#last day of symmrat week :((
major fanfic progress update! please check here for updates on ALL wips!
hey everyone! this may be a bit of a long one, so i’ll post the tl;dr here and then continue on under the cut! these are all as of the 28th of May 2020!
posted: it's nothing: currently completed. if there's more carmen/gray content in the next season you betcha I'm gonna update it though! hash for updates: its nothing
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus while I work out where I want the direction of the plot to go. i try to post progress with the hash: histbi
unposted: red threads, golden chains: Phoenix Wright! a wrightworth-centric eight-chapter analysis of the original game (with artistic liberty involved, of course!). hash: red threads golden chains
You can lead a horse to Water: Fire Emblem: Three houses! a half-finished claudeleth drabble focusing on Byleth's thoughts of Garreg Mach. not sure how far it'll extend yet; we'll see. hash on tumblr: horse to water
Jump into the Fog: Overwatch! a multichap Symmrat fanfic based around the overwatch recall (cause there isn't enough of those!). title is shamelessly stolen from The Wombats and the legendary vargrimar and nezkah. hash for this: jitf!
more information on all of these under the cut! 
Extended version!
it’s nothing: currently completed at about 8k words!  i originally intended to leave it open ended at chp 3 for next season (which is confirmed!! hooray!!) but I eventually succumbed to y'all asking for more haha. not sure the direction i would take other than that though, and i feel like the ending suits the rush of it!
here is something to believe in: on temporary hiatus at around 30k words! i know this is disappointing to a lot of you but i honestly wrote most of those words in a spur of inspiration without any thought as to how it would work lmao. i need some time to work out what the plot will be so that my writing has direction and you guys aren’t left disappointed. the other thing is that chapters are currently spanning a half day at a time and i cannot continue that considering the game spans several years! so i need to plan that out too. would appreciate any advice/assistance! i’m also still looking for anyone interested in betaing it! please pm me if you are :D
red threads, golden chains: currently sitting in my doc at about 20k words. i started this fic almost a year ago as a guilty pleasure during my last year at school (which is mostly why it didn’t get finished) but it is almost completed! i think only another 5k words max before it’s edited and posted which is super exciting! it’s likely going to be about eight chapters, posted weekly. keep an eye on the hash for updates! here is a taster (i haven’t written the description yet lmao): 
“Edgeworth glares at him again and Phoenix remembers when they were on the same side. He supposes that it had never been intentional to chase Edgeworth, but that was just how things ended up: he doesn’t think he’s thankful for Dahlia, exactly, but almost certainly without her he never would’ve met Mia the way he did.
The more he thinks about it, the more he thanks his lucky stars that he fell into her lap and reconsidered that day - the day Miles defended him in class and seared himself into Phoenix’s memory. From that day, Miles showed him he wasn’t and never would be alone.
Until the incident, of course.
He left, and never explained why. He left Phoenix behind, and though that view is childish and he knows it, he can’t help but feel the cold space he left behind, tugging at his very being for years and years.”
look forward to it!
You can lead a horse to Water: it’s a oneshot; currently about a quarter done at around 1.5k. Claudeleth/Bylaude is probably in my top fire emblem ships so i just HAD to write something for it after the feels of this fic and ESPECIALLY this fic! the stunning poetry inspired me so much; just read these lines: ‘He wonders in-between breaths “If she could see me now, would she hate me?”.
Yet what he says is “If I need to shut up, then make me.”
And what he thinks is “If this is a nightmare, then wake me.”’ SPECTACULAR! unfortunately the fic is orphaned, but still, please go read it!
songs such as Charlie by Mallrat and Apricot Princess by Rex Orange County also inspired this! no clue when it’ll be up, but i’m not letting go of it. here’s a taste:
“The first time Byleth saw Claude, it was like something clicked.
Not visibly and hardly mentally, of course - but in her heart, despite its determination not to beat, something almost shifted, like it realised its perpetual emotionless state was unsustainable and impossible against his charming smiles.
Except, his smiles weren’t charming; they were razor-sharp, pointy and pointed, and it would take a long time before that changed, unfortunately.”
watch this space for more updates!
Jump into the Fog: the plans are currently at about 6k lmao! i am very excited for this fic cause it’ll be my first fully planned one! i have the overarching plot and all the characters planned out (everyone will be there, even Echo!) and am just writing the seperate character arc plots and finishing up the ideas for individual missions and such! here is the summary:
“Through no fault of her own, Symmetra finds out of Vishkar’s wrongdoing. Not knowing who to trust and having nowhere to go, she follows the last person on Earth she wanted to see to somewhere that can help her; Overwatch.
His health quickly deteriorating, Junkrat resigns himself to his shortened lifespan and decides to go out with a bang. Recalling a doctor who saved countless lives from his youth, Roadhog doesn’t take that lying down, and the ensuing hunt places them at Overwatch’s door.”
timeline placement: takes past after two weeks after the Paris mission shown in the Overwatch two release video. easy to assume after the events of the Christmas of year one of the recall. Baptiste’s betrayal of Talon brought a year earlier. Junkrat and Roadhog in Australia for Christmas, Lucio’s record released after Vishkar left Rio in November of that year. hence, this takes place in early Jan.
at the moment the planned ships are 100% symmrat, gency and bunnyribbit, and am considering the rest of the characters’ ships. i am also trying to make it as scientifically viable as possible! no cheesing here, i did my research into radiation poisioning lmao. Satya actually gets her friend *cough* Baptiste *cough* to disconnect her arm as she flees from Vishkar! the people present at the Overwatch base when they arrive (a week between them) are the people shown in Zero Hour, minus Genji (which will be explained!)
I’m SO excited for this fic, but I have no idea when it will be ready to post lol. I will likely try to finish other things before starting writing it (namely horse to water and red threads, golden chains and maybe even histbi), so the plans may sit dormant for some time. will be putting out a call for betas when i start writing!
thank you for reading, everyone! stay safe out there!
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siodymph · 8 years
Symmrat Week Day 7
Alright people here it is! The final submission for Symmrat week! I really have to give my most sincere thanks to all of those who have been reading, liking, kudosing, commenting and so many other ways of showing appreciation on all my prompts for this week! You have no idea how much it means to me to get so many kind and supportive responses to my writing. It's really boosted my confidence in my own writing and kept me motivated. So from the sincerest bottom of my heart, thank you everyone see much for all your engagement and support!
Now to finish off this week this prompt is actually a continuation of yesterday's theme "Wash the rat"! (link) So be sure to check that out and as always, I hope you enjoy!
You can read my story under the cut or you can read it over on my AO3 if you like!
((Also don't forget this weekend doesn't have to end here! Send me any and all your Symmrat requests until the 22nd and I'll be happy to write them!))
When the day of the Gala finally arrived Satya found herself both looking forwards to and dreading the event. On one hand, if the whole ordeal went smoothly the press would eat it up and they’d continue to be seen as heroes in the world’s eyes. On the other hand though despite tonight being for them they would have to do a lot of what Junkrat had eloquently put “kissing all them crazy-rich suites’ asses” for the evening, something Satya had plenty of experience with but many members of Overwatch didn’t. It’s what had to be done however if Overwatch wished to remain legal and adequately funded.
She still worried as she got dressed for the evening. She had decided to go with a lilac gown that was embellished with gold embroidered shapes and patterns. By a happy surprise it complemented the gold sparkles that were still stuck on her skin from the bath bombs yesterday. She also aligned her make-up with the dress and bombs with tiny accents of gold blended into her eyes and lips. And she pulled her back into a long sweeping braid that was simple yet elegant as it fell off her shoulder.
And while physically she was ready, emotionally she wasn’t quite sure. Regardless though the team would be preparing to leave in an hour. Outside her room she could her Hana, Lena and Mei shouting down the hall as they complimented one another so she could assume they were ready early as well. She took one last look at herself in the mirror, making sure every aspect of her appearance was perfect and stepped out of her room to join them.
“Oh my Symmetra!” Tracer called out as soon as she stepped out of her room. “Just look at you! You look lovely!”
“Thank you, and I the same goes for you two as well.” She said smiling. They both looked stunning, especially Satya had never seen either wearing anything besides their normal suites before.
“So are you all ready for tonight?” Hana asked grinning ear to ear.
“I’d certainly hope so. It’s in an hour.” Mei said managing to be chastising in such a friendly tone. She turned to Satya as Hana started listing off everything she wished to do at the Gala. “And your Junkrat will be ready by then, Yes?”
“I’d certainly hope so.” Satya mimicked teasingly.
She tried to keep a light, happy attitude while her stomach churned. Usually when someone was excited they were said to have butterflies in their stomach but Satya only felt like there was a heavy stone weighing down on her insides. Everything had to be perfect, to ensure Overwatch’s safety. But if her experience on the team had shown her anything it was that Overwatch and the people in it were anything but…
Satya felt like she was slowly having a nervous breakdown. The team had all come here separately and Satya had been one of the last to arrive. As soon as she stepped out of her ride several reporters were in her face and an assistance was ushering her to go talk to the mayor of the city. It was chaotic ad she could already feel pressure begin settling on her shoulders. But she still had to keep a level head and hold a legible conversation with three different reporters at the same time. And that was just entering the Gala!
It got a bit easier once the reporters were satisfied with her quotes and let her be. And all the cameras were left outside the entrance so once inside the ballroom she began to feel much better without so many cameras and eyes focused on her like she was a bug. The Mayor even turned out to be an amiable fellow who had been fascinated with the science and art of hard-light.
But once she was finally left to her own devices that pressure fell back onto her. In one corner by a bar Lena sat with her girlfriend and a whole troop of piolets surrounding them. They were all laughing loudly, loud enough to draw attention and scowls from some of the ball-attendees and Satya feared what might happen if they actually all got drunk. Hana had her own army of fans following her around as well. She could see a few boys actually threaten to fight each other to get a dance with her. Many members of Overwatch had people following them about Satya realized, like baby ducks imprinting on a leader. And each group looked like they were just on the cusp of becoming unruly. To make matters worse it seemed like more and more people were streaming into the party byt the minute. Now even being near the center of the room there were people brushing elbows with her. Honestly, they really should have held this Gala at a larger venue, this was ridiculous!
And to make matters worse she couldn’t seem to find Junkrat anywhere. Unlike everyone else she couldn’t find any sort of group following her boyfriend nor any other trace of him. She tried straining her ears over the obnoxiously loud smooth jazz but she still couldn’t hear his familiar crow nor his cackle.
She really hoped he was here, but what if he wasn’t? The thought disappointed her but she could still understand it. All while practicing throughout this week Junkrat kept saying things like he wasn’t “cut-out for this sorta shit”. But he had been putting forth so much effort to learn everything, he’d even taken a bath for goodness sake. Never in their entire time of knowing have one another had he ever taken a complete, submerging himself in actual water, bath! Junkrat had really done a lot to prepare for tonight. She’d really hoped to see him put his practice into action.
She was about to go back near the entrance and ask if her boyfriend had come in when someone suddenly stepped into her pathway and almost ran into them. They were too tall to see their face in such a dense crowd.
“My apologies.” Satya said, horrified of what might of happened if she had actually run into the man.
“No apologies necessary darl!”
Satya stopped dead in her tracks and looked closer at the tux, she immediately recognized the size and cut and those blue and purple accents. And she looked up she saw none other than Jamison “Junkrat” Fawkes. He had been standing so tall she somehow hadn’t even recognized him!
“ ‘Bout time you saw me! Passed by two times already!” He said giggle a little.
A man violently cleared his throat and glared at both of them. “I can see when I’m unneeded. You two have a nice night.” He said with an acidic tone before snapping around and walking away with a huff.
“Fucking cunt.” Junkrat muttered watching the man leave. “Didn’t even know who I was but as soon as I mentioned the big O.W. then suddenly the guy wouldn’t leave me alone! I had no idea what the hell he was talking about most the time. I just kept fake laughing and prayed he’d leave me alone.”
“Hopefully he didn’t say anything important.”
“Eh I doubt it, all these suits say the same things over’n’over.” Jamison said brushing off Satya’s concern.
