everwake · 2 years
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NERVE SENTENCE STARTERS @lcstupstate​ sent: ” come  on ,  just  shut  up  and  play  the  game ! ” (from mal)
In any normal situation, Audrey might’ve huffed and walked away from such childish games and antics ...but she wanted to prove a point to Mal, that she was just as capable and brave as anyone else in this room. 
“Fine, you want me to play?” She asked, swallowing her pride and taking a seat back on the floor. “Then I pick dare.”
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loetise · 2 years
@lcstupstate​​,   dialogue starter call, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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"  i’d  hate  to  upset  the  nice  people  around  here.  more  than  i  already  have.  "
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mysterietwin · 2 years
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𝙼𝙰𝙱𝙴𝙻   [  @lcstupstate​​​  ]   𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍   ://   “ I gave them pets as an apology. ”
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𝚂𝙷𝙸𝚃 𝚆𝙴 𝚂𝙰𝙸𝙳   ://   accepting !
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“ Mabel, I don’t think that’s how apologies work, ”   brows knit together, though they’re hardly surprised by their sister’s thought process.   “ Isn’t that like...giving them this whole responsibility they didn’t ask for...? ”   There’s a pause, adding as well,   “ But out of curiosity...what kind of pets did you give them? ”
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shenerve · 2 years
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@lcstupstate​ said: “did you do something different with your hair?” (from luna)
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“Er...yeah.”  Ginny swallows and tries to hide behind her new, freshly cut bangs.  “They look ridiculous, don’t they?”
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liveshauntedmoved · 3 years
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          “I know I could be a better sister,” Taylor confesses because she knows she falls short quiet a few times, but - she tries but knows it’s probably not enough. She has tried to be there for her sister whenever possible but she herself has her own issues.
sc | @lcstupstate​
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cheerdeader · 3 years
@lcstupstate didn't ask for a thing but gets one anyway because i've missed our babies in love
she can't help herself. it seems as if he's too distracted to even notice that she's only a few feet away from him. so, she sneaks away, approaching her favourite guy from behind. once close enough, she covers his eyes. she'd try and disguise her voice if she thought she could do a half decent impression of alex or reggie (she's tried, she can't) so normal voice it is. no matter what voice she uses though, zoey is fairly certain that the man she loves will be happy to see her. he usually is. ❛ guess who? ❜
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grimhunts · 2 years
‘SO YOU HAD A BAD DAY’ PROMPTS @lcstupstate​ sent: “ you don’t need to worry about scaring me off. i’m not going anywhere. you can try as hard as you want, but there’s nothing you can say that’s going to make me like you any less. “ (from luz)
He couldn’t really understand why the human still bothered trying to get so close to him. She should hate him, right? Especially after everything they found out in Belos’ mind. What he was, everything he had done for the Emperor ...it was all for a fucking lie. Even he hated himself, after everything was said and done.
“...you really don’t think things through, do you?” He grumbled, looking away from Luz, while his had went up sharply to wipe away more tears that threatened to fall. Even after their first altercation, Hunter could tell she was still just as impulsive. “Belos wants me dead. He’s not going to let go of this like he did with the Owl Lady. You’re safer without me.”
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ofsweetness · 2 years
@lcstupstate​​​​ asked:
❛ X Me ❜ (ricky & nini ; family / future )  DRABBLE PROMPTS
(besties this is going to just go under the cut because it’s inordinately long, like over 2500 words long. i do hope you enjoy!)
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richard michael bowen was always going to be a part of her family. nini had known it practically since they were six years old. that was when he’d gotten his name from her, ricky, after he gave her hers, nini, when they were five. it was something about them- the way they just clicked. the way they were defined, in a certain way, by how they saw one another at the start. a lot went on, had changed, had grown. they’d blossomed from childhood best friends to high school sweethearts that would so clearly never fall apart. nini salazar-roberts became nini (well- nina) bowen, though admittedly she started calling his father dad before the day she had their same last name. 
it was fate, that had brought them to this point, this fateful day where they’d officially seal their lifelong bond. but really- how new was that? he’s had her heart since middle school, if not earlier. no one else ever truly compared. or even came close. so to say they were already tethered for life before she signed the paper, before she put that ring on her finger, before she said i do and they sealed it with a kiss, it didn’t even seem at all like an overstatement. it was just true. 
