#last day of WIP queue even though this. isnt a WIP
astros-arts-inthestars · 10 months
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"Omsim" is a Filipino slang that comes from the word "mismo," (us Filipinos have the habit of making slang up by flipping the word, like when we made up "lodi" from "idol" lmao) which is basically the equivalent of "For real!" or "Literally" here! (Astro's definition)
I've always wanted to draw me just sayin' good ol Pinoy slang and looking cool while doing it, so I did just that <33 I was given this chance by homework and so I went for it, changed a couple things up then BOOM
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dreadwulf · 3 years
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I posted 616 times in 2021
146 posts created (24%)
470 posts reblogged (76%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.2 posts.
I added 108 tags in 2021
#anonymous - 35 posts
#away queue - 12 posts
#wip meme - 10 posts
#braime - 9 posts
#jaime x brienne - 9 posts
#dreadwulf fic - 8 posts
#queueueue - 7 posts
#and you will know them by the trail of dead - 7 posts
#queueueueue - 6 posts
#jaime lannister - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and i think it has to be stoneheart or sansa because he has to be confronted not only with his own sins but with the crimes of his family
My Top Posts in 2021
1. It Was There That I Saw You
He hears it over the radio that first time. 
“The Blue Angel is down.”
One of those crummy broadcasting setups that still run out of universities sometimes. Ancient amateur stations he picks up on the road while trying to plot out a route to the family compound around the Others. They announce sightings sometimes, rather like weather reports, or traffic updates. Undead on Highway 11, detour recommended.
The roads are clear that evening, and the drive is as quiet and peaceful as a biodiesel vehicle can manage, except for the news on the radio.
"The Blue Angel is down, and our world grows a little bit colder and darker," the radio man says.
Jaime switches off the receiver. He shakes his head slightly as he drives the ungainly armored car along the winding road, peering into the dusk without headlights. The radio man doesn’t know the Blue Angel. He’s some punk kid, was probably at uni when the Others first attacked and hasn’t ventured outside since. That’s who still broadcasts these days, old student outfits barricaded inside their campuses. This kid doesn’t know the Blue Angel’s name, probably doesn’t even know she's a woman. He will pay him no mind.
But he leaves the radio off for the rest of the journey.
[read more]
66 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 23:55:36 GMT
I have long wondered why there are so many lgbt j/b shippers - who are not usually so prominent for a straight ship - and particularly lgbt fans of Jaime. I mean, how could a queer person relate to the narrative of a character trying to break free of the relationship he was essentially born into and cant seem to detach from even though it isnt remotely a good fit for him and is absolutely slowly killing him, in order to be with a wonderful person who is nonetheless reviled by society for gender nonconformance and who he has been taught never to consider as a romantic possibility. I mean...
97 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 00:50:00 GMT
‘Jaime in fic as kind but not nice‘ yeah, I get the vibes that he is not always pleasant to be around, often hurts people’s feelings without thinking, and forming long-lasting friendships would be hard for him since a lot of people might balk at his attitude and perceived callousness while there’s a chance that those who don’t mind it are just jerks and bullies who don’t understand his kindness. Once you get past that, you couldn’t ask for a more loyal and empathic friend.
I mean, “nice” is an empty signifier in a lot of ways. What does it mean exactly? Isn’t it something you say about someone when you can’t think of a more positive descriptor? She’s a nice girl. He’s very.... nice. What are you saying? They’re polite? They’re well behaved? They say all the right things? Isn’t the whole point of Brienne’s attraction to Jaime that he’s NOT full of empty niceties, so she can believe he is sincere in his actions? 
There’s a reason “Nice Guy” became derogatory; there’s something transactional about nice. It’s conforming to expectations and expecting to get something in return. It’s adhering to the social order and happily profiting from it because it’s tilted to your favor. It’s empty chivalry. The Kingsguard knights Jaime served with under Aerys were Nice. The Citadel is full of Nice people. Lord Tarly is probably Nice, if you aren’t Brienne or Sam.
Renly was Nice to Brienne, when he actually held her in contempt. But Jaime was kind. Renly gave her a rainbow cloak because he thought it was funny, but Jaime gave her a quest and the tools she needed to do it. He was rude as hell the whole time, but he stuck his neck out for her multiple times. 
That’s kind of his M.O. really. He’s gonna be snarky and contemptuous about it the entire time, but Jaime looks out for people - and like you said, he is incredibly loyal. (Loyal past the point of sense, you might say.) 
Unfortunately he’s in a family that sees kindness as weakness, which is part of why he hides it so carefully. 
