#law firm ai blog writer
lawfirm00 · 2 months
Legal Innovation: Law Firm AI Blog Writer - Free Online Resource
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Legal innovation has been a cornerstone of the legal industry's evolution in recent years, with technology playing an increasingly vital role in streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Among the most notable advancements is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various facets of legal practice. One such innovation that stands out is the emergence of law firm AI blog writer tailored specifically for law firms.These AI blog writers represent a convergence of legal expertise and technological prowess, offering a free online resource that fundamentally transforms how law firms engage with their audience. Traditionally, maintaining a regularly updated blog required considerable time and resources, often diverting valuable attention away from core legal activities. However, with the advent of AI blog writers, law firms can now automate the content creation process while ensuring high-quality, relevant, and timely posts.The functionality of these AI blog writers is grounded in sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, which enable them to analyze vast amounts of legal data, identify relevant topics, and generate insightful blog posts autonomously. Leveraging machine learning techniques, these algorithms continuously refine their understanding of legal concepts and preferences, ensuring that the generated content aligns with the firm's unique voice and style.One of the most significant benefits of employing AI blog writers is the unparalleled efficiency they offer. By automating content creation, law firms can significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce blog posts, allowing legal professionals to focus on higher-value tasks such as client representation and strategic planning. Moreover, the consistent delivery of fresh, engaging content can bolster the firm's online presence, attract new clients, and foster deeper connections with existing ones.Furthermore, AI blog writers contribute to the democratization of legal knowledge by providing a free online resource that is accessible to all. In an era where information is abundant yet often inaccessible due to cost or complexity, these AI-powered tools empower individuals and businesses to stay informed about legal developments, trends, and best practices without financial barriers. This democratization not only promotes transparency and accountability within the legal profession but also enhances public trust and confidence in the justice system.Despite the undeniable advantages of AI blog writers, some concerns and challenges warrant consideration. Chief among these is the potential for algorithmic bias, wherein the AI's output reflects or perpetuates existing biases present in the training data. To mitigate this risk, developers must implement robust mechanisms for bias detection and mitigation, ensuring that the generated content adheres to ethical standards and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion.Additionally, while AI blog writers excel at synthesizing existing legal knowledge, they may struggle to provide nuanced analysis or contextual insights that require human judgment and experience. Therefore, it is essential for law firms to complement AI-generated content with contributions from legal professionals who can offer expert commentary, perspectives, and interpretations.In conclusion, the advent of AI blog writers represents a groundbreaking innovation in the legal industry, offering law firms a powerful tool to streamline content creation, enhance online visibility, and democratize legal knowledge. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, legal professionals can elevate their marketing efforts, engage with their audience more effectively, and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape. However, to fully realize the potential of AI blog writers, it is imperative to address concerns regarding bias, accuracy, and the complementary role of human expertise.
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mariacallous · 24 days
In a product demo last week, OpenAI showcased a synthetic but expressive voice for ChatGPT called “Sky” that reminded many viewers of the flirty AI girlfriend Samantha played by Scarlett Johansson in the 2013 film Her. One of those viewers was Johansson herself, who promptly hired legal counsel and sent letters to OpenAI demanding an explanation, according to a statement released later. In response, the company on Sunday halted use of Sky and published a blog post insisting that it “is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice.”
Johansson’s statement, released Monday, said she was “shocked, angered, and in disbelief” by OpenAI’s demo using a voice she called “so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference.” Johansson revealed that she had turned down a request last year from the company’s CEO, Sam Altman, to voice ChatGPT and that he had reached out again two days before last week’s demo in an attempt to change her mind.
It’s unclear if Johansson plans to take additional legal action against OpenAI. Her counsel on the dispute with OpenAI is John Berlinski, a partner at Los Angeles law firm Bird Marella, who represented her in a lawsuit against Disney claiming breach of contract, settled in 2021. (OpenAI’s outside counsel working on this matter is Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati partner David Kramer, who is based in Silicon Valley and has defended Google and YouTube on copyright infringement cases.) If Johansson does pursue a claim against OpenAI, some intellectual property experts suspect it could focus on “right of publicity” laws, which protect people from having their name or likeness used without authorization.
James Grimmelmann, a professor of digital and internet law at Cornell University, believes Johansson could have a good case. “You can't imitate someone else's distinctive voice to sell stuff,” he says. OpenAI declined to comment for this story, but yesterday released a statement from Altman claiming Sky “was never intended to resemble” the star, adding, “We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better.”
Johansson’s dispute with OpenAI drew notice in part because the company is embroiled in a number of lawsuits brought by artists and writers. They allege that the company breached copyright by using creative work to train AI models without first obtaining permission. But copyright law would be unlikely to play a role for Johansson, as one cannot copyright a voice. “It would be right of publicity,” says Brian L. Frye, a professor at the University of Kentucky’s College of Law focusing on intellectual property. “She’d have no other claims.”
Several lawyers WIRED spoke with said a case Bette Midler brought against Ford Motor Company and its advertising agency Young & Rubicam in the late 1980s provides a legal precedent. After turning down the ad agency’s offers to perform one of her songs in a car commercial, Midler sued when the company hired one of her backup singers to impersonate her sound. “Ford was basically trying to profit from using her voice,” says Jennifer E. Rothman, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who wrote a 2018 book called The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World. “Even though they didn't literally use her voice, they were instructing someone to sing in a confusingly similar manner to Midler.”
It doesn’t matter whether a person’s actual voice is used in an imitation or not, Rothman says, only whether that audio confuses listeners. In the legal system, there is a big difference between imitation and simply recording something “in the style” of someone else. “No one owns a style,” she says.
Other legal experts don’t see what OpenAI did as a clear-cut impersonation. “I think that any potential ‘right of publicity’ claim from Scarlett Johansson against OpenAI would be fairly weak given the only superficial similarity between the ‘Sky’ actress' voice and Johansson, under the relevant case law,” Colorado law professor Harry Surden wrote on X on Tuesday. Frye, too, has doubts. “OpenAI didn’t say or even imply it was offering the real Scarlett Johansson, only a simulation. If it used her name or image to advertise its product, that would be a right-of-publicity problem. But merely cloning the sound of her voice probably isn’t,” he says.
But that doesn’t mean OpenAI is necessarily in the clear. “Juries are unpredictable,” Surden added.
Frye is also uncertain how any case might play out, because he says right of publicity is a fairly “esoteric” area of law. There are no federal right-of-publicity laws in the United States, only a patchwork of state statutes. “It’s a mess,” he says, although Johansson could bring a suit in California, which has fairly robust right-of-publicity laws.
OpenAI’s chances of defending a right-of-publicity suit could be weakened by a one-word post on X—“her”—from Sam Altman on the day of last week’s demo. It was widely interpreted as a reference to Her and Johansson’s performance. “It feels like AI from the movies,” Altman wrote in a blog post that day.
To Grimmelmann at Cornell, those references weaken any potential defense OpenAI might mount claiming the situation is all a big coincidence. “They intentionally invited the public to make the identification between Sky and Samantha. That's not a good look,” Grimmelmann says. “I wonder whether a lawyer reviewed Altman's ‘her’ tweet.” Combined with Johansson’s revelations that the company had indeed attempted to get her to provide a voice for its chatbots—twice over—OpenAI’s insistence that Sky is not meant to resemble Samantha is difficult for some to believe.
“It was a boneheaded move,” says David Herlihy, a copyright lawyer and music industry professor at Northeastern University. “A miscalculation.”
Other lawyers see OpenAI’s behavior as so manifestly goofy they suspect the whole scandal might be a deliberate stunt—that OpenAI judged that it could trigger controversy by going forward with a sound-alike after Johansson declined to participate but that the attention it would receive from seemed to outweigh any consequences. “What’s the point? I say it’s publicity,” says Purvi Patel Albers, a partner at the law firm Haynes Boone who often takes intellectual property cases. “The only compelling reason—maybe I’m giving them too much credit—is that everyone’s talking about them now, aren’t they?”