their future was somewhere in the stars, she knew it for a fact. he’d been the only name on her lips when speaking of love for as long as she could remember, and being able to bless him with this new love, this new happiness, this new person, it felt like the future was becoming real at a rapid pace. but she didn’t need to slow it down, they could embrace it all together as it came. she wasn’t afraid of any part of it. 
she couldn’t be afraid when it was ricky. he never gave her a reason to be scared of things. 
nini used to be scared, truthfully. just never of him. and even when they were on bad terms, when he’d seemed to have broken up with her that day in her room, when she’d re-broken up with him on the first day of school, she wasn’t afraid of him so much, even as she found him breaking her. she never really thought much about the risks of loving someone. her moms were so happy, she’d never had to be afraid of giving herself to someone. and she always knew who she’d give her heart to. ricky bowen had his place in her heart, and admittedly she thinks that piece indeed lived in his own chest. 
she knows that even the boy whose life reflected a broken love back at him had become a man with no qualms about loving her. and that means the world. particularly now that even as they tell each other they’re each other’s one and only love, she’s found she’s bringing another love into their lives. and while nervous is certainly a feeling she’d agree with, particularly as she figures out the best way to tell her husband about her news, their news, the biggest feeling is excitement. 
she’s not sure that it’d be quite right to say they were trying. they weren’t actively trying to get pregnant, but as she’d told him, she’d be so very happy to have this happen when the universe sees fit. and sure, that day came sooner than she’d expected, but when you’re not trying to prevent something, sometimes it just comes your way. and she’s happy it did. she hopes her husband feels equally enthused by it. 
she knows ricky wants a family just as much as she does. he’d made that clear to her when they’d spent time talking about these things. he’d seen her baby pinterest board when she’d gone to show him her wedding one when they were planning. (though that had certainly gotten some updates since high school). as embarrassed as she’d felt in the moment, it had gotten them talking, and sometimes they still struggled with that when it came to the harder things. but they’d gone into their wedding day with it all laid out in the open, and after it, when she again broached the subject, she’d gotten his agreement, and now here they were. 
she should’ve known better than to worry about his reaction, because ricky had been thrilled when she told him. he’d kissed her hard and she’d jokingly told him she was already pregnant and he could slow down a little. 
she saw how happy he was, the positive test in his hands, and as he asks if she's sure, she understands his nerves too. she has some of her own insecurities about being a parent, though likely for different reasons to her husband. she wants to be as good as her moms. he wants to be better than his parents had been. but they could do it, and they would do it together.
they got the nursery ready early, without waiting the way the doctors’ had advised. they were young and excited and just- eager to have their little family grow. to make themselves a home. nini made a little mobile for over the crib, ricky put together that crib with big red as kourtney laughed when they decided they didn’t need the directions. (ikea furniture can’t truly be that hard to assemble, right?) they had to start over again about halfway through, using the directions this time. 
the four of them ended up polishing off an entire box of pizza from costco and after their friends left, after the sun had gone down and the little curtains had been pulled shut, the young couple had sat down in the middle of the still mostly empty room, ricky had gotten out his guitar, and sang to their baby, a little song he’d written himself. nini had cried, and he’d held her. then, the next day, she asked him to teach her. 
nini never learned to play the guitar, but she learned the words to the song, and then she learned to play it on her ukelele, the same one she’s had since she was a kid. she’d been so excited to show him when she got it down, but he’d promised to always play it for her whenever she wants. to play it for their baby. because that’s what this was- a song for their baby. 
singing along with ricky as he played the song one night was the first time she felt their baby kick, and when she started crying he’d set the guitar aside to hold her, but she tells him what had happened and she smiles one of the brightest smiles he thinks he’s ever seen on her face. though he doesn’t feel the kicking quite yet this first time, when he does, they’re over the moon together, and nini’s not the only one crying. 
it’s a beautiful thing, all of it. even all the ways it drains her body don’t really have her out of the happy throws of her emotions. she’s maybe a bit extra clingy, and a bit extra intense with all that she feels, but that just makes the joy all the more incredible as she goes through this months. 
she’s not doing it alone and that’s the most important thing of all. she has ricky, her husband, and he’s there for all of it. from doctor’s appointments to picking up takeout when it’s late and she’s complaining of pain and asking for very specific foods. she has her moms, who are more than happy to help in any way she needs. despite neither having gone through this, all three of their kids being adopted, they’re familiar, particularly mama d from working in the hospital. her sister’s planning her baby shower and her brother’s coming home from europe when the time comes closer. his family was far more complicated, but admittedly she’s taken a bit of lynne’s advice when it was offered. she had first hand experience with being pregnant, and that’s not something nini could quite dismiss when she got ricky’s blessing to talk to the woman he’d been distant from. 
