliding of Eugene’s chair against the floor, the almost colloquial way he challenged the royal advisor with a smile--”Well, Nigel, I believe you last spoke in favor of dragon elimination, how’d that work out for you?” but the jostle of Eugene’s hand against his shoulder was the first breath of air before falling under the riptide. 
And Rapunzel held her hand to him desperately as Queen Arianna pulled away from the golden fragments, crystallizing, fractalizing, reaching towards her--
And Lance offered him a second chance as Andrew was armed with the most volatile compound Varian had ever created and he had no promise, no word, and no trust to offer them--
And Cassandra screamed as the automaton’s mechanical claws crushed her ribcage (he’d never heard her scream before, and the ha that registered immediately in his mind was one of the first things to haunt him in prison)--
And he was going to give her a silent death on a hair-trigger impulse.
Nigel’s quill scratched across the parchment, and he was going to prison, he was going to be tried at the gallows, he was going to be hanged without a single person to speak for him--
He barely managed a half-bow and a quick approximation of “Thank you for your time” before his throat closed 
And he left the palace grounds as fast as his boots could carry him
And he sobbed.
Eugene’s boots crossed the castle garden lightly, and Varian turned away as soon as he saw them. 
“Had a feeling I’d find you here.” he said quietly, sitting a few feet away on a beautifully-painted swing between two flowerbeds. “What’d I tell you? All about misdirection and a cat’s tone, you can get anything you want. We have a tentative act, minus Rapunzel’s signature, and, I think, one of history’s greatest lieutenants.” 
“Go away, Eugene.” he said softly, “Delegate someone else, I--” his shoulders shook, tears pooling in his eyes as he huddled closer to the trees “I-I’m just going--I’m just going to hurt her.” 
“Now, what is it?” he said playfully, digging his heels back into the soft ground, “Speculative hypothesis number one: Varian of Old Corona has proven effective the use of amber as non-lethal force.”
“Premise.” he grumbled, as Eugene swung back ever so slightly. 
“Not just a science rule?”
“A hypothesis is an idea of what will happen, a premise is a presumption that it will.” he said, though his tone was flat and emotionless, devoid of any enjoyment. 
“Premise numero due: Cassandra of Corona has given the conditions for permission of strong force if necessary; Princess Rapunzel has requested the strongest non-lethal force available.
Premise three: Varian of Old Corona is a good person, and wouldn't hurt anyone.”
“Even you can’t get--get away with that, Eugene.” he snapped, even as the panic set back in because he would, and he had, and they knew it. “Even if I didn’t want to--half my stuff blows up anyway, and I--if I made the wrong decision too fast, I could--”
The Captain knelt down closely by him, lifting his chin up softly and smiling. “But you won’t.”
Varian got no further into his argument before he was wrapped in a hug warm and strong and trusting enough, and just for once, everything was going to be okay. 
“Tally-ho, then, lieutenant,” Eugene said brightly, patting him on the shoulder, “Our training awaits.”
“Tally-ho, Captain.” Varian said quietly, smiling.
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coffeebreath23 · 3 years
So, after 2 months, I am finally posting the first chapter of my fanfiction. Still not sure of the title yet but it’s going to be short and sweet, a glimpse of the story. I hope you’ll like it.
“Ring!Ring!Ring” The ringing of the telephone can be heard throughout the big castle of Dimitrescu. The one sound that the mistress of the castle dreaded because it would always be unpleasant business or Mother Miranda asking her for favour. Lady Alcina sighed as she sit on her armchair, legs raises to rest on the edge of her bed and wine glasses in one hand. She has no intention of getting up to answer the calls and tries her best to ignore the sound.
“Mother, can I come in?” A sweet voice called out to her along with the knocking of her bedroom door. “Come in Bella.” Her eldest daughter walks in which the lady assumes come to summon her to answers the call. “Mother, sorry for interrupting you but Mother Miranda called and she’s waiting on the line. She said it was urgent.” Bella stood behind the chair where her mother is seated waiting for a response and is relieved when her mother turn her head slightly towards her. “Thank you dear.”
“Hello Mother Miranda, what can I do to help you?” Said Lady Alcina as soon as she reach the telephone handle.
-MM(Mother Miranda)- -LA(Lady Alcina)-
MM: Hello Alcina, how are you? It always amazes me how you would assume I am calling to ask you for help. (She said sarcastically)
LA: I don’t mean to be rude Mother Miranda, but we all know the telephone means business, am I right? I certainly do not expect you are the type to call for a conversation.
