#laura conforte is my MOTHER
mimine666 · 1 year
For the deep feels prompts:
"I can wait."
Voilà what came through my mind. I hope there’s not too much coquilles. My corrector doesn’t want to be in English tonight and here it’s our national holiday and I fell a little bit in the Sangria earlier lol.
« I can wait! »
It was her mantra since a very long time, way before the fall of the colonies in fact. Very few people knew, even fewer would believe that Laura Roslin was a very impatient woman.
Since she was a child, she liked things to be done her way and, especially, as soon as she wanted. Unfortunately, she had two sisters, much younger than her, who didn’t understand the concept of patience, asking before borrowing things, breaking someone else property, and so on…
So, to help her deal with that, her step-mother told her to repeat in her head « I can wait » like a mantra. And so she did. Every time her two beloved little monsters tried her patience to the point where she wanted to snap their neck, she repeated, in her head, « I can wait ». Child had to be child, she was their big sister, she has to wait. They didn’t mean to be little monsters. Repeating that phrase helped her deflate her anger and gain some perspective on the situation.
She did the same thing when her mother got sick and she had to let go of Simon. She convinced herself that love and happiness could wait, if her mother survived. She repeated that same mantra, again, when she had to take a break on her studies because her mother was dying and there was no one to take care of her. She was her only child, it was her duty. Despite her father’s protest, her master degree did wait and she did finish it, at some point. Nearly ten years later, she even improved it with a doctorate. It really waited.
So, when she became President of a group of refugees wandering through space, she knew she’ll have to use her old mantra. And using it, she did! What other choice did she have? The survival of the Human race won over her confort and her well-being. And, anyway, she was dying for the better part of it.
But then she got better. And through this new chance, she got some new perpectives. She decided that she mattered, that she had sacrifice enough. She decided that she had earned the chance to live a little, to be happy, maybe. She especially learned to open her heart again. She loved her sweet sweet Billy, like the son she never had. And she was growing closer and closer to Bill.
And then she lost the election and she didn’t have to wait anymore. They were able to explore their relationship in all its aspects. As hard as it was to be on New Caprica while he was up in space, it was nothing close to the pain to reunite with him, but only as Admiral and President. Laura would have to wait, once more.
So before, during and after each meeting, she convinced herself « I can wait » to be Laura, his lover, not just the President. « I can wait » to be held and feel safe, again. «  I can wait » to talk with my best friend, my soulmate, to share my burden with the only person truly capable of understanding me and what a nightmare it is to be a Leader.
Except, now the cancer was back. Except now Earth was a nuclear wasteland. Except there was no guaranteed tomorrow. Anxiety and despair filled her heart and soul. How much did she miss already? And for what?!? They were doomed anyway…
She walked toward Bill quarters. She would not wait anymore, not even for a second.
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yes hello excuse me but I am still obsessed with how quickly Fjord and Jester fell into a comfortable kind of casual intimacy and how quickly and easily they settled into this kind of easy touchiness
these two are very touch-starved, okay? like, from the get-go. And sure, Jester had her mother growing up, but clearly Marion was often busy and Jester craved her so much she’d listen to her sing through the door so like... yeah
Anyway, THESE TWO, wanted that gentle touch so badly but were always so hesitant to give or receive it when it came to each other, like even the faintest brush could mean too much to risk it
I mean, I do have a whole video about their touches because they are so few in between and so far apart and so significant somehow
but now, lately, there’s been touch between them —and I’m not talking the cheek kiss mid-battle nor the tree dive not even the hex-jump-hug. They’ve initiated so much more touch lately, like the two hugs after Traveler Con (I love the first one but would sell my soul for the second one because Fjord is not, by any account, a hugger and yet he initiated a group hug just to cheer Jester up), the way he hesitantly put his hand on her shoulder after the Gentleman talk, the dance in Rexxentrum, her kissing his cheek as a ‘thank you’, her grabbing his hand before the Cathedral... there’s just so many tiny things that have been stocking up lately, but they always felt so significant
And now... they’ve kissed. Literally the night before. It’s been 24h since they’ve finally kissed, since he pulled her in and asked to kiss her and she said yes, and they haven’t really talked about it much —they are busy, it’s okay, there will be time as long as they survive— and it’s not like they’ve come out and said “oh we are a couple!” or “hey, are we a thing now?” They watch each other’s backs in battle like always and Fjord is still protective of Jester and Jester still orbits him naturally in group situations because they are a team and all that is already a given and natural for them...
And then when the watch comes and they are finally alone again, and they’ve done watches together before, so it’s nothing new, but it could be awkward and tense and turn into a whole “what are we” thing but instead she just leans her head on his shoulder as she keeps watch and you can see the way Fjord smiles at this and it’s so incredibly easy and natural for them... and later on she paints a little and they talk about the mission and it’s just... easy and simple... and then they go to sleep and they aren’t even hiding it (whatever “it” is) at this point. Liam asks if they’d be snuggling and Laura immediately confirms that Jester would be sleeping pressed against Fjord —god, how this would’ve made them both blush and squirm and be awkward and ‘no it’s ok i’ll just lay here, no fine, you sure, yeah whatever’ two nights ago and now it’s just... just a given— and again that smile Travis gives Marisha. 
They’ve been so lonely and isolated most of their lives and now they have someone that just easily cuddles up with them and there’s a warmth in that confort and safety that I’m just going to be obsessing over through the entire winter break. 
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Sooo, usually i'm quick to post about things that mean a lot to me; and admittedly i'm a bit late with this Mother's day post. ... Last weekend, we made Mother's day a full on Mother's weekend. I took my amazing 🌟, beautiful 😘, smart🤓, funny🤣, strong💪🏼, humble🙏🏼, genuine 🤗wife to see @taylorswift (I messed up pretty big for the 1989 tour). I am grateful for the opportunity to see such an amazing show, not just for the music, the fanfare, the theatrics, but for the opportunity to share in an experience that was really important to my wife. ... Taylor (#Taytay like we're on a first name basis or something) brought her mom to the concert, and projected so much positivity. It's no wonder that everyone was Fanboying/Fangirling so hard. It was awesome seeing some familiar faces there @kimberlyrstone, and then realizing after that more of our #JKOfam was there too @mswendymcconnell @vivcat8 @Laura B ... My wife’s fave song was #thebestday. It’s a song about Taylor Swift’s relationship with her mom. One of TSwizzle’s take home messages was that Motherhood isn't only a noun, but it's a state of mind. This especially rings true for me. For the first 14 years, Motherhood was a noun, and thereafter, my life has fortunately been filled in with many role models: family, friends and teachers that have filled in for the role of my Mom. My grandmas, my dad, my aunt Phil, my stepmom Yvonne, my sister Joanne, my friends, and my wife Lisa have each contributed to my growth as a person. Each of them had something to pass on that they learned from their moms. ... There are moments every day where we have an opportunity to be there for someone, and to pass on some of the good advice our moms have taught us. There’s a reason why your Mom is always right 😉 Happy belated Mother’s Day to all the Moms and mother figures who make our worlds go ‘round. Thank you for raising us to be better people. ❤️❤️❤️ • • • • #mom #mother #mothersday #belatedmothersday #strongmoms #dad #aunt #grandma #superheroes #growth #confort #love #alwayslatebutworththewait #rolemodel #gratitude #thankyou https://ift.tt/2KN8y98
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