#lao is still got my uwus
mrstsung · 2 years
Kung lao sfw abcs
Ahhhhhh! Hat Bae time!!! It's kung lao loving hours.
(I mean i always love lao but ya know i have a shang simpin quota to meet. But outside the blog,it's always been lao lovin hours.)
Cw: none really,outside rant,maybe slight angst. Like lao is my ultimate fave character in mortal kombat period. (Plz don't be mad but lao comes before any other characters for me,even shang. Look i love shang but lao was my first,was here first,and still is best boi)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): well kung lao despite seeming confident. Is quite shy. Not to say he won't make a move if pressured by friends/liu kang. "Bro make a move already,we'll be old and grey by the time you make a move with them,heck I'll have great grandchildren by that time!" . But after the ice is broken. He is the sweetest bean. He'll open doors,fetch you anything you need. And honestly regardless if this relationship goes any further. Kung lao is willing to always help you. Him baby ok? Sassy baby. But baby none the less. (Honestly me n kung would be a constant battle of "no you're cuter" "i love you more" "no,you hang up first" much to everyone's annoyance. But they also in the same are happy for Lao. )
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): omfg besties. Granted friendship can come easy for kung but in the same vein,hard for him. He needs lots of reassurance. Plz help him. It may hit off good depends on who you are and your stances with him. But honestly kung lao is the best friend you could ever have. He is funny,loyal,has a cool hat,like fr what's not to love. (Ok im bias he's my main dude and i dont tolerate slander against hat bae) but if you don't like his "bragging" understand its not out of ego. It's a defense mechanism against the injustice his ancestors have been delt,the constant comparisons to liu kang(which dont make sense  because liu respects him as an equal and so does lao right back so none of this slander in canon makes any sense and is kinda annoying af and unnecessary. And it shows hella bias and passive aggressive hate to him) and others pressuring him for perfection to be like everyone else. Yet they also brag about shit,yet when he does it. Suddenly its a problem. Sorry this turned into a rant. My bad.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): he's a cuddlebug. Any chance he gets with you. He hangs onto you like superglue. His fave way to cuddle is to spoon you from behind,his face in the crook of you neck. He just buries his face in you. He is afraid to let go. Because sometimes he feels if he does. He wouldn't see you again. Again it's his fears. He tries to hide them sometimes and be strong for you. But oof does he die inside when you leave him. But reassuring him,you aint going anywhere. (Srry i just love lao so much)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): tbh if he could retire. He would but never fully. Because of not just his self responsiblity but also his loyalty to his friends. But domestic life with lao is sweet. He's equal with chores. He cooks pretty good. His fave thing to cook is noodle soup. Despite being a monk,kung lao isn't a true vegetarian. However most of his diet is vegetarian. But on lunar new year. He treats himself to homemade beef noodle soup and char siu. Its one of the few times he lets himself indulge like that.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): oh no baby why did you do that?! Who would break up with this bean?! What's wrong with you?!. But if you had to,he would rather it be upfront and formal. But just know this is gonna hurt him deeply. And he may not open up again to another person,at least for a long time. Like oof.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): ok kung lao,once he has made up his mind. Once things get past awkwardness. And he feels it's safe. Mrs.kung is soon what you'll be addressed as.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): him baby like i said. Kung lao is a very gentle lover. Not so say he cant be rough. Not to say he wont be sassy. But to his beloved,he wants you to feel safe and secure in the same as he does. Hand holding. Soft caresses. Gentle "i love yous" and reassuring forehead kisses.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): he loves hugs. This is a good way to reassure him. Any chance he can get from you. And laos hugs are super warm and affectionate. You feel safe in his arms. His hugs feel like home.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): you may say it first. But after that he says it shortly after. And never stops saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): he can get that way a bit. But honestly he trusts you. But not to say he wont be cheeky or passive aggressive to that person trying to get on his bad side. But in all honesty despite being a bit protective of you (he has good reason to be btw) he actually does respect your space. But he's gonna go to you about it 9 outta 10 times. But don't push him plz.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): passionate,hungry,longing,sweet but also gentle. He kisses you as if they are the last kisses you'll ever share. Besides your lips. The neck,the forehead,the hand,and a gentle cheek peck is the common. But he absolutely is over the moon for a cute kiss on the cheek or forehead. But if you kiss him right on the lips? Im not responsible for how much he goes on and on about how sexy you are to his friends.