#lance: nope. nun-uh. not listening to you.
discordiansamba · 5 months
For the identity crisis AU, do you think their fashion sense changes any?
Oooooh, good question.
Well first off. Hunk's definitely wouldn't. This is because Hunk and Keith have exactly the same fashion sense. Seriously. Look at their outfits side by side. Cropped vests/jackets? Fingerless gloves? Boots? Belts with pouches? Literally the exact same fashion sense.
Lance probably wouldn't change much, but I think he'd develop more of a sense for comfort while still trying not to look like a slob. There's some part of him that wants to start wearing shorts, but he is not listening to that part of him. That's the devil talking. He would not look good in shorts, and he knows this. Stop trying to make him wear shorts, part of him that's Pidge.
Pidge gets a cropped jacket. She sees one at the market and she can't resist. It's got deep pockets- what more could a girl want? The fingerless gloves come after. Also when was anyone going to tell her how convenient having a belt with pouches was? She resists the urge to buy a headband, but it's there. She's not going to say that's the devil talking. That would be a rude thing to say about her friend.
Keith buys a non-cropped jacket and stops wearing the fingerless gloves. God himself could not force him to stop wearing his dad's old belt, though. Everyone's watching him like a hawk to see if he'll cut off the mullet but he just stops cutting his hair instead, which turns out to grow weirdly fast. He gets Allura to teach him how to braid it, which is a very weird bonding experience for her. She'll take it?
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