119 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 23:00:11 GMT
Did you know there is a zoo that named its two leopard brothers Jaime and Tyrion?
This is EXCELLENT information and thank you for sharing it. Here are the leopards from the Columbus Zoo. 
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137 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 01:04:35 GMT
The other thing people tend to forget is that A Feast For Crows is named primarily for Jaime chapters.
Jaime I : On the morning after the battle, the crows had feasted on victors and vanquished alike, as once they had feasted on Rhaegar Targaryen after the Trident.
Jaime II : The crows will feast upon us all if you go on this way, sweet sister. "Cersei, listen to yourself. You are seeing dwarfs in every shadow and making foes of friends. Uncle Kevan is not your enemy. I am not your enemy."
Jaime V: Nowhere. The Bloody Mummers stripped his corpse and left his flesh to feast the carrion crows. 
But the quote that is vital to the book’s title, in my opinion, is this one:
Jaime I: Every crow in the Seven Kingdoms should pay homage to you, Father. From Castamere to the Blackwater, you fed them well.
Throughout the book Jaime is leaving King’s Landing and riding around the Riverlands, witnessing the damage that has been done to the realm. Accurately, he places some of the blame on his father, thinking about how he had turned The Mountain loose on the Riverlands and the carnage that ensued. He doesn’t directly think about the Red Wedding, but it must be in the back of his mind - it has been a disquieting topic for him ever since he got the news of it, at Brienne’s side, and witnessed her grief. 
It’s rather like he couldn’t bring himself to criticize the man while he was alive, but kept turning his face away and resisting him in smaller ways (becoming a knight, joining the Kingsguard, not marrying and continuing the Lannister name). We know from the chapter where he stands vigil over Tywin’s body that his feelings about his father are... complicated. In many ways, I think that chapter is the most critical in the whole series for understanding Jaime. He is literally forced to look directly at his father for the first time, and finds him a rotting, ghastly horror. He can’t deny that anymore. He couldn’t ignore the Red Wedding when Brienne was grieving for Catelyn right beside him, and he can’t ignore the destruction in Westeros anymore as he travels through the Riverlands. He’s engaging with it directly, witnessing the sorry state of the commonfolk and the bandits who roam the countryside, and he knows, deep down, his house is to blame.
(It’s a short jog from there to the ways that HE is to blame, but he’s not there quite yet.)              
Anyway, at the same time he’s thinking about what his own role is going to be, now that he’s not a great swordsman anymore, and not shackled to Cersei. He tries out Tywin-like tactics at Riverrun and it doesn’t feel good. With the next lord he meets he is reasonable and merciful and enjoys that transaction much more. He took a small caravan of young boys hostage, as is politically expedient, but doesn’t treat them like prisoners at all and basically lets them run around playing like they’re at summer camp. He’s testing himself, trying out different ways to be a Lord and a general that won’t make him like his father.
It was important to show this evolution in real time, rather than time-skip Jaime to a few years later. I think the change in him would be fairly unbelieveable if it happened all at once, but because it’s slow, it ends up invisible for a lot of readers. But remember, the volume of ASOIAF that is named for Jaime is the one about the devastating aftermath of war and its effects on the commonfolk, and not the ones about political machinations (AGOT) or warfare directly (ACOK and ASOS). His role in the story is going to be very different from what readers assume. 
152 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 14:49:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bunnysunnymew · 6 years
Bunnysunnymew’s tips and tricks for buying commissions
Hey people of tumblr. So I’ve been buying commissions for over 2 years now and I thought I’d give out some helpful tips and tricks for those of you just getting into it, things that I wish I had know when I stated commissioning. First advice is don’t start because it quickly becomes an addiction. However if you still want to, here's what to do.
ASK! About EVERYTHING. Check their TOS and commission page first and if you can’t find information there then MAKE SURE YOU ASK! Before you pay them be sure you  know:
Their refund policy
Their estimated wait time
Their “changes fee” policy. Meany artist charge extra if they have to make a change to the drawing (or even to the sketch for some) and that can wrack up to be a handful. Avoid commissioning people unwilling to make changes after the product is given
Their policy on you using the art  and posting the art to other websites. Some Artists put tricky little clauses in their Terms of Service saying you can’t post it anywhere or with customs and adopts you can’t do certain things with the character, so make sure you know that first and avoid commissioning people with a lot of restrictions
THEIR TERMS OF SERVICE! And make sure you read it thoroughly! I know we are all used to just clicking agree when it comes to tos’s on other things but when it comes to art IT IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIALLY THAT YOU READ IT! Otherwise they can just wright in clauses stating all payment is final and they have unlimited time to complete it so you might wait two years and still be empty handed, and they still legally will have the upperhand on you.
