#last 10 mins of ep 8 rn
mainfaggot · 4 months
omg so many thoughts on paradox killer
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
What do you think of new jean’s’ latest EP?
Ask 2 (quick ask):
Last year you said XG is a group you like. What do you think of their comeback? Grl Gvng is my fav from them rn. Then Tippy Toes. Do you still like New jeans btw? Ever since you said to watch how kpop stans treat NJ I've been checking the reactions and discourse and you've been right on the money. Again. You could make real dough from predicting how things play out in kpop fandoms.
Hi Anon(s),
Get Up by NewJeans is a solid 8/10.
Every song on the EP is an earworm and I've been streaming the album since it dropped. There's no other 4th gen girl group that gets me excited for new music lately, more than NewJeans. XG is a distant second (anon in ask 2, all they've put out so far is a couple of singles which I think are very good, but the actual comeback is in late September so we'll see).
The stand-out songs on the EP for me are Cool With You, New Jeans, and ASAP, but every song on the EP is doing very well (except ASAP that most people seem to hate right now. But I suspect that will change with time.)
My theory of NewJeans' overarching concept being Alice in Wonderland, was confirmed for me in their visual album as that's the throughline idea in all the MVs, despite their very different themes.
The Powerpuff Girls / New Jeans intro being the most obvious analog, starting the EP with taking bunnies inside the imaginary world of NewJeans' townsville, reiterating that they aim to "make you feel like you're in a game", that this sound and vibe is what to expect, etc.
Super Shy which follows the girls within their universe where they're already known and loved (the callback to Attention at the start of the MV which people are already dancing to)
ETA is the first obvious reference to the parasocial attachment that NewJeans continues to highlight in their music. Just as in Ditto, it's self-aware with a morbid and surreal undertone to it. The MV director Shin Woo-seok, has also said the MV plot lesson is centered on how rumours can be used and weaponized regardless of whether they're based in fact. Which... again, just brilliant considering everything about how k-pop stans operate in general.
Cool With You & Get Up are the climax of the EP in my opinion, and in them we see the most interesting and sophisticated expression of identity conflict and reconciliation in parasocial attachments, using the story of Eros/Cupid and Psyche. Get Up, according to Ador, is only an interlude in this EP but will serve as the sonic blueprint for their next album. And this also confirms another pattern I've noticed. Min Heejin has been using one song from each album to hint/tease the dominant sound for the next. So, what I mean is:
1 - In NewJeans (debut EP) Cookie was a slight departure sonically from the other songs on the album, but sounds very similar to OMG which followed.
2 - In OMG (singles album) Ditto sounded nothing really like OMG (the song) but its UK garage + Baltimore Club combo sounds more like the full fledged expression of D&B that we see in Super Shy, Cool with You, and other songs in Get Up.
3 - And now in Get Up (2nd mini album) we hear that their next album project will sound a lot like Get Up (the song).
ASAP is easily my favourite song on the album. It reminds me a lot of Close Your Eyes. As the outro, here NewJeans doesn't hint at it anymore, they show you that you're Alice, and that you're already well and deep within their beautifully fantastical wonderland. There's just enough horror elements in the MV to keep you alert even though everything about the song is meant to lull you into a dreamlike illusionary state. It feels childlike and nostalgic.
If it were up to me, I'd nominate Get Up for every Album of the Year award. And I have to give kudos to Ador for not just collaborating with PPG by borrowing their trademarked characters and visuals, (which is where most k-pop groups and companies would've stopped at), but by finding a way to incorporate even the PPG theme song into their music. Whoever realized that a nostalgic cartoon has one of the most recognizable beats in the Drum & Bass genre and thought to repurpose it in their music, that person should get a raise.
I'm aware k-pop stans have tabled their usual complaints, tried getting various controversies to stick, from claiming Min Heejin was pushing terrorism to claiming that Hoyeon (the respected South Korean actress most known from Squid Game) was involved in making porn in front of minors... thankfully, the facts won (in more sane corners of k-pop fandom) and none of that bullshit really stuck. Now the only complaint I'm still seeing around is that the songs are too short, but again, it just drives home the fact as I keep saying, k-pop stans really have no idea what they're talking about. It's one thing to wish the songs were longer for your own enjoyment, but one of the characteristics of the D&B and Garage genres is their length, because they are percussion-driven and repetitive, songs in those genres are typically shorter.
Also, aside from a handful of other girl groups, NewJeans is producing some of the most fun, interesting, and engaging choreographies I've seen in a hot minute.
