#lavier NightShade
chaospenelope · 6 years
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Decided to do some face practice.
Tag yourself.
 I'm sweaty Freddy.
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chaospenelope · 6 years
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Lavier NightShade at her most powerful?
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chaospenelope · 6 years
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Her family is proud of her but sometimes they want to watch a movie so she practices in the newly renovated shed.
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Winter War
The Pack
Thank you JFlare for helping me choose.
The television never had everyone's attention this undivided any other time. Eyes were trained the scrawling text at the bottom, throwing out names of business and schools. They waited patiently in silence for their place on the alphabetical list. When it finally came followed with the word 'closed' the whole room lit up.
"Yyyessss!" Lavier pumped her fist in the air and ran to front door without skipping a beat she started putting on her shoes. "Hey! Wait for us!" Penelope shouted as she and a giggly Robin ran after her. Neda shook her head with an amused smirk. She moved her coffee to her other hand as she pulled a cover over her sleepy son. A strong, chilled breeze blew past them as they flung open the door. A handful of snow fakes fell through the doorway in the amount of time it took for them to leave. "Let's build a snowman!" Robin twirled around as tiny flakes feel around her. She let out a small gasp as she tripped. Luckily the bed of snow was so tall and soft it was like falling on a pile of leaves. She laid for a few moments in a startled stupor. Then suddenly started making a snow angel. "I think we should try making an igloo and camp out here." "I don't think this is the right kind of snow for that Lava." Penny started to clump bits of it together and patting it into a compact ball. She heard a tap on glass nearby. She looked around for a bit until her pale orange eyes rested on her neighbor's window. She waved cheerfully as SpringBear tried to catch her attention. The yellow bear dropped out of view and after a few minutes the door flew open. She ran over faster than her little puffs of breath can keep up. "Hey, ...Penny!" She huffed, catching her breath. Freddy followed in a much more calm pace. "Hey Goldie." She smiled. "Where's everyone else? I thought the storm made them stay the night?" "Yeah, they're still getting dressed since they have to borrow some of our clothes. Did you see how much was was coming down?" "It was insane! I can't believe we didn't lose power." "I can't believe the adults still have to go to work." Freddy walked over to Robin and offered him her paw after seeing her failed attempts to get up herself. "They had to wake up extra early to shovel out the snow." "Yeah, I wish they got off too." She paused to dust herself off. "Daddy loves the snow. He makes the best snowmen." "Mama likes to make snow angels." "We should make snow men of them so it'll be like they are here." Lavier suggested as she started pilling snow onto the ball her sister started. "Why didn't I think of that?" "That's not how you build a snowman." Philip came out of the house with his keys swinging in his hand. "You gotta roll it around until it gets big enough. Don't you guys know anything?" The children didn't have much time to glare at him before he was heading for the garage. He pulled up the door with ease. "Hey, you're not supposed to go anywhere unless it's an emergency. Mama and Papa said so!" "They were talking to you brats." He answered as he walked over to his truck. He slammed his hand on the hood. "This V8 was made to whip Winter into submission." He then climbed into the front seat and drove down the lonely road. "Your brother's weird." "Ahoy, maties!" The door swung open a second time. Foxy and Bonnie eagerly jumped outside with the young fox skipping over and climbing onto a bench. He used his hand to shade his eyes as he surveyed the area. "Be a fine day for an adventure!" "As long as you stay in the yard." William stated sternly. He and Robert were coming outside with Chica behind them. "Aye, aye captain!" He responded as he leapt down. "You're gonna brake your bloody neck if you keep that up." Chica huffed. She wasn't even sure why she bothered anymore. "Hey Chica, Catch!" Bonnie shouted as she let misshapen lump of cold fly through the air. It smacked the bird just above her beak. "You! You-!" She growled angrily as the bits melted and trickled down her face. "I'll get you!!!" She cried, taking a handful she started to chase her. Bonnie darted effectively around her friends. Icy projectiles flying past her head and shoulders, just barely missing her. "Ah!" Penelope felt a pat on the back of her head and a small blast of cold as the ammo melted on her thick fur. She quickly returned fire but it landed on an unsuspecting Freddy. He quickly turned around and instantly knew who had struck him as the black bear quickly tried for a second load. He smirked as tried to beat her to the punch. "Hold on Bonnie!" Foxy shouted to his best friend as he scooped up some snow. "I'm coming ta help ye!" Dashed as fast as his legs could carry him. He bounced over the growing mound of snow that Lavier was hastily putting together. With both hands