arealarcher · 10 years
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[ She figures that the moment she takes her uniform off, she'll be covered in bruises. She really did get thrown around a lot--there's a good chance one of the guys even managed to get to her with a knife (her side stings as though it's been sliced open, and there's definitely blood there--whether it's hers or not, she's yet to find out). To be determined, though. She's still feeling a little numb. ]
Well, that was fun.
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pickamuse · 11 years
lappedspeedster started following you
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"KF, dude, what's up? Feels like its been forever since we hung out last."
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arttress · 11 years
OOC; My activity graph is basically a backwards 'L'. lol. Thank you for following me people who did today and thank you for interacting with this account, lappedspeedster. ♥
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Whos your arty and kf?
//Hello curious anon and thank you for your question!
I don’t exactly have an established mainverse where everything that happens is related to everything else, though I have been working on a handful of verses where I assume certain things with different people in fits and starts. I will interact with any Artemis or Wally who wants to RP with me, within reason!
That said, the Wally I have interacted with most extensively is definitely:
In the past, I had also interacted a bit with:
who were one another’s mainverse Wally and Artemis. Their blogs are to my knowledge a bit dormant now.
The Artemis who was the Artemis I interacted with most extensively before and who actually was the sort of deciding factor in my getting this account when I was poking around the YJ RPing scene as it were was:
goddessofarrows (since deleted and it is a great loss ;;)
but she has since decided to leave her blog.
I also have a thread with a YJ-based Arrow!verse Artemis:
And most recently I have interacted a bit with:
And last but not least I have my own Artemis blog that I occasionally make an effort at making active, though with somewhat less focus than here:
So, as you can see, I’ve interacted with a LOT of Artemises and fewer Wallys, but I am always open to more, especially those who would like to plot with me—either independently or with each other. My ‘main’ Wally (as I’ve said above) is rather busy right now and I’m lonely, and thefreshiest and I have discussed doing Museum Heist stuff maybe possibly someday, so um, tentative future winkwinknudgenudge? But I don’t know how that will go as thefreshiest-mun is adjusting to school.
I hope that answers your question?
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morzzcode-archive · 11 years
lappedspeedster replied to your post
[ LOVE ME. ]
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sarcatt · 11 years
We love her plenty, anon. How could you question something like this?
oh gosh, you're killing me with the kindness <3
lappedspeedster replied to your post: D...
d'aww right back at yeah
caseyballvins replied to your post: D...
Like is the biggest understatement for how much we all adore Cat.
omg who told you you were allowed to say nice things like this /dying
lehayed replied to your post: D...
I don't even know...
bentfire replied to your post: D...
Um, Anon, no. Nobody likes Cat. We /love/ her. Huge difference, yo.
and i love you, jfc
jncera replied to your post: D...
I like you! :)
aww, thanks hun. same to you. <3
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Let your armor down. ; [lappedspeedster + sinceiwasnine]
Walking up to where Wally lived (again) was surreal. It made Dick's muscles tense more than they ever had on a mission. And maybe that wasn't actually true, but it certainly felt like it was. The sidewalk seemed to stretch on forever, and as soon as he reached the turn for his destination he stopped and meant to keep moving forward but for just a second he was rocking his weight subtly on his feet.
He glanced back the way he'd come and there was a strangely deafening silence that seemed to linger behind him. Looking at the door ahead, he wondered what exactly he'd need to explain to Wally, what he'd need to say. Was he just supposed to tell him how much he'd missed him? Was he not supposed to bring it up at all? What about his having left the Team once Wally was gone?
There were a lot of unanswered questions, and as Dick gathered his nerve and started to close the gap between himself and the door, he realized that they could finally be answered. He just wasn't exactly sure where to begin. It was strange--almost like that very first bit of nervousness he'd felt, the day they'd met.
It wasn't like he hadn't seen Wally since he'd been back, but things felt... different now.
For one thing, he at least anticipated that Wally would be alone.
That would be a new first--a second first. It was confusing, but Dick took a deep breath and forced himself to knock on the door. He glanced down at himself, suddenly skeptical of his street clothes. But he was Dick Grayson visiting Wally West--not Nightwing. He swallowed hard and just waited.
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manofkrypton · 11 years
*O* x 100000000000000000000000000000000000
ooc; ASGDHJAKLSDFAJK TOO INTENSE! Ahaha I already like where we're going in our thread! It's such a nice surprise you also have a Kid flash account!
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"Happy Father's Day, Batman!"
He blinked, of all people having Wally West congratulating him for such thing…well, one shouldn’t judge, especially if those were acts of good deed. “Thank you, Kid Flash”, and almost smiled, almost.
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1, 9, 14, 19
01 : tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
I like a lot of people, Wally. You looking for a compliment? Okay, buddy, sure: I started liking you because... well, you're you. Impossible to ignore, good-hearted, smart, and you were the first person I met... after... that I could talk to. So, yeah, there's your compliment.
09 : kiss on the first date?
Sure. I mean, if we're both feeling it? I don't have to be on a date for just kissing. 
14 : would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
It depends on the friend. Depends on how well they know my... circumstances. But then, also, sometimes it's just nice to get away. For a little while. Not that I have time or opportunity very often unless you count going on missions.
19 : does anyone have strong feelings for you?
I'm sure some people do. I mean, I've got my fair share of enemies, and I'm sure some of them hold pretty strong feelings of animosity. But I guess you mean good strong feelings?
Well, I guess someone would have to tell me. Wouldn't they...?
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impulsiveallen-blog · 11 years
lappedspeedster replied to your post: M!A: Whenever someone says “Hey” To you you have to say one secret. Lasts 4 hours.
“Bart! Hey!”
..."I don't actually think your name is that bad compared to mine. THEREISAIDIT"
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