My favourite still in the entire visual album:
Tumblr media
Hoyeon is built like a goddess, my gosh.
Ador needs to be given their due. They know what they're doing and I hope they continue having the freedom and cash to fully flesh out each of the girls' talents in NewJeans, because all five girls are incredibly talented. I'd love for Jimin to work with them somehow, Yoongi too (both as a collaborator and in a production capacity). I'm looking forward to seeing more from them in every possible way.
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tsnbrainrot · 3 years
Rules: tag people you’d like to get to know better
was tagged by the lovely, big-brained, and very kind @helloamhere ! i think i actually also need a distraction atm so cheers for that xx 
Last song: i was listening to my soft instrumental playlist while reading poetry in the bath earlier so it’s this piano cover of ‘once upon a december’ altho lately i can be found listening to jensen ackles’ cover of simple man for hours. rip in fucking pieces. 
Last movie: i.... barely watch films lately. my 2020 watch list was shameful and 2021 is looking to be the same. i’ve found out that without the cinema i’m a very sad cinephile and my viewings at home are almost only comfort rewatch. and very rarely. i tend to binge tv at home. idk if it’s because i’m not in the mood to get into new things or if i just miss going to the movie theatre that much but *shrug*. last film i watched was ‘the day after tomorrow’ with my mother a few nights ago. it’s one of her favourite films and i hadn’t seen it in years so i joined in while i was working on retagging my lotr posts haha.  speaking of, this is not what the question asks but i’ve been hitching for a lotr rewatch recently so that’s probably going to be my next film. 
Currently watching: well. anyone who follows me knows i’m very slowly making my way through all the supernatural i haven’t seen yet. currently halfway through season 8 with 9, 10 & 11 left to watch before i can claim to have seen the entirety of cw’s spn. shameful. i’m also watching ‘upload’ for the first time, mostly when i’m eating because they’re only 30 min eps. i’m almost done with the season and it gives me some good place vibes while being a little less profound... but i’m enjoying it so far! cool worldbuilding! i’m also kind of rewatching castle because acab but also i do like procedurals :/ but that one is kind of my .... in the background while i do other stuff show of the moment. so i’m not like... watching it watching it? i need noise otherwise my brain gets anxious. next i really want to watch bridgerton because it’s so right up my alley! and the boys! and i need to finish s6 of the flash before s7 starts airing in march. and i really want to finishing watching star wars rebels and the mandalorian. and like a million others; there’s so much tv D: 
Currently reading: i’m rereading red, white, & royal blue atm because i finally got a physical copy of it so i’m annotating it. and i kinda needed a palate cleanser after reading this series of essays by philip pullman that i didn’t super enjoy. i’m also reading the star wars ‘doctor aphra’ comics. i’ve just finished vol. 2 and i’m about to start vol. 3. i really enjoyed the character in the vader comics but jury’s still out on her solo adventures. i also just started margaret atwood’s latest poetry collection, but i’ve barely made a dent in that one so idk. me + poetry is a complicated relationship so i might wait until i’m in a better mood for it. i’m actually kind of looking for what i’m going to read next. i’ve been thinking about mexican gothic, which i heard is really good and sounds like my jam. but.... unfortunately the lotr rewatch desire has made me think about FINALLY doing lotr reread. i’ve only ever read them when i was ten years old. in french. and have been meaning to read them in english for years. but. that’s a huge commitment and i’m already. four books behind on my goodreads challenge and it’s only february......... so yeah.... i don’t know. anyone has any easy fun recs for someone in a weird mood? reading rwrb rn makes me feel like romcoms might be the way for me atm, it’s lifting my spirits so much haha 
Currently craving: ppppppppffffff. honestly? friendship i think. ever since december i’ve been feeling super lonely. lowkey cripplingly so. idk if it’s the harsher lockdown that’s getting to me or just like... fucking winter..... it’s cold and dark and i’ve been working super hard on establishing a routine for myself to keep morale up (which has actually been helping) but through it all i just feel..... really alone rip. i guess i should text my friends more... gosh this is ending on a depressive note :/// i’m kinda craving chocolate too? 
i’m ... not going to tag anyone i think, but do do it if you feel like it xx 
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nylenol · 6 years
tagged by @dxlighted​, thank u!!
