#last minute set sorry 😔😔😔🙏
magicaldreamfox1 ¡ 1 year
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yeosatinyngz ¡ 3 years
Part Eighteen
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➼A/N: If you press on the pictures to read them and scroll through, the gifs tell you when to exit the pics and read the written parts. I also want to say that I’ll be putting a pause to this series. As much as I love it, I can’t focus on daily uploads. Your girl is down with a cold and fever💀 Plus, I want to finish working on the drafts of other works I planned. I also need to focus on my finals so it would be hard for me to continue on writing and uploading daily😔 Please wait for my return with this series🙏 Y’all probs don’t even care🤧but yeah see you soon~ Strap yourselves in for a long ride cause as an apology for the pause to this series I'll be spoiling you guys with a long chapter, enjoy ;)
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You tiredly walked into Bonten’s base with coffee in your hands. Not long after you walked in, you were greeted by the annoying trio (Ran, Rindou, and Sanzu). “Good morninggg” they cheerfully said to you. “Morning guys” you tiredly mumbled out as you walked past them. They looked at each other in shock, how come you’re not engaging with them as usual. Sanzu quickly catches up to you. “Morning cranky, you alright?” “Yea, just really tired” “Is that why you have two coffees?” “No, the other one is for-” you were cut off by him “Oh you bought it for me? How kind of you” He said while grabbing the coffee you haven’t drank from. “No, it’s not for you” you snapped as you quickly snatched the drink away from him while glaring at him. (You get easily annoyed when you’re tired so you can’t control your actions).
Just then Kakucho came in so you call out to him. “Kaku!” Kakucho’s attention then turns to you. You walked up to him “Morning Y/N” “Morning Kaku, I got you coffee cause I know you must be tired” “Thank you so much, I really needed it” He happily accepted your coffee and you both walk off together. While this interaction was going on you failed to see the shocked faces of the idiot trio.
Ran’s POV
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You were able to quickly finish the work Mikey gave you, especially since you had a head start working on it throughout the early morning. You decided to take a nap and you laid down on the couch in your office. You slept for 30 minutes before you were woken up. WHO DARES WAKE YOU UP FROM YOUR PEACEFUL REST. Your eyes shot open as you set your eyes on the culprit who woke you up, Rindou. So you have chosen death, you shot him a death glare. “Is there a good reason as to why you’re waking me up?” you said with a tone of hostility. Rindou felt shivers down his back and nervously spat out, “Uh there’s a meeting we have to attend.” “Oh for fucks sake” you got up from the couch and stormed out your office to the meeting room. “I’m scared” Rindou whispered to himself while following behind you.
You kicked the door to the conference room open, which caught the attention of all the Bonten members. You sat down at your usual seat as Rindou just walked in and sat at his seat. What follows afterwards was an awkward silence. No one wanted to say anything in fear of you blowing up. Your cold voice broke the silence, “Well are we going to start the meeting or what?” Mikey cleared his throat, “Ah yes, sorry for this last minute meeting but I just got intel that our rival gang is closing up on us, we need to be extra careful with our movements from now on.” He then continues on talking about his plans and you all agreed to everything he asked for you guys to do. “Alright, that wraps up this meeting, return to what you guys were doing beforehand.” “Yes sir” you all said and bowed. You waited as Mikey left to head back to your office. Before stepping out of the conference room you gave a warning to the other members “If you need me, don’t. Or else I’ll kill you.” All the guys avoided eye contact with you and nodded. You went back into your office and plopped on your couch heading off to dreamland. You ended up snoozing for a good 4 hours.
Ran’s POV
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You’ve finally awakened from your nap with no interruptions. You sat there and stared off into space, you started thinking back on how you acted today. *Blink* *Blink* Realization hit you as you rewind everything that happened within the day in your head. “Holy shit I was such a jerk, I got to apologize to them”
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There was no way in hell they wouldn’t show up. You waited patiently in your seat for them to show up, they all slowly came rolling in and sat at their respective seats. They cautiously looked at you and you cleared your throat. “I just want to sincerely apologize to you all for my behavior for today. I know I was really hard to work with and probably ruined the whole day for you all. I can’t guarantee it but I’ll try my best to watch my attitude next time I get cranky. Again I’m really really sorry!” You said as you bowed at them. You looked up and you see they’re all frozen.
It was Sanzu that finally broke the silence. He went up and hugged you. “That’s the Y/N we know and love, welcome back” You smile and hugged him back. “Ha, good to be back” “Hey get your dirty hands off my best friend” Rindou said while shoving Sanzu away to embrace you. “Move, it’s my turn to hug them Rinrin” This time it was Ran that shoved Rindou away. You laughed at their little banter.
“Why were you so pissed off anyways?” Kakucho asked. “I had a bad morning. First of all I didn’t even get any sleep, then I stubbed my toe when I was leaving to get here, I burnt my tongue on my coffee. By the time I got here I had a headache and then the idiot trio were so loud it was making my headache worse. Plus when I get no sleep my actions get out of control, sorry again everyone” “Hey! Who are you calling idiot trio?” “Why look at that, if it isn’t 1/3rd of the idiot trio talking right now😏” you laughed while Sanzu pouted. “Note taken, I shall never piss you off” Koko said. “So glad you’re usually not like that” Takeomi added while Mochi nods his head. “Boss you should also keep track on how much work you’re giving them, don’t overwork them to the point where they’ll get no sleep” “You don’t have to remind me, I am fully aware now. I’ll just get Sanzu to take care of Y/N’s work if they can’t handle it.” “That’s unfair to me😭 you all are bullying me”
➼Art credits for the pfps in Ran’s POV goes to the Mangaka of Tokyo Revengers, Ken Wakui (who loves playing with our feelings😭) Please wait patiently for the return of Shenanigans w/ the Haitani Brothers!
➼Taglist: @lizbethszep22 @ilykii @sammcaav222 @rvrindousvpet @kawasbaby @gulfkfl @fl4mepillar
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