#land of Redaku
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Kakashi’s Story - Prologue
I have so many thoughts. This is just the beginning of the book and it’s already so good!!!
The line ‘I wonder if they have Onsens’ made me laugh out loud. Kakashi’s on a mission and he’s still thinking about a nice warm bath, and honestly good for him. He deserves to relax.
The land of Redaku being half legend is such a cool concept. I’m imagining Little Kakashi hearing stories about it and reading about it with big excited eyes and it’s such a cute thought.
Kakashi see’s a child in need and without hesitation races over and does everything he can to help. I love this man so much.
And using his water style to give the kid some water. He just molded water style into his hand without any hand signs and gave it to the kid this man is amazing.
‘The child was starving and the baby was dead’ ok just rip my heart right out of my chest why don’t you 😭😭😭
I’ve known the prime minister for five seconds and i hope he dies
Kakashi calling the prime minister an idiot 🥰🥰🥰 man knows a POS dumbass when he hears one.
Kakashi going instant teacher mode when he hears about Nanara not doing his studies XD he didn’t even want to be a teacher but now he can’t turn teacher mode off poor man.
Lord Sixth vs Zabuza 😂😂😂 anyone want to tell poor Zabuza he was facing a Hokage? I don’t think he was aware lol
The jutsu’s are so right and Nanara remembering what each of them do is super cute. He’s a smart kid he just has no drive to study and i bet Kakashi’s going to fix that.
Nanara enjoying the small village life and listening to stories about his hero the sixth hokage 🥰🥰🥰 and getting upset when people say he’s just a legend and not at all real. Boy’s going to have so much fun finding out how wrong they are.
His dad telling him stories of the sixth hokage that’s so cute ahhhh
Kakashi is so confident that no one knows who he is here that he just… uses his own damn name without hesitation and you know what, he’s right 😂😂😂
‘He was a dreamy man with heavy lidded, sleepy looking eyes’ 😭😭😭 even the kids are calling this man handsome. Nanara has known him for five seconds and the most important things he notes are his silver hair and heavy lidded eyes, and with just that information he decides this is a man worthy of being called handsome. I love this kid.
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primnroses · 2 years
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Sakura Haruno/Uchiha medical officces in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations and Sasuke Retsuden.
• Konoha Hospital (director)
• Hokage Residence (Head of department)
• Tatar Observatory of the Land of Redaku (doctor)
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passionforfic · 2 years
Sasuke's Story: the Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust by Masashi Kishimoto & Jun Esaka
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Naruto has the Sage of Six Paths illness and everyone is trying to find a cure. Sasuke decides to infiltrate the astronomy tower at the Land of Redaku to find a way to save his friend, not knowing that for this mission he will be partnering with his wife, Sakura.
This novel is action packed and I loved it because we get to see Sasuke and Sakura working together and get to see their relationship as a couple.
I'm rewatching Naruto and I'm watching Boruto ongoing, this novel has been laced into Boruto's series and I loved the anime adaptation of the novel, although there are things the anime doesn't show that I loved about the novel. It left me hanging and I can't wait to read the upcoming novel. And I want to read the new books about Kakashi and Shikamaru as well. I truly can't help it, but this saga is one of my favorites, and now that I'm rewatching Naruto, I'm more invested in the story, more than before.
If you are a fan of Naruto, this is an action packed and beautiful story.
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nerdiertides · 5 months
Naruto: Sasuke’s Story—The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: The Manga, Vol. 1 comes out this June
(Featured Image Source: ©Masashi Kishimoto / Jun Esaka / Shingo Kimura / Shueisha / Viz Media) Follow Sasuke and Sakura as they travel to the land of Redaku to investigate a mysterious facility in Naruto: Sasuke’s Story—The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: The Manga. ©Masashi Kishimoto / Jun Esaka / Shingo Kimura / Shueisha / Viz Media “Sasuke Uchiha heads for the isolationist land of Redaku,…
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Jiji studies Meno, Sakura enters Zansul's office, and Sasuke explores the secret cellar
Boruto episode 284, which was released on January 22, 2023, follows Sasuke and Sakura’s investigation in the Land of Redaku. In the previous episode, Sasuke and Sakura discovered a lead to the Ultra Particles that can cure Naruto, but they need more information in order to locate it. For this purpose, Sakura devised a strategy to probe Zansul’s office. In this episode, they are seen taking a huge…
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doublesama · 2 years
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Episode 282 begins the Sasuke's Story arc from the Sasuke Retsuden spin-off manga that began serialization in October. In this episode, Sasuke reminisces about the last time he was in the Land of Redaku.
