#les mis trans week
eirenical · 2 years
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Les Mis Modern Aesthetic, Couples Edition: Enjolras x Feuilly
"Do not go into the woods, my child,” Feuilly’s mother had often said.  “You will return forever changed, if you return, at all.”
But Feuilly was not one to be scared off by old wives’ tales.  Not when the woods called to her, sung to her, danced in her bones and made her restless with yearnings she could never put a name to but felt intensely for all of that.  So she crept along the fringes, touching the tender saplings, inhaling deep of the fallen leaves, listening as the wind ruffled the branches.
And she hoped.
She wished.
She wanted.
And one day... she heard a voice.
“Why do you hover so close, yet stay so far?”
“I am afraid,” Feuilly said.
“What is there to be afraid of?”
“That I will enter these woods and never return, at least not as myself.”
“Would that be so terrible?  To become someone new?”
Feuilly paused, then, one hand on the trunk of a young oak, one foot hovering over the forest path.  “My mother thinks it so.”
"And this is reason enough to fear?”
“...my mother is wise in many things,” said Feuilly.  “I trust her judgment more than my own.”
A flash of gold had Feuilly turning quickly, away from the path and deeper into the woods.  The warmth of captured sunlight in a flash of golden hair--it was there and then gone once more.  Only a sparkling laugh remained behind.
“We all must grow up someday.  We all must leave our mothers’ sides, no matter how much we wish to cling to their hands, to their wise words.  Feuilly... will you come?
Temptation beyond any measure.  A yearning filled to bursting: to dance among the shadows of the trees, to run and run and run, feeling the leaves crunch beneath her until she had no more breath with which to run.  Feuilly wanted these things more than she could express.  She always had.  But she was afraid.
Again, that flash of gold hair, a soft touch as a fur ruff settled around her neck... and left her forever changed.  Four paws, not two, beneath her.  A wealth of information in her keen sense of smell.  Ears that swiveled to and fro, elevating the song of the woods to a symphony.  And a lush, rich tail streaming out behind her as she sprang away, after the golden hair that had become golden fur.
She was led a merry chase through the trees, across the streams, weaving beneath the underbrush into the dappled sunlight of a meadow.  Never had she felt so alive, so free, so much like she belonged!
They came to rest as the sun slid down beneath the horizon, in a warm, cozy den, safe from all who would seek them out.  Panting softly, Feuilly said, “How is this possible?”
“You are what you are.  What you have always been.  What your mother was before she left the woods for the arms of your father.  I simply reminded you.”
Feuilly snuggled closer, eyes sliding closed in spite of herself.  “How long can I stay?”
“As long as you wish it.”
"Do not go into the woods, my child,” Feuilly’s mother had often said.   “You will return forever changed, if you return, at all.”
...and she was right.
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look i lost track of time and ended up forgetting that @feuillyweek ends today rip
part 1 of this project i've been working on called "messages for feuilly". featuring socially awkward enjolras and ever enigmatic grantaire. more to come later today.
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reflection-s-of-stars · 4 months
👀 i'd love to hear about tha aurora modern au!
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[ID in alt text]
@anthonynotgreen @djpuppy @falst @jewishdainix and anyone else who wanted to hear about my modern AU: here it is! All image descriptions will be in alt text :)
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Name: Kendal Fairblade
He/him, probably a cis dude but who knows for sure, aroace
18, college freshman (first year of college)
Architecture major
Roommates with Alinua
Erin’s study buddy
Childhood friends with Dainix
Prized possession is his dad’s old car, which is bright blue and in horrible shape. Designated driver of the squad
Absolute god at arcade games (skee-ball etc.)
Blue eyed stare™️
The only member of the squad with (diagnosed) autism
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Name: Alinua Parra
She/they/it, agender girl, ace lesbian
19, college freshman
Biology major (specializing in botany)
Roommates with Kendal
Erin’s study buddy
Falst’s former foster sister
Has so many plants and somehow finds time to keep all of them alive. Would kill for them probably
Bees love her also. Particularly her hair
The nicest person you’ll ever meet. She’s full of rage also
Claims she has her shit together but will see a butch and go weak in the knees
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Name: Erin Ruunaser
He/him, transmasc, bi + aro
19, college sophomore (second year of college)
Pre-med, physics minor
Study buddies with Kendal and Alinua
Tess’s adoptive younger brother
His dad, Galen, owns the university he goes to. This is a fact that does not make him friends easily
Thinks he’s better than coffee drinkers but is addicted to chai
Usually dresses like he’s on his way to an interview, with the exception of finals week, during which he wears exclusively a Les Mis sweatshirt
Always sick but never misses class
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Name: Falst. Falst what? Just Falst, thanks.