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This day in history
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There are only four more days left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - TOMORROW!) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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local-legal-marketing · 2 months
Protect Your Firm's Content: Copyright Law Guide
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In the fast-paced world of legal practice, law firms rely heavily on content to attract clients, showcase expertise, and establish their brand. Whether it's informative blog posts, attention-grabbing social media graphics, or persuasive client presentations, effective content is the cornerstone of a successful legal marketing strategy. However, amid the rush to produce and disseminate these materials, law firms must navigate the complex and often treacherous landscape of copyright law. Understanding the Risks Imagine this scenario: Your law firm has crafted a series of thought-leadership articles that have generated significant interest and new client inquiries. Proud of this achievement, you decide to share the content more widely on your website and social media channels. Suddenly, you receive a cease-and-desist letter alleging copyright infringement, threatening legal action and demanding substantial damages. This isn't a hypothetical – it's a reality that many law firms have faced. Our legal marketing agency has witnessed firsthand the consequences of copyright missteps. We've worked with law firms entangled in lawsuits over the unauthorized use of images, excerpts from scholarly articles, and even client testimonials. In one particularly costly case, a junior associate unknowingly used a stock photo without the proper licensing, leading to a settlement that drained the firm's marketing budget for an entire year. These experiences underscore a stark reality: Ignorance of copyright law is not just risky – it can be financially and reputationally devastating for law firms. The Fundamentals of Copyright At its core, copyright is an automatic right granted to the creator of an original work, including texts, images, videos, and more. This protection springs into existence the moment a work is created. However, the nuances of how copyright interacts with the legal industry's content needs can be complex and often misunderstood. For example, many law firms mistakenly believe that the fair use doctrine provides a broad exemption for their educational and informational content. Unfortunately, the reality is much more nuanced. Fair use is determined on a case-by-case basis, and the margin for error can be alarmingly slim. Strengthening Your Position through Copyright Registration While copyright automatically protects your firm's original creations, registration is a crucial step that can significantly bolster your legal standing. Registered copyrights allow you to take infringement cases to court and potentially recover greater damages. In the high-stakes world of legal services, this added layer of protection can make all the difference in safeguarding your firm's intellectual property. Navigating Content Ownership and Collaborations Law firms often collaborate with a range of external parties, including freelance writers, graphic designers, and even other legal professionals. A common misconception is that paying for content creation automatically transfers copyright ownership to the law firm. This is not the case. Without explicit agreements transferring ownership, your firm could find itself without rights to materials you commissioned – a situation that could hamper your marketing efforts and compromise your brand. Utilizing External Content Responsibly The digital age has made it temptingly easy to incorporate content created by others into your firm's materials. Whether it's a compelling stock photo, a relevant industry article, or a client testimonial, using copyrighted materials without permission or proper licensing can lead to legal challenges. Staying informed about the sources of your content and ensuring compliance with copyright laws is essential. Addressing the Evolving Landscape of AI and Open-Source The rise of AI-generated content and the increasing availability of open-source materials offer new opportunities for law firms to create innovative and cost-effective materials. However, these emerging technologies also come with their own set of copyright challenges. It's vital for law firms to stay informed about the limitations and responsibilities associated with these resources to avoid potential legal pitfalls. Proactive Copyright Management for Law Firms To safeguard your law firm's content and protect your intellectual property, consider the following steps: 1. Educate Your Team: Ensure that all attorneys, marketing professionals, and support staff understand the basics of copyright law and the importance of compliance. 2. Develop Clear Policies: Establish robust protocols for content creation, use, and licensing to ensure your firm remains on solid legal ground. 3. Leverage Copyright Registration: Make copyright registration a standard practice for your most valuable content, strengthening your legal standing. 4. Seek Expertise: When navigating complex copyright issues, consult with legal professionals who specialize in intellectual property law. Their guidance can prevent costly mistakes and ensure your firm's content strategy aligns with legal requirements. Conclusion In the competitive legal landscape, a firm's intellectual property is a valuable asset that must be zealously protected. By understanding and respecting copyright law, law firms can not only mitigate legal risks but also foster a culture of ethical content use that reinforces their commitment to professionalism and integrity. Embrace proactive copyright management as an essential element of your firm's marketing and branding strategy, and unlock the full potential of your content while safeguarding your firm's reputation and bottom line.   Read the full article
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websitesdepotla · 3 months
Lawyer seo marketing writing content tips that dont involve writing
Does it feel like your law firm’s blogs are missing something? Has your site’s bounce rate bounced a bit too high? Of the many reasons that we post content on our sites, one of the most important is to hold onto a user’s attention. Great content can do that as well as so much else. Good content, however, isn’t just in the writing. Below are some things I keep in mind when I sit down to write lawyer SEO marketing blogs, city pages, service pages, and more.
None of these tips have anything to do with writing exactly. I’m not making any comment here about your authority, your knowledge of the law you practice, or anything like that. Rather, these are some things that I’ve picked up as I’ve gone through my career as a writer for our many law firm clients.
These can work for any lawyer, yes, but they can also apply to just about anyone creating written content in any industry.
Blank Space is a Boon Which of these looks better:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
– Both are nonsense, of course. They’re Lorem Ipsum. However, one is a lot easier to read, isn’t it? The second is easier on the eyes. The content is the same. But, it feels like less of a chore to read it, doesn’t it?
How This Relates to Your Writing
This can make your writing so much easier to read. No matter what kind of content you’re creating, shorter paragraphs are beneficial. Remember: a strong majority of the people coming to your site don’t know that much about the law. They may already be wary of “legalese.” So, when they see a big block of text, they may just close your page entirely.
As you may have noticed, unless I’m trying to fit a keyword into the first paragraph, I try to keep every paragraph to four lines or less.
Having smaller, easier-to-digest paragraphs is one more way that you can better engage your users. This doesn’t mean you’re “dumbing down” your content. Not in the slightest. It just means that you’re creating it in such a way that it can be easily consumed by your audience. More Words Has to Equal More Value If you’ve been writing content online for a while, then you know that the word count for how long something should be to rank online is seemingly always changing. One day, it’s 500 words, the next, 800, then 1200, and now up to 1800 or more. That’s fine. Nothing wrong with having longer pieces of content. That said, every piece of content should provide value.
Too often, when writers see that a piece of writing should be 1800 words or something, they just load it with nonsense. Some even stuff a bunch of AI into it, like a suitcase in a heist movie where there’s blank pieces of paper underneath a few dollar bills.
This won’t help you with anyone: Google or your users.
Instead, the key to writing longer pieces is to have more to say. When I have something longer to write, I don’t tend to spend more time writing. Rather, I spend more time researching ahead of time.
An Example From My Work We have a great attorney and a good man who’s been a client of ours for a long time: Belal Hamideh. The time came recently for me to add more words to one of his pages, one about Wrongful Death cases, to make it meet modern standards. I didn’t just sit down and start writing about wrongful death. Neither did I ask some AI: “Tell me about wrongful death cases.”
Instead, I looked at his page. Then, I researched wrongful death. I specifically noted aspects of the law that weren’t currently covered on his page. Also: I looked for what could be fleshed out that was already there.
That took longer than the actual writing did. Why? Because from doing all of that research, the writing was a breeze. It was easy to sit down and add those new parts because I knew exactly what I was talking about. Lawyer SEO Marketing Content and Beyond As you’ve probably surmised at this point, all of the tips I mentioned above are not exclusive to lawyers. You can use this in all of your written content, regardless of what industry you’re in. I certainly use everything I’ve said above for all of our clients.
What’s great about working for an agency, like I do, is that I’m not doing this by myself. I’m part of a team. Our team has web designers, SEO strategists, videographers, podcast hosts, and so many others. To see how we can help your law firm to reach more of your clients (or more of your customers to find your business) schedule a free consultation with us through our site or by calling.
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nicephysician17 · 2 years
The 10 Scariest Things About Article Marketing
Online marketing typically utilizes various online systems like e-mail, social media, web videos, Web searches, and many more. It's typically utilized in conjunction with basic marketing for example tv and print ads. Internet marketing is unquestionably an associated advertising technique today due to the fact that the development of the Web and mobile use by consumers is broadening continually. Online systems will be a wonderful method to reach out to a wider consumer compared to standard marketing and they could attract International clients.
Looking for a material generator that can assist you create top quality, unique material? Look no further than Article Forge! Article Forge utilizes expert system to help you produce material that is both special and premium. For more details on the Article forge review: Get More Info
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, uses the traffic-directing advantages of popular online search engine like Yahoo and google. SEO is normally utilized in blog and content creation. The author inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the content and articles to ensure that search engines to acquire it and put it in the top search results when an end-user (a prospective purchaser) tries to find those specific keywords. If the customer clicks on the writer's results connect, they're then directed to the target webpage where they may buy something. Keyword research is essential throughout this procedure, and it's imperative that the keywords are inserted into the writing in a natural manner, so regarding not appear to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing positioning service which are frequently utilized by site developers to obtain earnings for their sites.