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huskymaine · 2 years
A Girl and her Savior (Fanart of Kakashi Retsuden Novel 1)
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Caption from the artist : Mister, are you a fairy? (in the girl's voice)
Those arts are based on the upcoming Kakashi Retsuden book. Yes, Kakashi used medical ninjutsu on that girl. Yes, the water is from his own chakra. Actually he fed the whole country in famine by water from his own chakra for days. Did I ever say that I love him? Because I really, really, love him.
That scene, the whole book, I really want it to be animated! Studio Pierrot, please!
Credits :
Artist : 唐多令 (on Lofter)
Link to the art source : https://flamenlynn.lofter.com/post/41c507_2b4854315
Reposted with permission :
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Many thanks to @noppedoublep​ for helping me contact the artist and receive their permission! You guys can check their AO3 and reading their translation of many good angsty ObiKaka fics (My favorite are Light and Shadow series and Illusory Dreams. Truly makes me cry T_T).
Of course, thanks to the talented artist for allowing me reposting their beautiful art for free!
Below “keep reading” line is the segment of the novel that was portrayed beautifully by the art.
Warning! Kakashi Retsuden Spoiler!
Hearing someone calling him, Kakashi looked down and saw a thin girl standing beside him. She was the same child that Kakashi met on the first day he came to Land of Redaku.
“Are you the kind mister who gave me water the other day?”
Kakashi gently pushed back strands of hair stuck to the girl’s face in silence. The was a purple-black bruise about the size of an adult fist on his right face. The bridge of the girl’s nose also appears to be broken, and blood overflowed from the nose has dried up to the chin.
Obviously, those are clear signs of being beaten by an adult before.
The girl held a wooden bowl in both hands and handed it to Kakashi.
“Please, can you give me some more water?”
Kakashi squatted down and poured water into the wooden bowl with his left hand, while gently touching the girl’s cheek with his right hand, pouring his chakra into it. Medical jutsu is not his strong suit, but at least it can help the girl salve the pain.
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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Taking care of the dinosaurs.
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Tell Me About It.
Prompt: Royalty (ok it was supposed to be royalty Au, but reading Kakashi Retsuden gave me ideas)
Words: 1683
“Is it true?” Gai appeared in front of him suddenly, the wheels on his chair surprisingly silent against the grass. Had Kakashi been paying a little more attention to his surroundings he would have easily noticed his partner's arrival, but instead, he’d allowed himself to get so enveloped in the book he was reading that he’d forgotten all about the world around him. A rare occurrence.
“Is what true?” He glanced at the page number before snapping the book shut. Offering Gai his full attention for the moment.
Locking his wheelchair into place, Gai leaned forward and stared directly into Kakashi’s eyes and grinned. It was the grin that really set Kakashi on edge, warning him that the conversation that was about to follow was guaranteed to be uncomfortable. “When you were in Redaku, did all of the girls fawn over you?” 
In all of his forty-eight years of living in this world, Kakashi had never wanted to smack a smile off of another person’s face so bad. Rather than giving in to that urge, Kakashi returned his attention to the book in his hand and began flipping through the pages. Searching for the page he’d been happily reading just seconds ago.
“Who told you that?” He asked absentmindedly as his eyes located the page he was searching for and continued reading from the second paragraph. Right, where Gai had interrupted him. “I’ve only been back for a day and no one in Redaku knows how to get to Konoha.”
They still struggled to believe that the Land of Fire was real. Even as he made his exit from the small kingdom Kakashi heard people muttering with each other about fabled lands and Prime Ministers who had clearly lost their minds.
“Yamato.” the answer was provided cheerfully, and Kakashi found himself unsurprised by it. He’d stopped by to check in on Yamato on the way back to the village and told him all about his journey. He even confessed to his bewilderment about the village women’s reaction to his presence.