He/him but don’t ask about his gender, gay
18, works at a mechanic shop
Former foster siblings with Alinua
Other than her nobody knows anything about him
Exclusively wears jeans that are way too big on him
Has a stray cat that hangs around him. It does not have a name but it always gets fed somehow
Will growl at you. It absolutely doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you
Thinks redheads are hot
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Name: Tess Ruunaser
She/her, butch lesbian
21, “professional wanderer and student of life” (unemployed)
Erin’s adoptive big sister
Ran away from home at sixteen and hasn’t seen her adoptive family since then (she and Erin do text though)
Girl magnet but can’t keep a relationship to save her life
Has lived in eight countries and will make it your problem. “This is pretty good, but in Greece…”
A match for Kendal at skee-ball. Their confrontations are epic
“Knows a guy” for everything
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Name: Dainix Cruces
He/him, trans man, gay
19, taking a gap year and planning to go to culinary school
Childhood friends with Kendal
Has the best hair in the squad (it’s a ginger thing 😌)
Has a different story every time you ask about his eye
Best cook in the squad but everything he makes has So Much Goddamn Paprika
Literally has anything you could possibly need in his pockets
Thinks short people are hot
That’s the gang! LMK if you have questions about backstories, other characters, ETC
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loopscereal · 3 months
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and just like that i finally have crashed and died :) dear god this was so much effort... ha sido un año btw... Feliz aniversario para mí, entrada al fandom, supongo tactical enterance
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tmb les dejo la canción que están cantando, y la que esta en la pantalla de la compu
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tldr: yeah lmao yes slightly longer ver: en mi cabeza: En ese momento, Freddy aceptó que se sente incómodo y ahora esta tratando de experimentar. Básicamente, ha aceptado el hecho de que es trans, consiguio binder y está #trying. Todavía no puede admitirlo y decir verbalmente que es trans, o estar feliz, o orgulloso de serlo, pero sí... Ahí va, poco a poco... El primer paso es salir de la negación y de la tierra del "si no lo miro, no existe"
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yeah :3 corazoncito /ref
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YAYYYYY ES UNA DE MIS FAV TMBBBB YAYYYYY lol ehhh uh los 3 dijieron algo de la rimera de freddy y me agrada que les gusts xq si existe la wea, yo la tengo lmao. es esta pero con estaaaas partes cafes que estan en la camisa original
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ya se acabo los 17 dias del mirrortwin countdown :3 y Y EMPIEZA EL FREDDY Y FRED WEEK ALV A PONERME LAS PILAS DE NUEVO PLEASE LET THIS COUNT AS F AND F WEEK PLEASE PLEASE PLEA/ not forced, joking anyway im gonna try.... whats 6 more drawings hahahahahahah.... whats 6 more.... i mean i already have the concepts done i jsut need to actually finish it all...
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hi guys merry christmas I'M IN DEBT WOOHOO!!!!!! my account got overdrawn with some rnadom charges and the fees stacked!!! i won't be able to afford rent next week even when i get paid because there's still more coming out!!!
i will draw/write* almost anything. plkease fucking consider supporting me i hate asking for help but i'm kinda SCARED lol!! i also need to pick my meds up in a week :')))
even a dollar or two helps a lot
Please Support Me Here!!!!
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*Right now I can only really say I write Les Mis but being an autistic I have my fair share of fandoms. Please just ask!
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whorejolras · 11 months
maybe i am here
jess | 28 | they/them
previously @faevibing
disabled, stoner, autistic
bi non-binary fagdyke soz if you like me ur a little gay ✨
fssw + writer + tarot reader + small biz owner
here 4 les mis & the arcana & to be horny on main
currently writing too many unpublished smutty e/R fanfics (also a fair few e/R/c, eposette, and j/b/m fics)
co-organiser of JBM week 2024 with @combeferres-mothematics over on @jbm-week
oh i'm also the person who's always yelling about fantine and sex work portrayals in les mis and analysis of les mis. hi 👋🏻
oh also i run "les mis if fantine had a gun (18+) the adults only les mis discord server for fans, artists and writers to chat les mis, co-work and share ideas and encourage each other. dm me for a link since they expire after a week 💕
fantine analysis tag
sw in les mis tag
sex work resources tag
my fics tag
my ao3
fanfic recs tag
my fanfic rec masterlist
my posts tag
face tag
les mis if fantine had a gun tag
faevibing tag
what is fae vibing?