Satya couldn’t help but smile and elbow his side. “I’d watch what I say if I were you, Junkrat. Look who else here is wearing a suit?”
“Hey hey hey! This ain’t a suit, it’s a tux! And it’s just for tonight so I’m good!”
Satya was about to comment back when several people shoved into her from behind, almost making her loose her footing and crash into Jamison. They didn’t even apologize as they forced their way through the crowd. Suddenly the small space that had been doable while talking to Jamison felt too chaotic, too claustrophobic to Satya. There were too many people. Everywhere. She felt overwhelmed. She could barely think.
“Hey darl! How’bout we take this outside? I cans see a door way over there.” Satya couldn’t see where he pointed too but she took his hand as he lead them out of the terrible, overheated crowed and over toward a set of cool glass doors.
Outside there was a small balcony overlooking the cityscape. Trails of lights lit up the area and a bar table covered in drinks stood by the entrance. A few couples and groups milled about the space but compared to inside the ballroom this balcony was a beautiful ghost town. Satya felt like she could breathe again out here.
Junkrat looked down at her and she could she how worry pinched his face. “You feeling better ‘Metra?”
“Yes actually.” Satya answered still focusing on breathing steadily.
Junkrat gave a low whistle as they stepped towards the edge. “Hooly-dooly ain’t that a pretty view!”
He seemed entranced by the sight and leaned further over the ledge to take everything in. Satya noticed how his face glimmered as lights reflected off of him.
“The glitter, you’re still wearing it?” Satya asked.
Junkrat laughed before scratching at his neck. “Oh believe me, you ain’t the first to notice. Tried scrubbing the stuff off but I could never get it all. So decided screw it, looked good on me anyways. When I got here all those blokes with cameras went completely bonkers! They wouldn’t get outta me face. Hog actually had to shove some of the away from me! They kept asking if I was making a ‘statement’. Like the fuck does that means?”
“I believe that would be referring to a fashion statement.” Satya explained. When Junkrat gave her a questioning look she decided to elaborate. “Celebrities will often wear outlandish things as a way of promoting idea or being rebellious. But most often it’s simply an attempt at gaining quick attention.”
Junkrat looked confused at first but then suddenly went into a giggling fit. “Oh well that certainly does the trick! Can’t imagine what sorta ‘statement’ all them blokes thought I was making! They act like that toward ya too?”
“Cause you’re still coated in this shit too!”
Satya looked down at her arm and sure enough there were still an array of sparkles sitting on her skin like freckles. From all the stress of tonight she had completely forgotten about them. “No I don’t believe so.”
“So it was just me then? Making such rebellious fashion statements?
“Perhaps since you are a male they considered it so, as such styles would be considered unusual by some.”
“Oh really? Ugh, city wankers sure are wild! Sparkles is what makes the front page for’em!” He shook his head and peals of laughter started spilling out of him.
“I believe so.” Satya said, unable to stop the smile on her face. Junkrat could be downright infectious sometimes. And with the subject at hand she couldn’t agree more.
“Oh-ho I see how it is!” Junkrat giggled as he gestured to himself “Show up at a party all sooty and people call you a miscreant but show up coated in glitter and everyone says you’re making a fucking fashion statement? That’s how it works? Ain’t that calling the kettle black!”
“Or gold in this case, I believe.” Satya couldn’t help but grin when that made Junkrat cackle harder.
When he calmed back down he sighed and leaned up against the balcony. “Ugh, city wankers always got all these contradictions. Don’t think I’ll ever figure it all out!”
“I won’t even try to defend that.” Satya said regaining her composer. “I remember when Vishkar first began training me there were so many unsaid social rules that everyone just expected you to know. Like maintaining eye contact and not saying what immediately came to mind. It’s a wonder sometimes that I made it through school at all! … But I guess I was alright in the end.”
“Well if you ask me, you turned at much better than just alright.” Junkrat said, pushing off the balcony and stepping closer towards Satya. He lifted a hand and held it open palmed towards her. And she took the hand gently.
“If you ask me you turned out utterly brilliant…” He said slowly pulling her closer.
“As are you.”
“Aw sure.” Junkrat snorted and looked away as she said that.
“No. I mean it.”
Satya gently lifted a hand to pull his gaze back towards her’s. And for a moment their eyes locked, one fire enchanted to another. Then moving slowly she lifted up her head and tried to capture his lips with her own. It was a soft kiss, only pressing their lips together. The sort of kisses that had occurred at the beginning of their relationship. But every tender thought and feeling going through Symmetra’s head she was transmitting out into that kiss. As Jamison leant in closer and reciprocated the kiss and deepened it she hoped that her message was being received.
Satya didn’t know how much time had passed but eventually they both separated and breathed on their own.
Junkrat seemed dazed, just looking at Satya. It was the stillest she had ever seen the man, standing so stock-still and wide eyes focused solely on her. But suddenly a loud cheer from the crowd inside snapped Junkrat out of whatever thoughts were going through his head. And like that he burst back to life as the sparatic man she recognized.
“Shit! Forgot about the drinks! You want a drink? Cause I could use one about now.”
“I would enjoy a drink, yes.” Satya said trying not to laugh too loudly and watched Jamison hurry towards the bar. He scanned over the rows of bottles before shrugging and just grabbing a bottle and two glasses and bringing it back over.
“Alright, this looks legit. Nothing too heavy.” Satya looked over the label but she didn’t recognize the name. But it seemed fancy enough to appear at a high-end party such as this.
He poured out the drink into the glasses and handed one to her. It was a reddish-pink liquid. Probably a wine of some sort. She was about to take a drink when he stopped her.
“Wait! This being such a fancy, formal event we ought to make a toast?” He said smirking.
Satya smiled back. “Yes, I believe that would be proper.”
“Roight! Then let’s see what the hell should we toast too? Overwatch? ...Not being in prison?”
Satya thought for a moment till an idea came to her. “How about… Why don’t we cheer to new beginnings?”
“I like that! Here’s to new beginnings!” Junkrat said beaming.
The glasses clinked together with a happy chime.
“Cheers!” Satya said before bringing the glass up to her lips. The drink stung her tongue lightly as she took a sip.
They spent the rest of their night away from the party and out on that balcony in peace, watching the city below them glow with electric lights and the night sky above them drew on in a vast, deep darkness.
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mysteriousdreaming · 7 years
A Little Fall Of Rain [12/?]
[Previous] [ Next ] [ Ao3 ]
Sorry this chapter took so long, and sorry its so short! I just wanted to do a small update to get myself back into the story. Life has been pretty crazy recently so thanks for all the lovely comments, I now think I'm back in a place where i can start writing symmrat regularly again!
Another knife sailed through the air, slicing easily into the thin paper that had been pinned on the dartboard on the other side of the room. Winston's cheery face smiled back, knives ranging from butter knives to a large meat cleaver scavenged from the kitchen sticking out of the photos eyes, nose and various other features. Junkrat reached to the side of him and picked up another blade. To say he was pissed off at the large primate would be an understatement. He was furious. He was lying alone in his room with a drip once again attached to his arm while the team had gone out on a mission leaving him all alone.
If he was completely honest he wasn’t surprised. He knew that his previous mission was probably his last for quite a while, and that another 3 days of hell had been looming on the horizon, but he couldn't help but feel cast aside. He’d tried to convince Hog or even Mercy to at least stay with him so his boredom wouldn’t drive him more insane than last time. He tried pleading, threatening and even begging, but the fat ball of fluff had firmly stated that due to the status of the mission (and the status of the company behind it meaning possible future funding) everyone had to go.
Well, everyone except him. Obviously.
He tried to convince himself that the mission sounded extremely boring anyway, just sitting and guarding something in an Egyptian museum. But he couldn’t help but feel it also seemed like an annoyingly good opportunity for some thieving and and general snooping about.
He’d also assumed that the doctor had now told Winston about his condition, if the sympathetic looks he had recently gotten from the ape were anything to go by. He wished that he could just ignore it and get on with his life, but having someone else know-who wasn’t Roady or Mercy-felt wrong. He'd talked to Hog about it during the week when the old mercenary had been in a fairly good mood in an attempt to get it off his chest. His large friend had told him that even if no one else at the watch point ever found out, since Winston was 'The Boss’ he had to know. If he didn't, he could end up assigning him to risky positions on missions, possibly putting the Junker, and the others, in danger.
So he was left bored out of his mind locked in his room with only Athena for company. She was better than nothing,he had to admit, although the disembodied voice of a bot being the only other thing in the large facility in the event of an attack made him slightly uncomfortable.
That and the fact that Doctor Ziegler and Winston had had instructed Athena to lock the door (and windows) in his room in order to prevent another...escape.
He stretched out on his bed with an annoyed sigh, arching his back and letting out a yawn “Athena?”
It didn't take long for the female voice to reply
“Yes Mr Junkrat?” He always got a chuckle out of how stupid ‘Mr Junkrat’ sounded, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give a bot his real name (although he was sure that the computer could easily find it if she wanted to, after all his wanted posters were surly plastered all over the internet and he vaguely remembered filling it in on the mountains of paperwork Winston got him to fill out when he was first hired).
“Can you let me out?”
“I’m afraid I cannot. My instructions from winston were very clear, do not let Junkrat out of his room under any circumstances.”
Jamison groaned, angrily glaring at the ceiling “So, If there's a fire, or if Talon descend on the watchpoint like angry feral Dingos on a fresh corpse, I'm meant to just sit here like a melon?”
“That’s an obvious exception. In the case of an emergency the locks will be disabled and you will be encouraged to find safety.”
His frown twisted into a devilish grin. So he would be free in an emergency ay? All he’d need was a smoke bomb and a detonator. Or a lighter…
“Any attempts to deliberately set off the alarms will be met with severe punishment and possible discharge from the watchpoint or Overwatch as a whole.” Junkrat jumped as the female voice seemed to almost read his thoughts.
“Aww, fuck off! You’re no fun Athena” he whined, stretching back out on his bed with a huff
“My job is to protect Overwatches Agents, not to be ‘fun’.”
The AI had a point. A really annoying one, but a point. Freedom really wasn't worth the risk of getting kicked out of Overwatch either. Where else would he find free food, water and some pretty nice people who had his back? Not in the outback that’s for sure, and on the streets he was still a ‘wanted man’ with police breathing down his neck constantly.
With his escape plan thwarted before it even began he was back to being bored out of his mind. He tried to entertain himself with the handheld ‘gaming’...thing….that Hana had lent him, but quickly got bored with all the games he had available. The girl was such a high level on them all that without knowing how to play he quickly became frustrated with dying over and over again, and he didn’t dare restart them and face Hana’s wrath.
His gaze drifted around the room before it landed on Symm’s broken alarm clock. He’d offered to have a look at it for her, insisting that since she helped him fix his leg it was the least he could do. She’d told him it would be easier to buy a new one, but gave it to him anyway, saying he could keep it for scraps if he couldn't fix it. Even that small gesture made him smile.
It was an old style, one that wound up at the back, and he was excited to open it up and to see how it ticked. He grabbed a screwdriver and undid the screws on the back, eagerly inspecting the gears and small, intricate parts. The more he thought about it the more he realised how much the clock suited the orderly woman's personality. All the parts were extremely delicate and fragile, placed together in just the right way. It was easy to ‘wind up’, but the end product worked perfectly and smoothly for the task it was made for, every piece had its place and worked in perfectly. And when it was put together it was quite beautiful.
He stopped, putting down the screwdriver and the cog he was messing with. Where the hell did that thought come from? Of Course he knew Symm was attractive, he couldn't deny that. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders perfectly, and her eyes sparkled like liquid gold under the workshop lights, but he wouldn't have normally called her beautiful.
Would he?
He tried to shake the thought out of his head and go back to work on the clock, but it remained nagging in the back of his mind.
He didn’t like Symmetra...did he?
He saw her as a friend, obviously, but as more? He’d really began to love just sitting in the workshop with her, just the two of them focusing on their own projects. It was nice just being around her. But he still didn’t know if she even liked being around him. Sometimes it would be just like they were best buds, but then other times he felt that she just saw him as some filthy savage.
