❛ ah ? come to surprise me in my chambers, I see ? ❜
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        ❝ You know me, I’m a real giver. ❞ The Iron Bull held dinner for the evening, in case the Inquisitor had forgotten to steal away from work long enough to eat, and one of those funny drinks of his ( unmixed and entirely legal, however, because Bull liked Lethiel as-is, not half dead with alcohol poisoning, which he was convinced would happen one day ). Not immediately visible were the pair of silk ribbons Bull carried as a “Just In Case” thing, because sometimes the mood could get a little intense with them. He wouldn’t even mention them unless Lethiel seemed to be pushing for it - some days, the Inquisitor just needed someone to give him a break, and that’s what Bull was for. At least, that’s how the Qunari saw it. 
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pavusparentage-blog · 8 years
lathboraviiran replied to your post:i rly want to come back to darp if only bc i miss...
we should do things when i get bull revived and maylin cleaned up
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vatesvati-blog · 8 years
hella sweet munday meme  oh friday
⛅ Do you believe aesthetics is another form of expression?
Yes. I enjoy aesthetic posts, it gives you a feel of what inspires their character and also what they think brings to form a concept that we might find intangible. Just the idea of what brings a character together can’t be formed in a series of pictures but it helps, and it gives you a fuller idea of what made them love that character, along with the words, the face claim the tonality of voice each character has. 
♋ Is there any FC you believe should be used more? Why?
Umm not necessarily. I mean we tend to be pretty diverse in Dragon Age as far as face claims go, there is a mix of POC, a lot of players leaning towards different kinds of nationalities and not going for defaults with some. We do pretty well here and I think that’s amazing.
♞ Do you tend to ignore drama?
Yes. Honestly I’m here to role play. I want to write, I want to enjoy other peoples characters, I admit to asking people about the drama just so I know where not to step as far as they car concerned but myself? I would rather people would just relax, enjoy the game and keep a lot of the drama to personal blogs. That’ll never happen so I just skip over it and rub my face.
☻ Have you ever made someone a promo or a positive shoutout?
I have done so before, and I intend to do so again. I’m not feeling up to that kind of thing right now but I will. We need more positivity and that’s the best way to get it.
☆ What are some the perks with the fandom you’re currently in?
Dragon Age? Mostly that we have the ability to write amazingly vivid original characters and have them accepted by the fandom as canon here. It’s nice to be able to build out from an idea, another nationality we don’t get to play with and then building a character and a person that the canons accept. I love that. Most people are also generally understanding of real life getting in the way.
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aureasadrisit · 8 years
meme: fluffy munfriday motherduckers | @lathboraviiran​ | accepting
⚑ Have you been forgiven for a mistake you’ve made?
I wouldn’t know, I would like to think so, but considering I am not in speaking terms with people where this would apply I can’t answer this. And by this I don’t mean I have an issue with them or if they have an active issue with me ( I honestly would not know ) and that’s why we don’t talk, it just is what it is. It is also not something that I think about often because rp is meant to be fun and I only usually have a couple of hours a day to do it. This might sound cold and direct but I only have a certain amount of energy either for writing and interacting with people that I want to and that want to interact with me or think and wallow in this. I would chose the first one everytime.
☾ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
I always try to, but I think that most of the times it doesn’t work. I am not so great at interacting with people, I’m honestly not, I get anxious and sometimes ( especially in the writing format ) I might sound one way or appear to be saying something when I didn’t mean it or I was talking from the point of view of one of my babies ( which not always have the best views of the world ). I always try to talk to people as to not have misunderstandings but sometimes I just fail and it leaves me anxious ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
HMMM I LOVE when people actually notice the small details in my character and incorporate it into their starters/replies/whatever. Someone that hasn’t interacted with me mentions Agatha in anything related to Maxima and I will basically explode with happiness. Someone notices that Maxima is not always as calm as she tries to be? I’m the happiest camper. People TALKING TO ME AND PLOTTING WITH ME ON THE TAGS TO THE REPLIES AND CRACKING IT UP WHILE THE THREAD IS SUPER SERIOUS? have my heart, have everything, ilu.
☢ What calms you down after negativity?
The best thing that calms me down after I feel pretty negative ( most, if not all of the time, caused by me and my brain because it’s fun to be an asshole to skells oboi  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ) it’s either reblogging that meme that asks people to send urls to talk positivity about them ( that works wonders ) or reblogging a meme that allows me to write drabbles for other people. I will also listen to Florence and the Machine and pray to the Universe that these energies leave my body. All of these are wonderful.
☉ What fandom do you believe needs improvement? What could you do to do that?
I’ve honestly only been in the Dragon Age Fandom, at least actively, so uhm. I guess I can say that every fandom will always need improvement, nothing is perfect but I mean regardless of how many issues the Dragon Age Fandom has I still like the community a whole buttload of a lot. I am extremely lucky to never see any actual drama on my dashboard at least the start of it, I’ve seen the call out posts and the dramas but things always work out in the end. When you have such a huge community there will always happen stuff like this  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If I was to pick on a specific thing was the anon hate but that is not particular to the dragon age fandom but in general. I have been extremely blessed to never get it but I have seen cases on my dash where it really leaves my blood boiling. Things can be solved by talking always, being direct and in private. But I also know that sometimes that is not possible. I still feel that talking things out should be always the first option even if the result is people moving apart, that can be a good thing. 
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raiunnanin · 8 years
headcanon! Lethiel is not fond of falling asleep, as he can feel himself drawn to the Fade almost - what he explains it as - too vividly, fearing that one day he will not wake up.
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                Chain used to enjoy sleeping. He was able to, since a young age, lucid dream with no prior assistance. Sometimes that simply meant being able to control dreams, other times it meant speaking to spirits, or to what he thought were the God-Spirits in the next life (there was no really telling, but the conversations never did any harm). 
                It was during his second term of military training at the academy that this lucid dreaming became something a little darker. He met someone in those dreams–someone who didn’t like him very much–that wanted to do him harm. During his Zard Apprenticeship he’d learned that there were those able to access other’s dreams. But he never thought he would encounter such a person, and it frightened him.
                Of course, during the war, he was afraid of a lot more than that when he finally forced himself to sleep. His dreams had turned into nightmares, and the reality outside of them was just as bad. He’d always thought of sleep as a reprieve, and well–it stopped being one.  He spends many nights simply staring up at the ceiling or doing something to busy himself.
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aithreachas-a · 8 years
eadcanon ! my muse is slowly going blind, he is aware of it and fears it deeply.
Tell me a headcanon about your muse and I will respond with a relating headcanon            ↪ @lathboraviiran // accepting 
         Atreus’ eyesight has been pretty sharp for the most part, though recently as he’s aged he’s found himself needing a pair of reading glasses at least in the evenings when his eyes have strained from reading paperwork all day.
He wears a pair of silver rimmed glasses, that sit on the end of his nose. If he wears them on the bridge they sit crooked due to where his nose has been broken in the past.
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