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 other blogs to answer as well. @youriko-is-my-jam @jhaskii @bearsketches @bingobanjo @radonodera @friskbitz @boy-o @nekekur @nyaalien @tsuru-yo @originalbookwormninja @scytherion @minichen123 @o-h-k-a-y @honking-honokas-honkers @teabeanssss @catonatrain @prxttypeach @featherpaws
1. Last drink: arizona tea
2. Last phone call: my mom xd
3. Last text message: “we need all the clubs to reply before i can make the flyer” (to my club president, we’re coordinating a multi-club event for school)
4. Last song you listened to: closer by tegan and sara, that song slaps
5. Time you cried: last friday over my grades lmao
6. Dated someone twice?: not even once r u kidding me
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? kiss whom!!! i dont have anyone 2 kiss and its a crime against humanity
8. Been cheated on? nope and i hope never
9. Lost someone special? ya
10. Been depressed? always B)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nobe
favorite colors
12. turquoise
13. pastel pink
14. neon colors in general
in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends? yes!!
16. Fallen out of love? lol
17. Laughed until you cried? yes multiple times
18. Found out someone was talking about you? yeah
19. Met someone who changed you? yeah? everyone i meet changes me a bit i think
20. Found out who your friends are?: i been knew i think
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: nah
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl? like 80% lol
23. Do you have any pets? nope :(
24. Do you want to change your name? no, it has a lot of significance 2 me
25. What did you do for your last birthday? School, got boba w/ friends, nothing much
26. What time did you wake up today? like 8 AM but i didnt drag myself outta bed till 10:30
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleebo uwu
28. What is something you cant wait for? April in general! have a school trip, district convention for one of my clubs, seeing a friend :)
30. What are you listening to right now? closer by tegan and sara again lol
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom? Ya
32. Something thats getting on your nerves? MYSELF im dumb af and have the work ethic of a rock and i need 2 change it within the next few weeks
33. Most visited website: Tumblr/Facebook r tied
34. Hair color: dirty blonde ? its brown in some places and blonde in others
35. Long or short hair: looooooooong its almost at my knees rn, probably gna cut it in summer
36. Do you have a crush on someone: as if i can read my own feelings! ha! you fool!
37. What do you like about yourself: im pretty weird but its not bad weird (so im told); it’s easy for me to talk to ppl and i stand out a lot
38. Want any piercings? yeah but im scared of them ripping xd happened to me once as a kid so now Never Again
39. Blood type: dunno
40. Nicknames: Sanders/Bernie, Sandro, Sondre, etc., any of my handles on social media 
41. Relationship status: emotionally unavailable lmao
42. Zodiac: emo pisces
43. Pronouns: She/her
44. fave tv shows: Love Live!, PMMM, Aoi Hana, etc., love live is my main hoe tho
45. Tattoos: not rn, but i wanna get something small on my ankle or something one day
46. Right or left handed: Right handed
47. Ever had surgery: pls no
48. Piercings: used to in my ears (asian baby earring piercings), one closed up tho
49. Sport: water polo/swim
50. Vacation: every few years to VN
51. Trainers: pokemon? yes
more general
52. Eating: just polished off an entire tray of blueberries in 10 mins
54. Im about to watch: new citrus ep
55. Waiting for: me to finish this so i can work on the 190274147236 things i gotta do (a welcome distraction tho)
56. Want: a gf! hit me w that gay shit financial stability
57. Get married: ya eventually
58. career: i wanna do concept art for gamez xd
which is better?
59. Hugs or kisses: both? but hugs preferred
60. Lips or eyes: eyes but also both
61. Shorter or taller: either is fine, same height is optimal
62. Older or younger: same age
63. Nice arms or stomach: nice bonus but neither required (i want 2 be ripped tho)
64. Hookup or relationship: relationship
65. Hesitant or troublemaker: im a huge troublemaker tbh
66. Kissed a stranger: no
67. Drank hard liquor: no
68. Lost glasses: no but i WILL once i get them made
69. Turned someone down: yeah
70. Sex on first date: nono
71. Broken someones heart: yeah
72. Had your heart broken: xd
73.Been arrested: no but the one time I thought i was gonna be i had a stroke almost