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): he loves kids. But he wants to be in a place to be able to support them properly. But kung lao is pretty cool with children. He's the fun dad.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): warm tender hugs. A slightly raspy, "good morning darling". Morning tea brewing,a nice breakfast. Just peaceful.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): serene. Here with you in his arms. His twilight respite. The crickets chirping. After a nice warm meal. Reclining and enjoying each others company before dozing off to sleep. Laying there in the soft moonlight of the window peaking through. His soft breath on your neck as you both slumber. To wake again to your handsome lao in the morning.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): ok its a tad slow but honestly if he trusts you he will slowing talk to you about his insecurities. Like i said he needs reassurance. Once he has this from you. He trusts and protects you with his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): don't push him. But he despite being boastful. He is hardly quick to anger. That is something you SHOULD BE THANKFUL FOR! He is very patient despite his shortcomings. And he knows how to bring the hurt. Don't push him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): he remembers the important things. But sometimes he needs reminders. But that isn't his fault tbh. (Kung lao adhd anyone?) But he tries. He certainly makes up for it in acts of service and gifts and being there for you. No matter how late.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): he says when he first laid eyes on you (kung lao you flirt). But realistically,
Probably your first date. This is where he bared his soul to you. Probably something simple like a picnic under a blossom tree. Or somewhere serene that ment a lot to him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): very protective. But not so much so that he becomes overbearing. He knows you can manage yourself. But he still doesn't like to take chances either. He always is looking out for you. If you feel uncomfortable around someone. Talk to him,he'll speak with them to respect your boundaries. If you feel scared or anxious,hold his hand or arm. He'll wrap his around you and hold you close so you feel better. For himself,you just being there and telling him its ok is enough.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): he tries to put as much effort as his brain will let him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): i honestly dunno. Probably beating himself up too much or taking on too much. Kung lao plz,take a break.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): he takes good care of himself. But also he is humble in that area too? Honestly he isn't any more concerned than the next guy tbh. And i dont know where people get this from? I mean of course he wants to look good for you. So does everyone. So eh.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): kinda yeah. He would be devastated if he lost you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): kung laos hat has a subspace magic that can store shit and well as be a filter to help him teleport. Tho he can teleport without his hat. That hat is a good pinpoint to an area. He did a hat trick once,put a bunny in there. Johnny never shuts up about it. Constantly is trying to get him to do it for him. But kung lao refuses. Because it was one time. And he doesn't like to keep live animals n creatures in his hat for long. Because he care for the fur babies. Oh he also is a happy flirty drunk. But funny enough bo-rai-cho taught him drunken style too. So he can also fake it too. But he doesn't like using it often. But he'll never say the reasons why.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): someone cruel. Especially to animals or children. Overall he's open and tolerant of a lot of crap (probably more so then he needs to be,but eh he is a monk. Patience is a virtue) but some things are a hard no for him. Cruelty and violence outside of a tournament or when nessicary is unacceptable to him. He can try to talk you out of it. But he isn't above whooping ass either if needed.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?): kung lao can sleep almost anywhere. But he has to have his morning tea and evening tea. Other than that,he's good.
Hope you loved this.
Again we stan one spinny boi. 🌪💖⛩🥺
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 years
Xenoblade X status update since I’m about 30-something hours in and haven’t detailed anything of my playthrough, granted some of those hours are just idling for revenue, but, yeah. Because this is a Wii U game I don’t have a capture button so enjoy the photos I took of my TV screen instead lol.
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This is my uwu kawaii anime girl Cross, except she honestly looks really normal so, whatever. She’s supposed to be cute and like, a type of girl I’d be attracted to, because hey why not play as a babe, you know? And her name is Hope, since I like that name a lot. I know there’s already a character in-game called Hope, but I didn’t really care. Her appearance here is actually a tiny bit different from how she started out - she had freckles and her hair was a little more brown in-game than it looked in the character creator so when I got Yardley’s thing I fixed her hair, and also I just ended up not liking the freckles that much.