MM: *chuckles* Hmmm, you are right indeed Alcina. With that said, I need you to do me a favour and entertain our guest that will be arriving next week.
LA: Entertain in what sense Mother? And why me and not Heisenberg? You know he loves having guests.
MM: A doctor from an old friend company will come to do some tests on you to further my research in my journey to achieve my goals. As for Heisenberg, he loves guests but would certainly not keen on the idea of tests being done on him and you out of all people knows how he could react. And right now I don’t have the patience to deal with him.
LA: *clenched teeth in anger* And with that answers are you that confident that I would agree with this Mother. You promised me, no more tests, no more experiment on me. Haven’t I’ve done enough for you Mother?
MM: Alcina, I am not asking for your permission. I am only calling to tell you out of courtesy and you out of all people do not want to be upsetting me at this moment. Do you understand?
LA: I do understand Mother. I’ll entertain this guest of yours with delight.
MM: Very well then. Goodbye now my child.
Slowly, Lady Alcina put down the telephone. She looks at her reflection in the mirror, stood up and with all her might scream her frustration out. No matter how much she doesn’t want to be a part of this project again she can’t get away. The painful memory from the past hits her and she was reminded of how terrifying it would be if she had refuse Mother Miranda twice in one conversation. She can’t relived the moment, all she could do is scream.
So that’s it for the intro. Hahaha it’s not much but I hope you like it 😂 I will post the next chapter soon
Thank you ✨
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Arrival Redo
Im not tagging anyone okay-
Yes I took inspiration from several fanfictions that I liked
please don't hate me
Varian looked down at the ground as he walked. Papers gathered in his arms, lost in thought. Rapunzel had tasked him with making the Dungeon more hospitable for prisoners, after he told her how terrible it was down there.
Being the Royal Engineer, he didn’t have the right to refuse, but he hated working on the project. He only needed to be down there for reference point, he wasn’t the one who would be carrying out the designs (thank god), but every second he was down there was like a weight pressing down on his chest. He constantly felt like he was stuck, like he wouldn’t be able to leave, and this place would be the last he would see. Not to mention the prisoners themselves. One in particular had been making the task nearly unbearable. He tried to ignore him, but the man knew exactly how to get under his skin...
He hadn’t told Rapunzel about his discomfort. It wasn’t up to him to decide which jobs he did and didn’t take on. And she’d been busy lately anyway, even though it’d been months since Zhan Tiri’s attack, they were still rebuilding. The pressure had only increased when her parents announced that they would be retiring soon, and Rapunzel would become queen.
Varian let out a breath, it’s okay, he could do this. He’d survived prison, attempted murder, all kinds of crazy magic, kidnapping, and a demon attack. He could survive this project. Besides, it wa-
Voices cut into his thoughts. Varian paused, looking to his left at a door that was slightly ajar. He weighed his options for a moment, before curiosity got the better of him. He moved to stand next to the door, leaning in to hear what the people inside were saying.
“-ust don’t know what to do, Nigel!” Varian recognized that voice as Rapunzel’s. She sounded frustrated.
“Your majesty, you already know my opinion on the matter.” Nigel’s nasally voice sounded from inside.
“I am not firing him! He’s the best person for the job and you know it! I-I just... he seems so stressed lately, and I don’t know how to help...”
“well, I’m not quite sure how to help with that, but, there is the matter of the letters.”
“We’ve already talked about the letters.”
“Princess, with all due respect, we can’t just ignore them.”
“Yes, we can! Just because a few citizens are upset that, doesn’t mean I’m going to change something that doesn’t need changing! And I want you to make sure that Varian doesn’t hear a single word about them!”
“Your highness, I-“
Varian had heard enough. He stepped into the room. “That I don’t hear a single word about what?”
Rapunzel looked up at her, eyes wide. She was unable to find words.
“The matters of the Princess are none of your concern.” Nigel said with undisguised dislike for the teen in front of him.
“They are if they involve me.” Varian said, crossing his arms.
“Varian I...” Rapunzel started “I-I can’t tell you, but trust me when I say that you’re better off not knowing.”
“Great, so now you’re keeping things from me. Rapunzel, what is this about? What are the letters?”
“I...” she looked away, biting her lip. “...Varian, please...”
“You’re still not going to tell me?! They’re about me, aren’t they?”
Rapunzel looked away, and Varian felt his face heat in anger. He clenched his fists. “Fine! Fine, you’re not going to tell me, that’s fine.”
He turned, moving to storm towards the door.
“Varian-“ Rapunzel tried
“I’ll be in my lab.” He snapped, before slamming the door behind him.