Site developers will be paid based upon clicks so each time someone clicks on an ad on the site, the designers will get a particular quantity.
The advertisements that may be dispersed by Google to the websites would be paid by the business owners who are going to use Google Adwords and it will match the ad with the content of the site.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will absolutely work in conjunction to permit these website owners to obtain profits from Google and for Google to get earnings from the online marketers who would spend for their advertisements to appear on websites.
The main work of digital marketing is to direct traffic to the site of the business owner. It can be found in 2 classifications: Free and paid. You might say that free marketing would include word of mouth and public relations, and traffic direction presented by email lists, search engine optimization, viral content, and social networks. Paid marketing is where the entrepreneur pays a service firm to direct purchaser traffic to their websites by positioning ads in other web pages, apps, video games, and videos all over the internet. Paid marketing typically is bought by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the online marketer pays the service provider by per consumer click on the advertisement, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the business owner pays the service company by per thousand consumer clicks. If marketing is paid, corporations are required by law to show that the advertisements are paid for.
Searching for a material generator that can help you create top quality, unique content? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge uses expert system to assist you develop material that is both unique and premium. For more details on the AI content generator Article Forge Review: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Read Review</a>
Considerations in Branding
Brand name marketing combines the ideas of content marketing and entity salience to reveal to search engines simply how your unique brand name offers substantial relevance for your specific trade for your target market. It is not unusual for a brand's possible audience to be driven by a specific market group or market section. Establishing the brand's reputation is a primary goal. Usually, this entails examining not simply your web site but your brand name in its entirety and then providing Google the proper indications to demonstrate brand-relevance.
Advertisers often pay Google to show their ad together with online search engine results on some topics. You can always enable the algorithm decide on this or you might also be more specific about how you desire it to run.
When someone searches for medical professional, a regional business can choose their ad to appear at the top of the search engine results.
This may allow the organizations that do not have a high rank to obtain traffic for their sites. A well-designed website can be necessary if you're going to carry out a paid search marketing.
Retargeting is in fact a kind of method that you can use to bring back prospective consumers that went to the website, but did not make any purchase. There are 2 known ways to retarget customers: pixels and lists.
For pixel targeting, websites are using cookies that will assist track the visiting habits of the consumers and put advertisements for the target site on other sites that they visit.
List-based retargeting is normally done through a list of e-mail addresses from possible clients, through different algorithms, finding social media pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Ads can be put on those pages to ensure that the users may be invited back to the target page.
Email Advertising
Email marketing is amongst the earliest types of internet marketing. When it comes to email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not, there are a lot of methods. The first is voluntary by the customer. The consumer will voluntarily provide their e-mail address to a company and they're going to be contributed to the e-mail list and get marketing messages. Corporations might also get consumer approval to offer their e-mails to connected third parties who may send their own advertising messages too. The second strategy is finished unbeknownst to the client, where the company either steals e-mails through phishing or buys batches of emails from companies who phish expertly. Through this, the companies will be able to send out advertising messages to 10s and even tens of thousands of customers without their knowledge that their e-mail address were taken.
There are lots of elements and strategies for internet marketing. Which technique is finest depends entirely on your objectives. There are lots of benefits of these methods, however training and assessment with the experts are regularly needed to prevent squandering money on advertisements that do not make outcomes. Once the ad is created and implemented, it might have a chance to entice more purchasers that are not available traditional strategies.
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plausiblelabora · 2 years
7 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Article Marketing
Internet marketing normally uses various online systems like e-mail, social media, web videos, Web searches, and a lot more. It's typically utilized in conjunction with basic marketing for example tv and print advertisements. Because the growth of the Web and mobile usage by clients is expanding continuously, web marketing is certainly an associated advertising strategy today. Online systems will be a fantastic method to connect to a larger consumer compared to traditional marketing and they could entice International customers.
Searching for a material generator that can help you develop premium, unique content? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge utilizes artificial intelligence to assist you create material that is both premium and distinct. For more information on the Article forge review: Her Explanation
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, utilizes the traffic-directing advantages of popular search engines like Yahoo and google. SEO is normally used in blog and material production. The writer inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the material and articles to make sure that online search engine to get hold of it and put it in the leading search results when an end-user (a possible purchaser) searches for those specific keywords. If the client clicks the author's outcomes connect, they're then directed to the target web page where they may buy something. Keyword research study is vitally important throughout this procedure, and it's essential that the keywords are inserted into the writing in a natural manner, so as to not appear to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing placement service which are typically used by website creators to obtain income for their sites.
Website creators will be paid based on clicks so each time someone clicks on an advertisement on the website, the designers will get a certain quantity.
The advertisements that may be dispersed by Google to the websites would be paid by the entrepreneurs who are going to utilize Google Adwords and it will match the ad with the material of the website.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will absolutely operate in conjunction to allow these website owners to obtain earnings from Google and for Google to obtain earnings from the online marketers who would pay for their ads to appear on sites.
The main work of digital advertising is to direct traffic to the site of the entrepreneur. It comes in 2 classifications: Free and paid. You may state that free advertising would include word of mouth and public relations, and traffic instructions presented by email lists, seo, viral material, and social networks. Paid marketing is where the entrepreneur pays a service company to direct buyer traffic to their web pages by putting ads in other websites, apps, video games, and videos all over the web. Paid marketing typically is purchased by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the online marketer pays the provider by per customer click on the ad, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the business owner pays the service firm by per thousand consumer clicks. If marketing is paid, corporations are needed by law to reveal that the advertisements are paid for.
Looking for a material generator that can assist you create premium, distinct content? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge utilizes expert system to help you develop content that is both distinct and top quality. For more information on the Article Forge AI content generator Review: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Visit This Hyperlink</a>
Considerations in Branding
Brand marketing brings together the concepts of material marketing and entity salience to show to search engines just how your unique brand name uses significant importance for your particular trade for your target audience. It is not out of the ordinary for a brand's possible audience to be driven by a particular demographic group or market segment. Establishing the brand name's track record is a primary objective. Usually, this requires examining not just your web site however your brand in its entirety and after that offering Google the appropriate indications to show brand-relevance.
Marketers often pay Google to display their advertisement together with search engine results on some subjects. You can constantly permit the algorithm pick this or you might likewise be more particular about how you desire it to run.
When someone searches for physician, a local business can decide their ad to appear at the top of the search engine results.
This might allow the companies that do not have a high rank to obtain traffic for their websites. If you're going to carry out a paid search advertising, a well-designed website can be important.
Retargeting is actually a kind of strategy that you can use to bring back possible clients that checked out the website, however did not make any purchase. There are 2 recognized ways to retarget clients: pixels and lists.
For pixel targeting, sites are utilizing cookies that will help track the visiting routines of the consumers and put ads for the target website on other sites that they check out.
List-based retargeting is typically done through a list of e-mail addresses from possible clients, through various algorithms, finding social media pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Ads can be placed on those pages to ensure that the users may be invited back to the target page.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is amongst the earliest kinds of online marketing. There are a great deal of approaches when it concerns email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not. The very first is voluntary by the customer. The consumer will voluntarily offer their e-mail address to a company and they're going to be contributed to the e-mail list and get marketing messages. Corporations might also get consumer permission to provide their e-mails to linked 3rd parties who might send their own advertising messages as well. The 2nd method is finished unbeknownst to the customer, where the business either steals emails through phishing or purchases batches of emails from firms who phish expertly. Through this, the firms will have the ability to send out advertising messages to tens or perhaps 10s of thousands of customers without their understanding that their e-mail address were taken.
There are tons of components and strategies for web marketing. Which strategy is best depends completely on your objectives. There are tons of benefits of these methods, but training and consultation with the specialists are regularly needed to avoid wasting cash on ads that do not make outcomes. When the ad is developed and executed, it might have a possibility to attract more buyers that are not accessible conventional techniques.
0 notes
workablenurture · 2 years
Why Nobody Cares About Article Marketing
Internet marketing generally utilizes different online systems like e-mail, social networks, web videos, Internet searches, and much more. It's typically used in conjunction with basic marketing for instance tv and print ads. Internet marketing is unquestionably an associated marketing technique today since the development of the Web and mobile usage by customers is expanding continually. Online systems will be a fantastic method to reach out to a broader consumer compared to traditional marketing and they might entice International customers.