74. Cried when someone died: no
75. Fallen for a friend: :) ya
76. Yourself: very much so
77. Miracles: yes!
78. Love at first sight: i think it’s possible, in a sense
79. Santa claus: never really believed in him but that man did exist at some point
80. Kiss on a first date: depends on who?
81. Angels: pretty thought but no
82. Best friend’s name: benjamin he a thot
83. Eye colour: dark brown
84. Fave movies: the handmaiden is an all time fave
85. Fave actor: all the ll seiyuu! literal rays of sunshine
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tinyolsen · 7 years
I was tagged by: a train, @freaking-isadorkable The last 1. drink: water 2. phone call: @smiley-gays 3. text message: a uni mate 4. song you listened to: a faded/ it aint me mix 5. time you cried: about 15 mins ago
Have you ever 6. dated someone twice: yup (bad choice) 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yep 8. been cheated on: yep 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: 9/10 I am 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah, freashers is a puke fest
3 favorite colors red, navy, grey
In the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yeah few tumblr and a few uni 16. fallen out of love: yeah 17. laughed until you cried: uh not that I remember 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah but it was mostly good ;) 19. met someone who changed you: yeah 20. found out who your friends are: yep 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most, only a few who i didnt end up going to their uni 23. do you have any pets: yeah, little Alfie
24. do you want to change your name: nah 25. what did you do for your last birthday: met up with family, had a tense meal then drank alone 26. what time did you wake up: 7 ish 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep 28. name something you can’t wait for: to go back to uni 31. what are you listening to right now: a saccone jolys vid 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, there was one in primary school and probs some others I ve forgotten 33. something that is getting on your nerves: myself 34. most visited website: probably bbc sport or this hell site 35. hair colour: boring as brown 36. long or short hair: I have long 39. piercings: just firsts 40. blood type: O- I think 41. nicknames: titch, dwarf, midget, olsen, yorkie and boaty 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: aquarius 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favorite tv show: I saw the first ep of Trust me tonight with Jodie Whitaker and I'm in love  46. tattoos: nope but i want one or two 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: two foot, one lung and some local anaesthetic ones on my face and foot 49. piercing: see 39 50. sport: football, dance, softball and I love watching any sport going 51. vacation: I need to see some people so brazil and france 52. pair of trainers: I love the cheap ass ones I got from sports direct but I would class my messi astroids as my children 
More general: 53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: nothing 55. i’m about to: sleep. 56. waiting for: death jk 57. want: to be back in Manchester or yanno have life sorted 58. get married: hopefully 59. career: solicitor
Which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: both 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: I mean I'm 5ft if youre shorter I'm all for that but I'm realisitc 63. older or younger: either just not too young obvs 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant  
Have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: yep 68. drank hard liquor: yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: god I hope not 73. had your heart broken: yeah, but it gets easier 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: I tend not to but I did when my rabbit died 76. fallen for a friend: not in a while
Do you believe in: 77. yourself: lmao 78. miracles: where you from, you sexy thing 79. love at first sight: nah 80. santa claus: nope but I did till I was 5 81. kiss on the first date: yes 82. angels: nope
Other: 83. current best friend’s name: idk if I have a best friend rn but 84. eye colour: brown 85. favorite movie: I love cant think straight and 50/50
I tag @commanderofcandles @czadrich 
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recordicons · 7 years
i still havent watched eps 9 or 10 of sjs5 and i dont plan on it. i dont trust cishet men to do anything right anymore so i dropped the new season entirely after 5 mins of episode 8 and didnt look back. plus i am NOT harshing my post concert vibes rn this feeling needs to carry me through finals at least. like at least these last 3 days
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nct-markeureee-blog · 7 years
g e t  to  k n o w  me tag
 asjkh tagged by @donghyuckstudies + @taebreez <3<3<3<3 ahh ily guys :3
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning, when you are finished you have to tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1) Are you named after someone? nopee
2) When is the last time you cried? i cried so much when nct had their first win --  but the last time i cried was an hour ago bc i studied so hard for a test and i did it today and it was hard and i feel like i failed and i probably did fail and the idea of failing just kills me so so much omg i cant ok bye
3) Do you like your handwriting? yeap my writing is pretty good to be honest! but sometimes when i take notes i just look at the board and write/copy at the same time and then i look at my writing after im done and its just .... ... hahahahahahaha
4) What is your favourite lunch to eat? S U S H I i love sushi so so much like adlkj i can eat this sole creation for the rest of my life
i also like tempura shrimp/veggieeess
5) Do you have kids? sorry i aint no Teen Mom ,., but i dont plan to be a mom ever so ye
6) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ahh i think i would tbh i feel like im a really nice and caring and selfless and social person in my opinion and i think im just a good friend material ! at least i hope so ? lol
7) Do you use sarcasm? no omg i never use sarcasm and tbhhhh sometimes i get sad when people use mean sarcasm even tho the point of sarcasm is not to get mad/sad welppp
8) Do you still have your tonsils? ya lol are tonsils that bad to be a question idk
9) Would you bungee jump? ohmg yeeee i think i would be down and then 5 mins before i jump ill be like what kind of shit did i just get myself into 
10) What is your favourite kind of cereal? ahh i dont really eat cereal/oatmeal but i like cinnamon toast crunch or those cereals with clusters i despise fruit loops hmm what
11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? my shoelaces are always untied lmao whoops
12) Do you think you’re a strong person? holy shit not even a million ‘no’s would be able to emphasize how un-strong of a person i am especially when it comes to grades
13) What is your favourite ice cream flavour? im not into ice cream(except for matcha ice cream) but i like fruit sorbets! 