Varian sat at a table at his workbench, leaned back and staring at the ceiling, letting the anger wash over him. Yes, he was being unreasonable, but he was sick and tired of being treated like a child, having things be kept from him simply because whomever was in question felt like he couldn’t handle it. Having one of the only people in the world he genuinely trusted do it...
The raccoon curled up on his chest chittered next to him, pressing his furry head into Varian’s cheek in an attempt to comfort him. The fuming boy took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, raising a gloved hand to scratch the ring-tailed bandit behind the ears. Ruddiger made a sound akin to purring in reply.
His lab was nice, to his tastes at least. It was messy, but it helped add to the personality. It’d been gifted to him along with the position of Royal Engineer.
Varian looked up at the sound of the door opening. He’d been expecting Rapunzel, and was surprised when he was met with Nigel instead. Ruddiger moved to curl around Varian’s shoulder’s protectively, narrowing his eyes at the man. The man looked around the cluttered room, distain and disgust easily visible on his face. There was a stack of paper clutched in his hand.
“What do you want?” Varian asked less than politely. He really wasn’t in the mood to bother with protocol.
Nigel moved his eyes to the teen in the chair with distaste. “You wanted to know what was in the letters, so here they are.”
He tossed the stack of papers the the ground next to Varian’s chair. Varian looked from the papers to him, puzzled.
“If I’m being honest, I agree with every word they say. And, frankly I think a mutt you should follow their advice.” He turned, moving back towards the door. He paused at the doorway, looking back with his eyes narrowed and lips pulled back in a sneer. “By the way, you aren’t fooling anyone with your little drag show, young lady.”
He closed the door before Varian could spit a scathing comment. Ruddiger hissed at the closed door, tail swishing. Varian closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. This wasn’t the first time someone had purposely misgendered him. It shouldn’t effect him this much.
After a moment, he mulled over the first insult he’d used... “mutt” It left a foul taste in his mouth... dehumanizing. He guess it came from the fact that his parents had both been refugees, he wasn’t even Coronian... or, at least not in most people’s eyes. But he’d been born and raised here. To say that he was belonging to any other kingdom would feel wrong. It didn’t matter anyway. He took a deep breath and stood, walking over to the pile of paper.
Ruddiger’s ears flattened against his head, letting out an anxious trill. He pawed at Varian’s face, but Varian ignored him, looking down at the paper at the top of the stack.
“Princess Rapunzel,
As a Citizen, I have stood by all your decisions as Princess and temporary queen except for one. Your decision to pardon two of the kingdom’s most dangerous criminals is something I cannot possibly fathom. At least Cassandra has left the kingdom, but to keep the traitor Varian on staff? It’s honestly horrifying to me and several others. A dangerous criminal like him should be locked in prison or dead, kept away from yourself and your people, not gifted with a position so high in rank. I sincerely hope you take my words into account.
Wishing for the best,
A troubled citizen.”
Varian knew he should stop. He knew that nothing good could come from reading more, but he pressed on, flipping the page and reading the next.
That was odd. It was addressed to him, why hadn’t he received it? Was the Princess Reading his mail?
“I don’t know what you’ve done to the royal family. Whether you’ve bewitched them or used some kind of mind game, I want you to know that you don’t have everyone fooled. If I were you, I’d turn yourself in or jump off Corona bridge before people discover your true intentions. Lord knows you deserve it after what you’ve done. We’re watching you.“
Varian pressed on. Some were signed, some weren’t (although very few had names attached), some addressed to himself, some to the Princess, a handful were even addressed to the king or queen. Some (he ones that Varian assumed were from old Corona), addressed him by his old name and called him a witch. But, despite the differing methods of explaining it, they all had the same idea; Varian was  a dangerous criminal and shouldn’t be working at the castle.
When he’d finally finished reading, he sat there, numb. He closed his eyes, swallowing. He understood now why the Princess hadn’t wanted to show him. Despite acknowledging the Princess’s reasoning behind her actions, he didn’t regret reading them. Now he knew how people perceived him, now he knew that he had to be more careful.
Shakily, the ravenette stood, raising Ruddiger from where he’d been curled around Varian’s shoulders and placing him on his work chair. The small mammal trilled in worry for his human, tail swishing behind him. Varian gave his friend a small smile. (it was fake, of course, but Varian had become very skilled at making them look convincing as of late)
“It’s okay, buddy, I’m alright. I just need a minute alone... I’m going to take a walk...”