Searching for a material generator that can help you produce premium, unique content? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge uses expert system to assist you produce content that is both unique and top quality. For more information on the AI content generator Article Forge Review: Simply Click The Up Coming Site
Search Engine Optimization
Seo, or SEO, utilizes the traffic-directing advantages of well-known online search engine like Google and Yahoo. SEO is generally used in blog and content production. The writer inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the material and short articles to guarantee that search engines to acquire it and put it in the top search results page when an end-user (a potential buyer) looks for those certain keywords. They're then directed to the target website where they might buy something if the consumer clicks on the author's outcomes connect. Keyword research study is critically important throughout this procedure, and it's essential that the keywords are placed into the writing in a natural manner, so as to not be apparent to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing positioning service which are often used by website creators to get earnings for their websites.
Site developers will be paid based on clicks so each time somebody clicks on an advertisement on the site, the designers will get a particular amount.
The advertisements that might be dispersed by Google to the websites would be paid by the entrepreneurs who are going to utilize Google Adwords and it will match the ad with the material of the website.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will absolutely work in conjunction to permit these site owners to get profits from Google and for Google to acquire revenue from the online marketers who would pay for their ads to appear on websites.
The main work of digital advertising is to direct traffic to the site of the entrepreneur. It comes in 2 categories: Free and paid. You may state that complimentary marketing would include word of mouth and public relations, and traffic instructions introduced by e-mail lists, search engine optimization, viral material, and social networks. Paid marketing is where the entrepreneur pays a service firm to direct buyer traffic to their webpages by placing ads in other web pages, apps, video games, and videos all over the internet. Paid marketing frequently is purchased by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the online marketer pays the service provider by per customer click the advertisement, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the entrepreneur pays the service agency by per thousand customer clicks. Corporations are required by law to reveal that the advertisements are paid for if marketing is paid.
Searching for a content generator that can help you create premium, distinct material? Look no further than Article Forge! Article Forge utilizes expert system to help you develop material that is both high-quality and unique. For more information on the Article Forge AI content generator Review: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Link Website</a>
Factors to consider in Branding
Brand name marketing brings together the concepts of material marketing and entity salience to reveal to search engines just how your unique brand offers significant importance for your particular trade for your target audience. It is not uncommon for a brand name's possible audience to be driven by a particular demographic group or market segment. Establishing the brand's reputation is a main goal. Typically, this involves examining not just your website but your brand in its totality and after that offering Google the proper indicators to demonstrate brand-relevance.
Marketers often pay Google to exhibit their ad together with online search engine results on some topics. You can constantly permit the algorithm select this or you might likewise be more particular about how you desire it to run.
When somebody searches for medical professional, a local organization can decide their advertisement to appear at the top of the search engine results.
This might permit the organizations that do not have a high rank to get traffic for their sites. A properly designed site can be vital if you're going to carry out a paid search marketing.
Retargeting is really a kind of strategy that you can utilize to bring back potential clients that visited the site, but did not make any purchase. There are 2 known ways to retarget customers: pixels and lists.
For pixel targeting, sites are using cookies that will assist track the visiting routines of the customers and put ads for the target site on other websites that they visit.
List-based retargeting is generally done through a list of email addresses from possible customers, through various algorithms, finding social network pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Ads can be placed on those pages to make sure that the users may be invited back to the target page.
Email Advertising
Email marketing is amongst the earliest kinds of online marketing. There are a great deal of techniques when it concerns email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not. The very first is voluntary by the customer. The customer will willingly offer their email address to a company and they're going to be contributed to the e-mail list and get marketing messages. Corporations may likewise get customer consent to offer their e-mails to linked third parties who might send their own marketing messages as well. The 2nd method is finished unbeknownst to the customer, where the business either takes e-mails through phishing or purchases batches of e-mails from firms who phish expertly. Through this, the companies will have the ability to send marketing messages to tens or perhaps tens of countless customers without their understanding that their email address were taken.
There are tons of parts and methods for web marketing. Which strategy is best depends completely on your objectives. There are lots of advantages of these strategies, but training and assessment with the specialists are often required to avoid squandering cash on ads that do not make results. As soon as the advertisement is created and executed, it could have a chance to attract more purchasers that are not accessible traditional techniques.
0 notes
wistfulknowledg · 2 years
What's Holding Back The Digital Marketing Industry?
Online marketing normally utilizes different online systems like e-mail, social media, web videos, Internet searches, and much more. It's typically used in conjunction with basic advertising for instance television and print advertisements. Internet marketing is certainly a related advertising strategy today since the growth of the Web and mobile usage by consumers is broadening constantly. Online systems will be a wonderful technique to reach out to a broader consumer compared to standard marketing and they could entice International customers.
Looking for a material generator that can assist you create high-quality, distinct content? Look no further than Article Forge! Article Forge uses artificial intelligence to help you produce content that is both special and high-quality. For more information on the Article Forge AI content generator Review: Similar Web Page
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, utilizes the traffic-directing benefits of widely known search engines like Yahoo and google. SEO is generally used in blog and content creation. The writer inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the material and posts to guarantee that search engines to acquire it and put it in the top search engine result when an end-user (a potential purchaser) tries to find those certain keywords. They're then directed to the target website where they might purchase something if the consumer clicks on the author's outcomes connect. Keyword research study is essential throughout this process, and it's crucial that the keywords are inserted into the writing in a natural way, so regarding not be apparent to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing positioning service which are frequently used by site creators to acquire earnings for their sites.
Site developers will be paid based upon clicks so every time someone clicks an ad on the site, the designers will get a certain quantity.
The ads that may be distributed by Google to the sites would be paid by the entrepreneurs who are going to use Google Adwords and it will match the ad with the content of the website.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will absolutely operate in combination to allow these website owners to get income from Google and for Google to obtain income from the marketers who would pay for their ads to appear on sites.
The main work of digital marketing is to direct traffic to the site of the entrepreneur. It is available in 2 categories: Free and paid. You may state that free advertising would include word of mouth and public relations, and traffic direction introduced by e-mail lists, seo, viral material, and social media. Paid marketing is where the business owner pays a service company to direct purchaser traffic to their websites by positioning ads in other web pages, apps, games, and videos all over the internet. Paid advertising commonly is bought by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the marketer pays the provider by per customer click the ad, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the entrepreneur pays the service firm by per thousand customer clicks. If marketing is paid, corporations are needed by law to reveal that the advertisements are spent for.
Trying to find a material generator that can help you produce top quality, distinct material? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge uses artificial intelligence to help you create material that is both distinct and top quality. For more details on the AI content generator Article Forge Review: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Visit Website</a>
Factors to consider in Branding
Brand marketing combines the concepts of content marketing and entity salience to reveal to search engines just how your special brand offers substantial relevance for your specific trade for your target audience. It is not out of the ordinary for a brand name's possible audience to be driven by a specific market group or market segment. Developing the brand name's track record is a primary objective. Usually, this entails examining not simply your website however your brand name in its whole and then providing Google the right indicators to demonstrate brand-relevance.
Advertisers typically pay Google to display their advertisement together with search engine results on some subjects. You can always permit the algorithm decide on this or you might likewise be more specific about how you want it to run.
When somebody searches for medical professional, a regional business can decide their ad to appear at the top of the search engine results.
This might permit the organizations that do not have a high rank to get traffic for their websites. If you're going to perform a paid search advertising, a properly designed site can be essential.
Retargeting is really a type of method that you can use to bring back potential customers that checked out the website, however did not make any purchase. There are 2 recognized ways to retarget consumers: lists and pixels.
For pixel targeting, sites are utilizing cookies that will help track the visiting habits of the consumers and put ads for the target website on other sites that they visit.
List-based retargeting is typically done through a list of email addresses from possible clients, through various algorithms, discovering social network pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Ads can be placed on those pages to ensure that the users may be welcomed back to the target page.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is amongst the earliest types of online marketing. When it comes to email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not, there are a lot of techniques. The first is voluntary by the customer. The customer will willingly provide their email address to a company and they're going to be contributed to the e-mail list and receive marketing messages. Corporations might also gain customer consent to offer their e-mails to linked third parties who might send their own advertising messages. The 2nd strategy is completed unbeknownst to the client, where the business either steals emails through phishing or purchases batches of e-mails from firms who phish professionally. Through this, the companies will be able to send advertising messages to 10s or even tens of countless consumers without their understanding that their e-mail address were taken.
