#laurel rue irvine-froude
doyouremem8erme · 2 years
Can you tell me more about the Billion Eyes Back On You AU?
ohohoho *cracks knuckles*
so abeboy/a billion eyes back on you is the first au created for the laaauc! a bunch of general info is on the laaauc (lifetime achievement au award collection) blog, @laaauc.
basicallllllyyyy, it goes the same as canon from the main characters' point of view up until true colors. the only difference is that instead of the basement just holding the core's chamber, there's a massive underground laboratory instead. after andrias stabs marcy, she gets taken to the lab, where she undergoes several emergency surgeries and is put on stasis in the tank once she's stable.
dr. triturus treesun is the main scientist the au focuses on--a classic mad scientist, thinks-vivisection-is-ethical type. i jokingly call him an evil scientist, but he isn't actually evil, just amoral. he keeps marcy completely unconscious her whole time down in the lab, so she's not aware of any of what's going on, and doesn't suffer.
a couple times, while trying to figure out how to keep a human alive, he vivisects her under anesthesia . btw thats where the whole au came from . me and anne @commanderanne were like hey whats all the messed up looking equipment in the bg in o&y for. what were they doing down there. and anne was like what if they . peeked at her guts or something. and so we were like. what if there was unethical science? ANYWAYS she ends up waking up bc the dose was too low and is aware for a minute or so before triturus's assistant/boyfriend, dr. dismal, gets her under again.
there's also dr. laurel rue irvine-froude--my FAVE. god shes such a blorbo. she's a biomechanical engineer and knows her way around medical stuff. she actually knew marcy from before she was imprisoned in the lab--they worked on marcy's brain research project from the theme song takeover together. some of that knowledge came in handy when the king ordered her to build a helmet to let the core control marcy...
laurel starts out as following along with the actions of the lab, but grows more and more upset with the lab's practices over time. eventually, she decides that marcy needs to be saved before they hurt her any more, and seeks out the help of olivia and yunan.
of course, they're stopped by andrias and the core like in canon. as punishment for the rescue attempt, andrias forces them to start the core download immediately--without anesthetic, as had been planned. additionally, he has olivia and yunan hold marcy down for it. laurel leads marcy into the operating room where the equipment for the helmet is stored, plugs the cords into her legs and arms, and as marcy begs and cries for her to stop--laurel's last words before forcing the helmet onto marcy's head are "be brave, my child." at the same time, marcy has slipped into calling laurel "mom" as she begs her to stop. haha yea found family *starts crying*
eventually, laurel makes another, successful attempt to save marcy.
also, post canon, laurel, olivia, and yunan are all dating, and are all marcy's moms.
also bonus lore!
during one of darcy's excursions to newtopia, destroying buildings for fun with the excuse that it's testing its weapons or something like that, it encounters a young newt named wrenna adie dunwood. she's actually the "marcy cosplayer" from the theme song takeover!! darcy spares her because it remembered her from marcy's memories. her gay dads had died in the destruction of newtopia, and she flees the city on her own. she makes it all the way to wartwood after sheltering with a variety of communities of survivors and joins the resistance. olivia finds her in one of the camps of refugees in new wartwood while marcy is recovering from the events of sun digs its heels to taunt you and takes a liking to her. eventually, olivia, yunan, and laurel adopt wrenna as well as marcy. they r sisters i love them.
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laaauc · 2 years
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this dream isn't feeling sweet we're reeling through the midnight streets and i've never felt more alone it feels so scary getting old
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laaauc · 2 years
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actually? no . i will NOT shut up
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laaauc · 2 years
the space where they say (heaven has gone away)
mod lore: i was thinking abt ybgfwtl marcanne while in cosmology class and this happened.
~1k words
“Did you know that the Milky Way is gonna collide with Andromeda in 4 billion years?” Marcy murmured, leaning on Anne’s left shoulder.
“Hm? No,” Anne said, sleepily blinking.
