An atmosphere of fair play and togetherness pervades the village of St. Moritz after the first day of sportive action. Regardless of results and rankings, every athlete is getting her due share of appreciation in an event that unites stars and also-rans, young and old, locals and visitors.
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A pera cha‘l mardi saja sto il di dals inscunters: quels traunter da Voluntaris... Fotografia: Jon Duschletta
Che armonia! Lara Gut parta scu favurita illa cuorsa dal Super G e vain a la fin be terza. Ups! Ma üngün nu sto sü, tschüvla agüz, do dals mauns e schmaladescha a quellas duos curriduras chi sun stedas pü sveltas cu Lara. Dafatta pü tard, giò i'l minz dal cumün e zieva ün pêr bieras nu sfrattama üngün cul puogn sün maisa e clama grittanto, cha'l treneder da Lara nu vela üna pipa tabac e stopcha gnir tramiss immediatamaing in quel pajais. Ed uossa guardè quista: La banda da musica austriaca da Leutasch fo grand travasch sülla Plazza Maurizius, balla la Polonaise e gratulescha sün ün grand transparent a la vandschedra da la cuorsa, a Nicole Schmidhofer. E che faun ils supporters da las otras naziuns? Els as ferman, taidlan tiers, ballan ed applaudeschan. Scenas, bod scu zieva ün gö da ballapè, nischi?
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...traunter la Kenia e l'Austria... Fotografia: Jon Duschletta
Ils champiunedis mundiels da skis a San Murezzan uneschan in ün möd fich paschaivel. Que es, almain fin cò, evidaint. Els uneschan il pêrin da Voluntaris chi chamina maun in maun traunter la glieud, els uneschan ils viagiatuors i‘ls mezs publics chi discuorran ün cun l'oter invezza da giuver minchün per se svess cul telefonin, ed els uneschan eir la Kenia e la Steiermark in Austria. Cu que? Dimena, l'ultim exaimpel ho da chefer culla skiunza Sabrina Wanjiku Simader. Ella cumplescha in avrigl 19 ans ed es steda her a San Murezzan la prüma atleta keniana chi insomma es partida a champiunedis mundiels da skis – ed es riveda al böt. Sia relaziun cul sport da skis dvainta ün pô pü clera, scha's so, ch'ella sto illa Steiermark. Uschè sun eir d'incler tuot quellas binderas kenianas ed austriacas chi l‘haun accumpagneda a San Murezzan.
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ed eir inscunters traunter iffaunts jauers e prominenza bernaisa. Fotografia: Jon Duschletta
Inscunters ho que her eir do traunter 24 iffaunts da la tschinch- e sesevla classa da Müstair ed Adolf «Dölf» Ogi. Scu president da sia fundaziun «Freude herrscht» ho invido Ogi a las scolaras ed als scolars cun lur magisters per ün di a San Murezzan als champiunedis mundiels da skis. Inclus il viedi, la plazza sülla tribüna, marenda sül lö, tschaina i'l restorant Uors a Zernez e - natürelmaing - l'inscunter persunel. «La giuventüna», ho dit Ogi sü Salastrains, «es a la fin finela l’avegnir da nus tuots». La fundaziun exista in algordanza da Mathias Adolf Ogi, il figl cha Ogi ho pers dal 2009. Guardo uschè, ho il sport da skis unieu her per ün cuort mumaint eir la vita culla mort.        
Hoz faun ils homens la cuorsa dal Super G ed our da vista culturela rumauntscha concertescha il Cor Masdo da Puntraschigna a las 19.00 illa zona da peduns.
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gazettereview · 6 years
Lara Gut Snapchat Username & Snapcode in 2018 -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/2018/03/lara-gut-snapchat-username/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/lara-gut.png #LaraGut, #Snapchat #Entertainment
Lara Gut Snapchat Username & Snapcode in 2018
Lara Gut competes as an alpine ski racer, specializing in speed events such as Super G and Downhill. The Swedish skier has competed in several World Cups and won the gold medal in 2009. She also competed in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, as well as the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics. During the 2018 ...
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livincrans · 5 years
Crans-Montana. Ski, coupe du monde. Nouveau doublé des Suissesses ! Et le titre mondial de descente pour Corinne Suter ! Quel week-end !