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fiancé @whoretaire is the sexy brunette in my pic 💕
pfp and header by @whoretaire, i requested "lavender haze" enj 😍(but with my hair 👀)
edit: like if u read this esp if u just started following
edit: seen smth about fagdyke being used by transphobes i'm very much not using it like that but like in the i'm trans and non-binary and no matter who i'm with i'm gay and that's a beautiful word to me that sums it up for me way 🙏🏻 i was very much not online enough to know that when i started using the word
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8ightisfate · 9 days
[TRANS] Seungmin: El agente del caos
El día de la sesión fotográfica de la portada de la revista Rolling Stone UK, me di cuenta de que Kim Seungmin siempre estaba mirando, como un cachorrito curioso. Durante la foto grupal, cada vez que miré hacia él, mientras Hyunjin daba vueltas en su propio mucho y Bangchan estaba ocupado asegurándose de que sus patitos estuvieran todos en fila, Seungmin me observaba con curiosidad desde lejos, ladeando la cabeza con su nuevo corte de pelo de bellota con flequillo recto. El estilo le sienta bien, le da una estética más madura. Tiene más capas y más profundidad, como él.
Cuando nos sentamos para su entrevista en solitario, mira más de cerca los papeles que he extendido frente a mí, que enumeran las preguntas que le voy a hacer al resto del grupo, antes de retirarse cortésmente. Se disculpa por su inglés, aunque prácticamente lo habla con fluidez, con un suave acento americano, y a menudo me hace preguntas sobre mí. Su curiosidad e inteligencia, junto con su agudo ingenio y humor, siempre lo han convertido en un miembro intrigante de Stray Kids.
Es rápido para hacer bromas, especialmente con el resto del grupo. "Tengo curiosidad", dice en tono de broma cuando le preguntan quién es el más fácil de enfadar. "Últimamente me burlo mucho de Lee Know; no sé por qué… Es el objetivo más fácil, el más divertido. Es delicioso de probar". Hay un brillo travieso en sus ojos mientras dice esto.
Al igual que con Changbin y sus desafíos de baile grupales femeninos, el espíritu lúdico de Seungmin es innato y no lo activa cuando se trata de momentos virales en la redes sociales. "No bromeo conscientemente sabiendo que habrá videos, pero cuando aparecen, lo disfruto aún más", dice.
Por mucho que a Seungmin le guste hacer tonterías, en realidad es solo un lado de su personalidad.
Cuando le preguntan qué ha aprendido sobre sí mismo en su viaje con Stray Kids, dice: "¿Sobre mí? Esa es una pregunta difícil". Luego hace una pausa para reflexionar antes de decir: "Aprendí que tengo dos personalidades: para el grupo y luego para mis cosas individuales. Al principio, era muy tímido. Conoces el test de personalidad MBTI, ¿verdad? Era una persona 'I' [introvertido], pero día a día, a medida que pasar el tiempo, ambas personalidades se fusionan y disfruto pasar tiempo con los otros miembros".
Anteriormente, Rolling Stone UK se había referido en broma a Seungmin como el 'agente del caos' del grupo, pero al igual que Lee Know, en el fondo, está mucho más predispuesto al orden. "Tengo más tendencia a ser más organizado, pero he pasado bastantes años con los miembros, así que me he acostumbrado al caos. Me gusta prosperar dentro del entorno caótico y simplemente bromear y divertirme. No es un desafío para mí".
"Todos los días, incluso si estoy muy cansado después de la loca agenda, reservo un tiempo para mi a diario antes de irme a dormir. Me ayuda a organizar cada pensamiento, lo que he hecho y lo que he aprendido ese día. Intento organizar todo, mis sentimientos y lo que he aprendido".
El llamado del hogar, al igual que para los otros miembros, siempre está ahí. Han ha comentado sobre el anhelo de su compañero de grupo por una comida decente de su país: "Algo que me parece lindo simplemente es presenciar cómo Seungmin siempre añora la comida coreana, especialmente cuando viaja y no hay mucha por ahí. La forma en que la anhela, la espera, la forma en que se la pide al personal es divertida".
Seungmin respalda la observación de Han. "Extraño la cálida energía y la buena comida coreana", dice, antes de enumerar como su comida favorita es el estofado de kimchi y el arroz.
Parte de VOCALRACHA, junto con I.N, Seungmin tiene una mezcla sonora de tonos vocales suaves y flotantes y notas altas potentes que definen el sonido de Stray Kids. Al igual que los otros miembros del grupo, no se conforma con ser una triple amenaza, también está aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra. Es modesto sobre su progreso, aunque Felix ya ha respaldado sus habilidades. No cree que esté listo para tocar la guitarra en una canción o en el escenario.
"Algún día lo haré, pero todavía estoy practicando", dice.
¿Qué canción le gustaría interpretar? "¿Cuál sería más fácil?", se ríe. Propongo algo emotivo. "Ahhh, eso es difícil. Quizás 'Stars and Raindrops' de Seungmin", y me lanza una sonrisa encantadora y brillante incapaz de resistirse a una última risita antes de despedirse.