The raccoon reluctantly curled into a ball, still looking up at his human with concern as he turned, grabbed the backpack he kept with himself at all times when going out, and walked towards the door
The castle was relatively quiet, most people who usually resides here were out enjoying the beautiful day. Light filtered through the stained glass windows built into the wall. Varian had never re-adjusted to the light level of the capital. It was nicknamed the kingdom of the sun for a reason, but after the crushing darkness of the dungeon beneath his feet, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to take the brightness for granted again.
As he stepped out into the courtyard, several guards waved at him. He nervously waved back, anxiety bubbling in his chest at the sight of the uniform they wore. Eugene had given it a name... what was it? Fear of authority? That sounded right... strangely enough, Eugene was the only person in uniform that he wasn’t scared of.
He made his way through the capital, people around him going about their business. Their reactions to him were diverse, some smiled and waved, some sent glares his way, some ignored him completely. Varian kept his eyes fixed on the ground, trying to make himself small.
Eventually, he made it outside the main city. He walked across the bridge, keeping one hand on the railing. He paused in the center, eyes lingering on where he’d stood only a few months ago, looking down at the water as his form shook, trying to force himself to move forward.
He shook himself out of the memory, he was in a better place now. Sure, he still had the occasional depressive episode or panic attack, but he had been doing great considering all that had happened to him.
He stepped off the bridge, pausing a moment to decide whether he should keep going along the path or walk through the forest. He decided that the latter would be more interesting and started walking slightly to the left.
Because of Varian’s tendency to spend hours or even days locked in his room and his fascination with technology, one could guess that he wasn’t a nature person. But, in reality, the opposite was true. Varian was quite fond of the outdoors and of nature itself. He’d always been better with animals than he was with people, and a walk through the forest had always been his second favorite way to calm himself down (the first being alchemy, but even the idea itself was tiring to him at the moment). He sighed, closing his eyes and letting the sounds and feelings of the forest wash over him.
He wasn’t upset. The people who wrote the letters were justified on their feelings. He’d attacked the kingdom, tried to kill its leaders, been sent to prison, escaped with a Saporian terrorist, and taken over the kingdom. Then, in what must have seemed like the blink of an eye to them, Rapunzel had returned, completely pardoned him for everything he’d done, and been rewarded with a position of high honor. No wonder they were suspicious of him.
No, he wasn’t upset that multiple of them had told him to kill himself, or that he should be back in the prison he now hated with every fiber of his being.
He definitely wasn’t.
As for Rapunzel, he wasn’t angry at her. He knew her. She could be scarily protective when she needed to be, and she saw it as her duty to keep Varian safe. Emotionally and physically. He had no right to be angry that she’d read his mail, kept something as big as this from him, and still hadn’t fired that good-for-nothing advisor.
Since his recovery, he’d learned to keep all negative emotions under lock and key. Especially anger, now that he knew how quickly it could spiral out of control. So he knew that that definitely wasn’t what he was feeling as he walked deeper and deeper into the thickening trees.
It was precisely thirteen seconds after the teen decided that he was under no circumstances angry at Corona, its people, or its Princess, that he found himself falling.
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digitalgate02 · 3 years
[spends the entire night reading unpublished fanfiction after discussing about some stuff based on fanart]
Yeah I’m glad I ditched this fic I was writing early 2018 once Kizuna got released because I said to myself “let’s not keep diving into angst and give those idiots happy lives, I WANT TO WRITE MORE KIZUNA-BASED STUFF GDI!!”
So it might never be published. Sorry.
The only thing you need to know and I wrote recently since it was the only idea not migrated to any other current project is this drabble about Wallace vs Daisuke (Lightni) & V-mon. (the notes of this drabble, and they’re LONG but yeah read them to get more details...)
The other ideas are on @digimonadventuretimelines​ -- especially ch 6 to 9. There’s some notes talking about it on the blog too.
concept art for it can be found specially on this tag, but it also a main tag for Lady of the Castle stuff in general so yeah... It’s easy to spot what it is and what’s LotC stuff.
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assassinwolf189 · 4 years
30 and B for the character asks!
Hey there! I’m always happy to see you in my ask box, I hope you’ve been well and that everything is good where you are. :) (Sorry this took so long for me to answer, it’s been a wee bit chaotic. :))
I hope this is the right ask meme. 
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their Creators  #30: Who do they most regret meeting?  (I have so many OC children so I will be answering this for my top 4) Shailen: She regrets meeting David; her ex boyfriend from the beginning of the book, who is continuously abusive and condescending towards her,  Sam and the American crew, who after she met them has brought nothing but pain to her and her family such as causing the death of her sister.  However I think the person that she regrets meeting most is probably her childhood best friend that she remet in high school, who has been nothing but emotionally abusive and a weight on her shoulders. 