“Yeah, I read about it a while back actually. Y’know… before.” Her voice fell, briefly. “We’ll pass through each over over a few hundred million years, and all the constellations we know will tear themselves apart. Stars, scattered across the sky, chaos without the spiral structure. It’d be gorgeous, even if everything we know would be gone.” There was a faraway look in her eyes as she rambled on about stars.
“Oh, cool,” Anne said, distracted by the ever-present ache in her side. It was cool, if a little grim. She shifted, trying to get comfortable against Marcy’s side.
“And, in another billion years or so, those stars will form a new galaxy, and eventually the black holes will combine, which causes another cool thing called ‘gravitational waves,’ which is when spacetime actually ripples! And they know that’s real because they built these observatories called LIGO that have lasers in them to--”
A knock came on the door. In the few seconds before it opened, Marcy pulled herself away from Anne, going silent.
An axolotl stepped into the small, stark room that Marcy and Anne shared, his bloodstained labcoat sweeping just above the tiled floor. Between their beds, Anne squeezed Marcy’s hand. She squeezed back.
“Marcy,” Triturus drawled, tapping a pencil on a clipboard he held, “follow me to the prep room, if you would.” 
“W-why? What’s going on?” Marcy said, stopping herself from getting out of bed.
“What are you gonna do to her?” Anne said before he could approach, raising her arm defensively in front of Marcy.
“Nothing much, just a little peek inside to see how you humans work. After all, Anne, you know that our technology isn’t well-suited to human bodies. Remember what happened with the tank?”
“Stay away from her,” Anne growled.
“Or what? Last I heard, you couldn’t even get out of bed.”
“Stay back,” Anne repeated, Marcy cowering behind her.
Triturus glanced back and forth before his gaze hardened. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Marcy,” he said, and she looked at him, “If you tell Anne to back down, I’ll make sure you have a nice IV drip of painkillers waiting when you wake up. If you don’t… the bag could always get swapped out for one without any of that in it at all. You don’t want that, and neither do I..”
“Yeah, well too bad,” Anne said, clenching her fist.  
“Oh, what a development,” he muttered excitedly, eyes fixed on Anne’s.
“Don’t HURT HER!” 
Anne saw blue. She threw herself forward out of her bed, knocking over Triturus and pummeling him with her single fist.
“Anne!” she heard Marcy call, though she was in a blur of cerulean and cyan. She was scarcely aware of what she was doing, barely composed enough to accurately fight and simply trying to rake his skin with her nails despite his thick lab coat, her voice inhuman.
Anne screamed and panted as she was dragged away from the axolotl, though she could do little to struggle. Robotic, tentacle-like arms pulled her from the ground, and the blue faded from her hair and eyes and fist as she was left breathless and sobbing.
She was helpless as she was pinned to the wall, watching Triturus stand up and dust himself off before he stepped past her to grab Marcy’s wrist.
The other girl’s eyes were wide with terror, crying out for Anne but unable to find coherent words.
“MARCY!” Anne screamed as Triturus dragged Marcy away. The door at the far end of the room closed with a hiss. The lock clicked, and Anne was finally allowed to drop to the ground again.
Thick, salty tears caught in her throat. “Marcy…”
Her knees hit tile, harsh and cold. There, she sobbed on the floor, unable to crawl back into bed on her own.
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there. It must’ve been hours before the door at the opposite end of the room, leading to the vast laboratory that this was only a subunit of, gently opened.
It was Laurel.
“Marcy’s gonna be okay,” she said, offering a hand to Anne. She drew it back when Anne didn’t take it. “I was there when they put her under. She’s not suffering.”
“W-what about when she wakes up? D-Dr. Triturus said that he’d--he’d not let her have painkillers if we resisted, and I… I--.” She clenched her fist, looking at the bloodied knuckles, trembling and pale.
Laurel knelt beside her. “He won’t do that. I promise. Triturus is not a cruel man. He does not want to cause undue suffering.”