14) What is the first thing you notice about people? facial features? and then probably their height
15) Red or pink? i dont like both ,, BUT MARK LIKES PINK SO PINK
16) What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? my body/weight in general 
17) What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? black ~shorts~(even tho its winter) and no shoes
18) What was the last thing you ate? the last legit thing was asian stir fry veggies but i just tried an “orange cream yogurt raisin” rn that tasted weird
19) What are you listening to right now? nothing but the last thing i did was Good Thing -  N  C  T. T T T T 
(whenever i feel sad though (like rn) i would listen to Tomorrow-BTS)
20) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? yellow because like its all nice and bright and pretty and everyone uses yellow but then the second the yellow crayon touches/mixes with a darker colour the crayon gets ruined and no one wants to use the yellow crayon anymore ://
21) Favourite smell? juicy couture smells really goood and mens cologne asdjkf
22) Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my friend she asked me to send her some notes for the TEST WHICH i failed
23) Favourite sport to watch? ahhhhhhhh i love soccer(fifa) and volleyball matches and then i loooveeee watching all the olympics sports collectively yeet
24) Hair colour? my natural hair colour is like a standard chestnut brown but i dyed it a golden brown-blonde but its been 6 months since i last redyed it and half my hair is brown again and idk whether ill switch to my natural hair colour or redye it
25) Eye colour?  chestnut
26) Do you wear contacts? i wear glasses(near-sighted) but my eyesight is good enough to see properly w/out glasses so contacts are unnecessary technically
27) Favourite food to eat? S U S H I. Sushi!
28) Scary movies or comedy? comedy hands down i love the feeling of laughing so hard that you’re just uncontrollably wheezing and hyperventilating asjkfs 
29) Last movie you watched? idek i dont watch movies but i watch NCT videos and kdramas
30) What colour of shirt are you wearing? im not wearing a shirt wearing a zip up fleece turtleneck sweater thats like an amalgamate of white, beige, dark green, brown, dark teal colours its rlly pretty and comfy 
31) Summer or winter? im a canadian so winter but last week i literally fell six times in a row from the snow/ice and i couldnt move and i got sick so winter rn ihy pls end rn
32) Hugs or kisses? im a 15 year old hormonal teenage girl so this question makes me hormonal i feel like i dont really see a difference i think that if the action is sincere and genuine i would enjoy/prefer both equally
33) What book are you currently reading? other than webtoons i never really read any books other than school textbooks(current one im reading is “Object Oriented Programming: an intro to java” or sm like that)
34) Who do you miss right now? i dont really miss anyone i think ppl enter and leave my life for a reason i just miss this person that i loved so much named Good GrADES ;-; yes i am still salty i will forever be salty
35) What is on your mouse pad? im on a laptop so uh ,,
36) What is the last TV program you watched? do kdramas count? The Shining Eun Soo(my first and fav >25 ep kdrama) 
37) What is the best sound? MARK LEES LAUGH SMILE EXISTENCE i like the sound of good grades
38) Rolling Stone or the Beatles? i feel like this preference is worthless because i know neither and i only listen to kpop but i guess the beatles?
39) What is the furthest you have ever travelled? Egypt 
40) Do you have a special talent? after months of careful bs i have developed the skill of crafting excellent academic essays that require some sort of reading(novel, article, idk)  ...,,, without actually ,,reading
41) Where were you born? toronto, canada
42) People you expect to participate in this? “expect” UhM i tag everyone!
@nctgiri @taeiloves @why-jaehyun @jaehyyunn @jenowhat @1aeil MY GOOD CHINGUS sorry if you’ve already been tagged lmao 
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Chronic Care Management Requirements
Who     is eligible?