There are lots of elements and techniques for web advertising. Which method is best depends completely on your objectives. There are lots of benefits of these strategies, however training and assessment with the specialists are frequently needed to avoid squandering cash on ads that do not make outcomes. Once the advertisement is designed and executed, it might have an opportunity to lure more buyers that are not available traditional methods.
0 notes
noiselessaccoun · 2 years
15 Best Internet Marketing Bloggers You Need To Follow
Internet marketing generally utilizes various online systems like e-mail, social networks, web videos, Internet searches, and much more. It's often utilized in conjunction with standard advertising for example tv and print ads. Internet marketing is undoubtedly an associated advertising method today since the growth of the Web and mobile use by consumers is broadening constantly. Online systems will be a great technique to reach out to a wider customer compared to traditional marketing and they might entice International clients.
Trying to find a material generator that can assist you produce top quality, unique content? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge utilizes artificial intelligence to assist you develop material that is both distinct and high-quality. For more details on the Article forge: Visit This Hyperlink
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, uses the traffic-directing advantages of well-known online search engine like Yahoo and google. SEO is typically used in blog and material development. The writer inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the content and short articles to guarantee that search engines to acquire it and put it in the leading search results when an end-user (a prospective buyer) searches for those specific keywords. If the client clicks the writer's results connect, they're then directed to the target web page where they might purchase something. Keyword research study is essential during this procedure, and it's imperative that the keywords are inserted into the writing in a natural way, so as to not appear to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing placement service which are typically used by website creators to get earnings for their websites.
Site creators will be paid based upon clicks so whenever somebody clicks on an advertisement on the site, the designers will get a certain amount.
The advertisements that might be distributed by Google to the sites would be paid by the entrepreneurs who are going to use Google Adwords and it will match the ad with the material of the site.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will definitely operate in conjunction to allow these website owners to get revenue from Google and for Google to get revenue from the online marketers who would pay for their ads to appear on websites.
The primary work of digital advertising is to direct traffic to the website of the business owner. It can be found in 2 categories: Free and paid. You might state that complimentary advertising would consist of word of mouth and public relations, and traffic direction presented by e-mail lists, seo, viral content, and social networks. Paid marketing is where the business owner pays a service firm to direct purchaser traffic to their websites by putting advertisements in other web pages, apps, video games, and videos all over the web. Paid marketing typically is purchased by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the marketer pays the provider by per customer click the ad, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the business owner pays the service firm by per thousand consumer clicks. Corporations are needed by law to reveal that the ads are paid for if marketing is paid.
Trying to find a content generator that can help you produce top quality, distinct content? Look no further than Article Forge! Article Forge uses expert system to help you produce content that is both special and high-quality. For more details on the AI content generator Article Forge Review: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Read Review</a>
Considerations in Branding
Brand marketing unites the concepts of material marketing and entity salience to show to search engines simply how your special brand offers considerable importance for your specific trade for your target audience. It is not uncommon for a brand's possible audience to be driven by a specific demographic group or market section. Establishing the brand name's reputation is a main objective. Usually, this entails analyzing not just your website but your brand name in its whole and after that supplying Google the appropriate signs to show brand-relevance.
Advertisers typically pay Google to display their advertisement together with search engine results on some subjects. You can always enable the algorithm pick this or you could likewise be more specific about how you want it to run.
A regional business can decide their ad to appear at the top of the search engine results when someone look for doctor.
This may permit the companies that do not have a high rank to obtain traffic for their sites. A well-designed site can be essential if you're going to perform a paid search marketing.
Retargeting is in fact a type of strategy that you can use to bring back potential consumers that went to the website, however did not make any purchase. There are 2 recognized methods to retarget clients: pixels and lists.
For pixel targeting, websites are utilizing cookies that will help track the going to habits of the consumers and put advertisements for the target website on other websites that they check out.
List-based retargeting is typically done through a list of email addresses from prospective customers, through various algorithms, discovering social media network pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Advertisements can be placed on those pages to ensure that the users may be invited back to the target page.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is among the earliest forms of online marketing. When it comes to email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not, there are a lot of techniques. The first is voluntary by the customer. The consumer will willingly provide their e-mail address to a firm and they're going to be added to the email list and receive marketing messages. Corporations may likewise gain consumer authorization to offer their e-mails to linked third parties who may send their own marketing messages as well. The 2nd technique is completed unbeknownst to the customer, where the business either steals emails through phishing or buys batches of e-mails from companies who phish professionally. Through this, the firms will have the ability to send marketing messages to 10s or perhaps 10s of countless customers without their knowledge that their email address were taken.
There are lots of elements and techniques for web advertising. Which method is finest depends totally on your goals. There are tons of benefits of these methods, however training and consultation with the professionals are regularly required to prevent squandering cash on ads that do not make outcomes. Once the ad is designed and carried out, it might have a possibility to lure more purchasers that are not available traditional strategies.
0 notes
fanaticalquiet4 · 2 years
From Around The Web: 20 Awesome Photos Of Content Marketing
Web marketing generally utilizes various online systems like email, social media, web videos, Internet searches, and much more. It's frequently utilized in conjunction with basic advertising for instance tv and print ads. Because the growth of the Internet and mobile usage by consumers is expanding continuously, internet marketing is unquestionably an associated advertising strategy today. Online systems will be a fantastic approach to connect to a larger customer compared to traditional marketing and they might lure International customers.
Trying to find a content generator that can help you develop top quality, special material? Look no more than Article Forge! Article Forge uses artificial intelligence to help you produce material that is both high-quality and special. For more details on the AI content generator Article Forge Review: Similar Web Page
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, utilizes the traffic-directing benefits of well-known online search engine like Google and Yahoo. SEO is usually used in blog site and material production. The author inserts commonly-searched-for keywords into the content and posts to guarantee that online search engine to acquire it and put it in the top search results when an end-user (a prospective purchaser) tries to find those particular keywords. If the client clicks on the writer's outcomes link, they're then directed to the target web page where they may purchase something. Keyword research study is essential throughout this process, and it's important that the keywords are inserted into the writing in a natural way, so regarding not appear to the reader.
Google AdSense
Google Adsense is a marketing positioning service which are typically made use of by website developers to get income for their websites.
Site developers will be paid based upon clicks so each time someone clicks an ad on the site, the designers will get a certain quantity.
The ads that may be dispersed by Google to the websites would be paid by the entrepreneurs who are going to utilize Google Adwords and it will match the advertisement with the content of the website.
The 2 services, Google Adsense and AdWords, will absolutely work in conjunction to permit these site owners to obtain revenue from Google and for Google to get earnings from the marketers who would spend for their advertisements to appear on websites.
The primary work of digital advertising is to direct traffic to the website of the business owner. It is available in 2 classifications: Free and paid. You may state that free marketing would include word of mouth and public relations, and traffic instructions introduced by email lists, seo, viral content, and social networks. Paid marketing is where the entrepreneur pays a service agency to direct buyer traffic to their webpages by putting advertisements in other websites, apps, video games, and videos all over the internet. Paid marketing commonly is purchased by CPC (cost-per-click), in which the online marketer pays the provider by per customer click on the advertisement, or CPM (cost-per-mille), where the entrepreneur pays the service firm by per thousand customer clicks. If marketing is paid, corporations are needed by law to show that the advertisements are spent for.
Searching for a content generator that can help you produce top quality, unique material? Look no further than Article Forge! Article Forge uses artificial intelligence to help you produce material that is both premium and unique. For more details on the Article forge: <a href="https://www.academia.edu/73290648/Article_forge_review_AI_content_generator_Article_Forge_Review?f_ri=260452"> Visit Website</a>
Considerations in Branding
Brand marketing brings together the ideas of material marketing and entity salience to show to search engines simply how your special brand name uses significant significance for your specific trade for your target market. It is not uncommon for a brand name's potential audience to be driven by a specific market group or market segment. Developing the brand name's reputation is a main objective. Typically, this involves analyzing not simply your web site but your brand in its whole and after that supplying Google the correct indications to demonstrate brand-relevance.
Marketers frequently pay Google to show their advertisement together with search engine results on some topics. You can constantly enable the algorithm pick this or you could also be more specific about how you desire it to run.
A regional organization can decide their advertisement to appear at the top of the search engine results when someone searches for medical professional.
This might permit the companies that do not have a high rank to obtain traffic for their sites. A well-designed site can be necessary if you're going to execute a paid search advertising.