Anne sniffed. “When will… he be done with her?”
“It’ll be another few hours at least. She’ll be okay. I’ll make sure they bring her to recover in your room so you can be there when she wakes up.”
A few minutes passed. Anne calmed enough to sit up a bit, looking up at Laurel quietly. She helped Anne back into her bed, where she sat by her side to keep her thoughts far from Marcy, two rooms away in that lab.
Hours later, Marcy lay in her bed back in her and Anne’s room, still asleep. Her torso was thickly padded with bandages under her thin hospital gown, an oxygen mask sat over her face, and several IV lines ran to her body from the medical equipment around her.
Marcy moved slightly in bed, causing Anne to instantly focus on her, hoping she’d finally wake up.
“By the time Andromeda reaches us, we’ll already be gone,” Marcy murmured dazily, eyes finally cracking open. 
Anne jolted a bit at the broken sound of Marcy’s voice.
“The Earth’ll be gone, at least. And the sun.”
“Marcy?” Anne exclaimed, voice teary.
When she heard Anne speak, Marcy tried to sit up, but cried out in pain as soon as she made the attempt to move, clutching her stomach.
“Shit, shit, Marcy, d-don’t move, okay?” Anne’s eyes traced the IV line that ran from the metal stand beside Marcy’s bed to her hand, the skin still scarred from the rejuvenation tank’s tubes, as she gently pulled away Marcy’s hand. “Do you… uh, know what happened?”
A faraway look appeared in Marcy’s eyes. “He was… he was going to…” 
The beeping of one of the monitors sped up as Marcy broke off, her breathing quick and shallow.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay, Marbles,” Anne said, leaning in close. She leaned back against the pillows of her bed when her side spasmed in pain, still looking softly at Marcy. “I--I’ll tell Laurel you woke up. You should probably get some rest. You’ve, uh, got a lot of healing to do.”
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laaauc · 2 years
sun digs its heels to taunt you
mod lore: well this has been a wip since march, but it's finally out! this is the one that "yunan the tea" comes from lmfao
warnings: description of surgery, blood, scars, mentions of seizures and unethical experimentation, marcy harm
Laurel can’t take this anymore. This thing she contributed to, transformed that sobbing girl into with her own hands, it follows her through the halls like a shadow, taunting her from the darkness. 
When Olivia and Yunan escape the castle, fleeing to join the rebellion, she does not follow. She stays, because no one else can convince the Core to provide even a tiny amount of care for its host. It’s the least she can do, trying to care for the thing controlling Marcy’s body.
Laurel still remembers the day Olivia and Yunan had approached her and asked her to help them save Marcy, so many weeks ago, now. It’d been shortly after the helmet’s completion, and, looking at Marcy’s sullen, slumbering face as she floated in the healing chamber, her body riddled with stitches, she realized she couldn’t go through with it. She stored it away, still wired to the Core in preparation for its usage. It sat in the shadows of the operating room attached to the Core’s main chamber, where it would be used. Even knowing that Marcy would be anesthetized for the procedure, she couldn’t leave her to the fate that she would be subjecting her to otherwise.
One night, she left the laboratory and begged Lady Olivia—a newt she’d known though Marcy’s neuroscience research, a project that she’d in fact been referencing throughout her creation of the helmet—for help, all it took was a moment to tell her of the horrors the girl was being put through, even if Marcy was not aware of them, before Olivia promised to help. Two days later, the official date of the download put off until Marcy’s wounds healed, Olivia told her that she’d gained the assistance of General Yunan and that the two of them were gathering supplies to attempt a rescue. And so, that night, they ventured into the catacombs to that twisted secret laboratory at the heart of the castle.
