xovera-toz · 2 months
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Things I dug up from my sketchbook.
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thedarkangelpuppet · 2 months
I have this funny idea that the Beast is a pretty decent cook, despite the fact he doesn't need to eat to survive. He has some skills from his days of being a human, and he saw people cook many times. He will critize any food Wirt tries to make (I hc Wirt as someone, who can barely cook, he's just like me fr)
I personally think it be the other way around. When I read the comics I recall Wirt making food from an energy bar or something and that he did that before for Greg and he even made some decent looking food out of bad ingredients ( it still tasted horrible but thats because he had what dust to work with)
So I think Wirt actually knows how to cook because he takes care of Greg alot since their parents are barely home.
I think in a lanternbearer AU the Beast would try making food for Wirt atleast but if its good or not is the question.
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 2 years
for the bingo!! enoch otgw and anna otgw if you'd like to!!
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Why yes, reblogging this bingo was just an excuse to draw otgw characters tiny, thank you for asking. Specifics commentary bellow cut:
Anna: I'm a little surprised Anna didn't end up with more boxes checked, because I do have a great deal of fondness for her. It's probably a side effect of the fact that she's not really in the show for very long, we only get to see her through the lens of her haunting the Woodsman, but the comics do a great job in making her a very compelling character.
I like Anna as a foil, especially to a young beast, like Beast!Wirt or Beast!Lorna with her paralleling her father, as a kinder more understanding lanternbearer/friend. I also think stories with her and the Beast are a riot, there's such an interesting dynamic to be had in the fact that Anna was prey for the Beast, but she's escaped him but the Beast has taken her father instead, leaving the Beast able to taunt the woodsman and Anna both.
She's neat!
BINGO: Enoch!
I love him obviously! I didn't actually have much to say about him when I first watched OTGW, so it's not like he just clicked with me, but through the process of writing and rewriting him, turning him over in my head, I've fallen in love with him, and I only dig myself in deeper every time I come back to reconsider him.
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xovera-toz · 7 months
Spiteful Lanternbearer!Wirt who prances through the Unknown and plays a clarinet always slightly off-key just to annoy the Beast. Who sings in the falsest tone he can manage, as loud as his voice allows. Who spreads the nastiest rumours. Who leads the Lost back to their road. Who tosses flowers into the lantern every once in a while to imitate a "healthy diet".
(The flowers would grow to be blooms on the Beast's antlers, much to his chargin.)
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xovera-toz · 7 months
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"Nothing to bury"
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xovera-toz · 3 months
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About that lantern-bearer in the bluebird household thing
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xovera-toz · 4 months
Six scenes from the everday life of this Lanternbearer Wirt.
"Give me back my lantern."
Wirt shot the grumpy shadow a jovial smile. "Hm. I don't think I will."
"You have no use of it," the Beast insisted. Its voice had, slowly, over the days, taken on a pleading edge.
"Really?" Wirt glanced left and right: still dark forest in every direction- except skywards, where the stars painted the night a faint yellow. The lantern was his only source of light. "I haven't noticed."
The Beast snarled in frustration. It had to bear with this insufferable, sarcastic, no good sadistic- "Find one... any other. Not mine."
"Words, my dear fellow, were made to be used and used well." Wirt huffed. "In sentences, you see. And I don't think I see any spare lanterns around here. Do you?"
The Beast left without another word. Boiling inside, surely. Wirt didn't bother to hide his laughter from the empty woods.
He made sure the Beast's diet was proper and varied, just as the lunch lady used to say: Birch, oak, the occasional fir or willow. Never edelwood; those he avoided with care.
The eldritch creature was not happy.
"Give me oil." It begged.
Wirt bet its hands were clasped in prayer under the dark shadowy layers. He felt delighted. "No can do. You need your nutrition." He wagged his index finger for good measure.
The Beast wailed.
"The forest feels... happier." Lorna told him one afternoon. They were making a small boat of sticks and moss, which they intented to place on the river and chase downstream. "Lighter. More welcoming."
Wirt nodded sagely, tried and failed to keep a serious face. "It's the diet, I tell you. As soon as the oil addiction washes out, it's going to get even better."
"I'll end you," the Beast threatened. Wirt got the distinct impression it was shaking its fist in his direction. "Suffocate you in a puddle, if I have to."
"You already kinda did." Wirt pointed out. "Not that it improved your situation, I suppose. Now, say- what do we think of wildflowers?"
The Beast fled in horror.
"It's blooming." Beatrice noted. Yes, she'd noticed- how could she not, when the cursed creature loitered around her house in its self-pity? She told her friend so.
She stabbed the needle into Wirt's torn cape again and again. It penetrated the material with ease, yet her smile seemed sharper than her tool could ever be. "The Beast is fucking blooming," she repeated.
For whatever ungodly reason, Wirt looked proud of himself.
"Make it stop!" Months ago, it would have been a demand. Now, it was a pathetic cry into Wirt's knees.
The boy stood awkwardly where the Beast had latched onto him. Not losing any of his hesitance, he gave the wooden figure a gentle pat on the head.
That just made the Beast's shoulders (Did it have shoulders? Shoulder-adjacent parts?) shake wilder in frustration.
Maybe he'd reward the lantern with some elderberry branches this time. It seemed to lighten up the creature's mood.
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xovera-toz · 5 months
"What's upstairs?"
"Your race calls it Heaven, I believe."
Wirt sent the unassuming corridor a wary glance. "Are you serious? You can't be serious. It that- a metafor? Some codename?"
"Nothing of the sort. If you'll excuse my bluntness, we must move on. The Harvest Lord awaits our arrival."
"You're laughing at me."
The Beast merely shook its head. "Believe what you will."
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thedarkangelpuppet · 1 year
Hm, I didn't notice in the comics that the Woodsman was the first lantern bearer. I did notice the Beast carrying his own lantern but it's quite different than cutting edelwood himself. But still, the idea of usually alone Beast looking at Wirt with his lantern and having thought process like "I want this underage twink enslaved" is funny asdfghjk
I don't really like the headcanon that the Queen is the same person as the Beast. Idk, it seems a little... cheap. Like, the Beast doesn't need an illusion to manipulate people, he has quite a silver tongue. And I like the idea that he and the Queen used to know each other and he holds a grudge against her. I just like to think of the two forces like them being opposite of each other and having personal conflict. Like, she's associated with heaven and peace, he's associated with earth and despair, if you know what i mean.
yeah i mean I guess it was not explained that he was the first I assumed since we only saw the Beast carry his lantern himself before he met the woodsman and the townsfolk haven't heared of the concept of a lanternbearer only claiming that the one with the lantern has to be the Beast so in my mind I was like that must mean it was like that. but yes that thought was one of the reasons i started shipping them!
yeah me neither hence why i headcanon them as siblings or atleast friends. I definetly agree that the Queen of Clouds helped the Beast her colors also pretty much co-line with the colors of his eyes but it still felt like they were more of the same species rather than the same person.
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