full he wound up the first and chucked it. It barely hit her foot, the icy shrapnel splashed onto SpringBear. The second hit a tree at the edge of the yard. "You're gonna get it Kitty." She warned with a giggle. She grabbed a big mass but knew better than to throw it. She ran for cover as she patted it into a more compact ball. Her cover being the wall of snow Lavier was constructing. She smirked mischievously as she saw her brother Freddy had his back to her. She also noted Penelope a few feet from her. She was throwing a few snowy missiles at him and he at her. They were both holding their ground and both were covered with specs of melting snow. She looked for a new target and noticed Robin just collecting snow balls with seemingly no target in mind. SpringBear tried her best to hit her but smashed her mound of prepared balls instead. "Who did that?" The girl asked as she looked over. The little golden bear cub had successfully ducked before she saw but her giggling was a dead giveaway. Robin silently grabbed an armful of the balls that had survived and scurried over to the wall. She quickly threw them over the wall and ran for it. "Whoah!" Lavier cried as she shook the snow off her back. "I'm gonna get you for that." She looked over at Goldie who was laughing even harder now. "But first I'll get you!" She grinned deviously as her friend let out an excited scream. The blue eyed bear climbed over the wall and ran. Little clouds of white vapor puffed out like a tiny steam engine. She looked behind her and saw her pursuer jumping over her own wall with two pawfuls of snow. Goldie quickly scooped up some powder, losing just a little speed. Patting down it was far too small. She picked up a little more and stopped to make a stand. She turned to face Lavier only for the black and cub to accidentally run into her. They both collapsed in a fit of laughter. "You guys okay?" Robin asked as she ran up to them. She let out a surprised gasp as a snowball hit her chest. "Got ya." Goldie boasted as the two of them sat up. "Yeah, we're fine." Lavier smiled as she dropped a pawful of flakes on Goldie's head. Foxy had successfully landed a shot on the back of Chica's head and shoulder, earning her burning rage. Now he was running from her. It was incredible how fast she was throwing snow. Though, most of it flew right past him. Bonnie had collapse and was covered with a good deal of snow. She rose up after catching her breath. She looked around and saw the yard was full tracks and the air full of flinging lumps of frozen water. She grabbed some off the ground and ran in blindly. Freddy was about to throw another when he felt something hit his arm. Looking over he saw the rabbit from Lavier, Robin, and SpringBear. She was running toward him. He decided to get moving and Penelope did the same. They all leapt over the wall in a child stampede. Robin heard a pained cry as she landed on something soft. She looked down to see she had landed on Foxy. "Oh! I'm so sorry Kit! Are you alright!?" "Aye lass, I'm fine. Thank ye for the concern." She smiled as he sat up. "Truce?" Frederick offered Penelope his paw. "Truce." She nodded and shook paws. "We should unite and take out the real foe." SpringBear suggested. "Who's that, Chica?" "Watch it rabbit!" "Over there." Freddy whispered as he pointed at William and Robert. They hadn't really moved since they came outside. They were talking about a show of some sort at the moment. The FazGang remained quiet as they loaded up on winter ammo. Freddy continued to whisper the game plan. "Now when everyone is ready we have to run out and act like we're still chasing each other then when we all get close enough, then all strike!" "What's the code? We need a code word for us all to throw at the same time." "Got ya. They'll think we were talking to each other." "Got ya...Okay. I'm ready." "Me too." "Let's do this." "Sh!" They area exploded into screams and laughter as they carried out their plan. William seemed to glance. He was most likely wondering about the pause of sound, but he returned to his conversation. The FazGang ran in all sorts of directions. Some zigzagged others in looping circles. Then they darted over to the chaperones. "Got ya!" They roared, unleashing their rounds onto the unsuspecting teens. They both flinched as the wave of cold rained all over them. "Ya little sneaks!" William laughed as he saw them all flee. They took cover behind Lavier's wall. He and Robert gathered  mounds of snow. William started a rapid succession of balls. Robert ran up with his bundle. He tossed the blanket of flurries over the younger ones. Penelope hit his chest. The lump exploded and the large bunny pretended to clutch the spot in agony. He acted like he was screaming out for help, fell to his knees, and then face first into the ground. His body cutting the wall in two. Everyone laughed and cheered as they crowded around him. They all straightened up as they heard the door open. "You kids must be cold." Neda gave a cheering clap. "The Brunswick stew should be done by now. There's enough for everyone." "Can we have some with grilled cheese!?" "Is there any other way to eat it?" She asked. The children all had smiles as they ran inside and beat the melting ice off their boots. "Thanks for fixing us something to eat Misses N." "Don't mention it. I think you could all use some warming up after a heroic battle like that."