It did not go well, and they were left with Marcy as a prisoner in her own mind, although Laurel discovered through careful observation that Marcy was most likely completely unconscious and unaware of her predicament. When they are finally able to save her, it would be as if she’s merely been asleep since that moment she passed out during the torture Andrias had forced them to subject her to. And Laurel fears for that, because Marcy will know none of the comfort she’s tried to provide her broken, puppeted body during her time trapped in her mind. Rather, the last thing she recalls will be the instant that Laurel had placed a helmet on her head that caused her truly unimaginable agony, something she never should’ve been awake for. Those last moments of terror will not fade quickly from her already-fragmented mind.
The other newts return weeks later, arriving when a pair of resistance soldiers infiltrate the castle.
“This is Anne, and her friend Sasha,” Olivia introduces them, Yunan at her side to keep a watchful eye for robots or Andrias. Laurel nods, acknowledging their presence but not introducing herself. She doesn’t want to. Not after what she did.
“Laurel,” Yunan says. “We’re here to save Marcy.”
Anne and Sasha, the two humans, track down the Core first. Long ago, when Marcy had been a bright, strange child, new to this world and fascinated to explore and study it, she’d talked Laurel’s ear off for hours with stories of her friends, the two of them looking over long rolls of brain readings and data from Marcy’s study. Now, these two girls have been turned into hardened warriors by the battles of this world, and Marcy herself? Laurel can only hope she hasn’t lost her forever.
Flashes of blue come from another wing of the castle, traveling in their glow like strikes of lightning.
Yunan looks into the distance. “We’ve given them long enough. We should follow now.”
They race through the corridors, and come upon a wing that was already cracked and damaged months before this day. “Oh…” Olivia gasps. “Not… here…” 
But the bloodstains splattered on the tiles, stained thick as spilled paint, are real, as is the broken throne before the shattered crystal window. 
Anne and Sasha kneel over Marcy next to a freshly broken column, the dark-haired girl lying quite still. The Core’s helmet, complete with the long cord that threads through that device that Laurel herself had constructed and into Marcy’s skull, still rests upon her head, but the screen of the visor is cracked so as to expose the right half of her face.
“We haven’t seen Andrias—Yunan, your diversion tactic must’ve worked, but we need to get out of here. He’ll realize it’s a trick as soon as he notices we aren’t there,” Anne says, pulling Marcy into her lap. The unconscious girl’s face shifts imperceptibly at the movement.
Laurel shuffles her feet. “We need to get into somewhere where we can barricade any attackers out.”
Olivia looks to a nearby room. “There’s a closet off of Andrias’s antechamber that could work. There’s a secret exit from it, too, if we need to make an escape.”
“Let’s go,” Laurel says, already following Olivia. Anne and Sasha carry the increasingly lucid girl behind her, Yunan picking up the back. And behind them, the wires in the helmet drag through debris, disappearing far in the distant halls to the Core’s own form.
As they settle into the cramped space, Marcy shifts again. “Sashy? Anne?” she mumbles, just as she had back at that initial rescue. This time, however, they’re able to respond that, yes, it’s us, we’re here, Marbles.
And then the part she’s been dreading, as she watches Marcy catch a glimpse of Olivia and Yunan taking her into their arms with her one exposed eye. 
“N-no! P-please, please, no,” she whines, trying to writhe free.
“Shhh, Marcy, my child,” Olivia attempts to soothe her. “We aren’t going to hurt you; I promise we won’t let you hurt ever again.”  It’s no use; the last Marcy saw of them was them holding her against a chrome table as Andrias ordered Laurel to go through with the Core’s download with the assigned host awake and terrified. An experience like that doesn’t fade quickly; it may well have been the most pain the poor girl had ever experienced, even including the incident during the experimentation that she’d undergone, recorded in Triturus’s lab reports; even including the night she’d died, so slowly and painfully as the other newts’ story goes (as well as quite horrifically, based on the records and photos of her injuries kept in the lab).
So Marcy panics, held in their arms tightly once again, despite being in her best friends’ company as well as the amphibians’. Comfort is something all too foreign to this child, Laurel thinks, her heart aching.