Retargeting is actually a type of strategy that you can use to restore potential clients that checked out the site, however did not make any purchase. There are 2 known ways to retarget consumers: pixels and lists.
For pixel targeting, sites are using cookies that will help track the going to practices of the consumers and put advertisements for the target site on other websites that they visit.
List-based retargeting is usually done through a list of email addresses from possible customers, through various algorithms, finding social media network pages and other commonly-used platforms.
Advertisements can be placed on those pages to make certain that the users may be invited back to the target page.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is among the earliest types of internet marketing. There are a great deal of techniques when it comes to email marketing and a few of them are ethical and some are not. The first is voluntary by the consumer. The customer will voluntarily provide their email address to a company and they're going to be added to the email list and receive marketing messages. Corporations might likewise acquire consumer authorization to supply their emails to connected third celebrations who may send their own marketing messages. The 2nd method is completed unbeknownst to the consumer, where the company either takes e-mails through phishing or purchases batches of e-mails from companies who phish expertly. Through this, the companies will have the ability to send marketing messages to 10s or perhaps tens of thousands of customers without their knowledge that their e-mail address were taken.
There are lots of parts and techniques for web marketing. Which strategy is best depends completely on your objectives. There are tons of benefits of these strategies, however training and consultation with the specialists are regularly needed to prevent losing money on ads that do not make outcomes. When the advertisement is developed and carried out, it could have a chance to attract more purchasers that are not available conventional methods.
0 notes
hope-for-olicity · 5 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - February 22nd, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
(Don't) Let Me Go multi-chapter WIP by @emmilynestill - Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for. Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time. http://archiveofourown.org/works/11591223/chapters/26051715
With the Speed of an Arrow multi-chapter WIP by @academyofshipping - Oliver Queen’s elite and silver-spoon life has taken some blows in the past few years, but he is still the carefree billionaire everyone knows of and loves. When his role in the family business is in jeopardy and he is introduced to a motley of new people, his status quo is threatened. With a changed perspective, Oliver realizes his feeling for his best friend and anchor-in-life, Felicity Smoak, may be more than just platonic. OR A modern adaption of Jane Austen’s Emma with a gender swap* and no island. *Knowing that gender is not binary https://archiveofourown.org/works/16559846/chapters/38799857
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
Run to the Water multi-chapter Complete by @someonesaidcake - The year is 1912, Oliver was 9 and far too old to be babysitting that nonsensical girl Felicity whose parents owned the cattle ranch where his parents worked and lived, but she won him over with oat and raisin biscuits and soon became his little blonde sidekick...with a completely unrequited crush on him. Years later she returns from boarding school and more than bush fires ignite in the changing times.... https://archiveofourown.org/works/7455738/chapters/16942293
Overwatch multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A burglary attempt convinces the Mayor of Starling City to hire Smoak Technologies to strengthen his security. But between the sassy AI watching him 24/7 and the personal trainer with his own reasons to kill him, Oliver may wish he’d stuck with his baseball bat for protection. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17500640/chapters/41221793
Frangible by CharlotteCordelier - "You're going to have to kill them." https://archiveofourown.org/works/13447815
The Fan multi-chapter WIP by @leuska - For the past couple of months, Felicity Smoak, previous child star known to the world through her alter ego Lisy the Tech Whiz, who ended her career and her growing popularity at the age of thirteen rather abruptly, has sporadically received disturbing notes and gifts in her mail. Police believe the notes to be just little tokens of appreciation by a former fan. Despite having left the spotlight over a decade ago and living in anonymity since, the fan mail keeps coming, increasing in frequency as well as intensity. The last drop is when Felicity receives another letter with a love note. A scary, ominous note. A note written in human blood.FBI director Amanda Waller tasks her best Agent to the case. Oliver Queen, a criminal profiler, is currently working on a special task force formed between SCPD and FBI to catch a man dubbed the Start City Slasher, who has murdered at least three young women in the past nine months. Agent Queen is not thrilled with the prospect of holding a former princess’ hand through her problem with a simple stalker while a serial killer is still at large. However, once meeting her, Oliver finds there is nothing easy or simple about Felicity Smoak as their worlds start to intertwine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17726573/chapters/41820368
Burning Souffles multi-chapter WIP by @allimariexf - Felicity really needs to have a talk with Oliver. Which they will really, definitely do just as soon as she stops being kidnapped. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17827772/chapters/42064055
Surprise Children by @icannotbelieveiamhere - Oliver has just let William leave with his grandparents. He wants to protect William and keep an eye on his son but he needs help from an old friend in Central City. Felicity is acting strangely after her phone call. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17836988
Will Fate Allow? multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Seeing her parent's marriage dissolve at a young age made Felicity yearn for a healthy marriage of her own. She thought she'd finally found what she was looking for when Billy Malone showed up offering her what her heart desired. She thought she was happy and had everything she could want, but things began to unravel. Slowly she turned to someone who had become an unparalleled constant in her life...Oliver Queen. Oliver and Felicity are the definition of polar opposites. He is the mob boss that strikes fear in the hearts many, while she is seen as the sweet girl next door, but there is more to both of them underneath the surface. Along the way, they become connected to one another leading to their lives being intertwined forever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16521596/chapters/38699951
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Do You Remember multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - Eight years after Oliver and Felicity became teenage parents, they have everything they could have ever hoped for and more. They have a good life in a nice house. Their marriage is happy, and a second baby is on its way. The calm they have settled in is interrupted abruptly when a stalker starts terrorizing Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17409059/chapters/40978307
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
Arrow Out of Context: It's Not That Simple multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - Prompt "It's not that simple." and "No. Felicity, if anything is simple, it's this." https://archiveofourown.org/works/14957309/chapters/42106316
There's a Hole in My Soul multi-chapter WIP by @felicityollies - Felicity Smoak is the daughter of a powerful and dangerous mob boss. Oliver Queen, who had been an associate until recently being promoted to bodyguard, was given the job of protecting Felicity. Neither of them are very happy about the arrangement. https://archiveofourown.org/works/5827837/chapters/13431532
Four Walls (Of Law Firms and Honey) multi-chapter WIP by @dust2dust34 -  A collection of ficlets in the same 'verse, called Of Law Firms and Honey, NSFW. Highly recommend http://archiveofourown.org/works/3982066/chapters/21868070
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. https://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
One Step Ahead multi-chapter WIP by @stephswims - Felicity Acerbi is married to esteemed Italian mob boss. Married after a failed business deal with her father, she is forced into a life decided for her. That is until a new bodyguard is hired. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16959333/chapters/39855036
// @emmaamelia95 // @mel-loves-all // @oliverfel4 // @green-arrows-of-karamel // @coal000 // @miriam1779 // @memcjo// @captainolicitysbedroom // @tdgal1 // @spaztronautwriter // @lalawo1// @quiveringbunny // @wrongshipper // @thebookjumper // @vaelisamaza // @myhauntedblacksoul // @lovelycssefan // @laurabelle2930 // 
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tanadrin · 6 years
One consequence of having seven billion people on an increasingly interconnected planet is that everything is becoming an attention game. @argumate​ has been talking recently about how bad a life decision becoming an indie game dev is, because the market is flooded with indie games and even brilliant entries in a given genre don’t stand out anymore. Everybody who’s ever a guest on a podcast I listen to ends up plugging a book or a project they’re working on. And when people make a witty tweet that gets lots of retweets, inevitably they follow it up with a “hey if you liked this check out my book/blog/side hustle” etc.
Maybe this is just the side effect of the current economic trend of a downwardly mobile middle class in a knowledge economy, but I suspect it’s something longer-lasting, the side effect of a mass media that has become so mass in its audience and so cheap to distribute that almost every form of it has essentially zero value now. We have achieved or are close to achieving a true post-scarcity environment in games, news, blog posts, novels, short fiction, music, visual art--in almost everything except, like, film (and the entire rest of the economy). This would be great, except people still need to pay their bills even if their real gifts and inclination lie in the arts or the media, and with billions of people on the planet connected dirt-cheap via a torrent of information you can hold inches from your face every waking hour of the day, it makes it real hard to make a living if your chosen economic output is post-scarcity, but food, housing, and healthcare are not.