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Present Perfect.
The Pack
It was so very early as the alarm clock flicked on, playing a jarring tune. Neda jolted up with a gasp, her eyes wide open. She cursed herself when she noticed the clock, slamming the button in aggravation. Phineas glanced with a bit of concern, his fur ruffled in all different directions. His head just barely lifted from the pillow. She was a bit embarrassed after noticing this. She patted his head reassuringly and got up to get ready. She started to brush her teeth in the attached bathroom.
Her husband walked in moments later he stood next to her and started using the long mirror to comb his fur. Once they switched positions, both brushing fur and hair, they got dressed and went to wake the cubs. Neda opened the first door and disappeared inside. Robin had already brushed her teeth. Now she was looking something to wear. Phineas was walking down the hall when he noticed his son holding a small steaming cup in his hand. His fur was still a little damp. "You're up early." "Yeah, Lava wouldn't stop shaking me until I got out of bed." The Cub said as he took a sip. "There's a pot of coffee in the kitchen if you want any." "Where is Lavier now? Is she done getting ready?" He son pointed at the bathroom behind him and them walked away. "Alright, you want a braid or ponytail today?" Neda asked as she gently ran the brush through Robin's silky black hair. "I think I want pigtails today." She tried not to move her head as she looked through the hair clips. "What color?" Neda, meanwhile, was looking at the scrunchies, her hair brushing was second nature at this point. "Green? ...Light blue. Yeah, light blue." She said, deciding it was a better match to her black shirt, jeans, and jean jacket. She used some sapphire colored pins to put up her bangs as the rest was tied into two long pigtails. "It's not too tight, is it?" Robin shook her head up, down, and side to side to test it. "Nope, just fine." "Good." She patted her on the shoulder and got up to leave. "Mother Neda?" Robin looked up as she turned to her. "Thank you." "You're welcome dear." Neda smiled warmly and left the room. Robin got down from her bed and carefully pulled a box from her closet. It was nicely wrapped thanks to a little help. There was a nice blue ribbon tied on top and a sticker with Freddy's name on it. Since the children didn't exactly have enough money to buy all the presents they wanted William and Robert helped them with a secret Santa drawing. Robin got Frederick. She took a long time to think about what the best present for him would be. Sure she knew of things he probably wanted but getting him food or a cheap plastic microphone was a little too impersonal. Being a savvy saver she was she managed to get what she felt was a pretty good gift. She piled into the car with the others. Her box dwarfed compared to Nade's plain blue box with a bunch of those sticker ribbons tacked on. "Who did you get?" She asked. "Spring." He then added. "I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for her. She's so easy to get presents for." "Chica isn't so hard either." Lavier placed her snow pattern gift bag with red crinkly paper on the floor board before hoisting herself up. "I was just going to buy her a book if I got her." "Did you?" "Nope." "C'mon guys, it's supposed to be a secret, remember?" Penny left her penguin paper wrapped box on her lap as she buckled her seat belt.