“Yunan, the tea,” Anne reminds, and Yunan suddenly pulls a thermos from a hidden pocket in her armor. An herbal scent fills the closet when it’s opened, and Laurel sighs in relief. She won’t have to put Marcy through something like this with her wide awake and terrified once again.
“Marmar, drink this,” Sasha says, holding the thermos to Marcy’s lips and letting her sip. She drinks deeply, the Core having let her body become badly dehydrated despite Laurel’s insistence. Quickly, Marcy’s eyelids begin to droop, and she falls forward into the others’ arms, gradually settling in a position she must find comfortable, even in her surely aching condition. It won’t fully knock her out, but it will dull the pain and keep her calm and drowsy. Laurel, meanwhile, has snapped on rubber gloves and is already examining the state of the helmet. It’s not vital that she takes this off cleanly, so she splits it along an existing crack. Marcy is left facedown with her eyes buried in Anne’s arms. Her hair spills around the metal-lined hole in the back of her skull, where those wires feed. This is the hard part.
From the pouch at her belt, she removes a few sterile-wrapped scalpels, and brushes Marcy’s hair to the side with her fingers. The rectangular patch of exposed implant is about three inches long and two tall, the scalp immediately surrounding it bare of hair and scarred.
Marcy flinches a bit when the blade goes through the skin at the surface of her scalp, and Laurel, too, winces. This will be the worst part for her, she knows. Even with her scalp scarred and numb, it will sting. Once she gets deeper, to start removing the implanted device, she shouldn’t feel anything. Marcy whimpers and whimpers, tears soaking into the layers of Olivia’s dress, but she stays quiet while Yunan urgently whispers for her to avoid making noise.
Laurel pauses to mop the blood from Marcy’s hair and neck before she continues. She knows precisely how this device was implanted; she can remove it as well. She’s made her way through the scalp, past the edges of the hole already cut in her skull. The hard, shiny metal of the plate covering the implant is slick with a sheen of blood. She fiddles with that outer piece until it comes away from the part inside her head that connects to her brain, sliding down the cable that threads through it. Now, the edges of where the implant burrows into the tissue to connect to her neurons are more obvious. She lines up the scalpel with precision, hoping to cause as little damage as possible.
This is where she warns the other children to look away. 
Anne still winces when she hears Laurel’s knife sink into tissue. It’s an awful sound, and she notices Marcy’s face twisted in worry, even in her drowsiness. Her fingers clench and twist into Olivia’s skirt when Anne gently pushes her arms down to keep her from trying to touch the wound.
Just before Laurel finishes, Marcy begins spasming uncontrollably, muscles rapidly tensing and untensing. Though Olivia begins to panic, Laurel reassures her that seizures are common during brain surgery. She’ll be fine, hopefully, though more of these may be likely.
All in all, it takes a bit more than half an hour for Laurel to remove the device. As soon as it’s out, she immediately drops it, where it clunks to the ground with the wires still attached, covered in blood and bits of brain. But the shouts of Andrias, discovering Marcy gone, and the clanking, metallic movement of robots fill the halls already. Laurel can install a plate over the hole in Marcy’s skull later; right now they need to go. Yunan wraps Marcy’s head in bandages, Laurel pulls off her gloves, drops them on the floor of the closet as Olivia pulls a hidden lever to open the passageway, and then they run.
Once they’ve made it out, through a series of secret passageways that deposit them on a balcony, Yunan whistles for Marcy’s old sparrow. He shows up as reliably as ever, and surely with little time to spare, the whole party piles on.
They change her out of the Core’s armor on the back of the bird, just beginning their flight away from the castle. The girl faintly protests their actions, but her speech is still slurred and failing her.