He let out a sigh, going back to the clock. Even if he did like her, she probably wouldn't like dirty junker like him.
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captainkappa · 8 years
Fanfic- Fire Alarm
For Day 2- AU of Symmrat week! Can be read as gen/pre-slash
AO3 Link
Satya is generally prepared for what college throws her way.
The fire alarm going off at three A.M. is not one of these things
For once, Satya was up early not on her own accord. Usually if she broke her sleep cycle to stay up late, there was good reason.  The eye strain and tired feeling in every part of her body was only acceptable when finishing up detailing on papers and projects.
However, there were no papers due that weren’t already submitted online with a hard copy printed. Tonight, there was a fire alarm.
Blaring at three A.M.
The initial noise was like a shock of cold water that kept pouring down on them. Both Satya and her roommate, Lena, were awake instantly as the alarms continued, ringing in their heads, pounding away any thoughts of sleep. They both looked at each other in the dark, confused faces lit up only by the red blinking light of the fire alarm. They sat there in shock for a moment before they heard, from the other side of the hall, they heard one of the girls yell “ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!”
That was enough for them to realize, yes, this is happening.
Satya slipped out of bed, into her slippers, and grabbed her ID and key. She briefly glanced at her prosthetic arm before forgoing it, assuming it was just a drill or the result of a student misusing their microwave (the floor had been given the “use water when making noodles” speech three times in the past month). The alarms continued shouting at them to “Go! Get up! Move!!!” and she made her way to the door into the brightly lit hallway, streams of sleep-deprived peers walking to the stairway door and making their way down five flights. She followed suit.
She couldn’t hear anything over the screaming alarms, but just by the faces of her peers, it was clear they were unhappy. She balled her hand into a fist and tried focus on that feeling rather than that of bodies pressing against her as they passed her by on the stairs, more people joining in as they descended another floor.
The shock of cold air as they reached the exit was a breath of fresh air, as people spread out from the confined hallway to across the street, by the spiritual center and more dorm buildings. Satya unclenched her fist as she steps to the side, away from the crowd of 5 floors of college students.
She leaned against the cold bricks of the spiritual center as everyone else stops by the curb, clustering together. It’s quiet, just the murmur of tired college students until someone in the crowd shouts, “Holy shit!” and everyone looks up to see a thin trail of smoke coming from the basement. The murmur got louder until she was too close again, the panicked voices coming from the crowd paired with even more people pouring out and the klaxon still ringing. She turned the corner to quiet sidewalks.
That was until someone ran past her and, just as quickly as she noticed, fell flat on his face, scattering everything he had been carrying across the cement and grass. The man landed with a loud “OH FUCK!” before becoming well acquainted with the ground with a low groan.
Satya stepped to the side to get a better look at the man’s face, making sure he wasn’t bleeding.
“Do you need help?” she asked.
“Whot?” The man pushed himself up, revealing no cuts or scraps, but a face full of soot. He looked up at her and paused before looking behind and back at her. “Oh, yeah, wouldn’t mind a bit. Just hand me my leg?”
She looked behind to see a prosthetic leg lay on the sidewalk beside a crack in the sidewalk. She stepped over to retrieve it, inspecting it as she held it in her hand. It was crudely made, more like a peg leg with a knee joint than a proper prosthetic. When she turned to the man, he had sat up and collected some of his scattered belongings.
“How did it even come off?”
The man shrugged, taking the limb. “Didn’t put it on well enough so when I tripped over the crack, pop! I kept movin’ and it stayed.”
Satya nodded. “I see. The alarm startled you too?”
He looked up, concentration of reattachment broken. “What?”
She pointed behind her. “You live in that building, I remember you from Welcome Week. Therefore, unless you were out this late, you were woken up by the fire alarms as well. If you were sleeping, you wouldn’t have had it on so you rushed to do so.”
He avoids eye contact, setting the last straps in place. “You could say that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, let’s just say I can assure you the building is a bit shaken, but fine.” She can tell he’s grinning even though he isn’t looking up.
Her eyes narrowed as the pieces clicked together. “You did this.”
“Oi, oi, oi! Hold on there! Now, I know how it looks, but it was an accident! Besides, it’s just some harmless smoke, no fire or nothin’ so there’s no need to worry.”
“No need to worry!? It’s 3 A.M.! I have an exam later today and it’s-!” A cold wind interrupted her yelling, going straight through her pajamas and chilling her to the bone.
The man looked like he was about to say something, but then they both heard a gruff voice say, “Hey, I think he may be around here.”
Before Satya could blink, the man was on his feet, grabbing what he could. “Lovely to meet ya, hopefully you won’t want to continue this conversation if we see each other again.” He left with a wink before sprinting as fast as he could in the other direction of the voices
Satya was left stunned as two police officers rounded the corner.
“Dammit, where’d he go?” the one from before grumbled. “Hey, you!” he looked straight at Satya, the only noticeable feature she could make in the light of the streetlamp was a nasty scar over his eye. “You seen a man, probably over six feet tall run this way?”
“Yes, sir he ran that way,” she said, not skipping a beat and pointing in the exact direction he’d run to.
The officers glanced that way before nodding, “Thank you.” Both took off in pursuit, not bothering to look and see if he had dropped anything before running.
Satya scanned the ground, turns out the man had grabbed most of his stuff, save a black leather jacket that had gotten thrown just out of the light. Satya stopped before it, unsure whether to leave it or pick it up. The next cold wind made her decision as she quickly picked it up and put it on, trying her best not to think of how dirty it probably was, how she didn’t even know him, and yet she was wearing his jacket.
“It is just to prevent the cold,” she kept telling herself. “The moment I’m back inside, it will be discarded in the lounge.”
The question was, when were they going to be allowed back in. The sharp bark of the fire engine siren alerted her that the fire department had finally made their away over to inspect the damage done.
She sat down on the cold cement, pulling the leather jacket which spelled of gunpowder and sulfur closer to her body.
It was going to be a long night
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dracolord1208 · 8 years
Divergent Mornings
Day 1: First
Symmetra meets with Junkrat and for the first time learns that he is also neurodivergent somewhat like her.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Work Text:
It was around 6 am when Symmetra finished her morning jog and shower. Feeling ready to start the day Symmetra headed to the workshop, she was looking forward to working on her latest project. She was developing a new shield generator that would automatically give her teammate’s shields. Her teammates would be able to act freely within its range while being protected. However, she felt that its design was still missing something. She wanted to this shield generator to make a large enough contribution to the team.
As Symmetra approached the workshop she noticed something strange; the lights were on. Heading into the workshop, she was met with the vision of Junkrat sitting on a pile of scrap; the soot-covered Junker was fiddling with some device while listening to something with a pair of headphones Symmetra had never seen before.
Symmetra was very surprised to see the Junker working this early in the morning. Her mood perked up a bit as she studied him. He seemed to have his entire focus on the device he was working on. Symmetra found that she had a hard time reading people, but she found it much simpler to do when people were as animated as Junkrat. Due to this, she discovered that she had a much easier time conversing with him than with others. While she wasn’t sure if, she would call him a friend he certainly had no reservations in doing so with her.
“Good morning. It is uncommon for you to come in this early.”
Junkrat kept working on his device, twisting it around and inspecting it carefully.
Figuring he had not heard her, she decided to speak up. “Good Morning.”
“I can hear you, you know. No need to yell.” Junkrat responded while still focusing on the task at hand without looking away from it.
“Oh, okay.  Well, I was wondering why you were here this early.”
“Pains, you know. Leg decided to itch a storm even though some lizard probably ate the last of it by now. They kept me up you know. Decided it was best to try to work on something than to just turn in bed and all.” Junkrat now finishing up his device placed it into a box to the left labeled ‘to be painted’.
Symmetra did know what he was talking about, having lost her arm two years ago she had also experienced some phantom pain. Luckily it had been quite a while due to the neuro-connectors in her arm allowed her brain to rationalize the pain away.
“Sorry. What are you listening to?”
“Nothing right now. They are just making the room quite. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. So I find tuning out everything is pretty handy. I was even able to get these fancy noise stopping ones from Angel. Sometimes my mind just needs less you know? Probably not.” Junkrat was now looking down trotted feeling tired and for some reason vulnerable.  
Symmetra was now uncertain. She wanted to cheer Junkrat up somehow, but she was worried about how he would react.  
“Well, actually I find that certain stimulations help me when I get overwhelmed.”
Junkrat’s attention was now completely trained on Symmetra. “Overwhelmed?”
“I… um, I have a harder time dealing with things than other people. Some noises and types of lights give me the most trouble. As I have grown up, I figured out what kinds of stimulation works best for me. It used to bother me when I was younger because I knew I was different from others, but it doesn’t now because I can do things nobody else can do.” Symmetra then began to manipulate hard light in a heavily practiced method.
“Yeah, your hard light is something else. I still can’t believe it’s not magic or something. It’s truly a spectacle. When I first joined Angel gave me a full look up. I was having a hard time listening to all her fancy medic talk. Said something about some letters and stuff.”
“Yeah, that’s the one. Eventually, she convinced me to let her help. That’s why she gave me these headphones and started me on treatments for my radiation.”
“Yeah radiation poisoning, I try my best to hide it.” Junkrat was now showing Symmetra his fingernails. “Me and Roadhog paint our nails black so you can’t see the effects of the poison.”
“Don’t exactly trust everyone here with my weaknesses.”
“Why are you telling me then?”
“Guess I trust ya. Yeah, you are a suit, but don’t act like one, I don’t think you would sell me out if it only made you look better. That’s what I hate most about suits. They care more about how others think about them than they care about doing the right thing. You, on the other hand, want to make the world a better place. I mean I don’t agree with you on how you want to do that, but I know your hearts in the right place. Also, it’s only fair after you shared with me.”
“I, I … I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t have to say nothing were friends right?”
Symmetra was at a complete lost. Junkrat had accepted what she told him instantly without even questioning it. He had then proceeded to expose himself to her as well.
Satya knew he was right about her. She knew by now that Vishkar was aiming to do well in the world yet she also knew that there were times that corporate needs went about the task in a way that she didn’t approve but what was she supposed to do.
“Thank you. I’ll be back.” Satya decided that she needed some air, so she quickly found herself absconding from the situation.
Once Symmetra had left the room, Junkrat decided that he was done working on his project and decided to head to the firing range. “Guess it’s still too early to consider her a friend. Real shame though girl’s got enough spark in her to light the world on fire.
Howdy so this for the first day of Junkmetra/Symmrat week. I just want to make it a bit clear that in this Junkrat has ADHD, Radiation poisoning (non-lethal), PTSD and quite a bit of repressed memories. This is common in almost all of my works just clarifying. Also, Symmetra is autistic, that being said in reference with her comic she is not heavily bothered by it in her day to day, and I tried to reflect that. Now I do want to state that I am not neurodivergent so I if I got anything incorrect feel free to message me on Tumblr and I can look into adjusting some things where needed. I hope you all have a good week and life I love all of you. My Tumblr is http://dracolord1208.tumblr.com/
Series this work belongs to:
Part 1 of the Draco's Junkmetra Week series
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mysteriousdreaming · 8 years
A day at the beach.
[ Jamison reflects on his life with Symmetra while on the beach. Symmrat Week day 3 Fluff/Angst ]
Hot sand stuck to his legs, and the gibraltar summer sun beat warmly down on his face as Junkrat sat on the beach; he was sipping an iced tea and looking out over the waves to where Symmetra was swimming, her sleek hair plastered back from her face in a large black mass. 
The tea was sweet and fruity, just the way he liked it, and every now and again a small tapioca ball would make its way up the straw and into his mouth. He chewed one thoughtfully with a stupid smile plastered on his face. He still couldn't believe that such an intelligent, talented and beautiful woman existed never mind that, as of a few weeks ago, that woman was his wife.
When the two of them first began to work together he thought they were like chalk and cheese, but over time they began to understand each other. Despite their differences they had an awful lot in common. They both loved building and creating, they both loved extremely sweet and spicy food and they both loved having long walks on the beach.