K9: Not a person would regret meeting anyone but the closest to regret would probably be historical figure Laffayette whom she had a temporary romantic relationship that ended in ruin, and the birth of the french werewolf Tale of Labet becoming a twisted reality; and then her ex allies Portman, Andrew, Chris and Monti; all of which were close friends however the path they chose led them in different directions and a schism within their friendships, never to be trusted or healed again.  Micheal: He would probably regret meeting Grace, a highschool student that asked him out to her prom, (and the first person he ever dated before coming out of the closet as Gay) he regrets meeting her because of the way she used him for the comforts he could provide, his influence and kindness, she then proceeded to cheat on him when he said no to providing her with more than he was comfortable with at the time. 
George: George has probably got the longest list of people he regrets meeting, but the one on top of his list would probably be his Biological father that he meets at a point of which he is proud of who he is, but after their meeting feels that his mother lied to him about who his father was and wishes to return to the days in which he thought that his father was an idol and a hero, and not the monster that he truly is.
Questions for the creators  B) What inspired you to create them?  (This is a lovely question, thank you.) (This will include some of my other characters not mentioned above aswell, all from my main project, and not my fanfictions.) 
Shailen was inspired by Scott and Stiles from Teenwolf , Alice and Thom from the Spook chronicles, Nikki from Dork Diaries, Clawdeen and Venus from monster high, Kate Becket from Castle and eventually Wonderwoman (What a mix am I right?)(Most of these were and still are nostalgic favourites of mine that I carry along with me from my childhood.)  She was meant to be a representative and hug to all those in need, a beacon of light that I used a lot as a coping mechanism as a kid, and as a way of deciding what the best action would be in that situation; a bit of a self insert, but based on the person I could be and not the one that I am.  It takes all sorts to be a hero right?  She’s was also used as a crutch when I needed someone lighter in my life, and a reflection of whatever happens you can still be you, in trauma you can still be kind and in darkness there is light and so on. She is also a hug and representative of what its like to lose apart of yourself and grow accustom to it, and my way of learning that its ok to let go, and grow further. 
K9; inspired by the lady from Underworld, Derek from Teenwolf; Disturbed, Rammestein, Breaking Benjamin other degrees of rock ,my sheer need as a child to feel badass, and on my thoughts as a kid, of but what if I don’t want to wear pink or be a princess, what if I want to be a werewolf on a motorcyle with my scars and long black hair flapping in the wind? (Yeah Also my sheer love for werewolves)  However she’s evolved to be so much more, more a soldier, a person who has been wounded for so long that they no longer feel any pain.  She also became a crutch to me, and a way to get anger off of my shoulders; a way to express my sheer love for writing tragic hero’s; she isn’t misunderstood or brooding she’s just damaged and doesn’t fit into any boxes, she just wants to sleep and be left alone.  She’s probably the person I fall to the most when I’m dealing with negative emotions, and I’ve given her so much of my baggage. But she just continues, and moves regardless of circumstance, she remains her and does the best that she can; she over comes her struggles her own ways and learns healthier coping mechanisms. (She’s the one that I constantly used as a coping mechanism during my times of really bad depression; and I used her a lot before I managed to come clean and start attending therapy, that gave me the notion that if she can survive the shit I put her through and come out on top, I can survive too.) There is more to here than just this but to boil it down, she’s my comfort character, as are many of the rest of the people on this list. I also used her often as a way to cope when I received hate as a kid for being different, and yeah shes just a crutch; my buff queen that just carries me away to safety
Micheal; was inspired by my continuous love for video games, and intelligent and handsome and everything I was told a man should be (Obviously men like everyone else can and should be who ever they want to be but yeah.)  The scientist of the bunch, and a more charismatic version of both Sheldon from the big Bang theory (Who Quite frankly I severely dislike now) and Velma from Scooby doo. Smart, Handsome and a gymnast. He’s also inspired by the dark academia aesthetic; and my dark twisted love of necromancy and dark magic, the showing that he might not be physically intimidating but his mind is as much of weapon as his sister is. (He’s basically the Guy exe song by Superfruit is based on, and the caricature of he’s so dark and handsome *Swoon*)
Over all they are all my comfort characters and are supposed to be traditional tropes turn upside down on their head; which I find quite enjoyable and amusing; I hope that one day when I do publish that people find as much comfort in these characters I have.  Thanks for the asks, these have been wonderful, and I hope you have a fabulous day! :)
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