If WIPs (works in progress) are induced or if you have to ask for them
Their will not draw list. Some artists have certain things that they will not draw, like not safe for work, fetishes overly complicated machines, furries, gore, and offensive content. If you want a drawing of something that is on someone's do not draw list, do yourself a favor, find someone else.This is not for their sake, its for yours. All you are going to be doing is wasting everyone's time and making the artists (and their fans when they rant about it publicly) very angry. And if you somehow do talk them into drawing it, witch 99% of the time you won’t they will do a garbage job. Trust me, there is always someone else who is willing to draw what you want. It doesn't matter how much you liked their style find someone else someone whos all about that kind of art and you will have a much more pleasant time.
Currency conversions. Not everyone does things in the american dollar so if their paying in pounds, CAD, yen or whatever know how much the american equivalent is. A Lot of people who are not american will have lower prices, however this isnt always the case
2) Utilize same day commissions
This induces in stream commissions on websites like https://picarto.tv where you can get your commission in stream! This is a guarantee that you will avoid people who take months and months to complete or never deliver at all. Just keep in mind that not everyone on those websites who tag their stuff as commissions are taking them right then and there, so you might need to fish around a little bit before finding a winner
This also induces commissions at conventions, especially ones that have multiple days, Make sure you hit up the vendor's hall before you go to any of the panels so you can get on their list faster. If they say it will be done by the end of the convention then thats a green light and your good to go. HOWEVER, IF THEY SAY THAT IT WILL BE MAILED/SENT AFTER THE CON, OR IF YOU GO TO THEM ON THE LAST DAY OF THE CON TOWARDS THE END OF THE DAY AND YOUR COMMISSION'S STILL NOT DONE YET BE EXTREMELY WEARY! Even so some of them may be genuine and honest,  just as many of them will look you in they eye and promise you your commission and then  never deliver. THIS INCLUDES PEOPLE WHO HAVE ALREADY PROVIDED YOU WITH A PRODUCT.
              ~Storytime: So one time I was at a convention and I found this person who made furry badges at a great price, so I bought one, and I’ll admit to this day its one of if not the best piece of art I have of the character that I commissioned (and believe me, I have a lot of art of this character). Because of this I felt inclined to trust the artist when they told me they would mail it out to me and not only did I buy another commission but I convinced my younger sister to buy one as well  (AND SHE PAID CASH). I was surprised when I saw them at a convention a few weeks later taking more commissions, but I was like its ok its only been a few weeks. Fast foreword to the end of the month, and I still don’t have ether commission. I contact them several times after, sometimes they reply, sometimes they ignore me. 3 months later, they sent me a WIP for my commission. I thanked for the update. I continues asking questions about my commission and my sisters commission. A month later I revived my commission. My sister on the other hand NEVER received hers. After moths and moths of integrating the artist, they claimed the art must have gotten lost in the mail. And insted of refunding her the full amount, (she paid 30 dollars) they claimed she paid 20 and refunded my paypal (because they didn't have hers) 19 dollars and 20 cents (even less than what she claimed my sister paid). You want to know why she got away with it? Because my sister paid cash so we didn't have proof and because we trusted the artist to keep their word. Do not make the same mistake!
3) Set due dates if you can. If you can get them to agree a commission must be done by a certain date or you will be refunded you are much much safer. Keep in mind meny artists aren’t willing to do this  because they claim a due date stresses them out or something so when you find someone who will hold onto that person and don’t let go. Although it's not guaranteed they won't bail on you and just stop responding, this extra insurance makes it far less likey that you’ll get ripped off
4) Search around for good prices first. Don’t just settle with the first person that has nice art, look around! Expensive artists usually are not worth it, and you will get way more bang for your buck if you take the time to search for example this:
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Cost me less then 7 dollars
 It took me a while to find this sweet deal, I was searching all day on the streams for a good artist to draw me some stuff and at one point I was getting so desperate i was almost willing to just pay 15 dollars for a sketch, when I stumbled upon this lovey lovey artist. This wasn’t even the first thing I commissioned them, when I saw what great quality they had for a low prices I got another!  They are hidden, but people with great affordable prices are out there, so don’t waste your money with people who are gonna overcharge or charge you more for art than you feel comfortable with
5) Check out their other artwork first. NEVER commission someone until you have thoroughly gone though their gallery and seen examples of past commissions. Sometimes Artists will make their icons prices they commissioned themselves or only put their best work on the front page. Don't ever assume buy looking at one piece that all their art will be the same quality.
