#lapdlockley t1
ashesrebirthed-a · 8 months
"Kate! Here, turn towards me." Barely waiting for the other woman's response, Cordelia held up a black dress in front of her, eyes narrowed as she looked Kate up and down. Not that her decision took long; it wasn't even a moment later that she shook her head, putting the outfit back where she found it with pursed lips and a click of her tongue.
"Nope. Not right. With your sheer lack of smileage? You'd look ready to attend a funeral in that getup, not a party." Cordelia quickly flipped through the rest of the rack, not bothering to stop until she landed on something pink - and, even better, silky. "Hey - how opposed are you to some actual color? I know you're usually, like, Detective Broody the Second or whatever, but you'll fit in way better with a little pink. Totally works with your complexion, too!" // @lapdlockley + plotted starter!
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