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zeus-japonicus · 2 years
hey nemo! piggybacking off the other les mis ask and the below decks episode about the Gender Vibes of Les Mis, i was wondering if you had any thoughts on enjolras? (gender-wise or in general)
hello friend! I've been trying to write a reply to this for a hot sec, but have been looking over my shoulder, knowing the enj gang will come beat me up (led by my close friend - P if you're reading this,,,, sorry) - I've just never been able to love him as many do...
in my past life as an undergraduate, i did do a dissertation on the use of greek references as a code for homosexuality in the ER relationship, but i feel like that's also a very overplayed set of words now, so trying to find some thoughts to rub together.
a friend i was with this week said offhand: "every person i know who has cosplayed Enjolras is a trans man now" which.... yeah. I think E could very well stand for egg-cracker.
e is an interesting one: I have to say many people more eloquent than i have written very good thoughts about the effeminate language used by hugo to describe him but let's start here: he has a 'page-boy neck, [...] long blond eyelashes, [...] rosy cheeks, [and] fresh young lips' and a 'perfectly womanly face'. Amongst other divinities, he's compared to Themis, the female Titan.
is his popularity with transmasc fans becuase his male-ness is unequivocal, even with these typically feminine-gendered traits? Is it the genderfluidity? the assertion that certain appearances =/= gender? a combination of this, and other interpretations? is it because he is seen as the pinacle of desirability in fandom (and ofc by hugo himself), and the trans!interpretation of him thus puts him in the category of causing trans euphoria, a balm to the typical depictions of transness as inherantly shameful/unloveable? he certainly makes transness Godly via his consistant comparisons with gods - unlike Grantaire, ugly and horribly, sinfully human, Enjolras' transness is a perfect, godly trait?
I've written more about E's racialisation (and JVJ and Javert's genders lbr), so i hope these are... some coherent thoughts
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elight44 · 2 years
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Hola el día de hoy, después de mucho tiempo vamos a hablar de algo que venía discutiendo conmigo misma, y que mejor que hacerlo en la semana de la visibilidad trans, ya que el tema de hoy se relaciona con ello.
Sabemos que Sakura Cardcaptor es un manga que se estreno en 1996, cuyo manga cuenta con una adaptación anime y una secuela en emisión (que también tiene una adaptación), la cual rompe con barreras puestas en la sociedad de esa época, un lugar en donde las minorías se sienten a gusto, y es recordada por estar en la infancia de muchas personas.
Además de romper esquemas en los roles establecidos y representar distintos tipos de amor (algunos con errores o que no pudieron envejecer de la mejor manera ), también nos trajo consigo la demostración de que la expresión de género y el género son cosas distintas, de forma que sólo el grupo CLAMP sabe hacerlo.
Ahora bien ¿por qué digo esto? El día de ayer lunes, me encontré con un video de Ruby moon (en su forma de Nakuru Akizuki); con la canción de "solo soy una persona de mecano". Y después de una breve reflexión, me di cuenta de tanto Ruby, Akizuki como Yue y Yukito pueden entrar dentro del espectro no binario dado el hecho de que son creaciones, pues no tienen género o sexo y no entran dentro el binarismo.
Yue y Yukito tienen una expresión masculina, mientras que Ruby y Akizuki femenina por comodidad, pues dice que el uniforme de la escuela, le gusta más el de mujer que el de los hombres al momento de cuestionarle spinel el que si no era adecuado que usara un pantalón; debido a que pueden cambiar de forma dadas las circunstancias que se puedan presentar.
Dicho esto podemos asumir que ellos son personajes no binario implícitamente canon dentro de la serie como también en las viñetas del manga. Recordemos que el tener cierta expresión de género (femenina, masculina o androgina) no determina como te identificas, de la misma manera con los pronombres que uses, solo depende de la forma en como quieres que la gente a tu alrededor te trate/ se dirija a ti , así que si, si eres de una persona que no cumple el estereotipo de persona no binarie, no te preocupes, sigues siendo igual de valido que aquellas personas que si <3
Bueno eso es todo lo que tengo para decir el día de hoy, dígame por favor que piensan en comentarios, siempre y cuando sea de manera amena y respetuosa ^^
Quise hacer algo esta semana porque, es un tema que me importa mucho, siendo de la comunidad LGBTTTQAIP+ y que en parte sea una persona trans no binaria, sin dudas fue entretenido realizar este escrito,incluso si me quita mis horas de sueño JAJSLWHWKEGW
Sin nada más por agregar, ¡Feliz semana de la visibilidad trans! Porque si nosotros no alzamos la voz ¿quién lo hará? Por las personas que dieron su vida por la lucha a favor de la libertad y no discriminación a esta comunidad, esta conmemoración es para ellos y para aquellos que están aquí para seguir avanzando y lograr lo que tanto anhelamos, el respeto que todos merecemos.
