#last thing i read was descartes book on discourse and meditation
pogasm · 6 months
i changed my mind i’m gnna get myself some workbooks for Christmas
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bigbaywindow · 3 years
ty for the tag @physicallyimprobable <3
name/nickname: dee and/or kit, kitkat by a good 15% of the people who meet me irl
gender: i'm a girl; but also, i'm not? (she/her, they/them)
star sign: aquarius
height: 5'10"ish
time: 5:10pm
favorite band: modest mouse
birthday: february 2nd
favorite solo artist: atm? r.a.p. ferreira
song stuck in my head: vacillating between the station by oneohtrix point never and absolute territory by ken ashcorp (i really miss physical contact ok?)
last movie: depending on your definition of "movie" this could be the poltergeist, any given part of futurama season 6, the some more news movie, or that one like three and a half hour long chronological supercut of kratos' backstory (despite the fact that i have never played god of war and have no real plans to change that anytime soon)
last show: cybersix (which, while flawed, rules actually?? why did nobody tell me how much cybersix rules what the fuck)
when did i create my blog: hell if i know. i think i was like 13 or 14 when i first got on tungle and i've been haunting its azure catacombs ever since
what i post: the typical eclectic transfem leftist melange, u know the deal
other blog(s): as of rn i have 41 urls (most of which are either defunct or saved for reasons), i actively use abt nine of them and most of the main ones should be linked on my blog
why i chose my url: on one hand, leftover crack reference. on the other, nice pun on the word "uncover"
do i get asks: once in a blue moon
last thing i googled: the clockmaker wikipedia (long story involving the plot of guilty gear and the deist concept of god)
i follow: 2,152
following: 332 (self-policed of porn bots, generally v quiet)
average hours of sleep: 4-10
lucky numbers: 64, 42, 4, and any multiple of 3
instruments: more than i need, less than i want (not a whole lot of experience in any but guitar, microfreak synth, keyboard, fiddle)
what i'm wearing: black jeans and a comfy red brockhampton hoodie over a nice grungy purple/black striped sweater
dream trip: financially-unburdened apartment shopping in halifax
favorite food: carbs (i primarily subsist on sicilian ziti pizza to balance out a less than sustainable appetite)
nationality: US-born slavic smorgasbord (tl;dr white)
favorite song: really hard to pin down but i have a lot of emotions tied up in wish you were here
last book read: discourse on method and meditations on first philosophy (unfinished) by rené descartes (bitch)
top 3 fictional universes i want to be in: uhhh i'm almost certainly forgetting something but off the top of my head let's say... pokemon, coupon kids, cowboy bebop, in that order
favorite color: the kind of almost iridescent reddish-orange you get right at the end of a late-autumn sunset
tagging: @goodnigth , @goatse-syndicalist-69 , @subway-skeleton , @babybutch420 , @handageddon , @mothgenes , and you.
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singofsolace · 5 years
I was tagged by @ladyspellwood <3 Thank you!!
Name/Nickname: Nicole
Nationality/Country: American
Language: English
Birthday: April 28th
Zodiac: Taurus
Occupation: (1) Adjunct Professor of English and (2) Standardized Patient in the clinical simulation centers of two hospitals
Hobbies: Writing fanfiction and flailing about middle-aged actresses on my blog
Other blogs: My Star Trek side-blog is @colonel-kira-nerys , but one of my posts on that blog went viral/blew up, so the “activity” function is basically useless. (I know this sounds like the opposite of a problem, but for real, it rendered the blog basically impossible to maintain, since I miss a lot of comments on other posts and tags and such)
Fave Book: If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
Fave Movie: Saving Mr. Banks (because I’m obsessed with Emma Thompson’s portrayal of P.L. Travers)
Favorite color: Purple
Fave season: tie between fall and spring
Fave food: mac & cheese
Fave animal: dog
Last movie I watched: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
Last song I listened to: “Tango Maureen” from RENT
Last Book I read: In it’s entirety? probably Nicole Sealey’s ordinary beast 
(please don’t tell my MFA professors, who think I read all of everything they assign. The problem is that I am both lazy and the best bullshitter to ever bullshit. I read one chapter and can tell you about the whole book. Technically the last book I was supposed to read for class was Rene Descartes’ Discourse on Method and Meditations which I read most of, but not all) 
Last fun thing I did: played charades in an old Victorian house
Inspiration or muse: Actresses and the choices they make with the material. Most tv and movie scripts are absolute shit, but these actresses breathe life and believability into them... and I’m just in awe. Miranda Otto absolutely slays in every role she has ever had, but I was particularly impressed by the fight scene in CAOS that ends: “don’t come crying to me when it all blows up in your face.” I know we all love that scene, but the moment that gets to me, like literally shatters my soul, is when Miranda Otto as Zelda receives the blow (”You’re not my mother, Zelda, so stop acting like you are!”) and she does this thing with her body where her chin wobbles but her spine straightens at the same time...AND HOLY SHIT I don’t know how you act that, over and over again.
Meaning of my url: When I was young, I was obsessed with Martina McBride. She has a song called, “Concrete Angel” that makes me cry every time. The “1221″ was added because there was probably already a blog called “concreteangel” and I really like palindromes. Also, 12 is my favorite number.
Dream Destination: Hawaii 
Dream Job: Full-time author or screenwriter
I tag: @claire-de-macarune @twosidseofthesamecoin @friendly-deatheater @dreamsofamuggle @twtd11 @sonnabug @its-a-goode-day
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