What     is required of us in order to bill for services?
When     do we document our time and whose time counts?
How     do we get paid and avoid billing pitfalls?
Who is Eligible?
Medicare     patients with at least 2 chronic medical problems that:
– are expected to last at least 12 months or until the death of the patient; OR,
–place the patient at significant risk of death, acute exacerbation/decompensation, or functional decline.
Residents     of nursing homes and assisted living facilities (ALF) that receive     monetary compensation from Medicare are NOT eligible for Chronic Care     Payment
Chronic Condition Examples
·         Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia
·         Arthritis
·         Asthma
·         Autism Spectrum Disorders
·         Cancer
·         Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
·         Depression
·         Diabetes
·         Heart Failure
·         Hypertension
·         Ischemic Heart Disease
·         Osteoporosis
What is Required in Order to Bill?
Provide     24/7 access by telephone and secure email
Coordinate     referrals and transitions
Provide     timely appointments, as needed
Medication     reconciliations, preventive services (immunizations, screenings, etc.)
Must     provide wellness visit, welcome to Medicare visit, or comprehensive office     visit prior to initiating Chronic Care
Consent     from the beneficiary to initiate services
Comprehensive     personalized chronic care plan created, revised, and updated, as needed
All     members of chronic care team must be able to access the care plan in a     timely manner
Provide     patient copy of chronic care plan
Use     of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT), ability to share     care plans (via fax or CEHRT), ability to communicate with patients by     phone or secure e-mail.
At     least 20 MINUTES non-face-to-face time monthly (99490)
Understanding CCM
Chronic Care Administration (CCM) is characterized as the non-face-to-face administrations given to Medicare recipients who have numerous (two or more), critical unremitting conditions. In expansion to office visits and other face-to-face experiences (charged independently), these administrations incorporate communication with the understanding and other treating wellbeing experts for care coordination (both electronically and by phone), pharmaceutical administration, and being open 24 hours a day to patients and any care suppliers (doctors or other clinical staff). In addition, the creation and modification of electronic care plans is an important part of CCM.
•        The assigned CCM clinician (MD, Dad, NP) must build up, execute, change, or screen and oversee an electronic care arrange that addresses the physical, mental, cognitive, psychosocial, utilitarian and natural needs of the persistent as well as keep up an stock of assets and underpins that the understanding needs. The honey must therefore use an EHR certified to charge CCM codes.
•         As a clinician can charge for any particular quiet, it may be important to facilitate a considerable amount of care and treatment for one or more of the conditions of the patient with the sub-specialists. It will be important that patients get it as one of their different doctors can charge CCM administrations.
Most of these codes are intended for use by the clinician who gives the lion's share of the care coordination administrations, which would most often be the primary caregiver. In any event, certain professionals may be able to supply the administrations required to charge the CCM codes, but not within the same month as the medical doctor.
•        Eligible proficient (EP) –The CCM codes can as it were be charged by a doctor, progressed hone enrolled nurture, clinical nurture pro, or doctor partner.  
•        Chronic condition –CPT states that patients must have “2 unremitting persistent or verbose wellbeing conditions that are anticipated to final at slightest 12 months, or until the passing of the persistent, which put the persistent at noteworthy hazard of passing, intense exacerbation/decompensation, or utilitarian decline.” CMS did not give direction as to what analyze would meet this definition.
•        Comprehensive Care Arrange –This is often an electronic outline of the physical, mental, cognitive, psychosocial, utilitarian, and natural appraisals, a record of all prescribed preventive care administrations, pharmaceutical compromise with audit of adherence and potential intuitive and oversight of persistent self-management of solutions, an stock of clinicians, assets, and underpins particular to the patients, counting how the administrations of offices or pros detached to the assigned physician’s hone will be facilitated. Assertion of care suitable for choices and values of the patient.
•        Clinical staff –Authorized clinical staff individuals (counting APRN, Dad, RN, LSCSW, LPN, clinical drug specialists, and “medical specialized assistants” or CMAs) who are specifically utilized by the clinician (or the clinician’s hone) or a contracted third party and whose CCM administrations are for the most part directed by the clinician, whether given amid or after hours. Therefore, the rules of " incident to " essentially do not require the clinician to be in the premises providing coordinated supervision.