Nos vemos próximamente ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* PD: Les dejo el video del que hablaba al inicio, créditos a: sakucard en Tik tok
Hello today, after a long time we are going to talk about something that I had been discussing with myself, and what better way to do it than during trans visibility week, since today's topic is related to it.
We know that Cardcaptor Sakura is a manga that premiered in 1996, whose manga has an anime adaptation and a sequel in broadcast (which also has an adaptation), which breaks down barriers placed in the society of that time, a place where minorities feel comfortable, and it is remembered for being in the childhood of many people.
In addition to breaking the mold in the established roles and representing different types of love (some with mistakes or that could not age in the best way), it also brought us the demonstration that gender expression and gender are different things, in a way that only the CLAMP group knows how to do it. Now why am I saying this?
Yesterday Monday, I came across a video of Ruby moon (in her Nakuru Akizuki form); with the song "I'm just a meccano person". And after a little reflection, I realized that both Ruby, Akizuki and Yue and Yukito can fall into the non-binary spectrum given the fact that they are creations, since they do not have gender or sex and do not fall into the binary.
Yue and Yukito have a masculine expression, while Ruby and Akizuki have a feminine expression for comfort, since she says that the school uniform, she likes the women's more than the men's when questioning Spinel if it was not appropriate for her to wear a pants; because they can change shape given the circumstances that may arise.
That being said we can assume that they are implicitly canon non-binary characters within the series as well as in the manga cartoons.
Let's remember that having a certain gender expression (feminine, masculine or androgynous) does not determine how you identify, in the same way with the pronouns you use, it only depends on the way you want people around you to treat/address you to you, so yes, if you are a person who does not meet the stereotype of a non-binary person, don't worry, you are still just as valid as those who do <3
Well that's all I have to say on the day of Today, please tell me what you think in comments, as long as it's pleasant and respectful ^^ I wanted to do something this week because it's a topic that matters a lot to me, being from the LGBTTTQAIP+ community and partly a non-trans person binary, without a doubt it was entertaining to write this, even if it takes away my hours of sleep JAJSLWHWKEGW With nothing more to add, Happy Trans Visibility Week! Because if we don't raise our voices, who will? For the people who gave their lives to fight for freedom and non-discrimination in this community, this commemoration is for them and for those who are here to continue advancing and achieve what we so long for, the respect we all deserve.
See you soon ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭
PS: I leave you the video I was talking about at the beginning, credits to: sakucard on Tik tok
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ellieloves2read · 2 years
tell me about you ocs 🔫 (if you want to)
:0!!!!!!!! OKAY SO i got a few of em but right now im thinking about two old dnd characters of mine so youre getting the lore on those!
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(ID: a page of busts of a tiefling with fluffy black hair, backwards-pointing horns, long eyelashes, sideburns, and a lip scar. his expressions, top to bottom and left to right, are: serious, amused, laughing, angry (and looking as if he’s losing a fight), confident, annoyed, shouting, terrified, shocked, smiling warmly, and uncomfortable. end ID.)
first we have (drumroll) sylver, aka the guy who’s been my tumblr icon literally the whole time ive been here. sylver was originally a concept for a dnd version of sylv from dq11, and then i watched the entire potc series in one week. also he’s trans :]
sylver was an indentured servant on a merchant ship that was then attacked by pirates. the pirates kept sylver as a poorly-treated cabin boy. about a year later, he challenged the captain to a duel for his freedom, which. Did Not Go Well. at all. he stayed on the ship for a few years after that, until eventually he jumped off the ship in the middle of a storm. surprisingly, he survived and got picked up by a pair of bards. he traveled with them for a while (mostly as security. my boy cant carry a tune). however, he was still deeply messed up from his experiences aboard the pirate ship and had a desire for revenge, so he started traveling around and honing his skills until he could beat the captain in a duel.
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(ID: four colored drawings of a tiefling with dark grey skin, short white hair, forward-pointing ramlike horns, and round glasses with red lenses. in the first drawing, theyre wearing a red bandana with a white buttoned shirt, which has been tied at the bottom. they have their hands in their pockets. in the second drawing, theyre wearing an orange blazer, a black binder, and red and black striped pants. their arms are spread out to the sides. in the third drawing, theyre wearing a yellow bandana and a red flannel jacket. theyre sitting at a table and are leaning their hand against one hand. in the fourth drawing, their wearing a red vest, a white shirt and bow, and yellow-tinted glasses. thsyre sitting with their hands resting on the table in front of them. end ID.)
second, we have (drumroll) jack! originally a oneshot character, jack is a bard who started as marius from les mis if marius stayed in the “empty chairs” number instead of getting married at the end. as with sylver, jack’s aesthetic and personality was influenced by a film i watched while making them; in this case, moulin rouge.
jack was a spy for a group of rebels in their hometown. they were very good at their job and thought victory was assured, until the rebellion was swiftly and brutally ended in one night. yikes. jack survived and escaped, but has since become extremely jaded. they make a living off of their fiddle and skilled storytelling.