The restaurant was a couple of hours from opening. A week away from the big night everything was decorated with the shine and wonder of a winter fantasy. The chairs were taken off the tables and the lights turned on. It was alive despite the lack of customers with the chatter of excited children. "Tomorrow is gonna be so fun." Goldie spoke before going back to humming as she sat on the stage. She, Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica sat on the stage with their legs dangling off the edge. "I hope this year Foxy can convince his Papa to let him come with us." "Maybe...Man, things are going so fast. Feels like yesterday day was Birthday..." Bonnie couldn't help but feel a twinge of loss, of wastefulness. "What did we do these past three months?" "We had a lot of fun." Freddy answered, trying to cheer her up. "We went up to the river to find fish and found a bird that needed help. We built a leaf fort. We-." "We saw a bunch of shooting stars, we helped a family of crows buy a taco, and saw a parade of puppies." Goldie added. "And we almost fell through the ice and bloody froze to death because someone wanted to see if we could skate yet. Just feels fast since so many events are cluttered together. Speaking of which, how are we going to celebrate Penny's birthday if she's gone?" "Well, our Mama and Papa talked to their mama and papa and talked to Bonnie's papas and I think they talked to your mama and they all decided we can celebrate it a day after they get back." "Oh." Everyone perked up as the front door's entrance bell rang. The four cubs and two adults came in. "Hey, good morning!" FredBear looked up from the pamphlets. He brought the closest parent in for his infamous hug. "Glad we could make it. The cubs were really looking forward to it." Neda returned the hug earnestly. "Hello Bon, hello Plushy." "Nice of you to drop by before you leave town." BonBon stated in his own endearingly sarcastic tone. He smirked and waved as they greeted him. Plushy smiled at the children. "The presents go on the back table since Kit isn't here yet. Here, let me help you with it." "Okay!" "Thank you!" They put the gifts up and joined their friends. "Hey guys, what's up?" "Thinking about the stuff we did these past few months." "Like the time we accidentally broke a wild beaver's dam?" "I forgot all about that..." "What do you mean 'we'? You and Foxy are to blame for that one. I told you you shouldn't walk on the old dam. You're lucky you didn't break your legs off." Chica scolded. Lavier only rolled her eyes. Chica then relented, saying. "But, I suppose we wouldn't have found that bird if we hadn't went runnin for or our lives, so something good came out of it..." SpringBear looked out at the parking lot with her head resting on her paws. She immediately perked up. "Foxy's here!" Kit waved through the glass, his tail wagging excitedly as he ran to the door. He pushed it open with his dad a mile away. "Ahoy!" He cried, holding his fireplace paper wrapped present proudly. "I come with invaluable treasure!" He boasted. The others hopped down to greet him. "Kids, don't jump off the stage like that." Plushy warned after the fact. "Sorry Mama." "Sorry Mom." "It's alright, just don't do it again, alright?" "Yes ma'am." They spoke sincerely as they sat at the table with the presents they brought in front of them. "So, who goes first?" FredBear looked around as most of them cried 'Can I' or me please'. Robin remained quiet, looking at her present worryingly. "I think this calls for a game of draw straws." Neda took nine straws and cut them in varying sizes with her Swiss army knife keychain. With her back to them she put them in her hand and made the parts that stuck out even. She turned back around and held them out for them to get. Each took their turn picking and after. It was all said and done they compared. "So I go first then?" Chica handed over her small box wrapped in green paper, adorned with a gold ribbon. "Here Nade. I believe this is something you'll like." He looked it over for a minute and tried his best to carefully pull off the tape, but when it tore the paper anyway he just ripped it off quickly. "Hey," His face lit up as he realized what it was. He carefully peeled the tape off the figure's name. "Boris Karloff's Mummy funko? How'd ya know?" "It's simple, I just saw what you were missing in your collection and picked one." Phineas and Neda exchanged glances, thankful she hadn't gotten the other one. "Thanks Chica, I hope whoever got you got something good." "You're welcome Nade." She returned a sincere smile, proudly puffing out her chest as he examined his gift with the happiest expression. "Oh! It's my turn!" Lavier pushed her bag to Bonnie. "Hope you like it." "Love the paper." She smiled and plunged her hand in. She pushed the contents around. She seemed perplexed as her fingers touched onto more than one thing. "Oh. Cool." She looked over the doughnut earbuds. "I needed these." She placed it aside as she picked up two more things. "Nice." She smiled, they were both Mystery mini figures from the new game she was playing. After feeling the packs throughly she started pulling out the final thing. She held the shiny pikachu keychain like a gold bracelet. "I thought these were sold out. Thanks pal!" "Glad you liked them I wanted to get you something better but-." "These are perfect. What are you talking about?" She put her arms around her bounty and started to examine the mystery packages again. "Should I open these now?" "Yeah!" "I wanna see!" "Yar, let's dig into this mystery treasure!" "If you want." "Okay." She eagerly tore open the first one, not hesitating in unwrapping the