diedraechin · 2 years
Anybody want a sneak peek of the next chapter???
So we just got back from vacation, and I sat down and read through the next chapter, and I think that I'm just about ready to send it to Io to edit. I have two small sections that I have highlighted for reworking, but nothing major and I'm feeling pretty good about it! Which means I should probably let Io have at it before I change my mind...
And whenever I get to this point, is usually when I decide it's time to give you all a little taste of what's coming... :D This is a little longer than usual, but I think it's deserved for all your patience sticking with me!
Where did we leave off? Oh, right, Yuuri got called up as alternate for the GPF and is stuck in the Netherlands because his flight was delayed/cancelled/wtf????
Viktor turned back to Chris. “Going to call it a night?”
Chris nodded. “It’s been busy and that’s not even with all the drama caused by that delay in Amsterdam for our third musketeer.” He paused. “Never fly through Schiphol; it’s a horrible idea. I’ve always had bad luck with that airport. I don’t care how nice it is on the inside, it still sucks getting stuck there.”  He stood up. “I’m going for a walk around the block to get some air and then coming back and calling it a night.”
“Bonne nuit.”
Chris patted his shoulder and headed out the door.
Viktor returned to his staring contest with Yakov. Ultimately, he knew that Yakov was going to win, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for the coach. 
“Ok. So he’s definitely in the air. Someone needs to wait for him, though.” Celestino’s booming voice broke Viktor’s staring contest and he turned his head to look at Celestino who was talking with Kai and the Team Japan Leader -- the Japanese and French officials having left -- Phichit still dancing around the edge, neither included nor separate from the group. Never had Viktor been happier that Celestino didn't know how to speak at normal speaking volume.
It was the Team Japan Leader that spoke. “I will be here when he gets in. I have his paperwork and schedules.” He paused. “I don’t know Katsuki-san at all, though, he’s never competed at a competition I’ve been Leader at before.” He looked down at the watch on his wrist. "It's too late to call Japan." 
“I don’t have a problem with waiting, Celestino.” Kai said.
Celestino shook his head. “He’s my skater and it was a bad delay and we both know that he was panicking earlier when the flight showed as cancelled for five minutes before returning to being just delayed. I’ll stay. Go bring Phichit to his room.”
“But, Celestino!” Phichit interjected.
Celestino shook his head. “No. You’re going to bed. You have early practice and press and a lot of other things to get through. If Yuuri was already here he’d be telling you the same thing. You’ll see Yuuri tomorrow; we both know that he’ll make sure of that.  Besides, aren't you the one who hates dealing with him when he’s cranky? And he’s going to be.”
Phichit stopped moving and nodded. “Point. He gets very cranky.”
Viktor bit his lip to stop from laughing and glanced at Yakov who was just shaking his head. “He’s not wrong. Yura can be very grumpy at times.” 
Yakov stood up. “Bed soon, Vitya. I mean it.”
“I know. I will. I promise. Just thirty more minutes? By then Chris will have finished his walk and I’ll be out of people to entertain me.”
Yakov sighed and patted his shoulder. “He’ll be here and he’ll skate. On the positive side, he’ll likely be so tired from being anxious over his flights he’ll sleep.” Yakov went to the elevator.
Kai had started arguing with Phichit, but seemed to be winning and was aiming the Thai skater toward the elevators.
“Kai, just one second.” Viktor made to stand up but she just looked over at him and shook her head.
“I’ll text her. Don’t want to hear it. I need to get this one up to his room.” She pushed him into the elevator with Yakov and then all of them were gone.
So Viktor was left with the Japanese Team Leader and Celestino just sitting in the lobby in a tense, uncomfortable silence, none of them saying anything and neither of the other two even acknowledging Viktor.  While the minutes dragged on, Viktor idly looked through instagram trying to pass the time, but nothing caught his interest.
He really needed to figure out Yuuri's secret instagram. No doubt he'd been posting things while stranded in the Netherlands. That would have been entertaining. Oh! Maybe he even used that layoverinams hashtag! Viktor started typing the hashtag into the search bar, but stopped midway when Celestino coughed loudly. He dropped his phone from in front of his face to look at Yuuri’s coach and smiled.
“Shouldn’t you go to bed?” Celestino looked at him, his annoyance clear.  Seemingly their temporary truce for getting Yuuri to nap at Skate America had come to an end.
Viktor shrugged. “Probably. But I’m waiting for Chris to finish his walk. Can’t be more well rested than the competition. Have to give them a sporting chance.”
Celestino visibly bristled. “You’re full of yourself, Nikiforov, and one of these days a skater is going to come around and knock you down a peg or three.”
Grinning, Viktor wondered if Celestino even knew that he was a coach to such a skater because he was pretty sure that Yuuri’s coach was the king of underestimating Yuuri.
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diedraechin · 3 years
Since you've all been so patient with me....
... and been super sweet while I've been on my formatting kick...
It's time for a sneak peek of the next chapter. I've released it to Io, but I don't know how long it'll take for him to edit since he's got a lot of stuff going on. We'll see.
If I remember correctly, we left off with Viktor posting memes on twitter during his #layoverinams.
And Yuuri needs to find out about this somehow. Luckily he has a roommate.
“Oh Em Gee! YUURI! WAKE UP!” Phichit landed on top of Yuuri and he grunted. “The internet can’t stop talking about hashtag tiegate and now CK has entered the chat.”
“Mmm hmm. That’s nice.” Yuuri rolled over but Phichit just bounced next to him. “I’m still sleeping. Go. Away.”
“YUURI! Don’t you get it?! Viktor was shitposting memes in Amsterdam and now YOU JUST LANDED A JOB AS A CK UNDERWEAR MODEL!”
Obviously he was still asleep and this was a nightmare. “No, that did not happen. I would know if that happened.”
“Come on! Say it with me! ‘Nothing comes between me and my--’” Phichit fell backward as Yuuri’s pillow hit him in the face.
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