Yamato had assured him it was nothing new, but Kakashi refused to believe it. He knew that there were some women who thought he was handsome, but a whole village gossiping about him seemed a little overboard.
Surely some of them had better taste in men.
Forgoing those thoughts for a minute, though, Kakashi focused on the book he was trying to read. “Yamato should know better than anyone how to keep information to himself.
“Even a great Shinobi has their flaws,” Gai fired back without hesitation. “Yamato was concerned about you so he sent me a messenger bird. The first I’ve gotten from him in a long time.” There’s a sadness in Gai’s voice when he says that, but it's quickly washed away with a blinding smile. “So, tell me.”
Kakashi stared at him as if he had grown a second head. “Tell you what?”
“About the things they said!” Crossing his arms over his chest, Gai glared at him. “All of these women in Redaku fawned over you while you were standing right in front of him. Surely you heard all about why they liked you.”
That was true. He stood in front of two of them, disguised as a maid, and listened as they gushed to each other about his handsomeness. There were also the women of Nagare who’d failed spectacularly at hiding how they stared at him. Frankly, it made him uncomfortable. To have all eyes on him when all he was doing was cooking or reading.
None of that mattered, though. Not to him.
“Aren't there more important things to discuss?” He avoided Gai’s question. “How about a challenge?”
Preparing himself to crawl to his feet, Kakashi shut his book once more and slipped it into his weapon’s pouch.
“Not so fast,” He stopped what he was doing and stared up at Gai. “Did they or did they not fawn over you?”
Clearly, this conversation wasn’t going to go away as easily as he had hoped.
“They did,” he confirmed with a sigh. “But-“
Gai held up a hand to silence him. “And did you not hear what they were saying about you?”
“I did.” He confirmed once again.
“Well then?” waving a hand in front of himself, Gai gave him a look that he knew all too well. It was the same look that he’d gotten the first time he agreed to tell Gai about the contents of his favourite book but took a little too long to actually start talking about it. The same expression he’d been faced with whenever he was late to a date and didn’t have an excuse ready upon arrival. 
The ‘Tell me now or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life’ look. 
“Why does it matter so much?” He didn’t really whine but anyone who knew him well enough, as Gai did, would have no issues hearing the reluctance in his voice. The way his voice lowered at the end of his question, and the exhausted sigh that followed soon after were signs of his annoyance that even Kakashi had learned to pick up on. 
“I just want to hear about it,” Gai insisted. “It’s a rare experience for me to hear what others think about my husband.”
His husband.
Even after twelve years of marriage, Kakashi stop himself from smiling when he heard those words leaving Gai’s mouth. 
“You really want to hear?” Shoving himself away from the ground, he shifted onto his knees and stared at Gai. Beautiful black eyes gazed back at him, watching and waiting for his answer. “They called me handsome.”
“Just handsome?” Gai raised an eyebrow. “Nothing else?”
“Mysterious,” he continued. “One of them even called me a bit of a tease for wearing my mask.”
Wrapping an arm around his stomach, Gai leaned over himself and wheezed. A few short seconds later, he was laughing so loud Kakashi was certain the entire village could hear him. It was intoxicating listening to it, leaving Kakashi feeling drunk on a feeling he’d never thought his heart would open itself up to.
How wrong he’d been as a teenager, scorning the love that so many others chased after. He’d thought he’d been protecting himself from more hurt. Saving his wounded, broken heart from ever having to say goodbye to another precious person.
There were so many years he’d lost by keeping his walls up. Years he had every intention of making up for.
“We should go there.” he declared, surprising even himself with his words.
The laughter died down slowly, and as he looked back at Kakashi, Gai whipped away a stray tear. “Go where?”
There was no going back now. He’d already made the suggestion and Gai wouldn’t let him hear the end of it until he told him the rest. “Redaku. It doesn’t have any onsen but it’s a beautiful land full of interesting people.”
“You just got home.”
“I wouldn’t mind another trip,” he shrugged his shoulder, trying to play off the idea with a cool attitude. “Besides, I know you’ll have a lot to talk about there.”
Gai raised an eyebrow. “I will?”