cardboard around it. "Oh, cool! The clown Neighbor from the teaser." "Huh, He looks little like it." Neda observes from across the table. "He kinda does. Neat." Bonnie put him aside and opened the second. It was a normal one with binoculars. "You're lucky! I always get doubles." "Whoa, Dad, he's wearing the same clothes as you." "He must have great taste in fashion." "Wait, Bonnie, you forgot something." Lavier added. Bonnie, confused, put her hand back in the bag. Her eyes widened as she felt a shape wrapped in paper. She took it out and started to admire it. "Wow, it's me and my dads? Did you make these?" "Yeah...You like it?" "Are you kidding? I love them!" Bonnie spoke as she placed her things back in the bag except the the small clay figures. She was still looking them over. "Thanks Lava." "It be my turn to trade." Foxy declared, passing his box to Penny. "You got me?" She gave a small laugh. "I actually got you." She peeled the paper off tenderly. When she was done folded it and the ribbon and opened the box. She let the cloth unfold as she held it up. "I am definitely wearing this tomorrow." She admired the detailed graphic of a dragon looking at the moon. "Thanks Foxy, this is awesome." "It's so pretty!" "Wicked!" "You're welcome matie!" "Here Chica." Freddy gave her the white gift bag with purple crinkly paper. "A new collar for Cupcake? With little purple paw prints! Oh how lovely." She shook it a little to test the bell. She smiled at the sound of the cheery chime. "Thank you very much. Can't wait to show Mum and Cupcake." "You're welcome." Penelope silently and hopefully moved hers toward Foxy. She watched as he shredded the paper with little hesitation. "A ship, with me own crew?" The young fox smiled wildly. He flipped the box over and read all about the pirate construction set. "That's a lot of small pieces. I might be needing help from me maties..." "I'm glad you like it Foxy." She felt all those hours of dish washing and trash transporting was worth it. "Is my turn yet?" Goldie asked innocently. She looked at all the straws left to make sure. Then she gave her present. "Here Lava, this is for you." "Thanks." She paused, studying the odd shape the puppy in Santa hat was wrapping around. It was a box with a bulge in the middle. Then something hit her and she excitedly unpackaged it. "Alright! A new soccer ball! Oh, Can we play outside, please?" She hopped up in her seat. "Not right this second." Phineas spoke in a chuckle. "Maybe after we're all done exchanging presents." "Aw man, okay." She eased back down. The ball wedged between her and the table. "Alright, now it's my turn!" Bonnie looked over to Robin and slid her nice glittery paper wrapped, bow topped box to her. "Thank you." Robin retrieved it and, like her sister, carefully undid all the paper and bow. She gasped as she lifted the lid. "Soft little slippers!" She lifted the black slippers put her hands inside them. They both had a heart on the front. "I remember how much you liked mine, so I got you a pair." "Can't wait to put them on tonight." She kept her hands inside them as they rested on the table. "Nade, honey, it's your turn." The little bear's head rose up from his figure. "Me? Oh, right." He handed his present over. "Here Goldie." She looked the box over in excitement and pushed the box lid off. "Ooooh! I love her!" She reached in a pulled out her new stuffed doll and hugged them tightly. It was a black a white Shiba Inu with a detachable raincoat. "Thank you! Thank you thank you!" She ran over to hug him. "N-no problem Goldie...Please let go. I can't breathe." "Sorry." She said, still hugging her toy. "Robin. I think you're the only one Pumpkin." The red bear looked up from her slippers. She felt the worry build up again but quickly pushed it down. She hastily handed the present to Frederick. "Here Freddy. Hope it's alright." "Um, thank you." He took the box but seemed concerned. "Robin, are you okay?" "I'm fine, it's just, the present...I couldn't afford a new one so..." "Hm?" He looked back at the package. He carefully opened it but his curiosity begged him to rush. "Robin..." When he finally opened it he felt like he was going to cry. He stood up and hugged her. "Thanks a lot." "I'm glad you like it." She smiled, hugging him back. "You said you wanted one like your dad's but-." "It's perfect." He assured her. He took the black top hat and placed it on his head. His ears were just barely keeping it from swallowing him. "I love it Robin. This is the best present ever. I'll wear it all the time!" "Looks like you'll have to some growing first." Plushy giggled. She tried her best to adjust the hat, only succeeding in covering the entire top of his head. "Who turned out the lights?" He asked jokingly as he took it off. Everyone got a little chuckle out of that. They each compared and talked about their gifts. "Wait, before we forget." Goldie interrupted as the thought came to her. She ran to the table, got the last two presents and brought them over. "We got these for Alex and Sid, since hey couldn't be here." "Aw, thanks guys. They're gonna flip." Lavier looked over the gifts and then her own. "We still have still have some time before breakfast right? ...How about we break this bad boy in?" "Can we go in the back and play?" The little ones asked in varying degrees of politeness. The adults exchanged amused glances. "Don't see why not. Rob, Will, and Phil are out decorating the big tree. Play where they can see you. We'll let ya know when the cinnamon rolls are done." The little ones let out excited cheers as they carefully put away their new prizes, except Lavier, who was ready to start kicking hers around.