Anne gasps when she sees Marcy’s scars, no longer covered by that hideous, bloody bodysuit, the raised lines clean and clinical on her torso. They’re in layers, the deep, darkened mark where Andrias’s sword had plunged through her chest being the first laid down. Then there are the long, straight, pink marks of Triturus’s experimentations, along with scars from the many other surgeries she’d undergone during her time in that laboratory. Along her back, around the exposed metal of an artificial spine; down her side, the skin stretched and rippling; on her arms and legs, such long incisions for such small ports surely hiding something implanted deeper below her skin. Most obvious, of course, are those expansive sets of scars that cover her front; Laurel knows these are from the two occasions on which Triturus had laid open her body just to see what a human looked like on the inside. Anne only sees this as evidence of Marcy’s pain, and shakes with sorrow. 
Laurel carefully checks her body for any other wounds, finding circular cuts from the tubes they’d inserted latching onto her, as well as a few gashes from the battle that she’ll have to stitch closed if they’re still leaking blood by the time they reach their destination.
Marcy seizes again while on that flight through the morning sky. None of the newts can stand to hold her still this time, so Anne and Sasha have to make sure she doesn’t fall off Joe’s saddle as they fly. Once it’s passed, she sweats and shivers in their arms as Joe Sparrow soars away into the clouds.
Staying deep under Wartwood in the caverns of the Resistance, Marcy recovers, but slowly. Laurel is forced to use a plate of frobot scrap metal to fashion a plate for her head after a week goes by without a better option. She installs it over the hole in Marcy’s skull one night, without any more sedation than another round of that calming tea. Her choked screams will never leave Laurel’s mind, not after causing those to be torn from the girl’s throat herself one two many times. Marcy stays sick in bed the next two weeks, head throbbing with pain and body aching, though Sasha, Anne, Laurel, Olivia, and Yunan all stay by her side. She has mostly regained her normal speech by the end of the first month after her rescue.
Some pains remain, even months later. The scars that cover Marcy’s body sometimes ache, deep and precise in their strokes, each mark of pain made in the name of science. Her spine, severed when Andrias had dealt that fatal blow, had been repaired with an artificial replacement that stretches from between her shoulder blades to the small of her back, the black metal starkly contrasting the heavy scarring from where the sword had burned deep wounds across her back, but moving remains difficult, so she mostly stays in her bed, set up in a cave in the depths of the catacombs beneath the Plantar Farmhouse. Her head remains achingly sore, off and on. None of them can tell if this is a temporary consequence of her frantically rushed brain surgeries or something more permanent that will remain a chronic pain throughout her life, thanks to the forceful way her mind had been violated.
Even harder to heal are the mental scars.
She flinches away from the newts for months. It’s weeks before there’s even a single exception to this. They were afraid of this; they have been ever since the disastrous attempt to save Marcy from any more suffering. That glance they’d shared the moment before they’d chosen to hold Marcy still for the download rather than let Andrias do it had said everything. But one night, she wakes from a nightmare to Laurel’s cool, partially-webbed hands holding her shoulders, and she doesn’t push her touch away, despite the horrible familiarity of that touch. And so Laurel cries into her pillow once she has returned to the bed she shares with Olivia and Yunan, just at the hope that she’ll trust them again, despite what they were forced to do to her. 
They’re still in hiding, the long, seemingly endless war having reached a lull in the Amphibian winter. Marcy, perhaps the key to winning when the combat resumes, is healing from her injuries, able to help the resistance plan its attacks even from her bed when she’s able, and now she’s recovering mentally, as well. Soon, she can leave her bed, walk slowly through the halls on makeshift crutches, regaining the strength she’d lost. 
Laurel can’t wait to launch an attack that will destroy the flying castle where the salamander who’d killed Marcy and left her to a fate worse than death leads the war, and watch that laboratory shatter to pieces along with it.
But this winter, they remain underground, and Marcy heals, and the planet awaits the conclusion to this war.
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laaauc · 2 years
if this is the last time (that i'm in my mind)
mod lore: HIHIHI I WROTE THIS MONTHS AGO BUT FORGOT I COULD POST IT NOW. here is abeboy o&y&l . you finally can go insane over a few lines that have been destroying me and anne ever since we came up with them!!!! also fun little a/n . i wrote this after a scene in unwind nearly made me hyperventilate from how much dread it was written with. so read cautiously!!