The first thing was obvious really. They were both creative in their own ways, different and unique in the way they used their craft and talents. At first they had some sort of unsaid rively between them about whose technology and inventions were better: her sleek and complex designs crafted with delicate precision and planning, or his simple yet effective contraptions made of only scrap and odd parts. It even led to arguments and some nasty words exchanged between the two of them during missions. He thought Symmetra was a stuck up ass just for the sake of it. Thinking she was better than everyone else. He thought her obsession with order and cleanliness was just to piss him off or make fun of his messy work area and appearance. Apparently Torbjorn had enough of the constant bickering and underhanded comments distracting him from his own work and he ended up getting Winston to give the two of them a project to work on together in an attempt at team bonding. It ended up working brilliantly, and the result was a beautiful mix of hard light and ‘junk’ that actually managed to be extremely helpful on the next mission. By the end of it the two considered each other a friend, or at least a close college. After a while he’d found out that Metra’s actions in the first few weeks weren’t just to piss him off, it was just how she was. She didn't like to be unnecessarily touched, loud noises made her uncomfortable and she needed the structured life Vishkar (and later overwatch) gave her. In short the way he acted, sometimes even on purpose, had managed to make her very, very, uncomfortable. When Lena explained this to him he felt like a real jerk. After that he tried to make an effort not to make her feel that way. Of course it was quite hard, he couldn't just stop making explosives and even with his best efforts sometimes traces of various  substances would end up on her workspace, but she seemed to genuinely appreciate the effort.
Their shared love of extremely spicy food was discovered when Hana had the brilliant (but eventually disastrous) idea to have a cooking competition at the base. Anyone who was participating had to make a dish from their home country. Jamison had decided to not participate (bbq was his speciality, but unfortunately most people had eaten it before and he doubted people wanted to try the food he ate in the outback), but Symmetra had decided to give it a try. She often moaned to him about how bland the food here was compared to her home, and wanted to give the rest of the team a ‘proper meal’.
Unfortunately she made the mistake of making Junkrat her assistant.
Everything was going quite well for a while, he hadn’t set fire to anything (somehow) and the food prep was going to plan. The recipe Symmetra had was surprisingly easy to follow, and probably would have gone off without a hitch if he hand mixed up teaspoons and tablespoons. Even more unfortunately the spice he got confused with was the hottest Symmetra had been able to find in the gibraltar markets. When the meal was served to Reinhardt, who was acting as head judge, it only took a few milliseconds for the old germans face to go bright red and the lanky arsonist could have sworn that he saw steam coming out of the man's ears from the heat. Metra had quickly tasted the curry for herself and while her reaction was nothing like the old crusaders she still seemed surprised at the hotness and gave Junkrat an annoyed glare.  She later cornered him in the kitchen and asked him, rather accusingly, what he had done. He told her he didn't understand what the hell she was going on about, making her thrust a bowl of the delicious smelling food in his face. He took a generous spoonful and felt his mouth set on fire. God was it amazing. He’d had spicy food before, but nothing this hot and this tasty.
“I don’t see anything wrong with it?” He huffed, stuffing more of the amazing concoction in his burning mouth until he noticed her looking at him funny “what?”.
“It’s not meant to be that hot. The recipe is meant to have a kick, but not a reaction like that.” She sighed, looking disappointed but also curious at how fast he was eating. “Is that not burning your mouth?”
“Ye, but it’s good, like an explosion on ma tongue.” He paused, shoving another spoonful in his mouth. “And i don’t know how it’s too spicy, i followed the recipe exactly, 2 heaped helpings of the big teaspoons, just like it said.” As soon as the words left his mouth symmetra put her head in her hands with a small sigh.
He laughed fondly at the memory. Later, after apologizing to Reinhart, she explained to him the difference between the different type of spoons while giggling the whole time. She’d called him a fool, but in a light hearted way that made him feel funny inside, and made him promise to check things with her if they cooked together in the future. From then on whenever it was her turn to cook for everyone she made an extra hot variation especially for him.
The last love they shared he found out one night after a particularly harrowing mission. Everying thing had gone to shit; people had gotten hurt, civilians and members of the team, and it was the worst failure since the recall first went active. Roady was one of the worst injured on the team and it shook him up more than he expected. The big lug was like his rock, he’d grown more attached than he realised to the old mercenary and the idea that he could genuinely die had made him extremely uncomfortable. In an attempt to feel better he had made his way down the long walk from the rock to the beach to try and get some air and clear his thoughts. Anything just to get away from the depressing atmosphere that clouded the watchpoint.
It took him a while to walk down the long and twisting road and when he got to the white sands he was surprised to see Metra was there also. He could still remember the way she looked, dressed in a cool summer dress with her hair tied up and her injured arm in a sling. She’d been thrown against a wall by some dickhead and was lucky to have gotten away with just a broken bone and a few nasty bruises. She was obviously shaken up by the events, just like him. She sat on a wall at the edge of the sand, her knees tucked up to her chin and her eyes looking out somewhere beyond the sea. They ended up sitting and talking well into the night about just about anything, with only each other and the waves for company. He found out a lot about her he never knew, like how cruel Vishkar truly was, and he told her about his old life in the outback. If he had to chose a moment when their relationship went from friends to something more, that would be it. Since then they had slowly become closer, falling in head over heels in love. And after several years of waiting and discussing the idea they finally got married.
Symmetra seemed to noticed him looking at her and gave him a smile and wave. He waved back, making a dent in the sand for his cup and placing it down, drawing his knees up to his chest. Their honeymoon was very fun; Hana let them stay in her house on a private island (he still couldn't wrap his head around the life of a movie star), meaning they had their own little world for a week. They were able to do almost whatever they wanted, snorkeling with tropical fish, diving deeper under the sea, sleeping under the stars and a few nights spent cuddling on the sofa having movie marathons of cringey romcoms. Of course, they did other things too, more...strenuous... activities that Hana was probably better off not knowing about. On some of those nights it was a good thing they had the island to themselves. But his favorite part of those evenings wasn't the sex (although that was pretty amazing), it was lying together in bed. His fingers interlocked with hers, his arm around her waist pulling her closer to his chest. Just resting his chin on her head, breathing in the flowery scent of her shampoo, was comforting and calming enough that he was actually able to sleep. They fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. It just felt right having Symmetra here in his arms. They just belonged together.
Seemingly finished with her swim, Metra walked over to where he was sitting and gently lowered herself down beside him. She placed her metal hand over his, interlocking their fingers and laying her head on his shoulder. Her wet hair gave him a tickling sensation on his neck and he couldn't help but smile a little, resting his own head against hers.
“Have a nice swim love?”
She nodded, stretching out her legs. “It was, i wish you could swim though so I could have a partner. I’m sure you would enjoy it.”
The very thought of being hopeless in the the vast blue made him shudder and he shook his head. With the waves crashing around him and the possibility of getting dragged away by the tide. “Not really my cup of tea.”
“I could always teach you? It may be fun.” She smirked, running a hand down his chest with a mischievous grin, making him laugh.
“With that attitude I doubt we’d get much teaching done.”
“Are you complaining?”
Junkrat smirked “Not exactly.” he kicked his legs out and lay down, the sand on his back cool and damp. “Don’t think swimming would be very useful. If I’m ever in trouble in water I’d just sink like a stone cause of these bad boys” he tapped his peg leg against the sand and Symmetra frowned.
“You never know when it could help. But I can’t force you learn.”
“And if I ever wanna learn you’ll be the first person I’ll come to.”
His response seemed to satisfy her and she lay down too, her head resting on his chest and her hand placed just over his heart. He ran one hand through her soft hair while the other grabbed his drink, listening the the sounds of the waves eagerly lapping the shore and birds flying overhead. Despite it being the middle of the summer and tourist season the part of the beach they were on was surprisingly quiet and private. It was very pleasant and relaxing.
“It’s very peaceful here, isn't it?” Symm mumbled, her eyes were closed but a smile was still pushing at the corners of her mouth.
“Stupid tourists must have taken a day off.”
That made her laugh. It was a pleasant sound that made him feel warm and fuzzy, especially when he knew that her laughing was his doing “You don’t seem to mind tourists when you have several tea shops to chose from.” before he could react she sat up and plucked the plastic cup from his prosthetic with a giggle, wiggling it just out of his reach “Especially when they sell your precious boba tea.”
“Hey! Give it back!” he joined her laughing, trying to reach for the cup but failing while a mischievous grin remained on Symmetra’s face. She just stuck her tongue out at him mockingly.
“Make me.”
He sighed, sitting up and softly kissing her while running a thumb gently over her cheek. Her lips were soft and smooth. Whenever he kissed her, ever since the first time, he found it hard not to lose himself to her. He used the distraction to steal his tea back out of her hand and lay back down with a smirk. “Happy?”
“Very.” She sighed, lying back down cuddling up against him again “Although I should have held on a little tighter.”
He just wanted to stay like this forever; Warm, peaceful and with his beautiful wife curled up beside him. He looked up at the sky, the vast pale blue clear of any clouds, and closed his eyes.
He wearily cracked open one eye, looking up at the at the angry black sky above him that was pelting him with lashings of rain. He let out a groan, closing his eye again.
“Jamison!” it was the same voice again, more forceful now. He turned his head in the general direction of the voice before choosing to ignore it again. Once more he closed his eyes, hoping, begging that when he opened them he would be back at the beach. Sand in his hair and arms wrapped around her.
It was pointless really, he wasn't going to get it back now. The gears in his mind hand begun to wake up and he was becoming more and more aware of the feeling of wet hair slapped against his neck and the feeling of soaked shorts clinging to his thighs. The warm mid summer beach was long gone.
With a sigh he dug his elbows into the soft gritty dirt around him, using a large amount of the little energy he had to push himself up. With his good hand he rubbed his face, probably smearing mud  everywhere and all though the unshaven stubble that littered his chin. A nearby puddle showed how ragged he looked. His eyes were cold with barely a flicker of life behind them and dark marks marked the space underneath, his hair came down to just above his shoulders in a crazy unkept mass and he couldn't remember the last time he'd shaved.
Not that it mattered, he had no real reason to look after himself and he didn't have the energy to do so either. He reached round to rub the back of his neck, feeling the dirt and mud that was plastered down his back and in his hair. He should probably have a shower, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had one of them either. He knew it was gross and disgusting, and God knows what she'd think of him, but the thought of having a shower with the effort it took to get unchanged, turn on the shower and wash himself seemed like a daunting task. And he really wanted to avoid it.
God why did everything have to be so difficult now? Even getting out of bed seemed to zap what little energy that he may have gained from somehow sleeping. He just felt dead. Like a walking corpse. He probably smelt like one too. Hell, he'd probably be better off being dead.
By now the source of the voice walked over to him. Mercy sat down next to him, not seeming to mind the mud that was getting on her labcoat.after a few seconds of silence she spoke, turning to him “Penny for your thoughts?”
Junkrat sighed, rubbing his hands together. “I need a bath…”
“Then why don't you have one?” It was one of those questions that if anyone else had said it he would have known they didn't really want an answer. Even the doctor probably didn't really care about his answer to the question itself, more the fact he was talking at all. It was the kind of question specifically wired to keep him talking. When people first started asking him that kind of question he would deliberately give clipped and short answers, thinking he was clever for getting out of the conversation.
Now a days he just gave a straight answer, there was no real point in lying.
“It's too much effort. Takes too much energy”
Angela sighed, smoothing out her skirt “ Maybe you should try it may he-”
“Help?” He cut her off, putting his head in his hands “A fucking bath isn't going to bring her back. It won't help.”
She sighed again, playing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It might.”
He knew it wouldn't, having a shower was one of the first things he did after the incident. It was an attempt to try and was away the scene plastered in his mind. Burned there with no way of being scrubbed away. The large talon bastard who came out of nowhere while they were all off guard, lifting her up by the neck of her dress while she was trying to set up defenses. The way he flung her off the cliff like she was a worthless ragdoll. The way her screams pierced his ears as she fell. The fact he was helpless to do anything.  The crack he was sure he heard when she hit the jagged rocks below.