“Ya,” setting back into his spot, Kakashi smiled as the thought of Gai meeting Nanara floated around in his mind. There was a one hundred percent chance that it would end in utter embarrassment for Kakashi, but he would survive. “There’s the kid there-”
“Your student?” Gai chuckled. “The one Naruto keeps talking about?’
As always, Kakashi could count on Naruto to give away all of his secrets before he even had a chance. 
“Yes, that one,” he confirmed. “He really looks up to the Sixth Hokage. I figure you might have a few stories to tell him.”
“A few?” taking those words as a challenge, Gai immediately began thinking. Kakashi could see his mind working overtime, searching for the perfect memories to relay to Nanara. “I have at least fifty-eight, no… sixty-two stories to tell him.”
Sixty-two. That was a lot of stories. It would take the two of them a while to get through all of them. 
“I’ll have to steal his attention away from you once in a while. There’s still a lot of things I have to teach him.” Though he was certain Nanara would have already taken care of finding himself a new tutor. The kid might not have been enthusiastic about learning when he’d first met Kakashi, but he’d quickly found a love for reading that could almost rival Kakashi’s.
“I would expect nothing less, Rival,” releasing the locks on his wheels, Gai rolled backwards a little. “The rest of the time you’ll spend walking around the village listening to all of the women fawning over you?”
Rolling his eyes, Kakashi climbed to his feet and stepped up to Gai’s side. “They can fawn all they want. I’m still crawling into bed with you.” There was nowhere else he’d rather be, after all, than at Gai’s side. With a leg thrown over his body and the wall shaking snores right against his ear.
Others would complain about sharing a bed with Gai. Kakashi knew this for a fact because he’d listened to Genma’s objects after he’d been forced to share a space with Gai during the night. 
Kakashi was different though. He found those ear-shattering snores comforting. As long as he could hear them he knew for certain that he was safe. That they were both safe.
“Redaku,” he muttered to himself as the two of them began to walk. “I’ve only been gone a few weeks and I already sort of miss it.”
“You’re getting sentimental in your old age.” Gai teased.
“Mmm, perhaps,” he agreed. “But I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”
They’d talk about it more later. Perhaps he’d put a little more effort into convincing Gai that it would be worth the trip and send a letter ahead to let Nanara know to expect them. Or maybe he’d settle back in Konoha as he always did. Content to stay right where he was. 
Only time would tell.
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
"Haven't seen you before," she said, before Kakashi could call out to her. "You don't live around here. Where on earth did you come from?"
"Er..." He'd come to the Land of Redaku at the request of the Seventh Hokage. The details were top secret of course, and he couldn't very well reveal his true identity to a random resident of the town. "Where do you think I came from?"
"You do ask strange questions, hm?" The old woman frowned. "Well, let's see. Your clothes are real dusty, so I'd say you came from over the mountain. You from Nagare?"
"You guessed it." Kakashi nodded, going along with the woman.
"Look at that! Got it on the first try!" She bared yellowed teeth as she laughed out loud.
A MASTER OF INFILTRATION. Need a cover story? Just ask for one from the person you're trying to trick 😌
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primnroses · 2 years
— The current jobs of the main kunoichi according to the Boruto series
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks of Naruto.
This informative post will explain how the five main kunoichi contribute to the development of Konoha and some misconceptions and inventions from fans about the matter. The women present will be displayed in order of importance and length of the text. I will use information present in the novels and the Boruto anime because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta is crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
Please, take this into consideration.
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⇨ According to the official manga and anime of Boruto:
— Active kunoichi of jōnin rank.  — Head of the Medical Department.           ◦ Director of Konoha Hospital.           ◦ Doctor.       ◦ Sensei of medical ninjutsu. — Founder of the Children’s Therapy Center.
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— ACTIVE JŌNIN: Sakura is still an active kunoichi of Konoha. As a jōnin, she is assigned A to S-rank missions, the most difficult and best paid ones, that she completes when required.
So far, Sakura has completed the elimination of Shin Uchiha with his teammates in Naruto Gaiden, she completed a mission in the Land of Stairs as the Hokage’s personal bodyguard and reached the celestial body in Naruto Retsuden, and completed an infiltration mission in Redaku in Sasuke Retsuden.