This need not be dystopian. Technophobes and luddites might whine about nobody going outside anymore and just enjoying the sunshine, and you see smarmy signs at hipster cafes like “no wifi, talk to each other”--as if that’s not what we’re doing on twitter and tumblr and reddit, and frankly the people I interact online are way more interesting than you mr. cafe owner--but I do, truly, honestly think that the majority of the impact of this new technology has been positive. The downsides are the same as the downsides of traditional mass media--hate groups and racists and demagogues and genocidaires can communicate more effectively, too, which as far as downsides go is fucking terrible. But hopefully as we better understand the kind of society we’re creating, we’ll get better at holding the assholes of the world in check. I’m optimistic on that front.
And I’m optimistic that the creation of the kind of world I want to live in--one suffused with all manner of artistic beauty, easy communication between far-flung people, and mutual understanding between people of very different backgrounds--is more aided than hindered by this kind of technology. But right now we’re trapped in a really awkward place, a place where the people who want to inject beauty into the world (or knowledge, or wisdom, or anything else whose cost to create and transmit is reduced nearly to zero by these new technologies) suddenly find that there are zero dollars to be had in their chosen profession. Writer, artist, university professor, musician? All these things pay like dirt and will continue to do so as the population becomes more educated and connected and the number of people capable of doing these things increases.
My worry is that we have a model, now, of what happens as a post-scarcity regime envelops one part of the economy, and the lessons we learn may translate to other parts of the economy when and if (big if) the same thing happens there. In the areas of film and software, by comparison, real abundance in reproducibility (although not original production) is hidden by artificially-enforced scarcity (think regional copyright regimes, DRM, the concept of intellectual property metastasizing into a way to carve out permanent abstract fiefdoms via licensing and subscription services--imagine, if you please, if there was no such thing as software patents and all software was public domain after a 20-year copyright term, renewable once at most); in many creative fields, selfless producers are basically sharing the bounty of their until it reduces them all to penury. At no point has anyone said “look, media is very nearly free to reproduce and distribute now; old models of law and property are incoherent here, and we risk strangling creativity and innovation if we insist on kludging together a system that lets the winners of the previous system maintain their advantage indefinitely.” Or, if they have, they’ve basically been regarded as the equivalent of free software anoraks, utopians who must be ignored by hard-headed realists.
So we have a situation where either 1) nobody can make a living in a profession, or 2) they can make a living because artificial scarcity is imposed to make what should be an abundant good rare. There have been some faltering attempts to introduce regimes like (2) in other areas of the economy, hindered only by the fact we’re a long way off from true post-scarcity in them, like patenting the genome of more abundant strains of crops, but my worry is that just as we accept the current system in media as “normal,” as a natural consequence of how the pre-scarcity system transitioned to the post-scarcity one (even though it didn’t have to be like this!), we’ll accept a similarly recalcitrant transition to post-scarcity if and when it includes greater abundance of other goods, like food and pharmaceuticals and consumer goods. And, as a result, we’ll be living in a society in a few hundred years with the productivity and abundance of Star Trek, but the material inequality of the Middle Ages. And given that the future is long, and the limit on human dickishness very high indeed, in my more cynical moods I imagine we will invent strong AI, it will promptly be declared the property of some corporation, and it will be put to work maximizing their stock price--and anyone who tries to build their own will get arrested or sued into destitution for violating their patent. Incidentally, this is why I don’t trust Google, and why I’m mildly horrified that there exist at least some people who seem to like the idea of powerful megacorps--because the incentive for big firms is always going to be orthogonal to the goals of the rest of us, is always going to be tilted in the direction of making money and not ensuring that they’re actually making the world a better place, and hence I don’t expect any firm like Google, no matter how forward-thinking it claims to be, to, when push comes to shove, actually permit a scarcity society to be replaced by a post-scarcity one.
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frankgiunta · 2 years
AI Software for Law Firms: Top 12 Productivity Picks - Legal Reader
AI Software for Law Firms: Top 12 Productivity Picks - Legal Reader
Being able to sign documents remotely is also extremely useful, and saves a lot of time. What is one AI tool for law firms to increase productivity? To help law firms and professionals increase their productivity using AI software, we asked legal professionals and tech experts this question for their AI software of choice. From Google Assistant to eDiscovery, there are several intuitive softwares that may help you increase your productivity.  Here are 11 AI softwares for law firms to boost their productivity:  Google Assistant Adobe E-sign HyperWrite Luminance PCLaw Semantic Search ROSS Intelligence Alexei AI Memo Generator  Jasper.ai CARA AI eDiscovery Google Assistant An AI assistant such as Google Assistant, can make a positive difference in productivity at your law firm. It’s available on a wide variety of devices, including smartphones and smartwatches. With Google Assistant, you can schedule meetings and depositions faster and without hassle. Not to mention, with its voice typing features, your dictation gets a real boost, helping you stay on top of emails and take notes with ease. It’s all around an easy-to-use productivity tool that’s perfect for law firms. Court Will, Will & Will Adobe E-sign The best choice of tools for speeding up legal activities and avoiding human error are e-signatures. Attorneys and their clients can also avoid using documents, resulting in less paper wastage and ink. Being able to sign documents remotely is also extremely useful, and saves a lot of time. Amit Raj, The Links Guy HyperWrite AI content writers exist that sound like people. For instance, AI content writing tools now use tone. By using AI content writer tools in a law firm, the lawyers are free to spend time on a more desirable task like generating new business and helping clients. An experienced attorney is needed on these activities that increase yearly income. There are many AI content writers you can use. HyperWrite is an AI content writing tool that I can recommend from personal experience.  Janice Wald, Mostly Blogging Luminance Luminance can be a gamechanger for law firms looking for the perfect document review software. It effortlessly highlights important clauses within contracts and even points out words that could be a possible cause of conflict in the future, while suggesting suitable alternatives in its place, speeding up the process quite drastically. Riley Beam, Douglas R. Beam, P.A. Luminance is a fantastic tool that has helped over 300 law firms perform thorough due diligence more quickly than ever, thanks to its AI system that understands language as well as a human. We’ve used the tool to get immediate overviews of companies to spot potential issues that could affect contracts, business mergers, property portfolios, eDiscovery, and more. It’s a massive time saver that works well to give us peace of mind as we navigate deals. David Aylor, David Aylor Law Offices PCLaw Tech-powered solutions are the way forward since the pandemic has resulted in a shift to cut costs. An efficient AI-powered accounting system provides legal practices with a complete money management solution. With features including expense tracking, liability examination, and trust management, there are powerful tools available. For example, PCLaw. Saskia Ketz, Mojomox Semantic Search While in discovery, law firms can use semantic search tools to find similar, but differently worded, data, conversations, and legal codes faster. In doing so, law firms can reduce the time spent on research and produce more consistent results. Matthew Ramirez, Rephrasely ROSS Intelligence
Machine learning; image by Salvatore P, via Pexels, CC0.There are several AI tools for law firms to increase productivity. One popular tool is ROSS, which is an artificially intelligent legal research assistant that can help lawyers find answers to legal questions and research cases. Other AI tools for law firms include contract analysis tools, which can help review and summarize contracts, and predictive analytics tools, which can help predict outcomes in court proceedings. Natalia Brzezinska, PhotoAiD Alexei AI Memo Generator One AI tool for law firms to increase productivity is a legal memo generator such as Alexei. A legal memo generator is a computer program that takes a set of facts and produces a memorandum of law based on those facts. This can be helpful for lawyers because it automates the process of creating a legal memo. It also helps to ensure accuracy and consistency in memos, since the software will follow a set template. Additionally, it can help lawyers to find case law and other authorities more quickly and efficiently. Claire Westbrook, LSAT Prep Hero Jasper.ai Jasper.ai is an AI-powered writing tool that helps greatly with content creation. You can amplify your content marketing efforts and expedite the process of creating various documents by utilizing a subscription to this tool. It works a lot better than you might think and even comes with a built-in plagiarism checker if you’re concerned about the AI’s output. Rest assured—this is truly an innovation for writers. Stewart Guss, Stewart J. Guss CARA AI CARA A.I. (Case Analysis Research Assistant) helps you find the most on-point authorities quickly and efficiently. Using this tool saves hours of research time and finds you tailored results. Based on what it knows about your matter, CARA A.I. searches Casetext’s database for the most relevant results, then recommends relevant cases, statutes, briefs, black letter law, and more. Mark Pierce, Cloud Peak Law Group eDiscovery We’re a law firm that emphasizes diversity, so we have to ask ourselves what role does diversity play when it comes to artificial intelligence? For instance, AI is often used in security technology. A surveillance camera may use AI to analyze people’s movements and that can open the door for racial bias. Many of our clients have been wronged in some fashion by racial discrimination and whatever AI technology we incorporate must not violate our own commitment to diversity and inclusion. As for the benefits of AI in law, the first example that comes to mind is eDiscovery, a software that allows for scads of documents to be scanned, reviewed and submitted in only a fraction of the time compared to the old-fashioned way of having teams of lawyers and paralegals review the hard copies. Filings can be done faster and more accurately through the assistance of AI and that increases lawyer productivity. Alan Ahdoot, Adamson Ahdoot Law Terkel creates community-driven content featuring expert insights. Sign up at terkel.io to answer questions and get published. 