The way the hot and sticky remains of the large talon member felt on his skin.
It was the most savage, reckless and murderous he had felt since he left the out back. Roady had to pull him away from butchering even more what was, at that point, a mangled piece of unidentifiable flesh.
So a shower hasn't helped last time.
He seemed to handle her death well at first, went to her funeral and everything. It was...nice, she would have liked it. Not a thing was out of place or slightly the wrong colour shade, he made sure of it. He hadn't been that clean since their wedding either, there wasn't a single speck of dirt on him. He said the right things to people who asked him if he was ok. That was something he didn't understand. People with kind faces asking him if he felt ok as if the answer wasn't fucking obvious. It was done of those expressions Symm had taught him about, like 'how was your day?’ or 'did you have a nice weekend’, people didn't really want an answer they were just being polite or trying to make themselves look good.
So he just smiled and lied too.
In all honesty he did feel 'fine’ at the start. The way he expect to feel anyway after something like that anyway. Just numb. He thought after a while the feeling would fade, that slowly he'd be able to function again, but it hadn't.
The days had stretched into weeks, and the weeks bled into months. He even lost most of the passion he had for his bombs. Making them now was just mechanical, robotic. Just make more stock for more missions, not because you want to. He'd given up on painting the smiley faces on the bombs, there really wasn't any point it just wasted time, it wasn't like anyone saw them before they died.
That was probably what tipped Hog off that something wasn't quite right.The faces had always been his trademark, his own personal touch to each invention, and losing that seemed to show how lost he was.
The two sat in silence a while before Mercy spoke again “What were you doing out here?”
This time he didn’t turn to look at her, his eyes instead focused on a point in the distance.“Remembering a couple of years back with Symm. We were on the beach, few weeks after we got married…” He let his words trail off. God, why did it still fucking hurt to talk about her. Remembering . That’s all he had left now. How long till those memories faded like the ones he had of his childhood, battered and fuzzy. He didn’t want to lose them too, the thoughts and reflections on the life they had together.  He faced the doctor “Why’d ya come looking for me?”
“I was worried.” She smiled sadly. It wasn’t like she didn't have reason to be. The scars and burns in various stages of healing the littered his hand and the ugly greenish-yellow bruise around his neck proved that quite well. The scars on his hand weren't necessarily intentional, he’d just become more careless around his bombs and it was a surprise he still had all five fingers. It all related back to feeling like a dead man walking he supposed, not giving a fuck about dying meant he wasn't as careful to avoid it. He stood too close to bombs, ran into fights he could have avoided and seemed to come out of most scrapes a lot worse than he use to. He’d seen people act like this back at Junktown after losing friends or partners or kids. At the time he found it pathetic, everyone had lost something in the initial explosion so why was this any different? But now? When he was in that position? He understood. It was that hope of being with them again.
He could have been happy, he had that chance. After years of horror and pain and suffering he was finally happy.
And it was all gone in an instant.
He put his head in his hands, feeling tears running down his cheeks and carving paths in the muck on his face. Mercy careful pulled him close into a motherly embrace, smoothing a hand down his back as he cried into her chest.
“Do you remember when Satya and Hana had that silly argument? The one about Hana’s gaming space?”
Jamison nodded, the faintest smile pulling at his cheeks “The one where Symm broke into her room?”
Mercy laughed “Yes. She color coordinated her entire room and ordered her controllers by model.”
“Don’t forget that she got every single game Hana had and placed them on the floor alphabetically” A small laugh escape him at the memory of the korean girl’s face when she walked in the room. It was a strange sound, slightly strangled due to his crying, but it was a laugh nonetheless. The fact the Symm managed to create so much chaos by taking order to the extreme still fascinated him even now.
He looked back in the puddle again, the scraggly broken man looking back at him making his small smile disappear “Fucking hell Angela...She’d be so disappointed in me…I’m a mess.”
The doctor shook her head, “I don’t think she would be. You’ve been thought a lot, and she’d be proud you were still here and coping.”
“Coping? I wouldn’t call this coping.”
“Well, i would.” She gave him a comforting squeeze “ I’m proud of you Jamison. So is Roadhog, and Hana.”
Her words made him well up again, but in a different way. He lost symmetra, the love of his life, but he still had his family. And they had his back no matter what. He turned around and gave the doctor a proper hug, his muddy hands marking the back of her coat.
. She seemed taken back for a second but quickly returned it. “Can- Can you help me get better?”
She gave him a soft smile, her hand resting on his shoulder, “ Of course i can.”
He had to do it. Not just because it was what she would have wanted, but because it's what his family wanted.
It was what he wanted.
He’d always have Symmetra with him, in his heart and in his memories were it mattered most.
And when times got tough, he’d always have that day on the beach.
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siodymph · 8 years
Symmrat Week Day 4
And here's day four! We're officially half-way through Symmrat week!
This is my take on their role reversal. And personally, even if their background stories are switched I still like to think they both still keep their talents with explosions and hard-light. But instead of making his stuff from scratch Junkrat had a life-time of experience and tony stark-level attention over his weapons. And then Satya is the one who makes her turrets from scrap and is completely obsessed with reverse engineering hard-light.
You can check it out under the cut or over on my AO3 Enjoy!
When he’d first joined Overwatch, Jamison wasn’t sure what to expect. He’d never really had friends, going straight from school to a fully-fledged career all through Hyde Global he’d been one of their finest chemical engineers and weapons expert. But he’d always been called a shut-in and knew embarrassingly well that most the other engineers he worked with never thought highly enough of him. Not even in their days together at the academy. The one time he’d tried approaching them on the matter they said he always made things awkward, that he was always so loud and unfiltered, also annoying, never shutting up. He never bothered trying to talk to them after that. It still made him a bit bitter. He knew he was different, but that had just made him all the more important to Hyde. He could do things, make things no one else could. His controlled light explosions had been a breakthrough in the industrial world. At least, that’s what Hyde’s suits had always said to him when he was first starting out. He’d done so much for Hyde Global, he’d given an arm and a leg for that company. Literally.
So when Overwatch came back from the dead and HG wanted a representative on the team, he was very skeptical. Why would Overwatch want Hyde Global’s weapons expert when no one in that company seemed to care much about beyond his bombs and weapon designs?
He could have never predicted just how quickly the Overwatch team would worm its way into his life. That for one he’d be a member of a team, that the people he worked with would honestly have his back, and that he’d actually enjoy working in a group instead of on his own like usual. That after a year on the team he’d be best mates with people like the gaming legend Lucio, or pop-sensation Hana Song, that one was especially surprising seeing how she’d become famous for her blatant opposition to Hyde’s presence in Busan, South Korea. And yet now they were some of his best friends.
And he would have never, ever expected Satya.
A new recruit, just like he was. That however was where any initial similarities between them had come to an abrupt halt. When she arrived at the Overwatch headquarters, she was wearing tattered clothes, hair unruly and ragged, and a thick layer of dirt clung to her skin. He’d learned a bit later that she was from the wastelands of India, and allegedly she knew deep secrets about Vishkar tech, a company that had just begun developing something called “hard-light” when the Indian Omnium blew up and along with over a third of the nation and the rest of Asia, destroyed Vishkar before it could truly lift off the ground. Satya was one of many abandoned people left to fend for themselves. She was silent as death and never took her eyes off any of them, as if expecting them all to turn on her at a moment’s notice.
And for a while that’s how things were in their team. But slowly, slower than anyone could have truly seen, things began to change. Satya began to open up to the rest of the group, put more trust in them. And Jamison was too, much to his surprise. What had started as a temporary gig for him had turned into one of the happiest times in his life. People who started out as just heroes and strangers he would work with had turned into friends and family he couldn’t imagine leaving. And Satya. Satya had turned into so much for Jamie, he could have never prepared himself for how much Satya would mean to him.
How much he would fall in love with her.
Her eyes, there was just such an energy hidden in them. A fire she held as she turned metal scraps and rubbish into beautiful weapons in the labs. The fire that seemed to explode out of her whenever they went on missions, going from silent and calculating to striking down their enemies, the ones who’d been foolish enough to underestimate her traps and her power. In quieter moments, far away from battles and payloads, that fire would crackled softly with such a warmth whenever she laughed at his jokes, whenever she got lost in thought, whenever she smiled. She was brilliant, she was amazing and it scared Jamison to think that he’d fallen so hard for someone in such a short time.
Then one night Satya pulled him aside in the workshop. Said she wanted to tell him something important, but she couldn’t tell him in the Overwatch base. That there were too many cameras hidden everywhere and they needed to get somewhere unwired.
Jamison had foolishly agreed and now seemingly for hours the two of them drove out of Gibraltar. The city became a small blip far behind them as they drove further and further inland away from the sea. Until finally they reached a safe house hidden far into the woods.
“Mei and I set this place up during our heists.” Satya explained as she got out of the driver’s seat.
It certainly looked like the type of building quickly rebuilt while on the run. Once it might have been an old cottage but now high-security devices outlined every window and the door. As they stepped in Satya directed Jamie how to step over all the traps that lay hidden all around the front entrance. Until finally they were both sitting on the floor of the living room as the only furniture was a musty matress in one corner of the room.
After rechecking the entire safe house one last time, she sat down next to Jamison. “Nothing leaves this room.” She said steely.
“Of course.” Jamison said, unsure exactly what he had been dragged into.
“You swear?”
“I swear, Satya.” He wasn’t sure what Satya was about to reveal, but not matter what it was Jamison rationalized that nearly nothing her secret could be would make him leave this room.
“Ok...” Satya took a deep breath, looking quickly to the door before locking eyes again with Jamison. “You wondered how I know so much about Vishkar’s hard-light? Well… this is my secret.”
She then began taking apart her mechanical arm.
But instead of removing it from its detachable joint on what was left of her upper arm, she began ripping off bits and parts. The arm she’d held so much pride in, she always bragged about how she made her arm completely on her own from metal scraps and wiring she could find in the Indian ruins. It had been her pride and joy. She’d refused everyone’s help, even Jamison’s, when they offered to upgrade her arm. And now she was tearing it apart like it was nothing to her.
Jamison was about to protest when he saw a flash of white emerge as the she slowly took apart the arm. It couldn’t be… It was impossible…
But slowly Satya took off all the scraped pieces, Jamison realized that the arm had just been a shell. Made only to hide a beautiful, pristine, sleek arm. And when the palm began glowing with a brilliant blue light Jamison couldn’t deny it any further.
It was a Viskar prosthetic gauntlet. Possibly one of the last in existence.
Jamison felt speechless, Vishkar was a tall tale, an Arthurian legend. So many people he knew at Hyde had said “hard-light” couldn’t even theoretically exist. And yet here it was. Beams of light were being bent into prisms effortlessly in Satya’s control. “H-How?”
“One time when I was younger and foolish I attempted to scavenge the Vishkar ruins. It cost me my left arm but in turn I discovered something much more valuble…”
“Oh my god Satya… It’s amazing.”
She smiled and brought the gauntlet closer. “Try it, pinch the light to make a shape…”
Jamison was tentative to touch the light. He felt like he was about to touch the holy grail of engineering. He watched as his hand was illuminated by the light and he attempted to pinch the light as Satya had instructed. It took him a few times to try gripping the light but the fourth time he tried something seemed to suddenly connect and the hard-light followed his hand, fanning out in into triangles. He grinned up at Satya who smiled back.
“If anything happens to me. I want you to have my arm.”
Jamison looked up at her surprised. The way she said it, she sounded so certain.
She continued before he could say anything. “It’d be a pity if it ended up left in a museum, collecting dust and going unused. Something like this deserves to be used. To its complete potential. That’s why I want you to have it, Jamison.”
“Satya, you don’t have to
“Ok… but just in case.” Satya pressed moving closer, closing her gantlet around Jamison’s hand. “Please, promise me you’ll keep it safe?”
“I swear I’ll never let anything happen to your arm, darl.” He murmured, kissing Satya’s beautiful hand. And he raised his head to look Satya directly in the eyes. “But I’ll be a dead man before I let anything happen to you either.”