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— HEAD OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: As an adult, Sakura was named the Head of the Medical Department (医療部門の責任者, Iryō-Bumon no Sekininsha) and she is in charge of every branch of this field in Konoha. This department is one of the 3 main Organization Systems of Konoha, known as the council, along with ANBU and the Regular Troops according to the first fanbook Hyo no Sho, authored by Masashi Kishimoto and published in 2002. The Medical Department is a high-ranking organization in the village with Sakura as its representative.
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The Medical Department encompasses the Konoha Hospital and the Medical Office inside the Hokage Residence, referred to as the Medical Department in the anime. She has many responsibilities inside her department such as:  
     ◦ Director of Konoha Hospital: The Konoha Hospital (木ノ葉病院, Konoha Byōin) is the center of medicine in the series. The Medic Corps (医療部隊, Iryō-Butai), are formed by professional medic-ninjas with extensive knowledge of medical care. They work full-time in the hospital and develop techniques, medicines and do research to provide first-rate medical care. The Medic Corps are different from field medic-ninjas due to their higher skills. Sakura is their leader as the Director of Konoha Hospital and she has a big office inside the building in which she works. The Medic Corps are also sent out on small teams known as Medical Teams (医療班, Iryō-Han) and they are stationed in important events like the Chūnin Exams or sent out to rescue injured. They are divided in sub-units according to their skills.
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     ◦ Doctor: Sakura does not also sit at the top of the hierarchy of the Medical Department, but she is also a doctor part of the Medic Corps and she leads them by healing the injured and taking over important cases and surgeries. She has been working in the hospital since she was 15 due to her high proficiency, which made her outstanding abilities with medical ninjutsu above her fellow doctors at the hospital.
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The Medical Office (医務室, Imu-shitsu or Medical Department) is a special room inside the Hokage Residence and the Medic Corps are also stationed here. It is used for important cases when the medics need to contact the Hokage immediately. Sakura is called to this medical room often to treat people and it is actually not an anime only facility. In the manga, Kawaki was treated here when he was given his new prosthetic arm in chapter 34 and it also appears in chapter 68.
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     ◦ Sensei of medical ninjutsu: In the anime, Sakura, as the best medic-ninja in Konoha and the world, is in charge of educating the next generation of shinobi in the art of medical ninjutsu as their teacher. Basic healing jutsu is taught in the Academy and Mitsuki and Inojin Yamanaka are the field medic-ninjas of their teams, but others like Sarada Uchiha, Iwabee Yuino and Wasabi Izuno also have medical ninjutsu knowledge, which they learnt from Sakura due to their class missing that subject.
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— FOUNDER OF THE CHILDREN’S THERAPY CENTER:  Two years after the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sakura proposed and launched a branch inside the Konoha Hospital to treat children’s minds and hearts. This kind of “mental health clinic” is branded as Children’s Therapy Center (子ども心療室, Kodomo shinryō-shitsu) and it bears Sakura’s name as the founder of this project, which expanded to other cities such as Sunagakure. The responsible people of this branch always report to Sakura of new advances and the development of the ward, she is the supervisor and the person in charge of the maintenance of the Therapy Center. 
According to the novel, the establishment of this gives Sakura a monetary bonus, which makes the establishment of this center more of a job than a title and it adds up to her status as a doctor.
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Note: There are mixed opinions about the state of this branch as some fans consider Sakura the Director of the Children’s Mental Health Clinic. However, she is in charge of the hospital and this Therapy Center is inside it, which makes Sakura in charge of this new facility as well, so it is redundant. There are no such things as assistant director or co-founder due to Sakura being its only creator and promoter.
⇨ According to the official novels set in Boruto:
— Bodyguard. — Collaborates with the Analytical Study Department. — Pillar of Konoha.
— MEMBER OF THE HOKAGE GUARD PLATOON: Sakura is a member of the Hokage’s personal guards, known as the Hokage Guard Platoon (火影護衛小隊, Hokage goei-sho-tai), as described in Naruto Retsuden. During a visit to the Land of Stairs, Yanaru Aze, an assassin, infiltrates the crowd with orders to kill the Seventh Hokage using a hijutsu that allows him to use realistic copies of himself similar to Shadow Clones. Sakura stops one of the copies, while the other members of the platoon, Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hatake take the others.