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And then there’s her full outfit, I think it’s cute, and it’s funny how much it’s just ‘normal clothes’ in this crazy sci-fi setting where you’re fighting aliens and shit on a whole different planet. She’s been through a couple of outfits, most of them just the game’s various swimsuits, because they’re hot, but this outfit’s good because I value cute over hot and also if someone walks in on me playing as her dressed like this it’s way easier to justify myself than if she’s wearing a micro-bikini or something. Except this look’s hot anyway because hey modest is hottest or whatever, also jeans in this game on the female models are like pretty tight around the ass so, yeah. I have no issue being unapologetically horny in this post since the game’s really horny anyway. Also I had headgear turned off in settings but I turned it back on entirely so she could wear her glasses.
I have mostly been going for more casual looks with the fashion gear, though if they can look sorta sexy in the process then fuck yeah dude.
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Taking Elma for example, I think this is a great look, again it looks practical enough as everyday casual clothing but it’s still hot because tank tops are hot and the tight jeans are hot and I chose really good colours for Elma specifically also cause hey she’s a babe also.
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Lao’s the other character I took a photo of just because of what my party comp was when I decided to take these photos to make this post. Lao’s honestly pretty hot, and there are plenty of fanservicey male outfits in this game I could’ve given him, but I thought this looked so much funnier without breaking my casual looks rule. Outfit looks a lot darker in game and I think seeing all the serious Lao cutscenes while he’s dressed as a fuckin hikikomori with a stupid fade in his trousers is great. 
Those 3 have had the most thought and effort put into their looks, I’m still on the fence about Lin’s outfit honestly, and then the tons of miscellaneous party members end up having pretty random shit. One standout though is Boze, right, cause I fuckin, hate that dude, maybe he gets better after more of his affinity missions are done but I’ve only done his first one and for now I hate him. But anyway I didn’t get a photo but I shoved him in a school uniform since it looked silly as well as the bunny whiskers thing because I can’t stand listening to him speak as like, a person, and I think the bunny whiskers completely remove my ability to take him seriously, which is epic.
Outside of what I’ve been doing with character outfits and shit, my general approach to the game has been to do as much as I possibly can as early as I can. So I think in my first playthrough however many years ago I probably just did random shit and then story chapters whenever, which meant when I returned to some of the earlier missions I was overlevelled as hell. I’m avoiding that here though because I’ve just been like, I’ll do every quest and affinity mission I can find and do before the next story chapter, and then once I’ve done all those, I’ll do the story chapter, and then rinse and repeat. I’m level 28 and have done the first 6 chapters, and I believe I’ve done every affinity mission available with those parameters. I’ve also been trying for heart-to-hearts as well, which I literally didn’t know were in this game until a few weeks ago when I put Enel’s playthrough on in the background as I did other stuff. No real rush with heart-to-hearts though since I believe Lao’s are the only ones that are missable, so I’ll try and be sure to get all of those before he disappears on us.
Speaking of Lao, yeah this game’s main plot is still pretty trash, but I think the character writing for all of the side content (which itself is all really fun to do, especially compared to what 1 and 2 had on offer) is generally really solid. Since I opened with Lao there I guess like, I’m feeling his personality a lot, he’s a super likeable and tragic dude, and maybe me having the knowledge that he’s the traitor already is playing into that appreciation some. I think Elma’s a really boring character who just gets hyped up by everyone in the universe of the game as being a big deal, and that’s kinda lame. If she’s this game’s true protagonist, which she is, then she’s far and away the weakest Xenoblade protagonist, doesn’t hold a candle to Shulk or Rex. Lin’s cute, she’s a fun character, lots of the comedy with her and Tatsu is insufferable, Tatsu in general is insufferable, you know the drill.
All of the bonus recruitable characters who I’ve still mostly just done their first affinity missions for are generally really fun, they cover a lot of different character archetypes and it’s easy to appreciate much of the writing, they add to the world in nice ways.
And then even just some of the normal quests fuckin, can hit hard dude. I just did the Biahno Water Purification Plant quest and that one’s heavy, but I really love it a lot. I got the good ending in that one by the way by telling the girl not to shower, so now I feel epic. It’s also a really nice feeling taking part in the missions that add more xenos to NLA and unlock new merchants and shit, makes the world feel really alive and populated and it’s satisfying as fuck seeing that bio and cultural diversity shoot up. And it’s all constantly unlocking new shit too so there’s just an endless feeling loop of satisfying narratives that do honestly make up for the lacklustre main narrative.