Satya frowned at that, looking away from him and down at her arm. “Thank you Jamison, but I’m not as important.”
“You are to me. And much more precious too.” Jamison said gently taking hold of her chin and looking back into her eyes. Ad before he could think against it he leaned in and pressed his lips warmly against hers.
That night he learned an invaluable secret, one that could destroy corporations, entire nations if wielded wrongly. But most importantly to Jamison, he realized just how much Satya loved and trusted him. And in that night he finally placed his whole heart and trust in her too.
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siodymph · 8 years
Symmrat Week Day 3
So for today we had to decide between fluff or angst and I chose... Angst! (Originally I was going to try incorporating both fluff and angst but I decided to go all out.)
Hope you enjoy!
Everything felt like it was wrapped in thick, dark velvet. His arms, his legs, along the insides of his eyes, even the inside of his head had this stuffed feeling. He couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t move, couldn’t think beyond a sleepy haze of consciousness. But instead of feeling trapped and claustrophobic it actually felt… nice to him. Like he was being hugged by a really large blanket. It made he feel safe.
And he could feel something blue holding his right hand. And a swirl of other colors sparked out from the darkness and clung to his side.
But just like that what little consciousness he felt began slipping away just as quickly as it came. And he fell back into dreamless sleep.
It had been half a day since they brought Jamison back to Gibralter but Satya couldn’t bring herself to leave his side.
He’d always had this scrappy look, lanky and unruly, but never fragile. Now though he was so pale, so thin, so weak. He looked like he would shatter if she even tried touching him. A paranoid part of her mind worried that it wasn’t really him.
What if this was just some decoy made by talon to Trojan horse their way into the base? As treacherous as it sounded Satya would have happily accepted it over this. Jamison use to brag that he could survive anything, like a roach he’d said, and yet now he looked so broken that he could fade away in his sleep. Angela ensured her that that would never happen, that Junkrat wouldn’t parish under her watch but she still feared the worst. What else could she do? She felt like she was going mad here just watching Jamison. She knew he needed time to recover and heal but at the same time she needed him right now.
It’s been nearly an entire month since she saw him. He’d disappeared during their last mission, the whole team was dispatched to help defend several subjects in Oasis when a whole army of Talon forces came after them. But when the fighting stopped and the dust cleared one team never reported back to Winston. Hana, Lucio and Junkrat had been sent to defend the University area and when the rest of Overwatch went down to the area to find them they were all gone.
If Satya had ever feared for her lift it was then. Roadhog had been a thing of pure rage. He’d threatened to kill everyone, everyone in Overwatch, Talon, even the “useless fucking suits” he’d been sent to protect if Junkrat and the others had been killed.
Now the colossal one-man apocalypse was sitting on the other side of the bed. He might have been sleeping sitting up or he might just be keeping silent vigil like her, she couldn’t tell from the mask hiding his face. Though his hair was let down it normal ponytail. He was sitting still but not tense like she was. And leaning up on his side was Lucio and Hana, the two must have fallen asleep while she was zoning out.
When the team found out where Talon had taken the three of them, Overwatch collectively came down on the base. It was something Talon had been planning for in their attempt of a trap but there was one thing they hadn’t anticipated and that was just how willing Symmetra, their whole team, and especially Roadhog were in hurting anything that came between them and their captured team members. She hadn’t seen Roadhog during the initial attack on the base but from the way everyone seemed to be avoiding him she could only imagine it had been a disturbing sight. Later in the attack she and a few other infiltrated the base only to find Roadhog already there and they all began the search.
They found Lucio and Hana locked in a cell the size of a small closet. And while physically neither of them had been badly hurt, the two obviously were wounded with psychological scars. It was heartbreaking to see two people who were normally so bubbly and bright so dulled and frightened. Even if she never saw eye-to-eye with Lucio but she never would have wished this onto him, onto anyone in Overwatch. Shakily the two told them during their first week Junkrat had been in there with them when suddenly they had taken him out and that was the last time they’d seen him. The heaviness sitting around her heart for an entire month twisted tighter and tighter when she heard that.
And after seeing how she’d reacted Ana told her that she couldn’t go with them. Satya had tried to argue with her but everyone else seemed to agree with her. So while the others continued infiltrating the base Satya went with Mei and carried Lucio and Hana out of the Talon lair to safety.
She’d been stuck on the ship, keeping guard and waiting. Finally everyone had comeback, Satya had been relieved only to have that relief dashed just as quickly as it came when she saw Jamison’s state. As Angela set him onto stretcher she’d thought she was dead until she saw the feather light rise and fall of his chest.
And now here she was. Still waiting.
There was so much she needed to say to Jamie. Before their mission in Oasis, the two of them had gotten into a nasty argument. Vishkar had been asking if she could leave her position from Overwatch and return to help with a demanding but highly important job in designing the new quarter of Utopaea that would house thousands of families immigrating to the city. It would be impossible to try performing both this task as well as her current work alongside Overwatch and she was promised that she could return to the team once her work in designing the neighborhoods was complete.
It was a deal she thought would be fair, if only it hadn’t involved her also leaving Jamison for such an unknown period of time as well. Still though, the idea of working as a true architect again, the challenge of building to her true potential, the hope and legacy of helping so many find sanctuary in her city was a very tempting offer. So much so she felt she couldn’t refuse. Many on Overwatch, including Junkrat of course, thought she could refuse very easily. They’d argued and both had said cruel things they’d wanted to take back. And they’d decided that after the Oasis Mission they’d have an honest, civil conversation, talk everything out and put everything on the table as Jamie had put it.
But that conversation never happened.
She’d been so distraught, and when she left to work again temporarly with Vishkar everything just felt so unright. She spent a month doing nothing but sketch designs from hard light, making one of the most beautiful cityscapes she wanted, pouring her soul into each street and arched doorway. But when she got a call from Overwatch saying they found Jamie and the others she’d dropped everything. She told Sanjay and her superiors that it was an emergency which it was in every sense of the word.
And now here she was, still holding vigil over the man who come to mean so much to her. She still had to go back to Vishkar and finish what she started but until she saw Jamison Fawkes awake and full of life she didn’t think any force could move her from this spot.
Not legacy, not architects, not heroes, not villains, not Roadhog, not even her own pride…
She kept waiting.
Slowly Junkrat could feel himself waking up. Little by little, like a bot rebooting, bits and pieces of him felt like they were trying to come back to life. But at the same time he felt so, so tired. Just the thought of lifting his eyelids felt exhausting.
And there were all those colors again, twinkling all around him like little sparklers he liked to make for the holidays. And there was something holding his hand, it felt warm and for some reason Junkrat couldn’t figure out it felt blue.
But he didn’t have a right hand. His hand had been gone now for years.
That finally sent Junkrat’s eyes peeling open and the blue feeling and his hand both disappeared with it.
There was a soft light above him, and he was sitting in a soft bed, blankets wrapped all around him. His eyes began to focus more and he realized the painfully pristine clean ceiling could only be that of Mercy’s back at Overwatch.
So he’d finally gone loopy enough to imagine himself back here? Most of his dreams had put him back in the Outback or even his bedroom in the Gibralter base. But never here, he hated this place. Maybe it was some sorta trap set up by those Talon cunts. Make him get all nice and secure, get him to actually believe he’d been rescued then WHAM! They’d pull the rug out from under him and they’d go back to torture and mind-melting. They were getting lazy, they’d already tried this before, made him think he was back in Oz and that none of Overwatch or his heists with Hog ever happened.
He looked around a bit, this simulation was really believable and he wondered if they’d try shocking him again. It had left his brain all staticky and buzzy the last time they’d done that.
He finally willed his head to turn to the side and he realized just how badly Talon wanted to break him.
Satya had been zoning out once more when a raspy, small voice came from the cot. And her head snapped down to see Jamison looking back at her.
She had to physically stop herself from embracing him, he was still terribly hurt. “Jamison! Oh my- Jamaison!”
“…G’day.” He smiled, but it seemed to pinch his face.
“I- I thought you were dead!” She could feel tears pricking her eyes but she could have cared less.
“Nope… not yet… I didn’t think they knew about us. They may be a bunch of monstrous cunts but I gotta give credit where it’s due, you look just like’er. Beautiful.”
Whatever fluttering relief in Satya began wilting as she heard that. “Jamie? What are you talking about?”
“I love ya to pieces Satya, but you and those Talon fucks ain’t getting shit outta me.”
“Jamie… Jamie you aren’t in Talon anymore. We rescued you. You’re home.”
As they’d talked Hana and Lucio had slowly awoken and realized Junkrat was conscious. They were at his side in seconds excitedly trying to talk to him a mile a minute, to reassure him they were all safe now. But shook his head and scrunched his eyes close as if he were trying to wish them all away. “No… not you guys too…”
“No! We’re all real! I’ll prove it! Come on pinch me!” Hana said shoving her arm towards Junkrat’s face. “Can’t pinch a hologram.”
“No… I can’t do this…” Satya had never herd Junkrat sound so broken, so distressed.
“It’s all right man, we’re all safe now. It’s gonna be ok.” Lucio added trying to be reassuring.
“They’re telling the truth.” Roadhog rumbled standing up behind the two superstars.
Seeing Roadhog must off broken something in him because then tears began spilling down Jamison’s face. “I-… I’m gonna be so fuckin’ pissed if this is just another trick.”
“It’s no trick, Jamaison. We would never do anything to hurt you.” Satya said unshed tears beginning to sting her own eyes.
Jamison tried lifting his casted hand up to touch Satya’s face but he could only move so far so Satya leaned in much closer and brought her own hand up to caress his face too.
“Satya” He murmured sighing in relief.
“What are you all doing in here?!”
Satya almost fell onto Jamie’s cot when she suddenly Soldier 76 was at the front door to the infirmary. He marched quickly over to them and tore her away from Jamison despite her attempt at protest.
“Everyone get away from him right now!”
“What the hell!” Jamie demanded but 76 all but ignored him.
Hana cried as Soldier 76 pulled her and Lucio up and away from the cot. “Wait! Please don’t make us leave! We would never hurt him!”
“It’s not you hurting him that I’m worried about.” He said through gritted teeth.
He looked pointedly at Roadhog but the man just crossed his arms, glaring back at 76 from behind his mask. “I’m not moving for shit.” He growled.
“We don’t know what Talon did to him. For all we know your Junkrat might not even be in there anymore.” 76 peered down and Junkrat while pointedly ignoring the Hog trying to decapitate him with a fiery gaze. He stared deeply into Jamie’s face like he was looking for something. And weakly he tried to return the gaze. Soldier 76 huffed a sigh before straightening back up.
Angela came into the room as soon as she heard all the commotion. “Jack what is the meaning of this! I told them they could all stay.”
“And I can’t have another case like the Widowmaker happen under our noses.” Mercy looked pained by the comment but stepped away from 76 as he spoke. “Until we know for sure they didn’t do anything to him he can’t be trusted. For now we let him recover but as soon as he’s better he’s answering to me.”
“I ain’t leaving.” Roadhog repeated.
“For all we know he might kill you.”
“Wouldn’t be the first to try.” Roadhog said, somehow sounding both smug and sad.
Soldier 76 looked like he wanted to fight Hog more on the matter but instead he relented. “Fine. You can stay.” But then he turned to Satya and the others he’d pulled off the bedside. “But you three get out of here. Go sleep in real beds.”
Satya wanted to fight him on this, she really did but the look Angela was sending her from behind the Soldier was clearly saying. No. Please don’t make this worse.
So with Lucio and Hana at her sides the three of them left Junkrat in the care of Roadhog, Angela and Soldier 76.
And Satya was back to waiting.
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siodymph · 8 years
Symmrat Week Day 1
Yay! Symmrat week is finally here, i’ve been so pumped for this week! Hopefully this all goes well
For Day 1, the prompt was “The First” and you could pick whatever first to write about so I went with the 1st Spark. you can either read it under the cut, or you can check it out on AO3 at this link.