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bonus drawing of both of them together, because i recently opened my eyes to the idea of them interacting and i have not known peace since
(ID: a pencil sketch of sylver and jack sitting at a bar. jack is leaning against it with their elbows propping them up, and they are loosely holding a cigarette in one hand. they're wearing a frilly white shirt with long sleeves and black pants. sylver is leaning forward against the bar and is holding a beer glass close. he is wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black pants. there are a variety of glasses and champagne flutes on the bar. both sylver and jack are looking towards the camera, sylver looking tired and jack looking annoyed. end ID.)
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lesbiangallagher · 1 year
Fandom tag!! thank u for tagging me @suchagallabitch 🥰
Your First Fandom(s): i wasn’t going to do this but fuck it, here’s all the fandoms i remember being in: south park, left 4 dead, pokemon, homestuck, the book of mormon, les mis, the lorax, camp lazlo, one direction, shameless us (there’s more but i do not remember currently)
How did you first get into fandom? i liked writing self insert fic and i used to spend hours on youtube watching AMVs to like, bullet for my valentine in 2007 lol i found ffnet and deviantart soon after and the rest is history!
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? 2007 so officially 16 years. i was 11 reading south park yaoi
How often do you read fanfics? i open ao3 every single morning to see if any of my favorite wips have been updated. i love wips, i used to not read them bc i was always afraid the writer would abandon it but now i’ll read absolutely anything. i love the journey of reading wips now. it’s like my morning newspaper
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): mickey milkovich, ian gallagher, and now retsuko from aggretsuko…i feel like i am in no fandom rn, just passin by. i’m like the old man that lives on the edge of town who still comes to the street events
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? yeah i’ve written a bunch of drabbles on my blog and uploaded two finished works, both one shots for the spicy gallavich collab 2021 and 2022…i am particularly proud of this year’s spicy fic. somehow reached 11k words and it’s about lesbians mickey and ian 💃 search lesbiangallagher on ao3. but in the past i feel like i’ve written at least one fic for every fandom i’ve been in…and i’ve been in a LOT of fandoms lol but they’re all on my old blog that only og rocco fans know about
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! nah i’ve never been a fanart type of creator. i’m sure i’ve drawn characters jokingly or something
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: since 2014, i have a HARD and STRONG headcanon that mickey is a trans dude
You're trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? i don’t want anyone to get on the shameless US train because it was a whole lot of suffering but if i had to: the episode where they steal the meat from the meat truck. for aggretsuko: the episode where ton and retsuko go at it at karaoke
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? it’s always been an ~escape~ for me, where all my unhinged thoughts are welcome. i’ve seen just about everything at this point, but i still love the idea of community who bond over One niche thing
SECOND TAG ok slay!!!
name: rocco
age: i’ll be 27 in may 😵‍💫
Where in the world are you? georgia, us of a
The meaning behind your URL: i’m lesbian ian gallagher
Your second favourite color: i guess it’s orangey yellow
any pets? my cat, minky and two birds merlin and mulder
favourite season? fall
Last thing you read: new update of dead meet🫣
Last song you listened to: lavender haze by miss swift
What are you wearing right now? black skeleton dress and cooking apron
A hobby of yours: i read a LOT, i’ll read practically anything lol. now that i have a new glasses prescription, i feel invincible
and finally, what are you up to today? currently making breakfast and getting ready for vacation this week 😗
i don’t know who’s all been tagged but feel free to do this!! i am always reminded of myspace with these lol
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thepiecesofcait · 5 years
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Happy Les Mis Trans Week!  To celebrate, here’s Non-Binary!Jehan and Trans!Enjolras comparing the shirts their boyfriends made them for Pride! (Enj’s banner is ‘Fuck the Binary’ in binary)
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September is here!
The second Les Mis Trans Week will happen this September, 16-22. All headcanons and fanworks of all kinds (fanart, fanfic, edits, podfics etc) including any of the Les Misérables characters as trans (including nonbinary characters headcanons). This is a project to spread positivity and to give to the trans/nb people in our fandom more love and representation. All posts must be tagged as #lesmistransweek or #les mis trans week or #les mis trans week 2019.
Created by: @petit-alouette, @bewarethefaeries and @queerfave. 
Any questions, just contact one of us.
- All triggering topics (such as dysphoria or prejudice) must be properly tagged.
- NSFW fanwork is allowed, but must be properly tagged as well.
- Any forms of fanwork is allowed, but it must focus on a trans character.
- Any character can be included.
- Non-binary people are trans too, all non-binary headcanons are obviously allowed and included.