•        Contact-based care –To number the time towards the 20-minutes of non-face-to-face time, the care must be “contact initiated.” This can be patient-doctor, patient-nurse, doctor-doctor, pharmacydoctor, lab-doctor, or other contact with respect to or by the persistent by means of phone or electronic communication. Common coordination of time or care does not count unless it is started on the basis of a contact and/or occurs in a quiet or patient-related contact. For example, if the drug specialist calls the office since the persistent detailed a hurried time. If the office spends time reporting all its members due to a flu shot or an A1C check, this time does not count. When they call and talk to the understanding and after that coordination, it would be checked at that moment. Visits in person, counting bunch visits, do not match CCM codes.
•        Certified innovation CCM –certified EHR CCM codes must be issued
Documenting Time
Reviewing labs, x-rays, and     consultant notes
Arranging referrals, speaking     to home health nurses, etc.
Answering patient phone     calls/emails about chronic conditions
Any telephone education that     is done that month
All members of the CLINICAL     TEAM (doctors, ARNPs, PAs, nurses, clinical office assistants).
CLERICAL TIME DOES NOT COUNT     (ex. receptionist).
 When Can We NOT Bill
•        When transitional care management (TCM) services overlap CCM services
•        Billing for hospice oversight or home health oversight services
•        Patients in nursing homes or ALFs receiving compensation from Medicare
•        Do NOT document at least 20 mins of CHRONIC CARE SERVICES in a month
 Implementing CCM in a Small or Rural Practice
1.       Patient sign-up/selling the program
2.       The personalized chronic care plan
3.       The designated chronic care nurse
 Patient Sign-up
1.       Sign up everyone (only bill if they qualify).
2.       Physician/ARNP explains CCM to patient and answers questions (nurse/MA could do this also).
3.       Patient fills out “health concerns questionnaire” and consent form with the assistance of staff if necessary.
4.       Physician/ARNP reviews questionnaire and initiates care plan (this step only necessary if billing G code).
5.       Tag qualified enrollees in medical record and complete care plan.
 Selling Chronic Care to Patients
a)      NEW PROGRAM designed to help KEEP YOU OUT OF HOSPITAL
b)      Allows time to take BETTER CARE of you.
c)       Provides 24 HOUR ACCESS to your health care team.
d)      Provides MORE TELEPHONE MEDICINE when possible, visits when you need/want.
e)      CCM may DECREASE frequency of regular visits, if you would like.
6. If you have supplemental insurance it may be FREE or have a small copay. Fewer visits and hospitalizations make up for the copay.
 Characteristics of Personalized Chronic Care Plan
1)      May be created by physician/ARNP/PA or chronic care nurse (2017)
2)      Problem list, specific measurable goals for specific chronic problems
3)      Patient-populated personal goals
4)      Other providers, community resources, etc.
5)      Care gaps identified and addressed
6)      Symptom and medication management addressed
7)      Mailed to patient with Welcome to Chronic Care Letter (must receive plan before billing for services)
The Chronic Care Nurse
1)      Answers patient phone calls during office hours
2)      Reviews labs, referral notes, and x-ray reports
3)      Coordinates care between other providers
4)      Reviews patient charts for completeness of health maintenance items
5)      Periodically does telephone medication reconciliation
6)      Follow-ups after emergency room visits and hospital discharges (TCM)
7)      Call backs, as requested by physicians
8)      Telephone patient education, when indicated
9)      Carefully documents time spent for each of the above
10) Tallies time spent at the end of the month and submits for billing
Benefits of a Chronic Care Program
•        Patient Satisfaction
•        Physician Satisfaction
•        Financial rewards
•        Better patient care
 Patient Satisfaction
24 hour access
Timely appointments
Less frequent appointments
Feel “special” and wellcared     for
Ø  CPT code 99490–Governments of CCM, at least 20 minutes a month. Normal repayment in 2018 is $ 42.84 based on geology.
Ø  CPT code 99487–Complex administration of the CCM, 60 minutes per month for clinical staff. Normal repayment for 2018 is $ 94.68.
Ø  CPT code 99489–Complex administration of CCM, with an additional 30 minutes per month of clinical staff. Normal repayment for 2018 is $ 47.16.
Ø  HCPCS code G0506–Incessant Care Administration Care Arrangement. The repayment for 2018 is $ 64.44.
Ø  CPT code 99091 –Collection and elucidation of physiologic information (e.g., ECG, blood weight, glucose observing) carefully put away and/or transmitted by the understanding and/or caregiver to the doctor or other qualified wellbeing care proficient, qualified by instruction, preparing, licensure/regulation (when appropriate) requiring a least of 30 minutes of time (for 2018 pending expected changes in CPT coding). Normal repayment in 2018 is $ 58.68.