For most folks with a passion whether it be music, meteorology, architecture, engineering, weight lifting, video games, even explosions, they could probably think of a starting point, sometimes a single moment when they first saw their passion in action and they realized it was something they could do happily for the rest of their life. That first spark that ignited something much greater.
 For Satya, she could remember that first spark very well.
She’d just been recruited by Vishkar, left her family behind and was both excited and terrified of what would happen to her. She and a multitude of other young students had been walked through the facilities that would soon be their school and home. Satya, who had been silent the entire tour and stuck to the front of the group was still not quite sure what to make of Vishkar.
But then, at the very end of the tour several of Vishkar’s finest architects at the time arrived. And lifting their arms in unison performed a small demonstration for the new students.
They were stunning, movements and actions masterful and perfect. Together, their gauntlets glowed with a brilliant blue light and just like magic prisms made of pure light formed on their fingertips. The way they all acted, the practiced, precision and grace, it was almost like a dance to Satya. As they continued, their hard-light structures began to branch out, connecting to one another and working together as a unified group they built a beautiful pillar.
Satya felt struck in a way she never had before while watching the architects build as one. And when they were finished they let the children come forth and see their handy-work up close. Satya ran her finger across the sleek pillar, when she looked closely she could still see all the small beautiful triangles and prisms made from light, somehow fixed into this new creation.
When the time came for the students to leave, the tour guides had to gently push her away from the pillar to keep up with the rest of the students. And on her first night at Vishkar her dreams were filled with shining blue prisms and shapes all coming to exist at her command and all flying together to form a giant tower that reached up into the clouds.
After that she knew what she wanted to do in Vishkar. She wanted to work so masterfully that it looked like she were dancing. She wanted to work so wonderfully in unison, that maybe she could help the whole world act so perfectly in unison too. She wanted to make perfect structures and designs that made the world more beautiful. She wanted to become an architect.
And so she spent the rest of her school days studying and training, striving to achieve her dream. Dedicated herself to not just learn but master the power of hard-light until she was finally passed every exam with flying colors and was granted a gauntlet of her very own. And even if for a short while, she did something she loved thanks to Vishkar. Before Brazil, she truly believed that she and the corporation she worked with were doing good for the planet. Helping everyone see the perfect harmony and unison Satya loved and dedicated her life to.
 For Junkrat while the details before and after were cloudy and unclear, the exact moment of his first spark itself was permanently imprinted into his mind.
All he knew for sure was that he’d been real small. Small enough that a group had taken pity on him, though their faces were blurs in his mind. He could only assume that their group had run into trouble though. There was screaming in both fury and pain all around him, people fighting like starving animals, the sound of bullets whizzing past his ears. Then everyone had been running, yelling to get down when an explosion was set off.
Compared with the stuff he worked with now, that bomb hadn’t even been that great just your usual run-of-the-mill boom. But for his very first explosion up close, it took it breath away and lifted him off his feet. Literally. The force sent him flying back and tumbling across the ground several meters till he crashed into a pile of junk. The very air in his lungs was knocked out of him and left choking on smoke and dust. And the light that came from that explosion, he’d never seen anything manmade be so bright. And yet when that explosion went off suddenly night was turned to day, the light had burned his eyes and left him blinking in sharp blues and greens for a few minutes. And the boom… That beautiful boom… The sound tore through his whole body leaving his ears ringing, head rattled and scrambled, his limbs buzzing with energy and a hum that made his chest feel concaved.
Never before in his life had he experienced something to powerful, something so game changing. With that single explosion Junkrat was in love. And he’d do anything to see an explosion like that again.
He’d started off just trying to nab other Junker’s fireworks and bombs. But as time went on in the outback even those became scarce along with all the other weapons and canned food from the before-times. So while everyone else started improvising, making bullets out of scrap metal, Junkrat began improvising of his own. He carefully took apart a few of his last factory-made bombs and drew out what it all looked like on the inside, figuring out everything he’d need to make on his own. His first few home-made bombs were a whole lot of duds, and the ones that did go off were weak. So he began experimenting with the ratios of everything he put together and new materials he would find out in the husks of old cars and houses. Each boom became bigger and badder than the one he tried before but he couldn’t stop himself, he wanted to see just how wild he could make his bombs. A few times he’d tried making guns but he always came back to bombs. There was a power he felt that Junkrat just couldn’t find in any other weapon. Junkrat was hooked on bombs like they were a drug, and he couldn’t of been happier.
 Together through Overwatch they discovered a kindred spirit in one another. Despite their differences in appearance, they found they actually had many things in common. They were both creators who whole-heartedly loved what they did. They both had a passion, an inspiration, a spark. And despite the mishaps in their lives, the ones they shared and the ones they kept secret, they still had a strive to do what they loved no matter what happened in the world, maybe even in spite of what happened in the world.
As time went on, that understanding between them became a sincere friendship. And before either of them could prepare themselves, once again like a bolt striking them down, they both felt a spark.
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mysteriousdreaming · 8 years
A Little Fall Of Rain [11/?]
[  Jamison is dying. Years of living in a radiation twisted hellscape have finally taken their toll, just as things where starting to get better. But among all the chaos that comes with secretly dying while trying to help save the world, he wasn’t supposed to fall in love with the order loving Vishkar agent. He wasn’t supposed to find a reason to live. ]
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I'm back from the war, and hell was it a battle.
I've been to Iceland, revised for my mock exams, DONE my mock exams and celebrated Christmas and the new year since the last chapter.
Sorry this chapter took so long (3 months i think D:), life and writers block have caused me hell, but no matter what this fic isn't being abandoned so don't worry! I hope the chapter was worth the wait, and i have some nice things planed for symmrat week too ;)
“So I guess that's it really! I'm looking forward to working with all of you!” Hana smiled finishing her speech and making her back to her seat. 
She was sat beside Junkrat and Roadhog, something that had surprised everyone at the start of the briefing especially the lanky junker himself. When Junkrat had asked her why she was sitting next to him, she had just shrugged and grinned, saying he was the only person she knew and he seemed nice.
He had learnt a little more about Hana from the brief. She was 19 years old, but despite her age she was already fighting in the South Korean army against a large omic that terrorised her home. He’d considered that fairly normal until she had gone on to say how she was a ‘pro StarCraft player’ (and upcoming movie star) who, like many other korean ‘professional gamers’, had been selected to pilot a mech due to her fast reflexes.
Even after the best nights sleep he’d had in ages, he was still tired from the night before. Although not a shattered as he could have been if Mercy hadn’t helped him. When he had woken up to hog shouting at him to ‘get of his lazy arse’ the searing pain had dulled down to a far more manageable dull ache, and for once he even felt slightly refreshed. Slightly.
Winston had started off on a long and boring drawl about the next mission , and Junkrat felt his attention slipping away from the large monkey as he began to look around the room. If there was one thing he hated more than anything working here, it was the dam briefs. Sure, organisation was ‘key for a mission’ and all that shit, but fucking hell it was boring and he struggled to remember most of what was actually said when the mission finally came around sometimes a week or so later. It just seemed pointless really, especially since they always seemed to have 'update brief’ the day or night before. He wouldn't be surprised if the meetings were only for appearances, to give the team a sense of organization and unity. It would be just as easy to give a brief in the common room, but the room with a big table and lots of chairs made the whole thing feel very professional and suit-ish. If that was the reason for doing the long, boring sessions then maybe they weren't that bad in the long run. But it didn't mean they were any more enjoyable.
As his eyes darted around the room uninterested in the specifics of the next mission and any plans that didn't involve him, he noticed something, or rather the lack of something; He couldn't see Symmetra anywhere. It was unlike her to be late for a brief, or even not the first person there, and the fact she wasn't there at all strangely and annoyingly worried him. It wasn't like it really affected the mission whether she was here or not right this second, she would still get all the information she needed from Winston anyway sooner or later and that's all he should care about. But with her need for order and organisation and rules it was uncomfortably uncharacteristic. He didn't know why, but he couldn't help but be concerned about what could be up with her. The woman lived and breathed business and schedules, so missing something like this was a big deal. It just didn't sit right with him.
Roadhog seemed to notice something was up, and elbowed him roughly in the side breaking him out of his thoughts. “Whats up?”
“Symm ain’t here,” he mumbled only partially paying attention to his large friend and having another look around the room incase he had somehow missed her. “And you know what suits are like, they dont miss shit like this.”
“So you're worried?” The large junker huffed, sounding unimpressed.
“What? No, why would I be worried about a suit? Just being nosey that's all” The lanky junker shrugged almost sheepishly, sliding back in his chair and not fooling his bodyguard with his bluff.
Roadhog gave him long stare before turning his own attention back to the meeting, while Junkrat went back to twiddling his thumbs and picking the paint on his prosthetic hand, scowling at the flaky orange acrylic like a small child. Why was he concerned? It wasn't like he didn't have his own bigger problems to worry about (not that he wanted to think about that too long) and apart from Mercy he still didn't trust, or even like, most of the team enough to to worry about silly stuff like this.
So why was Symmetra different?
She hadn't exactly been nice to him during his time at overwatch so far, calling him a savage was probably best example of this, but at the same time she had helped him out with his leg when he needed it most. Hell, he still couldn't wrap his head around the fact she didn't want anything in return for the beautifully crafted bolt that now shimmered with every step he took.  Back home no one did anything for anyone out of the goodness of their heart, ‘cept the occasional kind soul who would help out the ragged children that lived almost in packs in the town. If someone did you a 'good turn’, you had to pay em back one way or another if you didn't want a knife in your back.
He thought suits would be the same, just as evil but with less actual stabbing, and his and Hog’s experience in Sydney seemed to confirm that. But despite her stuck up nature, for some reason Symm didn't seem like the suits he had met in the past. Even her calling him a savage, while extremely harsh and fucking rude, was somewhat (annoyingly) understandable. Even Mercy who was arguably the kindest and most understanding member of the recall team, gave the two junkers a strange look when they first arrived at the watchpoint covered in weeks worth of soot and grime and with enough firepower between them for a small army. With shit like that he couldn't really blame her. Symm had probably known luxury her whole life, or the very least the things he considered luxury; Hot food, running water a nice clean bed you can feel safe in at the end of the day. People seemed to forget that he sometimes found ‘civilized’ folks as strange as they found him.
Maybe it was just because he had spent so much time around her. Long silent hours sitting in the workshop together may have made him learn more about other people than he realised. He’d never been good in social situations. Not as a kid, not as lanky, pesky, teen and especially not as an adult. Sharing the workshop with two cranky builders really forced him to learn when to stop. If one of them snapped at him the whole mood of the workshop changed to something a lot more sour and uncomfortable, so he had started to try and find ways to keep his energy under control. Humming had gotten annoying fast, and so had tapping the table while he was thinking, so he had begun to bounce his leg a lot more frequently than normal. It helped, but wasn't very satisfying.
A large hand clamped own on his shoulder scaring the shit out of him, shaking him out of his thoughts and making him almost fall out of his chair. His reaction was met with a bubbly giggle from next to him, which was surprisingly joined by a hoarse, throaty laugh from his other side. He saw mercy walking away from near them and narrowed his eyes at Roadhog. The two better not have been speaking about more shit behind his back.
“Lost in ya own little world Ratboy?” Hana playfully teased, still bent over laughing and oblivious to his glare “Come on, brief is over, it’s time for breakfast and I’m starving!”
Junkrat opened his mouth to reply, but closed it again and gave her a puzzled look, his attention taken away from whatever Mercy and Roadhog were talking about“Ratboy?”
“Yes! It’s your new nickname!”
“What, like old pig face over here?”
She winced rubbing the back of her head with a wary smile. “...That seems more like an insult to me…” He could tell by the look on her face that while she may have been open to him, Roadhog was still rather intimidating. He didn’t blame her. The guy was huge, carried around a hook almost as big as her and had a pig mask covering his face.
He wasn't really a vision of comfort.
“Nah, You don’t mind, do you Hog?” He cupped a hand around the side of his mouth and turned to her with a mock whisper that realy wasn’t much quieter than his actual whisper “He’s a big softie really, not as big and scary when he’s knitting by the fire.”