and all of their friends are so supportive. they’re not always the right people to go to for any sort of real advice, the pair being the first couple to take this step, (which makes sense, they were probably the fastest to get married out of high school), but they would always be there for moral support, and a good distraction. she’s glad ricky has that especially. she knows she’s probably a handful right around this point. but gosh she’s so entirely happy to be at this point. things are looking good, she’s taking her vitamins, he’s massaging her feet, and they’re having their first child, a son. 
she remembers around when they got married they’d started on a list of potential names. it had taken everything in her not to immediately get on the phone and scream to kourtney when he actually liked some of the ones she’d come up with when they were around 13 and she was daydreaming in school about one day being mrs. ricky bowen with no real promise of anything of the sort. but she’d grown up since then, her love had grown up, and her preferences had certainly evolved. 
they settle on a few ideas, a few months before the day comes, but about a week from her due date they know. aster. the perfect name for their perfect baby boy. everything’s going as planned, and when she’s taken to the hospital, it’s on the exact day she’d been predicted to be due. 
labor is somehow long forgotten by the time the baby’s placed in her arms, and she doesn’t really notice anything but those practically golden eyes, the same as ricky’s, staring up at her. it’s not until she has the baby in her arms that she lets go of her husband’s hand, but then he’s pulled back in towards her without her needing to grab him close, as they look at their son, curled up against her chest. 
she doesn’t know how long it takes, when they take their son from her, but it feels like ages, but the smile she and ricky share is enough to take that stress away. she’s sweaty, and exhausted but so entirely happy. she doesn’t know how they’re going to handle this- being parents, but she knows they will be able to. they can do anything together. plus, in a lot of ways raising a child is about love, and love is something they know all too well. their baby was a product of that love they shared, and nini couldn’t be happier to give her heart to someone who was her and ricky both. she thinks this will indeed be one person her husband will be more than happy to share her with. 
aster bowen. her son. with her husband’s last name that had become hers only a few years before this day. she kissed ricky’s lips, and knows he doesn’t mind the way she leans against him instead of going back to kiss him again, because she really is tired. and honestly- when they bring aster back over, she thinks she likes seeing ricky hold their son almost more than holding him herself. 
he’s going to be a better father than he even realizes, and nini can’t wait to tell him how great he’s doing day after day. she’s happy to help him believe in himself, because he really ought to. 
it’s not much longer before their family is let in and everyone takes their turn admiring the newborn. but ricky ends up feeling the tug at his sleeve after a while, and her sleepy eyes have him eventually emptying that hospital room again for her. anything for her. and now for their little boy too. 
they have to go home soon, back to the little house with the nursery all set up, to the crib that was set up in their bedroom for the first while. but right now it’s just their little family, together, nini scooting over to make some room for him to lay next to her for a moment. 
“thank you.” she’d whispered in his ear, kissing his jaw lightly in her tired state. 
he seemed confused, and understandably so. she was the one who’d spent all those hours in labor, and all those months before that carrying the baby. 
but when he asks her what for, her answer is somehow easy. 
“for giving me this life. our life. i love my life, and i love our son. and it’s all thanks to you i get to have this. all of this. i love you. thank you for loving me.”
before he can really think of what to say to that though she’s drifting off, head against his shoulder as he holds their son in his arms, left thinking about what this all is going to mean for him, for them, going forward. 
from the day they got married, he’d known he was taking on some new responsibility, with nini as his wife, but this was another greater one. parenthood was a scary thought when you realize they’re going to let you walk out of that hospital with this tiny infant, and just expect you to figure it out. 
aster blinks back at his dad, and his soft, tired eyes aren’t quite in focus, but ricky thinks he’s looking at him. the color, the softness, was all ricky, and he recognized those eyes easily, but he also sees nini in the warmth glowing from his little smile. 
it’s not long before he’s humming that familiar little song he’d written all those months before, and then aster’s drifted off to sleep like his mom, and ricky just lays awake for a little while, despite what nini’s moms had said about getting in as much sleep as he could when he got a chance. he wants to admire his family as much as he can. even amongst the room full of monitors and things that are just a bit too white and sterile, he sees what nini’d said- about their life, and the love in it, and he just wants to embrace it a moment more. 
they were going home soon, her moms would be back in a half hour with a change of clothes for each of them, and then they’d be immersed in their new reality. but even amongst the fear there was the love that nini mentioned. because he loves her. and he loves their son, perhaps because of how he loves her. how she’s gone through all this to give him this gift. he doesn’t want to mess it up. he can’t. he won’t. 
this was his chance to show himself what he’s made of. because it wasn’t as though it was really anyone else’s doubts but his own at this point. he’s loved nini so long- he knows she’s got him. and he’s got her. that was what would matter as they went forward. their lives could only get better as long as they kept each other going. 
and nini knows with all her heart that they would have each other through it all. 