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Chilled Bones
part 2 The Pack
FazBear house was quite empty. Both parents were working at the restaurant leaving the older children to watch the younger ones. William watched them from across the room trusting them enough to keep his focus on finishing some schoolwork. Robert was also watching but his game was catching his attention more.
The cubs were playing in front of the couch. Three were sitting in a circle of pillows arranged in a circle. The rest were surrounding them. They were trying to stack more on top as they talked to each other. "Hey Robin, wanna see the new red and white ribbons Papa got me? There's six of them so you can borrow some." "I still haven't given back the orange ribbons yet." "You can keep those, I don't really like that shade." "Okay, thank you Spring." "Guys, I really don't think it'll stay up on it's end...We need more pillows." Lavier, however, was a little quiet today. She would occasionally glance outside. Finally the cubs were worried enough to notice. "Lava, what's wrong?" "You guys go camping out there, right?" Lavier asked as she pointed out the back door. "Not exactly out there. There's a cabin much further in the woods we go to for Christmas and little in the summer." Freddy answered but returned with his own question. "Why do you ask?" "Have you ever seen anything...strange in there?" Goldie and Freddy exchanged glances. They tensed up. "Um...Like what?" "Like, I don't know exactly. Maybe something tall and white? With a white head anyway...I think. It smells like honeysuckles." "Really?" Goldie looked out the glass, a bit more relaxed and curious. "You saw something? When?" "Just today...Not too well though, I only saw it's head and it's bright yellow eyes." "Honeysuckles this late in the year? That is weird." The boy thought for a moment as his sister walked up to William. "Can we go outside?" She asked innocently. "Hm?" He looked up from tapping his stack of papers against the table. "You don't plan on going in the woods back there, do you?" "No...Just looking." He gave a smirking sigh. "Well, lucky for you I'm done. So go get your jackets and I'll take you, but not too far, got it?" Lavier was conflicted about this. She was excited and a little worried. She contemplated telling them it was nothing. She felt like she wanted to look for herself in case it was dangerous. She put on her coat and followed them anyway knowing they were curious and excited like her. As the cold brush against them and swirled around she pointed at an area behind the fence. "I saw it in our backyard, there." "Alright, we'll head over to the old campfire." William decided. "Wait," Penelope looked at her friends. "I thought you said you guys said you never went camping out here." "Pops used to take Rob, Chel, Phil and me out here before any of you guys were born." He explained as their footsteps crunched the dead leaves. "Sometimes we used to have small parties there before Grandpa Sparky's cabin was rebuilt." The younger kids began to make out a faint path. It was blanketed with leaves but the absence of growth made it obvious. They looked all around them, it was really beautiful out there even as the chill tickled their snouts. They looked around and smelled the air, but there was nothing but the normal autumn forest. "We would sleep out here...Me and Rob." He continued, a smile on his as he placed his hand on a tree. There were faint marks on the bark. It was difficult to see what it was, but he knew. "Ma or Pops were with us too, of course, but we used to have a lot of fun. We used to carve pictures in the trees until we were told not to hurt the trees anymore..." He paused, then looked further into the woods. "C'mon, we're almost there." After a good amount of steps they finally reached a small clearing about the size of a small bus. In the middle of this was a circle of rocks around a depression. The children searched around the area. They found interesting things like some strange plants, small wildlife, and cool hollowed out areas in trees...But no white headed beast to be seen. "It's probably gone by now anyway." Frederick sighed, still, he spotted a wild blue jay case a small brown bird away and that was pretty interesting. "Yea, probably." William confirmed with crossed arms. "Then, why did you bring us out here?" "Because I saw him too." He pointed at a splintered tree across from the patch of ground. "That's where he stood." The eldest bear spoke with the upmost seriousness. His gaze trained on the spot. "What?! When?" "Really!? What did it do?!?" "Do Mama and Papa know?" "Is that why you don't come out here anymore?" "It was spring." He stated, remembering it instantly. "I was woken up in the middle of the night. I heard something moving outside. I was pretty scared because I felt Rob next to me and I saw Pops sleeping on the other side. I didn't really notice