#lbr here there's no way Jehan is the only non-binary or trans person in les amis
a-wild-rosette · 5 years
Les Mis Trans Week 2019 – Les Amis Headcanons
Enjolras (he/him/his) is openly and proudly out as a transman, even before he starts Les Amis. He has started socially transitioning since his teenage years, with full support from his childhood best friends Combeferre and Courfeyrac.
A few months after Enjolras tells his best friends he’s trans, Combeferre (she/her/hers) also comes out – first to herself, then to Enj and Courf not long after. Enjolras is in the process of trying out names, so he and ‘Ferre decide to switch names for a while. The names don’t stick, but it is a weird month where Enjolras answers when people call ‘Ferre and vise versa. Eventually, they get fed up and decide to just go with their last names.  Courfeyrac does the same in solidarity because the poor baby still doesn’t know yet. When Les Amis starts, everyone picks up on it and it become their ThingTM.
Jehan (fea/fer/fers) is not the only non-binary person in Les Amis, but fea is the first to come out. This prompts other members to also come out or start questioning if they are really cis. There is a time where Les Amis starts every single meeting with someone - sometimes multiple people - yelling “Wait I have an announcement to make!” Long story short, none of them is now cisgender, and Marius is the token Cis FriendTM. 
Courfeyrac (he/him, she/her, they/them - depends on the day), who up until this point still identify as a gender-nonconforming cis man, realizes that oh my gosh I can be neither a man nor a woman? They have never felt like they fit neatly into either category. So, they pull Jehan aside after fea comes out. The two of them sit down together, have a heart-to-heart about gender identity, and Courfeyrac comes home and do a ton of research. Jehan sends them a [non-binary flowchart] – and even though following the chart doesn’t really help them find their identity, they also get the vocabulary to start reading up on different non-binary labels. So now we have a glittery genderfluid theater child who race across the gender spectrum in sparkly, neonlight-flashing heelys.  
Bossuet (he/him/his) has changed labels and pronouns four times in one month and still hasn’t found what fits him best. He is using he/him pronoun at the moment for the sake of convenience, but it doesn’t mean he likes it.  
Joly (ze/hir/hirs) is a demigirl. Ze leans toward the feminine side of the spectrum but doesn’t completely identify with womanhood. 
Grantaire says gender is fake and a social construct and uses no pronoun because I say gender is fake and a social construct and also use no pronoun.
Neutrois and Genderpunk Bahorel (ey/em/eir) who destroys gender norms everyday with perfect eyeliners and jean jackets, onto which Feuilly hand-embroils roses and daisies and lilies. Eir hands might be pretty with nails painted in shiny red and pink, but those same hands are also capable of punching transphobes black and blue.  
Feuilly (they/them/their) who everyone jokingly calls a straight-A person because they are aracial, aro-ace, and agender. (From [this fic] by Feyland)
Eponine (she/her or he/him) is a lesbian, with no gender description added. Her only connection to gender and/or womanhood is her attraction to woman. 
Cosette (xe/xir/xirs) is non-binary. Xe presents very femininely and is comfortable with how xe presents. Xe cringes everytime someone calls xe “she” or “ma’am” and gets slightly defensive when people seem to assume xe is cis. 
Musichetta (she/her/hers) comes out as a transgirl when her sister Combeferre comes out to her. The conversation goes something like this: “I’m a woman.” “Me too!?” They help each other figuring things out, go shopping for clothes together, and just generally be good siblings for each other. When Chetta comes out as polyamorous, Combeferre has an initial freak out session because holy patria her sister is dating? but ultimately supports her like the amazing sister and human she is. 
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