And then since I mentioned the world there, I love exploring Mira so fucking much. It feels like such a carefully crafted and fully realised world - nothing about the aesthetic design even screams “video game” - it’s instead just completely immersive and enticing in literally every corner. And fuck it’s so god damn beautiful too, whether you’re speeding through it in a skell or stopping to take in the sights the world always just fuckin, it’s stunning, it’s so great to be in it. 
Gameplay wise, you can see the dual swords in that first photo, I’ve went for the dual swords dual gun class I forget the name of at the moment. Currently in the last class tree of that lineup. It’s a really fast-paced and fun style that leads to lengthy and powerful overdrives and I’ve been having way more fun with overdrives than I did on my initial playthrough because of that.
Now with 1 and 2 I was kinda done with those games after their new game plus and I didn’t really grind to beat superbosses or anything, but I’m not really sure what my endgame for X is gonna be. I could honestly try and max my character to some degree, go kill Telethia or whatever. After I max the dual sword/gun style I could start switching things up and aim for full weapon mastery, who knows. I believe on my however many years old file, I was drifter for a while because the game’s bad at teaching you shit so I didn’t change classes for ages, but when I did I just stuck with the longsword and assault rifle class for basically the entire game, and I switched to the fuckin, psygun and other sword thingy at some point just because they looked cool.
Certainly I think I understand the game to a much better degree now and my experience with 1 and 2 as well has made this game’s mechanics a lot easier to grapple with, so I probably could go for an at least somewhat maxed character. We’ll see. Gameplay’s fun as fuck though, even though I acknowledged in my 2 review that the gameplay speeds up it still feels so great going back to this game where I can, I dunno, actually run and jump around in combat, and use more than 3 arts, all that fun stuff. X’s combat’s so flashy and intense and it’s so fucking god damn fun, the sort of character build I’ve gone with has that one skill that multiplies melee art damage from behind so I’ve been using that in combination with melee arts to be doing fucking shit tons of damage and that’s really satisfying, I know I could try an infinite overdrive build or something but for now this is how I want to play the game so, yeah.
I don’t think I was looking forward to getting a skell this time as much as I was when I first played the game. I was hyped to have it for the movement, and yeah I’ve got a couple of otherwise really hard to reach probes because of it, it’s great speeding around the map and stuff. But while on my first playthrough there was a lot of intrigue for me in the mystery of how skells would play, when you already know how they are, the novelty wears off a bit. And actually, maybe it’s because I’ve still only got the one level 20 skell with only a couple of weapons, but these things are a lot worse in combat than I remember. They don’t do nearly enough damage to justify the insane cooldowns on everything, and the couple of skell fights I did were way less fun than most of the melee battles.
God what else is a thing I can say about this game. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong to have so little research probes but my revenue is ass because of it, meanwhile my mining is more intense than my storage so that’s been a bit of an issue. FrontierNav is honestly a really weird system - it’s obviously extremely rewarding to do in that you get money, miranium, a fast travel point, useful info, all that fun stuff. But then idk there are like battle effect probes and shit that can go on, and some other stuff maybe. I don’t know why I even called it weird actually I think it’s kinda fun. Oh well, it’s 3am. I stopped playing the game for today like 3 hours ago but I’m only now writing this post so.
I guess the last thing worth saying is what I’m currently doing in the game. And uh, all I’m doing is a couple of quests for some NPCs. I’ve got Oblivia Trailblazing on and I’m having shit luck finding those fucking worms, I know where to go for them and I’ve got 3 but despite the fact that they’re apparently common I’m just not fucking getting any. I really love that you can use squad tickets to get enemy parts, that cuts out annoying grinding, but I wish you could use them for collectables as well, presumably with the criteria that they have to be registered in the collectopedia first so you can’t cheese that. But like wandering around for collectibles really sucks and the mission descriptions will always say “oh find X of this in Primordia” when they really mean “in this one tiny specific area of Primordia that we won’t indicate to you” so you kinda have to consult a guide and that’s lame. Just fuckin, let us buy collectibles or let us track them directly, the current system is ass. But hey, that’s room for improvement if X gets a Switch port??? Time will tell.
Uh, yeah. Going to sleep now.
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