the-rainbow-ships · 3 years
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I'm here today to present to you with a new sapphic couple to simp over and !!! GOOD NEWS !!! it's already renewed to a second season!!!!!!! keep reading to know what the show is about and where to watch it. This show is called "As Five" (We are Five) is a brazilian series that follows the life of 5 girls in their early twenties (25 years old). We see them dealing with love, heartbreak, work and doing lots and lots of dumb shit bc yes they are just like us .
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This show is a spin off of a soap opera Malhação: Viva a diferença translated to "young hearts: embrace diversity" (that won an EMMY!) but u don't need to watch the soap opera to enjoy the show! Only thing you need to know is that they met when they were 16 while one of them was giving birth on the subway.
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Heloísa Gutierrez (Lica) played by: Manoela Aliperti
She is explosive, ironic and very arrogant. She is full of ideas and desires, which often make her seem spoiled. Lica already dropped out of three colleges, she tried many personal projects, but never finished anything. She is also completely lost in her love life since she broke up with Samantha.
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Samantha Lambertini played by: Giovanna Grigio
Lica's ex-girlfriend. She works for an online newspaper and has just edited a storybook. She is focused and knows very well what she wants from life, unlike Lica. 
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In Malhação : Viva a diferença, they were school friends (they even shared boyfriends although lica was comphet) until one they at a party they were playing with a date app and they matched, then they started developing feelings for each other.
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It was the first teenager sapphic couple on brazilian tv and everybody was shocked bc the soap opera used to air at 6pm (also they had the biggest number of kisses at a soap opera compared to any lgbt couple on br tv).
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In case you want to watch just their scenes from the soap opera with english subtitles you can watch it here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TJWwZJXcIVJPekENwqi-YCHeRvINSVLE 
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They begin ‘As Five’ broken up but they start to get closer again (we don't know why they broke up but apparently it was bc Lica didn't know how to be an adult). Also it's not confirmed yet but everybody reads Lica as a lesbian and Samantha as bisexual.
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you can watch only Limantha scenes (As Five) here. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VEZCqO8I9SgYqmynzx4rSf6utQborEZl  This includes bonus material such as previews, interviews, promotional photos. Some songs played in the scenes of Lica and Samantha. All videos with English and Spanish subtitles. 
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