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— COLLABORATES WITH THE ANALYTICAL STUDY DEPARTMENT:  As Hokage, Naruto created the Analytical Study Department, which is in charge of studying and decoding texts in ancient languages and civilizations or hieroglyphics. The scroll containing information about Kaguya Ōtsutsuki that Sasuke Uchiha found in her castle was assigned to this group. For this reason, when Kakashi Hatake found a book written by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki in Redaku during the events of Kakashi Retsuden, he sent it to Konoha to be analyzed because if they count with Sakura and Shikamaru, they would be able to decipher it quickly.
Sakura helping other departments is actually quite common. After Jiraiya's death, he leaves a cryptic message and the contents are studied by Sakura and Shikamaru in collaboration with the Cryptanalysis Team (暗号解読班, Angōkaidoku-Han).
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— PILLAR OF KONOHA: Sakura Uchiha is considered as “one of the most valuable people of Konoha” according to Naruto Uzumaki in Naruto Retsuden. This is commonly and popularly known as the “Five Pillars of Konoha”. They are the five most important shinobi of Konoha and the people that protect the village and keep it working. It describes Sakura as the person that is dedicated to the development of medicine, apart from acting as the village’s immune system and providing medical care to the Hokage and the people. The anime reinforces this idea a few times as well.
Here is more information about how they came to be and why these five shinobi are considered as such.
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Final result according to the entire Boruto franchise: — Active kunoichi of jōnin rank. — Head of the Medical Department (part of the Konoha Council).         ◦ Director of Konoha Hospital.         ◦ Doctor.     ◦ Sensei of medical ninjutsu. — Founder of the Children’s Therapy Center. — Bodyguard of the Hokage Guard Platoon. — Collaborates with the Analytical Study Department. — Pillar of Konoha.
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⇨ According to the official manga and anime of Boruto:
— Active kunoichi of chūnin rank.  — Florist at “Yamanaka Flowers”.  — Leader of the Barrier Team. — Collaborates with the Analysis Team.
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— ACTIVE CHŪNIN: Ino is still an active kunoichi of Konoha. As a chūnin, she is assigned to B or C-rank missions and normally in a team due to her condition as support that she completes when required.
So far, in Naruto Gaiden, she is seen with Chōji Akimichi coming back from a mission together and she uses the standard green flak jacket. In Naruto Retsuden, Orochimaru was in charge of infiltrating Kengakuin’s headquarters and decoding their system, Ino accompanied him to deliver the contents of the computers through Mind Transmission.
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— FLORIST AT “YAMANAKA FLOWERS”: The Yamanaka Clan have worked in a Flowershop since the establishment of Konoha. Ino’s parents own “Yamanaka Flowers” and she has worked there as a florist since she was young. In the present, this business has become Ino’s full-time responsibility and she counts with the help of her husband and son.
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— LEADER OF THE BARRIER TEAM: As an adult, Ino took the lead in rebuilding the village’s Barrier Team (結界班, Kekkai-Han) with the help of the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team, becoming the leader of the Barrier Team. Katasuke Tōno transformed the Sensing Barrier into an automated system that detects unfamiliar chakra signatures, which is managed and monitored by sensor-type ninja. This way, Kakoi, the previous leader since the beginning, was relegated and Ino took his place. 
Since the system is completely automatic, when there is an infiltration the detection team tracks the unfamiliar chakra and Ino contacts them telepathically to be informed. Other times she goes to the Hokage Residence, where the Barrier Team is located, to take the lead.
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Note: The manga calls this team like Sensory Unit (感知部隊, Kanchi-Butai) but it is incorrect and it does not exist, it is the Barrier Team. The new author of the series has changed the name of the same facility, which constantly forces the anime team to fluctuate from name to name, making it confusing. 
— COLLABORATES WITH THE ANALYSIS TEAM: In the anime arc “Mitsuki’s Disappearance", Ino was asked to probe the mind of a chūnin to look for signs about Mitsuki and his defection from Konoha. She is called to the Medical Office by the Hokage’s orders to start the investigation.