6) If your asking about the prices of something make sure you specify that you are only inquiring about the commission and have not yet fully committed. This is very important, both with emails and in person commissions. Don't let them add you to their queue until you've make payment, especially in live streams. Say you are asking for reference and you aren't sure yet in the first sentence. It will make the artist a little disappointed, but it will make them much more disappointed if they start working on your art and you back out, and if they finish the piece before they realize you were just inquiring, you can get in some real hot water.
~Storytime, one time I was at a convention and I was going around asking if artists would be willing to make a certain piece for me (that involved controversial subject matter). The artist immediately asked for my name and information which I guess should have been a bg read flag, and then they sent me a text saying they had started working on it. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I actually wasn’t interested because the prices were so high, so I ended up paying 50 dollars for something that (while they had clearly put effort into and it wasn't bad) I couldn't afford and didn't exactly value that much. Anxiety about hurting artists feelings can come at the worst of times, even to people like me who are praticuraly strong willed. Do yourself a favor and avoid the situation entirely by being extra clear up front and avoiding any misunderstandings from the get go
7) Barter prices in PRIVATE. This is one I say use with caution, because there are some artists who will be offended that you even asked. However, for every artist I’ve meet who has been like “HOW DARE YOU ASK ME TO CHANGE MY PRICES?!” there are 2 others that were like “yeah, that sounds ok”. Just whatever you do, DO NOT ASK ABOUT IT IN PUBIC! Not unless you want a ton of their rabid fans to come after you and send you nasty hate messages about committing what they view as ultimate sin against their senpai
8) Use flowery, delicate language when asking for changes, discounts and anything else extra that you might want. Artists tend to be hypersensitive people who can sometimes take it personally when you ask them to change their art.  That's why you need to sugar coat EVERYTHING when you talk to them. For example, instead of saying something like “Why did you not draw little white mittens on the end of mittens paws? Did you not read anything I sent you about his character description? Did you not look at the ref at all??? It's LITERALLY IN HIS NAME  YOU Imbecile!” Try something like “ Hey it’s looking really good so far but is there any way you can add little white mittens on his paws? I thought I mentioned that in the original message I sent you but I’m very sorry if I didn’t” Try to avoid accusing them of anything unless it's absolutely necessary because they do not react well to that at all
9) Tip if they did something extra for you, did an amazing job, or have prices you feel are to low. Providing incentive for good behavior will make it more likely to happen in the future.
10) Follow the artist on the social media platform you found them on and if they don't post regularly, do not commission them (more on that later). This will also let you know when they have sales, and any updates and delays you may be having that may delay
11) provide a ref if you can. If it's your first commission ever you may be thinking, “but bunny, I can’t draw! That’s why I’m commissioning other people to draw for me!” Let me tell you something, A POORLY DRAWN REF IS BETTER THAN NO REF AT ALL. Descriptions are ok but they allow a lot of room for error. Provide a description and some kind of drawing, even if its poorly drawn. The artist won't judge you, your paying them. If not you can commission someone without a visual ref, however be aware you may be setting yourself up for potential major inconstancys 
12) try offering them cash to speed up your commission if they aren't doing it fast enough. Not all artist will do this but some will. Cation though, I would not advise this with people who you have never commissioned before and have taken alone time with your commission with no WIP, and they might just be taking your money with no result
13)Have cation with sellers who don't speak your native language. Non-English speakers might have cheaper prices, and be super sweet. However leagues barrier can sometimes cause problem as to communicating what kind of commission you want which can cause problems
14) Check their queue first!!!!!!!!!
~Storytime. So somewhat recently I commissioned someone on furaffinity. And i checked all my boxes. They had good prices, specialized in what I was looking for, seemed active and had a consistent gallery. So I went ahead and commissioned them 30 dollars worth of art. Then I SAW THEIR QUEUE AND FELT INSTANT REGRET. You see I commissioned them in October, of this year. Their queue went back to 2016. It's been over a month now with no WIP and honestly I doubt I’ll be getting it any time soon ALWAYS CHECK FIRST!
1) pay in cash (paper cash). If your read the story about the unfaithful commissioner above you probably just in case you should know that when you pay in cash at conventions the majority of people do not provide physical receet. Not only this but even if they do they are easy to lose. I strongly advise you pay with card and pay the extra card processing fee because that gets you a permanent non-loseable proof of precious so it's way harder for them to rip you off.