#cransmontana #cransmontanaabsolutely #skiresort #ski #fis #audi #corinnesuter #laragut #suisseski #swissski #livincrans #luxuryrealestate #cransimmobilier #estatebroker #agenceimmobiliere
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spindelwebb · 7 years
The latest Spindelwebs Daily! https://t.co/C8rNcfOG10 Thanks to @Hypixel @cultjer @Laragut #filmmaking #filmnews
The latest Spindelwebs Daily! https://t.co/C8rNcfOG10 Thanks to @Hypixel @cultjer @Laragut #filmmaking #filmnews
— Spindelweb (@Spindelweb1) November 24, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Spindelweb1 November 24, 2017 at 11:51PM via IFTTT
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Shiffrin favored for prized World Cup title after Gut crash
Shiffrin favored for prized World Cup title after Gut crash
Exiting her home ski world championships in a helicopter airlift after a crash, Lara Gut lost a lot on Friday.Mikaela Shiffrin of the United States lost her main rival for the sport's most cherished prize — the season-long World Cup overall title — she is now a huge favorite to win.Still, the 21-year-old Shiffrin was not happy to benefit from the Swiss star's bad luck. "There's a huge pit in my stomach hearing about @Laragut 's injury," Shiffrin wrote on Twitter. "Wishing her a speedy recovery."
We all push each other in this sport and it is always disheartening to see anyone get injured.
Ilka Stuhec of Slovenia.The opportunity opening for Shiffrin
The American star led with two weeks left when she suffered a season-ending knee injury.Now Gut leaves a way clear for Shiffrin, who also has races scheduled at Squaw Valley, California, next month before arriving in Aspen days after her 22nd birthday.U.S. team director Patrick Riml said Shiffrin will stick to her race schedule despite Gut's absence.
But right now, (World Cup) is not the most important thing.
Patrick Riml
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gbnewslog · 8 years
St. Moritz 2017: Lindsey Vonn fifth in combined as Lara Gut injures knee
Wishing @Laragut a speedy recovery. I feel your pain. Heal up
via cnn.com - top stories
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gazettereview · 6 years
Lara Gut Snapchat Username - 2018 Profile ID -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/2018/04/lara-gut-snapchat-username-2018-profile-id/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/alpine-skier.jpg #LaraGut, #Snapchat #Entertainment
Lara Gut Snapchat Username - 2018 Profile ID
A Swiss skier, Lara Gut recently represented her country at the 2018 Winter Olympics, where she narrowly missed the podium in the Super G. Previously, she had won a bronze medal at the 2014 Winter Olympics at the age of twenty-two. Born and raised in Ticino, Switzerland, the blonde had taken up...
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livincrans · 5 years
Crans-Montana, ski. Départ en fanfare pour les Suissesses !
#cransmontana #cransmontanaabsolutely #valais #wallis #switzerland #ski #fis #audifis #laragut #nationale #livincrans #luxuryrealestate
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spindelwebb · 8 years
The latest Spindelwebs Daily! https://t.co/G8tXDCQhzd Thanks to @StayingPutUK @Laragut @Dgeesio #filmnews #filmmaking
The latest Spindelwebs Daily! https://t.co/G8tXDCQhzd Thanks to @StayingPutUK @Laragut @Dgeesio #filmnews #filmmaking
— Spindelweb (@Spindelweb1) March 2, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Spindelweb1 March 02, 2017 at 11:51PM via IFTTT
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Happy birthday Lara Gut.... Are you feeling 25 😀?
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gazettereview · 6 years
Lara Gut Height, Weight, Age & Boyfriend in 2018 -Read more at https://gazettereview.com/2018/03/lara-gut-height-weight-age-boyfriend/ - https://gazettereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/lara-gut.jpg #LaraGut #Entertainment
Lara Gut Height, Weight, Age & Boyfriend in 2018
An alpine ski racer, Lara Gut specializes in the speed events of super-G and downhill, though she competes in all disciplines. A five-time world medalist, she had represented Switzerland at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, where she won a bronze medal in the downhill event. Perhaps...
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