Her legs and arms burn with stabbing pains from the tubes that Laurel has attached, but it is nothing compared to the pain of such rapid betrayal. 
“Guys--please, please, stop, I don’t wanna--”
“Be brave, my child,” Laurel whispers, and Marcy murmurs one last plea before closing her eyes, and the helmet is shoved on.
It hurts.
So much more than she ever could have imagined.
Marcy shrieks in agony, relentlessly struggling against the firm hands pinning her to the table. At first, the pain is all she is aware of. And gradually, things go off-balance. 
I’m--I’m Marcy Wu! Head of the chess club, master RTS player, straight-A student, and Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard!
…I’m Marcy Wu. Head of the chess club, master RTS player, straight-A student, and Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard.
Or--or I was--
Something changed that.
I--I died, what’s happening?
Can I ever trust anyone again?
I’m--Marcy Wu--
Head of the chess club? Or was it Flipwart?
Master RTS player--
What is RTS again? An acronym?
Straight-A student, and Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard.
I’m Marcy Wu, head of the Flipwart Club--that doesn’t sound right.
Straight-A student, and Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard.
What happened again?
I--I, they did stuff to me, to my body--
I saw it happen, it hurt--
This hurts.
This hurts more.
I’m Marcy Wu. I beat the king in Flipwart, I was Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard.
I’m Marcy Wu. I beat the king in Flipwart, I was Chief Ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard.
That’s not how it went. I’m from Earth, I had stuff from there. 
I know.
I don’t remember.
Will the pain ever stop?
It’s so loud. It hurts. What the hell is it doing?
They did this to me.
Who’s they?
I don’t know.
I’m Marcy Wu.
Make it stop.
It hurts.
It hurts.
I’m Marcy.
It hurts.
… Marcy.
M… Mar…
It’s dark.
I’m sorry.
Her body goes limp, Yunan, Olivia, and Laurel approaching her motionless form on the table now that electricity is no longer jolting through her body. She’d passed out from pain towards the end of the procedure, but unseen beneath the helmet, her eyes are now fluttering. She sits up, like she hadn’t just been tortured, and smiles.
“Thank you for providing us this vessel,” she says, her voice echoing with other, crueler voices, now indistinguishable from her own. “Dr. Laurel, was it?”
Laurel can only stare in shock and horror at what she has done.
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laaauc · 2 years
Olivia & Yunan & Laurel more like Olivia / Yunan / Laurel (Disney: Amphibia)
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laaauc · 2 years
(new) characters
dr. triturus treesun
surgeon, occasional vivisectionist.
he's amoral, not evil
test tube baby. he was raised in the lab his whole life and has no qualms with unethical science.
firefly axolotl. his tail and gills were swapped with dismal's as an embryo. fricked up soulmates
dr. dismal
triturus's boyfriend
the goth to triturus's femboy
not much has been noted abt him yet, hes not rly that developed
dr. laurel rue irvine-froude
NEWT MOM ALERT . she is gay for olivia and yunan. and is marcy's sad mom
we made a blorbo and then gave her psychological trauma. have fun with her
she's was originally just the palace engineer, working on frobots and security, but after andrias requested she create a set of robotic armour and a helmet for the core and having to work with the palace's scientists she was pulled into medical stuff over time. she knew marcy from her research on salamander brains, and knew yunan and olivia via marcy
possessed anne in shas and some versions of the aus where multiple of the trio are in the lab
named after the love choice protagonist
chronic pain + physically disabled, needs a wheelchair most of the time. she strapped a machine gun to it once.
not As mean as darcy but still isnt like good yk. she wouldnt taunt as much. probably has a higher charisma stat. this is bc anne is heart.
ok we dont have much abt them
possessed sasha.
named after a genus of heron
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