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loyallogic · 4 years
How to write a research paper: Summary of the webinar
This article is written by Nandini Biswas pursuing BBA. LLB. from Narsee Monjee Inst. of Management Studies, School of Law, Bangalore Campus.
Introduction of the host- Anubhav Garg
Anubhav Garg is working as a content writer and an event manager with ipleaders, He got a PPO at his internship with iPleaders for Content writer and Event manager. He is working with India’s biggest company in legal education, LawSikho (iPleaders, LawSikho and SuperLawyers have common owners). The best thing about his job is that he gets to add value and give back to the legal fraternity.
He is also working as a content writer with Taxology.
He completed his BBA LLB from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. 
Introduction of the guest- Kajori Bhatnagar
Ms. Kajori Bhatnagar specializes in IPR and Cyber Laws from ILI Delhi and Asian School of Cyber Laws and obtained her Masters of Law in Human Rights from National Law School India University. She then pursued a specialization in Advanced Entrepreneurship Management and Corporate Laws from Gujarat National Law University. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor and research scholar at Punjab University.
She has experience as an academician for over three years. She is a vehement promoter, propagator and follower of human rights. Currently, she is also working as placement coordinator and faculty in charge of a legal aid clinic.
Summary of the webinar- How to write a research paper
What is the difference between writing a blog, an article, an essay, and a research paper?
Blog is based on the writer’s thoughts and opinions. There is no standard concept. It is an informal platform which is based on content writing and citation may not be required.
Article is a piece of writing that is included with others in newspapers, to inform the readers of some concept. It follows a format, has headings, and does not require citations and references. They can be accompanied by graphs, charts, pictures, etc. Essay is a short piece of writing on a particular topic written as a response to a question or a proposition. It follows a format and requires references and citations to be mentioned.
Research paper has a theme, needs extensive research, has a formal format and requires citations.
What kind of audience should a research paper be written for?
Audience does not matter much, the purpose of writing the research paper matters. See to it that it is simple to understand, has a simple on the language and is drafted properly.
What sources can we refer to while researching?
Refer to the books in the library
Refer websites with .edu, .org
Legal software like Hein online, SCC online, Manupatra, West law, etc
How to start writing a research paper?
Choose a topic that you are familiar with or get familiar with the topic
Search for information about the topic and build a base
Find issues on the topic and draft arguments around it
Make an outline for the research paper
Collect your research material together, maybe create a folder and store it there
Provide a background of the topic
Use case laws
Give your analysis
End it with a conclusion
What is the difference between the research methodologies when writing for a law firm and when writing for academic purposes?
Law firms- they need you to research on certain specific areas.
Academic purposes- Provide a background to the topic, explain the topic in depth and give your analysis. Analyzing the content in your article is very important since it shows that you have understood whatever you have mentioned in the article.
Can we earn by writing a research paper?
Yes, the job profile is called content writers. It has a lot of scope due to the social media boom. Independent lawyers hire content writers to write blogs and are paid well.
What are the current hot topics that one can choose to write a research paper on?
How technology is affecting the world
Virtual identity vs real identity
AI in developing Law
Immigration issues and laws
International taxation
Supreme Court judgments of the past 2 to 3 years
How much are research papers valued in the CV when it comes to internships and jobs?
Writing skills are very important and the interviewer will look at the number of publications that you have in order to decide if you have enough knowledge on the topic. Good draft of a research paper shows that you are clear about the concepts.
                Click Above
How to get the research paper published and which are the valuable platforms that one should target to get their research paper published?
People from academia should focus on publishing articles with the UGC care list. Other valuable platforms include- 
research gate
bar and bench
These websites have their mail ids where you can send your paper and they have their own process that they follow for reviewing the paper before publishing them.
Earlier, there were sites where you had to pay to get your article published. Now, according to a new ruling, articles getting published by giving money to the websites, holds no academic value.
Can pictures, graphs, pie charts, etc. be included in a research paper to make it more appealing?
Yes. If you copy paste from websites, it is important to mention the source of such things.
For 1st year law students, giving a legal aspect to an article or a research paper gets very disorienting at times, how should that be dealt with?
Build your base by referring to Wikipedia, do not cite any information or take reference from Wikipedia, but one can always go through its content to get a clear idea of the legal topic. Then start researching from other credible sites.
Some paid sites have good content that is useful for our article/research paper. How to access that?
Write to the publisher saying that you are writing an article/research paper and you want to refer to their content. Sites like research gate and academia allow such a process.
Another thing is that, many of the paid content are available for free on other websites or are personally published, for finding this, you need to go to the 2nd, 3rd or other subsequent pages on google.
While researching a topic for writing a research paper, or an article, we tend to read a lot of blogs and papers and articles, so we start thinking from that perspective. How do we generate a novel content?
If you are not able to generate a novel content of your own, do not write a research paper, write an essay.
The essay will be the compilation of all what you have read till now.
If I want to write a research paper for students and academicians, what kind of strategy should I use?
Use simple language.
Give a background of the topic, legal issues, misuse of laws and the judgments.
While writing, make sure that you first put forth all the arguments regarding the topic and then choose your side and justify it rather than just mentioning your stance. This will give an all-round and a holistic approach to your article.
If there is one quote which is cited by many articles, journals, etc., should we cite all those literary pieces in the references?
No. Only cite the original one. 
Eg- If a quote by Mahatma Gandhi is cited in any of the literary works, you need to just mention that it is a quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
I have been advised to frame research questions that the research paper will answer, is it important?
Yes, it is very important since it defines the purpose of the paper and structures the research. It also helps you to draft your research paper well.
How to deal with research biases?
A researcher should be free from biases
Must be objective
Have an open mind
Make changes to your research question if you feel that your stance on the subject matter is different than what you are finding out by researching
Change your line of thinking if required
While trying to come up with something novel, there is always an apprehension that we may not have read all the available literature on the subject, so our idea is not novel. How to do away with that apprehension?
It is fine to have similar or same opinions, but there will be a tinge of individuality since a different person is writing. This makes the article novel. Also, we often find many articles on the same issue having the same perspective, so it is absolutely fine if the perspective that you have adopted is not novel or unique. The way of presenting the perspective is something that differs from author to author. Thus, the way you present your perspective and how successfully you are able to influence the readers or how successfully the readers are able to understand and connect with your viewpoint matters a lot. So, see to it that you make your content reader friendly.
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The post How to write a research paper: Summary of the webinar appeared first on iPleaders.
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vsuvo768523 · 4 years
Tumblr media
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Whether you need new and regular articles or blogs written, or need your website pages rewritten with some creative content to attractive your next customer, our team have it covered. It can be easy to regurgitate the same ideas and lose focus on what your customers really want to know or are interested in reading about. Why not set up a Skype call every two weeks or once a month (whatever works best!) to generate some new content ideas? Let your Virtual Assistant become a fully integrated member of your team by allowing them to bring their knowledge, insight and creativity into play.Having a ghost writer to carry out your article writing means you have more time to focus on other, perhaps more strategic or managerial aspects of your business, whilst a professional article and content writer can do the rest. A Virtual Assistant for article writing will be a native English speaker based in the UK. They will have an excellent command of the English language and a true understanding of your audience’s culture. As such they will be able to create compelling content that truly engages and persuades your readers, without you having to check their spelling and grammar or rewrite their work. All of our VAs are background checked by Onfido, an independent identity and background checking organisation, and they all pass through a rigorous selection process, so you can rest assured that we test their article writing and content writing skills before assigning them to your account. Furthermore, if you hire a Virtual Assistant for article writing from Virtalent, you are safe in the knowledge that all our tasks are insured through Hiscox Insurance. Not to mention you will be assigned a dedicated Account Manager who will work alongside your article writing Virtual Assistant, to ensure both you and your VA feel supported. 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