2) Commission your IRL friends. But they are your best friend and you have to be supportive, right! No! do not do it! I don’t care how good their art is, or how good their prices are, never commission your IRL close friends! It is not worth possible fights and your friendship
~Storytime: So one time I decided to commission one of my best friends in the world. I have known this person for years, they are honestly one of the funniest sweetest and best humans I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I would take a bullet for this person. That being said I will NEVER EVER EVER COMMISSION THEM AGAIN. Now I came to them about a custom character I had come up with and they said they would do a colored drawing for 15 dollars witch was a good deal. I’d also like to mention that I had commissioned them multiple times in the past with absolutely no problems. But this time I had gotten into a personal fight with my friend, I felt like they were not spending enough time with me and they felt like I was interionaly going out of my way to make them feel bad. So when I inquired about my oc, I was a bit hostel. However this person decided to take their hostility to another level. They claimed that I requested too many changes to the oc and because they helped come up with the design and draw it themselves it was their property now, then said they were going to sell MY OC as an adoptable on their page and they wouldn't let me buy it. I convinced them to sell me back MY OWN OC (and a sketch of my own OC) for the same price as the original commission was worth, then they said i wasn't aloud to make any changes or edits to the art otherwise they regain rights to the OC and If I posted the sketch anywhere I had to use the version with their obnoxiously large signature otherwise they would regain rights to the OC. When I accused them of messing up my commission out of spite for a personal feud, they admitted that was the reason and said it doesn't matter because it's their art. Eventually we both apologize and made up, but that still doesn't change the fact that my commissioner tried to steal my own oc. It was by far the worst commission experience i ever had
3) publicly criticize their prices. It’ll just tick them off and send their little minions after you. It doesn't matter how ridiculous it is, just let it be and let the free market work itself out, they never view it as helpful anyways, and not selling anything is the only way to get most of them to learn
4)commission artists unwilling to change their style. This is why you ask about changes up front, because if they aren't willing to make changes, they aren't worth commissioning. It doesn't matter how much your paying them either. I paid 60 dollars to an artist and they were still unwilling to make a basic change because it “didn’t suit their style”
5) Use friends and family feature on paypal:  see something like this?
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BE SKEPTICAL! PayPal separates these options into two separate categories for a reason! AND THAT REASON IS BUYER PROTECTION! IF YOU USE THE FRIENDS AND FAMILY OPTION YOU ARE GIVING UP ALL YOUR RIGHTS AS A CONSUMER, LIKE THE RIGHT TO A REFUND IF THE PRODUCT IS NEVER DELIVERED! DON'T DO IT! Insted, just offer to pay the difference. A Lot of artists just do this to get around paypal service fee, so if you pay the service fee yourself, there shouldn't be an issue. If they still want you to use the friends and family feature back out!
6) Bug the artist too much. While it is important to get your art in a timely manner, asking an artist constantly will mostly likely make them angry. That's why you get an ETA at the beginning. If they say it will take a week it's ok to ask them about updates every other day, but not if they say it will take a month. If they don’t give you an eta then ask away because you don’t want to get scammed. They kinda brought it on themselves at that point.
7) Be a pushover: this is probably the hardest one, but if they draw something super wrong tell them. You paid money for it, at the end of the day you getting a product that you paid for is more important than their feelings being intact
Let me show you something
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^ this was 17 dollars
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^this was 10
and THIS (not linking bc I’m not trying to publicly attack them)
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Was 60. All are about the same quality. Actually, I’d argue the 60 dolor one is worth less than the others. Sometimes you can get a bang for your buck. Other times you pay a bunch of money and get next to nothing. Don't assume because you payed a lot of money for something it will be high quality, or vice versa
9)Commission big name artists if you don’t want to pay more money
the more popular they are the more they can change, it's simple economics. Good news is it's hard for popular artists to rip people off because they are in the spotlight and have a lot to lose from doing so. Bad news, expect high prices and long wait times from the get go
10) commission someone rarely active. If you don’t see very much activity on their account that's a huge red flag they might go off the grid
11) treat the artist like a friend or get super personal with them (or flirt with them)
Treat your artist the same way you would treat any other person you'd do business with. Sure they might inspire you and you may relate to their work but that doesn't mean they wanna hear about your life problems or be your best friend. It is a profession, so keep it professional. And if you try flirting with them over a risque piece all you are going to do is make them extremely uncomfortable and get yourself blocked. Just because you pay them money does not make them your friend. It makes you their customer, the same as a lower, doctor, or local cashier.
12) buy a commission you don't want.  Do not buy out of obligation because you talked to them. You will run out of money very quickly
That’s about it. feel free to add on to this post if you guys find anything else. Sorry about all the spelling mistakes, I suck at spelling. I ran it through google docs but I know there’s a lot of stuff that wasn't caught.
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