Casually, this would be a job for Aoba Yamashiro. He has been in charge of probing minds since the manga and the novels, and he is the only person that can perform Psycho Mind Transmission because he is originally a member of the Analysis Team. However, the current series does not include Aoba or the Analysis Team in the plot. With Ino being the only member of the Yamanaka Clan, they gave her this technique in the anime. Ino is not the leader of the Analysis Team as many fans have falsely spread around.
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Note: This is the only time Ino is asked to perform this jutsu. The people in charge of interrogating Katasuke Tōno in the manga are Ibiki Morino, the head of the Intelligence Division and captain of T&I, and Sai in chapter 11. They are the interrogators of Konoha according to the writing. The anime purposefully changed the plot when they adapted chapter 11 into episode 157, but Ino does not probe Katasuke’s mind so this scene does not take place and it cannot be counted.
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Contrary to popular belief, there have not been any confirmations about Ino being the Head of the Yamanaka Clan, meaning she is only the leader of a team formed by members of this clan: the Barrier Team. Ino is neither co-founder or assistant director or the Therapy Center/Mental Health Clinic and is widespread false information by fans. 
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⇨ According to the official manga and anime of Boruto:  
— Active kunoichi of chūnin rank.  — Owner of Ninja Tools TenTenTen.  — Chūnin Exams Proctor.
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— ACTIVE CHŪNIN: Tenten is still an active kunoichi of Konoha. As a chūnin, she is assigned to B or C-rank missions that she completes when required. 
So far, she has completed the delivery of materials to Mirai Sarutobi in Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls. It is later revealed that she was also gathering information about the disappearance of young girls in the Land of Water.
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— OWNER OF NINJA TOOLS TENTENTEN:   As an adult, Tenten has opened her own business and she sells ninja weapons and displays her collection of Six Paths Sacred Treasures. In the current time, Tenten does not get many visitors due to the peaceful times because the Police Force and Academy have their own weapon suppliers.
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— CHŪNIN EXAMS PROCTOR: Tenten has become the proctor of the second stage of the Chūnin Exams in the new era. The role of the proctor is to supervise each team of genin and take notes about their progress. She is assisted by Shino Aburame.
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⇨ According to the official manga and anime of Boruto:  
— Active kunoichi of jōnin rank.  — Ambassador of Sunagakure
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— ACTIVE JŌNIN: Temari is still an active kunoichi of Konoha. As a jōnin, she is assigned A to S-rank missions, the most difficult and best paid ones, that she completes when required.
So far, Temari has completed the investigation of the Byakuya Gang and later confrontation and also completes the elimination one of the puppets sent by Urasshiki Ōtsutsuki.
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— AMBASSADOR OF SUNAGAKURE: It is unknown how involved she is as an Ambassador compared to the past, when she was the bodyguard and advisor of the Kazekage. Temari is still sent to Sunagakure for diplomatic affairs in the anime so she actually does attend to her duties as the Ambassador between Sunagakure and Konohagakure.
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⇨ According to the official manga and anime of Boruto:  
— Retired kunoichi of chūnin rank.
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— RETIRED CHŪNIN: As an adult, Hinata has abandoned the lifestyle of a shinobi. According to Naruto Shinden, Hinata has spent the last 10 years as a housewife and she has not gone on any missions ever since. The last known mission according to novels is the Hanabi Rescue Mission in The Last: Naruto the Movie. She dedicates her time to raising Boruto and Himawari, and now Kawaki, and she also gives them lessons in the Gentle Fist hijutsu.  
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The mission mentioned in Naruto Shinden is not given to her, it is given to Hiashi Hyūga because he had requested it and due to his age, Hanabi and Hinata offered to go with him. The task was to arrest a criminal that had stolen explosive powder. However, there was a misunderstanding. The explosive powder was only a mistake in counting and the “criminal” was only a tourist, so the Hokage canceled the mission and sent an apology letter. 
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There are no titles or positions in which Hinata contributes to the maintainance of the village and she offers no services other than supporting the Hokage as his wife. Hinata is not the Head of the Hyūga Clan as some fan translated databook entries have claimed, that position still falls to Hiashi. She is the former heiress of the Hyūga Clan since before she had become a genin, the current heir is her sister Hanabi Hyūga. However, she is still considered the legitimate child due to her status as firstborn. 
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