CCM requires the charging provider's starting visit. This visit incorporates most standard face-to-face Assessment and Administration (E/M) visit codes, Yearly Wellness Visit (AWV), Beginning Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE), or Transitional Care Administration (TCM). The initial visit is as necessary for unused patients or patients that the supplier has not seen in the past year. HCPCS Code G0506 is an add-on code to the CCM starting visit that portrays the work of the charging professional in a comprehensive evaluation and care arranging to patients exterior of the normal exertion depicted by the starting visit code.
Once the starting visit is complete and the quiet agreement has been reached with CCM, the acceptance of codes can be charged for each month of benefit:
To encourage distant better;a much better;a higher;astronger;animproved"  a distant better feeling for how CCM influences doctors and helps perusers learn from other people's encounters, the Family Hone Administration spoke to doctors in circumstances ranging from solo hones to expansive wellness bunches. We asked how fruitful it was to get patients to choose, how much staff time it takes to provide the administrations that comply with Medicare requirements, How the additional documentation requirements are taken care of, whether they have experienced any difficulties in getting paid, and whether or not they feel that the additional work has been worthwhile.
The reactions of the doctors, despite the fact that they were not fundamentally agents of all honesty, were mixed. Some doctors said that they saw a critical, almost prompt increase in income with generally little extra work, while other doctors said that they had stopped charging for CCM, at least briefly, prevented compliance issues or fought against understanding skeptics.
CCM is still moving forward. In the meantime, however, doctors who need to join modern installments and prerequisites can learn from these doctors ' meetings to make their possessions much less demanding.
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softmossgoddess · 7 years
do all the questions
1: What are you wearing? A t shirt and shorts 2: Ever been in love? Yep3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Yep4: How tall are you? 5'45: How much do you weigh? Lmao who knows probs a lil too much 6: Any tattoos do you want? Yes! A beetle of some kind. Idk what kind yet7: Any piercings that you want? Nope 8: OTP? Pharah & mercy 9: Favorite Show? My brother my brother and me (watch the free ep on YouTube 10: Favorite bands? Gorillaz rn11: Something you miss? Australia 12: Favorite song? she likes to ride the port ferry when it's raining 13: How old are you? 2114: Zodiac sign? Taurus 15: Hair Color? Brown16: Favorite Quote? My current situation is not my final destination 17: Favorite singer? Idk that guy in Eurovision who sang about premature ejaculation probably LMAO18: Favorite color? green 19: Loud music or soft? Soft20: Where do you go when you're sad? The Depression Zone (my bed)21: How long does it take you to shower? Like 15 mins 22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Oh god idk it depends on my joints like 30 mins-an hour I guess 23: Ever been in a physical fight? Nah24: Turn on? Being pinned down25: Turn off? Serious roleplay 26: The reason I joined Tumblr? Memes27: Fears? Death, pain 28: Last thing that made you cry? Inside Out (my nieces fav and one of mine tbh)29: Last time you cried? Like 3 days ago30: Meaning behind your url? I'm soft and I like soft moss 31: Last book you read? Don't make fun of me but petersons field guide to reptiles and amphibians 32: Last song you listened to? Run away with me CARLY RAE GO OFFFFFF33: Last show you watched? The fall34: Last person you talked to? Jet!35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? The last person who texted me sent me a picture of her ass after saying "sorry wrong person" then this morning said hi so I'd say we're really good friends since I've seen her ass and she's said hello to me36: Favorite food? Fuji apple chicken salad from panera 37: Place you want to visit? Olympic national park 38: Last place you were? Dollar general 39: Do you have a crush? Nah40: Last time you kissed someone? January 29 201741: Last time you were insulted and what was it? Lmao someone just told me I'm bad in overwatch like 30 mins ago42: What color underwear are you wearing? I'm not 😲43: What color shirt are you wearing? Green44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Gray45: Wearing any bracelets? Nope46: Last sport you played? Basketball soccer track and field 47: Last song you sang? RUN AWAY WITH MEEEEEEE48: Last prank call you remember doing? this was just like a week ago my brother called dollar general and asked if they were hiring for the person who sits inside the red box machine 49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Does my niece count50: Favorite movie? The first time I watched it it was inside out then my niece made me watch it 20 times so I guess silence of the lambs 💁🏻
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