The large junker let out an angry snort and just glared from behind his mask at his boss who completely ignored the lingering stare, making Hana burst into another fit of laughter while Junkrat stood with a silly lopsided grin plastered on his face. He always loved it when he managed to make people laugh. It brought back foggy, but good, memories of his old life. Of his mother, with her soft face and kind eyes that crinkled when she laughed at his silly antics. With some of the memories he had of his old life he couldn't tell whether they were real, or just remnants of nights spent wishing to be normal as a kid. But these memories were different. They were just so real they had to be true.
He nearly fell off his pegleg when Hana suddenly grabbed his wrist and began to pull him towards the mess hall and away from his thoughts, starling him for a second time.
“Come on! I haven't eaten since i got here last night, I’ll just eat you if you don’t hurry up.”
He was pretty hungry for once, and his appetite was coming back. Maybe breakfast was a good idea after all.
Symmetra looked as battered and ragged as she felt. Her hair was was a frizzy and slightly matted mess, and she had no energy to do her makeup, making the dark marks under her eyes very noticeable. She was absolutely exhausted. All through the night she had been suffering from a phantom pain that smothered the end of her arm. It had kept her awake most of the night rolling uncomfortably in her bed. She had even tried to get up and use the time wisely by working, and although it had managed to distract her from the pain in her arm it had meant she never got round to sleeping, until about five in the morning when she passed out on her desk, her head using the pile of papers in front of her as a pillow. Dropping off so late meant that she completely and hopelessly overslept. Her alarm had broken meaning she had woken up at ten, a time that would be severely punished back at Vishkar. What made it even worse was the amount of missed calls on her phone from Lena. There had been a breif she had missed, and she was mortified.
After throwing on her uniform in a mad hurry, with only just enough time to make sure it looked presentable, she dashed as fast as she could down to the mess hall where breakfast was unfortunately in full swing. She got a bowl of plain cereal, not wanting to make her lateness any more obvious, and sat down by Mei who was busy talking to Angela . As much as she preferred privacy and keeping to herself, she always felt a lot more comfortable in a social situation if she was next to someone she knew, sitting quite happily on the sidelines. She was fine to just sit in silence as the two women talked about the meeting she had missed. That was another thing she would have gotten in a lot of trouble for back at vishkar. Missing a meeting, even a small, insignificant one, would often result in disciplinary action. She would have to try and remember to apologize dearly to Winston for her absence. The gorilla was not as harsh as her superiors back at vishkar, but he still may be annoyed at her for missing what sounded extremely important.
She let out a small sigh and tried to rub more sleep out of her eyes and clear the cobwebs from her brain, focusing on the cereal in front of her. It was bland and boring. She had forgotten to add any fruit or even sugar and the cornflakes were slowly melting into a horrible mushy mass the longer she left them. Her weary attention drifted to her prosthetic arm with its sleek white design and complex parts. She was lucky it was semi-permanently attached to her or she would have forgotten it in her rush to get ready. It had been created to be as comfortable as possible, with synthetic nerves so delicate that she would sometimes forget that it wasn't real. Of course, not being able to remove her arm without specialist tools did have some down sides (she could remember numerous times where she had been harshly woken in the middle of the night by cold metal pressed against her cheek), but even with the few set backs she would take Vishkar’s technology over a primitive prosthetic like Junkrat’s anyday.
Not that his prosthetic didn't impress her, quite the opposite, it almost infuriated her how he could create not just his arm but also his leg from only scrap and odd tools. It seemed like he could just pick up any scrap and make it into an invention, bomb or some other piece of equipment; His talent was completely his own and he was extremely talented. It had been on her mind ever since she had looked at his notebook. The mad chaos of his creatively allowed him to do things and come up with ideas that, in her mind, should not be possible with just old parts. He could make an old tire and a car engine into an annoyingly efficient weapon. No matter what she did she knew part of her skills were due to the technology she had in her hand, any idea she had relied on Vishkar to become a reality. Her blessing was also her curse in a way. If she wanted to create something, she was bound almost completely by the limits of hard light technology. Without them what was she? The little girl picking tourists pockets in the slums of India? The thought disgusted her. That life was long gone and she didn't need think about it. She was a civilised business woman at the top of a respectable company. She wasn't a criminal like the Junkers.
Thinking of the two mad australians she looked up from her disappointing breakfast and over to where they were sitting. They were at their usual seat right at the back of the large mess hall and as far from zenyatta and genji as they could get, preferring to keep their distance from anyone else in general. It was such an odd group. A lanky arsonist with flaming hair, a larger than life man in a leather pig mask and a small korean girl…
Wait what?
She suddenly snapped out of her sleepy state and her eyes locked onto the girl with a bewildered expression on her face. Who the heck was that? Something about her did seem mildly familiar, like they may have met at a gala or passed in the street, but she defiantly hadn’t seen her here before. Mei seemed to notice her confusion and gave her a light tap on the shoulder, getting her attention.
“You’ve finally noticed the new recruit then.” She smiled with a slight laugh “She’s called Hana Song, she introduced herself in the briefing this morning.” the scientist took a small bite of her pancake before continuing “Where were you this morning anyway?”
Symmetra absentmindedly moved her fingers over to where her prosthetic conecte to her arm, stroking the divide between smother metal and warm skin and remembering the pain that still lingered. Even though most of it had dissipated there was still a small twinge of ache left there from the night before. “I was doing some late night work and simply lost track of the time. My alarm breaking did not help and it seemed i missed quite a few calls from Lena aswell.” she paused, messing nervously with the complex panels “ Do you think winston will be disappointed? It was very unprofessional of me to miss a meeting this important.”
Mercy gave her a soft and reassuring smile “Well he may be a little grumpy, but he always has been when he’s stressed. He won't be too fussed as long as you go to him and get what you need on the mission.” She tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear and looked over to where Hana was sitting “You may want to introduce yourself too. I think you and Hana will get along quite well”
She gave them both a nod, making the decision to abandon her disappointing breakfast. It was barely touched anyway, and she wasn't really that hungry. She got up out of her seat and walked over to the table were the odd group was sitting, trying to avoid looking at a Junkrat who was looking more excitable the closer she got. With the way he was rapidly jiggling his leg she was sure he would fly out of his seat like some bizarre cartoon character any minute.
“Ay! Metra! You’r looking lovely this morning!” With his comment she remembered how much of a mess she must have looked and was about to give him a glare when she realised how genuine his smile and comment was. Instead of trying to be sarcastic it seemed like he was trying to be genuinely kind to her. Sure, it was probably because he noticed how much of a state she looked, but he wasn't taking it as an opportunity for a joke at her expense. And she was oddly grateful.
“Good morning, I heard we had a new member to our team. Sorry i missed the meeting this morning, I overslept.” She turned to Hana and held out her hand “I’m am Satya Vaswani, it’s a pleasure to be working with you in the near future”
The young woman seemed a little taken back at the formality but quickly took her and and shook it enthusiastically. “Pleasure to meet you too! I'm Hana Song!”
“She is amazing Metra!” Junkrat piped up, barely audible with most of a pancake shoved in his mouth, sticky syrup running down his chin. “She's a mecka pilot, movie star and a professional gamer.” She couldn’t help but cringe when he used the back of his hand to wipe the golden mess away. It was taking every fiber of her being not to lean over the table with a napkin and sort the issue out properly.
She turned her attention back to Hana, trying to ignore the walking disaster. “You play videogames for a living? That's….interesting” she noticed Hana's smile faltered a little and felt a slight twinge of guilt “It must be fun doing something you love as a job.”
“Oh its awesome! Fighting in my mech can be fun too, but also scary, you never know when people are going to get hurt. But sometimes that’s what it takes to make things safer.”
Her words struck symmetra a little. ‘you never know when people are going to get hurt. But sometimes that’s what it takes to make things safer’
Those words she had heard many times from Sanjay in one form or another when talking about what had happened in Rio de Janeiro. He told her the lives that had been lost and ruined there were, while sad, necessary sacrifices for them to bring order to the slums. He had to be telling the truth, but since they had been driven out of the city the citizens seemed to be getting on alright by themselves. Had they done the right thing by interfering? So many people had got hurt but things were just as they were before. If they hadn't have gotten involved maybe that little girl wouldn't have been scarred for life. The thought made it feel like someone was twisting a knife in her stomach.
Roadhog almost seemed to notice her being uncomfortable and tried to change the subject “Where were you?” He grumbled, lifting his mask just enough to take a sip of tea from a small cup.
Junkrat grinned “This morning, for the meeting, ain’t like you to be late.”
She sighed, smoothing some hair away from her face and sitting down at the table. She folded her hands neatly in her lap “I couldn't sleep, so i worked all night. Unfortunately I fell asleep and my alarm didn't go off.” She was still embarrassed about her lateness, and really didn’t want to be talking about it, but it was better than letting her mind wander.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?”
This time Symmetra did give the hyperactive jester an annoyed scowl, he had such an unprofessional attitude it wound her up. “Why are you so nosey?”
“Just part of my charming personality, that’s all” He shrugged cheekily, making Hana laugh. “And you say I need to be more of a team player! Im being caring .” he had a look on his face that reminded Symmetra of the Chesire Cat and the last word was drawn out, highlighting his accent in a long drawl.
“Well it’s not that charming, it’s infuriating. I had phantom pain in my arm if you must know. I was a wake, so i made use of my time and dealt with some my work.”
At the mention of the phantom pain Junkrat’s eyes lit up.” You got that too? Kinda creepy.” He noticed her confused expression and let out a mad laugh, stuffing another whole pancake into his mouth. “I got that shit too last night, was a pain in the ass. Went to mercy and she sorted me right out. You should go to her in the future, make sure you don't miss any more meetings”
“Maybe that would have been best, but it was a blessing in disguise. I had a lot of work to catch up on and most of it is now finished.” She hoped her answer would be sufficient enough and turned to Hana in an attempt to change the subject. “So, why do you want to join the recall. I hope it’s not offending to say you look too young to have been on the original team. Surely being a celebrity would be safer than this.”
Hana paused for a second, surprised by the sudden change. “Well, I guess I just want to help yaknow? Stop all the bad stuff that's happening.” Her eyes seemed to look a little sadder “There's already an omic still destroying my home, and things in Russia aren't looking too good. The future isn't looking to good in general right now, maybe we can change that.”
The mention of omnics seemed spark emotion in the junkers as well. Anger.
“Ye, its the stupids bots fault. The whole world is falling apart because of them. They should go back to the scrap heap!” Junkrat raised his voice for the last part, obviously trying to get the attention of the student master duo on the other side of the hall. Genji seemed ready to walk over and confront him but was stopped by his master while the lanky junker giggled manically, earning a harsh shove from his bodyguard. “What!”
“Knock it off.” The larger junker grumbled while Junkrat was left furiously rubbing away the pain in his arm. “You wouldn't last in a fight with him.”
“Bet i would.” He grumbled annoyed, his ego as hurt as his arm “And anyway thats a silly question, we’re all here for the same reason. Fighting the good fight.”
Symmetra rolled her eyes at his comment, trying not to laugh “I thought you and Roadhog were hired mercenaries here for the money.”
The lanky jester put his hand to his heart in mock offence, letting out a small gasp. “Excuse you. I am here for the greater good and nothing more. Although the money is a good perk. I’m a freedom fighter, a misunderstood one, but a freedomfighter nonetheless.”
Hana let out a laugh and she couldn’t help but join her, “Criminal, thief and arsonist you mean.” But even as she said the words she knew they weren’t one hundred percent true. He was definitely a criminal and an annoyance, but he also seemed to have many tricks and talents hidden away. She couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets the junker had.Maybe the bomb crazy maniac actually was a freedom fighter after all. After all, they did know the job they were walking into. So did she. But was she here of her own will like them, or just because Vishkar needed to keep an eye on their funds.
Was she really here to make the world a better place? Or was she just a ‘suit’ sitting on the sidelines? The thought of not knowing the answer scared her.
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