the smell, that was normal for that time of year." The brown bear walked around the old fire pit. "I got out my pocket knife and decided to check it out instead of waking up Pops cuz I was a stupid kid. I peeked out the tent and saw someone tall with his back facing me. It was dark but it could still see the top of his white head obscured somewhat by his colorful hooded cloak." He was stand in the spot now, imitating the creature. "I thought it was probably some crazy lady trying to be Wiccan or something so I stayed quiet and watched as I held my knife. Then I realized what he was looking at." The cubs rushed over. They eagerly looked at the ruins of the tree and they saw it. Marks, not quite as faded, they formed a picture of a couple. There was a large bear with one eye and a bunny with some kind of bird and bee carved around them and some question marks. They looked up at the teen, a bit confused. "I didn't make a sound but I jumped when he spoke. 'This is very good crafting. It's a shame...' He spoke in a deep, kinda raspy voice. He turned to me. My heart skipped a beat. He doesn't have a white head, but a bleached white skull where a head should be." The children gasped. Lava glanced behind her, feeling eyes but seeing nothing. "I couldn't move as his bright pink eyes held me down. 'They scream so silently with small cuts in their flesh...' I was gripping my knife, wondering if I should charge him. 'But you're a considerate boy, aren't you?' That's when he left. Turned his back and disappeared into the darkness." "Pink? But what I saw had yellow eyes. Do you think there's more than one?" "Maybe, or maybe it's eyes changed color. I don't know. What I do know is You should never come in here alone. There are way too many dangerous things in here, got it?" He said sternly. The younger ones all nodded their head. "Alright, We should probably head back, it's getting pretty chilly. I'll make ya some hot cocoa."
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chaospenelope · 6 years
49 for the nightshade family?
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
 Neda: She didn't really like sweets until after she got pregnant. Now she has hidden stashes that she likes to eat from when ever she has a craving or to share with a sad cub in need. She is usually frugal when eating sugary stuff but every once in a blue moon she'll get a touch of the hyper and clean the whole house in an hour or acting silly with a lover.
Phineas: Absolutely, this is arguably the only habit he ever really got to enjoy from when he was young since it was the only thing his father would let him indulge in, though that was more out of not noticing him sneak any rather than actually allowing him to have any. He's had to conquer self control at a young age so he never really had a sugar rush.
Penelope: Yeah, She likes a sweet every once in a while. Though she usually prefers cake. Her sugar rushes leave her spinning on her dad's office chair.
Nade: He does love a good candy bar. Though after overdosing on a discovered Mom stash he only eats one a month except for November. Neda was pretty cool about the whole thing. Knowing the stomach ache was punishment enough.
Alex: Candy is something Alex enjoys every once in a while. If she ever has a sugar rush it makes her fidgety a little and she'll take a nap after.
Obsidian: He lives off sugar. He is in a constant state of rush. Look at him bounce off those walls! He's out of control!
Lavier: She has a rush every Halloween. She'll jump up on the furniture or do cartwheels. The first time this happened she threw up and passed out worrying her father greatly. Had a stomach of steel ever since.
Robin: the only candy she likes to eat too often are pure chocolate bars or gummy stuff. Anything else is regulated to holidays. She has never had a sugar rush. Pies and cakes are better anyway.
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Robin or Lavier?
Pokédex Entry
Robin NightShade Dark and Fairy type
This Pokémon often found in groups of other different Pokémon in dark places. They are fast and can move without making a sound.
Lavier NightShade Dark and Ghost type
A Pokémon is very protective. It pounces on prey five times it's size without fear.
CrunchNight ShadeHone ClawsShadow Ball
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Birthdays! 🎉🎂🎁
Victor and Faye/Amelia: May 18 Kit (Foxy): June 9 Frederick (Freddy) and SpringBear (Goldie): February 1 Bonnie: October 31 Chica: August 7 William (Billy) FazBear: November 3 Robert (Bobby) FazBear: September 17 Chelsea (Chelly) FazBear: March 4 Philip FazBear: November 12 Penelope NightShade: December 21 Nade Nightshade: June 20 Phineas NightShade: July 23 Robin and Lavier: April 3 Obsidian and Alex: January 3 Neda NightShade: December 1
So...I skipped a lot more birthdays than I thought but guess whose is coming up. ewe
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