- If you’re curious if something accurately represents trans people and doesn’t harm them (ie stereotypes), ask one of us if it’s okay before posting, not after.
-  If you don’t think x character is trans, don’t look at trans content for x character. Respect other people’s headcanons and works. Last year everyone was very nice about other people’s works, let’s make 2019 nice as well.
- Don’t use the week tags for discourse or hate on any artist, blog or headcanon. The tags are for the fanworks and appreciation only. 
- Romantic fanfictions are allowed, as long as at least one the characters involved in the ship(s) is trans, because this week is about them.
- It’s ok if you headcanon a character as a different gender from which they were presented in the Brick, as long as the character is still transgender (ie trans woman Grantaire, trans man Éponine).  
Useful links:
List of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Definitions
LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary
UCSF Resource Center General Definitions
Thank you and we can’t wait to see your beautiful art works again.
PS: We’ll keep posting stuff after the week ends, so don’t worry if you post things late this year. Our blog will be sharing fanworks during the rest of the year from now on.
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its-not-a-pen · 5 years
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Assorted Javerts for les mis trans week @lesmistransheadcanons Based off this story 
1. Legally Binding Toulon-era Javert, making do with what he has. (Don’t do this kids, bind safely!)
2. By The Prickling Of My Thumbs, A New Binder This Way Comes (A New Lawsuit / Suing Of A Different Sort)  Javert sews his own binder, and is very proud of himself.  3. If You Can’t Grow Your Own Beard, Store-Brought Is Fine Not every guy can pull off facial hair as well as he can...
4.“Why even ask?”.....“I wished to know if I was alone.” (There’s No Breeze, How Is Your Hair Still Flowing?) Bonus Enjolras, also trans. A brief moment of solidarity. 
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a-wild-rosette · 5 years
Les Mis Trans Week 2019 – Les Amis Headcanons
Enjolras (he/him/his) is openly and proudly out as a transman, even before he starts Les Amis. He has started socially transitioning since his teenage years, with full support from his childhood best friends Combeferre and Courfeyrac.
A few months after Enjolras tells his best friends he’s trans, Combeferre (she/her/hers) also comes out – first to herself, then to Enj and Courf not long after. Enjolras is in the process of trying out names, so he and ‘Ferre decide to switch names for a while. The names don’t stick, but it is a weird month where Enjolras answers when people call ‘Ferre and vise versa. Eventually, they get fed up and decide to just go with their last names.  Courfeyrac does the same in solidarity because the poor baby still doesn’t know yet. When Les Amis starts, everyone picks up on it and it become their ThingTM.
Jehan (fea/fer/fers) is not the only non-binary person in Les Amis, but fea is the first to come out. This prompts other members to also come out or start questioning if they are really cis. There is a time where Les Amis starts every single meeting with someone - sometimes multiple people - yelling “Wait I have an announcement to make!” Long story short, none of them is now cisgender, and Marius is the token Cis FriendTM. 
Courfeyrac (he/him, she/her, they/them - depends on the day), who up until this point still identify as a gender-nonconforming cis man, realizes that oh my gosh I can be neither a man nor a woman? They have never felt like they fit neatly into either category. So, they pull Jehan aside after fea comes out. The two of them sit down together, have a heart-to-heart about gender identity, and Courfeyrac comes home and do a ton of research. Jehan sends them a [non-binary flowchart] – and even though following the chart doesn’t really help them find their identity, they also get the vocabulary to start reading up on different non-binary labels. So now we have a glittery genderfluid theater child who race across the gender spectrum in sparkly, neonlight-flashing heelys.  
Bossuet (he/him/his) has changed labels and pronouns four times in one month and still hasn’t found what fits him best. He is using he/him pronoun at the moment for the sake of convenience, but it doesn’t mean he likes it.  
Joly (ze/hir/hirs) is a demigirl. Ze leans toward the feminine side of the spectrum but doesn’t completely identify with womanhood. 
Grantaire says gender is fake and a social construct and uses no pronoun because I say gender is fake and a social construct and also use no pronoun.
Neutrois and Genderpunk Bahorel (ey/em/eir) who destroys gender norms everyday with perfect eyeliners and jean jackets, onto which Feuilly hand-embroils roses and daisies and lilies. Eir hands might be pretty with nails painted in shiny red and pink, but those same hands are also capable of punching transphobes black and blue.  
Feuilly (they/them/their) who everyone jokingly calls a straight-A person because they are aracial, aro-ace, and agender. (From [this fic] by Feyland)
Eponine (she/her or he/him) is a lesbian, with no gender description added. Her only connection to gender and/or womanhood is her attraction to woman. 
Cosette (xe/xir/xirs) is non-binary. Xe presents very femininely and is comfortable with how xe presents. Xe cringes everytime someone calls xe “she” or “ma’am” and gets slightly defensive when people seem to assume xe is cis. 