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thcdarlingboy · 2 years
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@lcstupstate​​​​​ said: ‘ just trust me. please. ’ —  Danny & Audrey  —
Danny was like the most trusting of people, he really was. And Audrey was someone he wholly felt he could trust. That didn’t ease the pain in his shoulder though; an affect of a stray dart he’d taken in archery class. Normally Danny wouldn’t have made a big deal of it, but this was his pitching arm, and he wasn’t about to give up his starting spot just because someone in class couldn’t aim. Baseball was one of the only things he was good at. Audrey was trying to help him patch it up; at least until they made it to get him checked out. “I do, I promise,” he winced softly as he tried to move slowly so as not to further disturb the wound. “It just stings and I feel kinda woozy...”
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solhcir · 2 years
@lcstupstate​ asked ;  🍓 (🥺?)
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PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you were literally like one of the first friends i’ve ever made on tumblr, back in the ye old days when i was but a young thirteen year old. you’ve known me for seven years. that’s like, insane. in those seven years, you’ve followed me from blog to blog, from character to character. and each one of my muses have been heavily influenced b you and your muses. 
outside of writing, you’ve been there for some of the darkest moments in my life, offering support and advice and comfort. and i cannot thank you enough for that. you’ve been such a central pillar in my life for as far back as i can remember. and that means more than i can ever express.
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solhcir-a · 3 years
@lcstupstate​ asked ; gwen wants to stop by and say she DOES NOT apply to the gwen stacys who need leashes, thank you - that is all
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i am the stella i speak for the gwens you can be free of the backpacks when you STOP FUCKING RUNNING INTO DANGER AGAIN AND AGAIN
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goldenhope-archive · 2 years
@lcstupstate​ said: 👶 (am i allowed to do this yet? for max & mj???)
send a  “👶”  (or “baby!” if the emoji doesn’t show)  for me to create a child for our muses  ♡
name suggestion(s): cassandra “cassie” jones-stacy
physical features they took from my muse: max’s eye shape and color. 
physical features they took from your muse: she looks a lot like mj. down to the facial expressions she pulls, throws max for a loop sometimes. 
which parent do they act more like?: max’s personality with mj’s face. though she did get mj’s dry sense of humor. smart, snarky, always getting into things she shouldn’t be. it leaves max being frustrated uh . . . quite a bit, because they buttheads at times. 
my muse’s favorite memory with their child: cassie liked to be read to a lot in her childhood and she wasn’t much of a talker either. she was three when she stopped max from reading one of her favorite books and started to do so herself. which left max very startled and a little proud when she’d realized cassie had actually been able to read and wasn’t just repeating what she heard from memory. 
face claim ( not a part of the meme but just bc i can ): sydney park
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lcvedriven · 2 years
@lcstupstate​ / starter call 
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“that’s what i’m going to do. when the war is over, and we don’t have to worry about any of it anymore, i’m going to get a cat. you can come with me, yeah? to get the cat.” sirius twirls his wand between his fingers. “we’re going to procure a cat.” the brilliant smile on his face drops for a moment, expression flickering. “it’s hard, yeah? and i think something warm that likes me a lot would help. but not ... now.” 
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monogramic-archive · 3 years
@lcstupstate​ said:  ❝   what, i don’t care!   ❞ (from sharpay)
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    “right. . .” mj’s response is said with disbelief clearly lacing her tone. “how come you sound so upset then, hm?”
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liveshauntedmoved · 3 years
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             “Joshy I got a surprise for you,” Morgan says, a smile tugging at her lips as she looks at her younger brother. Now, the smile maybe mischievous - Morgan did like playing with her brothers.
sc | @lcstupstate​​
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spidrsecret · 3 years
i saw u on ash's blog and saw ash being like "hi mak" but i was like "no that's probably not my mak" BUT THEN I LOOKED AND IT IS MY MAK - idk why i doubted it - but hi ily <3
there is only one mak and that is me c: 
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