Musichetta (she/her/hers) comes out as a transgirl when her sister Combeferre comes out to her. The conversation goes something like this: “I’m a woman.” “Me too!?” They help each other figuring things out, go shopping for clothes together, and just generally be good siblings for each other. When Chetta comes out as polyamorous, Combeferre has an initial freak out session because holy patria her sister is dating? but ultimately supports her like the amazing sister and human she is. 
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8ightisfate · 10 days
[TRANS] Han: El todoterreno
En el set, Han se mueve con fluidez con un ajustado traje monocromático de Balmain y posa como si fuera Mick Jagger. Su cabello alborotado casi le cae sobre los ojos mientras gira las caderas para lograr la pose perfecta. No es de extrañar que sea un experto en modelaje, ya que Han Jisung es bueno en todo. Conocido por ser el todoterreno de SKZ, rapea, canta, escribe, baila y produce.
Aunque suele ser más reservado en grupos para permitir que los demás miembros expresen su opinión, cuando lo hace lo hace con un propósito y una perspicacia. Es evidente que es una persona introspectiva y reflexiva, lo que es un elemento clave en su forma de crear canciones.
"Prefiero el proceso de composición de canciones. De esa manera, puedo escribir canciones e imaginar las voces de los miembros de Stray Kids dentro de ellas", dice. "Realmente disfruto la reacción de los fas cuando veo que mi música se usa en contenido en línea". Como con todo lo de Stray Kids, es un esfuerzo en equipo, y eso incluye la producción de sus canciones. "A veces hay ocasiones en las que lo que imagino para una canción y la realidad es diferente, pero siempre que hay diferencias, siempre conduce a una mejor solución porque cada miembro, con sus propias diferencias, puede poner su propio estilo dentro de sus líneas. Siempre me sorprende, en el buen sentido. Trabajando con Stray Kids, para cada canción que publicamos, hay mucho esfuerzo, no solo de mi parte, sino de toda la banda".
Han no tiene miedo de ser personal en sus composiciones. Una de sus canciones es 'SLUMP', y habla de la fuerte conexión que tiene con ella. "Es una canción que escribí en un momento de mi vida en el que me enfrentaba a algunas dificultades, por lo que tiene un buen significado para mí", dice. "El hecho de que esta canción se haya grabado no solo en coreano, sino también en inglés y en japonés, me hizo sentido que podría llegar a mucha gente. Esa es la canción más significativa para mí".
Como suele suceder con las canciones personales y emocionales crudas, la reacción de STAY al disco le ha dado un significado adicional. "Es muy fácil para mí no sentirme vulnerable [por la canción], sino estar feliz por la reacción. Es difícil expresarlo con palabras, ya que me siento asombrado por la respuesta de STAY".
En el escenario de Hyde Park, la tranquila confianza de Han rebosa cuando actúa. Es el equivalente de Changbin en el rap y tiene un profundo conocimiento de la discografía de la banda, lo que genera una poderosa conexión entre él y STAY. Su energía y su capacidad para transmitir vulnerabilidad emocional es algo que comparte con un artista británico al que admira profundamente.
"Yungblud de Inglaterra, me encanta (risas). Me encanta que cuando escucho tan solo algunos fragmentos de su música, pueda reconocer su estilo, su color y su forma de expresarse".
Al igual que Felix, a Han le encanta la emoción de viajar, pero también siente la llamada de casa como Bangchan. "Me encanta viajar al extranjero y es algo que nos hace sentir libres. Me encanta, pero hay momentos en los que simplemente quiero comer un guiso de kimchi, no uno que sea difícil de encontrar, sino uno que prepare mi padre. Es algo que siempre me recuerda a casa".
Además de Yungblud, Han tiene otros atractivos en el Reino Unido. "Algo que realmente espero con ilusión es que me gusta mucho el clima fresco; no me gusta el calor, así que eso es algo bueno, pero también el festival en el que vamos a actuar es un gran acontecimiento para mí. Estoy deseando conocer a la gente y a los demás artistas. Hay una película ambientada en Londres con Timothée Chalament, y me inspiró mucho la vista noctura de la ciudad".
A pesar de que no le gusta el calor, Han y Felix tienen el apodo que los fans les han dado de 'sunshine twins', debido a que sus cumpleaños se celebran con un día de diferencia. A pesar de toda su introspección, el carácter juguetón de Han siempre está presente, especialmente en sus actuaciones. En BST Hyde Park, estaba tan absorto en el momento en el escenario B que no se dio cuenta de que los otros miembros habían regresado a la parte trasera del escenario, lo que le impulsó a correr frenéticamente para unirse a ellos para el descanso de baile. Siendo el verdadero profesional que es, por supuesto llegó justo a tiempo; no esperábamos menos de este todoterreno.
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